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East Windsor, South Windsoe, Bloomfield
Windsor Locks, and Ellington.
"A jjalnful work It Is, and more than difficult, wherein what to>le li:
been taken, as no man thlnketh, so no man belleveth, but he that hath Uiu
the trial."— ^niAony i Wood, VOi-mOb.
Hartford, Conn. /..^ ^ -s
PouTiiAiT OK U. S. Chief Justice Olivek Ellsworth,
Portrait of Frederick J. Bancroft. M.D.,
Tlie Bisscll Family Arms, .....
Portrait of Rt. Rev. Uisliop W. H. A. Bissell,
Portrait of Edward Bissell, .....
The Drake Family Arms,
Portrait of Col Albert W. Drake, ....
Portrait of Gov. William W. Ellsworth, .
Portrait of Judge Henry Martyn Shepard, .
Portrait of James William Ellsworth,
The Eno Shaving-Bowl, 1603, ....
Portrait of Hon. Giles F. Filley, ....
Portrait of Marcus Lyon Fiske, M.D.,
Portrait of Rev. Roland Dwiglit Grant,
Portrait of Frank Grant, .....
View of the Levi ll.iyden House, Windsor,
Portrait of Nathaniel Hayden, ....
Portrait of Henry Thomas Hooker,
Portrait of Oliver Mather Hyde, ....
Portrait of Edward King, .....
Portrait of Charles A. Kingsbury, M.D., D.D.S., .
Portrait of James C. Loomis, ....
The Mason Family Arms, .....
The Mather Family Arms. .....
Portrait of Gen. Frederic Ellsworth Mather,
View of the Old Mather Homestead, Windsor,
Portrait of.Rev. Oliver Wolcott Mather, .
Portrait of Horace E. Mather, ....
The Mills Family Arms, .....
Portrait of William W. Munsell,
Portrait of Gen. Roger Newberry, ....
Portrait of Walter l.oomis Newberry,
Portrait of Prof. John Strong Newberry, .
Portrait of Gen. Walter Cass Newberry,
Portrait of Dr. Launcelot Phelps, ....
Portrait of Judge James Phelps, ....
Portrait of Isaac Newton Phelps, ....
Portrait of Anson Greene Phelps, ....
Portrait of Gen. Ferdinand P. Earle,
Portrait of Dr. Elijah Fitch Reed, ....
Portrait of Itev. Julius A. Reed, D.D..
Portrait of Sidney W. Rockwell, M.D.,
Portrait of Rev. Henry A. Rowland, 8.T.D.,
Portrait of Lieut. -Gov. George G. Sill.
Portrait of Hon. Lewis Sperry,
The Stiles Family Arms,
Portraits of Pres. Ezra Stiles of Vale College -
- at age of 36,
of (late of 17S6,
of date of 1TG7,
Portrait of Samuel Stiles, .....
The Stoughton Family Arms, ....
Facsiiiiik ol Capt. Thomas Stoughton 's Commission — 1099,
Portrait of Rev. Increase N. Tarbo.v, D.D., S.T.D.,
Portrait of Horace Wells, M.D., ....
The Wokott Faniilj- Arms, ....
.Mr. Henry Wolcott's Deed-Chest, 1630.
Jlonument of Henry and Elizabeth Wolcott,
Monument of Simon and ^lartha Wolcott, .
Jlonument of Gov. Roger Wolcott,
Portrait of Hon. Lynde Harrison, ....
Portrait of Rev. Samuel Wolcott, D.D.,
Portrait of Hon Edward O. Wolcott,
(In addition to those given in Vol. I, page 15.)
A. H.
A. T. S.
A. T. Servin.
s unded.
I). W. P.
D William.'* Patterson.
E. N. S.
E. N. Shepard.
H. W.
Henry Watson.
J. A. It.
Kcv, .Julius A. Reed.
L. A H.
Lester A. Roberts.
M. R. II.
.Mary U. Holkins.
M. J. E.
.M. Jane Elmore.
Mrs. Stiles.
See No. 17, MS. Authorities, p. 14, Vo
K. 1).
R ". Dr. Thomas Robbins' Diary.
THIS revision of a work, published thirty-four years ago, furnishes a
striking- ilhistration of the greatly-increased interest felt liy the
American public in matters pertaining to family history. The original
volume, a novice's work, was then (1859), with the excejition, perhajis,
of Bond's Watertown (ilfass.) Genealoffies, and Cothren's History of An-
cient Woodbury, Conn., the most considerable work of the kind, as to
scope and size, which had then a]»]>eared. At that time, I found but few
who sufficiently appreciated the nature and value of my labors to assist
in perfecting them. In the preparation of the present edition, I have
almost suffered from a plethora of material; and, I think, my printers
have had serious apprehensions lest I should expand my work to a third
volume ! It is, also, a significant fact, that, since the issue of the origi-
nal History, more than thirty genealogies of original Windsor families
(some being works of great extent and value), viz., Allen, Alvonl, Barber,
Bartlett, B'uhvell, Burnham, C'hapin, Clapp, Gaylord, Geer, Hull, Hayes,
Hayden, Humphrey, Hyde, Loomis, McLean, McKinMry, blather, Munsell,
Xa><]i,Olcott, Porter, Reed, Boberts, Rockwell. Sill, Stilea, jStroii;/, Thrall,
Winchell, Wolcott, have been issued ; and that fully as large a number
are now in active preparation ; and from these, both in print and manu-
scrijit, this Revision has received much incidental help. Many of these
genealogies, as 1 have occasion to know, owe their inspiration and ac-
knowledge their indebtedness to the old Windsor History of 1859. So, I
am well assured that, if a book ever had " a call " to be re-issued, it has
been this one — the result of a positive, direct pressure brought to bear
upon me during the past twelve or fifteen years, — in fact, since the old
edition began to be scarce.
With the added facilities referred to, and the larger ex])('rience ac-
quired by half a lifetime of more or less continuous work i.i this line of
research, I have striven to bring this Revision somewhat nearer to my ideal
of what a book of Local History and Family Genealogies should be. It
is seldom permitted to a man, in his later years, to review and re-build
the work of his earlier days ; and this thought has added to my labors
on these pages an element of profound gratitude to God, and a deeper
sense of responsibility in the work itself.
My sense of obligation to those who liave kindly aided me I have
thought would be best expressed by giving them credit mi the printed
page which bears the impress of their help ; and by allowing them thqs
to share with me the responsibility for the statements made. I have^
also, been at iiarticular pains to "clinch every nail, as soon aa driven,"
by giving, as far as possible, the source of record of each statement made,
and this with a minuteness which, though to some it may appear unnec-
essary, will, I am sure, be appreciated by the working genealogist.
Knowing that, in the ordinary course of nature, I will soon be beyond
(he possibility of question and answer as to all these matters whereof I
now speak, I desire so to establish the metes and bounds and milestones
of my long-traveled path, that they may Ix; easily found by those who
may have cause to follow the same trail.
For greater readiness and ease of reference, i have used, in these
genealogies, two kinds of type (the italie and the black-faced) in des-
ignating family names ; which, 1 believe, will be a feature duly apprecia-
ted by those (especially of weak, or elderly eyes) who consult these pages.
Bapthmal records, generally only used by genealogists to approxi-
mate birth-recordi; where the latter are wanting, seem to me to have a
deeper significance than is usually accorded to them. To the Christian
they signify the date of the individual's birth into the Family of Ood.
Thus, their sacramental import gives them a value co-ordinate with that
of tlie record of the natural birth. I liave. therefore, in this Revision,
oarctully preserved and recorded all baptismal data which I could find
— knowing that, to some, it would be a matter of sincere interest to know
that they, and their ancestry, were and are of "the baptized children of
C4od" — and such knowledge, in these days, is not always obtainable.
While 1 have given full acknowledgment, throughout these pages,
to those who have so kindly assisted me, I cannot forget that there were
some — "comrades in arms," I may call them — who have fallen by the
way, as we journeyed together, since the printing of this work began.
They were ardently interested in the Windsor Revision ; the impress of
their hands is upon its pages; their words of cheer and advice still ring
in my cars; its success was very dear to their hearts. Let \is, then, re-
member them — as we pass to the fruition of our labors — as they who
happily have "(entered into their rest," and inscrilx' to them an •
Tin nOcnioriam.
Henry Watson, Esq. Rev. John G. Baird.
Serene Watson, M.D. Rev. Julius A. Reed, D.D.
D. Williams Patterson.
'And their -works do follow them.
Wliat I have said, in the Preface to the first Volume, concerning
my Associate-Editor, Miss Ruth T. Sperry, applies with even stronger
emphasis to this volume of Genealogies. No author could have a more
loyal or indefatigable co-laborer than she has been to me, from title-page
to colophon, of this work. The Genealogies of the families " East of the
Great River" would never have assumed the importance which they have
in this volume, except for her intima,te local acquaintance with them.
And now, with a few more strokes of the pen, I am to resign the
charge which has been laid upon me for five-and-thirty years of this my
mortal pilgrimage — of the Parish of Old Windsor. True, I have twice
before essayed to do this, and have found myself " called back," but it
can scarcely be again. And, had I been "to holy orders called," and this
my parish, in i-eality a " care of souls," I could hardly have felt a deeper
interest in its welfare, a stronger sense of responsibility for its character
and position before the world, a more abiding love for all its children,
than I do as its historian. To me, its Past is inextricably and strangely
merged into its Present ; it seems as if I were co-eval with Old Matthew
Grant and its other first settlers ; and that I had known every man,
woman, and child who ever dwelt within its bounds ; and as, occasion-
ally, I tread the highways and byways of the towns which once composed
Ancient Windsor, they are peopled for me with the shadowy — almost
tangible — forms of those who have trodden them in the days of old.
Conversant with their histories, familiar with the scenes familiar to them,
linked to them by a strangely-threaded chain of heredity — what wonder
is it, that the compilation of this History and these Genealogies has been
to me "a labor of love" (tho' "with what toil" you shall see in the
7notfo on title of this volume), and, in itself, a Life apart from that of
evcry-day necessity and labor ?
And so, good readers, all — who, seeking these pages for recreation,
or, in quest of some ancestral clue, shall happen on these parting words
of mine — let me say, in the quaint language of the Oi'ie.'^tal lilessing
which looks down upon me from my library wall,
"/ll^ap 1bc who 16 XorD of the East aiiD of tbc ICle^t, from whose
Cbrone ban^ niilliousi of stars in chains of iiolC, XUatcb ovc\: thee, preserve
thee from tbe Evil jEgc, anD from fbe poison of malicious tongues, an&
cause Ibis fface to shine upon tbec, SOTR El'EIR/n^OIRJE!"
I(IiLL-ViEw, Warren Co., N. Y.,
Christmas Eve, 1892.
" And my God put into mine heart to gather together the nobles, and the rulers,
and the people, that they might be reckoned by genealogy. And I found a register of
those which came up first." — J\Wt. vii., .'5.
There are two questions continually put to nie, and though often
they are carelessly asked, and with little regard as to what the response
may be, neverthck'ss I now and here attemi)t to answer them.
I. How can you be so interested in genealogy ?
So far as genealogy is a record of mere names and dates, I am not
especially interested in it, except as we all retain a childish pleasure
for, and never wholly eliminate from our daily lives, the varied game of
hide and seek.
But this study is fiir more than (jne of names and dates. No
man can bo identified until he is propei-ly ))ln('od in hi.'^ local hahitation,
and has received a parentage that no genealogist can take from him ;
we must learn what part he played in his day and generation, and what
relation he bore to those around him. To do this reipures a thorouiih
and minute acquaintance with the history of church and town, with the
topography of parish and farm ; and adding town to town we have the
history of the State, as it could 'not be gained in any other way. Such
study is often wearisome to mind and body ; but, mingled with the irk-
some labor are long drives thnnigh green fields and past quiet homes,
and pleasant memories of those whom we meet as strangers and leave
as friends.
I I. Of what use is it ?
Briefly stated, genealogy is identification, and every man must be
identified ere even his government can i-equire of him ta.xes, military
duty, or a day of service on the jury. Before he, in turn, can vote, he
must declare his age, and to learn when a man was l)orn is the main
puzzle a genealogist has to solve.
Insurance companies, the pension bureau, and the census follow on in
the same line, and added to these are the memorial catalogues of schools,
colleges, and all the various professions, occupations, and pursuits.
By genealogy family feeling is increased in warmth and e.vtent, and
when our hearts are well stored with kinship lore we find that they must
welcome — with varied emotions, it is true — a wide circle of cousins,
and cousins, and half-cousins. Interest in the history of church and
state grows when we know what positions our forefathers held there and
what works they wrought there. And historical facts will not escape us
if they can be forced to minister to family ]>ride.
Nor is this minute knowledge of family and town affairs insig'nifi-
cant if we accept these words from Dr. Bancroft : " He that will urider-
stand the political character of New England must study the pol'>'iiral
character of its towns, its schools, and its militia." And another aVl Is,
" No satisfactory constitutional or political history of the United States
can appear until the constitutional and political development of the va-
rious national subdivisions has been exhaustively studied Thus
the I'undaniental character of the local historian's labor becomes appar-
ent, for the evolution of our States is the story of the assimilation of
localities." *
Genealogy fosters the love of Americans for America, and strength-
ens the bond of brotherhood between those whose common heritage is
our lands and our laws. How great the need already is that some stand
be made against the greed and the vice that Europe casts out upon us,
the statesman, the statistician, and the police-court judge can tell.
Tliat history repeats itself is an axiom, and that to know the past is
to acquire power to control the present and to guide the future, a self-
evident truth. To these let us add a deeper trust in each other, as from
the pages of Genealogy we are now able to " call to remembrance the
unfeigned faith . . . which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy
mother Eunice, and I am persuaded that in thee, also." f
We regret that some will seek their register among those that were
reckoned by the following genealogies, but they will not be found.;}: To
many of tliese we appealed in vain for their family data, and to some we
must say that their kind advice, " Search the public records and you
can learn it all," was good, but could not be followed ; time had its
limits, even to a genealogist, and the blessings a man would not seek for
himself we would not thrust upon him.
The work now before you is imperfectly done, but be assured in it
the editors will find more mistakes than its most vigilant student can de-
tect. To discover a mistake is good, to correct it better still, and to this
■pursuit we commend our readers and place a wide field before them.
East Windsor IIill, Con.v.
The New Year, 1893.
* lif public of New Haven, p. iii, by Charles A. Livermorc, Ph.D.
t^/S»n., i:5. $ jVeA., vu: 64.
To the members of The Case. Lockwood & Brainard Co., as well as to the foremen of the several ciepart-
nients of that evlabli.ihiiieiit. the Editors desire to express their grateful appreciation of many kindly
I'S'idences of their personal interest in the preparation and success of this work.
ABBE (Abbee, Abbie, Abby, Abbej'), name original at Enfield, Conn. Assistance
ackuDwledircd from JIary II. Holkins of Warehouse Point.
1 . Abbe, David of Grauby, Jlass., b. July, 1751; m. 25 Aug., 1774, Sarah Preston,
b. 3 June, 1754. He d. 7 Aug., 1799, a;. 48. Ch.:
1. David. 1). 31 AllK., 177.5. Fam. 2.
2. Eunice. Ii. 27 .\ni;.. 1778.
3. .lohii. b. 8 .Iiini'. 178(1: d. 24 Nov.. 18(8.
1. Levi. h. IS N,)v., I7S1; res, tt d. Ellf. lir. W. PI.
.'), SitiKiii. li. c Oct.. 17k:J.
6. Sarah, b, 17 Nov.. 178.5; d. 3 Jan.. 1809.
7. Rhntia. b. m \\-,\.. 1788: d. 11 Due, 1788.
8. Joel. b. 19 Apl.. 1791). Fam. 3.
9. Ehoda. b. 28 June, 1793.
10. (.\>lcnian, b. 19 June, 1T96; d. 4 Sept. 1803.
2. Abbe," David (/>"(•/(?'). m. 35 Oct., 1798, Mary Clough, b. 3 May, 1776, who died
W. Pt. a Apl. 1S41, a\ 64.— ,S'. B. He d. W. Pt. 1 Nov., 1833, a-. 48.— A'. B. Ch.
prvl). all h. et m. W. Pt. :
1. David, b. 13 Jnlv. 1799; d. 10 .\pl., 1823.
3. Man-, b. 14 Jlilv, 1803; ni. John Chub-
buck "f EI1.2.S Feb.. 1822; shed. 8 Nov., 1S78.
3. (aniline, h. 24 Sept.. IS15; m. 35 Nov.. '47. Geo. .\.
Douglass, b. 3 Jan., lK13;i«wt(l) (ico. Ablw,
b. 20 Feb., 1R19: m.l30(;t., 'at, Dora Vietts,
(3) Kmina C, b. 29 Sept., 1850, m. 17 Oet..'71,
I.Vinan (_'. Upson, res. T'insoliville, Ct.. 4 ch.
4. Sar.ili. Ii, 2.5Sepl.. 1&17: ni. Jan., 1810, David L.
Bartlett; res. Baltimore. Md.
3. Abbe,= Joel (T)tirid'), E. W., m. Lydia - — ; who d. ^V. Pt. 7 Apl., 1873, a\
lie d. W. Pt. 8 July, 1864. Uh. (Jm. E. W. Town. Eec.) b. W. Pt. :
1. .Toel, b. 14 Jan. 1817; d. \V. Pt. 3 Apl., ia53.
2. I.vdia, b. 38 Nov.. 1818.
3. .lobn. I). 20 Fell.. 1822.
4. Marv. LJoeIy| b. 12 .Veil.. 1824.
5. Jacob, b. 25 June. 1830; m. Kliza Van
Houghton of N. Y.; ,«. /).
G. Mary (perhaps the "ch. of Joel," d. 20 Oct.,
1830, X. 2.— S. B.)
7. liiiiiiee. h. 13 Apt, 1k:)3: m.W. Pt. 2 Jan., '.51. C'apt.
Kalpli Clark of H.-iddani; \vi<l. res. N. London.
8. Josi'iih. h. 30 Dee.. 1S;!6: In. 13 Dec. 18.5.5. ('aro-
line Radcliffe of W. Pt.; res. .\shland. ().
Abbe, John, m. (1) Apl. 11, 18:i4, Delia Moran, who d. 3.T Feb., 1844, a;. 21; m.
(3)9 Feb., 1847, Mary Hathaway ; res. W. L.; Ch. (b;/ M mar.). Eliza, who
m. King; (bn Jd umr.). .Ma.ry Louise, ni. William Mather of W. L.; Fran-
ces Tlieiesa, m. Herman Butler nf Enf., Conn.; Hosa Belle; Nellie Grace.
Abbe, John, Mr., m, Iltiunah Billings, of Somers, Conn.; bed. W.I't. 19 July, 1847,
iu. 83.— E. W.; she d. (i Nov., 1839, a;. m.—S. />'. Ch. :
1. Ilannab. b. 17UI; d. 4 Oct.. 1,8.5.5, a-. M.^S. li.
2. .\lanson. h. K.W. 17 June, 1705, [y.C. ^(?6'. says
h. ill Enf.. hnt K. W. tiiven on auth. of his soii.l
Studied at Phillips .\cad.. Andover. Mass.. crad.
Vale Med. Seh., 1S31; sett, in I.ilehtieUI. Conn.;
rem. 18:i9 to \Voree.«ler, Mass.; rem, 1811 to Ko.v-
hnry. Mass.. where he made a specialty of spinal
and other chronic diseases, iti (Jrove liall; frotn
1844 he res, lioslon, where he d, 19 Melt,, 1804;
ni, (1) W31. Kliza \V, Barnes i>f Tolland. CI,;
m. (2) 1h:)9, llepzah II. Burgess of Boston;
in, (3) 1811. Maivaiel 1.. I) of Albany. N.Y.
V/i., 2dan<. tf 6 sons, one of whom, liev. F.
R. Abbe, who tl. 1889. was a well-known
cler<.'yinan of Dorchester, Mas,s.. whose son. Dr.
Alanson J. Abbe, res. in X. Bedford,
Ma.ss. Two other sons of Dr. .\., Dr. Edward
P. and William A., res, in N. Bed. See. also.
Morse's Ric/t. .\[< it of lii}sf<ii' — (Contmntiiealed
1)V Uev. C.<-'. Carpenter of .Vitoover, ^lass.)
3. John |B.;'I, bp. 4 Anar. 1S05. .v. B.: m. Abijail
H. (dan. of Sanfordi Kingsbury, '37 Nov.,
1S28— £?. M'.,- had ch. b. K. W.; rem. to Iowa.
4. Loretta, bp. 9 Jnlv. 1809; d. 27 Aug.. WIS. -S.K.
5. Sophronia, bp. 2 Apl., 1811 — 5. B.; ni. a Kil-
bourn;' rem.
6. Aseinith Anne (or r'uv ri rsi( /). bp. .5 Nov., ]813 —
K. W.el S. H.; ni. a Kilbourn (brother of
her sister .Sophronia's husbatid); rem.
7. Janics (pron. the Jatnes Madisou bp. 2 May,1813
— S. B.y, m.in Albany, N. Y.
Abbe, Jeremiah, had two wives- Mary, who d. 31 Aug., 1797, in 63d year; and
Lydia, who d. 9 8ei)t., 1855, a;. 79. Ch.:
1 . mtirh'l. d. 6 Jnly, 1807. ic. fi. I 2. Mlm.rixt, d. 80 Sept., 180«, ic. 3. | 3. Mite/, d. '31 Dec. 18:!7. a-. ,39.
Abbe, Amos and wife Abigail had (E. W. Bee.) Ch.:
1. /Imos, b. -3; Jan., 179-3. | 3. iwoy, b. 24 Jinie, 179.5. | a. .iOigai/, b. iiJuly, IVr:.
Vol. IL— 3
Abbe, Richard T. (s Charles and Harriet Strong), b. Enf. 14 Dec, 1825; m. Helen
Woods at St. Johnsbury, Vt., 3 Mch., 1857; rem. to E. AVindsor Hill, 1879;
bought the Carlos Clapp house. Children :
1. Olivi-. h. -i .\pl., 1858; m. Oliver .Toiu-h. | 2. I«iac Thonian, d. Ki-I).. lUSi.
Abbe, Levi (of W. Pt.); iierliaps the Levi (s. of David), b. 1781.— See first family of
this name, p. 9; had c/i. :
5. >iaTah: m. Julni McKnight "f Kll.: had cic
Hon. John, who in, Suptiiii iTmII; rt-^. Kll.
6. Ho.\uni)a; ni. ii McKnight.
1. Coleman, who ni. Roxy .
2. Levi, m. iwiee; the 2d' wife a Mrs. Champlin;
ret*. W. Pt. : had a son Edward.
3. Preston, h. Knf.. 1822. Fam. 2.
t. I);t\i(l; res. Bristol, t'onn.. m. Sarah ;3
Abbe, Preston (/>ri), ra. (1) in 1844, Ro.xaiia Weiton; (2) ls7(t, Louisa Warner;
res. (1891) W. L.; res. 1891 So. W.; miller at Dry Hiook mill. C/,. :
1. John Preston, b. 1M6; d. 1848. I .\rihur T. Eggleston of llifd.. Mih. 1, 1870;
2. Marv I-ihel. b. S. \V., 1 Dec., 1»48; m. Judce | res. 11. — n. T. s.
Miscellaneous. MarriaffO).— Amos m. Clarissa L. Marble, fi .Ian.. 1833.— A'.
11'. Albert m. Maria Abbe, 9 Apl., 1846.— A'. 11'. el .v /,'. Charles A. ni. Eliza
Pasco, 30 Mch., 1843.—.''. B. Harriet m. Daniel Bacon of Ma.ss., 2S Nov.,
1838.— ir.C.y.'. Robert M. ni. Maria WolCOtt, 28 Apl., 1823. -i?. 11". Rufus
Strong m. Rutli llarinonia Amidon, 3 July, 1S42. — >'. />'.
H,'pli.-i„.-<. — Pame\\a, bp. 4 May, 1H17; Rufus strong [I{]ufus [S]trong,
wife of, bp. 7 Jan., 1841; Samuel (adult), bp. 14 June, ISOT, anil his 2 ih. bj). same
day.— (These bp. from E. W. ,1 S. IS.)
/)nit/i.-<.—A\'\ce H. (dau. l);inicl and Amelia V.), d. 2U Sept., 1856, ae. 6; Ben-
jamin, d. 24 Nov., 1886, a;. 83; Harvey C. m. Mary Ann ; he died S Atijr.,
1846, X. 40— E. M'.L: Henry, a eh of, d. 18 Meli., 1839, x. i—S.B.: Lester is.
Hannah), d. 19 Meh., 1839, te. 2; Lucy d. 7 Feb., 1863— A*. W. C. R.: Russell
d. 17 Nov., 1851, se. 57; his wife Martha d. 24 Sept., 1851, a;. 61; Mrs. d. 22
Mch., 1831, aj. 68.— .9. B.
From E. W. iifec.- Elijah (s. Samuel and Sally), b. 1 Aug., 1793; Simeon (s.
Thomas and Penelope), b. 3 Feb., 1772.
Samuel of W. bought land in AVindham of Obed Abbe. 1714.
ABBOTT (Abbil. Abett), George, "servant" inAV., lined f5 for.selling pistol and
powder to Indians, and bd. by tt. for his good behavior, 1640; at Hartford, 1647/8;
lined 1647, 12». to Rich. Lettin; witness to settlement betw. Ind. of Alassaco (Sims.)
and John Grilf.n, 1648. A George, Sen. (prob. same) at Norwalk, Conn., 1655.
Abbott, Ablel, h. 10 Aug., 1693; in. 9 .Jan., 1717, .Abigail Grant; hod. 21 (22
(.'. It) Jan., 1758, in 66th yr.; she d. 22 Aug., 1724, in 29th yr.— E. \V. O. Ch :
1. Ahivilil, b. 23XOV., ins. 1 2. Ann. b. ;1 Aaj;.. 1721. ' 3. Abie), b. 14 June, 1721.
Abiel (prob. the above A. b. 1724), had (C. R.) Ch : (1) ,1. 15 Mch., 1758; (2) (/. 3 Mch.,
1759; (3) !•;•. 23 Nov., 1761; s. (4) [Abiel '/] rf. 19 Feb., 1762; (5) l)>i. 2 Mcli . 1T69
Aurella (spelled Orrel.— C. 7,'.), h;id Ch. [J. AVells] bp. 13 Aug., 1775.
ABERNATHY, Conant, m. A/.uba Dexter, 20 May, 1800.— W. C. R.
ADAMS, of Warehouse Point, Conn. This family may, with confidence, be traced
to Thomas of Colchester, Conn., who was undoubtedly descemled from Henry, who
came from Essex Cimnty, Eng., in 1632, to Braintree, Mass., iind was the ancestor
of the patriots Samuel and John Adams, the latter the second President of the
United States.
Thomas, of Colchester, Conn., m. Sarah Collins, of Lynn, .Mass., and htid ten
children, b. 1717-1732; his eldest son Thomas, b. 30 Aug., 1719. m. Airs. Alary
(Hammond) Vallett, of Alontville, Conn., in 1744, under jieculiarly romantic
circumstances. She had m. in 1730 Jeremiah A'allett, a worthy sea-captain, to whont
she bore a son; but tibout three years tifter their marriage he left her for a short
cruise. But months elapsing without his return or any news of him, he was given
up as lost, his estate administered upon, and at the expiration of tlie lime of mourn-
ing, "but with no luiseemly haste," she married Tliomas Adams, then ayoung and
active ship-carpenter, and settled down to domestic happiness in the "late" Cap-
tain V.'s house. But in due course of time Capt. Vallett, sound and well, presented
himself at their door. " Under the laws of the colony no wTong had been done or
intended, and a consultation was held without delay with the good minister of the
plac-e who had tied the second knot, and a magistrate of the law as the legal coun-
sellor, to effect an amicable arrangement between the parties. It was agreed that
the wife should herself .say which hu.sband she preferred, and she unliesitatingly
chose the second one, undoubtedly, from her past expericiuie, being more in favor
of a land-lubber on shore than tlie best sailor-man in the world afloat. So the Cap-
tain graciously accepted the situation, with the stipidation, however, that young
Adams and wife should depart from that neighborhood a considerable distance," the
Vallett child remaining of course with his father.
Thomas Adams thereupon removed to E. W. and settled on the Connecticut
River at Warehouse Point, at his old trade of ship-carRenter, and afterwards kept
public-house there and died Nov., 1767, in his 49th year. Mrs. Slary Hammond
(Yallett) Adams (without doubt a descendant of Thomas Hammond of Hingham,
Jla.-is., who came from Lavenham, Suffolk Co., Eng. — Siimge) m. (3) Gen.
Wolcott, and rem. to Springfield, but separated from him by mutual consent
and spent the rest of her years with one of her daughters. Ch. h. E. W.:
1. Mary, b. 21 Sept.. VJia: m. in Enfield, Conn., 1 J,-' lime in hospital, returned home a cripi)le; prob.
May, 1766, Jfoyes (s. Azariah and Martha Biir()^\ did not .survive long. d. unurd.*
Allen: she died at Enf. 3 Oct., iai5.* 6. Sarah, b. 16 .Sept.. 1763, m. E. W. 1 Jan., ir76.
2. Lydia. b. abt. 1T4T; m. in Enf. 10 Nov., 1769. ! Jonathan (s. Ebcnezer and Rebecca /ynrtft«) Al-
Deniiis (.s. Dennis? and Mary. 4W<e) Bement.* len ; slie d. Springfield, 2 Jan.. lS-14.*
3. Elijali, b. abt. 1749; d. young. 7. .-Vbigail. b. ab. 1755; m.ab. '77 John French.*
4. Elisha, b. abt. 1749; d. "young. i S. I.iicy. b. abt. 17.".7; ni. (1) -Ward; (8) Mc-
5. Tbonia.s, b. Jan., 1752. Traditiim" says he enl. 1 Whalen.^
in Rev. war, was severely wounded, spent much [
ADAMS, of Bloomfield (from iMomis Gen., it. G97).
1 . William (Capt.), m. Rosabella (dau. Francis and Y.Vizah. oi Sim^bui'y) LoomiSryj
b. 28 July, 1756; he d. 14 Feb., 1811; she d. 2 July, 1802; res. Bl'mtield, Conn. C'A,.- 7^
1. William, b. 14 Oct., 177.S. F.iJl. 2. | 4. Susanna, h. 1 May, 178.5, m. lie/.. Case, who
2. Rosabella, b. 4 June, 1780. ra. Origen Pin- d. 17 Feb.. 1859. :c. .sO; she d. 22 Aug., I,m;5.
ney, 2 .May, 17',.9; d. 23.\ug.. 1.S57. 5. Cyrena. b. 19 .May, 17S9, m. .Martin Mitch-
3. .\.senath. b. 21 Sept., 1788, ni. Joseph Pin- eison, 25 Apr., bsiiu; rem. todhio.
ney ; shed. 21 Nov., 1.S64. 1 6. Savilla. ?n. Phileins Goddard, rem. to N.V.
2. William {Capt. William), m. Electa Roberts, 2 ilay, 1799, who d. 15 Oct.,
1847, «. 73; he d. 24 July, 1822; res. Bloomfield. (Jh.:
1. William, b. 10 Oct.. 179;). Fam. 3.
2. Hiram, b. 22 Mav, 18lil. Fam. 4.
3. Byron, b. 2A Feb., IRtB. Fam. 5.
4. Clu-sler, b. 2:1 Feb., 1SU5. Fa)I. 6.
18;i7. unm"d.
e. Tudor, 1). :10 .\pl.. 1809. Fam. 7.
7. Electa Caroline, b. 4 Dec, 1812; d. 4 Feb., 1831.
8. Edwin Roberts, b. 11 ,\pl., d. H June, 1815.
3. Wats.. II, b. 23 Apl., ISO"; lost at sea 8 May, j 9. James \V., b. 26 .Vug., 1S17. Fam. 8.
3. William ( Wm., Capt. Wm..), m. Fluvia K. Barnard, 28 JSov., 1827; he d,4 .Tune,
1871; res. Bloomfield. Ch.:
1. Sarah M., b. 1828, d. 2.5 Aug., 18:10. I 4. Harriet Fluvia, b. 5 .Tune, 1839; ni. Henry W.
2. Marv J., b. 1829, d. 5 Sept.," 18.11). Rowley, 11 Sept., 1,S61.
3. William Roberts, b. 14 July, I8:U. Fam. 9. | 5. Andrew S., b. ISIO, d. 17 Nov., 1859.
4. Hiram ( H »/., dpt. 11';/,.), m. (1) Catharine Adams, 12 June, 1.S2:3, whod. 50ct.,
ls5;i; (2) Lydia S, Butler, 1 Jan., 18,56; lie d. 8 iMch., '60; res. Bloomlield. Ch. :
1. Electa, b. 1821, m. Horton Cornish, lltfd. 4. Hiram, b. 14 .lulv, 1831, m. Jane Criswold ;
2. Mary. h. Aug.. 1825. m. John Hall, she d. bad Bertha, b. 1861; res. Htfd.
1861. Boston. .Mass. S. Amelia, m. Henry \V. Whiting, .N. Britain.
3. Eliza, in. WooMier Seymour, Htfd. 6. Bvron, unm'd; rem. New Vork.
V. Asbbei, in. in Htfd.
5. Byron (ir;»., Cipt. Wm.), m. Harriet Stowe, 9 Oct., 1828; he died 17 Xo v.,
1.S76; residence, Hartford. Ch.:
1. Klien. in. Warren Leland, (prop'r Ocean I 2. Caroline, unui'd.
House, Long Branch, N. J.) 18. Ocorgc, m. N. Y. city.
•For descendants, see Api>en(Ux to Clevtland Genealogy, from which we take this family.
6. Chester (irw., Capt. ^yln.). m. (l) Eunice A. Austin, 30 Oct., 1827, who d. 14
Si|it,, 1883; (2) Eliza Austin, 10 Oct., 183(i. who il. 12 Oct., 1«39; (3) S.irah
Sooter, 21 Dec, 1846; hn d. 0 July, 1870; residence, Hartford. Ch.:
1. Kilwiiiil Wutson, b. Oct..l82S; m ;.".]),; Paris, I'"r, | 2. William cluster, d. m-. 111.
7. Tudor (Tl^;rt., Ciipt. Win.), m. Susan W. Denslow, 26 Aiiril, 18:!2; lie d. 2."i
Feb., 1860; residence, Hartford. Ch.:
1. Tudor, b. 1 .Tan.. 18.3.1. uiiiad: X. Y. cilv. I .'i. William, b. .I .Iiiui', IWJT. minril; Cnliirado.
•i. .lanus. h. Nov.. ISM. unni'd: d. IHrJ. Utfd. |
8. James W. ( M'm., Capt. Wm.), in. (1) Cliinelia Sweet, 2« M:iv Islfi; l-l\ rmn. <-
Amelia Smith, 26 Oct., 1859; be d. 20 June, 1868. Ch.:
1. .\delaidc. m. Kerditmnd Dickinson; shed. 1874. I .1. Minnie, b. 18(;2.
2. Arlliiir, m. X. Y. eity. | 4. ("aroline, b. I.SIM.
9. William R. (Wm., Wm., Capt. Wm.), m. Hcnrietl.i E. Ely, 2S Ai>l., 1871; res
idence, Bloonifield. Ch.:
1. William It., b. IsTS. i -'. .lobii .lay, li. 18".. | 3. Henry Kly. I>. 1878.
ADAMS, Edward, of Hartford, m. Eli/.al)eth (dan. Tlios.) Buckland, of W.,
25 May, 1660— O. Ch. K; he d. 15 Aug., 16S3; small est. left to wid. and dau. Ch.:
1. tjlward, :r. 12 yi-s. in IIISI, d. before lli» father. | 2. Mary, b. 2.8 Ail);, lr.71 ( ry.C'/i. A' • n-s w-illil, ItOT.
Adams, Hezel<iah, bad Lydia, bp. 22 Sept., 1751.— lF4y. Ch. It.
Adams, Stanley B., I?road Brook, E. W.; m. Eli/.. Bissell ; rh. :
1. CarlMll I!., b. :iO del.. 1S7S. | 3. (Jraee E., b. 28 Feb., I.SS-I. j :l, Slaiilcy It., b. 9 Sept., IS.87.
Adams, Thomas, Jr.; wid. d. Feb., 1784. Ch.:
1. Hcisanna, bp. 7 .Vug., 1700. I .■>. .\naiiiswi. bp. .W .Inly, 17119. i >. .Mii. I>p. 4 .May. ir"'.
a. Iwihel, bp. 2il Aug.. 1T62. | 6. .loab, bp. 1 .Meli., i;72. it. Iliwa. I>p. l7Veb.. ir.Sil.
3. I'rsnla. bp. 4 Nov., 1704. I r. Abi. bj). 14 Auj;.. iri4; d. 2(! 10. .Marv. lip. 2.i Ace_'.. ir8->.
4. Tliomus, lip. 24 May, 1707. | .\llf,'., lrr5. | " — Wlii/. Ch. 11.
j»/omrti^c;«.— Benjamin W. m. C'ath. T. Sedgwick, Hi Ajil., 1.h:^3— A'. W.-. Daniel
(Adorns) m. Mary (dan. Sam'l) Pinne, 20 !Se])t., 1077 — Col. lite.; Ebenezer in.
Abigail WatSOn, 2S May. 1S.")0 — -S'. /,'.; John (Adorns) m. Abiu:iil Pinna, 6
Dcf.. 1677, bad rh. (1) Abijjail. b. S .Inly, 1081; (2).Iobn. b. 15 Mi li.. l(,v,> ;{; Jon-
athan m. Mindwcll Phelps, 7 Mch., 1745— 11%. Ch. li.: Leonard ni. ,'^ally
Porter, 15 Jan., 1797— IV. C. Ji.: Samuel (Adonis) ni. Deborah Gillet, 23
Aiil., 1(!»4, had ch. (1) Gillet, b. 19 Feb., l(;!ll;5; Thomas m. Iliildab H. Wells,
8 Dec, 1841— ,5.7?.; William m. Olive Westland, 0>o "f W. i Hi Junr, 1S-J3;
William m. Olive Holcomb, 2 Feb., 1S.52.
i>e«?//.v. — Asher's wife Nancy d. 25 Sept., 1801, ic. :?0.
ALDEN, (Mr.s.) Diademia, <1. X"v.. is5l, x. 73 — A'. B.-. Hannibal, d. 31 Aug.,
iN-'o. — .s n.
ALDRICH, Revel H. m. Euniie Bancroft, 9 Apl., 1834— .^'./J.; Jacob Terry
m. Betsy Pease, 5 Auj;., 1833.— N. />'.
ALEXANDER, George, (Scotch,) bo't pr. at AV. 1044 (see p. 149); pd. :{.<. for pew
reiii. lij.-ili; piubably a tirst settler at Northampton, 16.53; m. 18 Meh.. 1044, Susan
Sage. Ch. b. W.—O. Ch. R.-.
1. .lohii. b. 2.-. .Inly, KU.'i. 1 3. Daniel, b. ti Jan., ICiO. I lladlev. 1742. iv. 90.
4. Mury, b. 30 Oei., 1648. | 4. Nathaniel, b. 2<.) Dee., 1652; d. | 5. Sara, b' 8 IK-c., 1D54.
(The (>. Ch. li. credits him in its list of ch. b. in W. " from our beginning; '" (up
to 1677), with 5 ch., which agrees with above ree. But there seems to be a trad, of
another John ; which may be jioss., as " Geo. A.'s eh." (bis lirstbornr) is given in
0. Ch. li. as having d. in 1647, and also another dau. If so, both of these may have
been bom after his removal to Windsor.)
Alexander. John (s. Geo.?) \\i\A Nathumd. b. "y' beginning of .\pril, ' 1670, at W.
1. Alexander, Robert, luul <•/(., iimonf; wlioiu wore;
1. John. Kam. 2. I 3. Robert. V.\>i. 3.
2. Sully, who m. John B. Highlands, who 4. Wuiccster. I'".»m. 4.
rami- from N. Hflmp. to K. Htfii, Ihonce to S. W. I
2. Alexander, John' (HohtrO), m. (1) 16 Mcli., 1792, Sophia ((l;ni. .Idlin aiul Sybil
»ur/.:int,tfwi-) Hayes, of T.nnjj Mill, So, W., who d. 2-i Jiiiic, 1843, :c. 48 [Feb.,
18:17 —.)/../. K.\. (2) Sophioiiiu CollinS, nat. of Windham; he d. at res. on Ell. rd.,
So. AY., 26 Oct., 18.52, a;. 59. Ch. (by Ut mar.):
1. Alniira A., b. 1 .Tan., 1815; m. Charles N. I A. Pease, 1). 20 .Ian., ISo'i. d. 1 Oct.. 185:S; (hi/ lit
Pease, nat. of Windliiini. I.t Oct.. 1S.3", rem. mat\): thas. Ilenrv Pea.^^e. b. .Tan., IS.'H.
to. Sfexieo 1!M3: re.-;, there nearly 8 years: ret. to 2. .Tohn Nelson, h. 10 Nov.. 18111. 1''am. 5.
So. W.; shed. 2.3 Jan., l,s.-)3, ;e. 37; '.Mr. P. in.t2) :j. Jerome linnapinle, b. 1 July, 1824. Fam. 11.
Amaniia (dau. Wni. and Lucy) Clark, of S. 4. .Sophia K., b. 27 Dec., 1828; d. 1.5 Xov., I»42.
W., 4 Atif;.,1852. Ch.{hijhixlstm<(r.):\\vmvt\ \ {liij Sdmar.):
5. Sarah A., d. 2.3 ^lay, 18-10. ie. 7 wks. 2 <3s. | 6, Edgar, m. Emma Valentine of N. Y. .stale.
3. Alexander, Robert, Jr. (/>''*c?-<i)m.(l)Abigail(dau..Ja.s. Sen. )Bancroft; (3)
Maria (si.st. Jona'u) Hall of StafTord, Conn., who d. 1869; he d. S. W. Mch.,'6i). Ch.:
1. JiJin llall.m. Cath. (dan. Dr. S. S.) Fitch of
N. Y. eitv; sett, on father's pi.; he d. 23 Nov.,
IBIS, a'. 24.
2. LewisT., m. 4Meh., 1874, Nellie L. Curtis of
and res. in (Jiastonbury, f'onn., 1874.
3. Everett, res. Hridfreport. t'oim. ( ,
Mary A., res. (Jiastonbury, Coim.
4. Alexander, Worcester' (Hobei-f). of So. AV., m. (1) Delia (dau. Loicn :iiid
Ko.vy) Vibert of Alanchcster, Conn., wh. d. E. Htfd, •") Aug., 1841, su. 31; (2) Abigail
R. (dau. Thos. and Hannah) Snell of Union, Conn., who d. E. Htfd. 22 Jan , 1845,
;b. 31; (;}) Mary G. (dau. Win. W., Sen.) Larrabee, who res. (1874) in So. W.; he
d. 3 June, 1874, m. 60. Ch. (by Ut mar.):
1. Sarah M. | Julius) Bidwell, of Bnmside. Conn.; res.
2. Delia, d. 24 Meh„ 1872, ffi, 31. (liyM rniir.): and owns the Arodi Woleott pi. (Jiu Sd war.):
3. Thonuis W., m. lONov., ISW, Mary.Iaiie (dau. | 4. .Melvin L.
5. Alexander, John Nelson ' (John,' Robert^), rem. to Mexico with his sister A.,
reinaiued 2 yrs. longer; ret. to So. W. ; ni. 15 Oct., 1844, Eli/.abclh Collins, nat.
of Lebanon, Conn. ; res. So. W. Ch.:
1. Riehard A. B.. b. 28 Aug.. l.'MS. Fam. 7.
2. Edwin .\., I>. 1.5 July. 18.5.5; d. 23 Feb.. 1,S57.
.3. .lohn K., b. 21 Feb., 18.57; d. IG Sept., 1888.
4. Julia Letnira, b. 3 Dee.. 18.58; m. C'hjis. Henry
Pease, :iO Oel.. 1878; res. So. W. Mue:
1. Ktta I'ea.se. b. 8 Jan., I.8S1.
2. fharles Lerov Pease, b. 3 Oct.. 1883; d. 1.><.S4.
3. Charles Henry, b. 1 Dee., 1,S87.
.5. Henrietta, b. :) Nov., 181)0; in. Win. B. Parm-
alee, 10 May. 1882; res. S. W. C'/i.: Florence
Panualee. b, U.June. 1885.
0. . son, 1). and d. 10 Aug., 1,803.
6. Alexander, Jerome Bonaparte'* (■Mm,'' IMerP), sett. W.; m. May, 1843,
C.athtirine Amelia (dau. Au.stin) Westland of W., who d. 12 Feb., 1887, a\ 61;
he d. W. 23 Jlch., 1855; res. AV. Ch.:
1. Austin Alouzo. b. 0 Sept., 1844; in. Mary E. Allen, and d. 7 Nov., 1804: x. p.
Spafford, of Hartford. Itmn: 3. liilliaiine .Amelia, b. 18 Julv, 1&51; m. Albert II.
1. .Moiizo H.. d. 13 .Sept.. 1807, iB. 3 vrs. Pierce. Jfnili::
2. Ora Pearl. 1. Frank Alexander Pierce, b. 22 .Mav. 187(1.
2. Ellen Augusta, b. 2 Nov., 184C; m. .Tames F. ! 4. .Tohn Nelson, t). 16 Sept., 18.53.
7. Alexander, Richard* A. B. (John A'.,= John,- JM/ert,' Sen.), m. 29 Jan., 1870,
Elvini Pelton, res. .S. \V. Ch.:
1. Flora P.. b. 2 Aug., 1871. | 3. Elizabeth.
2. Mary Adelia, b. 1 Oct., 1873. | 4. Nelson Angiistiie. —{Mrs. J. M. S. andM. ./. E.)
Miscellaneous.— Giles ra. Abigail Skinner at W.. 11 Nov., 1823 — ir. C. H ;
Mary liji. 4 May, is^ — .s'. /}. ,• Mary of Wpg. ra. 12 Aug., 1821, AA'illiani Ilcr-
riden of Scantie — 7?. D.; Nelson d. (Almshouse) 25 Apl., 1837.— A'. U'. ('. /,'.
ALLEN ;ind ALLYN. Ancient AVindsor held three distinct families of this name,
one of Allen Iroin Eiitield, and mostly confined to East AVindsor, and two of
Allyn, one of Scotch and one of English origin. Much ditliculty has been experi-
enced in the disentanglemcnl and arrangement of these Allen families, owing to tlie
freipient disregard of orthographical correctness displayed by town clerks, grave-
stone cutters, and not infrequently by tlie individuals themselves, as to the spelling
of the name.
Tmc Enfield and East Windsor Family of Allen.*
Allen, Samuel, from Braintrec, Essex Co., Eng., h. abt. loSg; came to Cambridge,
.Mass , lG:ii; was bro. of Col. Matthew AUyn of Cambridge, Mass., afterwards of
AVindsor and Hartford, Conn., and of Dea. Thomas Allyn of Middletown, Conn.
lie rem. to Conn, and sett, in W.; juryman 5 Mch., 1644; and a farmer. Land gr.
by Town of W., see p. 150. He was a man of public spirit and honored by his
fellow citizens with positions of trust; he d. W. and was bu. 28 Apl., 1648 (O.C.if.),
JV. 60; wid. rem. to Northampton, Mass., and m. (2) Wm. Hurlbut, and d. N'n Ki
Nov., 1687. Mr. Allen's will wa.s dated Sept. 8, 1648, inv. at £76, 18«., Sd. Ch.:
I. Sunuiel, b. 1G.-M; n, » Xov li,.-,!) Ilanimli (da.,. I 4. Rebecca, I ., .^„,.„.^ ^„ ,, j^s _^. c. R.
Tlins. and .Man- BloK) Woodford ; was a. .Mary. |
freeman 16H.S: id. gr. fiil. Nnillianipton lliOT; d. i 7. Obadiah=: d. Middlelown. t'onn., 7 .\i)l.. 174:); ni.
at N. 18 Oct.. 1718i)rl9; was aniistor iliy his <. (1) -M Oct.. IBIKP. Eli/ubetli Sanf ord "f Milfmd,
Saiivitt^: f/d.-n. Jtu'ith^: qt. ifil.-n. Jiti'. Thorn- C'Diiit. : i^i Mtirv (dau. .lulin Sava^rei. wid. John
(M'lofUev. William Alliil," author of the lirst I Whetmore; she d. •.'() Oct.. 172.1. He was
I Ameriritn Bio'/raji/iirii/ DiifKmanj. adii|iled h\ his nndc, Dea. Thus, of .M.. soon after
/ "a. Neheniiali. m. lOW, Sarah lihiu. Thos. and Mary I his father's liealh; res. at M. and after his uncle's
I S/o«l Woodford. Hed. N'thainpton. ltW4; , d., 10 Oct.. lliSS. inlier. most of his estate; was adm.
( was the anci'stor (by *. Sumiiei '; f/r.-s. Joseph*) to M. ch. by certif. from W. ih. 3 Hay, llili9; but
I of (ien. KthtiH AtU'ifi of Kevoltltioliary fame, b. ownetl cov't 9 Nov., 16<i8, and was chosen deacon
in LitchHeld, Conn., 1737. | 31 May, 1704.
3. John. F.^M. 2. !
Fam. 2. John - {Sdniiid '), m. 8 Dec, 1060, Mary (dau. Win. & Honor) Hannum, b. 5
Apl., 1650; he killed by Ind. at Bloody Brook, Deerfield, Mass.. 18 Sept., 1675. Ch.:
1. John, b. 30 Sept., I(i70. Fam. 3. I 3. Hannah, b. N. May, 187.?; bp. SO June, 167.'i.
a. Samuel, b. 5 Feb., 1073. Fam. l. • I
F.\M. 3. John' (Jo!in,^ SamueV), m. (1)3 May, 1694, Bridget (dau. Simeon and Re-
beca Frost) Booth, b. Enf. 1670: d. E. 3 Sept., 1714; m. (2) Elizabeth Gardner
of Gardner's Isltiiul, who d. E. 27 Feb., 1759; he d. E. 3 Nov., 1739. He rem. front
Deertield, Ma.ss., about 1690, to escape the Indians; was a farmer, residing on King
street, on the old Abiel Pease place, Enlield, Conn. C/i. (6. En/.) by 1st marriage:
1. Mary. b. -iC, Feb.. I(>9fl: d. iinm'd K. 16 Aug., 1778,
•i. Elizabeth, h.-H Apl.,ll>9K; in. '20 Nov.. 1717. Sam'l
(s. Josiah, Jr. .St Martha iftry/w i Ellsworth,
b. (and res.) E.W. 18 Jnlv. )(i97: live sons.
.3. .\zariah. b. 14 May. noi; m. Martha Burt;
res. and d. Enf.; had 10 ch., of whom we have
onlv t4) do with the voini;:est.
Moses, b. Enf. 14 Ma.v. 1746; m. (II W. PI.
1 .Mav. 17(16, .Marv idau. Thomas and Mary
IltimiiMnil (Valleili Adams, b. E. \V. SI
Sept.. 174.1. anil il. Enf. '.I Oct.. ISO.'i; cJl Enf.
Elizabeth nv/W Allen, b. E. W. 16 June.
17154. d. E. W. 11 Oct.. 1841. She d. E. W.
21 .Mav. l.saS; res. E. W.
2. Ruhie (seventh ch.), b. 1 1 M.iv. 1778; in. Enf.
10 Nov.. 179,5, Era,slus Eldridge of Ell. b.
in Willin)iton.ronn..3 .\pl.. 177.">; d. Spjjlld.
Mass.. 6 .Mav. Will. Site d. Oastleton. Vl..
15 Sept., 1K41: 10 ch.
3. Esther (eleventh ch). b. 24 Sept.. 17K.'i; in.
Enf. 7 Mch.. ISDi:. Oren (s. Kiifus and Mary
Chiniiiirrliiin) Cleveland, b. E. w. "3
16 Feb. IS07, .Mrs. .Mary (dau. Thos. and .Mercv Mav. 17So: shed. Huntsburc O., 21 .May.
lIoU) Pease, and wid. of James I'ease o'f I8(lit. Had 11 children.
Enf.. wh. she d. li Feb. 1814. lie d. Enf. 'JU 4, John, li. l:i Sept., 17IW; dr. In Conn. riv. ab. 1721.
Sept., lS2li; fanner. Thty had 12 ch.. all b. in 5. Israel, b. 18 .Mch., 1705; d. in Enf.. 21 Mch.. 17ri.
Enf., of whom we have onlv to do with 6. Patience, b. '22 Mav. noit; iii.ilia Bement of
I. .Mary (the eldest!, b. S'Feb. 1707. ni. Enf. Suffleld; |2) a Pease. She d. at SulHcld.
l.'i June. I7Wi, .Samuel, Jr. (s. Samuel and 7. Ebenezer. b. lU Feb., 1711 12. Fam .').
Fam. 4. Samuel^ (./«/(«,» 8nmuel% m. Nth. 1700, Hannah Burrough, b. 1675.
He removed from Northampton to King street, KnfieUl, to escape from Indians,
ab. 1700; farmer; res. on present Chaiincey Allen pi.; d. Enf. 1735. Ch. (all h. Enf.):
1. Samuel, b. 17l>2. Fam. (i. I 3. Hannah, b. 13 Nov., 1706.
2. Joseph, b. .30 July, 17(M. Fam. 7. | 4. John, b. 1712; m. and res. Enf.
Fam. r>. Ebenezer' (-/"hn,' ./oh i,,' S,imii,r); m. 7 Feb., 1751, Kebecca (dau. Sam'l
and Hclieica KilJ„) Bartlett of Stafford, Conn., b. 2(i Nov., 1729, and d. Enf. 15
Sept., 1.S17; he d. Enlield, 25 .Tune, 1795; farmer. Mad eleven Ch. (,Ulh. Enf.), of
whom we have only to do with
1. Ebeniaer, b. 31 Oct., 17DI. Fam. 8. 5. Abigail, b. 17 Dec.. 1758; m. Enf. JO Jan., 17(M,
a. Israel, b. 5 .Nov., n.M. Fam. 9. E/.ra (s. Zebeilee mid Abicail 0.s'ion,\ Os-
S. Jonathan. 11.22 June. 17.V,; 111. Sai-alMdau. Thos. born; Ncliildren.
anri Mary ll.niiiiumil | \ .ill.i | Adams of W. 7. Dorcas, b. IT Dec. 1702; ni. Justus M unn. a liev-
Pl., b. K. W. 16 .\pl.. 17.VI; li. Is-U; farmer in oltitionarv pensioner; res. and d. E. W.
Knf.; he d. 22 Aug., 1803; 4 childri'n. | 9. Solomon (Cupt.), h. 16 Sept.. 1767; in. (I) E. W :*!
• Condensed fnim 7'' ■ ■' nj o/ .^umiifl Allfn ot Wwlmr, Conn, unit Sonu oi hh I)emiiilai,lii,\>y
Willard S, .\llen of K ,,„. Ij,,sion. privately prinl.il. Kvo, 76 pp. llf the 188 families given in
Ihl* work, we have sel. ;„;. ||„„| ii,|ii,n,iclv .•,.ioie.l.-d with East Windsor,
Jan., 17W, Miriam (dan. David iiiKlMiriam/»nr«)H«1 10. Sarah, b. 8 May. 17TO: m. Triislum Fenton "f
Allen, h. R. W. II) June, 170S, d. Knf. H Dec, Willin-^ton, Conn., and d. Coventry, Conn.. 1.^ Jan.,
IT9)i in. (S) 26 Jan., ITIIT, Lncv Terry, lie ree.i 184U; res. E. W, where he d. 1,5 Jan., 181ii; (I eh.
and d. Enf. sr -Nfay, l.SlrJ; 8 children.
Fam. 6. Samuel * (Scim'id.'.mn,' SamueV), m. 27 Jan., 1728, Elizabi-th (dau Zach,
autl Mary ILinimn) Booth, b. Enf. 19 Aug., 1705; A. E. W. 10 Sept., 1751; he d.
E, W. 20 Dec, 1771, Res, on the.old "Landlord Allen place." Ch. {all b. E. W.):
1. Samuel, b. 13 June, 1739; d. 20 Jan.. 175'J — £". 5. I.ove. b. l:j July. 1738; prob. the Love (dau. Sam'l
W. ().; res. E.W. \vh. the late Henry W. Allen res. Alhj}, in 11'. Etc.) who d. 17 Sept., 1757.
2. Klizabeth, b. 28 Moh.. 1731. " 6. Pcletiah.
3. Abel. b. 14 AuK.. 17.);): ni. 1 Jan., 1756. Eliza- 7. Zachariali, b. .'il Oct., 1742. Fa.m. 10.
beth Chapin of Enf.; 2 children. 8. Sarah, m, Jonah Pasco.
4. Taliilha. b. Vi Apl.. 173«, m. 1781. Abner Cha- 9. Amzi.
pin of Sojnei-?!, C(nni.; d. .\pi.. 17',)0; 1 child.
Fam. 7. Joseph * (Srt/H«ei,' Jb/(»,' &(mMcr), m. 1723, Mary Hewlet, who d. E,^.
28 June, 1782, x. 78; hed. E. W. 11 June, 1777; farmer and (%vith his bro. Samuel)
manf'd tar and pitch. Sett. E. W, near Enf. line, where Jabez S. Allen res.; house
erected about 1732-3, stood 30 or 40 feet west of present house. Ch.:
1. Hannah, b. Enf. 1721; m. :M Jan. 1746, Caleb (s.
-p- Caleb and Mary Ghnsuu^ Booth, Jr., b. E.
' W. 14 June. 1723; d. E. \\ . 2J Sept., 1772; she il.
E. W. 22 Nov., 1779; 8 (children.
2. Joseph, b. 4 Sept., 1727. Fam. 11.
3. Noah. b. 15 Mav. 17:». F.\}a. 12.
4. David, h. 22 .N'oV., 17;i4. Fam. 13.
5. Samuel, b. S June. 17;iG. Fam. 14.
1730. Pam. I.-..
1. Matt. Thompson ; d.
B. Hezekiah, b. 8 Oct..
7. Mary, b. E. \V.; n
Enlicld; 2 children.
8. Dorcas, b. E. W. 10 June, 1742; ni. E. \V. Heiuy
(s. Henry and .\bipiil Cmilei/) Wolcott, '►- E.
W. 15 May, 1727; d. 18i:j, a>. 84; she d. E.W. 1822.
Kes. E. W. wh. Mr. FiUey now rej*. ; 5 ch.
F.\M. 8 Ebenezer ' (Ebenezer* John,'' John^ SamueV), m. (1) E. W. 9 Apl., 1773,
Chloe (dau. Zebedee) Osborn, b. E. W. 22 Apl., 1755; d. E. W. 17 June, 1788;
(2) 2 Apl., 1789, Elizabeth (dau. Hezekiah) Pease of Enfield, b. 10 Sept., 1759, d.
E. W.; he d. E. W. 15 Feb., 1825; farmer, E. W. Ch. h. E. W. {by 1st wife):
Fa-M. 20.
1. Chloe, b. 9 Nov., 1773; m. E. W. W .\ng.. 1796,
Animi (s. Job aiul Mary Trumbull) "Ells-
worth, b. E. \V. 30.\U|;., 1770; d. Sodus, N.
Y.. 6 Oct., 18.54; she d. S. 21 Feb.. 1SJ9; 10 ch.
2. Ebenezer. b. 31 Jnlv. 1775. Fam. 10.
3. Uuldah, b. 16 Feb., "1778; m. E. VV. 20 Feb., 1820,
Capl. .lob (s. Job and Mary Trumbull) Ells-
worth, b. E. W. 28 Aug., 1765; d. E. W. 21
.Mch., 1819; she d. E. \V. 12 Mch., 1858; no issue,
4. Levi, b. 4 .Mch.. 1780. Fam. 17.
5. John. b. 20 Feb.. 17.82. Fam. 18.
6. James Osborn, b. 14 July, 1783. Fam. 19.
7. Chester, b. 28 Oct., 1787.
_ By sfiiii'l rnnirUiqt :
8. lietscy. li. N N<iv.. 1789; m. E.W. 25 Nov., 1813,
" T.euuK'i Charter of Ellington, Conn., who d.
Wiluiiuglon. III., as did she also; 9 children.
9. Rebecca Bartlett. b. 10 June, 1792: m. E. W. 17
Feb.. 1817, Eli-azer Blood of Weston, Mass.; she
d. Suflield; iu> issue.
10. Sabra. b. 27 July. 1798; m. E.W. 3 Oct., 1817. Levi
(s. Daniel and jlchitable Simottfis) Webster,
Stafford. Conn., b. 17 .\ng.. 1799; d. E.W. 4 Jan.,
1844; she d. E. W. 20 Feb., 1805; 10 children.
F.\M. 9. \sra.ei ^ {Ebene-cr* John,^ Johji,' Siiiiiicl'), m. Ills, Martha (d.iu. John and
Lydia Phrlp>) French, b. E. W. and d E. W. 20 Sept., 1826; lied. E. W. 26
Sept., 1828; ftiriner, residence E. Windsor. Ch. {b. E. ]V.):
1. Israel, b. 6 July. 1779. Fam. 21.
2. Martha, b. 18 Nov.. 1780; m. E. W. 30 .Inly.
1799, Elam (s. Samuel and Elizabeth Welh) Al-
len, b. E.W. 2!l Jnlv, 1774; d. E.W. 3 .Jan., 18.53;
shed. E. W. 25 Oct., 1852.
3. Lydia, b. 1 Dec, 1782; d. E. W. in 4th veur.
4. Gains, h. Hi Jan., 1784: d. E. W. 23 Dec., 1787.
5. Lydia Pheljis. I>. 12 On., 1787: m. E. W. 18 .\pl.,
1815. .Matthew (s. Matlhew and Dorothy Ban/in)
Read, who il. .\llwny, N. T.; shed". E. VV. 10
Jan.. 1870; 4chil<lren.
6. Cains I Dr.). b. 29 June, 179.1. Fam. 22.
7. Josiah. b. 13 Aug., 1792; d. E.W. 2 Aug.. "28: numd.
8. .Mary, b. 10 Jan., 1793; d. Alton, 111., 3 .\u.s;.,'18.33;
9. .Vlichael, 1). 18 Mav, 1798; dr. E. W. 4 July, 1813.
10. Clarissa, b. 19 .Mch.. 1800; in. E. W. ]6No"v.. 1819,
Whitting (s. Whitting) Cooley of Longmeadow,
Mass.; she d. Sliipton. Out.. C. W.. 10 May. 1854;
no issue.
Fam. 10. Zachariah'^(.S'((H(Me?,* SumuH," JoJin,' Smmd'), m. (1) W. 31 Oct., 1765,
Huldah (dau. Lieut. Thomas and Jlary Parmnn) ParSOnS, b. Enf. 30 Nov., 1742,
d. E. W. 2 Apl., 1784; (2) Hannah Baker of Hadley, Mass., who d. E.W. 28 Dec,
1841, SB. 91; he d. E. W. 17 Nov., 1831; tanner and carpenter. Kept public house
for over forty years on the old stage road from Springfield to Hartford, and was
known as ■' Landlord Allen." Ch.:
1. Huldah. I). E. W.; m. Enf. 20 Jnlv. 1788. Joel
(s. Jocli Holkins of Enf.; he d.'E. W. 1827;
she d. E. W. 8 .\pl , lSi5; res. E. W.: manufac-
turer of gin; 11 children.
2. Zachariah, b. 23 Feb., 1T70. Fam. 2:!.
3. Sarah, m. Ezekiel Osborn ; 5 children.
F.\m. 11. Joseph^ {Joxeph,* Siim.in'l,^ John,' SiiinueV), m. 17 Jan., 1755, Lois (dau.
Capt. Michael and Lois Wine) Burnham, b. E, H. 23 Feb., 1728; d. E. W. 6 Dec,
1805. He was drafted in Kevolution;iry war, but sent s. Joseph as substitute. Was
called "Sergeant Joseph"; held office under Geo. Ill; farmer, E. W.; Ch. {b. E. W.):
1. I^U, b. 13 Sept., nril; in. E. W. aiSipt.. HTl.
Simeon (t^. Jonii. i lijicUcI Gai/loril) Barber,
b. E. W. Vi MiiT, 17-11; d. K.W. 7 Oct.. l>m: "Iw
(1. E. W. SS.Iurv, 18U: oi-hiUlri-n.
?. .loH-pli. b. 21 An?., n.5.3; il. E. W. 12 Oct.. 1757.
3. .\/onutli. li. 17 Fob., 17,5li: in. ( 1 1 Eiiwuril (s. Ilea.
Edwuril ami Eunici' Cotliiin Chapin. b. t'hir-
opft*. Mii.-i>.. :jSi'pt.. 17.V>. anri d. lluTf 22 .hint',
nu."); 121 in Chicnpw, 20 .Ian.. 18(H. Exq. Eldail
IS. Naihnn anil Amv (ioiilil) Parsons "f Bd-
clitrtown. .Mas.<., f>. 29 .\iiK.. 175.">. d. Ill .July,
1823: slii-d. Helchcitown, 11 June. 1S21; 4 ch.
4. Eunice, b. l.S Mch., ITW: m. .lames is. Ezra)
Burnham of E.Utfd., whod. Uranliv. Mass.,
l.'i Jnlv. laiS. a;. 74; sbe d. «. ft Jan., 1839: (i ch.
5. llunnah, b. 2 Mch., I7tiO: ni. Roswell (». Jolin)
F.\M. 12. Capt. Noah^ {Joseph* Snmnel? Jiihii,^isimueV),m. Somers, Conn., 2()-Mili.,
17.56, Anna Root of Somers, who d. 10 Oct., 1806, te. 78; he d. E. W. 27 Oct., 1776;
farmer; served in Rev. war; sometimes called "Ensign"; res. E. \V. Vh. (/;. E. W.):
Prior of E. W., b. 30 Mav, 1758, d. foventrv,
I'onn.: sbe .1. E. W. 1791 or '92: 3 children.
p. .Joseph, b. 2:1 Mch.. 171)2: nl. I.ucy (dan. Simon and
Lucy IhxJitlh) Chapin; res. iii chicopee, Mass.
Was a piloi on Conn. Hiver. and served 4 years in
Hcvolntiunury war: 7 children.
. Henjainin, b". 19.1iiiu-. 171»4. F,\m. 24.
1. Aslier. b. 22 Sent.. 17ili;: in. E. W. 2,5 .lime, 18a5.
Chloe Idau. Xoali) IVIoody of So. Iladlev, Miis.s.;
d. E. W. 14 Feb.. 1850. :e. !y); he d. E. \\ . 1 Nov.,
1825; res. E. W.: no issue.
I. Annu. b. 9 Mch., 17ti9: in. E. W. 2.5 Feb.. 1788,
.Tames (s. .lolini Thompson, b. E.W. 10 .Sept.,
176:1: d. voventrv. (■nun., 5 .lime. I>;t2; she d.
Hockvillc, l'cmn..'23 Nov., 1K52: 9 diildren.
I. Henry, b. 18 Mch., 1771. F.\.>i. 25.
1. Noah IC'apl.l. b. 14 Feb.. 17.57. Fam. 28.
2. Tiinotliv ICapt.). b. 25 Nov.. 17.59. Fam. 27.
3. Elihu. b. 18 Sept.. 17151: res. N. \. Slate.
4. Jonathan, b. IB May, 1783: res. Vt.: 4 children.
5. Anna, 1>. IS Jnne. 1785; in. E.W. (iideon Drake.
Both d. ill Westlield. Jlaiw.: 12 children.
8. Peter, b. 18 Mch., 1787: d E.W. 22SeiiI.,93; nnni.
T. Daniel, b. ;» Jan., 1770. Fam. 28.
1. Nathaniel, b. 2 Jan.,
lUj ,'./ mfe:
2. David (l)r.l. b. 13 Ang.. 17.55.
3. I.nke, b. 9 July, 1757. Fam. ;n.
4. Moses, b. 9 July. 1757: d. E. W. uiiin"d.
Fam. 29.
Fam. :iO.
F.\M. 13. David' (./w.tt'M,'' ^imnd,^ Jahi,,' SumneV). m. (1) E.W. 27 Feb., 1753, Mary
(dau. Nath'l and Ann Wdaitt) Bancroft, 1). E. W. 1731, d. there 14 Jan., 1754 —
E. W. 0.; he m. (2) Somers, Conn., 11 Nov.. 1754 (14 Nov., 1753 — IK liec), Miriam
^(dau. Luke and Sarah Osli'jrn) Parsons, 1). Somers 6 Mch., 1739-30. d. E. \V. 2
July, 1805; he d. E. W. 9 Apl., 1789; farmer, res, near res. of hitc Luman Simons
Allen, C/i. {b. K. W.) by lut wife:
I ,5, Solomon, b. 10 Mch., 1760. Fam. :«.
0. Miriam, b. 10 June. 1788: in. E. W. .30 Jan., 17IM,
I Solomon (s. Kbcne/.er and liebecea linrfhtf) Al-
I len, b. Eiif. Hi Sept., 1787, d. there 27 .Mav, IH13;
I shed. Enf. 8 Dec, 1791; 6 children.
Fam. 14. Samuel' (Josephs Sfimiid? John,'' l^imiieV), b. E, W. 8 .June, 1736; m. (1)
Elizabeth (dau. Capt Uezekiah and .S;ir;ili7VH/H//"H) Wells, b. E. \V. -"i .Imio. 1740,
d. there 11 May, 1778; (2) S:irah (dau. .lo.scph and Sai;ih (■hninlUi-) Booth, b. Enf.
1 Dec, 1743, d. E. W. 27 July, 1800; (3) Lucy (dau. Uev. Noah and .Mary ]'<i'if/liiin)
Alden, wid. Darius Markham, b. Longmeadow, Mass., 2 July, 1749. d. E.W.
3 Feb., 1837; he d. E. W. 10 Oct., 1816; farmer; res. E. W. near Entield line, where
his gr.-s. Jabez S. Allen afterwards resided. C/i. (b. E. \\'.) by lut irifi :
1. Elizabeth, b. 8 Apl., 17(i3; m. E.W. 29 Apl.. 17S1,
Jonathan Is. .James and .Mii^rail fifxitli) Pasco,
b. E.W. 2.1 Sept.. 17811. d. there I Aiil'.. IS44: .she
d. E. W. 20ci., 18:18: 11 children.
2. Samuel, b. 18 June. 1781. Fam. :i;l.
•A. .MalHl, b. :ill Mch.. 17lW: in. E. W. 21 )lay, 1788,
Simeon Is. Israel and .\nn HttilUH) Pease, b.
Enf. 7 Feb.. 17,58, d. there Vi-n; 12 children.
4. Joshua, b. IS Mav. 1771. Fam. 31.
5. Elain, b. ."l.lulv. 1774. Fam. .15.
8. Sabra, b. 2'.i.i.iiv, 1771: m. E. W. 23 Jan., 1794,
John McKni;rIlt (s. James and Eli/.atK>lh yfcKnif/fil)
Thompson, b. E. W. 8 Jan.. 1788: d. there 22
Feb.. 1811; shed. E. W. 28 Mch., 1S.5,S: 111 childn.
llij ^li ivif'*: -—{Sit Thwnttmit.
7. Chester, b. 13 June. 1781). Fam. :*!.
8. Jabez, b. 22 Jan.: il. 9 Mch., 17*). ai E. W.
9. Jabez, b. 25 Jan.. 1788. Fam. 37.
10. Sarah, b. 1 Auu-.. 17S9: ni. E.W. 8 Feb.. 1811. l{ii~.
well IS. David aurl .\nn /'ru.ri PhelpS, b. Enf.
« Mav. 1788. d. Willirahani. Mas.-.. •>5 Aii^'., 1870:
she (I, Willir, 4 Oct., 1851; 4 childien.
Fam, 15, HezeWxah'" (Josiph* Hammi* John,'' Siimiui'), m. 13 Dec,, 1768, Abigail
(dau. Samuel and Kebeccii Kibln) Bartlett nf Staltord. Conn.; d. E. W. 25 Jan.
1825, le. 84; he d. E. W. 14 June, 1807; fanner. Ch. (b. E. II'.).-
1. Abigail, b. 28 Oct., 1769; in. Elain (s. Joel and
Uiis ir,i™.i) Pease, b. E. W. 13 Au;;.. 1778.
d. Farminu'lon. 111.. Jnlv, 1.S42; shoemaker; she
il. E. W. 4 Feb., 1851; 3 children.
S. Marv.b. IS Sept., 1773: in. 15 Dec, 1798, (;rove
(s. Oliver and .\nii /?.»./! Barber, b. E. W. 19
Jnlv. 1789; shed. E.W. 18 Jnlv, 18.59; 1 child.
.3. Uezekiah. b. 7 Sept., 1777. Fam. 38.
4. Joel, h. 2S June, 17KI. FaM. 3!I. "
5. Eunice, b. 9 Dec, 17.^3; in. Liillier (s. Samuel)
Billingrs. She d. Hyde Park. VI.. Au;;., l-ft8;
n'sided .sone-i-s, finiii.
I. 16. Ebenezer« (E/h-n'i;'- El>eii'r.* John.' John* S^im'O), m. E. W. June, 1802,
Sarah (dau. John and Kede.xalena Woh;>ui LoOBlis, b. 16 Aug.. 1774, at E. W.;
d. there 30 Mch., 1800; he d, E. W. 21 Sc|t,. 1850; farmer; res. near Windsorville,
E. W. (Ck. b. E. W.): Families of those thus marked (*) will be found in l.oumia
Qeiieiil., ii, 675.
. Rarnh Wolcotl, b. aSOct,, 1S03; m. E.W. 31 Oct.,
Wao.DirKs. Oliver JtMehitablc'AVf/i) D wight
of Lletroil, Midi., li. 2 A|)l., 1S02; sliu il. Scio,
Midi.. U Sf|it., 1S36. I.WU,':
1. Eiiiclim- Mi-liitalile. I). S|iriiig \Vl-11.«, Midi.,
ir.Inii.. anil il. 11 Mdi.. 182'.).
!. Eliciu-zcr l.ciiiniis, I>. 13 Feb., 1801; ni. lU Mar-
aaicl Omfrey ; C-'i Saiali De Pasco ;
bdlli u ivcs il. in So. Anicri<-a. wIktl- In* lias re-
.•iidcd most of his life, but, now res. in K. \V.
1. Cbloe OsTioni.* b. 91 .\ai;.. ISOli; m. .Jacob
Blandon ; cl. Austin. Kan., 14 Feb., 1870.
. Elizabeth Kedexalena, b. 1 Dec. 180!j; in. E.W.
29 Mav, 18;i4, Dea. Chaunoev (s. Beiyaniin and
Ann a/i/,'s\ Ellsworth, b."K. W. 31 (let., 1797;
d. tlKTc 13 .lune, l.si;9; she res. E. W.; 5 children,
i. Elvim F.. b. II Au;;., 1810; d. E. \V. 31 May, 1839.
i. William Ellsworlli. b. G Oct.. 1814; d. Columbia,
Miss., 5 Mdi.. 1S49; nninarried.
. iMarlha Ann, h. 21 Dee., IK17; in. E. W. 31 Dec,
1840, Sylvester Risley "f (Jhistoilburv. who d.
Ell.; she res. Wiiidsorville. K. W.: 4 children.
,. Marietta,* b. 1 Meh.. 1810; ni. K. W. 12 Apl., 1853,
Dea. John Clark Robinson of Manchester,
Conn.; res. No. Manchester; 4 children.
Fam, it. Levi ° {Ebeii'r,^ Ebeii'r* Jo/in,' Jo/in,^ Samuel '), ni. (1) Palmer, Mass., 8 Nov.
iy04, Naucj- Gilmau (dau. Thomas aiul Nancy Gilmaii) Allen, b. 6 Oct., 1788, and
d. Sodus, N. Y., 28 June, 1827; (2) in Sodus, 24 Apl., 1831, Betsey (dau. Eleazer
and Sarah Clarlc) Clark, b. Northampton, Mass., 1 Apl., 1791, d. S. 22 July, 1854.
He d. S. 20 Jan., 1867; rem. to S. 1817; distiller and farmer. Ch. (by 1st ttife):
1. Nancv Gilinan. b. E. W. IB Jniie. 180.5; m. (1)
Sodus, 8 Oct., 1833, Benoiii Harris Swift, who
d. S. 24 .Inly. 184;^; (21 Sodus. 2S May, 1871, Piatt
. Fowler.wiio d. S. l .Vul:.. ls7.5; 3 children.
2. Levi Sanford. h. E. W. 22 Aiil., 1S07.
3. Benjamin Hai-vev, b. E.W.20.\pl.. 1809. Fam. 40.
4. Henrv Marcev, t). E. W. 30 Dec, 1812; d. there G
Fam. 18. John" (Eben'r,^ Ehen'r* Joht,,^ John,'' Samuel '), m. Enf . 23 Nov., 1809, Sally
Fields (dau. Dr. David and Sidly Fidch) Allen, b. Enf. 20 Nov., 1785, d. there te.
44. He d. E. Htfil. 1867; farmer; res. Enfield and E. W. Oh. (b. Enf.):
S. Henry Marcev, b. E. W. 10 and d. 15 Jan.. 1815.
G. Squire Chester, b. E. W. 3 Nov. 1816; d. Sodus 14
July, 1821.
8. Charles James, b. Sodus 14 Mch.. 1820.
9. Squire (niester. b. Sodus 23 Nov.. 1824.
10. Elias Wilson, b. Sodus 23 June, 1827; m. and res.
in Nebraska: no issue.
1. Sally Fields, b. 29 June, 1810; m. Ell. 23 May,
18.39." Erviii Rising, nat. \'t., carjieuter; res.
Enfield, d. Vermont; 4 ebildreu.
2. John .\niold.
3. Ashney, d. young.
4. Edward, d. ;e. 9 nios.
5. King Cieorgc. b. 4 June, 1825; res. & d. E.W. unni.
0. King David, b. 2;J July, 182"; res. E. W., unm'd.
7. Albert Bigclow, b. 1831. Fam. 41.
Fam. 19. James Osborn'^ {Eben'r,^ Eben'r,* Jv/in,\Mut,'' Sam,!/er), m.'EW. 10 Mch.,
1810, Eunice (dau. Daniel and Rebecca Dans) Clark, b. Ell., 23 July, 1782; d. E.
W. 30 June, 1848; he d. E. W. 21 Aug., 184G; farmer, E. W. Ch.:
1. Amanda P.. b. Enf.. 3 Ajil.. 1814; m. E. W. 4
Jan.. 1847, Elizur Risley of E. Hamilton, N.Y.
2. TirzahBagg, h. Enf. 30 Jan.. 181.5; m. E.W. 8 Jan.
'57, David F. White of .\shf'd. Conn.; no issue.
3. Eunice Erocia, 1). Soniers, (.'onn., 19 .Mch.. 1817;
in. E. W. 10 .\iig., 1848, Joseph E. Newbury
of So. W.; no issue.
4. Ebenezer James, b. E. W. 25 Nov.. 1820; in. E.
W. 19 Aug. 1848, Louisa Elizalieth (dan. Lemuel)
Charter, b. statTord. Conn.; lied. Wilmington,
111., :io .Apl., lSi;9: res. Kansas; ch.
.5. Daniel Clark, b. E.W. 7 Oct.. 1828; in. Ell. 1 Jan.,
18.51. Manila R. (dau. Lemuel) Charter of Ell.;
he d. Warren, III., 8 July, 1807; 5 children.
Fam. 20. Chester ^ (Eben'r,^ Eben'r* Joftn> John,' SamueV). m. Ell. 4 Jan., 1810,
Polly (dau. Jonathan and Laura Stdd) Buckland, b. Ell. 11 July, 1787, d. there
15 Mch., 1858; he d. Ell. 17 Jan., 1861; farmer. Ch. (b. Ell.):
1. Marv Harriet, b. 17 Mav. 1811; in. Ell., 17 Oct.,
18.i;i. Jabez (s. Asallel and Christian Ttrnj)
Parsons, b. Enf. 10 Mch.. 1812; 3 children.
2. Laura B.. b. 2 Oct.. 1813; in. (li E.W. 1 Mav,
18:M, Roswell Uockwdl Sadd ; she d. Ell.'9
Apl., l.SliS.
3. Lorinda, b. 13 Apl., 181.5; d. Ell. 7 Nov., 182S.
4. Chester, b. 19 July, 1817. F.VM. 12.
5. Eiiiilv, b. 29 Mav^ISlO; ni. di Ell. 9 Sent.,!.*!!,
Wells" (s. William) Sadd of E. W., who d. So.
W. 19 July, 1850; (2) So. W. Henry (s, Hardin)
Stoughton, b. S. W.; res. Williinantic; 7ch.
6. Betscv Malin:i, b. 27 July, 1821 ; ni. Ell. 1 June,
1843, Harvilla (s. Benj.)" Hamilton of E. W.,
where they res.; 3 children.
7. Hiram, b', 12 Jan., I,s24. F.\.m !3.
8. Julia .\nn. b. 1 June. 1S2.5; m. Ell. 2G Oct.. 1848,
Oliver Revils ts. David) Chapin of Soniers,
Conn.; res. Thomjisonville, Enf.; 3 children.
Fam. 21. Israel (/«v/W,5 Ehen'r* John,' John,'' SanmeV), in. E. W. 3 Feb., 1802,
Rhoda (dau. Hezekiah and Sybil Laiiiphire) Crane, b. E.W. 8 Jsiu., 1783; d. there
18 Jan., 1856; he d. E. "W. 15 Nov., 1848; farmer. Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. Israel Edmird. b. 29 Apt. 18a3. Fam. 4(.
2. Rhoda. b. 20 .liilv. 1805; d. E. W. 29 Feb., 1808.
3. Khwla Emilv. li. Hi Feb.. 18118; m. •>:. W. .30
Dec. 1K!8. Sampson Dunn of Albany. N.Y., b.
Yorkshire. Eng.; shed. K.W. 17 Mch..' I8.5G; 1 ch.
4. Sophia Amelia, b. 21 Mav. 1810; m. K. W. 24
Oct.. 18:)0. Ephraim Daiiforth Hodges, b.
Willington. Conn.; 1 child.
6. Elvira Lucietia, b. 20 Aug.. 1812; in. E. W. 3
July. 18:)G. Rev. John (s. Elias) Cadwell,
Methodist clergyman, b. Westfield, Mass.; shell.
Springfield, Mtiss., 5 May, 1856; 4 children.
6. Emeret Angeline, b. 10 Nov., 1815; in. (1) E.W.
Vol. II.— 3
15 .\i)l., 1838. Marvin (s. Ciihin and Zelinda KUibe)
Kibbe of Soniers, Conn., b. 2! June, 1813; (1.
there 10 Nov.. 18:59; she ni. (2) S. Oscar (s. Erastus
and Esther Kitiht) Kibbee ; 7diildreii.
7. Martha Corndia. b. 3 Aiil.. 1819; m. E.W. 20 June,
18;J9. Titus (s. John) Oloott of Vernon. Conn.; d.
on Pacilic. on home Mivage from California; 3 ch.
8. Ddina Juliette, b. 7 May, 1822; m. E. W. 20 Sept.,
1812. liev. David Kilburii (s. liev. Joseph Aniiis
and Hannah ./t(/v7/) Merrill, (Moth.) b. Lvuiuu,
N. II. , 19 Jan., 1820; 5 children.
9. Rosanna Elizabeth, b. G Sept.. 1825; m. E. W. 30
May. 18.50. Natb'l Chirk Is. Ralph ami Rhoda C7«;*)
Strong, b. Hebron, Conn.; res. E. W.; 6 ch.
Fam. 32. Dr. Ca\us'^{I»i;id,^ElHmr,*Jolin,^.Mtn,^f)iiiniid'), m. E. W. HSept., 1819,
Agnes (dau. Luke and Peggy Wullwe) Allen, b. E. W. 0 May, 1786, d. there 19
July, 1869; he d. 20 Nov., 1840; physician, E. W. Ch.:
1 \.-iics b E. W.; m. (1) 1839, niram (9. Daniel) I a. Pamelia, b. E. W.; in. Bradley <s. Saiiiucl) Bill-
Pease of LoDgmcadmv, .Mass.; (S) Mr. Ba- Ings.b. Somcr*: res. Keokuk, 111.
ker ; no issue. I
Fam. 23. Zachariah*' (Zach.,^ S<(in'l* fian'l,' John,'' Sdin'l'), m. Miriam Booth, b.
18 Apl., 1772, d. E. W. 17 Feb., 1852; res. E. W., where he died 01 I).< . 1831.
C/i. (b. E. TT.);
5. Roderick. Fam. 46.
6. Marv. 1). E. W. 24 .\U!,'.. 1803: unmarried.
7. ClarWi Ann. b. E. W. IJ .\Uh., islii; m. Sylvesta
Ransom; sbed. E. \V.; no issiit*.
1. Barber, ni. JIarv West of Hadlev. Mas?.: he
d. E. W. ao .lulv. 1818, B?. -i*; n<i issue.
2. Charles, d. E. \V. -K .\pl., 18?J. le. 28: unm'd.
3. Horace. Fam. 45.
4. Orren, d. E. W.; unmarried.
Fam. 24. Benjamin" (./(«(7'/(,^ Jntieph* Smnud,' Jnhn^' Smuiirl'), m. Miriam (dau.
John) Thompson ; she d. E. W. 3 July, 1827, ic. 64; he d. E. W. 21 Nov., 1808;
farmer and miller; res. and owned mill at Broad Brook. Ch. ('/. E. II'.).-
1. Bilhah. b. 25 Scnl., 1787: ni. E. W. 1 -\i.l., 1810, i knap, b. E. W. 24 Sept.: 1786: d. there 24 July,
Amzi (s. Nathaniel and Anna. /o/(»- 1 Allen, b. ! )K44; .'■> children.
E. W. 16 Ane., 1776: d. 21 May, 1!M1: 8 childn. 4. 'riioinpson. b. 4 Sept.. 17'J2; d. E. W. 2 Jan., 1809.
2. .\nn, b. l.'i Jan.. 17S9; d. E. \V. « Sept., 17SK). 6. James, I). 2.1 Auc. 1791. Fa.ii. 47.
3. Anna, b. 13 Dec., 171)0; m. E. W. 5 Feb. 1811, j 6. Isaac, b. .'j July. 1796. Fam. 4S.
Cbauncey (s. Job and Hannah BartleU) Bel- i 7. William Bnrnhaui, b. 12 Dec, 1807. Fam. 49.
Fam. 2.->. Henry '^(.7;«(7)A,' .hmph* famud,' .Mm," SamiieV), m. E. W. !) Jan., 1806,
Mary (dan. Joshua and Via Trumbull) Wells, b. E. W. 1782; d. Cliarlcstown, N.
H., 31 Jan., 1855; he d. C. Dec., 1809; farmer, res. C. Ch. (b. Charkstmon, Jf.H.):
1. Ucnry Trumbull, b. Dec, 1806: d. C. 1834. I 8. Newton Franklin, b. 13 Feb., 1810.
2. Lewis, b. 1808; d. young and unmarried. |
Fam. 26. Capt. NoahM-^"""''.' Joseph* Samuel," John,^ Sfimuel'), m. (1) Elizabeth
Trowbrldgeof Middlebury, Conn., who d. 30 Oct., 1802, je. 48— .ff. II'. 0.; (2)
E. W. 2 Apl., 1822, Mary (dau. Rev. Thos. &Lydia Moxdei/) Potwine, b. E.W., and
d. So. W. 20 Juno, 1847, ». 75; he, fanner, dea. 1st Cong'l cli., E.'W., niemb. Conn.
House Rep. 1807, '08, '09, '10, 14, and '15; d. E. W. 7 May, 1824. Ch.(by 1st wife):
1. Betsey, b. E. W.; ni. there 25 Nov.. 1W7. Timo- I Middlelield. Mass., d. WestHeld, Mass.: she d. E.
thy («". Timothy and Pei;.,;y S/iuw) Allen, b. | W. 20 .Mch., 1812, ic. 27; no issue; res. E. W.
Fam. 27. Capt. Timothy ^(-Y«(A,^ JosepJi* Samuel." John,' Sumud '), m. E. W. Peggy
(dau. John & Jliriam Harper) Shaw ; both d. WestBeld. Ch. (b.i[iMkfidd,Mnss.):
1. Noah. m. E. W. 24 Die, 1807. Hoiieful (dau. Jas. i 3. Hosea, m., res, Westfleld. Mass,; 4 children,
and Abigail C/iiijiiii> Potwine, b. E. \V. 4. S|)cncer. m. in Westtield. Hester ulan. (iideou
2. Timothy, m. E. \V. 2.') Noy., lH<rr. Betsey idau. i and .\nna .ilhio Drake, b. E. \V., d. Htfd. ;
Noah an*d Elizabeth Tnnvbridge) Alleri, b. in I hed. Westtield: 1 child.
E. W. and li. there 20 Mch., 1812, le. 27: he d. I 5. David, d. Westfleld. uninarrie<I.
Westneld, Mass. i
Fam. 28. £>3in\e\*{Noah,* Joseph,* Samuel,' John," S,imucP), m. E. W. 8 Nov., 1792,
Submit (dau. Isaac and Mary Barrett) Bancroft, b. E. W. 29 Sept., 1768; d. there
16 Nov., 1847; he res. and d. E. W. 10 June, 1857; farmer. Ch. b. (E. W.):
1. Wealthy, b. 7 Sept.. 179:): m. E. W. 24 .Ian.. 1811, Dec, li*25; no issue.
Rufus IS. Knfus and Karhc\ li ran 1 1 Crane, Jr. ' 5. C'nidima. b. ,t .Nov.. ISOl; m. E. W.. 1 Jan., 1827.
b. E. W. 21 Sept., 178G; d, there 7 Feb.. 1851: ! Pliilo (s. Huel and Bet,-<-v Curtif) Thrall, b. E.
12 children. I W. 15 Nov.. 1802. and d.theiv 24 Mch.. 1850; she
2. Aima, b, 8 Dec. 1791: m. Montague, Mass,, Selh | d, llifd.. 17 Nov.. 1815; 3 children.
(8. Selh and Marv Bnnrrfit'l) Stowell, h. E. 6. Mary, h, 17Juiu\ lso3: unnuirrie<l,
W.; shed. Elgiu.lll.. 27 Jidv, IStB: 5 children, | 7, Daniel, b. 8 June, I8<C>; d. E.W. 21 Jidv, 18l»;,
a Mitlic, b. 29 Apl., 1797: m. ft. W. 26 June 1814,
t'hester is. Jopiali and Theodosia Crane) BlOd-
get, b. Ell. 12 Jiin.,17s8, d, Monrmville, II., 11
«»cl.. 1H17; shed. M. 11 Noy..l,'+19: 12children.
4. Aluilla. h. 29 .\uc.. 17KI; m. E. W. 10 Jan..lh22.
Alans<m Horton. -hocinaker: shed. E. W.23
8. Julia KiKit. b, 17 Feb,. 1S07; m. K. W. lillil.. ISJl.
Elam is. Hill and Hox.ana M>-f;rtffiinjt GowdV,
b. Enf. 25 .Inly, ISOO: d. there 27 Aug., 1850; she
res. .Midillellefd. .Ma-s.: 5 children.
9. Dimicl Itarrell. h. 1 Mch., 1809. Fam. 50.
10. Harvev Bancroft, b. 31 .May, 1812. Fam. 51.
Fam. 29. Nathaniel'(X'<('i(/,' ./'<*7*A,* .'4ihim<;/,' ./"/*«,' ."v/wiw/'), m, Somers, Conn.,
10 Mch,, 1774, Anna Jones, 1>, 8, 25 Apl,, 1757, d, E, W. 19 Oct., 1803; residence,
Broad Brook, E, W,; d. 5 Jau,, 1804, Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. Xathaniel. li. 16 Dec, 17TI. Fam. M.
a. Am/.i, b. IG Aug.. ITS: in. E. \V. 1 Apl., 1810,
Bilhati (djiu. liciijainin and Miriam Thompson)
Allen, 1). ao Sept.. ITS'; 8 cbiUlren.
3. Mopc.-. b. n Aug.. 1778.
4. Marv, b. :! .July, 1780; d. S5 jrav, 1805.
5. Anna, b. 11 Oct., 17SS: d. 9 Sfjil., 1811.
6. Calvin, b. 12 Jan., 1785.
7. Chi™-, b. 1(> Fell., 1787: m. E.W. 14 JIcli., 1810,
Bcthucl Kingsley "f H. I., b. 10 Apl.. 17S;i, d.
at E.W. 17 Dec, 184«: she d.. 3 Sept., 1811; hem. (2)
Tr\'phena (dau. Ciipt. A^ahel and Trvpbena C/iapin)
Stiles, 1). E.W. S.Iuue, 1785, and d. there 23 Dec,
1862. For children, ste Kinaflet/.
8. Sarab, b. 3 Apl.. 1789; d. E. W.', 1807.
9. Inf. b. anil d. 6 Sept., 1791, E. W.
10. John, b. 7 Sept., 1792; d. E. \V. 18 Oct., 1799,
11. Xonnau, b. E. W. Feb.. 179.5.
12. Xancv, b. E.W. 14 June 1797; d. June 7, 1821.
13. Laura, b. E. W. S Jan.. 1801; d. x-. 3 or 4 rnos.
Fam. 30. Dr, David Allen m. (1) Miss (dsui. Priest) Foster, b. Stafford; (2) E.W.
29 Apl., 1784, Sally (dau. Eben'r and Sarah Mattoon) Fields of Xorthfiold, Mass.,
b. 4 Nov., 1T4T, d. Enf. He was a surgeon in Rev. war; res. Enf. Ch. {b. Enfield):
1. Alarlha (bv 1st wife), ni. 25 Apl., 1799, John (s. 1809. John (s. Eben. and Chloe Osborii) Allen,
John and Beulah Kool) Pease, b. Enf. 13 Aug., b. E. W. 20 Feb., 17S2; d. E. H. 1867; she d. Enf..
1777, d. .\shfield. Mass. ; 11 children. a*. 44; 7 children.
By M wire.- 3. Pollv Harriet, b. 19 Jlch., 1794; m. Aluion (s. Al-
2. Sally Fields, b. 20 Xov., I7K; m. Enf. 23 Nov., mon) Luce of Somcrs; 2 children.
Fam. 31. Luke ^ (Dand,^ Joseph* Samuel," John,'' Samuel '), m. Ell. Peggy (dau. "Wm.
and Sally Uolton) Wallace, who d. E. W. 24 Oct., 1833, ai. 77; he res. and d. E.
W. 4 Apl., 1838; farmer. Ch. (ft. E. W.):
1. Peggy, b. 26 Jan., 17S5; ni. 18 Oct., 1S09, Daniel
ts. Isaac and Submit SjHin-ft'\ Pease of Spring-
lield, Mass.. b. 1780; d. S. 10 Julv. 1838; she d!
Enf. 6 Sept.. 1W8; 11 children.
2. Agues, b. 9 May. 17.S(;; m. E. W. 14 Sept., 1819,
Dr. Gaius (s. Noah and .Maltha FrtncJi) Allen,
b. E. W. 29 June. 1790, d. 20 Nov., 1840; she d,
E. W. 19 July, 1869.
3. Miriam, h. 9 .'Vpl., 1788; m. Horace (s. Jonah)
Griswold, b. and d. Enf.; she d. Enf. 16
June, 18;J1; 5 children.
4. David, b. 12 Oct., 1789; was imprisoned on a Br,
ship of war in 1811, carried to England for trial;
d. at Newport, R. I., on way home.
5. Luke. b. 18 Dec, 1791. Fam. 53.
B. Jane. b. 29 Aug., 1793; m. (1) Samuel (e. Samuel
and Man- Attm) Allen, b. E. W. 28 Nov., 1790,
d. there 10 Nov., ISili; slic ni. (2) E. W. 30 Dec,
18:B8, George Chamberlain of Ryegate, Vt.,
and d. E. W.; had 3 children bv 1st husband.
7. Abram, b. 1^ July, 1795, Faji. 54.
Fam. 32. Solomon^ (Dand,^ Joseph,* S'tmnel,' John,'' Samuel,'), m. E. W. 1 Mch.,
1792, Martlia (dau. Silas and Abigail Lord) Simons, b. E. W. 23 Nov., 1773; d.
there 26 Mch., 1829; he d. E. W. 1 June, 1846; farmer, E. W. Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. Ro.xaleua, b. 10 Nov., 1792; d. E.W. 16 Jan.. 179S.
2. Ilnldah, b. 1 Aug., !7!i4; d. E. W. 10 Mch., 1813.
3. Dorcas, b. 11 Feb.. 17%; ul. E.W. 14 Nov., 1822,
Odiren childs Cone of Haddam, Conn.; bed.
E. W. 17 Apl.. 1846. ffi. 46; she d. E.W. 13 Mch.,
1825; 1 son.
4. Solomon, b. 4 Jan., 1798. F.\M. .55.
5. Rocksalena. b. 24 Jan., 1800; m. E.W.,'23 Sept.,
1818, Eli (s. Robert and Content JlcGitnory)
Gowdy . b. Enf. 4 Aug., 1797, d. E.W, 5 July,
1871; fanner and distiller; she d. E. W. 9 Jnlv,
1876; 2 children.
6. Lathrop. b. 18 Dec, 1801. Fam. 56.
r. Winthrop, b. 7 Feb., 1804. Fam. 57.
8. Luman Simons, b. 19 Sept.. 1800. Fam. .58.
9. Charlotte, b. 24 Aug., 1809; d. E.W. 23 Mch., 1811.
10. Charlotte Augusta, b. 6 Aug.. 1811; m. E. W: 18
Apl., 1833, Uenrv V (s. Hill ,V: lioxana MtGnriory)
Gowdy. b. Enf. 21 Apl.. 18:«; res. Scitico,' Enf.
11. Huldah FidcUa, b. 18 Sept.,'13; d.E.W. 31 Aug., '41.
Fam. 33. Samuel ^ (Samuel,^ Joseph,* So/nivil,' John,* Samuel '), m. (1) 15 June, 1786,
Mary (dau, Moses and Mary Adams) Allen, b. Enf. 3 Feb.. 1767, d. E.W. 21 May,
1823; (2) 12 .Ian., 1824, Azuba (wid. Joseph) Moody, b. -5 Jan., 176-"), and d. E.
W. 27 Xov., 1840; (3) 1,5 July, 1841, Hannah (dau, Darius) Belknap, and wid, of
-f- Jonah Gleason. He res. E. W. near James Harvey Allen's pn-sent place, and d.
11 Oct., 1841. 'Ch. (6. E.W.):
1. Samuel, b. 21 J[ch.. d. 26 Mav, 1787.
2. .Mary. b. 29 Dec. 1788; m. E. W. 21 Dec, 18-21,
Jabe/. (s, David and Anna Prw^,) Phelps, b.
Enf.; she d. E. W. 5 Jlav, 1841; 1 daughter,
3. Samuel, b. a-t Nov., n90". Fa.ii. ,59.
4. Ilarvev, b. 16 Mch., 1794. Fam. 60.
0. Roswell, b. 2 Jan.. 1798. Fa.m. 61.
0. Cynthia, b. 25 Oct., 1800; "m. P.. W. 27 Dec, ISJS,
Levi (s. Levi and Susan FhU) Parsons, b. Enf. -y-^
1794, d. E.W. 29 .Mch., 1S67; she il. E. W. :iO Apl.,
1M4; 3 children.
7. Laura, b. 16 July, 1804; m. E. W. 10 May, 1827,
Horace (s. David and Anna FeaJfe) Phelps, b.
Enf.; she d. Enf. 17 Sept.. 1870; 12 ch.; res. Enf.
Fam. 34. Joshua.'^ (Samuel,^ Joseph,* Samuel," John,' Samuel), m. E. W. 31 Jan.,
1796, Abigail (dau, Samuel and Anne Crane) Bartlett, b. E. W, 17 June, 1772, d.
there 27 July, 1863; hed. E. W. 6 Feb., 1843; fanner. Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. Sophia, b. 21 Jan. 1797: i«. E. W. 17 Apl., 1821,
Selh (s. George and Fanny Cntliiis) Prior, b.
E. W. 24 Nov., 1799; d. there 21 Feb., 1848; ,-he
d. -a Jan., 1873. at E. W.; 4 children.
2. Wvllvs, b. 26 Jan., 1800. Fam. IH.
3. .\lfrcd, b. 22 Aug., 1802. Fam. 63.
4. .Joshua Bartlett. b. 28 Sept, 18W; d. E.W. 2 Sept ,
18417: unmarried.
5. Julia .\bigail, b. M Feb., 1808; m. E. W. -23 Dec,
1828, Jason (s. Ilez. ,!t Ann Umidenl Wells, b. E.
W. 27 Oct.. 1803; d. there 10 Feb., 1870; farmer; 6 ch.
6. Henrv Wells, b. 28 .Mav. 1811. Fam. 64.
Fam. 35. Elam »(5a;na«Z,s Jos»ph,* Samuel,^ John,' &tmuel '), m. E. W. 30 July, 1799,
Martha (dau. Israel and Martha French) Allen, b. E. AV. 18 Nov., 1780, d. there 25
Oct., 1852; he d. E. W. 3 Jan., 18')3; farmer, res. Eiif. and E. W. They were both
in 4th generation from John Allen, killed at Bloody Brook. Ch. (h. Knjidd):
1. Martha, b. 11 Feb., 1800: ni. Enf. a^Oci., ll«l.
AW (s. Abel and Eunice h'imi) Driggs, Jr.,
b. Vimnn. Conn., 6 Oci., 1798; d. lluTe 1.5 .Ian .
18(;9: 2 children.
2. Maronct. b. 9 .\|il., 1»>3; m. Enf. 19 Dec. Win,
William (s. William and Bet.scv !)»//«) Sadd, b.
So.W. 2« .Inlv. ISlW; !.lic d. .So.W. 2.1 .Tune, Hfi.'i;
fanner. So. W.; 5 cliiUlren.
.S. Elam. b. 26 Nov., l«i 1. Fa M. 6.5.
4. Julia Ann, b. 8.Mav. 18i)7: ni. K.W. 28Xov., IS+l,
.lames Irban (s. X'aihanj Terry, b. Enf., d E.
W.; slied. E. W. B Jan.. 1S71: no issue.
5. Miranda, b. 20 Oct.. 1W9; m. E. W. 28 Sept.,
18;il. .Simeon (.s. Simeon and Abigail Cdlins)
Fam. 36. Chester" (Samuel,^ Joseph* Samuel,* John,* Samvel'), m. E. \V. 8 May,
1804, Margaret (dau. David and Mary Terry) Shaw, b. E. W. 10 Oct., 1780; d.
there 10 May, 1843; he d. E. W. 11 Mth., 1849; resided in Enfield until 1816, when
he removed to East Windsor; farmer. Ch.:
Olmstead, b. Enf. 4 Apl.. ISOC; shed. Spring-
field. 2."> Feb., lbi.")2: lie m. (2i Marietta Brown ;
re-s. Hrooklvn, N. Y. ; 5 children bv 1st wife.
0. I^irena. b."2« Sent.. IH12; d. Kiif.'M -Meh., 1K2.5.
7. Homer Davton. b. 2:i Jan., 181."). F.\M. till.
8. Elizabeth Wells. Ii. I« Sept.. IMT; in. E,W. G Apl.,
IRlli. llenrv (s. Joshua * Abigail J<(tr(lill) Allen,
h. E.W.2«"Mav. 1811; d. E.W. 22 Julv. IkhI: .Sch.
9. Henrietta, b.8 Aug.. 18-,0; d. Enf. 21 Jan.. 1821.
10. Henrietta, b. 13 Dec. lKi2: ni. E.W. l:) June, 1SJ7.
Julius F. (s. Simeon and Elizabeth Ihtmhliii)
Bodfish, b. E. W. 18 .Mch.. 1821: d. Rockville,
lonn.,« Sept., 1878; she res. R'kvillc, Conn.: 3ch.
1. Orlando, b. Enf. 13 Feb.. ISO."), Fam. 117.
2. Man- Tern', b. Enf. 4 Feb.. 1809; d. Enf. 23 Apl.,
3. Ralph Willard, b. Enf. 16 Feb.. 1812.
4. Marv Terry, b. Enf. .31 SIch.. 1,sM; in. 20 Nov.,
18:18." Jaiiie.^ Leaiider (s. James and Mary Mihon)
Shepard, b. Trowbridge. Wiltsbire. .Eng.,
18 June, 181:-). and d. E. W. Hi July. 1m;i): she d.
E. W. 15 Mch., 1870: res. at Br. Hrook. /«««.■
1. M(i?-ii Klhdiirlh (Shepard). b. S'bridge, Mass..
14 June. 1840: in. E. W. 19 Jan. 18.i», Daniel
(s. Dan'l and \K\f Fi/ll,i ) Chapin, Jr.
2. Sara/i J/iii'/nrel (Shepaid). b. Soulliblidge,
Ma,ss.. 4 June. 18-12: m. E. W. 8 Aug., 1863,
Ilobart Roya! (s. Ceo.) Wells, b. S. Glas-
tonbury. Conn.. 5 Sept.. 18:19; engineer; rea.
SpriuL'tield. Mass. ; 3 children.
3. JtliiuK Allfi, (Shepaidl. b. E.W. 6Feb., 1841; in.
(li E.W. 1 May. 18«6. Martha Ijiivton (dau.
Pardon & Jeriisha FUtil) Davenport, b.
Arlington, Vt.. 3 Dec, 1846. d. E. W. SO Apl.,
1873: (2) Little- F'ls, X. Y.. -23 Nov. 1875. Sarah
ElizabetlKdan. ('has. Patterson A Lucy SUtU)
Cleveland, b. Jackstmb'gh, NY., li Nov.,
■ 1852; res. Leominster, Mass.
4. Juvc Almiiii (Shepaid), b. E. W. 28 Dec, 184.');
d. E. W. IC. .May, 1852.
5. Oforr/^ Hixfiriji (Shepard). b. E.W. 13 Dec, 1847;
in. Htfd. 20 Apl.. IHT4. Pastoria (dau. .las.
Willis -Mien anil Elizabeth Siiiilh Iliirlbuii)
Prior, b. K. W.; res. Hartford.
6. A/b,rl Kurt (Shepard). b. E. W. 2 July, 1819;
drowned E. W. 4 Oct.. 1809.
7. IM/i/i lli//n((/ (Sheiiard). b. E.W. 9 Dec. 18.-i2;
m. Springtlelil, 4 .\iig.. 1875. Carrie .\lice (dan.
John .\ilemus and Ruth .\iny //ml) Russ, b-
Plainville. Conn., 15 Nov., 1853; he d. Spring-
Held. Mass.
.■5. .Io.«eph. b. E. W. 3 Jnlv, 1818.
«. William, b. E. W. 22 June. 1821.
Fam. 37. JSLbez" {Snwitl,^ J>m/i/i,* Sduniil.^ John,'' SammV), m. 16 July. 1817, Lucy
(dau. Darius and Lucy Ahh n) Markham "f Longmeadow. Mass., b. Enf. 2 July,
1TT7; d. E. "W. 21 Meh., 1842; he d. E. W. 11 June, 1870. To his eager and intel-
ligent interest the compiler of the Allen. Oennilogi/ was grcjitly indebteil for facts
and assistance. He lived in the house now occupied by his son Jabe/. S., and which
was built about 1760, and is still in good preservation. Jabez was of medium
height, well compacted and proportioned, and robust ; with a countenance expressive
of a well-balanced mind, and a manner natural, simple, and courteous. In his own
intimate circle he was eminently social; outside of it he manifested a certain reserve,
proceeding not so much from timidity as from a natural sense of caution ;iiid of
tact in knowing how and when to speak. An hiborii kindness of heart prodiK-id
in him the Irghest form of politeness, which entered into the smallest det;iils of life.
And this kindness was e.Meiided to all dumb animals, and made him ii iH;i(em;iker
among his neighbors and univer.sally respected by all who knew liini; and his friend-
ship, wherever it was l)estowed, was pure, sincere, and inti-Uigeiit. Cheerfulness,
as well as a peculiar vein of humor, lent a beautiful sunshine to his life.
Asa farmer he was observant, thorough, and practical, employing the best
methoils with the best results; and his mechanical genius led him to avail himself
promptly of any improvements for labor in husbandry, or comfort in the ftimily.
lie intioduced thefirst .stove into the town, tind his tinder-box attracted much atten-
tion as a great improvement in its day upon the old way <if getting fire from Hint
and steel. He was especially fond of horticulture, and kept well abreast of all the
world's movements in science, polilics, and religious and moral enterprises, etc. lie
was a model of uprightness and a sincere Christian. His wife was a worthy com-
panion of such a man, and his domestic life was most happy. Ch. (h. E. \V.):
1. Lucy Ann. b. 14 Sept., 1818: ni. E. W. 211 June,
1814, IMilneas Lafayette (s. PliliieaH and Sarah
lUtil) Blodgett, b. E. W. 29 Aug., 1819; den.
1st Cong*] church; rest. K. W.
S. Jnt)c/. Sniimel, b. 10 Nov., 1821.
Fasi. 68.
Fam. 38. H ezekiah " (Hezekiah,^ Joseph,* Samuel,* John,^ Samuel '), m. (1) Middletield,
Mass., 28 Dec, 1802, Azubah (dau. Isaac and Azubali) Gleason of M., b. Enf.,
d. E. W. 6 May, 1808, «. 30; (2) Vernon, Conn., 3 June, IslO, Nancy (dau. John
and Damaiis IIill) Paine and wid. Augustus Russell, b. Vernon. Conn., 31 May,
1780, d. E. W". 20 July, 1843, -x. 63; he d. 11 Jlch.. 1846, x. 68. Ch. (by M wifi):
t'orroctioiis bracketed thus [ ] from Family Record by Mrs. Harriet Allen Collins of Wapping.
1. Hezekiah, b. 27 [21 Feb.. 1804. Faji. 69.
•->. Henrv. b. 4 Sept., IsO.^i; A. E. W. 28 Sept.. 1805.
[Child of Hez., .Jr., d. 7 Oct. 180.5.— S. li.\
3. Isaac CJleason. b. (i .Ian.. 1,S07. Fak. 70.
4. Azubah Gleason, b. 24 A|il.. ISOS; m. (1) E.W., 28
Apl., 1810. Natb'l Perkins (s. .lonas and Deborah
Garlih) Heath, b. Canada, d. Wis. 7 Aug.,
1846. ». 3li; (21 Vernon. Conn., 8 May. 185B,
Thos. Lendrum, b. Ireland; had 2 ch. by
1st hnsb. ; res. Vernon.
By Id wife :
5. ch. d. 24 June. 1812. te. 5 wks.— 5'. B.
6. ch. d. inf. 29 Feb., 1812.— .S. B.
7. Giles, d. 21 .lune, 1828. m. 14 vrs.. E. W.
8. Bvinton Paine, b. 21! |27| Jiilv. 1813. Fam. 71.
9. Edward, b. I .Jan., 1817 (iKls]. Fam. 72.
10. Nancv Paine, b. 27 Meb., 1818 [1819]; m. E. W. 17
Mch.."l842 [18. 18411, Snuiuel Helcher (s. Benj. and
Susan McA'iniifii) Pinney of Ell., b. 5 0et., 1820;
res. Bloouilield, Conn.; 7 children.
11. Asher, b. 19 Oct., 1»22. Fam. 73.
12. Harriet, b, 22 Jan., 182,"); ni. So.W. 13 Sept., 1849,
John .Mden (s. John and Hannah Grant) Col-
lins, b. So. W. 18 Apl., 1821; dea. 2d Cong'l ch..
So. W.; resides Wapping; 5 children.
Fam. 39. J oel ° (ffciekiah,^ JosepJt,* Samuel,^ John,' Samuel '), ni. Lydia (dau. James and
Hannah Miwr) Butler, b. Enf. 21 July, 1T83, d. Springfield, Mass., 12 Aug., 1819;
found dead in woods from heat and fatigue while fighting fire in woods. Ch. :
1. Marv. b. E. W. 25Mch.. 1807; in. Springfield, 19
May, 1831 , James (s. Daniel and Elizabeth Peltmi)
Phelps, b. E. W. 15 .Sept., 1802; d. there 15
Mch., 1866; 3 children.
2. Betsey, b. Spriugtield.
3. Joel, h. S. 11 Dec, 1810— prob. the .Joel who ni.
Harriet (dau. James) Trumbull ; hud(l)Joel
A., res. N. Y. city; is curator of the .Am. Mus.
of Nat. Hist., Central Park. N. Y. citv. (2) Ed-
win, d. inf. (3) Harriet E., m. and res. Sprin<rfieid.
(41 Edgar, and (5) Irving, both res. Sprinsrlield.
4. Ethan Otis. b. Belcbertown, Mass.. 85 Aug., 181.3.
5. Henrv. b. 8. 9 Feb.. ISKl; ni. Enf. 1840. Clarissa
Rarrisdell ; he d. S|.gHd. :ii) June, 1868; had 3
dans., the eld. of whom, Fjd'iia lioxana, b. E.VV.
11 Aug., 184.3; m. 1808, Chas. D. Ufford of
Springfield, Mass.
6. Horace Sorman, b. S. 9 Dec, 1818.
F.\M. 40. Benjamin V{arvBy'' (Len,'^ Ehen'r,^ Eben'r,* John,* John,' SamueP), m.
(1) Lyons, N. Y., 9 Nov., 1832, Temperance (dau. Cornelius and Clarissa Clomon)
Shaw, b. L. 28 Nov., 1810; d. Sodus, N. Y., 1 Mch., 1804; (2) Ogden, N. Y., 31
Dec, 1864, Adriana (dau. Michael and Hannah VniiWa(/onei-) Van Wormer, b.
Arcadia, N. Y., 15 Nov., 1827; farmer, Sodus, N. Y. Ch. (b. Stjthis, N. Y.):
1. Cornelius, b. 15 Aug.. 1833; m. S. 22 .Jan., 1862,
Emilv (dau. Thos. and Emilv PendU) Jenks.
2. James, 1). 18 Mav. 1833.
3. Cordelia .\ini, b. 11 Feb., 1839; m. Benjamin
4. Clarissa, b. 13 Sov..l811; m. Harvey P. Potter.
5. Marvin, b. 2 Sept., 1843; d. 1843.
6. .Joseph, b. 21 Oct., 1814; m. Francis Finley ;
3 sons.
7. Marv E., b. 18 June, 1817; m. Geo. Cooper.
8. Eliza, b. and d. 24 Oct., laiO.
9. George W., b. 23 July, 1854.
Fam. 41. Albert BigelOW '(■/"/(«, ^ E/ien'r,^ Ebcu'r,* John,* John,' Samuel'), m. N.
Y. City 1 Apl., 1861, Julia Hayden (dau. Levi and Sabra Allen) Webster, b. E.
W. 17 Nov., 1838; farmer, res. Windsor, Conn. Ch. (A. If.).-
1. Franklin Albert. | 2. Enthea Isabell, b. and d. in W.
F.\M. 42. Chester ' (ChcMer,^ Ebenr,^ Eben'r,* John,* John,' Sfiwii,!'). m. (1) E. W. 7
Nov., 1847, Sophia E. (dau. Jonathan and Chloe Wudxicorth) Carpenter, b. E.
"W. 4 July, 1824, d. So. Hadley, Mass.; m. (2) in So. H. 13 May, 1807. Jane K. (dau.
Loren and Amelia T. Ptirmns) Buckland, b. 7 Mch., 1842; res. Simsbury.
Ch.{hy M infe)b. Ell.:
1. Delberl H.,b. 231)cc.,1818; d. Ell., .30 Nov., 1863.
a. Lillian S., b. 14 Jan., laM; m. 1874, Almon N.
Keeney of New Britain, Conn.
3. William M., b. II Sept.. 18'i7.
4. Warren K.. b. II .May, 18U1; d. 4 Dec, 1863.
By 2d wife (b. Simfthvry.):
5. Cora l4.. b. 4 Sept., 1869.
6. Klla J.. 1). 2 Mch.. 1872; d. 20 June, 1872.
7. Ida M., b. 2> Mch.. 1874.
F.\M. 43. H\ra.m' (Choiter,' Eben'i;^ Eben'r,'^ John,* John ,' ,SfW««cZ '), m. Ell. 24 Mch.,
18.")9, Ann W. (dau. Anthony and Mary Fletrher) White, b. Berkshire, Vt.; lied.
Ell. 14 Apl., 1870; farmer. Ch. (k Ell.):
1. Ernest Herbert, b. 19 .Mch.. 18IM; d. 10 Oct., 1867. | 2. Lilla May, b. 4 May, 1860.
Fam. 44. Israel Edwa.rd'' (.^'lacl,' Israel,^ Eben'r,* John,* John,' Snriniel'), m. Jlan-
chester. Conn., 1 Jan., 1829, Paidina (dau. Stephen and Patty Jitcd) Cowles, b. E.
H. 23 July, 1802, d. Htfd. 7 May, 1874; he d. E. W. 1 Mch., 1868; res. Windsorville,
E. W.; farmer. Ch. (b. E.W.):
1. I»rad Henry, b. 24 Apl., ISM. Fam. 7J. | Mav, 1867, George S. (k. .loseph and Mcrc.v CTiurrA)
a. I'erlina Cornelia. 1). 2,-> Dec., 18)2; ni. E. W. 10 CibbS of W. Ilartland. lonn., b. Colehrook,
Oct., law. licuben Barber («. Cllarlei' and Cllliic ' Conn., 18 Jan.. 18)6: i*he d. Cheneyville. lonn.. Hi
««</(/) Clark of K.W.. b. So.W. 2,S .Mch.. 1830, .Meh.. 1810. lie served in I'-'d -Mn...s. Vol. rej;'! in
d. E.W. al Oet., 1800: res. Wsorville. E.W.: 4 <h. ' War of Civil Uebellion: rep. Wiiidsorville, Conn.
8. Ijuhroj) Winthrop, b. 11 June. 18).-.. Fam. 75. I 5. C'llarles Wesley, b. Feb.. 1812; d. E.W. June. 1&)2.
4. Charlotte Celestia. b. 7 Ang., ISO; ni. E. W., 28 | 6. Wesley Edwards, b. Meh., 1844: d. E.W. Oct.,'+4.
F.\M. 4.5. Horace" ('/.nrh.," Zach.,^ Siimiiel* Sidiiiiel,' John,'' S<imii(V), m. 1 Meh., 1829,
Lucimla Hollister of Tolland, Coiiii.. who d. E. W. Oct. 26, 186r), k. 63. He d.
E. W. 15 Oct., 1838, ic. 40. She m. (2) K. W. 19 Apl., 1840. Elijah Meacham
of T. Ch. (I>. E. ir.).-
1. Horace Barber, b. 18 .Jan., 18'!0. Fasi. 711. ] 2. Sidney Hubbard, b. Aug. 12, 18*3; res.E.H.; um"d.
F.\M. 40. Roderick' (Zm-h.,'' Zuc/i.,^ .Stimuli* Stimml,' John,'' SnwneV), m. A/iiba
Cooper, and d. Euf. 5 Meh., ISoT. Ch. {/>. E. W.) :
1. Win. Waterman, ni. 17 Nov., 18.'!!l, Caroline (dan. 1 :). Caroline, in., Enf.. 10 Nov.. IKIO. Edwin (s. Philip .
David and Maria MiiHih) Robinson, b. E. and Caroline fr;w)i) Parsons ; b. Enf., 10 Oct.™/
W. and d. Enf.; no issue. 1818; res. B. B.; blacksmith. r
2. Roderick Ellsworth, um'd; butcher. I
Fam. 47. James' {Jkuj.,' Josepli,^ Jumph* f^uniiid,' .John,'' SatnuiV), m. Enf. 17
Dec., 1821, Anne (dau. Jonah and Hannah BMitap) C\eason of Euf.; lie d. E.
W. Ch. (h. E. W.) :
4. Thcrcsji, d. E. W.
5. Wni., d. E. W., 3 Sept., 1824, ie. 21 mos.
«. Wni. Win.
7. Harlow.
1. Julia .\ini.n». MarcusC. Farnham, at Wind-
sor, Conn.. 18')7; sbr d. (^iiinry. 111.
2. Adaline, m. Wui. Whipple ; res. Califontia.
8. lanthia, d. E. W., 10 Fed.. l.s;it;. ir. 10 yrs.
F.\M. 48. Isaac' {lii-nj.," Joseph,^ .Tmeph,* Samuel,' John,'' Samuel '). ni. Mary Prud-
den of Wetherstield. who d. Htfd. 22 July, 1844. He d. E. AV. 18 Nov., 1820;
blacksmith at B. B. Ch. (h. E. W.):
1. Henry Pruddcn.b. O.Vng., 1819; d. Mexico, June ] in Wetherstield ;,? ch. .
24. I8Cr. I 3. Benjamin Thompson, 1). 13 Oct., 1825; d. E. W. 3
2. .\nn Eliza, b. 10 .\pl.. 1822; in. a Bailey ; res. 1 Jan.. 1827.
F.\.M. 49. William Burnham' {Jiuj..' Josijih,^ Ju.^'j/h,* Samuel.' John,' Stimuil'),
m., Somers, Conn., 7 Jan., 183.5, Sophronia (dau. Seth and Lavinia Pai-sonn) Hall,
h. 23 Jan., 1813. He d. Springfield, 5Ia.ss., 14 Sept., 1874; res. S. Ch. :
1. Sophronia Hall. b. Enf., 1 Jan.. d. 11 .\ug., 1847. I 1850.
a. , dau., b. (Enf.) end d. 12 Sept.. 1818. 4. Cass Franklin, b. Longmcadow, Ma.ss.. 10 Aug.,
3. Eunice Lavinia, b. l':nf., 4 .Inly, and d. a9.\ug., | IS.W.
Fam. 50. Daniel Barrett' (Dnniil,' JCmih,^ Jo«,jih,* Samuel,' John," Samuel'), in.
Enf. 7 Jlay, 1833, Maria (dau. Christopher Helms and Hannah Orimrold) Terry
of Enf.; b. 1 Jan., 1810 ; lumber mcht., Peltisville, Ohio. Ch. :
1. Mabel Maria, b. E. W. 20 Meh., 1834; ni. in
Ohio, IS.'iO, Kobert Henry Hosford ; ree. Xor-
walk. O. : 7 children.
2. Elizalieih Hannah, b. Peru. ().. 0 July. 18:W.
3. .\inelia Hiineroft. b. Peru. (I.. 211 Nov.. Is3'.).
4. Loretla Wells, b. Hiil^'ellild. (I..28 May. 1842;
m. Joseiih n. Kine, 1827; res. Peltisyille, o.
5. Mary Fidelia, b. K 'iTt Meh.. 1815: d. I'., 1871.
6. Harriet (Jraiiger, b. H. 17 Aug., 1848; d. II, 8
Oct., 1818.
7. Julia .\ugusta, b. Monroeyille.fi., 2:) .Ian., 1851;
d. P.. I8;-0.
F.txi. 51. Harvey Bancroft' (/></"!>/,* Aw//*,' ^^w///','' .'\iinuel,^Jvhn,'SamueP),m.
E. "W. 24 Nov., 183G, M:iiilla (dau. Seth and Jlary BinciofI) Stowell, b New
Berlin, N. Y., 5 Dec., 1806. He d. E. W. 17 May, 1851; farmer. Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. Daniel Harvey, b. 12 Sept.. 18.37; d. E. W., 22
Feb., 184-1.
2. Seih Siowell, b. 21 July, 18:W; ni., Norfolk,
.Mass.. IKKI, Charloiie E" Morgan of Hyde
Park. Mass.; res. in E. W.
8. Daniel Harvey, b. 13 Aj)l., 1(M5; m. E. W., 17
Apl.. 1870, Elizabelb .\tanon (dau. John and Ijiiira
a«ik) Beasley of Ell.; b. 9 Apl.. l.s^W; fanner,
K. W.; no issue.
4. Barrett, b. « May, 18-19.
Fam. 52. Nathaniel' {yalh'l,'- Jhicid,^ JoMph,* Samuel," John,'' SaunieU), ni. E. W.
16 Feb., 1.H(I2. .Martha (dau. Abner and Rachel P/«7/«.) Blodget of E. W.; h. 18
Oct., 1775; d. Ainlier.st, Mass., 26 Nov., 1860. He d. E. \V. (! O.I., 1811; farmer
and miller; res. Broad Brook. Ch. {b. E. \V.) :
1. .lolm. b. II del.. 1SII2; d. E. W.. 11 Oct., 1803.
2. Sabra, b. 15 Dec , IHIM; ni. IB Meh.. 1S23, John
c. Jones of Wilbrahain, Slnse., where she d,
21 Meh., 1847.
3. -Mary Jones, b. 11 Meh., 1807; ree. Amherst,
Jtass. ; um'd.
4. .Nathaniel. 1.. 31 May. 1809.
5. Martha Louisa, b. 30 Nov.. 1811; in. 30 Nov.,
1K.31, Jacob Thayer of A., wher« she d. IS Jan..
Fam. 53. Luke' (Lnke,' Datrid,^ Joseph * Samuel,' John,'' Samuel^), m. Longmeadow,
Mass., 14 Sept., 1824, Mehitable (dau. Oliver and MehitaWe Keep) Dwight, b. L.,
15 Jan., 1798, and d. E. W. Feb., 1875. He d. E. W. 1 June, 18(i6; fanner. (!h.
(h. E. W.) :
1. Luke Dwight, h. 28 Sept.. 18a,i. Fam. IT.
2. Jnine.'i Monriie, I). 22 Dec, 1820; unnuir'd; deaf
and dumb.
3. J'raiiris, 1). 15 Mav. 1K2S. Fam. 78.
4. Mary Mehitable, i>. 17 Nov.. 1S2H: in. E. W. 21
Nov., ia")8, Wrn. Henry (s. Jeremiah) Weeks.
Botli deaf fiiul duml). and teachers in ^Vjn. .\HyIuni
for I), and D.. Hartford, C'onn.
i. I'nis Maria, b. 15 Nov., 1831; m. E. W. 2 Sept.,
1S57. ?;ieazer James (s. Eleazcr and Kaclicl I/arris)
Avery ; res. Sullield.
I. Mar-^aret, h. Hi .Vov., 1834; d. E.W. 12 Jan., 1838.
. ^lariraret. tj. 2 Jan., 183(i; nnin'd; deaf and dumb.
F.\M. 54. Abram ' {Luke,'^ Darid,^ Joseph,^ Sdtitnel,' John,'' Siimuer), m. Ell., 23 Oct.,
1822, Cbloc(dau. Calvin and Betsey McKinnen) McCray, b. Ell. 14 May, 1797;
d. Enf. 22 Nov., 1849; lie d. Enf. 2 Feb., 18G5; farmer. Child {h. Enfield):
1. William Henry, b. Sept. 9, 1825. FaM. 70.
Fam. 55. Solomon' (Solomon,'^ Dtnid,' Joseph,* Samuel,^ John,J SamiieU). in. pjnf.,31
May, 1820, Huliania (dau. Simeon and iMaliel Allen) Pease, b. Enf. 17 Feb., 1799,
and d. E.W. 17 Dec., 1873; he d. E.W. 16 Feb., 1839; farmer, E.W. Ch. (b. E. It').-
1. Samantha Dorothy, m. E.W. 2" Jan., 1^1. Otis
Pinnev (s. .Sam'l and I.vdia Piimn/) Bartlett,
h. E.\V. 2.5 Sept., 1815, where he d. 24 Xov.. 18.5().
2. Hiram .Marshall. Fam. 80.
1. Martha Ann, b. 6 Aug.. 1827; lu. Ell. 2 Nov., 1851,
tieo. Austin (s. Buel aiul Wealthy MerricJ;) Nye
of Sprinstield; res. Broad Brook, E. W.
Fam. 56. Lathrop ' (Suhmon.^ Daeid,^ Joseph,* Samuel,^ Johi,," S,iii,iiel '), m. Enf., 22
Apl., 1824, SopUronia (dau. David and Polly CW/«m'W) Thompson, b. Ell. 12 Oct.,
1804; he d. Enf. 25 July, 1870; farmer, Enf. Children:
1. Leverett Erwin, b. E. W. 4 Jan., 1825: d. Enf.
10 Aug.. 1829.
2. Frederic Randolph, b. E. W. 28 Dec.
there 29 Sept., 1827.
3. Lathrop Edcar. b. Enf. 28 Feb., 1829
9 Sept.. 1811.
4. George Gilbert, b. Enf. 23 Dec.. IKiO.
5. Bernard Barton, b. Enf. 20 Feb., 1833
29 Sept., 1!M1.
1.S2I;; d.
d. there
Fam. 81.
d. there
C. Jnlia Koxana, b. Enf. 22 July. 18;J«: in. Enf. 9
.Vpl.. ls.")7. .\ndre\v luhvard (s. Loren and Betsey
,l/(. »■*««<) Go wdy of Enf., b. Enf. 28 Apl., 1830';
res, Scitici*. Enf.: 2 cliildi-en.
7. Frederic Erwin, b. Enf. 29 Nov., 1838; m. 1865
Didcena R. Johnson, who d. Enf. 4 June, 1872;
farmer, res. Enfield; 4 children.
8. Sauniel Thompson, b. Enf. (i Nov.. 1840; d. there
9 Aug., 1841.
Fam. 57. 'WxnthrO'p'' (Solomon,'^ Dm-id,' Joseph,* Samuel,^ John", S/iinuel'^), m. (l)Enf.
5 Apl., 1832, Delinda (dau. HilKt Roxaua McdrenoriD Gowdy, b. Enf. 5 Mcli., 1813
d. E.W. 4 Jiin., 1S46; (2) E.W. 5 July, 1848, Mary Ann (dau. Col. Wm. and Tamar
//«?toO Thompson, b. E.W. 2 Feb., 1805; he d. E.W. 11 Apl., 1880; farmer,
res. Melro.se, E. W. Ch. (h. E. IF.) all hy 1st irife :
1. Charlotte Roselle, b. 2;J Jan., 18:M; m. E. W. 14
Apl.. 1858. t'harles {s. Calvin and Lucy Smith)
Stevens, of Oaklawu, Mass.; res, W. Spring-
field. JIass.
2. Ann Eliza, b. 24 Feb.. 1836; m. E. W. 2 Oct.,
IKIiO. Luther llamillon (s. Lnther aiul Iluldah
iramitloii) Grant of Bath. N.H.; res, B.B.; 5 ch.
3. Solomon Hiil. b. 1 Apl., 18;)8; m E. W. 10 Aug.,
1862, Abalena How (dau. (ieo. & Elizab'h Tliomn-
m>i\ Beebe of Sonlhwick. Mass. He was corp'l
in Itith Conn. Vols.; killed at .\ntietam; farmer,
res. E. W.; no issue.
4. Ellen Fidelia, b. 29 Dec. 1,810: d. E.W. 20 Nov., -46.
5. Marcus, b. 5 Oct., 1845; d. E. W. 20 Dec, IWo.
Fam. .58. Luman Simons' (Sotomon,' Dand,^ Joseph,* Samuel,' John,' Samuel'), m.
Somers, Conn., 16 Jan., 1834, Ethalinda Lidora (dau. Valerus and Euni-e Cuahman)
Kibbe of Ell., b. 17 Nov., 1811, and d. B. W. July, 1879; ho d. E.W. 5 Apl.,
1879; was raeni. Conn. Ho. Rep, 1859-60; farmer, res. Melrose, Ell. Ch. (b. K. W.):
1. Ethalinda Lidora, b. 25 Oct.. 1834.
2. Emily Louisa, b. 29 .\pl., 1S.3«; in. E.W. 3 Dec.
1862, Charles Buell (s. Ilorace and Nancy Dfibvy
Sikes of Somers. I'onn., b. S. 1 Jiily. 1833:
res. Ellington: 4 children.
3. .Amelia .\nii. b. m Sept.. 1837; m. E. W. 27
June. 1862. Lorenzo (s. Truman & Elizabeth Fish)
Risley ; l child.
4. Oeorgiana, 1). 1 Jan., ISiO: d. E.W. 10 Oct., 1808.
5. Delia Kibbe, b 14 .Inne, 1847.
6. I.uiiian Simons, b. 12 Nov.. 18.V3: unmarried.
7. Lizzie Sophia, b. 24 Apl., 1854: d. E.W. 21 .Mch.,'37.
Fa,m. 59. Samuel '(5«7n»rf,« Stmiuel,^ Joseph,* Stiinuel,^ John,' Soiniiel'), m. E. W., 3
Nov., 1818, Jane (dau. Luke and Vcggy Wullace) Allen, b. E.W. 29 Aug., 1793, d.
E. W.; he d. E. W. 10 Nov., 1836; farmer; res. E. W. Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. David Saimiel. b. 10 Aug.. 1820. Fam. 82.
2. Caroline , lane, b. 1 Feb.. 182:): m. E.W. 1 Sept..
18-lti. Ralph (s, .-ibner and Hannah HootlO
Blodget, b. E.W. 30 Oct., 1811; d. there 24
.Jan., 1862: no issue.
3. George Washington, b. 5 Jan., 1827. Fam. 84.
Fa.m. 60. Harvey '''{Samuel,' -Samuel,^ Joseph,* Samuel,' John,' Samuel'), m. Enf. 20
Mch., 1815, Mary (dau. Capt. Benj. and Lydia Bement) Parsons, b. Enf. 3
Sept., 179"), and d. E. W. 5 Feb., 1885. He d. E. W. 4 Sept., 1865; lame from
age of 16 yrs.; farmer. Ch. {b. Knf.) :
1 Marv Maria, b. 3 Mch.. 1816: m. 3 Mih. Ora
BiiiItT (s. Ora aiwi Wealthy OowiJi/) Kibbe,
li. E. W. 25 Nov., 1813: 4 cli.
•i. .JaiiK-s Ha^^■ey, b, 15 Mill., 1818. Fam.
Fam. 61. Roswell' (Sdmuel," Samuel,^ Jonep/i* Sainiifl,' John,* SamiieV), m. Eiif. 4
Apl., 1823, Beiiliih (dau. Ebenezer and Beulali P(yise) Chapin, b. Enf. 13 Oct.,
1796, and d. Belchertown, Mass., 16 May, 1877. He died I?. 28 Apl., 1868; farmer
at B. Ch. :
1. Unswill Hall, b. Wilbraham, Masa., 19 Mch.,
lft>4; 111. (1) Sarah C. Hyde, 18B. who d. 1H61:
(S) Mclimla Shaw, IStil: famicT; res. Pres-
eolt. ^Ia,«s.; 7 ch.
S. Pcrsis Chapin, b. 9 Mch., 1I4»; d. Prcscolt,
Mass., 18 .Tulv. IKW.
;). Saniml. h. I'rescntt, 14 Aug., 1838: m. Loiiii^
I). Sherman ; fanner; res. Belchertown,
Mass.: 4 th.
4. UculahCDrnelia. b. Pres.. 11 .\pl.. 1829: in. (I)
185:i, Luke Perry, who d. 1867; (2) 1875,
Fam. 62. Wyllys' (Jimnfi,^ Samuel,^ JoKeph* Siimiiel* John,'' Siimiid'), in. Enf. 6
May. 182H, Charity (dan. Tiino. and Charity Clai-/,-) Abbe, b. Enf. 1808. Hi- d.
Enf. 22 Sept., 1837. Slie m. (2) 5 Jan., 1842, Levi Hayes. Ch. (h. Enf.):
Mward Cole ; res. B.
5. Diantha. b. P.. 99 Auk.. IS.33: m. 1850, Lyman
Bridgman of Belchertown: 5ch.
(i. (JiHirL'e. b. p.. 16 Feb.. !««: d. I8.-)7: itm'd.
7. .VllKTt Klieiiezer. b. P.. 47 Feb.. 1839: m. Emcrett
Shumway ; fanner: re.s. Lon^nieadow. Mass.;
served in :17 Mass. Vol. lU-a.
8. (;iiv Ihaiiin. I). P.. 27 Apl.. IMl); in. ISta, Mary
Eineline Welch ; farmer; re*. Kelchcrlown,
Mass.; 4 cli.
2. AllK-rl Wvllvs, b. .s .Ian.. 1SJ3; ni. Ell. 21 Jan.,
18S7, ElizaWh P. Flint of Ell.; 4 ch.
1. Elizabeth Julia, b. 17 May. ISSll: m. Enf. 26
Nov., 1846, Lyman II. Clark ; res. Easthanip-
ton, .Mass.; 4<;h.
Fam. 63. Alfred' (./".tiuh," Samuel,^ Joseph,* Sam i/d,' John,^ Samuel'), ni. E. W. 17
Apl., 1834, Henrietta (dan. Col. Wm. and Tainar Ifolton) Thompson, b. E. W.
15 Dec, 1806, anil d. E. W. 21 Dec, 1885. He d. E. W. o.lan.. iss:!. Ch. (h. E. W.):
1. Ileiivv Tlioiupsun. b. 4 Feb.. 1S:S5. Fam. 8ii.
2. Sarali Maria, b. 22 Mch.. 1837: m. E. W. II)
Feb.. IS-'ig. Henry Kujiples (s. Daniel Terry and
Maria .Sni/rf) Chapin, b. Enf.; res. llazaiil-
ville. Enf. : 3 cli.
3. Harriet Sophia, 1). 29 Mch., 1839; d. E. \V. 12
Nov., 1842.
4. Aliigail Bartletl, b. 23 May, 1841; in. Ell. 25
Apl., 18i;5, Wilbur Fisk (s. f'onverse and Jerii-
slia .VcKinahl) Chapman of Ell.; farmer;
n-s. Ell.; she d. 23 Sept.. 1884: 2 ch.
5. Samuel Jnshu;i. b. ISJiilv, 1813; iii. Soiiiei-.-*,t'onii..
12 Dec.. 1872. Frances .\ii;.'usta (dan. Cvril Walker
and Sarah B(<v/> SextOn, b. S. i:i .May. 1850;
farmer: res. Melrose, E. W. ItiKiie {\} itattti, b.
E. W.
li. Harriet Sophia, b. 4 .\usr.. 1816: m. E. W. 22
Feb.. l^il'iS. .loliii ts. Tliiinias anil Susan Lawmii)
Middleton, b. Ireland. 1812: n-.s. Enf.:2ch.
7. Henrietta Tlnniips..ii. li. 21 Del. 1H49; d. E. W.
21 Nov., 1*19.
Fa.\i. 64. Henry Wells" {Jo-vah ,' Samuel.^ Josepli,* SiiiiiUil,'' John,- .S(//(i///'), in. E.
W. fiApl., 1S30. Elizabeth Wells (dan. Elam and Martha .l//./() Allen, b. Enf.
18 Sept., 1817; ineinb. Conn Ho. Rep. 1X50, and held various town offices; farmer;
res. E. W.; d. 22 July, 1881. Ch. (I,. E. 11'.).-
1 . Marietta Abigail, b. 28 May, 1837; il. there 6 De<;.,
2. Henry Wells, b. 21 Oct., 1841. Fam. 87.
3. Frolerick Joshua, b. 12 .May, 1845. Fam. 88.
Fam. Go. Elam' {Elam,' Stimiiel,^ Joseph,* Snmiil,' John," .'^'imnil'), m. Enf. 30
Apl.. 1829. Marinda (dau. Simeon and Abigail Collins) Olmstead, b. Enf.; he d.
Enf. 20 Dec, 1849; farmer. Ch. (I>. Enf.):
1. Elam Olcoit. b. 28 Feb., 1830: in. (1) Sarah E.
Alden, who d. ISi'iO: (2) Clarrisa M. Cha-
pin ; ri-s. Vernon, t.'onn.: 4 ch.. b. Enf.
2. Emily .Miranda, h. 4 Feb., ISK: in. (1) Enf. 3
Jan.. "I8"j0..\sher (s. Hez. and Naucv Pain* ) Al-
len, b. E. W. 19 Oct., IS22. and d. tlieie II
Jan.. 1861; (2) Enf. 15 Apl.. 187."i. Wolcott
(s. Levi and Dorcas \\'nlaill\ Abbe, b. Euf.
14 Apt. Isll: farmer and mcht. ; she res. Enf.;
3 cli. bv ilrst husband.
3. Sinicoii Olmstead. b. 20 .\iil'.. 18.31; d. Euf.
Fam. 66. Homer Dayton" {EUim,' Siwnel,'' Jim'ph,* Samuel,^ ./"/(«,' Samuel'),
m. (1) S. W. 24 Sept., 1844. Lucv (d. John and Hep/.ibah Sol,l) Stoughton, b.
So. W. 13 Sept., 1824; d. E. W.'l9 Nov., 1860; lie m. (2) Ell. 21 Die, istil, Kljeu
(dan. Chas. Kellogg and Elnora .'<loiii/hton) Belknap, b. Ell. 24 July, 1828;
farmer; has held various town cilices. Ch. {I/. /•.'. U'.). by 1st wife;
13 M»v, 1836.
4. Simeon Olinslead lUei.i. !• -.'i llii.. 1h:)T: ■.-rad.
V. <■.. ISir,; III, 1 July. InTs. Je-sie (iliu. .las. r.
and Lydia J. .^uiifft) Goodsell, b. Puniiac.
Mieti.."nt Feb., 1849; 1 ch. ; be isaCon^. cler:;vinaii
at P.
5. Myron Dayton, b. 1 May, 1843; ni. Ellf. 1 Jan.,
ISW. Emily Mary (dau. Xalh"! and Marv h'hir/)
Prior, b. Enf. 1 Jiilv. 18-13; no. ch.; res. Spring-
Held. .Ma.ss.
1. , inf. s., 25 Oct., 1.816; d. E. W. 27. 1846.
2. Homer StouKhion. b. 15 Julv. 1819: ni. E. W.
17 May. 1871, Adeline < 'liaiii|ilin (dau. Sliubel F".
and F'anny Oiimftl'/) Bartlett, b Lvliie.
tonn., 27 Mch.. 1846: farmer; res. E. W. /»■«<
(*. £. 11'.), (1) Lucy Elinor, b. 7 June, 1872; (2)
Jennie Pcrkin,B b. 4 Sept., 1876.
.3. Lmv Eliza, b. 14 Apl.. 18.')1; d. E. W. 22 Sept..
(«V?<' irfrV) •
4. Isabella Ellen, b. 11 Apl.. 186.3.
.I. Elizabeth Lucv, b, 3 Apl,. 18lifi.
6. , s. b. Jan. 10, 1869; d. E. W.. Jan. 21, 1869.
F\.M. 117. Orlando" {C/ifKter," .Samuel, ^ Jim/ih,* Sdmncl,' .Mm,' SamueV), m. Jlaii-
cliester, C'liiiii.. 13 May, 1841, Eliuina (dan. .John and .Iidia Bryant) Slate, b. M.,
2 May, 1813. and d. K. W. 39 Nov., 1884. He d. E. W. 19 Oct., 1873; farmer;
Ch. (A. K. W.) :
1. Lvdia Brvailt. b. 'ii May, lt»U: m. K. \V. 10 | •'!. .Iiiliii Frances.!). 5 Apl.. IKW: m. New Britain,
\|)1 1S79. Henrv Thompson (s. .\lfred ami Hen- Conn.. 2« Mcli.. MTi. .\lileii .losiali (s. .\11>1. Moses
rietla Tliomnsm) Allen, 1>. E. W. 1 Feb.. anil Emily S. Elhimilli) Allen, b. E. \V. 27
1^. Dec., 1S50; res. Norwich, ('onn. Isxiii (1) .\lbert
2. Gilbert Willinr, b. ao.Jnne, 1816; farmer, E.W.; Orlando (.-Mien), h. N. B Aug., 1876.
F\M. IIS. Jabez Samuel ' (.Jalm.^ Sammi,'' .I'mp/i ,* SanDit/,' ./o/i?i,' Sliiuid'), m. E.
\V. 1 .May, 1N44. Ann Ed,son (dau. .Jo.seph Trumbull and Mary Hairku) Hayden,
b. Windsor, .■> Sept., 1823; incm. Conn. lis. Hep. 18')4, 1870, 1871, and held various
town offices; res. E. W. on old Joseph Allen place. C/i. (A. K W.):
1. Charles Ilavden, b. 16 Feb.. 1S4.5; d. Arizona. Emil.v France." .4//«h) Parsons, b. Enf.,SH Feb.,
14 Dee 18i>5 1857; he is a clerk in Arizona. Jg^e:
2. Ann Olivia, b. SO.Tan.. 1,847; d. E.W. 21 .Ian.. IS52. 1. Manj Emilij. b. Htfd., Conu.. 17 Oct., 1881; d.
3. .Jabez Samuel, b. 10 Sep!.. laVJ; farmer, res. E.\\'. Ihere li Sept.. 1882.
4 Mary, b 10 Mch., 18.>4; d. E.W. 29 Feb., 1S(H. 2. Churle>i Plini/, b. Htfd. 18 Apl.. 1883.
.■i. .lose'pb Trumbull, b. 10 May. 1857: m. Enf. IS fi. Lafa.vette Blodgett. b. 3 May. 1861: d. E. W. 18
Dec, 1878. Harriet ?;mily (dau. Pliny BaniarU and Nov., 1871.-
Fam. 69. Hezekiah' {Ilezekiah,^ llcz<kiah.° ./(m/ih,* iSfimad,^ .John," SaiiiiicV), m.
Providence. U. I., 9 Oct., 1834, Emeline Abbe [Fain. life, referred to, p. 29, says
Elvira Chase], d. at Providence, R. I. Ch. {h. Pmcidence, R. I.):
1. Elvira E., b. 31 .Jan.. 1837. I 2. Hezekiab. b. 11 Sept., 1838. \ i. Emily H., b. 4.1an., 1841.
F.\M. 70. Isaac G\ea.SOn'' {Ili'zektii/i,'' Hesekiafi,^ JosepJi.,* Samiiel,^ Jo?in.^ S(i7m(eV), m.
E.W. 30 Oct., 1831, [1833— £•. W. /?»•.] Sabra (dau. John McKnight and Sabra Allen)
Thompson, h. E. W. 3 Mch., 1S07; mclit. and farmer; he d. 34 Au.s., 1886; res.
and d. in Hartford. CMlcInn:
1. Emilv (Jlea.son. b. E.W. 12.June. 183:J: d. E.ll. | 2. Emnm Gleason, b. Htfd. 24 .July. 1842.
12 Oct., fSepl. E.iy.\. 1S:«. [
Fam. 71. Brinton Paine ' (^*2<'^''''.' Hczek'h,^ .Lmph,* Sftmuel,'' .hihn,'- .SamneV), m.
W. Springfield, l-"> Feb.. 1838 [1836 ?], Ann Elizabeth (dau. .Ioset)h W. and Pamelia
liecktrith) Turpin of Providence, R. I. [\V. Springfield], b. 1819; he d. Long-
meadow, Mass., 21 Apl., 1879; fanner. Children:
1. Sarah Elizab,-th. b. W. S. 26 .Ian.. 1840: ni. L. 3. Genrge Wheatou. b. E.W. 22 .July. 1845: m. I,. 17
13 .July. 1S0.'>, Seth (s. Seth and Charlotte S. B«/- , Mch.. 1871. Ella Field.
ler) T'alcott, b. W. Htfd. 4 Nov.. 1811; res. ; 4. Charli's Salisbury, b. E. W. 22 Oct., 1847.
Hartford; 3 children. I 5. Freddie Brinton, b. Htfd. 4 .Jan.. 1854: d. Hart-
2. Albert Brinton. b. E. W. 20 Oct., I&41; d. E.W. ford, Dec, 18,58.
4 Oct.. 1844. ' 6. Frank Brinton, b. Hartford, 12 Dec. 18511.
Fam. 73. Edvjard' Ulezekiah,' IIezikiah,^,I<mph,' Samuel^* .Tohn,'' Samuel'), m. (1) W.
Iltfil. 1(1 :\Iay I Apl. Fam. Bee], 1847, Elvira (dau. Roswell and Savilla (Jleamn)
Hurlbut, b. 1826. il. !.■) May, 186.T; (2) Southington, Conn., 14 Sept., 1868, Louisa
E. (dau. Chester) Stlllman, who d. 8 Feb., 1871; druggist, Htfd; lie d. 11 Mch.,
\mo\Fam. i?/r.]. Ch. {hi/ M wife):
1. Sabelia Elvira, b. Htfd. 26 .June, 1818; [m. Seth .Jan.. 1873.
Kinj» of Htfd., rem. to Chicago]. 5. Minnie Nancy, b. Faribault. .Miim.. II .Imie. 18511:
2. Henry Hezekiab. b. :W May. lasi; d. Htfd. 1 , d. 15 Oct.. 1872.
.Iime.1851. " C. Carrie Cornelia. 1). F. 20 .\iig.. 1861: d. 1 Apl.. 1865.
:j. Jidwaril. b. Htfd.9 Aug.,18.W:d.there5Mav. l^Vl. I Bij S'l wife:
4. Louise Hurlbnt. b. 20 .June. ia56: d. Htfd. 19 1 7. Hatlie'. b. Htfd., 24 Oct., 18(i9.
Pam. 73. /Kshsr '' (Ilezekiah,' Hezrkiah,^ Joxeph,* Sumiui,^ .fohn^ Samutl '), m. Enf. 3
.Ian., 18.')0, Emily Miranda (dau. Elam and Mininda ()lm.item1) Allen, b. Enf. 4 Feb..
1832; he d. E. \V. 11 .];in., 1861; farmer, E. W. and Enf.; wid. ni. (3) Wokott Abbe
of Enf., 1877. Ch. (h. E. W.):
1. , s. b. and d. 30 May. lavi. I Alli-n) Patten, b. Enf. 31 .Ian..ia')5: ci\il engi
2. Einilv Adelle. b. 2:1 Sept., 1858: m. Enf. 9 Mch., neer, res. Cheyeime, Wyoming.
1882. ileury Benjamin (s. Horace anil Mary .lane | .1. .\»her, b. 26 Feb., 1861"; rem. to Bar Harbor. .Me.
Fam. 74. Israel Henry' (hrael E.,' hrml," Israel,^ Eluii'r,* .Jnhi,;' .lahn,'' .SomiieP),
va. Monsoii, Mass., Nov., 186.5, Frances (dau. .John) Underwood of M., who d.
Vol. II.— 4
So. Wilbraliam, Mass., 17Nov., 1H71; liu d. E. W. 10 Sept., 1869; farmer, Wind-
sorviUc, E. W. Ch. {!>. R. W.):
I. U.nrv .Iiidsou. b. 03 Jan.. 1867. I a. Edilh Gertrude, b. •» Mili,, IWiO: d. E.W. 4 Apl., 1869,
F.V.M. ?.■>. Winthrop Lathrop" (/s/-7J5:.,'/«r'«,«/«-7,' .£*««';■,*./«/,/,,',/<'//«,' -So/«7'),
111. 11 Mch., lSo8, Lal'ay Ann (dau. Eli and Laura Bmklaml) Hamilton of Ell., b.
So. W. 3 Oct., 1834; farmer and joiner; res. Windsorville, E. W. Oh. (b. E. W.):
1. .lemiii- L«ura. b. 11 Keb., 1801; d. E. W.. 10 Feb., 18fi8.
Keli., 186(i. 1 5. Murtlia Edna, b. IR Xov.. IStiV; d. E. W. 28 Aug..
2. Willaiil Ilenn, b. l.") Mill., 18C.3. 1808.
;). Kloniice Edith, b. 9 Mill., 18t«. 6. Frederick Hamilton, b. 26 Sept.. 18U9.
■I. Man Eniina, li. 18 Nov. 1867; (1. E. W., l.S | 7. Albert Winlhrop, b. 22 Aug., 187.'i.
Fam. 70. Horace Barber" (Il'mm,' Zieh.,' Z<ii-/i.,^ Sdiimel* Samwl,*Jo/iit,' Sm,-
(id'), m. (1) Eliza luistwnn of Amherst, Mass., who d. E. W. 6 Nov., ISo.l, iv. 22;
(2) Enf. 31 July, 1856, Josephine A. (dau. Levi) Boleyn ; farmer; res. W. Pt.
Ch. (h. E. W.) hii iHt mj\ :
1. Ida Eliza, b. .Jan. 1852; iii. Enf. 29 Dei-., 1870, I 2. , B. b. 18 Meh., 185.5.
Otl(* Eugene (tJ. t'hauiifev and Marv Feast) AI- By 2(1 wife :
len of Enf; b. 20 May.' 1848. I 8. Inez Maria, b. 28 Aug., 1870.
Fam. 77. Luke Dw'ight" {l^uke,'' Lnh;' Dneid,' Jinupli,* Saiimcl,' Min,' Samuel' ),
m. E.W. 10 Apl., 1853, Caroline ClarLssa (dau. Samuel) Patchen, li. E.AV. 4 Autr.,
1831, d. Enf. 21 Apl., 1867; res. Ell. Ch. {/,. E. W.) :
1. Howard Oliver, b. 22 )Ieh.. lK5t. I 3. Alice Maria, b. 34 June. 1800.
2. Erederiek Dwight, b. 17 Mav. ls.")7. |
Fam. 78. Francis' {f^uLJ Luh;' Dai-id,^ .hmjih* Saiii'itl,' .Mm,' Siimiiil'), m. E.
W. 22 Sept., 1864, Mrs. Lucy Lavinia (dau. Pardon and Jerusha Flint) Daven-
port, and. wid. Elijah Munsell, b. 6 Nov., 1840; farmer, E. W. Ch. (h. E. W):
1. I.ouis Biriiie. h. l.TSept., 180.").
Fam. 79. William Henry' (Ahmm.' Luki," DarUl.'' Jumph,* tkiiimel,' John,'' Sam-
uel '), m. J^nf. 18 Feb., 1851, Lucy Jlariti (dau. Capt. Lot and Lucy //i^ra/irtw/) Kil-
lam, b. Enf. 13 June, 1822; res. Enf. Ch. (b. Ei.f.):
1. (ieorge Abrabani, b. 24 Apl., ia'>2.
Fam. 80. Hiram Marshall' (■•«/««("/',' s>,it,iiifm,^ Duriti,^ Jomph.* fiimml,' John,'
Siiniitd'), m. Enf. 10 Nov., 1845, Lucy Ann (dau. Asajih) Terry of Enf. Ch. (b.
E. W.):
1. ElizalK-th A., d. lOOct., 1S18, ffi. IBmoK.— .*•. I 4. Marv. in. Dwight Deaslev.
2. AllHMt, d. 8 Apl.. 18.57. le. 7 yrx.. 8 mo. 5. Edward.
3. Atiaph Terry. | 6. (.'harlen.
Fam. 81. George Gilbert' {Ijilhiop,'' Solomon,' JMrid," JoKph.* Samiid,' J>hn,'
S,r„(ii,l'), m. Enf. 20 Dec, 1864, Mary Minerva (ilau. Austin and .Julia Ann Inhtim)
Tilden, b. and res. Ell. Ch. (b. Ell.) :
1. Bcrton, b. Oct., 1872.
Fam. 88. David Samuel ' {Somh,!/ .■^uiind,'' Sominl,'' Jumjih,* .^ynnud,' Jnhn.'' Sim-
■lid'). 111. Ell. I .Ian.. 183s, Clarissa (dau. Abner Pike and Hannah Pemlm) David-
son of Ell.; b. 6 Apl., 1817. Ch. :
1. .lolin Willev. b. Ell. 2«.liilie, 18:«. I Uurinda //n«/y) Wilcox of Slielhurm' ^•all^.
2. ClariHwi Maria, b. E. \V. 4 Dw.. Itvl4; m. E.W. Mass.; b. ia35; rex. S. F.: 5 ch.
2 May. lytlV Carlo;. .Vbraliain (h. .Vbrahain and [
Fam. S3. George Washington' {Snimid.' S<im>id,' Snmud,^ Joneph.* s,i,„iid,'
Jiibii.'' SoiiiidI'), m. Enf. 8 Feb., 1853, Calista (dau. Lorin and Almitte I'mar)
Pease, b. Enf. 14 Jan., 1834; farmer; res. Longmeadow. Ch. :
1. Kjili.h Itlodgell. b. Enf. 24 .Jan., 185.5. I 8. Everett Hrecki'iiriilge, b. Enf. 10 Meh., 1801.
2. l.orln I'lase. b. Enf. 22 Si-pt., 18.5.8. I 4. Erne.«t George, b. E. «". 17 .Meh.. ISOB.
Fam. 84. James Harvey' (JItii-rt!i,i S«imiid,' Samud,'' Jo»iph,* Siimnd,' John,' Sum-
lid'), m. E W. 24 Dec, 1840, Margaret Ann (dau. Levi and Amy PiniuQ) Phelps,
b. E. AV. 7 Feb., 1814; d. Htfd., 28 Aug., 1876; farmer; res. E. W. Ch. {b. K. W.) :
1. . Inf.. b. and d. 17 Oct.. IWl. E. W. 3. , inf.. b. and d. K. W. 2.5 Sept., 1819.
2. Marj- .\nn Williauis, b. 17 Nov.. 1844; in. 11 i 4. Mendana Maria, h. :)1 Mav, 1.S51; in. Wm. .\lberl
Sept., 1806, Hiram ^^'lu■hiIlgtoIl (s. Iavivt and I (». Luman StiHldardi Lord.
Bctwy Bnnrrnft) King:, b. E. W. 13 June, ', 6. .lames Cicero Spaulding. b. .liilv 20. 1&5H.
1889; Khe d. Aiiguma, Kan., I Oct., 1876; 3 cli. '
Fah. 8o. H en ry Thompson ' {Alfml,^' Josh.," Sti.m'l,^ Jok. * Sana,' John,'' Saiii'l '),
m. (1) E. W. 13 May, 18T0, Eli/.nbctli (dau. David Owen and Lovicy Hoiidlton)
Bancroft, b. E. W. and d. Enf. 14 Feb., 1877; (2) E. W. 10 Apl., 1879, Lydia
Bryant (dau. Orlando audElmira SlaU^ Allen, b. E.W. 2i5 May, 1844. (CT. h. Enf.):
By Ut irH; :
1. Annie lliiniilion, 1). 18 Nov., 1872.
2. Alfred Hem v, li, 8 Nov., ISrS.
B// .''/ triff ;
a.'Eninm'Elniira, b. 23 Kcb., 1S80.
4. Marian Julia, b. 27 Feb., 18*4.
Fam. 86. Henry Wells '(//<'«v^ir.,' Josh.,' Sfim'l,^ Jos.,* Sani'l,' John,- Sam'l'), m.
E. W. 26 Jan., 180."), Cynthia Allen (dau. Levi and Cyntliia AUrii) Parsons, '>.
E. W. 38 Apl., 1844; farmer, res. E, W. Ch. {b. E.W.):
1. Cliarlea Henrv, b. 30 Nov., 1S65. I 3. .Abigail Bartlett. h. 2:S .Tan., 18G9.
2. Herbert I'aivons, b. 21 Jvil.v, 1867. I J. Marietta Elizabeth, b. 21 Meh., 1870.
Fam. 87. Frederick Joshua.' (11, i,ri/W.,' Jo.^h.,' Sanri,^ Jos.,* Sain-i.\Tohu,'Sam'l'),
m. E. W. 1 Jau , 1SG7, Elizabeth Mary (dau. Edw'd Lucius and Jlary King liiirtUtt)
Potwine, b. E. W. 25 Apl., 184."); farmer, E. W. Ch. (b. E. W.): '
1. (ieorse Edward, b. 14 .Jan., 1868. I Kobcrt Stephen, b. 12 Ucc.. 1876.
2. Froderii-li Henry, b. 33 Apl., 1873. • | Mary Elizabeth, b. 5 July, 1881.
Thomas Allyn (Dea.),* brother of Samuel Allen and Col. Matthew Allyn,
tame first to Cambridge, Mass., from England, in 1632 ; was freeman in 163.J. He re-
moved to Hartford with his brotlier Matthew in 163.">; in I60O had much difficulty with
his brother JIatthew about some contracts and bonds, when several lawsuits ensued,
and the coui't ordered Matthew to pay over to Thomas his dues and release his "special-
ties."—C«H«. Col. lice, i. 211.
Thomas Allyn was twice married; his first wife was Isabella , who died
about 1678; Mr. Allyn married, second, JIartha Glpson (or Gibson), widow of Roger
Gipson of Saybrook, Conn., about 1680-1. Thomas Allyn removed from Hartford,
Conn., in 1650, with the first planters of Mattabeseck [Middletown], where he became
a prominent man of the town, was chosen deacon of the First church, March 16, 1670;
was a representative to the General Court, selectman, etc. Having no children, he
adopted his nephew, Obediah Allen, fourth son of his then deceased brother, Samuel
Allen of Windsor, Conn., who lived with him during his minority and received a large
share of his estate. Deacon Thomas Allyn died at Middletown. Conn., 16 Oct , 1688;
his will was dated Oct. 15, 1688, and proved Feb. 5, 1689. His widow. :\Iartha (Gip-
son) Allyn, died at Middletown, Conn., Nov., 1702; her will was dated April 30, 16'.)0.
Ally n (sometimes Allyne) Matthkw, (Hon.) from Brampton, Co. Devon, Eng.,t sup-
posed to have been son of Samuel of Chelmsford, Co. Essex, Eng. (and, if so, bap. Ap'I,
1604), emigrated with the orig. Braintree Company, 1632, to Charlestown, Mass., where
1633, he had 45 acres div. to him, at "the Common Pales" — mucli the largest share of
any settler — had an acre for cow and three for planting grotmd "on the Neck"; 1635, liad
by grant, or i)urchase, 5 acres at Wigwam Neck, si.v acres meadow near \\'atertown, 5
acres at Charlestown Lane; owned 3 hotises on Town Plot, of Cambridge, 1035; res.
near the meeting-house and was tlie largest landholder in Canibrid.iie (Vainh. lice, fol. 1,
24:; was made freeman of Mass., 4 Mcli., 1635; was a rep. at Mass. Gen. Court, Marcli
session, 1630; prob. rem. ne.xt year to Hartford, wliere he was an orig. jirop'r; his house-
lot was on the road to the Neck (now Windsor St.), and he owned 110 iicres in that and
other lots; and tlie first mill .-it H., at foot of present W. Pearl St. In May, 1638, he
was lodging with Roger Williams; was a proprietor at Windsor in 1640, as also a large
owner at Killingworth and at Simsbury. He was a member of Rev. Mr. Hooker's church
at H., but for some difference therewitli, jtrob. of ti doctrinal nature, was excommuni-
cated, and 3 June, 1644, appealed to Gen. Ct . for redress; the records show not fully
• "10O4. Tluiuias Allen ffonl of Samuel Allen, bupl. XXII of November."' — /Tit>m Chdm^forU Records
— Kn^land.
+ U-ohfordM Note-Book. TnniK.-.lm. .iiltif/. .Soc, Vol. Vn. 116; " Maltllew Allen of Hartford, upon
the liiver of Coneelicot. merchant, otherwise called Mathernni Allen, nnp. de Hraintou in t'oull. Devon, infra
Kcgni Angli" ae imiu- de Hartford, cup. Ccmeclaeott Kiver infra Nova .Ancelis. m'eator" ; also. p. 118. hi.*
bro's, Thomas .Vlli'u of liarnstable. in N. E. & UichanI .\llen. yeoman of Rramplim. are mentioned.
liow tlut matti'i- was settled, but it may have been one cause of liis rem. to Windsor, in
which plantation he had previously been interested, having piinliased, in 16:i8, all the
lands, "houses, servants, goods, and chattels "of the New Plymoutli Co. at W. — a
purchase which " extinguished the last vestige of Plymouth right and title upon the
Conn. River." Ilis W. homestead was close by the site of the Co.'s old trading-house.
By virtue of this purchase. Mr. AUyn, always (juick to .sec and diiim his rights, subse-
(juently set up the plea that, having purchased directly from Plymouth, he and his
pi)y. in Windsor were not amenable to Connecticut ta.\atioii. The matter being referred,
by mutual consent, to Messrs. Hayncs, Ludlow, Hopkins, and Pheljis, it was decided
that he should pay Connecticut rates and no other, and that he "should have notice
given him, in convenient time, of all such orders as do or may con<ern him, and that
the orders be such as lie within his compass and power to accomplish and perform in a
reasonable way."— (CV/mh. Col. Rec, i. 53, 54.) After this reference, Sgt. Fyler brought
suit against Mr. Allyn in behalf of the town, but, Oct., 1642, was ordered to pay the
costs, " having made a reference before the suit," i. e., because the reference had been
duly made before liis suit was entered.
Mr. Allyn was rep. to the Gen. Ct. every year (except 1658) from 1648 to 1658, in-
clusive; a magistrate of the Colony, 1657-1667, inc.; commissioner for the I'nitcd Colo-
nies of N. E., 1660-4; when, in 164'.(, the Gen. Ct. desired to initiate hostilities agt. the
Indians, Mr. A. was the first-nanied of the 3 deputies to order the raising of troops; 1657,
he and Jo. Gilbert were to go to Pacomtuck to announce to the Indians tlie decision of
the commissioners; 1659, he and liis son John were of the committee app. to div. Indian
lands at Podunk; and, at same court, were placed on a com. with power to treat with
Mr. Fen wick, in behalf of Hartford, Windsor, and Wethersficld; when, 1660, the Gov.
and Dep.-Gov. were chosen commiss" for the next year, he was chosen as a reserve and
also to act as moderator in their absence — and was also of the committee, with power,
about 30-Mile Island. In 1661 he was moderator and of the committee to i»etition for
the charter, in which document, granted to Conn, by Charles II.. he was named as one
of the grantees. He was again mo<ierator in 1662; chairman of the committee to treat
with New Haven for a union in 1662 and '63; and Oct. of last year, chairman of a com.
to treat with the Dutch envoys from New Amsterdam; also, with Jlr. Willis, to settle
the government of the Eng. towns on the west end of Long Island — which committee
was renewed, in 1664, with additional members, and with authority to establish courts
there, etc. The same year he was also of the committee to settle bounds between " the
Bay" — and Rhode Island, and the South bounds — and, with tliree others. " Mr. Allyn,
Senior, or Junior, ' was desired to accompany the Gov. to N. Y. to congratulate His
Majesty's commissioners, and, if opjiorlunity oft'ered. to "issue the bounds between
the Duke's patent* o's." In 1665. under the union of the Conn, ami New Haven col-
onies, Mr. Allyn and his son. Lieut. John, were cho.sen assistants; again, in KiOti (when
Jliitthew was moderator) and 1667. In 1666 both were of the com. emiioweied, in case
of danger of invasion, to levy troops, commission olliccrs, etc. He was entered on the
Killingsworlh land records as a large land-owner and first settler, tho' it is not iMnb
that he ever res. there.
Hon. Matthew Allyn, as we have thus seen, was eminently " a man of affairs." and
an active, public -spirited citizen. " Few men." sjiys Ilinnum, " had more intlucnce, or
received more honors from the people, than Mr. Allyn." Energetic, willful, and persist-
ent in all his projects, he was yet a just, high minded man. and one of the props of the
infant colony. Though he fell under the ban of the Hartford cluirch (prob. because he
entertained .sentiments on baptism, clnirch membership, or cluirch discipline, at vari-
ance with the majority of his brethren), there are many evidences that he was still held
in high esteem at Hartford; and Jlr. Hinman seems to hint that the H. church encour-
aged him to remove, being afraid of his " influence with the settlers " In 16.58, when
trouble again aro.se in the II. church, Mr. Allyn was chairman of the com. of the Gen.
Ct. to conduct a correspondence on the subject (Conn. CM. 7i'/v, , i. 321).
Mr. Allyii died 1 Feb.. 1G70-1; his will dated 30 Jan., 1670-71, makes hi.s wife, Mar-
Raret, his sole executrix: g'ave her the use of his estate, and desired his sons and son-in-
law, Newberry, to improve it for her; to his son John he gave his Kennilworth lands,
and confirmed to him those lands in Hartford which he had already S'ven him as a mar-
riage portion. His W. house he had previously deeded to his son Thomas, subject to
life use by himself and wife; he gave him also a large estate, and i)rovide(l liberally for
his dau. Mary (Kewberry), and grand-dau, Mary (Maudsly). — (Anthoriliex mnnulted, in
(uUlitioii to tlxiKf already cited, Ilinman's Puritan hetterfi, Sni'm's Hartford in the Old^ii
Time: Ma.ix. Hist. Soc. Colkrt., vi. ; Memorial Hint. Hartford Co., i. 227,328; Candee
Oeneal.. 121-146.
His family record does not appear in Matt. Grant's Old Cln/rcli Rec. He was, un-
doubtedly, a bro. of Dea. Thomas of Hartford and Middletown, and of Samuel of (East)
Windsor. See p. 27.
" Old Mrs. Allyn," prob. mother of Hon. Matthew and Thomas, was adm. to Wind-
sor church, 5 Aug., 1649 — 0. C. R. In same rec. appears death of ' Ould Mr. Allyn,"
12 Sept., 1675.
Children (born before com iwj to 11'., and iiroh. in Eng.):
1. JoHX (Hon.) Fam. 2.
2. Thomas (Capt.1 F.\m. :1
3. Mary, married 11 June. 1640. Ca))!. Benjamin Xcirlierri/ of W.: d 14 Dec.
Fam. 2. Hon. John ' (//"/(. Miitthetc^): His father gave to him his lands in H. as a
marriage portion, 3 Jan., 1653; was a townsman, 165.5; chosen cornet of the Hartford
iroops, Mch., 1657-8; town clerk of H., 1659-96; deputy to Gen. Ct.. 1661 and '62;
magistrate of Particular and Gen. f'ourt. twice iu 1662; magistrate. 1662. et ulios, and
Secretarj- of the Colony, 1663-1665, and 1667-95 inc.; one of the custodians of the char-
ter, in 1662; often a commiss. of the U. Col.; member of the Council; principal judge
of Ct. of Common Pleas in Hartford Co.; clerk of the courts; clerk of the 1st Eccl. Soc.
in Hartford; app. Lieut. -Col. by Gov. Andros, Oct., 1688, and by Gen. Ct., Sept., 1689,
to the same, then the highest military office of the colony. " During the latter portion
of his life, jirobably no individual in Connecticut possessed greater influence iu the pub-
lic affairs of the colony than he.". (Conn. Col. Rec, iv. 190, note 53.S; ii. 263, 333, .569-
574. 578-586, et aliox ; Hartford Co. Mem. Hist., i. 22S.)
He ra. (1) 19 Nov. 1651, Ann (dau. of Henry) Smith of Springfield, ami gd.-dau. of
Hon. William Pyncheon of S.; he m. ('2), after 1675. Hannah (wid. of Sanuiel) Welles
of Hartford, and dau. of Geo. Lamberton of New Haven. He d. at Hartford, 11 Nov..
1696, ace. to Toirn Rcr., but Nov. 6, ace. to tombstone in Olil f'irnt Ch. Dxirying (Id.
Ch . (all by 1st marriage) :
1. AiinHj b. 18 Aug., 1654. b. Oxford. Comi., ISl.'J; (.!) llnniiah (dnu. Abi"
a. Marv. b. .3 Apl.. 1(1.57. jab and Iluldah Wiarr/) Cailin. b. Hanviiikm.
•i Margaret, b. 29 July. IBai; in. Win. South- Conn.. 1788; (4) Abijab (son of Al>ijab and Ilan-
mayd of Middletown. Conn. i nab Cook) ( nilin. b. 1747; (.'>) Hannah (dau. I, lent.
4. Rebecca, b. 2 Mch.. lt;64. I Aaron* and Hannah, dau. of the famous Cant. ,)o-
5. Martha. l).27JuIy.l667;lu..\aronCook. From seph Waflsti-nrtli of Hartford. Coin]., of cnafter
this niarriace is" descended the Hon. Cttartefi fame), b. 1719: (61 Lieut. Aaron* (son of Capt.
Caiuiti Baldwin. Esq. of Cleveland, Ohio, pres. , Aaron Cook.^ by his wife Martha, dau. of Hon.
of tile Western Reser\'e Hist. Soc. of C: tmslfie I John Allyn.
of the State .\ichicolo<ri<al Society of Ohio, an- j 6. Elizabeth, b. 1 Dec.. l(it;9: m. (1) Dit. 21, 1704. as
tlior of the Cande^ and Baldwin frenealoKies. his 2d wife. Alexander Allyn of W.: she in. (2)
etc.. etc. Thus — (1) he is the son of Seymour ' Julv 1.3. 1710. . John Gardner of Gardner's Isl-
W. and Mary Caiidrt ISaldwiii: (2) Mar.v Can- i andor Manor, L. 1. By Mr. .Mlyu she hail s. ^'i/i-
dee (dau. of David and Hannah Catlin Candee), ] John, who ret?, in X. Havi-n.
Fam. 3. Capt. Thomas' (i7on. Mattlww^), res. in W. on Branker pi.; after his
father's death he occup. the homestead; was a listed trooper; made freeman, 1658; was
the acciileiital cause of Henry Stiles's death, 1651 (see p. 448, Vol. I.); m. Abigail (dau.
I{ev. John) Warham, 21 Oct., 1658; he d. 14 Feb., 1695-6. She was a memb. of
W. ch. — 0. C. R.
Children : — 0. C. R., except the M John.
1 John I). 17 Aug.. 1659: d. 4 Oct.. 1659. I Kliiiliwl medicine and to have Roiic Smith. Pre--
2 Matthew (Hon. and fol.),b. 5 June. 1660. Fam. stiles waslinfonned, 1787, that he <1. in \ a., abt.
4 I nso.- /hrlrr'x Annals 0/ r. C; a)M,clau. Mary.
.3. Thoinns. li. 11. bap. 15(0. C. A'.) Mell.. 16(«- ; t>. 1 Sent.. ITll.
3 vam 5 ! «. .lane. ti. 22 .Inly. 167(1; m. a Wolcott.
4. John. i). 24 June. 166.^ , 7. Abisinil. b. 17 Oct.. 1672; ni. ,. Bissell.
5. Samuel, b. 3 Nov.. 1667; ni. and had s. Suimiet. , S. Sarall. b. l:) .luly, 1674.
b.270cI..17ie.«ho!.'rad. Y.C.irii; >iiidli.hMve ' II. Hester, 1). 2'.M)ct. [.Jan.- O. C. /^1.1679.
Fa.m. 4. Hou. iiiid Col. Matthew' C'W''- Thomo.'.,'' Ih„. .)/</^M»-(r'), m. Elizabetli
(diiu. of Ileni-y, Jr. aiitl gd. dan. of llcniy, Seu') Wolcott, ■> Jan., 1080. She inlicr.
from her gd. -father an estate in the parishes of Tolland and Ledyard St. Lawrence, Co.
Somerset, Eng., and at Wellington, called Long Forth, Eiig. The rents of these lands,
held by her husband in her right, were disposed of by him in his will, 1740, to their
three living sous, and the four sous of his dec'd son Thomas. His est., £1,806 ; he gave
£4 to the 1st Soc. of W.* Kintuph.
" The Hon. Col. Mattuew Allyn, Esii.. w ho was many years one of the Council
and Judge of the Superior Court, for the Colony of Conn., died Feb. IT, A.D. 17.58,
iu y OS"" year of his age. Mrs. lOlizabeth AUyn, his consort, died Juue y 4"*, A.I).
1734, in the 69"" year of her age.
" And here their Bodies sleep in Dtisl,
Till the Resurrection of the Just." '
Children :
1. Thomas (Cajrt.). Kam. 6. I 4. Josiah, b. '.) Meh., 1692^1 Fa.m, 9.
a. Matthew (Sat.), b. !t .\us;., 1687. Vav. 7. 5. Henry, b. 10 Dee., 1699. Fam. 10.
;j. I'eletiah, b. 3 May, 1(189. Fam. 8. I 6. Theophilus, b. 26 Auj;. . 1702.
Fam. 5. Lieut. Thomas ' (''";''• TUomax,'' Hon. J/««7(«tr'), m. (1) 0 Jaiiuaiy, 1680,
Martha (dau. Simon) WolCOtt; she b. 1664, d. 8 Sept., 1687; he m. (3) Joanna
; he d. 6 Apl., 1709; csl. £3."")8, lO.*.. 8(/., distr. to wid. and dau. Vh. (by Lit icifi):
1. Benjamin, b. 14 Ckt., 1686. ?"a«. 11. I By 2d wife :
2. .Martha, b. 1 Sept., 1687: d. 3 Sept., 1687. ! 8. Joanna, b. 22 Nov., 170:J.
F.\M. 6. Capt. Thomas* (Col. Mn/t/uii',' Capt. Thomas,'' lion, .\fatthw'), m. Eliza-
beth ; he d. 11 Dec., 1738, ic. 42. Ch. (hp. II'. C. H.):
1. Thomas, b. '■ Nov.. 1725. Fam. 12. I I. Jonathan, b. 5 Mcli.. 1733. See .Wmelluntutin.
2. Theophito. b. 23 Nov.. 1726. Fam. 13. 6. Jo.-epli, b. 3, bp. 5 June, 1737.
3. Eunice, b. 7 June. 17:10. I
Fam. 7. " Sgt." Matthew M^^"^- MatlJieu,' Cnpt. Thoinim:' Jlon. .U/itllirir '), m. Dorcas
Filley of W., 4 Oct., 1739 (TT. C. U.. he d. 28 May, 1 7.-)3 ( U7/.V. Ch. lirr.. wherein
he is called "Sgt.") before his father, who, by codicil to will, provided for the
children; est. dislrib. 1771. C/iildren { irith a * hp. 2 Sept., 1753, "on their mother's
account, their father liein{i dead." — Tl''. Int Ch. Ilec):
1. Mallhew.* b. 20 Dec., 1740; d. 13 Nov., 1788. 4. Elijidi, I). 21 June, 1776. (This is a j/ro'i. con
2. Jonathan, b. 21 Dw.. 1742. d. 27 Aug.. 1824. le. sirilction of this fandly).
82; his wife Eunice d. 20 .Tan.. 1793, n: 44 |/i. 3. Elijah,' 1>. 25 Feb. 1744. " In iiu-mory of Elijah
says 1794, ie. 45) : they had ( Why. C/i.Iirr. ).- Allyn, who. after bi-iuj.' mist 14 days, was on ye 6ih
1. , hp. 29 Aug., '1784. of 'June, 176-t. found drowned in Wiurlsor Little
2. , d. 28 Dec, 1793. Kividet. in y« 2(nh year of his a^-e. "— W^Jtf.
3. Jonathan, b. 20 Feb.. 1772: jirob. the Jona- 4. Dorcas,* b. 5 May. 1745.
than, Jr., who m. Hannah Holcomb (or 6. Esther.* b. 9 Mav, 1747.
Buttlesjof (iranbv. Conn 12 S<'|)l., 17!lfl 6. Moses,* b. Hi Julv, 17.")6.
( Whfj. c/i. Jtfi:). and 'had ch. (1. inf. Dec., 1807. 7. Aaron,* b. 5 Apl., 175:1: |ki.-s. the .\. » ho in. Sarah
■ Loomis, IS Jan.. 1782.— ir. II.
Fam. 8. Capt. Peletiah' {CJ. .Vntthnr,* Cnpt. Thomax.' Ifon. .Viitth, ir'), m. Mary
(dau. Thom:is :iiid Dorothy Tulcott) StOUghton, 26 Aug., 1711; he d. ( II'. O.) 3
Nov., 1766, a;. 78. Children :
1. Elizabeth, b. 22 Nov., 1712. \V. 19 Nov., 17.37 K.^ Il\ C. It.
2. Peleliah. b. 4 Oct.. 1714. C. .lerusha. b. 3 >l<h., ITiM.
3. Marv, b. 11 Oct., 171fi. 7. Samuel Wolcolt. b. 6 Dec, 1727. Fam. 14.
4. Theophilus, b. 28 Auk., d. 4 Dec, 171K. 8. Solonum (lapt.), b. 8 Oct., 17:«. Fam. 15.
5. Dorothy, b. 5 Nov.. 1719: 111. David Hayden of I 9. C'hloc, bp. 14 Nov.. 1736.— W. C. It.
F.\M. 0. Josiah * (Col. Matlheic,^ Capt. Thomax,'' lion. .Maltheir'), m. Sarah Ells-
worth, 9 Feb., 1726; d. Feb., 1753, before his father, and his children received
t The Wolcolt Mtoiorittl Kives two very hilerettlln); letters from him to his wife, written while in the
-ervice al Wc»tUeld. 1701, and at Wiaid Criwk, 1709.
from their grandfather the portion (iesigiied for their father. His widow d. 31 May,
1763, le. 65. aUldrtH :
I. .rosiah (Meut.), b. 3 Nov., IKT. Fam. 11!. i .3. Matthew, b. 3 Apl., 1734, (I. 14 Dec, Vtm. w. 37:
3. John (Ens. I. h. 28 Nov.. 1739. Fam. 17. wid. Itarv d. 0 Sept., 1777, le. 03.
4. Mary. b. 2Jan., 1731.
F.\M. 10. .Maj. Henry* (Col Muttlww,' Capt. Tlmma.^,'' lion. Matt/ieir'), m. Ann (dan
.Air. Timothy and Rebecca Porter) Loomls, 22 Feb., 1727-8; he grad. Y. C.
1721; in 1722-:^ taught the first public school iu W.; May, 1726, was commis. licut.
of W. train band; 3 yrs. later, was captain; 1741, app. maj. of 1st Conn. Keg.;
rep. W. in 22 sessions of tlie Assembly — Oct., 1731-May, 17.o0 ; app. .J. P. of lltfd.
Co., 1734, which office he held until his death. A lec. of cases tried by him (1734-
17.51) fills a folio volume of 160 pages, clo.sely written, now in Y. C. library. He
d. at W., 23 June, 1753. His est. inv. at £15.000.— De.xter's AnnaU }'. ('.■ His
wife b. 15 June, 1698; d. 2:^ Jan., 1731-2, «. 83. Ch. :
1. Henry (Esq.), b. 4 Feb., 1798; in.: d. 8 Mav. May, 1795. ib. 63 ( H'. C. /?.).- m. Lieut. Joi<iah
[Meh.v] 1804. " Al'lyn, 3 Dec. 1751. «)ic> d. r7 Jan., 1794. a-. fi7.
2. Ann. b. 6 Dec. 1731; prob. the A. who d. 18
Faji. 11. Benjamin * {Lieut. T/ifmim,' Capt. Tlmmna,- Hon. 3/ritt/ieir.'), m. Ann Wat-
SOn, IS Dec, 1707; prob. the Benj. who d. (If. Hic.) 14 Dec, 1713. Ch. :
1. Ann. h. 13 Dec. 1708; d. 10 Sept.. 1717. | 3. John, h. 4 Jnlv, 1713.
a. Benjamin (Capt.). b. 8 .\pl., 1711. Fam. 18. 1
Fam. 12. Thomas^ (Capt. Tliomas* Col. Mattli&t,' Capt. Thomas,' I for, . Matthtie^),
m. Sarah Phelps, 13 Dec, 1750; he d. 17 Nov., 1781. Ch. :
1. Thomas, b. 30 (Wby. Cli. Itec. and. W. C. R.
say bp. 22) Dec. 1731; prob. tlie "Ens.'' Thos.,
who m. Elizabeth Burr, 11 Apl., 1776: she d.
10 Mav. 182.3. Vh.(n: C. J?.)/
1. Polly, bp. 5 Oct.. 1777.
2. Thomas, bp. 5 Dec. 1779.
3. Lucy, bp. 17 Auj;., 1783; <1. 27 Feb.. 1813.
4. Timothy, bp. -28 Nov., 1784.
5. Betsey,"bp. 18 Oct., 1787.
6. Charles, bp. 17 Oct.. 1790.
7. . d. 10 Mav. 1817, «■. 1 vr.
8. Eunice, bp. 18 Mav. 1794.
2. Luke. b. 17, bp. 21 ( W'. C. /?.) Jan., 1753: "one
of Luke's twins " d. 12 Nov.. 1792 I Whij. Ch.
IltrC.\: i>oss. ch. of this Luke.
3. Alexanch-r. b. 14 Feb.. 17.57.
4. Theophilus, li. 23 Mav. 1739; d. 29 Meh..l767.
.5. Elisha. b. 14 .Vpl.. 1761; poss. the Elisha who
had (IF. C. 7?.).
1. Electa. 1
2. Sarepta, I bp. 2 Dec, 1799.
3. Elisha, f — d. 3 Oct.. 1800. «. 3: ir. O.
4. Rhoda. I
5. Ellise. bp. 9 Oct., 1802.
6. Chloe, bp. 14 Oct., 18(M.
7. Rhoda, 1
8. Electa, I , , ,, . .^.
9. Sarepta. r "I'l"'C- "*'
10. Elihu, J
6. Sarah, b. 19 Oct., 1763: ulto (uccoiiVimi In Why.
Ch. Sfc),
7. James, b. 90. bp. 30 Mch.. 1706.
8. Euiiailie. b. 18. bp. 24 .\pl.. 1768.
9. Elizabeth, b. 1. bp. lli Sept.. 1770.
10. Timathv. bp. 4 July, 1773: il. '25 June. 1775.
11. Luke bp. 1775.
F.VM. 13. Theophilus^ (CVf/rf. Tho,ioi«.* Col. }fattheir,' Capt. Tho>,..Tfoii. yfatthcir'^,
m. Tryphena Wolcott, Oct., 1751; he d. 3 Sept.. 1757. Ch. :
1. Tri-phena, b. 8. bp. 21(ir. t'. /?.) Jan.. 17.');!. j :i. Luke b. 5 Feb., 1763.
2. Abigail, b. 23 .luly, 1754. | 4. George, b. IS July. 17.56.
Fam. 14. Samuel Wolcott^ (C«/y<. Pektiali* Col. Matt..'' Capt. Thm.;' Hon. .Vatt.'),
m. Joaniiii Mills, 20 Feb., 1755; he d. 27 Feb., 1801, x. 74; she d. 9 July, 1794. tr.
63. Ch. :
1. Clarissa, b. 21, bp. 28 Dec. (W.C.R.). 17.'»orr,«. 1. Wolcott. b. and bp. 11 Sept., 176.3.-11'. /?«■■
2. Mary, bp. 4 Dec, 17.57.-11'. C. B. 5. Clarissa, b. 13 Jan., 1766.
3. .Sanmel, b. 15. bp. IS Nov., 17.59. «. .Mary. b. 30 Oct., 1767.
F\M. 15. Capt. Solomon" ( ''apt. Pektiah* Col. Mittt..' Capt. Thm.,'' Hon. .Uatt.'),
m. (1) Abiah Stoughton, 8 Dec, 1756, who d. 9 Nov., 1788, aj. 55 (BUiomfield
lirareyanl); (2) Kachel , who d. 14 July, 1794, in 50 yr. {B. gd.); (3) 14
Apl., 1795, Siirah Burr, who d. 17 Sept., 1819, a". ()2 («. ad.). He d. 16 Nov., 1810,
IB. 75. r/(. .'
1. Solomon, bp. 17 Sept.. 1737: prob. the Sol., Jr., 3. Peletiah. bp. 3 .lulv, 1808.
who m. Lucmn Gillet, 29 Mch., 1799: she d. 13 4. William IL. d. 11 \xv.. 1806. a-. 2 vrs.
Oct.. 1S03. »■. abt. .50: he d. 10 Dec. 1808. k. .51. 2. .-Vbia, b. 2 .\ug.. 1761.
'•/i. (IK. /?. null ir. V. R.) 3. Hetty, b. 3 Aug., I'M.
I. Lncina. bp. 28 .lune. 1779. 4. Chloi\ b. 19 Mav. 1768.
■i. Solomon, bp. 2.3 Sept.. 1781; d. .5. Sherwood, d. 11' June. 1799, a-, nearly 12 yrs.
F.VM. 16. Lieut. Jos'iah'' (Jo.'iiirh,* Col. Jtfatt/ieic,' Capt. I'homas,' Hon. Matlheir'), m.
Ann (dau. Maj. Henry and Ann Ty>omu) Allyn, 3 Dec, 1751; he d. 17 Jan., 1794,
:v. 67; W. 0. Jiec. say 16tU, lu. 66. She d. 18 >kli. l-May?], 179.5, w. 64: botli tluir
est. distrib. as one at the same time; amt. £8,(K>'). !«.. 7(^ Cli. {/>]>. W. C 11.) :
4. Khndii, h. 18. li|). 23 Si-pl.. n.'i;.
5, Cliloi', bp. » .Jan., m.-) (.V. .V. /I.): in. Dr. Elisha
N. Sill of W.. 11 Feb.. 1796 (ir. ('. /l.\: bed. 24
May. 174.1. ik. W.
1. Rosanu. bj). ti May. 1753; m. Dr. .Ioh. Kings-
bury of Ell.
■2. .\iiii. h. 10. bp. Ifl Sept.. 1758; d. 28 Oct.. 1TS6.
1 who m. Ur. Daniel Porter
;i. (orob. unoilier.\nn ^
(if K. \V.) I
Fam. 17. Eiis. John'v./"«V(A,« Col. Matthew,' C'ajit. Thoii.:' Hon. ifiittheie^). m. 2 .M:i.v,
17.")1. Elizabeth (dau. Or. Samuel) :Matli('r of W., who d. I Feb., 1813, sc. 83; lie il
W. 0 Feb., 1796, a". 67. Chililnit (hj,. 11'. C/i. H.):
3. Sarah, b. Apl., bp. 1.") .-^pl.. 1756.
1. .Inhn, b. 10. bp. 13 Oct.. 1751; prnb. the J. who
il. 0 ,\u(;.. n9», »■. 49 (Jf.C./?.!, and jjrob. the .1.
who ui. LucUlda . and had (.V. S. If,):
1. .John, bp. 23.1inie. I'Tii.
2. .Tereniy, bp. 4 May. 1777.
3. Uenrv". b. 13 Feb.. 1780; prob. the wiine who
d. (Wi C. K.I at St. Kitif of fever. 14 Apl..
ItWl.te. 22.
4. Xabhv. bp. 30 Mav. 17*4.
2. Eli/Jibelh". b. 11. bp. 10 Sept.. IT.Vt.
.t J^n*.- }'»"■'■'••' '5 J..I.V. 1759.
fi. Chnrli-^. bp. 21 Meh.. 17G1.— .V. .s'. /I.
7. Cliarles, b. 19 .Mcli., 1702; prob. the C'harlen who
had tir. C. Il.y. Vluirhf. b. 27 .\Uf;.. 1787; tlV«..
b. 2."i Mch.. 1791 ; Kin,!!, fiitmnii. b. IH.Iail.. 179T.
Elizab. (wid. C'lni.".! il. lu .Mch.. 1800, a'. .37.- II'. O.
8. Hannah, bp. 1 Nov.. 170" (X.S.R.t: m. .Joseph
t'olprovc. ace. to ^ffll/^^'l• Oriifol.
Fam. 18. Capt. Benjamin' (i?''n;VfHu'n,* Lieut. Tluut.,' Copt. Thou., ^ Hon. ^fotthew'),
m. Abigail (dan. Ens. .Job and Abigail Filky) Loomis, 9 Aug., 1733; d. 18 Mch.,
1776, a'r66; she d. 29 May, 179.5, tv. 74; II'. C. U. say 28, -x. 82. Ch. (hp. 11'. C. R.) :
2. Anna. b. 2 Oct., bp. 14 Xov.. 1779 (IK. r. K.):
in. Kdwiird Moore. She d. 7 Apl., IMS.
8. Bille (William T.), b. 20 .Jan., bp.BApl., 1781»;
d. IC.Ian., is2t).
4. Norman, b. 12 Oct., bp. 24 Nov., 1782; d. 21
Anj;.. 1790. ir.f. It.
5. Abifiail. b. 12 Sept.. bp. 24 Oct.. 1784.- 11'. r
li. : in. Ilenrv llalsev. 1 .June. ISOil.
li. Allvn. bp. I'Mcb.. IW. IV.C. It.
7. Klizabeth. b. 18 Aii.„'.. bp. 14 Nov.. 1780*: m. a
Wilwm; d. alit. WW.
8. lioxana. b. 3 Nov.. 1790; bp. 1 .Mav. I7'.ll*; il.
18 Aim.. 1790.
9. Catherine, li. 8 .Iiilv. bp. 1 Sept.. 179.3*: m. M.
Mar^b. 1828; d. 1849.
10. .lob, b. 10 .liine, bp. 29 Xng.. 1796*: m. Eliza
beth Cornish; il. abt. 1874.
11. Timothy Mather (Hon.). b. 7 Sept.. IHOO: hp. 7
.June. 1801*: m. Susan (dan. .Jos.) Pratt; hed.
25 .\nj;.. 1882: wa..- a wealtbv and iiroiiiineiiiciti.
zeii and benefactiM- of llifil.; was a dry •'ooil...
incht. : dealt largely in real estate: erei-ti-d the
Allyn IIoiL-^e and .\1lyii Hall, and was inav»»r of
lllfd. ; his 3 sons ( Itoberl only res. in lltfil.) are
sncce...sfnl bus. men.
The Miiltoi- lim. irives another eh. Itirhitril. b. ,*.
.Jan.. 1789; d. 1 Oct.. 1811.
1. Abigail, b. :» Oct.. 1-:J4; d. 12 Sept.. 1737,
2. Benjamin, b. 13. bji. 19 Sept., 17:iB: m. (1) Sarah
, who d. 9 Auir.. 1789. ic. .50; (2) Abigail
.who 11.29 May, 1795. a>. 84; he d. .30
Dec. , 1827. a\ !K). ImKf :
1. O. .-Vllvn. d. 9 .Jnlv. 17S2, fe. 9 mo.
2. Fitz-.jbhn. bp. 4 ()ct.. 1761.
3. Filz-Tohn. bap.. 15 Mav. 170.^ See Mimell.
4. .-Vbigail, bp. 6 Oct., 1765.
3. Abiiiail. b. 20. bp. 29 Oct.. n:i8.
4. .lohn. b. ac .Mav. hp. I .Tune. 1740; m. Elizabeth
Mather, 2 Mav, 1761.
5. Samuel, b. 17. bp, 18 Apl,, 1742; m. Lucy Gil-
let, 5. Ian.. 1764; prob. the Sam. who had ;
1. Samuel, b. 16 .June. 1764.
2. Samuel, b. 15 .laii.. 1705: l>p. 20 .Jan.. 1765.
ir. C. R.
3. Sarah, bp. 17 Mav. 1767.- 11'. f. It.
6. Eunice, b. 30. bp. 31 Jnlv. 174.3.
7. Ann. b. 21, liji. 28 .lulv. 1745.
8 .lob. b. 15 Sept.. d. ll'Dec. 1747.
». Donithv. h. 12 Feb., 1749-50.
10. .Iob((\)l.). b. 24. Ijp. 25 Nov.. 1753; in. Abigail
(dan. Nalh'l and Elizalx'th .llli/ii) Mather, 16
Mav, 1777 ( H'. (7/. Itec.) Miit • ( If. (/,. Jl^r.y-
1. iSenjamin, b. 29 Jan., 1777; bp. 8 Nov.. 1778
(ir. C. II.) : ni. a Wadsworth.
Allyn, Alexander (Scotchnian), an extensive merehant at Windsor. Conn., and con
neitiil in Inide witli tlie Borlands of Boston. He was licen.sed at W. to sell wine
and other strong drink, provided he would " not allow any to drink il in liis house,
and that he .sell '•heaper than others that have licenses." He m. (1) Miii y Grant of
\V., 21 Seiit., 1693. who d. 6 Aug., 1703, -.v. 29; (2) p:iizabcMi (ilau. of Hon. John of
Hartford) Allyn, 21 Dec, 1704. She survived her husband and ni. (2) Mr. .John
Gardner of Gardner's Island. 13 July, 1710. Mr. Ale.\. Allen d. 8 Aug., 1708, ic.
49 (JoniMoiie): estate inv. at £2,706, 4«., 2rf. ; he gave in his will £10 each to his
brothers Robert and William, then residing in Scotland, to be expended in Boston
for articles to be .sent to them; £1.5 for building a sdioolhouse on the Green in
Windsor; to Srott'K Iio.r in Boston, £.5; to FJcv. Mr. Mather, t'."); to Rev. J. .Marsh,
£5; to Mary Cross, his mother-in-law, £.'( in specie: to Sartdi (dau. Thomas) Gnint,
a servant girl, 20». to buy a Bible for her; to his only daughter. Mtiry, £400 in cash,
and the remainder to his sons. Ch. (Iiii tut wife):
1. .Mexander. b. 9 Sept.. I(i95. Fam. 2.
2. .J.ihn. b. 25 .Jnlv, lt)97.
.3. William, b. 9 Apr.. 1701. d. 16 Mav. 1701.
1. Marv. b. 7 .liine. 1702. d. 7 .\us;., 1703.
liy ill ttije:
5, Fitz-.Iohn, b. 12 Oct.. 1705: rem. to and res. in
New Haven; he w&» a iriMilleman of means and
(il neat ion.
K.\M. 2. Alexan(der ' (--Jter.'), res. al W.; was a mercliiiiit. and man <if hirgc prop
erty.; m. Hannah Marshall of W., 17 May, 1716; lie .1. 2 Apl., 1742, *. 47; she
d. 30 , 1772, X. 78; his estate inv. £8,875, 9»., lOd. Ch. {hp. W. V. R):
1. Abi;;iiil. 1). 4 Feb., 1716-17, (1. 20 Sept.. 1719, :i. Abigail, b. 28 Aug., 1731: m. Ellsworth.
" being scnidert to death by running backwards 4. Mary. b. 14 July. 1733; m. *i Jan.. lf»~3, (-'apt. .lag.
inloa kettle of hi)t\yater."' Hooker (IC. V'. A'.), andd. 19 Apl., 1765, K. 32.
2. Alexander, b. 25 Dec. 1718: ni. Hannah Ells- :>. Ilann.'di. b. 13. bji. 2n Aiiff.. 17*.
worth, 28 Apl., 1743 ( If. C. A".), vyho [lie<l 7 B. Hannah, b. :J0 Oei., bp. fi Xoy., 1743.
Dec. 1796. a-. 8;i; be d. 3 Mcll., 1790.
Mincdtnncoiiii — (Allyn, unless otherwise noted).
Abram, d. 19 Nov.. 1813, le. 28; liad ( 11%, Ch. liec.) :
1. Ahipiil. bp. 7i)rt.. ISIO. ] 2. William, bp. 13 Jidy, 1812.
Arnold (Allen) from Mass.; built the brick ho. in So. W. oce. 1874 by Sam'l P. New-
berry; m. Oct., 1805 {S. IS.), Mary (dau. Time.) Elmer of S. W.; sold the brick
ho. to Dea. Abner Reed, and bo't and rem. to lio, .since occup. by Clias. E. Usher;
he d. 25 Oct., 1846, ae, 87; she d. 3 Jan., 1849, a\ 74. Ch.:
1. Anna, bp. 2 Jan., 1S0S — £.W. ('. !/.: m. Jesse
R. Griffith of W.; res. So. W.; shed. 38 Jan.,
1874. le. 67; no issue.
a. Jnlia Lathrop, bp. 10, Oct., 1809. — .E. ICC. 7?.;
m. 11 Jan., 1831, Key. Andrew M. Smith
(Bap.), who relired from mini^trv and eng. in
mfre. ill Htfd.: d. Iliere 28 June, 1872; wid. res.
Htfd.: 5 ch. who d. ,young. — J. M. S.
Augustus, had a ch. d. 2 Oct., 1823, «. 5 mos.
Benjamin (poss. s. Fitz-John), m. Cynthia H. (dau. Allyn M.) Mather, 16 Oct.,
1823. lie d. Grand Rapids, Mich., 23 Feb., 1859. Ch. ( II'. ('. i.*.).-
1. Mary Rebecca, b. 9 -■kiig., bp. 3 Noy., 1836: in. I 2. Julia Unntin<_'lon. b. Ill July, bp. 28 ."iept.. 1829;
Spencer B. Root of Greenfield, Slass., 1847. | m. Col. R. P. Sinclair, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Elijah (poss. 4th ch, of Joiia., 2d s. of Sgt. Mutt/wir), m. Jlarlha StOUghton (E.W.)
Apl., 1800 ( It" C.B.); shed. 27 Aug., 1831; had:
1. , inf., d. 5 May. 1802. | 3. , d. 13 June, 1816, le. If
2. , d. last part of 1810. I Wid. Sarah d. 17 Sept., 1819, le. 62.
Elijah had:
1. Mary .\iulrus, b. 2 SIch., 1766. I 2. Rebecca, b. 24 Dec, 1767.
Fitz-John' (prob. b. 1763; s. Ikiij.,'' Capt. Benj.,^ BeiiJ./ Lieut. Thos.,* Capt. T/ios.,^
Uwi. MntV), m. Deborah Phelps, 31 Apl., 1788.— IK. C. li. Ch.:
1. Fitz John, Jr., bp. 1 Mch., 1788 ( W. C. JR.); d. 35 [ 4. Sidney Bucklaiid, bp. IS Xov., 1795.
Jan., 1825, ai. US. 5. Louisa, bp. 27 May, 1798.
2. Sarah, bp. 5 Dec. 1790. 6. Caudace. bp. 24 May, 1801.
3. Benjamin, bp. 21 July, 1793: poss. the B. before 7. Amelia, bp. 10 Noy , 1805.
ment. in Mh-c. I 8. Elizabeth, bp. July, 1814.
Henry, 3d. (poss. s. of Henry, s. ilnj. Henry, Col. Matt., Capt. Thos., Hon. Matt.).
(•h.(W. C. n.):
1. Henry, bj). 21 Xoy., 1799. | 4. Leonard, lip. 24 Sept., 1809.
2. Julia, bp. 7 P\-b.. 1802. 5. Annalet, bp. 2 July, 1815.
:i. Klizabetli, bji. 4 Xoy , isiil I 6. Jonah, bp. Feb., 1818.
John m, Ilamiah Chapman, 20 Feb., 1733. Ch. (11'. R.):
1. William, b. 22 .Vpl.. 1728.
2. Kphestion, b. 21 Apl., 1731. — Epheslion (sun of
Joliii Allin) had (E. W. C. H.) :
1. Jlolly. hp. 3 Feb.. 1765.
2. ,'bp. 5.1uly. 1767.
3. , bp. 18 Meh., 1770.
4. , bp. 14 Mch., 1773.
5. , bp. 14 Mch., 1773.
6. , bp. 3-1 Mch., 1776.
John, 2d., .Ir. (W. C. !{.), m. HuWi Burnham of Farmington, 18 Dec, 1761); had
(W.C. A'.).-
1. John Burnham, b. 5. bp. 7 Mch.. 1762.
Jonah (this may poss. be contraction for Jonathan; if so, he was s. Capt. Thos.. Col.
Mutt., Ciipt. ThoK., Hon. Mutt.), m. Susannah , who d. 26 Mch.. 1800, x. 66;
(IK C. H. say 71); he d. 3 Nov., 1799, a-. 66; had (ir. C. and II'. ('. U.) :
1. Theodore, h. 25, bp. 28 Feb., 1762; d. 10 .\pl., 1762.
Joseph h:id (W. C. It'.):
I. I..HS. h. 3Sept., 1751. I 2. Joseph, b. 22 Au';., 17.T3. I :i. Ro.\anna, b. 23 Apl., 1753.
Samuel m. Jerusha (dau. Capt. Eben. F.) BIssell. Ch. (JV; .§. I{.):
1. Harriet, bp. Feb., 17S-; in. Odiah LoomiS of i Sweetzer, and d. 3 .Jan., 1890; 4 ch.—
W.; 6ch. Mfi//„r l„ii,,il.
2. Kli |B.?1. bp. 5 July, 1788; m. .Jerusha Ma- 1 3. Henry, bp. 30 May, 1790; m.
ther, 7 June, 1821: had: 4. Richard, bp. 15 .\pl., 1792: m. (prob. the R. \yho
1. Mary E., b. 1822, who ni. Major Henry P. 1 ni. Julia Phelps, 28 Sept., 1814): had: Adelaide,
Vol. n. — 5
Samuel (jinib. the same as above); had ( 11'. V. R.) :
1. .\iiHliii. lip 4 .lull.. i;'.l5: inrhaiis llii- Kmily :) iSamui'l Wolioll, lip. J .Mi u.. ini..: ■! li .linn. JR05
who 111. .Joiriith Phelps, ^^'. i»*- ■*■
i. Siiiiiml VVolcntl. lip. •JlScpi.. lan ; il. 7.1iin..lSII.').
Samuel, -Jr.. liad i ir. ''. /.'.) .l%,uV. l)p. 22 l'\-b., I7>ir,.
Samuel auil \\\nirn.v Imil i 11'. ('. h'.).Wi/„, bp. 2fi Mdi., 1788.
Samuel, !^i> W ; ^^ihh' fimii C'liaUiam, Comi.; stone-euUer; ni. Clarissa (sister of
Samuel) Waterman ; both .1. S... W., «. /< -. be 1 Oet., 1H34, :e. 60; she 25 Aug.,
1H38, a-. 65; ppy. lell to her niece, .Vnielia (ilau. Joseph ami Sarah litinney) of Ash-
ford, Conn.; house sold to Horace Cliipniaii.
.l/<n/'ti(i/<« ( II'. (iiid II'. ('. //.).■
Aaron, m. Sarah Loomis, is.lau., 1782.— II'.C li.
Abigail 111. .Ionath:iii Ellsworth, 18 Sept., 1738.— 11'. C li.
Algernon Sidney m. Sarah E. Richardson, 4 Sept., 183,'>.
Ann of W. 111. Xoah Smith of Kensinsrlon (Berlin), 21 Jan., 17;!(i.— A'<^r. Slainm,
MidiUetowu, Conn.
Elizabeth m. Sam. .1. Norton of llifd., 12 Apl., 1832.
Elijah 111. -Miriam Parker nl Soutliuick. Mass., 17 Feb., 1823.
George W. m. Jane Doyle of Sprinnlicld, 12 Apl., 1848.
Hannah ..f W. m. Natjian Higley of Iv W., 11 Nov., 1790.— II'. C. /.'.
Samuel (Rev.) II. m. Julia .\. Pierson, H> Feb., 1847.
Thomas m. Wid. Sarali Stoughton, 1 Dec, 1806; she d. 1 June, 1^14, ;e. .■>2.
William A. m. Ruth Ann Phelps, 2!) Dec., 1849.
William A. (Blfd.), m. Harriet Barnes, 24 Dec, 1858.
ISirthg ( W. itiul W. C. li.) :
Abigail (dan. ;Martha Porter, reinited by IJeiij. Allyh). b. 10 July, 1704.
Ebenezer Young ison of Sarali Allyn and reputed son of Ebeiie/er Youngi, b. 10
Oct., 1727.
Huldah (dau, Matthew) bp. 2."i July, 17.")6.
William (s. Wm.) b. 25 Feb., bp. 4"Mch., U.M.
Abraham d. 13 Xov., 1812, se. 33.— ii.
Abigail d. 25 Jan., 1825, a>. 84.— K. W. 0.
Ann E. d. 4 Oct., 1844, te. 3.— A'. M.
Eliza ("ife of Ba.Nter H.), d. 6 Nov., 18.m, iv. 22.— &'. ir. .sY.
Elizabeth (wife Samuel Allyn), d. 17 Sept., 1825, !b. 72.
Hannah iwid.) d. 5 Dec, 17«6.— 11'. C. li.
Henry d at St. Kitts, fever, te. 22, 14 Apl., isill.— If. C. It.
James <1. 17 Feb., 1800, le. 22.— II' C. II.
Josiah d. 2 Dec, 1797, a'. 38.— »'. O. I'oss. Ibis is the ./we/)// (s. Ens. .lolm. F.w. 17),
one of tlie twii-, bp. l-") July. 17.59.
John's ch. d. spring of 1792; also a son of, d. 17 .Ian . 17",)4, ;e. 4 yrs.— 11'%. '/'. liif.
John drowned 3 June, 1714.
John d. 0 Aug., 1799, a-. 49.-11'. C. /.■.
Sarah wife of Daniel Dwight, d. 14 Sept., 1830, a-. 34, in Scio, Mich.— /i. 11'. O.
Samuel d. 29 Jan., 1718; his wife (Sarah Cook) d. 22 Nov., 1724.
Thomas (Lieut.), wife of, d. 8 Sept., 179."). I'rob. 'riionias, F.\m. 12.
William is. Janus and Ami), d. :! Sept., 1831, a'. 21 mo. — A', li'. S(.
ALVORD (For portions of the following revision, enelo.sed in brackets, we arc in-
debted to the limke iind Alrnrtl Mcmoriul, pub. 1864, by Win. .V. Burke; we have
also rcc'd much assistance from Rev. FuKD. Alvoud, So. W.)
Alexander, prob. bro. of Benedictus |supp. to have been from Co. Somerset. Eng.,
and both bros. oiJmtii, who in. Ambrose Fowler of W.; lot gr. W., 1645 (see p.
149, Vol. I.); in. Mary (dau. Richard and Ann) Vose, or Voar of W., 29 (3, 0. Ch.
rt.) Oct., 1640; was [abt. 1001 1 a sell, al Nditlianiplon [where he d. i5 Oct., 16H3;
she d. before; both were orig. iiKMnb. l.st ch. in N.] C/i. (h. at TK), Old f'h, Rcc. :
1. Al)ii;uil, 1). 0 Oct.. 1647 fill, nt N., lOOB. Tlitw. (s.
1647 fi
le of til
(iation of tlie ch. in. N..'" I(i0i|
2. John, 1). 12 Au^.. KMfl fni. Aliiij.'iil (dan. N'alh"!
and Elizabcthi Phelps ofW.; d. at N.; will
dated IS Apl.. 1721; piohali-d 8 Dec. 1~27|.
3. Mary, 1). 0 .Inly. 16.-.1 |ni. 24 Mi-li., lBlifl-7(), John
Weller "t >■'"; ivni. lo Dwrlicld alit. ItiKi].
4. Thonia.-, h. 27 (let.. It!"):) |ni. 22 Meh., lOKl, Jo-
anna Taylor, al X.; he d. N.. 22 July. l(iS8|.
5. KlizalHlli, li. 12 N'oy., ItiW Lm- HiSi, llenrv
Burt at N.I
fi. B(!njainiii, li. 11 I'Vli.. 1057-8 Id. al X. \~\r,: in.
nelinrah Stebbins, lli'.«i|-
7. Sarah, h. 21 .lime. ii;iio |m. 10 July. 1087, at N., as
2d \vife. -lames Warriner of sp^riui.; d. at S..
to Ma\, niM|.
,AVA//y '// Xnrl/itnnpton:
8. .leniniah. h. 9 May, 1003. )
il. Ebcnezcv, b. 23 Dee., 1005. - all in. and had fam. j.
10. Jonallian, b. 0 Apl.. lOlW. \
Sgt. Benedictus [of W. 1637, was iu Old Eng. 1689, in JIass., 164(11; lot gr. in W.
164(1 (II. I.'jO. Vol. I.): was Sgt. in Pequot expedition, 1037; m. 26 Nov., 10411, Jane
Newton (betrothal sermon preached by Mr. Warham — see page 11 Preface);
ioined \V. Ch. 1641; juror, Apl., 1643; con.stable, 1066; d. 23 Apl., 16«3; will
proved, 1683/4; est. £229, 3.t., 9rf. According to Old Ch. R'C he became member
W. Ch. IT Oct., 1641, !ind his wife 18 Jan., 1647; was a contributor to the fund for
" the poor in want iu other colonics," made in Conn., June, 1676. Ch. (h. at U'.) —
Old Ch. I{ec. (wliich al.so records " Benedict Alvord's three ch. d. 1648");
father for seryices in Peq. war {Col. Jiff'., ii.. 1.50).
■I. Elizabelh. b. and bp. 21 Sept,, 10.51; (in. al \V. Job
(s. John and Ilannali .Vrnre) Drake of Wsiild].
5. Jeremy, b. 2) Dee... l(i.55; bp. 31 Jan.. lf..-)5 6. - O.
Ch. lite. Fam. 2.
Fam. 2. Jeremy" (.SJ/^ Bemd.'), m. Jane (dau. Anthony) Hoskins "f W.; Ii(^ d- 6
June, 1709; wid. liisadm'.x; shed. 19 Mtiy, 1715; contributed Ix. 3(7. "to lund fur
poor in want in other colonies," 1670. . Children:
1. Jonathan, b. 1 Jnnc, 1645 [m. 1081, Ilaimah
Brown ; res. Westfield; .«. p.l.
2. Benjamin (Col.), h. 11 Jnlv, 1047 {A. N. l.ond.
12 Ans;.. 17(101.
;i. Jotiias, b. 0, bp. 8 July, 1649; rec'd fann gr. his
1. Benedict, b. 27 Apl., 1688. Fam. 3.
2. Newton, b. 24 Meh., 1089-10.
3. Jeremiah, b. 8 May, 10112. Fam. 4.
4. Jonathan. 1). 4 Meii.. 1091; d. 14 Jidy. 1700.
5. Jane, b. 14 Jan., 1698-9.
0. Joainia. b. 1 Jleh., 1701-2 [m. 9 Dee. 1725, Hen
jamin Loomis, Jr.].
7. Elizabeth, b. 22 Nov., 1703; d. 10 Jan., 1703-4.
8. Elizabetli. b. 27 Apl., 1706; [m. at W. 1 Oct., 1747.
Jesse (k. (Ibadiah & .Mindwell I'hiips) Hosford.
9. Job, b. 2i; .\tvj... niiS; piob. the Job wlio. abt. 17.Jt
was aniou^' the tirst selllers al !larwinI(Ui. Conn.;
had (if. y.'ir.) Jul), b. ;j, bp. 4 July, 1730; John, b.
4, bp. 10 Sept., 1738.— Il'.t'.«.
F.\M. 3. Benedict' {Jeremy,' ,Sf/f. Ikned.'^), m. Abigail (dau. Sam. and Mai-y Criphi)
Wilson ot \V., 12 Jan., 1714, who d. 30 Apl., 1773, m. 98. Ch. :
I 4. Jcrnsha, b. 3 Apl., 1723; d. 15 Feb.. 17.53-1.
5. Aznba, b. 19 Feb., 172"; d. 2 June, 1786; she had
I Dorolhy. b. 28 Jnly, 17.50.
Fam. 4. Jeremiah ' {Jeremy,'' Si/t. Beiied.' ), m. Sarah (dau. John) Eno, 4 .Inly, Ull
{Timo. Jjdinaix' Msn.). Oh. :
1. Belieilict, b. 29 All!.'.. 1716. Fam. 5.
a. Abigail, b. 3 Aui;., 1718; d. 16 Jan., 1740.
3. Ale.\ander, b. 31 Meh., 1721.
1. Sarah, 1). 10 June, 1712; d. 9 June, 171.5.
2. .Jeremiah, b. 1 June, 1714; d. 4 Jan.. 17.51-2.
3. Jane, b. 1 .tune. 1715.
4. Sarah, b. 14 Feb., 1717 18.
5. .Tcuialhaii. b. 10 Sept., 1720. Fam. 0.
6. Jeremiah, b. 14 May, 1725.
7. Elizalieth, b. 2 Aiis"., 1727.
Fam. 5. Beriedict'' {fk'rwd.,' Jeremy,'' Hut. Ih/ied.'). m. (1) Jerusha Ashley of Illfd.,
9 Aug., i;"44, who d. 18 Jan., 1761, te. 38; (2j Rebecca [dau. Elijah and l,ydia r/«/'/|
Owen, 18 Dec, 1761 ; he d. l.T Feb.', 1764 {'!) Ch. by M miir. (bp. W. I '. It. ) :
1. Deidamia, b. i:i, bp. 20 Jan., 174+5.
2. Abigail, b. 2;j, bp. 20 Oct., 1746; d. 16 Jan., 1740 7.
3. Abigail, b. 3 Dec, 1747.
4. .lerusha, b. 21 Aug., 17.50.
5. Alexander, b. 25. bp. 28 June, 17.52.
0. Llicreee, b. 27, bp. :iO Meh., 1755.
7. Benedict, b. 27 Feb.. bp. 13 Meh., 1757.
8. Anna. b. 7, bp. 8 Apl.,
(By .111 mar.):
It. KelK'ccu, b. 21. bp. 31 Oct., 17B2.
10. (ieorge, b. 1(1, bp. 11 Meh., 1764.
11. Rosetta, li. 18 Noy., bp. 29 Dcr., 1765.
12. Oliycr, b]). 1 Noy., 1707.
13. flara, bp. 3 .Noy., 1771.
Fam. 6. Jonathan* {Jere., Were., ^ Sgt. Bened.'), m. (1) Charity Thrall, ■■b„ih of
W.," 17 Dec, 1744 ( IF. C. R.), wlio d.
R.); (2) Elizabeth . Ch. :
1. Jonathan, b. 21, bp. 22 (ll.C. II.) Dec., 171.5.
Fam. 7.
2. Joseph, b. 6 July, 1748. Fam. S.
3. Charity, b. 20 June, 17.50.
(liy M mar.)- .V. S. /{. ;
4. Elizabeth, bp. 31 Meh., i;77: d. 30 Meh., 177-
(a fair specimen of Parson Hinsdale's accuracy
9 Sept., 1770, of epidemic dysentery (A'. S.
in ke(;ping records I)*
5. , bp. 31 Meh., 1777; d.
0. John, bp. 2 Aug., 1777.
7. , son, bp. 13 Feb., 1780.
Apl., .+
* Elizabeth (dau. Joiiu.), d. 9 .\pl., 1T77, le. 7 weeks )
+ James (s. Jona.), d. 9 Apl., 1777.
Fam. 7. Jonatha.n''(.Jonti. .* ,/ctr.,' Jrre.,' Sgt. Bened.'). m.'E\\7jihelh Reed; res. W
Childnn :
1. John. I 2. Willinin. | 3. .laniec. | 4. Nathaniel, b. 1781. Kam. a. | 6. C'lmimrey, d. innnM.
Fam. 8. Joseph^ (.hma.* Jiri..' .lire.,'' f!gt. Bened.'), m. Lucy (da>i. Moses) Gris-
WOld. Chihln'ii:
1. Lucy. m. Ilernicfi Holcomb. luittii: 6. Mosen, m. Rliodji Smith, hsi't :
1. Williiuii. 13. Ilt-rmcs. 15. Man'. 1. RohwcII. I .'J. I.nrindii. 15. raiiop.
2. Sclinu. 1 4. .\lnuiiii. | " a. Mosos. | 4. Delia. I
2. William (fapl.). b. 3 May. 1774. I''iji. 10. V. .\b))y Mather, ni. Levi Pinney ; ^ P
:j. iloi^eph, liiiinanied. ' 8. Sophia, id. Anthony Demott : ^- |i-
4. I'olly, m. Ai*hbel Case. I 1*. Eleanor, in. Ainon "Hathiaway. Isstir ;
5. RoHWell, unmarried, 1 1. Mone."*. | 2. RiMlolplio. | 3. Dnane.
F.\M. 9. Nathaniel'^ (./"«".,*. Atc.,' Jere.,' Sgt. liennl.'), d. 1836; in. ]:{ Nov., 1808.
Kiiiiicc Strong; res. W. O/iildreu {b. W.):
1. Nathaniel li.. b. IH Sept., 181)9; in. (1) Keziah | .3. Elijah ,'*lronj.', b. 18 Alls., ISl:). Fam. 11.
Barber, 14 Apl.. 1829; (2) Kliza Ann Lord. 4. Samuel M.. b. 4 .Iiilv, 1823.
2. Klizubeih \V., b. 10 Feb., 18II1. I 5. Alinira Enos, h. 4 Meli., is:i0; d. yonno;.
V\M. 10. Ciipt. William " (./'«,/,/,.'- ./,/„«.,< Jere.,' Jere.,'' Sgl. Ikmd.'), in. (1) 8 Feb..
18(r>, Cliirissa (dan. Isa.ii) Grlswoid, who d. 1 Deo., 1809, tr. :« yrs.: (2)3 Ai>l.,
18III, Scliiia Griswold. wlm d. 4 Feb., 1821, iv. :»; (:{) 4 July, 1837 |'.l .Tuly. 18;«].
Maria (dau. Gidemi) Barber ; he d. 26 Dee., 1856. Children:
1. Fclton, b. S.Inlv, 18(12: d. 14 |1»J Apl., 180U. Poq.; in. 10 Of I., 1842. Marv K. (dau. Ijonard)
2. \Villium, b. 3 Apt.. 1804; d. 14 Meh., 180i;..
:). William Kelion, b. 14 .Meli., 1807: d. 27 Aiif;.,
IK.'jl, lliunarried.
4. Alanwin II.. b. 7 Aiil'.. l.SIW: d. 3 Apr., 1810.
5. Kiielid W., b. 16 .InFv. 181:i. d. 21 Apl., \mi: res.
Keeney. Issue:
1. Celcsle, b. 2 Mcb.. 1RI4.
2. Hester, b. 4 May. 184.'i.
3. William, b. l(i lilch.. 18(8.
4. Fraiili, h. 27 l)if., la'ili.
F.\M. 11. Elijah SXrong" (Nutli'l," Jona.,' Jere.,' Jere.,'' Sgt. Jkiml.'), m. (1) Jtili:i
Lord, who d. 22 Feb., l,s,TO; (2) 30 Sept., 1850, Emily Sill, b. 30 June, 1824; res.
Wind.sor. Childreu :
1. Henry Sill. b. 15 Dec, ia>l; d. 20 .Tunc. IKVi. I 3. Anna, b. 30 Dor., 185G.
2. Emma, h. ,Inlie, 18.i4. | 4. Carrie, h. 17 Auj?., 18.59.
Alvord, Frederick' (Kev.), present pastor of 1st Cong, eh., So.W. (s. of Martin' oi
Bulton; s. of Cuiit. Saul,'' farmer and hotel-keeper in B.; s. of Den. fiii/l,' who rem.
to B. from Northampton, Mass., abt. 1760; a descendant of Alexander, the emig. of
W. and Northampton); b. in Bolton, Conn., 5 Dec, 1828; at age of 18 fitted for
college; entered Monson (Mass.) Academy, 1849; entered Yale College, 1851; grad-
uated 1855; became assistant teacher in No. Scituate (R. I.) Academy; enteicd The-
oli)gic;il Seminary (1.S55) at E. W. Ilill; graduated 1857; licenseil liy Hartford 4lh
Assoc, 23 Sept., 1856; Sept., 1857-Aiiril, 1858, supplied jiulpit of ch. in Byfield,
Mtiss.; July 21, 18.58, \va.s ordained pastor at Chicopee Falls, Mass. ; dismissed on ac-
count of ill health, 5 Nov., 1860; labored in ministry as health permitted from 1860
to ls(i6. Ml Dec. of which year he w:is settled at Darien, Conn.; dismissed 8 .Tune,
1M69, to accept call from 1st Cong, ch., Nashua, N. H.; in.stalled 6 July, 1869; dis-
missed 1 May, 1883; from Ai)l., 1885, had the pastoral care of Cong. ch. at Canton
Centre, Conn., until M;iy, 1889, when he became acting pastor Cong, ch.. So. W.
-Mr. Alvord has puiilished (1) J/inl. of Ch. in DuiiKtahk (now 1st Cong, church,
Nashua), \. II., 41 p.; (3) Hist. Sk. Conn, f'- ""<* Parixh, Canton Centre, Conn.,
(formerly W. Sims.), 96 p. ; (3) funer.al sermons of Cornelius V. r>c:irl)orn, Ks(|.. Hon.
S;imnel T. Worcester. .Mrs. S:imuel T. Worcester, lion. Is;iac Sptilding, Dr. George
Gray, John G. Kiinliall, idl of Naslina, N. H. ; and of Willis Barlierof Canton Cen-
tre, Conn.; al.so, articles in the Mew /Cni/la nilrr :iml tlie weekly press.
He m. 21 Oct., 1857, Susan G., dau. Hev. Alfred Ei.v, D.D., of .Monson, Mass.
Her mother was Susan (dau. Rev. Uriel) Grjdley of Watertown, Conn. Ch. :
1. Suwin firidlev. b. ('hiro|MH' Fulls. Ma».«.,2."i .\pl..
1860; u'rad. .Ml. Ilolyoke Sein.; in 2.-> Apl., 1SS2,
liev. Willis I). lA'land, pastor (*ong. eli., No.
Wevinonlli, Mass.
2. .\\tni\ Ely, b. Monson, Mass., 1 July, 1862; grtl.
.\nih. Coll., 1884; banlcing in Boston.
3. .\iidrew Porter, b. Monson. Mass.. 13.\ug., 1864;
L'rad. .\iiih. Coll.. I8N7; l>ankin): in New yorlt.
4. lialpli Flynt, I). Monson, Mass., 16 Oct., 1866;
baniiiiis in Itoston.
5. Martha Clarli, li. Darien, Conn.. 11 ,Ian., 1869;
jrrad. Whejiton Female Sem.. Norton, Mass.
6. IJrace Brewster, h. Nashua. N. H., 23 Oct., 1875.
^fllrHage>! : Josiah in. IMnrv Drake (uliim (Jaso), 20 Oct., 1726.
Jonas in. Tlmnkfiil Cadwell I'f \V, Iltld., 2;i .luni', 1803 (Ii7»/. Ch. Jiee.).
Nathaniel m. E.\]niitiue l dan. .I(>slni:i) HolCOmb, 3 July, 1724.
Perley m. Elilui Anderson ot E. Iltf.l., 17 Dec, 1817.
Mary Imd (W.C. R.) : Willmm Beal, Plia'be Di.\, Edwin Cliarlcs; h\^. 25 July, 1S21.
Iknths: Elizabeth d. is May, 1727.
Josias (s. Benedictus) d. 10 May, 1722.
Jeremiah d. 9 July, 1714.
Jeremiah m. Annp Giles, l"i July. 1740; poss. the "Ann ii<lult," lip. 26 Oct.,
17")2 (ir. c. Pi.).
Jeremiah liad (Tr. r. R): l, .Jeioiniah; 2, Elizahctli; both bp. 6 Xov,, 1737.
Jeremiah bad ; Jeremiah, b. 16 Feb., 1746 [7r].
ALLISTON, William, d. 30 May, 1684.
ALROY iMr.i, a cb. ,.f; d. 6 Meh.. 1S19, a-. 11.— .';. «.
A IVIES, Rhoda, d.2 Apl.. IMS, a". 1 1 ._,s. /;. -, Stephen in. Emily B. Kingsbury,
:! Oct., 1827.— N. /?.
AMI DON, Ebenezer, m. :Mis. Miriam Fowler, 22 June, 1845— ,9. /?.; Sanford
in. Elizabeth Ann Nichols, 4 Ai)l., 1 847 -.'<'. A'. ,• Mrs. Dunbar Amidon,
d. 3 Aug., 1842, ». 24 — >■. /?. ; a eh. of Mr. , d. 21 Sept., 1850.— .S /.'.
ANDERSON, Ashbel, had (A'. 11'. andE. W. C. R.):
1. .NaiHv, li. -a; .\pl.. l"."ii;. | 3. , cli. d. 21 Sept., 17.">7.
3. '-. ell. (I. 30.);iii.. ia>5. I 4. Ashbel, b. Sil.liiiu', n.5IS.
Anderson, Asa, had (E. ir. andE. W. C. R.):
1. , bp. 1 Mnv, 1763. 1 3. , <I. 4 Mav, 1768. | .'J. . bp. 9 Apl.. 17T5.
2. , l)p. 23 June, 176.'> | 4. , bp. 10 Sept., 1769. |
Anderson, George, had (E. W. R.):
1 St.-plieii SI>-.linali. I>. 27 Keb.. 17!)tl. W.f. /.'. Mrs. Susan d. :e. 29. 29 Nov.. 1816. — /.'. A
2. Tbeodnre. 1). 1 .Mav, 1798 Iprob. same Tlun. and ] 3. Violette; b. H Mch., 1790.
Susan who luid T'/miiim bp. 14 .lul.v, 1816 -A". ! 4. C'liester, b. 8 Dec., 1791
Anderson, George and Anielia had (A'. ]\'. 0.):
Uiismii. .1, is.iiiiv, iv'.ii;. :i-. -n.
Anderson, John i Lieut.), bad cb. d. 26 iMih., 1726.— r'. R.
Anderson, John, Jr.'s wife d. 25 Mch., 1742.— C. R. '
Anderson, John, ni \\.. m. Mary Spencer .>f Hini., 22 Alch., 1740-.50.— //(A?.
Anderson, John iposs. the above), had (('. R.):
1. Tim.itby. bp. 8 .\mi:., 1762. | 2. , I))). 17 Nov., 1765. | 3. , bp. S.Jul.v, 1774.
Anderson, John, Jr. (poss. above), (('. R.), had:
1. , bi). 23 Nov., 1777.
2. . bp. 21 Oct.. 1781.
3. , bp. 2:J Mav, 1784: (poss. tlie ./««(« who was
hii. X. 39, 14 Jail.. 1822. H. I).)
4. IThcodore). bp. 6 Aug.. 1780; <1. :c. :«, Mav 9, 1819.
n 1). The K. \y. r. R. rec. bp. of I'honias,
.^, .if •rbiodciie and Susan. MJulv, 1816.
5. IPanidial, lip. 3 Ans;.. 1788; Cposa. tbe P. who ni.
Cvpiian Taylor of E. 11..") Mav, 1816.—/?. H.)
0. Il^aura], lip. 9 Si-pt.. 1792.
7. , bp. l:i*ulv, 1794.
8. , ch. d. 1 Oct., 1793.
9. , ch. d. Apl.. 177.'i.
Anderson, Timothy, Jr., of So. W., b. 22 Nov., 1788; m. 26 Jan., 1815, Nancy
(dau. Timothy) Sedgwick of W. Htfd., b. 15 Feb., 1791; a yr. after rem. to So.
W. bot. the Chester Wolcott pi.; sold to Chas. Griggs. He d. So. W., 17 Dec,
1862, se. 74; she bp. 5 Oct., 1828, {E. W. C R.) with 3 cb.; d. 34 July, 1875. Ch. :
1. Hiram S.. b. 30 Jan.. 1H16; d. 27 June, 181(1. i he d. 22 June, 1876. ¥.. \X. II. /««(-■ (*y M mar.):
2. Henry, b. 28 Jan.. 1818. Ka.m. 2. ! 1. Katie J, b. 12 .Ma.v. 1KU2; in. Wni. (s. Edwin)
" "■ Stoughton ; fes. in E. Hartford.
Ill/ '^<l inarr'iaqe :
2. .Tessie Birjie, b. E. \V. H. 28 June, 1865; d. Htfil.
21 Mav. 1884.
3. Frederic Arthui, b. E. W. H. 24 Sept., 1867: d
E. W. H. 3 Jan., 1880.—./. il. S.
5. Lurv .\nn, b. 16 Jan., d. 94 Dec., 1827.
3. Hiram S., b. :«) June, 1820: in. Elizabeth (dau.
.\bia/er and Sophia) Porter of So. \V.
4. Julius F., b. 10 Apl.. 1824: in. 11) 13 Aug., 1861,
I'atharine M. (dau. <;eori;e and Maria) StarkS
of So. W.. who b. ill 1SI2, d. 9 June, 1862. a-. 20;
m. (2) 16 Sept.. 186:). .Iiilielte W. (dan. Julius)
BIrge, b. ;J0 Mch., 1h;W, d. I7 Oct.. 1888. So.W.
[Commnnicated by Mrs. Kate (Anderson) Stoughton of E. Hanford, Conn., and from Mrs. Stiles' MS.]
Anderson, Henry, m. 2B Nov., 1H40, Delcena (dau. Jloses and Eunic* Burnltam)
Elmer of Long Hill, So. W.; he d. 1 Mcb., 1849, a\ 31; res. So. W. Ch.:
1 II(iir\ l.i-.-, I>. 4Si-|)l.. IMl: 111. Klizal). Steb- I (ISTl); iiiilil. ami I'. M
bins. •"• Miiv. isril; v..|. in Wiir of civil R.bill. [ 3. Kiinim l)ilci-im. Ii 1 Ihr.. 1S43.
fl..Ml MlllllliT Hill. Pike (11.. III.. wllMl- 111- res. —.»../.£.
ANDREWS, Joslah B. (Rev.), m. Mary BIssell, IT Aug., 1801.— ^yl^y. Ch. Rer.
ANDROSS, Elijah, lia.l(H7..v. C/i. Rer'):
I Klijah, bp. 10 iVl).. niK. I a Rchecca, 1)p. 3.)an.. ITOS. I .■;. Elizahetli, lip. 28 Feb., 17T.I
2. Mary. bp. 9 Mch.. nwi. I 4. Uivc, bp. II Apl., 1773. I
Fam. 1. ANDROSS, William F. of lltfcl.. painter: ni. 260<t.. 1819 (R-P.) .lulia
(only dan. Abncr, .Ir. aii.l Lucy IIVW.) Bancroft, b. IT Sf|it., 1^00; res. awhile at
Utfd.; rem. to So, \V.; res. in Abner Bancroft, Sen. pi., where Mr. A. d. 17 Mch.,
1843, ie. 46; wid. d. 'J(i July, 188.5, x. 84 yr. 10 mos. Ch. :
1. .lulia A., in. Daniel Webster "f .>*oiner8, af- i 2. Uiey. ni. (1) 20 Nov.. 1»»5. E<1. H. fs. Edw | Gil
tenvanis waitlen in < ■iiini. State Prison, and was
slablHil bv a prisoner, from wliieli lie (I. 28 Meb.,
IStJ2; wid'. res. (IHT-l) Williinantie: bewnsawcVr
witb one son. Daniel. Iftme :
1. Noali (Webster), m. Eiiinia (dan. Win.) But-
ler of lltfd.; shed. abl. 2 viT. after.
2. Alice (Webster).
.1. .Ililiil K. (Webster).
man of lllfd.. wbo d. .Tuly. iissr.; (2) Ira Ben-
nett, "d'r of liockville. ivho d. at H.. snddi'iily.
21 Oct.. \Ki: sln> res. (1874) Ii. Ifsiie hij Ul iitiir :
1. J'rederiek Vincent (Giltnan).
3. Abner. Vam. 2.
4. Sarah 1!.. ni. .Joseph Williams, -Ir.. of So. \V
r.. William W. V.\m. :i
Kam. 2. Andross,' Abner B. (ll'". /'. and ./"//"). m. Mary s. Cowles (ilau.
Ashbel)of E. H.; res. in H.; ret. toSo. W. Ch.:
1. William P., b. Htfd. I 3. Mary Lena, b. So. W.; d. 14; 4. Abner Ilurton, b. So. W.; d. yt;.
2. .laincB Moore, b. Htfd.; d. y". | Sept., 188.5. a-. 27 yr. 27 d. |
Fam. 3. Andross, William W. ( U'w. F.), m. .lulia Stebbins of Monson, Mass.;
res. RockviUe. Ch.: (./. .lA 5.)
1. .1. Ilarriei. 2. Kate W.
ANDRUS, Samuel's wife, Rebecca, d. 11 Dec., 1739. :>' <U- :*s - IIV.v ch. /,V--.
,Andrus, Samuel, .Ir., bad (11%. Ch. Rec):
1 Dorcas, bp, 24 Apl., 1T74; in. .Joseph WadS- I •!. .Teriisha. bp. l!l Fel, , 17^1
worth of lltfd.. 8 .\ii'^.. IT.e. 5. .bx'l. bp, .Inne. 1787.
2. Samuel, bp. sn.luiie. 177I1; d. 12 Apl.. IT'.K. Ii. Hebwca, bp, Mch,. 1788.
:; l,.>i, I. p. isn, :,. 177S. I
ARMSTRONG, Richard, m Elizabeth Pearl, 20 Nov., 1829.— .s'. />'.; Mrs. — .
(1, s Feb,, is:10, tv. 78.- .S. II.: Rufus, d, 21 Aug., 1823, w. 74.— S. 7?.
ARNOLD, Susan, m, Ualpb Kawdon of Albany. N. V,. 3 Sept.. 1S1.-1,— /,'. II
ATCHINSON, Silvester, liad Laur.i. b. 3 .Sept., 17so.
ATHERTON, Newton C, ui. Harriet E. Hall, 2 Oct.. 1.S39.— N. /?.
ATWELL, Joseph, m. .Miriam Case, 27 Dee., 17.'>3; she d. 4 June, 17G.">. te. abt.
;iO. I 1.: (1) Josipli and (2) Heiijaiinn (twins), li. 2.5 Oct., 17.54; one d. 2fi Oct.; (3)
Anne, bp. 17 Oct., 17.50; (4) Ozias, bp. 23 July, 1758.— 117.^. Ch. Ric.
AU LEY'S <li, Tboiiiasd, 1(570,-0, Ch. /,'.
AUSTIN, Daniel, m, -Mis, Cbailoiie Clark, «Sept., ls33,— .v /;,
AVERY, Robert, m, Ainu- Barber, 0 Feb,, i:80.— ir. c. li.
BABCOCK, Nathaniel, m, Jiru,slia Culver, 12 May. 1842,— .S. Ii.
BACKUS, Mrs. Eunice i»id. Rev. Simon, pastor of rli, in Newington Society,
Wetlier.slield, tind dau. <>l Rev. Timothy Edwards. E. AV.). d. a-. 83, 1 June, 1788—
('', U.\ see, :dso, Gxotlirin's (/eneiil. Xoteii. Her youngest antl 8th child. Mary.
b, 174.5. d. E. W. 27 Dee., 17.M (C. li.) Her second child and dan. Riiiiiee,
b. 1733, d. E.W. unm'd, 22 Apl., 1812. ip. 10(S.li.) ao,Hliriii incorrectly says 1808,
BAILEY, Smith, (K \V i m, ,s J;iii,. 1772 (Wotx/irj;!* G«Hea/. iWe* say about 170.5),
Jerusha Mmi. Rev. Simon and Euuke (dan, Hev. Timothy Edioardu) Backus;
they rem. to Eastern Couu. He was bp. (C. K.) 16 May, 1773. (HMdren:
1. , t). ITGIi. d. inf. I i. , l>, Yt&H. d. inf. I 1. Polly. l>p. 27 June, nr:i (f. /?.).• ui. Jonathan
.■J. Tertiiis. I) n7t'. Ml. A; sett, at Stonini^ton. Conn. 1 Birge, E. \V.
BAKER, Jeffry, urig. sett at \V. (see p. loO, Vol. I.); m. .Jane (dan. Wm.i Rock-
well, 15 Nov. 1642 ((J. <: It). He d. 7 July, Ifio'i. [We are imiebted to J. G.
AVooDW.MiD, of Hartford, for scmie corrections in this family]. ('liihlmi{0. ('. R.) :
I . Siiniuel, 1). .-iO Mch., KiH: m. Sunili (dan. Xathl) i 2. Hepzibah. b. 10 Ma.v, IWli: in. 8 Mch., 1665, Caleb
Cook, 30 June, 1670; was a freeman of W. Pomeroy.
1669; wa.-i adm. \V. I'h. 7 Sept., lliT-J: wife adm. 3. :Maiv, b. 1.5 July. Kilil.
a Oct.. 1670 1 o. <: Ji.): had his father's lot east 4. .\liigail. b. 2:! liee.. IIJVJ: dead in l(j74.
of Great River: res. there 1672; was named as ."). .loseph. b. IS .Tune. ItiS.",. F.\>i. 2.
• of W." in Pm/i. Il,r. Htfil.. 11 Jan., 170(1. '
Fa>i. 2. Joseph "(./<'#*•,'/'), ni. llannali (wid. Thos.) Buckland, and third dau. of
Nath'l Cook. oO.Ian. I()76; hed. 11 Dec, Hig,-. (91 ?); she m. (2) John Loomis(V).
Vhihii'cii :
1. Joseph, b. 13 .\pl.. 1678. Fam. 3. 4. nannah, b. lU Dee., lli.S(i: d. 8 Jleh., 1687.
2. Lvdia, b. 15 Julv. 1681 ; d. 8 May, 16fls. 5. Ebenezer. b. 17 July, 1689.
3. Samuel, b. 14 Oet.. 16S4; d. 16 Get., lim.
Fam. 3. Joseph ' {Josepli.- Jefri/'). m. (1) 8 July, 1702, Hannah (dan. Caleb) Pom-
eroy of Northampton; (2) wid. Abigail (dau. Thomas N?(7i.v) Bissell, 20 Dec.,
1706; was one of the petitioners for the layonl of Tolland, 1713; an original grantee
of the towu.ship iu 1719; rem. there 172-4; .sett, on tract of several hundred acres S.
Shenipset Pond; his gravestone, still standing in T., says he died at T. 29 Jan.,
1754, in 77th year; will mentions wife Abigail, and ch. Joseph, Samuel, Heman,
Hannah, and Abigail. Chihlren:
1. .Joseph, b. 19 Apl.. 170:i.
a. Samuel, b. is June. 1705.
3. John. b. 2S Dee.. 1707.
4. Hannah, b. » Apt. 1709: m. 4 An;;.. 17:j7. Jona-
than Gurley of Mansfield, t'onn.. dep. to Gen.
.\ssem. 176:) and '65: he d. 12 Xoy., 1778, is. 04;
she d. 18 .May. 1796, in 8Kth year; 8 children.
5. Jacob, b. 11 Jan., 1710; srad. Y. C. l~n (the first
jrrad. from Toll.): studied for the niinistrv and d.
prior to 1745. F. f. rjv ///<('(/ says 1742.
6. .\bii.'ail. b. 11 Nov.. 1712: m. Sainuel Gilbert.
7. Ebenezer. b. 31 .Jan.. 171+15.
S. Daniel, b. 2 .\pl.. 1717: d. prior to 1745.
0. Heman, b. 27 Ajil.. 1719,
10. Titus, b. 14 Jlay, 172'->.
Lot, of Ellington, m. Anna (dau. John and Content) Elmer, wid. of Daniel Squires.
who d. 5 Sept., 1820; he d. 2 Sept., 1818, tc. 72. Vhildi-eu :
1. Luke, b. IJ Illy, d. 6 Sept., 1803. : 2. Nancv. b. 16 Dec, 18a>; ni. Elez. Hamilton,
■» No'y.. 18:37.
Baker, Joseph, m. Elizabeth Marshall, 11 Nov., 18'29.
Joseph W. (ace. lo If, 1!. ".rr."), m. Hannah M, Clark, 12 Aid., 1849.
W. A., m. Frances P, Glllett, 7 Dec, 1841. ^^^
Orrin, m. Martin Burnham's widow. — J. M. s.
Nathaniel, had H(z;ileel, b. 9 Oct., 1745..
Susan, wife of S. S. (d;iu. of Henry and 'Shwy Taylor "1 .\i:i,^:ira Co., N.
Y.), d. Aug. 25, l.'^.W, ;e, 30 years,
Henry E. (s. of Simon :inil Ihirriet), d. 21 June, 1824, ;e. 15 mos.
Irene, m. William Francis, Jr., 1 Mch., 1818,
BALDWIN, Theophilus, and wife Althea had (N. S. li.):
1. Lydia, 3. Pollv. I 5. Henry, bp. 12 Mch, 17S6.
2. Samuel. 4. Theophilus, bp, Sept., 1785. I 6. Moms, bp. 13 Xoy., 1792.
Baldwin, Ambrose, m. Harriet Marshall, 21 Nov., 18.39,— W. C K.
Baldwin, Daniel, had :
Elijah P., b. 15 June, 1754.
David H., m. Julia Ann Stoughton, 19 Feb., 1849.— .s'. />".
Robert E., m. Margt Ervin. 31 Mch., 1850.— N. Ji.
BALLARD, Daniel (E. W,); poss, son of John of Willington, Conn,; had :
I, ,l..|iii. 1, l:i Nn , n.si
BANKS, John, lawyer; among 1st sett, of W.; iu 1643 app. town clerii and also
" to siiie the weights and measures of the several towns of the colony"; sett, at
Fairfield soon after, of which town he was a wealthy and prominent citizen. Sav-
iij/i says that " by trad, his first wife was a dau. of Charles Taintor of Wethers-
Held," also of F., Iiy whom he had (ace. to O. i'li. R.) a cli. b. in W. See Miss
Sclienek's Ilixt. Fnirfuld, C'onn., i. 3ol.
BANCROFT. For the aceii racy and interest of this revision we are greatly in-
.Iclilcil tc. .I.iiiN IM. Hanikiikt of New York city (s. of .J<m]>h and Betsey (\Vitkf-
Jiilil) i<{ Heading, JIa.ss.; s. of Jusiii/i and .Mii^ail (I'litnii) of R.; s. of .loxtjih and
Kli/.aheth ( Timplt) of H.; s. of Thomas and l.ydia Kmery (Diaiie) of R.; s. of 'I'hos.
and JIary (Wthstn) of R.; s. of Thomas and Sarah (Pimlr) of R. ; s. of Thomas and
Elizabeth (MHailf) of Dedhani, Lynnfield, and Reading, Mass.), who has for many
VIS. been engaged on the gcneal. of the Bancroft family.
I Bancroft, John, came in the Jmne^ from London. Eng., Apl., 1633: arrived .June 12
(S weeks' passage); res. Lynn, Mass.; d, 1637; dil. Ike. .Vitss., 3 Sept., 1633; Win-
tlinip'* Joitriiiil, 12 Sept., 1663; HiihhanVii llitt. Nt ir Kng., p. 1.^6. His wid. .Jane
rec"d 100 acres of Id. at I.ynn, 1638. Nov. 19, 1644, .Jona. Strattan and Thos. Tal-
madge, Jr., of Southampton, Ij.I (a settlement emanating from Lynn), pelilioned fur
Ihe peaceable sett, of the lot betwixt them, "which formerly was gr. unto Widd.
Bancroft," which was consented to. Trad, in the B. family says she in. (2) a man
who rem. with her and her ch. to Conn. Siirtir/i' mentions ch. .John and Thomas.
' ■//. (A. Eng.) :
J\. .\iiiiii. 111. 13 May, KMT, .Joliii Griffin; m-11. | 4. Saiiiiicl.
SiniKhiir.v; 10 childi'en. I .'>. \\'iniiiiii [acr. to Hintititii. fur wliirli wo fiiul no
2. .loliii. Fan. 2. aiitliority.l
.3. Tliumas'. Fa>i. 3.
Thomas Bancroft, poet (a native of Swarkstone, on the Trent, Derbyshire,
where his parents wen^ luiriiiL and who jir. a vol. of epigrams and epitaphs, 1639,
London. Kng.) says of his brother, .John Ihuicnift :
** You wild your land the li«;htt'r lioncc to no
To foreign coat^t**, yet (Fate would liave it so)
Did ne'er New Kn^land reach, Imt went with them
That journey toward New Jerusalem."
Tnitlitiiiii >peaks of a sojourn on I^ong Island and the death there of one of the
//(/•(< brothers; that one then went to Slass. and one to Connecticut.
Fam. 3. John ' (./«//«'), at W., 1645; Id. owner(see p. 1.51, vol. L); 164«, 22d9lh mo. was
rcc. in Snjfhlk (.Uii.i.i.) Iknh, Robert Saltonslall to N. Dawson of Seabrook, "a house
in Windsor, Conn., formerly of Francis Stiles of S., now in occupancy of Thos. Gil-
bert and John Bancroft "; he m. at W. 3 Dec, 1050, Ilauna Dupe r (or Draper,
Dupra?), and d. 6 Aug., 1662; wid. ui. (2) John London ; est. di.strib. 10Sepl.,"62;
to eld. s. .tH. 11. 00; to each of other ch. .£12; to wid. t'3T; and portions to be pd.
the son.s at age of 31, to dans, at 18, etc.; Dec. 1, 1664, "tjuarter Ct. at Hartford,
Ilanna Bancroft, pi., rmilni Henry Stiles, deft , in an action of defamalion to the
damage of £2.5, the pi. appeareth not." Ditto, agt. Margaret Hayden. Cli. (O.V.li.):
.l.'ItM. Ik Dee.. KhM : proh. j-eit. Wi-cUield ( II'. I :t. Kpliraliii. I). l.'> .lime. liCiil. Fam. .%.
" ■ ■ "" ' "' 1. Ilaimali. Ii i; .\|il.. KL't'l.
5. Sarah, b. Sli Dee.. IlKil: ui. Daniel Sexton, 48
Di-c.. msj; -ell. \Ve...ltiel(l: :t eh. beron- llliir.
vi Meb.. IWi": ".Inhn Uaiiemfl vviictfr. .30
imI a hoiise-lor. on Ihe Fort side"; no riT.
>>r d.. i)r any faiuilv.
S:ui ill. li. I'.i Nov.. ItiVJ. Fam. 1.
F.VM. 3. Thomas' (•/<//(//'), at Springfield, Ma.s.s., s Dec, 16.'>3; in lli.">4 res. Ilure at
111!' "lower wharf," now Thompsonville (Enf.). Conn., as see .\ AVc. of /Ww.Wuiw.
His catlleinark was "y" lop of both ears cut off :ind a little piece cut out of y off
care." He m. (1) Margaret (dau. Samuel) Wright of S., 8 Dec. 10.")3; m. (2) .*
He was a farmer; while at Westfield a silcctman; (sec his allidavit in regard to
his bro.in-law, John Gritten, p. 477, Vol. I,); in 1668 he wasat We.stfield; sold farm
*.l. M. B. Ibiiilii. that llie lliiiinali Idau. Samuel) (iunliier of Iliullev, who (aee. to IIoIuvihmI's Hi*/
lliiilliy. \>. 41tT), ni. SnlhuiM llanerofl. ltW5, rvallv in. this Tliomiui Baneroft, and ««8 the *1 w ife, who m. (i!)
John BurbcT.
there in lOSO, Mch. 20; returned to Enticld, where he d. 14 Dec, 1684; will diited
in Nov. of that year and upon rec. at S.; gave s. Thomas, Jr., 15 acres of land on
S. side of Woxoiioak river, belonging to Springfield: to sons Samuel, John, and
Nath'l, equal shares at Enf.; £7 each to daus. Anne and Rebecca; house, etc., to his
loving wife. The will, being unsigned, could not be estab., and est. was not sett,
until 3 Feb., 1703-4, before which time the wid. had m. (2) John Barber of S.*
ChUdren {li. prob. at Enf.), the firxt acren by 1st wiff :
1. L.vdia. b. fi, 2d mo., 16,^5. ' tnict'd to present da.v. Prob. Thomas. Jr. was' jl
2. Marpiret. b. IG, H mo., 1650; d. prob. iim'd. 3 ] scafarin*; iimn.
Feb.. 1703-4. o. Anna. b. .5 Mav, 1063: ni. Jamet^ Sexton ; was
3. .\nna. b. 1, " mo.. l(i.>S; bn. 30. G mo., Ili.i9. living 1703-4.
4. Thomas, b. 21. 11 mo., 11159; w.is living at lime '•. fi. Lydia. b. e. 2 mo., lG(i5.
of father's death, and (presumablv) at the sett. 1 7. Jnlia. "dau. Thos. and Mar*;'t J5.,"" d. 3i) .Inlv.
of his est., 1703^, when lie is thiis ment,: "to [ l&X.— S/)rinr(fie/(l I)er.
the eld. s., Thomas B., Jr.. or to his issue, a 8. Samuel {Lieut. i, b. 85 .Ian., 1607. Fam. 8.
double poition. £10.12 4." From Xnrtli. Hec. : ft. Kuth, b. 2(1 Ana.. 11170, at Weslfield; m. Jolm
" Nath'l F.ilw.irds & Tbos. Shelilin^ of N.. for Stiles of \V., and. after being a motber 13 liuics
securing [Tlu^ UaucrofiJ an offender, a day and (twiee with I wins), d. in child-birth. 1714. Pren.
a night! wa> allow ed 3'/. apiece, and IsiahSheld- Stil^x'x MS. says, "being left an orphan at an
ing one shilling on s'> alknvanee. as also Sam" early age. was given to Mrt Fowler of Westfield. to
Strong for his nuire to We.-;t,tield to apprehend y^ , bring up; when of age she lived witli Rev. Mr.
s*" Bancroft, as also p'' to John Taylor, who went Glover of Springfield, and was in the forlilied
to W. after s'' Hancrofi — to be p-" as aforesaid." house when it was besieged by Ind., 1(>75." Thi.**
.\mong others, be was an early sett, at Cape May. does not say she was of age when living in the
>'. J., and had located or purchased a lot there fort-house. Rev. Peletiah Glover sett, at S., IGlil.
prior to 1700— Beasley's Earl>) IFk^I. Cnpe May and d. Ihere -B Mch.. lliflS.
Co.. X. J. Samuel "li. (presumably his s.) m. 10. John, d, Enf,, 26 Feb,, 1684; ment. in father's
Margaret Miller at Eastbampton. L. I.. 1717; will.
had one or more eh. there; soon after, was at 11. Rebecca, b. Enf., ^^ Feb., IGSO; m. Cillet.
Cape May; aiul abi. !7.''iO d.. lea\ ing wid. Marga- ! 12. Nath'l, b. 21 Oct., lt>8;l: m. Kuth Halle; res.
ret and numerous ch.. from whom desc. can be j W. Springfield; desc. in Granville, Mass.. & Ohio.
Fa.m. 4. Nathaniel '('/o/(",^ John '), took his share of the paternal est. in W.; m.
Hannah (dau. John) Williams, 26 Dec., 1677; rem. toW.; rem. to Wficld; 'wounded
by Indians; d. 10 Feb., 17'34; she d. 15 Mch., 1728. Ch. {b. W.):
John. b. 21 Jan.. IGTS-fl; d, at \\'estfield 14 Oct. I bury; be d. Westfield 30 June. 1740; 8 cb., none
1749; m. (II Hannah Bridgman, 171ii; (2)
Kezia Smith. /-•>"..■ 1. .\nn. b. 17IG.
2. Edward, b. ins.+ 3. Ann. b. 17-20.
4. Cajit. John, h. IWi.ra. (l)Mercy Ashley :
(2) Miriam Burt ; has desc. in "SN'stlld. Mitss.
5. Elizabeth, b. 1727; m. B. Fowler.
6. Dan'l, b. 1730, d. 17:«. 7. Desire, b. 17.38. d. 1742.
2. Nathaniel, b. 2.'5 Sept.. 1680; m. (II Elizabeth
Root ; (2)diiu. Capt. John Higley of Sims-
menticuR'd in will. This prob. 7 Jan., 1744 ( .VorfA-
amptoii life), mentions "Josei)h Higley of Sims-
bury, the s. of Brewster II., my wife's bro." .\dm.
of est. of Elizabeth Bancroft "to Brewster Higley.
Sen., who app. bis son att'v. Hw. Iliffloj.
3. Benjamin, b. fi. d. 13 June, 1684,
4. Elizabeth, b, 30 Oct., 1G82; m. Consider Mose-
5. Edward, b. .30 May, 1688, d. 1707.
F.\M. 5. Ephralm '(•/')/'",■"■ Jo/m,^) had the homestead at W., wliich he sold to Nath'l
Bissell; m. o May, 1681, Sarali (d;iu. John, Sen.) Stiles ; C. It. says " Eph'm B.'s
wife d. 9 Oct., 1737, a>. 65 or 66." He contrib. U. lid. to the Conn. Fund for Re-
lief of Poor of otlier Colonies, 1675. He d. 1727; will dated 17 Oct., '27; pres. by
Nath'l B., 6 July, 1730. Wid. m. (2) Thomas Phillips. Ch. (b. W.— W. liec.):
1. Ephraim. b. 8 Feb.. 1681-2. Fam. 7. I m. (2) Thos Parsons. Imie bi/ Bancrnft: -4-
2. John. b. 8 Feb.. 16S5; d. 2 .May, 16,86.— CW. ItiC. ' 1. Rachel, b. 21 Aug.. 1723. d. 3 Julv, 17.35.-^7. n.
3. Sarah, b 6 Felj.. 16S6-7; d. 17^27. a-. 40. 5. Benjamin, b. 10 Mav. 1694; dr. 29 .Mch.. 1716. ae. 21.
4. .John. b. 19 Dec. 16911; m. Rjichel (dan. Ilenryl 6. Nathaniel, b. 1098; living 1727.
stiles, b 21 June. 1690; bed. 21(18 ace. C.Jt.) 7. Daniel, b. 16 July, 1700.
May, 1755; will, exhib. July. '55, by bis wid.. men. 8. Thomas, b. 14 Dec. 1703; ace. to our l.st edit. d.
'Siah Munsell and a s. of his bro. Thos. Wid. Rach. young; but ,/. M. S. says he m. Faji. 8.
F.\M. 6. Samuel '■'(Thciiin.s," .Mm '). b. Enf.. d. (So.) W. 29 Nov.. 1742, in 74th year.
In 1084 Dec. 12. a grant was math', "upon his father's moliou," of an allotment at
Enf., 26 acres in all, provided he chvell there 7 years. He sold hind in Enf. adjoin
ing land of his bro. Nathaniel, .Vpl. 24, 1(391, and mentions Hannah Barber as his
father's relict. Mch. 11, 1696/7, he witnessed a deed by Nath'l Bissell to Thomas
Holcorabe, of Id. at Sims.; and 23 Mch., 1796/7, the said Bissell of W., "in consid-
eration of my affection for my dau. Hannah, wife of Samuel Bancroft," deeds to
» This John Barber's will, proved 13 Feb , 1711 12, makes beiiuests to three of tbe.se step-children, viz, ;
to "daus. -in-law," Huth /iiiiirrt/ff. (whv should he not call her by her married name of Stiles, in view of the
fact that she had 11 or 12 children at Ihis time'/) Rebecca GiUet. to whom he gave " all their mother's wearing
apparel;" and to his "son-in-law" Nathaniel Bancroft. — /. .lA. B.
■I This Edward, b. 1718, had two sons. The eldest. Dr. Edward, b. 9Jan., 1714. a noted phvs.
in Hartford and Sultleld, went abroad with Beiij. Franklin and Silas Deane. and d. in Loudon, Eng, His
grand.-ou, William C, is now Col. of 19th Regt.. British .Army. Another grandson, l{ev. Thomas Davis
Lamb, was late rector of West Hacknev, London. Edward's second s.. Dr. Daniel, b. 2 Nov.. 1748, was
surgeon on Br. war vessel at Halifa.x anil Wiltnington; d. Philadelphia. 1796.
Vol. II. — 6
him lanil E. of the Conn. Uivor. Oct. 4, 1704, James Suxton acquit.s John Barber
of Springtield and Samuel Bancroft of W., concerning the est. of his falhcr-in-law,
Thomas Bancroft. Feb. 23, 1700/10, he is mentioned as Lieut. Sain'l; he owned the
Covenant in (E.) W. eh., Nov. 10, 1700. In Queen Anne's War he left W. 10 Julr,
1711, ret. 12 Oct., sameyr. ; served in Capt, Jloses DimondsCo In 1710 Sgt. Sam'l
B. was one of ch. com. to build a church, with discretionary power. In 1717 lie was
on a school committee; in 1714 on a com. for draiuinij lands with Roger Wolcott
and Sam'l Hockwell. As his name does not appear on ]ie1ilion of E.^\'. inhabitants
who wished to settle a minister, 1004, he prob. had nut then removed from Enfield.
Hem. (1) Hannah (dau. Nathaniel and Mindwell, dau. Dea. John ilourc) Blssell of
W., who d. 24 Jan., 1708/9, in :iwh yr. (A'. W. 0. et C. li.); she was b. 12 Jan., 1670;
he m. (3) wid. Joanna Allyn, 23 Feb., 1709/10, who was a sister of Ebenezer Gilbert
and wid. of Thomas Allyn; she was b. 22 Apl., 1676, and d. 8 Jan.. 1773, a?. 97.
Lieut. Samuel B. d. 29 Nov., 1742, in 74th yr. (E. W. 0. el C. /?.); will prob. 1 Feb..
1742/3. Ch. (all by M irife):
1. Margaret, b. l.'. May. 1008; living 1742; ill., G ch. I .3. Nathaniel, li. 4 .Iiilv. 1703. F.»m. !).
•i. Eunice, b. -.'9 Dec., 17l)(1; livinj; 1742. | 4. Elizabeth, b. 27 Mcli., 17U6; liviiij; 1742.
Fam. 7. Ephraim ' {Ep/(mim,' John,' Johii^), res. Scantic. E.W.; one of signers for
ferry at W.Pt., May, 1755; m. 17 Mch., 1715, Frances PhelpS of W. "Eph'm
B.'s (Sen.) wife d. 14 May, 1753."— C. M. His s. Isaac adm'r on liis ist 29 June.
1767; estate mentioned 29 May, 1770. Children :
1. Sarah, b. 20 Dec.. 17I.Vlfl. [C. li.
■-'. Ephniim. b. S Oct., 1717; <1. prob. 27 Nov.nUT.—
3. EpUraim, b. 12 Mch.. 171tH«. Kam. 10.
4. Isaac, b. 17 Aug., 17^. Fani. 11. "•
5. Hannah, b. 20 Jnlv. 172.3.
«. Eliza (or Ellisi, d.'tfi Julv. 175(1.
7. Ruth, (I. 2.S .Jan.. 1727-8.- IT. lire.
9. Ruth, b. 7 Sept., 1729.
Fam. 8. TY\omas* (Ephraim,' John,'' Jofin\ m. Martha, or Mercy (prob. the latter)
; res. W. 1759; adm'r 1779 on John Bancroft's estate (?) Children:
1. Sarah, b. 15 Dec. lr28; m. 2 Jan., 1751. Jacob ' 5. Edward, b. 15 Julv. 17.37. Kam. 13.
Munsell, who was b. 21 Apl., 1732; the d. 28 6. Abel. b. 25 July. 17)0. d. l'!li;-7; 15 .Vug. %, Dea.
Nov.. 17S.3. John quit-claiiiied landi' at Wpg., K. W'.. given to
2. Ei.ther. b. 21 Nov., 1729.— ir. Hfc. John and Abel bv tlieir father Tho!-. li., John, Jr..
3. Thomas, b. 10 Oct., 1731, ■' d. G. Aug., I7.-)8. at a witness; Abel n'l. and had 5 cli.. one of whom was
Lake George,'"(W'. Hfc.) in war service; John H. a dau. .llicf. who. 2li Jan , 171i7. with Joel Elmer,
adm'r of his estate, app. t! Mch.. 17.59; Thos. and deetled land to Thos. Uaneroft. bd. E. bv land of
John B. gave btmds. Wii.i — • I. Thonnii- B., Jr. heirs of Edw. Bancroft. W. on Id. of Isaac B.. .3d.
of \V.. do H ill and declare that if I sbonld not re- owned lately bv .\bel. deed; 1 -5 thereof has desc.
turn home from the campaign, I am engaged . . . by right of lieirsliip to sd. Alice. .SUe il. 2 Dec..
ti> my father and bro. John and t\s lo Ab- If-o:!, a'. 85 yrs.. 9 mo.
igailBnoth "— prob. his affianced. 7. Ann, b. SOct.. 1744; mother to Isaac Bancroft. 3d.
4. John (Dm.), b. 31 Dec. 1733. Fam. 12. 8. Nathaniel, b. 17 Oct.. ITIX; d. 2U Apl.. 1708.
Fam. 9. Nathaniel ' {Snul,' n;>^.,'Joh>,'}, m. (1) Dorothy ; (2) Ann (dau. John
and Hannah Mirljcrn/) WolCOtt, 21 Dec, 1732, who was b. 9 Dec, I71I, and d. 2
May, 1766, in SSth yr. (A'. )V. O.). He owned over 150 acres of lanil, and slaves,
Ca-sar and Pbirbe, who had three daus., the eld. of whom (Phebe) rescued James
Bancroft from drowning, when a small boy. Nath'l B.'s will, dated 8 June, 1774,
mcnt. Sam'l, Abner, and Thos. (who had the homestead), and "my son Nathaniel's
son Nathaniel," who was to have "• my gold button," etc. Query — Was there a son
not iucl. here, or was Dr. Dickinson, husband of Hannah, named Nathaniel? A
codicil to this will, 4 Oct., 1778, imuleCtesara freeman. Nath'l B. d. '79. — C. A'. Ch.:
1. Marj-, b. fi Jan., 17:)0; prob. ni. David Allyn, 4. Samuel, b. 29 Oct., 1737. Fam. 14.
27 Feb., 1753: she d. 14 Jan., 17.''>.3|4), in 2td yr. 5. .\bner. b. 311 t)cl.. 1739. Kaji. 15.
— Wl/ij. Ol'l Crairi/iiril. David Allyn m. |2) (i. Jerushn, b. 11 Apl.. 1712: m. Oliver Loomis of
Miriam Parsons of Soniers, Conn., 14 Nov., ! So. \V., 2 Sept., 17i;2: bed. befor* 17.17; fhe rem.
II'K. to res. with her dau., .Mrs. .Miller, at SaugereUeld.
2. Sibel. b. 17 Oct., 17;i4; d. 28 May, 18IM. (e. 70; N. \.
ni. William Rockwell of So. \\'.; he d. 1S25, 7. Thomas, b. 20 Seiit., 1740. Fam. 1«.
""• 93. [Nath'l is cr. in ('. 1/. with ch. d. 3 Feb., 17:»: ch. d
8. Hannah, b. 22 Jidy, 17.^5: m. Dr. Dickinson 17 Mch., 1710; ch. d. May, 1741.
of Marlboro', C'ouu., where she d., iv. 90.
Fam. 10. Ephraim ' (Eph.,* Eph.,' Juhu,'' John'), m. 6 Dec, 1739, Esther Cleasc n
of Enf., who d. at W., Dec. 1, 1809. a-. 96; rem. to Torrington, Conn., where he
d. 1791, ic. 73. He was a farmer and tavern-keeper, and lieut. in Uevol. war, much
respected by all. His wife was a wom;in of ability, well able to kcei> rude soldiers
and other visitors in order. Ch. :
1. Triplii-nn. li. 10 Auk.. 1740; m. (1) — Pease ;
(2) C'apt. Silas Fowler of Southwick, Mass.,
where, and at Knf.. she has dcsc.
2. Allis (Ellisy). b. 4 Mcli.. IT41-2; d. 13 Julv.nSO,
( r. /!.), IP. 8 vr.. 4 mo., il d.— A'. II'. 0.
3. Esther, b. 23' Dee.. 1744; m. Cnpt. Ifo.swell Cos
of Tori'inston; n. p.
4. Knth. b. 13 Dee.. 174(i; ni. Barbour, n
Scotch tailor of Winchester. Conn.; slie d. at
F.ur. 11. Isaac" (/^ji/i.* Eph.,' John," Mm'), memb. cli. Scantic, E. W.; m. (1) Abi-
gail Eggleston, IT Dec, J^741, who d. 17 June, 1758; (2) Lydia Chapin of
Siirinsfic'Ul, 20 June, 1763. He d. 5 June, 1808, se. 88. CA. (b. E. W.) :
Biivke. Vt.
5. Ephraim. b. n Feb.. 1748; d. 18 Oct., 1740; If. ff.
say, " Ephni.. s. of Ephm. and Esther, d. 0 ,July,
17.50 "; C. 11. gives same date; tombstone {E. 0.),
adds " 1 yr., T^ mo."
B. Ephraim. b. 24 Eeb., 1751; d. 1809. Fam. 17.
7. Noadiah, b. 10 Dec, 1753; d. 1827. Fam. 18.
8. Oliver, b. 22 (or 24) July, 1757; d. 1840. Fam. 19.
1. Isaac, b. 8 Sept.. 1742. Fam. 20.
2. Aliijrail, b. 23 Aug.. 1744.
3. Ennicc. b. Iti Feb., 1747; d. uni'd. 20 May. 1800.
4. .Teruslia, b. 21 ,Ian., 1749. J one of these
5. l.ois. h. 5 Nov.. 17.52. f- daus. m. a
(1. Hannah, b. 2t) MHi.. 17.55. \ Morton.
(prob.. also, the folhiwiui; should lind a place here
— perhaps all by 2ii iniir.):
7. Isaiah, d. 30 Dec. 1828.
8. Daniel; poss. the D. who d. 19 Mch., 181.3, a?. 40.
9. David, b. 4 Nov., 1774; m. Chloe Webster,
1802; she b. 8 Mch.. 1772; d. 16 Dec. 1850, «. 78
( K.M.'i: he d. 9 Aug.. 1S62. lame Ml lirinrj ltis:i):
1. David Owen, b. 20 Apl.. 1803; bp. 2Dec, 1804
2. Chloe. b. 18 .Jan.. 1807.
3. Eunice, b. 8 Nov.. 1812; bp. 11 Sept.. ISli.—S.I).
10. Benjamin, b. .June, 1776 (or "77); d. 9 Dec. 18.54,
a\ 77; wife. Anna Smith (dan. Alex.), d. 14Jnlv,
1821, le. 41.— £•. ir. 0. Hem. (2) 4 Jan., 182,3, Dosia
Goodale; she d. .30 Dec, 1823. Issue:
1 . John S., res. Wpg. ( 1889). ic. abt. 82 yrs. ; farmer.
2. Henry, d. jr. abt. 74, at Forestville, Conn. .where
his s. "is a clockuulker.
3. , m. a Post, and was x. 80 in 18.89.
4. .in. a Harrington; res, 1889, in Da-
kota.—Letter of Mrs. J. A. Post of No. New-
bury, S/iiawaMee Co., Mich.
11. Lydia.
12. Ruth.
Fam. 12. John'' (Dea.) (T/io*.,* Eplm.^ John," John'), res. Scantio; blacksmith, and
during Rev. war a gunsmith; a musket made by him is now in poss. of his gt.-gd.-
son. Dr. F. J. Bancroft of Denver, Colo.; he m. Anna Phelps of Sharon, Conn.,
who d. 1790, 33. .14; lie d. 20 Mch., 1800, .t. 6G. Ch.:
2, John, b. 12 Oct., 1707. Fam. 21.
1. Anna. b. 22 Oct., 17fl'J-4; ni. Caleb Jones of
Enf.; shed. 1S30.
i:l Edward^ (?'//»/«"•«,•' Ephrm;
. Chililreti :
John," John '), d. before June, 1797; m. Sarah
1. Sarah, b. 5 Jan.. 1770.
2. Thomas, b. 3 Aug.. 1"1. Fam. 22.
3 Chloe. b. 19 .June. 1773.
4. Editha. b. 20 Feb., 1778: probably m. Josiah
Brown ; V.'.Kt. C, Feb., Josiah & Editha Brown
sold land bd. E. on Chloe Bancroft's Id., S. on Id.
set out to wid. Sarah as her right of dower, W. on
Sarah B.'s 2<1 land.
5. Chloe. 1). 13 Sept., 1781; bp. 5 July. 1897.— «. B.
a. Nathaniel, b. 2S Oct., 1783.
Fam. 14. SamueP (Lieut.) {NatJi'l,* Samuel,' Thomas,'' John'), was in Rev. Army as
lieutenant — a letter is still extant, written by him in 1776 from Roxbury Camp.
Was owner of scliooner Chirism, Capt. Wood, to W. I., with tobacco, for sugar,
molasses, rum. etc. He was an endorser for John Fitch of E.W., the steamboat in-
ventor, and had to pay; m. Jerusha (dati. .Josiah and Sarah Cliaitiherlain) Foote
of Colchester, Conn , 16 Dec, 1760; she b. 14 June, 1739, d. 26 Jlch., 1803, re. 64
(P. n.); he d. S. W. 1 July, 1830, x. 93. Children (b. E. W., bp. C. R.):
1. Anna. b. 30 Oct.. 1701; d. 1827; ni. .Toseph
Newberry of E. W.
2. Anson, h. 19. bj). 2:1 Nov. 1703. Fam. 23.
3. I,aysel. bp. 23 .\ug., 17(>7; ni. 2 sisters liy name
of Olmstead ; res. Sandv Hill. N. Y.; rem.
West; ch.
4. .Jerusha, b. 12, bp. 24 Sept , 17(19; d. May, 1854;
5 Polly ( .MaiT"). b. 8. bp. 14 June. 1772; m. Augustus
Mckennie of Albany or Sandv Hill, JN". Y.;
il. ISll.
(1. Sophia, b. 20. bp. 30 Apl , 1775 ; m. William
Hodgett, res. Wcstfleld, Mass.; in 18C9 res.
Springlield. wh. shed, ffi 95; 3 children.
7. Samuel, b. 30 .Mch.. bp. n .Vpl.. 1777. Fam. 24.
8. Theodosia iDosha). b. 24 May. bp. 27 June, 17;!);
m Capt. Owen (s. Dr.) Tudor of K W.
9. Solomon, b. 12 May. 17*3; b|). 23 May. 1784; d.l819,
drowiuNj in fording river at Sandy iiill, N.Y. ; ni.
Harriet Morrills of Hartford, who d. I May,
1870. ;e. HI. al I'ort Chester. N.Y. ; her dan. Martha
ni. Capt. Chalker of Saybrook, Conn.
Fam. 1-5. Abner ^K/ith'l,* Samuel,' Thomas," John'), m. Sarah Bryant of Manchester,
Conn.; he d. 16 Aug., 1814, re. 15(R.D.); she d. So. W. 18 Jan., 1816, fe. 77 (.C.R.);
R. D. adds, "one of our best folks"; C. R. says, "Abner's wife d. 13 Mch., 1767";
if so, the ell. b. 1765 and 1766 (see note below,) must have been by this — a first
inarriagc. Children .■'•■'
The C It. give the following bapliarnal record
., 17ri4: —. bp. 8 Mch., 17(17; —, bp. 0 Mch.. 1708;
-, bp. 3 (kl.. 1771 ; — . bp. 14 June. 1772. lie is also credited with— ch. d. 9 or 10 Feb., 1705; ch. d. 2 Jan.,
17W); ch. d. (J Mch., 1708; ch. d. 31 Mch., 1770; ch. bu. 20 July, 1770; ch. d. 29 Oct., 1779.
* Abner's family given from Mra. Stiles^ti AfS-
of a family of .Miner, prob. the same, viz.; Eunice, bp. 28 Oct., I'fsl: — . bp. 8 Mch., 17(17;
Miin, l)|i. -T May. I8W {C.R); ni. Water-
house or \\'atrou§) of Avon. N. V.. «lu-ru
flif U.; hnil («) .IMy; (6) ir;//irt/«.
! Two others d. inf.
1. Abnor, h, 170R. d. i-i Jan.. 18-j;!. »•. .Vi {R.'V.y.
in. lO.Iunc, 17!1J. Luev «. Webb of So.W.. who
d. 2 Jan., 1882, a". 58 Ut. D). hme:
1. Julia, b. 17 Sept.. 1800. bp. 7 June. XmuE. W.
tt C.lt), who m .May. 1819. Wni. K. An-
dross. [Set J«f//-oy/f. 1
2. Eli. joiner; rem. We.-*!; m. Polly Mason of W.
Springncld, Mass.. Ill .Mch.. ISIU. Ch {hp.E H'.l;
1. Win.,bp. I'.iSopt . IH&HC: II.): lawyer, d. Mich.
F.VM. 16. Thomas' {.X<it/i((niil.* Samuel,' T/iomiU).^ John'), b. So. W. 26 Sept., 1746;
farmer, l?ev. soldier; m. Lvdia (flau. David and Diii/) Mason of Ell., h. 10
June, 174.5; d. 2 Nov., 1812; {li. J), gives date of 6m. as 1 Xov.) A descendant of
JIaj. .John of Pcq. fame; "a very good and pious woman, a very Puritan." ('/(..*
3. Sarah, il. Hartford. May. 1854. a". 84. bu. So. \V..
"an e.>:cellent woman, of strong mental powen*:
ehe partook of the virtues of her excellent mother."
4. Emiice. bp. 28 Oct., 1704.
1. ,\athaniel,b.7>Ich..n7;J;prnb. theN.(s.Thos.)
who III. (aee. to Mix. H/iks' M.f. ) Tlumkful M a-
son of W. Hartford, wlio d. at .Vvoii. .\. Y. C/i.:
1. Jonathan Mason, a" Christian " minister; m.;
d. Jefferson. O. ; had (rt)KIi/.a ni. an .Alger and
hitsadau. Mary who m. 'I'lios. Frjcker of
Jefferson. 0.; (&> , who m. her cousin.
\Vm. (s. David) Bancroft.
2. .Miiiira, b. 11 May. 17'.lK; in. nnd d. .Avon. X. Y.
;l. llarvev, 14 Mch., 180U; in., rem. to Wis.; ch.
4. Xatliaii, b. 18 July, 180.3; in.; res. .Medina, N.Y.;
5. David, m., res. Avon, N.Y.: children. I2ch. 1
U. riianncev, b. 20 Mch.. 1813.
2. Hetty, in. 22 Jan . 17!I2. Jona. Wells of Wards-
lioro. Vt.; res. Why. (now BloomDeld). Conu.; ch.
d. C'aiianduigiia, N Y.; 7 ch.
3. Zcrviah, b. abt. 17118; perhaps the ch. liii. 1 Jan.,
17li!)(C //.): m. Augustus King of K. \V..'> Nov.,
nsii: d. lltfd. IS.Sept.. 181:j. ip. 45. Ifgiie. see Kinq.
4. I.vdia. in. 11 Sept.. 18(15 (or 13 Sept.. 1803). Roder-
ick Spencer t>f Htfd.; she d. Madison, N.Y., 7
Oct.. ISGS; he d. at M. 11 Mch.. 1871.
5. JaincK, b. 21 Aug., bp. 19 Sept., 1778. —C. 7?.
Faji. 25.
Fam. 17. Ephraim'' {/•:/'/"ii.,'' Ejifim.,' EpJim.,' Join,,' John'), h. W., 24 Feb., n.^l ;
rem. to Toiriiiirton; farmer; d. from injuries rec'd by fall from scaffold in barn;
res. 2 m. N. of liis father's tavern; m. 2 Nov., 177.'5, Jemima (dau. Moses and Sarah
JMerti) Loomls, b. 9 July, 1758; d. 19 Feb., 1841. Ch. {>>. Tomiifjton):
1. Miles, b. 27 Julv, 177(1; d. 1TO.5.
2. Tryphena, b. 6 Feb.. 1779; living 1807; ni. (11
— '- Wright of New Hart., by whom she had
onecli. ivs. Norfolk. Conn.; (2i a Bradley.
3. Jemima, b ;J0 May. 1781; d. -si July. I.siil: m.
David Grant; 10 ch.; Mr. G. bro. to the inis-
sionarv (Jraiit.
4. Iluldiih. b. 12 Aug.. 1781; d. 2 Julv. 1788.
5. Oliver, b. 9 ,Iune, 1787; d. 16 A|)l.. 1857: a print-
er .'JO vrs. in N. Y'. cilvandM vrs. in Itoston; uin'd,
n. Moses, b. 27 -Vug., 17S9; d.'2.-. Kell.. 1.S.-5; clerk;
cloak-maker; wholesale peddler; farmer: umM.
7. Horace, b 30 Sept.. 1791; d 1839. Fam. 20.
8. Keuben (Dr.). b. 3 .\ug.. 1795; d. 1817; studied
with Dr. Lyman of Torrington. and Dr. Carringion
of Colchro'ok: a skillful phys. and surgeon: per-
formed manv difticiilt operations; m. 5 Oct., 1822.
Angelina Bennett, "hod. 17 Oct., 1828. a;. 27
yr.. 3 ino-. 1 day. He d. o.\ford. N. Y. Is/tui' :
1. Caroline, li.' Oxford. N. Y., I.s:i3: ni. Fred C.
Whipple, lawyer of Ann .\rbor, Mich.
Fam. 18. Noadlah" (*>/</« ,' Kphm.,' Ephm.,' John," John'), b. Torringlon (or W.),
Conn., 13 (or 19) Dec., X'Ti'A; res. and kept the tavern on old place, and carried on
the farm; d. 28 Nov., 1827 (or '29), fe. 73; m. Jerusha (dau. Capt. Epaphr.is and
Mary Uilh) Loomis, b. 6 Feb., 1761; d. 6 Oct., 1827. Ch. (b. J'omngton):
1. ErastuF, b. 11 Oct., 1782.
2. Luinaii. b. 23.Mch., 1784; shoemaker: res. liar-
winton. Conn.; m. Clarissa (dau. Lewis) Cat-
lin ; ch.
3. Dvar (or Xoadiali — Ton: Jlrc), b. 12 .\pj..
17iii;. Fam. 27.
■I. Jernsha, b. 19 May. 1788: m. .James Wilcox,
an able mechanic; rem. to SniitliAeld. N. \..
where he became a celebrity, a J. I*, and man of
Torr. 31Oct.,17n0: m. Amanda Bradley; bed.
:W Mav. 18119. /sxue :
1. Charles K.. m. Emma EaveS, 2 Oct., 1817.
2. Caroline M., in. a Phelps ; res. W'oh-ottville,
fi. Chester, b. 23 Nov.. 1792; m.: eh.
7. Warren, b. iibt. 1795: in.: eh.
8. Clarissa, in. a Seymour of Woieottville.Conn..
a man of great personal worth, who d. yg.. leaving
a s. (ieorge.
9. Charlotte, ui. Miles Beach of Goshen. Conn ; ch.
ppv.; rem. to La Harpe. Hi.; ch.
5. Efastiis (.M. D., Hon. from Yale Coll., 18551, b.
Fam. 19. Oliver" (Dr.) (Ephm.," Ephm.,* Ephm.,' John,'' John'), b. Torrington, Conn.,
24 July. 17.57; d. 18 -Vug., 1840, at Newtown, Conn.; studiixl m. with Dr. Hodges
of Torr. ; surgeon in Kev. army at Ticonderoga and Stiratoga. and rec'd a silver
medal fm. U. S. for services; sett. 1782, at Newtown, Conn., and gtiined an exten-
sive practice; late in life rec'd a pension; was noted for eccentricity and originality;
m. Sarah (dau. Benj.l Hawley, who d. 17 Feb., 1839. te. 81. Ch.:
1. Eli/abetb O., b. at. \ug., 17.12; d. 2(i Jan.. 18B1:
2, Hulandus. 1). 33 June, 1785. Fam. 28
3. •.■l^rnil I).
noted political stump-speaker; d. Martiuelte.Mieh..
4 May, li>«l. /.■™, .■
1. Catherine Sophia, b. Waterbury. Conn.. 2n Sept.,
1817: ni.Ceo. Burroughs, Bridgeport. Conn.,
SO Dec., im7.
2. Elizabeth Sarah, b. 22 July. 1821. at Berwick.
Pa ; ni. Stephen 1! Cay, 11 .lune. 1840; d. De-
troit, Mich.. 17 Nov., 1883.
Fam. 20. Isaac" i.Imne,'- Ejihw.,* Ephm.," John,'' John'), farmer; res. ITornellsville, N.
Y.; lie (1. '22 Apl., 1813. By Ann (dau. Thos.) Bancroft he had ;
1. Isaac, b. prob. 17ii.V7. Fam. 29.
'VB- credit* Tlios. with -, bp. 11 Feb., 1771 : -, bp. II Mch., 1773; -, hp. ISScpt., 1778; -, bp. Mch.. 17S2.
Newtown. Conn.. 8 .\pl , 1789: m.
• Ian sti-iihen A Salinii Burwell
■;.' .M,i,\. ls-»<. le. :!ii: reail law with
in; rniimifnced pnictieeat Wnler-
leuiovi'd to I'oltsville. I'a. ; was a
m. Si-th Sto-
Isaac ° BaiuToft 111. Mary Barrett, b. 9 Feb., 1740, ami wlio d. Nov., 1804, by
whom he had;
H. Isaac, b. .1 (SO?) .Mill., 1781 (83?); m. Aiiiui
9. Luciiia, b. E. W., 24 .\ug., 1784; m. Jno. Camp-
10. Luke. b. E. W.. 5 Nov., 1785(86?); m. (11 Sarah
Thresher; (2) Mrs. L.vdia Strunk; res.
Farmorsville. t'att. Co.. N. Y.
11. Francis, b. E. W., 41 Jan., 17,S8; m. Esther
1:;. Hannah, b. E. \V,. 17 Mch.. 17!)0; m. .Jesse
•i. Maiy, h, •> JIa.v, 17n7, at K. \V
well of Now Berlin. N Y.
3. Submit, b. 29 .Sept., 1768-i), at E. \V.: m. Dan-
iel Allen of E. W.
4. E/ekiel, b. 11 Mch.. 1773: m. Sarah Scribner,
Xi'W Berlin. N. Y.: 10 children.
,i. .loci, b, 8 Apl.. 1774; m. (1) l.vdia Burlin-
game, "ho d. 18.-)'.l; (21 ; he d. 2 .Julv, 1848.
G. .\urilla lor Amelia), b. E. W., 8 Apr., 177'J; m.
Nathl Stowell.
7. Miriam, b. 2!) Oct., 1781, atE. W.: ni. Martin
Sackett; res (1872i Plvin'th, Ch'ngo Co.,N.Y.
F.\M. 21. John'' {Did. .Ml n,^ T/ioa.,* Ephm.,' Joliii,'' Johii^), m. Penelope (dau. Ste
phen) Heath, 1!) Aug.. 1T90, who d. 13 Aug., 1843; he d. 3 Sept., 18.57, -x. 89 yr.,
10 mo.; blacksmith aud farmer; joined ch. 1808; lived a consistent Christian. Ch.:
1 John, b. 4 June, 17m. Fam. 30. I Hempstead, L. I., 1833. Issue:.
1. Mary L.,b. 25 Sept.,18.34;m. Stephen L. Lane.
2. Amanda D., b. IK Dec., l&K; in. Gardner G.
Edmunds, 22 .Tan , 18.59.
3. Rachel Ann, b. 23 .\ug., 1S42; m. Wm. Bar-
stow,9Feb., 18(i4.
6. Caleb Jones, b. 19 Sept., bp. 19 Nov., 18(rt.— 5'. B.
Fa5i. 31.
7. David Phelps, b. 23 Feb., 1807; d. 26 July, 1854;
8. Lorinda, b. 2 Julv, bp. 20 Aug., 1809 (.?. ??.); m.
Jerome Gr is w old, l(i Mch. '71; res. Po(j.,W.,Ct.
9. Louisa, b. 27 Nov.. 181.5, tip. 2 June, 1816 (S.B.); m.
Harvey Prior, Jr., 10 Sept., 1825; res. E. W.
2. Anna. b. 4 Oct., 1793; d. 2tl Mch., 1856; m. Le-
nian Barnes of \V.
3. Lncinda. b. 13 Jan.. 1796; m. -John F. Buck-
land, 19 Mav. 1824; res. (18691 W. Ft.
4. .\lfred. b. 23 Jan., 1798; res. Suflf.; d. there, 1
Fi'l)., 186.); m. Jlinerva Clark 3 .Mch,, 1824 [E.
^Y.): shed. 14 July. 1827, ;c. .31; bn. Scantic, E.
\V.; lu. (21 >[arv Rudd. /«.wf hii 1st wire:
1. John Clark, d. 3 Apl., 182,5, ic". 2,
2. ch. d. 10 Julv, ls:i7, le. 12 hours.
3. ch. d. 26 Jan.. ls:S2, le. 3.— S B.
5. Horace, b. 1 Apl., 1892; res. Brooklyn. X.Y.; hat
mfr.; d. 25 Sept.. 1873; m. Rachel Raynor of
F.\M. 23. Thomas" {Edir.,^ T/ws.,* Ephm.," John,- John^), a man of remarkable will;
when the town authorities opened a road near his house, which did not meet with
his approval, he declared that he and his should not use the road — and faithfully
kept his word, to the great discomfort of his family; m. Diademia , wlio d. 2
Dec, 1863, a;. 85 yrs., 9 mos. Ch.:
1. Horace. Fam. .32. | 2. Chauncey. | 3. Levi. ; 5. Salome, m. Alonzo Wetherby of Hollis. N.
4. Polly, d.aftcrliving over :J0 yrs. in an e.xeavation i H.; had a dau. Betsey, who. in. Leicester King
scooped out of a hillside, during which time she of Suit. 19 July. 1835'.
refused aid from relatives, or from town authorities.] 6. Miranda, m. John Roberts; had a dau.
F.\M. 23. Anson" (Samuel,^ Mtfh'l,' Samuel,^ Thoa.,' Joh?i^), m. ]\Iiriam (dau, Tirao.)
Elmer of So. W. He d. 22 .Mch., 1807, ae. 42; was killed (while racing horses on
the highway from the old meeting-house, south to Podunk — the reputed race-course
of that day. She d. 14 May, 1834, a;. 65. Ch. {from Mrs. Stiles's MS.; hp. C. R.) :
. b. 3 Dec, 1791, bp. 28 May. 1792. 4. William; he and wife d. at P.
5. Joseph, res. Plymouth.
4. Timothy Elmer, 6p. 28 Jan., 1805 — £:. W.C. R.;
m. twice; 2 s.: 1 dan.; d. N. Htfd.
5. Fanny, bp. 20 and d. 27 .\ug., 1793 {E. W. C. R), se.
6 mo. 5 (lavs.
(E W. C. li. give Anson, a ch. bp. 27 Mav, 1792. and
Naomi, bp. 20 Jan.. 1799.
1. Elisha Loring
Fam. 33.
2. Francis, b. 27 June. bp. 10 July. 1793. Fam. 'M
3. Mary J., b. 20 Jan., 1799; m. "\Vm. Judson
of Plymouth. Conn. Jskiw :
1. Elizatieth. m. a Gross ; 1 ch.
2. .Mary, 111. a Smith of SloiiiiiL'ioii, Cniin.:!
ch.; res. Williniantic. Conn.
3. Hirum, res. (1874) Plymouth.
Fam. 24. S^.m\^eV• (Samuel,- .Xoth'l,' Sam'l,^ 77/rt«.,V()/(«'), taught school for 45 con-
secutive winters; farmed in summers; bo't his father's farm, subject to his father's
endorsements for Fitch, of ste;imboat fame, when about 21, and finally paid tliem
all, and retained the f:irm; m. Sally (dau. Joseph) Hosmer of So. W.; he d. 10
Jan., 1864, a-. 81, at Htfd.; she d. So. W., 19 Sept,, 1838, se. 58. Ch. {Mrs. Stiles's
MS.;bp.fm. E.W. C. R.) :
John, for manv vrs. prill, of Phillijis Acad, at A.);
res. Jacksonville, 111. Imiedfrs. .VlilWs .VS.):
1. , and I, „.!,,, I 4. Joseph H., d. le. 4 mos.
2. John A., f'"'"^- 5. William Ripley, living.
3. Emilv .-\.. d.al. 4 yrs. I
7. Harriet, b 16 Jan., bp. 28 May, 1813 (/?./).); d. 2
Mch., 1818.
8. Horace, b. 4 Dec, 1817. bp. 19 Apt, 1818; m. (1)
Frances ..\. Hunt, 18.52, of Jacksonville, 111.,
where he was sett., who d. July. 18.59; no issue: m.
(2) Kli/abelh Root of N. Haven, bvwhoin he had:
1. Fanny C, b. 23 Dec, 1838. I 2. 'Herbert.
9. William, in. Harriet N. Hosmer.
10. Harriet F.. m. Hcnrv L. (s. llarvev) Elmer of
So. W. and 12 .Mav, l'(M3, ir. 24. Is'iue, see Elmtr.
1. Jane .Jerusha, b. Feb.; d. 8 Sept.,
2. James, b. and d. 1805.*
3. Charlotte Sophia, li. 5 Julv. bp. 2 Nov.. 18116: m.
Hiram Pierce of Plyiiiouth. Conn.; she d. 5
June. 1845: 3 s.: 2 dans.
4. Theodosia .Maria, b. 2 -Vpl., bp. 21 July. 1808; m.
Buckley I'. Heath of \V. Pt., 8 Dec", 1829; she
d. So. \V., 9 Apl . 1836, iv. 28. /s.vie :
1. .Mary .V., in. Klisha Williams.
5. Samuel, b, 4 June, bp. 7 Oct., isiii: in. Mary B.
Smith of Berlin, Conn.; res. Htfd : had : '
1. Samuel, m. Mary Camp of 11. and had 9.
Samuel Harrison Smith.
6. Joseph Hosmer. b. 2J Sept. ,1812. bp. 7 Mch.. 1813;
m. Emily J. Adams, I). Andover, .Mass. (dau.
* E. H'. C.Jt. also give ree. of bp. of Jerusln Jane, 0 Sept., 1805, which may have been a second Jernsha J.
Co., N. T., 23 May, IMfl. Iume :
). (icorse, 1). M.: m.; ach.; res. 111.
2. .lumes B., b. Allen. N. Y.
,1810: m Holiprt Alexan-
il. 21 Nov., ]t42, lit E. W .
F.\M. 2.".. James" (7V(-«.,» Xnt/i'l.' S<imu<:l,' T/ws.,^ John'), m. 24 Jan., 1800, Marcia
Levering, l). 1 Mcli.. 1781, at Holliston, Mass; he d. 10 Apl., 1870, x. 91 yrs., 7
mos.; she d. 23 Apl., 1870; wheu a lad he was waiter to Col. Wadsworth of Hart-
ford, then a member of Congress at Philadelphia. C'h. :
1. Miirria, 1). 2Jiilv, 1802; m. (1^ Rev. Allpu Hoyt
(liap.), b. Cbeshirc, Conn., 2 Sei>t.. 182> — ll.jj.;
res. at Springfleld and \V. Boylslmi. .Mass., where
hud., 8. p.; she m. (21 (2 yrs. afler Mr. H.'s
death). Rev. Russell Jennings (Bap. ), b. Wes-
ton (now Enston): sett. JSuyville Soe. (now Wni-
throp). Snybrook. Conn. ; ne.xt at Meriden. Conn. ;
then at Newton. Mass.: ;»rad. Ihei-e and rem. to
Waterbnry, Conn., and Deep River; reliretl from
pastoral work; was an inventor and a man of
large means; he d. 8 .Meh., 1S*W. Mrs. Maria
(Baneroftlloyt) .Tenninijs, d. 25 Oct., IBTt, ffi. "4.
Is^ite. bv name of ./tUfiiut/s :
1. Charles Russell, b. Meriden, Conn.; d. single.
Deep Kiver, IM!t. a>. 2S.
2. Harriet X., m. Henry L. Shailer of D. R ,
and d. less than vr. after m., ISC^'J, le. 2.*^.
2. Olive, b. 8 Ang.; ISO:); d. sudd. 211 Nov.. 1S25, w.
22; umd.
3. Thomas L., b. 21 Apl.. 180S. Fam. 35.
■1. James, b. 10 Nov.. isrtii. F.\m. :W.
6. .\lona. b. ITOet. IMiiS; m. If. Apl.. 1829. Valo-
rous Hall of Miinchester, Conn.; d. Alleghany
Abigail, b. n .Ian..
tier, Jr.. of .So. W.
IT. .1."1: y. ;;.
7. I.vdia M.. b. 12 Meh.. 1813; m. Roderick Spen-
cer of Htfd.; rem. to Madison. N. Y. J""'t :
1. I,ncius. m. Susan ; res. M. and nt Obcrlin,
O.; had («1 Anna. grad. Olx'rlin Coll.; teacher in
Texas; m. and d. Selma. Ala.; jt. p.
2. Leverctt (deaf and dumb! ; m. twice; both wives
d. and d.
3. Roderick; res. Iowa; m. Mrs. Lydia Ban-
8 William, b, 2!) Meh.. 181 R; m. an Hosmer ;
res. Springfield. p:rie Co.. Pa.; later res. at Colum-
bia Ranch. Neilsburg. Cal.; after a divorce. Mrs.
It m. n. N. Dickinson ; she was a niece of
Sallv Hosmer. wife of Sam'l Bancroft.
9. Harriet F., b. H Sept.. 1818; d. 12 Mav. 1,843: m.
Harrv L. Elmer of So. W.. 12 Jan.. 1810; d. 12
May." 1843.
Fam. 26. Horace' {E/)h>n.,' Ephm.,' Epiim..' Ephm.,' Ji>?ai,' John'), h. Torrington,
30 Sept., 1791; d. 10 Oct., 1839; farmer; res. in homestead; m. Damaris P.
Thompson of Mansfield, Conn.; b. Aug., 1798; res. 1869 at Goshen, Conn. Ch.:
1. Heloi.se. I,^i„^ jtl.1847. a;. 25. ] 4. Horace. Jr.. b. 9_T)ec.. ia30j^ d. 12 Apl.. 1804; m
.17 Sept., 1852
2. Helen. f'""""')d. le. 41yre.
3 Mahlon Wing. b. 4 Sept.. 1827; d.
le. 25; was student of medicine.
)3 Sept.. 1858. Elizabeth Beach of Goshen,
Conn.; she d. ISVi.
(Tliie family all died of consumption.)
Fam. 27. Dyar [Xoadiah] {Koadinh,' Ephm.,' Ephm.,' Ephrn.,'John,' John'), b. Tor-
rington, Ct., 12 Apl., 1786; d. 13 Sept., 1866; cnt. Yale 1805; grad. Wms. 1S09; was
tutor 2 yrs.; adm. to bar, Lenox, Mass., 1813; began practice at Chesterliold, Mass.,
1814. where he res.; P. M. 20 yrs.; J. of P. 50 yrs.; Justice of the Quorum; Co.
commissioner; 13 yrs. memb. State Leg.; in 1834 his sight began to fail and he had
to limit his practice to counsel only; m. 25 May. 1815, Sally (dau. Kdlliorford and
Chloe) Hayes of W. Brattleboroi Vt., b. 11 Apl., 1793. Ch.:
. Helen, b. 12 Aug.. ISIG; m. 2fi Meh.. imr>. Hazel-
ton Walkley of lltfd., Conn.; rem. N. Y. city
IHIO; 2 s.; 3daus.
:. Talcott. b. 24 Dec. 182); res. Chcslerfleld.Mass.;
enl. Co. D. :i7 .Mass. Vols., Aug. ,30, 'lij; must,
out 21 .Tinie. '05.
3. William, b. 8 Oct.. 1824; m. Jnlia Ann (dau. Hcn-
rv anil Harriet Hai/fg} Trowbridge of New
llaven: 3 ch.; res. many yrs. in N. Y : ret. to
4. Edwaril, b. Chesterfield. 8 Dec., 1830.
Fam. 28. Dr. Rulandus' {OUrer," Ephm..^ Ephm.,* Ephm ,' John,' John'), b. New-
town. Conn., 23 June, 1785; studied medicine with his father; began practice early;
rem. to Elmira, N. Y., abt, 1811-12; living in 1808, retired from practice; m. Har-
riet Hazard of New London, Conn,
hero of r,ake Erie; she d. Dec, 1863.
1. Elizabeth O.
2. Harriet.
3. Ixftirand. b. Elmira. N. Y.. 17 July. ISl'.l; law-
yer; res, .vlhanv. N. V.: m. Emeline Randall
of A., 17 June, 1845. /«n/r ;
a cousin of Commodore Oliver H. Perry, the
Ch. :
1. Harriet M., b. 21 Feb., 1851.
2. Jennie, b. 28 May, 1850.
4, George W.. res. California: nm'd.
'. Esther, m. Judge H. 11. Harmon of Howell,
Fam. 20. Isaac" (/»nrtc," /w«c,» Ephm.,* Ephm.,* John,'' John'), b. abt. 1765-
Lovicia Bissell (dau. Wm. and Jemima), b. 25 Dec, 1772; res. E. W. Ch.
1. Channcev. b :)1 Meh., 17(15; m. a?. 01. 5 Jan.,
1880, Julia R. Wolcott, a-.:SO; farmer; W I'l ,
E. W. /»•»/ .•
1. Isaac. 1). tl Sept.. 1801.
2. Bissell. b. 2 June. ISOl. Fam. 37
3. William, b. 8 N.iv.. lHI).j; ni. 7 Feb.. m.32. Caro-
line B. id.iu. JalHZ. s. of Stephen) Heath;
fanner. W. I*t. Innti^ ;
1. <e<eliaB.,b. 2 Meh.. 1833; in. Jo«. Barber
of E. W.. 1.s.v>.
2. Mahlon H.. (Judge.) b. 17 Oct.. 1837; educa.
Williraham Acad : lief. Julv. 1878. was teacher
and ror3yrB. priij. of ilic Vv. Ft. (iram. Sch.;
ha» Invn one of Bd. of sihonl visitors for E. W.
for over 20 yrs.; justice of the peace. July 4.1872-
Mch. 4. IKsi ; town clerk and Ireas. of' E. W..
t)et.. 1874-present time; Judge of Prob., Dial,
of E.W.. 4 .luly. ISTfi. lopreseiil; res. W.Pt.; m.
27 June. 1S82. .Slary S. (dau. Thos. D. and Salome
yoi/etl Richards of Hoxbnrv. Mass. jMfntr ;
(</i Marv L.: (//i HaltieC . de.d:0-l Lottie B.
I. Willard Hall', b. 14 July. 18iXI; bp. 4 Meh.. 1810 —
.S. y^,■ fanner; nt. Eliza .\nn Moreton, I8H.
Imnif :
1. hjlwin Hall. b. IS.Iune. 1844.
2. Helen Ijivona. b. 2.3 June. 1818.
3. Theresa Maria, b. 18 May. ISV).
i. Lfivieia. d. um'd.
Fa.m. 30. John' (J'-'/m," Dea. John,^ Tlim.,' Bph/n.,' John,'' John'}, m. 15 Apl., 1813
{S. />'.), Cleopatra (one ace. says Cleona) Pasco, (iau. Jona. and Elizabeth Allen
Pasco; was capt. of a whaler; never ret. from a vo_va,!;e in lb42. Ch. :
1. Henry, b. 1814; m. Julia (dau. Levii Lord "f
E. W.
S. Elizabeth, b. 1816: m. .las. Ellis of E. W.
3. Charle?, b. 1822; d. hospital, in Union service,
war of Civil Rebell.; um'd.
Fam. 31. Caleb Jones' {,Mn,' Dea. John,' r/iof.,* Ephm.,'' .Mm,- Juhn% b. E. W.
19 Sept., 1804; farmer, Enf.; rem. to Huntington, L. I.; m. (1) 5 Oct., 1831, Chloe
(dau. Nathl) Wolcott of E. ^^\ — S. D., who d. 8 May, 1861, a;. 53; (2) 6 May.
1865, Mrs. Susan Tilison. Ch. :
\. Mnrv, b. 1826; m. Adolphus Whittaker of
Westfleld. Mass.
5. Lncinda, b. 1828; m. a Bement.
6. Albert, b. 18;W; rem. lo Ark.; um'd.
1. .\nna. b. as.Tul.v. 1S:«: ni. H. E. Simmons,
Nov.. 1858: he sec. Mut. Benetit Life Assoc. f>f
Am.. N. Y. city; res. Summit, N. J.; was a sol-
dier in the war'of the Civil Rebell. ,
2. Frederick J. (M.D.), b. ISAi. Fam. 38.
3 Clarissa B.. b. 1,'^)6: m. Edwin Hedges, 183S;
res. Westfield, Mass.
4. Ellen Looinis. b. 18:,.S; m. ,Jaine.= V. Strick-
land ; r<ts. Windsor, Conn.; 2childrcn.
.5. Francis R., b. 1841 ; d. 1842.
H. Francis R,. b. 184:j; d. 184:).
7. Emma Adaletle, b. l,>vl.5: m. 10 Feb.. 1872. Dr. W.
B. Dunning: res. Hartford; .5 children.
8. .hilia .\Ietlia. b. 18.'>('. (iranby. Conn.; m. 24 Nov..
IS":J, Chas. T. Goodrich ; res. S'hampt'n, Mass.
F.\M. ;!-3. Horace' (T/im.,^ Edw.,' T/im..* Ep/on.," John," John'), h. and res. E. W. ; in.
1 Nov., 1835, Cynthia Gilbert (dau. C:ilviii) Munsell, and wid. of Royal Slater;
she d. 19 Jan., 1866. C/i. :
L Horace Edward, b. 6 An?.. 1836: d. 16 Mch..
2. .lulia .\marette. b. 10 Oct.. 1&3T: m. Alvin
Pease of Enf., 14 Sept., 1856; 7 ch.
3. Fiances Eniilv, b. 19 Feb., 1841; m. Ralph R.
Reed, 2S1 Nov., 1866: 3 ch.
4. .James Monroe, b. 17 .\u<;.. 1842; d. 24 Sept., 1843.
5. Persis Allenah, b. 14 Oct., 1846; um"d.
F.\.\i. 33. Elisha Loren'' (Anson,^ Siimne!,'' Xat/i'l,' Stimuel,^ Thos.,^ John'), built a
ho. ne.xt N. of bis father's abt. 1815 and kept store; m. 29 Nov., 1818, Wid. Mary
Clark ; he d. 22 Feb., 1871, at Htfd. Ch. (from ^fl■s. Stilcs'.s MS.):
1. Caroline, m. .\lvin Squires : res. Hfd.: />■.?//
1. Mary. ra. a Bonham ; res. H.; 1 ch.
2. Charles.
.3. Elisha.
4. .\lbert, d. yg.
2. Elizabeth, ni. Fred. Taylor, So. W'.: had ;
1. Frederick: res. Colchester.
3. Alonzo, d. inf.
F.\.\i. 34, Francis' (-4H«o;i,' Samuel,^ Nath'l,* Samuel,' TIioh.,- John'), m. (1) 1 June,
1816, Minerva (dau. David) Pritchard of Watorbury, Conn., wliod. 16 Apl., 1839,
a;. 41; (3) 11 Apl., 1844, Julia Ann Pinney of .So.VV., b. in W. 1808 (dau. Dan'l and
Huldah), who d. 21 Sept., 1852, a;. 44; (3) Jane Ann Wait, 24 Nov., 18.53 (S.B.), of
E.W., b. N. J., who d. 3 Oct., 1872, ss. 50. He d. 28 Aug., 1872. Ch. {by Ut mar.) :
1. Sarah Pritchard. b. 0 Sept.. I.S2!); m. Mch., ia58,
Rev. .James T. Ford, then pastor of Cong, ch.,
Stowe. Vt.; after 1.3 yrs. there, went to Charleston.
S. C. where lliev res. '74; ». p.
8. David Prilchaid, b. 11 .liilv, 1831. Fam. 41.
!1. Ellznr Edwin, b. 21 Oct., I.s:i4. Fa.m. 42.
10. Cieoijie W'hitlleld, b. 15 Oct.. 18;J6. Fam. 4:i.
11. Harry Smith, b. 10 Mch., 183(1; d. 18Feb.,1853,a;.13.
A'// :^i/ mar. :
12.' .Julia Minerva, b. 21 Aug., d. 4 Sept., 1840, a;.]3 d.
13. Henry Wallace, b. 3 Sept., 1851; S. 13 Oct., 1872,
X. 21 yrs. (.Vis. Sli/eii'ii MS.)
1. Marv Ann, b. 21 Feb., 1817; d. 6 Sept., 18:», m. 14.
2. Edward Anson, b. 14 Feb.. 18in. Fam. 3;i.
3. Harriet Newell, b. 2!1 Dee., 1S2I1: bp. 3 Julv,18:i3;
m. IS.Jan., 1843, Henry H. Wlldman of Hlld.
(b. J.)anbnry); rem. to Provitlence, R.L; bed.
in civil war; had: ill Charhs II.. d. unmarried.
{2) Francis B.: both in N.Y. city in bus. '74: m.;
d.; Mrs. Wlldman d. .June. 1888.
4. Frances Jnllet, b. 9 .\ng., 1823; d. 3 Feb.. 1826.
5. Frances Juliet, h. 21 "Oct., 1825; m. Ed. C.
Rockwell, S. W. (s. Xathli.
6. Theodore Elmer, b. '.) May, 1827. Fam. 40.
F.\M. 35. Thomas L.' (Jame«,» Thos.,^ Nath'l,* Sam'l," Tltoa.,'' John'), m. Clarissa Ann
(dau. Nathan) Porter of E. H.; res. awhile in E.W.; rem. to Conneaut, Ohio; d.
24 Dec, 1866. Children:
1. Olive, d. So. W. 22 Mav, 1829, x. 1 vr. 3 mos. 13 d.
2. Lydia M., b. and d. So. W.
3. Adonirani J., b. So. W. 16 .\pl.. l,8:in: wa." in War
of Civil Rebell.; d. at Frederick City. Jld.: left
widow; !t. p.
F.\M. 36. SSimes' {James,'' Thos.," Nath'i
4. Thomas P., b. So.W'.; ni. .Jane Fogg of Spring-
field, Pa.: sett. ConncanI, C; ch.; eldest, Louisa.
5. .\lfred, b. So. W. : res. Ashtabula Co., Ohio.
6. .Mary, m. Eli Calkins i res. Ashtalmla Co., O.
7. William, res. Conneaut, Ohio. [2 ch.
:,' Sam'l,' Thoa.,' John'), m. 27 Sept., 1828,
Minerva Porter, b. 21 Feb., 1806, Agawara, Mass.; sett. Lee, Ma.ss.; rem. to So.
W., then to Springfield, Erie Co., Pa.; back to So. W., then to E. Htfd. He d. 3
Dec, 1883. Ch. {3 eld. b. So. W.; the others at Springfield, Pa.):
1. Fruiircs Mini-na. li. fi Feb.. It«i0: m. 20 Apl.. ney ('■ EbiMie/.iT) of So. W., 10 Dec, 18IB; rem. to
1S5J, Iluinihon T. Evans of Hlfii. Jmw: Los Alisielfs, t'al.
1. William. I 2. Hairicl I.. 3. Minnif. ! 4. .las. A. 4. Julia Ann. h. 3 .Inlv, <I Hi Si'|)l., ISll.
2. .lanii-s. 1). 27 May. Wit: A. 2 Mcb..is:«. 5, Marcia I,., b. *i Fi-b.. d. 2!l Ausr.. 1842.
3. Kminn King. b. 2rJan.. 1H37; m. litMirv Lea Pin- «. (;eor<;i- W.. b. 22 Fih., 1SI4 Fam. 14.
< 7. Kubsell J., b. 1 Aut;.. d. I'J Sept., MW.
Fam. 37. Bissell'i/.ww,' Isaac ' Imac,'' Ephr'm,* Ep/ir'm,' John,' Johii^), b. 2 June,
1801; farmer; (1. 18 Dec, 1864; m. Joanna Morton, 24 Mcli.. 1824 (S.B.): she I). 28
Nov., 1805; living 1872. C/iildrei):
L Ilorare Milion. h. K. W. 8 June. I82li; farmer; Tucker, 4 May. isr.i; ;,««,. ilau. h. flAu".. 1869:
m. Mary .\nn Phelps "f Enf. 23 Jan.. IKVi. j ilbiy were ilie.) .Mr. K. i.« a farmer, W. Pt.: enl.
/ww.- ■ I .3U .Mats. II. An.. 1(1 Feb.. 18(14.
1. Kmory. b. 12 Dec . IKVI. <i. 20 Oct.. 1807. \ 5. Kosina Loyisa. b. 20 July. 1H32; cl. :iO Apl.. 1853.
2. Mary Emma, b. 27 Apl.. IWil.
3. Ilia Steyens, b. 2.") Noy., 18lili.
2. Willanl Hiesell, b. 1!) Oct., 182T; m. Asunath
Birdsey; farmer. Enf.
3. Emory ().. h, IS Feb., il. 21 Sept., 18^9.— .<t. B.
4. Emory t)ryille. b. 4 .Mcli.. IS'll; m. (1) Frances
Jones, who d. 12 .\pl.. 1859: (2) Virginia A.
«. Emily Ruth, b. 2!) Sept., is:».
7. Alex. jMorlon. b. 13 Xoe., lH:Ili; m. Eleanor Bab-
COCk, 8 May. 18(10: kipl store at W. Pi. and (^ll
Wootlstoek Valley, t'onn.
8. Jonnnn .\manda, b. 13 June, 18.38.
9. Ellen Loyina. b. 12 Feb.. d. 3 Aug.. 1*44.— S. Ji.
:u. Ellen Loyiua. b. 24 June, d, 8 Aug., 184S.
Fam. 38. Frederick Jones' {Caleb Jomx,' Dm. John,'' John^ Thos.,* Ep/im.,'
John,'' John ') (.M.I).), b.Enlield, Conn., 2.5 M:iy, 1834; educated Westtiold (Mass 1
Academy and C'ltarlottcville (N. Y.) Seminary, anil, .•^ecuriiif; his education by his
own eflforts, graduated Feb., 18(51, from the Medical Department of the University
of Buffalo, N. Y. In October of the same year he entered the army, and was
immediately phiced in charge of the "Church Hospital," II:irrisburg, Pa. Early
in the spring of 1862, was assigned to the 76tli Penu. Vols, at Hilton Head; in M;iy,
took medical charge of the forces at Pinckney Island, Seabrook, and Elliott's Plan-
tations, S. C, and was present at the bombardment of Ft. Pulaski and the attack on
Charleston. In September, 1802, he was sent to New York in charge of a p;(rty of
invalids of the 7th New Hampshire Vols., and was engaged as Exitmining Surgeon
of recruits at Phil:idelphia until early spring of 1863, when he was ordered to lit up
a hospital for the aecommodiition of Confederate prisoners at Ft. Delaware, Del.,
and then rejoined his regiment, the 3d Penn. Artill., May, 1863. In June he was
assigned to Fortress Monroe as Post Surgeon, and remained until he left the service
at the close of the war, in December, 1865. Returning to Philadelphia, he attended
the lectures at the University of Penn.sylvania in 1865-66. and June 1, 1866, he set-
tled in Denver, Colorado, His practice is general, though largely surgic;d.
Dr. Bancroft has been associated with many enterprises and organizations. He
is a member of the Denver Medical Society, and its president in 1868; of the Colo-
rado Medicjil Society, and its president in 1870; of the American Public Health
Association; the American .Medical Association; and a vice-president of the National
Association of Railway Surgeons. From 1868 to 1885 he held the office of E.xani-
ining Surgeon for pensions; was city physician of Denver from 1872 to '76, and
from 1876 to '79. In 1876 Governor Routt ai)pointed him president of the new
State Board of Health. He was surgeon of the Ben HoUaday stage lines running
out of Denver from 1800 to '70; from 1870 to '76 he was surgeon of the Kanssis
Pacific, and Denver Pacific Railroads, and of the Denver & Rio Grande from its
construction in 18701111 1886. Aschief surgeon of this important road, he organized
a medical service which was described in the Americnn Ifaihrai/ Journal of January,
1886, as "the most efficient in the United States," The plans and regulations for
the hospital fund are exceedingly careful and comprehensive, protecting the fund
from all outside infringements, and reserving the surplus moneys for pensioning
disabled employes and the needy families of deceased contributors to the fund.
A peculiar feature of this service is the provision of a medicine chest, to be in
charge of the conductor of every train, containing a full equipment of the medi-
cines and surgical adjuncts which would be immediately needed in case of railway
accidents, accompanied by printed directions, and illustrated by cuts. He now
holds the Chair of Fractures and Dislocations in the inc(lical (lep;(rtment of the Uni-
versity of Denver.
'^^^^^-^^. ^.^.
From 1874 to 1876 he was president of the Den ver Board of Education ; for years
a inciiibcr of tlie standing comuiittee of the Missionary Jurisdiction of Colorado, and
a trustee of Wolfe Hall, of Jarvis Hall, and of St. Luke's Hospital; also i)resident
of the Ajjrieultural Ditch Company for the first ten years after its construction,
and has a large and valuable randi under irrigation by its waters.
He is medical referee for several of the largest life insurance companies of
New York and New Jersey, and president (since its organization in 1877) of the
Colorado Hist, and Nat. Hist. Soc. In sliort. Dr. B. is a large-hearted, active,
" brainy " man; a good sample of the best New England stock of ancestry, grafted
upon Western civilization and experiences. He married 20 June, 1871, Mary
Caroline (dau. of Geo. A.) JarvJS, of Brooklyn, N. Y. C'/i. :
1. Marv McLean, b. 2.-! .\pl.. IHTa. i 3. Anna Cliloe, h. 13 Sept., 1S73: d.
2. Georgf Janis. h. 10 Sepi.. 1873; is (18MI student 4. Fi'ederick Wolcott, b. 2li July, 1880.
at Loland Stanford. Jr., l^niversity. California.
Fam. 89. Edward Anson ' (Francin,'' Anson,' Sam'/,^ XntJi'l,' Snm'l,' Thos.^ John '),
Ml. (1) 1.") Dee., 1842, Mary E. (dau Festus) Hayden of Waterbury, Conn.; owned
the Dea. Abner Heed place. So. W., and sold it to Cong'l Soc for parsonage; he d.
S. W. 25 Apl., 1860; wid. and ch. rem. to Waterbury. Children:
5. James Harden, b. 2fi Oct., 18.53.
«. FestU!' Framns, h. 2 Feb., 18,57; m.; d. N. Y.
7. Alice U., b. 2U Dec. 1858; unm'd 11889).
8. Kate C. b. 1 Sept. 18ti0; d. 18 Aug.. 186.3,
1. Helen Minerva, b. 21 Dec, 1S43; d. 11 Mch., 1!=.50.
2. James Havden. h. 27 June, 181,5; d. 4 .\pl.. 18,511.
3. Alice Elizibetli. b.o Mav, 18W; d. 23 .\pl.. ISoO.
4. Mary Ellen, b. 22 Sept., 1843; ni. (1) Aaron
Benedict of W'bury; afterwards ra. twice.
Fam. 40. Theodore E\mer '(Fmm-is/ Anson.'' Scim'l.^ Xatirr.* .'^i„ri.''T?ios..'John^),
m. 8 June, is.");j, Elizabeth E. (dau. Samuel and Lydia) Moore, E. W. Hill; sett.
and res. on the John Watson place. Children:
1. Samuel Miinre. b. 18 June, 1854. Fam. 45. 5. David Pritchard i.M.U.i, b. 4 .Sept.. 1864; grad.
2. Addle Sopbia. b. 2:3 Aug.. 1856; d. 2 Julv, 1&58. l Med. Dept. Univ. N. Y. Citv, 1889; d. E. W. Hill
3. Marv Stnughton, b. 22 Oct., l,s.5!l; d. 3 Sept., 1886.1 1 Apl.. ISill.
4. Frank, b 8 An- . IsOl. , 6. Harry Ford, b. 30 Aug., 1867.
Fa-M. 41 . David Pritchard * (Francis,'' Anaon,'^ Sam'l,^ SatJt'l,' Sam'l,' Tlios. ,■ John^),
in. Jliibel M. (dau. Christoi)her Helms) Terry of Enf.; rem. to E. H., where he
(1. Jan. 14, 1865; she b. 29 Jan., 1836; d. E. H. 20 Feb., 1875. Ch.:
1. Nellie Terry, b. 17 May, 1800; m. Harry Tem- I 3. Edith Mabel (posthumous), b. Feb., 1865; res. ISfll,
pleton; res. San Francisco. San Francisco, unurd.
2. Edith Sarah, b. 2,1 Di-< .. IstiS; d. 25 Apl.. 1864. |
F.\M. 43. Elizur E.fi\N\n' (Francis; Anson,'' Sam'l,^ Xath'l.* Sam'l,^ Thos.,^ John').
m. 7 May, 1868, .Martha Naomi (dau. Edwin) Birge, b. 19 Aug., 1840. Children:
1. Arthur Clayton, b. 10 Nov.. 1871. I 2. Henry Wallace, b. 27 Nov., 187:i. 1 3. Louis Elizur, b. 21 Dec, 1877.
Fam. 43. Geo. Whitfield '(FmHa»," Anson,' Sam'l,^ Xath'l,* Sam'l," Thos.,' John'),
m. Jlary .\nianda (dau. Francis and Martha JJlliliridf/e) Whiton of Willington,
Conn., 16 Nov.. 1869; res. E. W. Hill. Children:
1. Olin Francis, b. 26 Nov., 1870. ^^
2. Edward Anson, b. 22 Aug.. I87-3P^
:j. I'aul Chadbouriie, b. :iU Aug.. 1874.
4. (ieorge Fiml. b. 14 Oct.. 1876.
5. Burdetle Whiton. b. 15 June, 1879.
6. JIarv Whiton. b. 20 June, 1881.
7. Benjamin Lillibriilffc, b. 4 Mch.. 1883.
8. Noah Porter, b. 9 Jan.. 1887. d. 13 Apl.. 18.89.
9. . 1890.
10. , 1891.
Fam. 44. George VJ .' (James,- James,' Thos.," Nnth'l,* Stmri,^ Thos.." John'), m.
Viola Hills, 20 May. 1874. Children :
1. Minerva M,. b. 6 June. 1S73. I 3. Ida F., b. 1 Feb., 1883. | .5. Rose M., b. 21 Feb., ias9.
2. James W.. b. 2.) Dec. 1B76. I 4. Emma V., b. 22 Jan., 1886. |
Fa.m. 45. Sam'l Moore '{'/'heo. E.,* Francis,'' Anmn,' Sam'l,^ Nath'l,* Sam'l,* Thos., ^
John'), m. 14 Apl., 1880, Mary Lee Ford (dau. Geo.) of Glastonbury, Conn. Ch.:
1. Muriel Agnes, b. 6 Dec, 1833. I 2. Lizzie Boylsion, b. 18 -Nov.. 1881; d. 6 Aug., 1887.
Vol. II. -I
BARBER,* Thomas, first of name in New England, came to Windsor 1G35, witli
tlie Siiltdiistall party under Mr. Francis Stiles: was then iv. 21 years. The Court at
Hartford, 28 jMch., 1637, " cml. tliat Mr. Francis Stiles shall teach George Chappie,
Thomas Cooper ami Tliiiiiin« Ihir/jei; his .servants, in the trade of a carjH'nter, ac-
cording to his i)romise, for their service of their term, behind 4 days in a week only
to saw and slit Iheir own work." lie was made freeman l)i45; was a soldier in the
Pequot fight ^sce p. (i'J, Vol. I.): I(ii8, dft. in Ct.; Sgl. Barber, for hisdisorderly con-
duct striking Lieut. Cook, was adjudged to forfeii liisofiiceand pay £5. He rem. to
.Sim.sbury, where he contracted to build tlie first ineeting-house.
He m. Jane iUt^-^, 7 Oct., 1640 (Old Cli. lief.)- he d. 11, she d. 10 Sept., 1662
{Col. liec). Land gr. W. prob. 1640 (see p. 151, Vol. L) Vh. {Old Ch. Rec):
1. .John, lip. 'U .Tulv, Kiia. K.\.>l. 2. I 4. Siiiniu-I, bp. 1 Oct.. 1848. Fam. 4.
■,>. 'niiMiias. h. 14 J'niv, 1(144. F.\.M. :i .I. Mmv. Iii.. l-JOcl.. ireiT in. a Hale; eel. Suflld.
3. Siinili. lip. 19 .July, lUlli. 1 (i. .Ii>si!ili. ii. 1.-) Ki4j.. ir,53. 1''a.ii. 5.
F.\.M. 2. iohn" (Thomas^), m. Bathsheba Coggens of Springfield, at S.,2Sept.,
1663 (Vol. Rec); in 1604 his father's pi. in W. was made over to him, which (1671)
he transferred to his bro. Samuel and rem. to Springfield; then (16H4) to Sulfield,
where lie was a deacon, also one of the fir.st selectmen; will made 4 Feb., 1711-12.
Sheldon, Doe. J/int. .'<iiji<lil. .says he d. 14 May, 1712, and that this surname .soon
after di.sappears from Sulfield. C'/i. h. ut W. (Olil Ch. Rcc):
1. .loaima, 1>. 8 .\pl., IfiST.
2. .John, I). 14 .Inlv, \UVi. |,shi-l<liin. I)nc. IIlnl.
S'if.. p. ;iil, ways ilial .John, li. KiiiS. i-viiii-nlly this
t»tH'. in. .loan'na , that ht* d. at S. 2^( Au<;.,
Iti'.Hl. and that hf hail tin- following children, b.
at Siitiicld. I am willinj: to admit that he may
have il. at Snftlcld in II'M. Imt if he oh iietl these
h. at \\'iniNor and of tlic-^e ti. at Spi^tld, it i;- nmre
probaUle that this is the reeonl of .lohl). Sen.'s ch.
b. at Sullield after his re'uoval there iKkSl-Hl). and
conseipn'itlly the younj^er brothers and sistert} of
rlohn. .funior. who'd. KliK}.']
Ch. [fi. ill Sitringtiflth ac. to IFfiiman:
3. Itelnrn. Ii. 2:1 Mav. lf.72.
four children, he must have married at the tender 4. Tlioni:is. b. 4 Feb., \Ku\\ d. at Westftcid or Snf-
ai;c of 12 yrs , for the oldest ih. was b. in 1682: Held, 11 .fuly. lliS'.l.
.\s we already have the record of his father's ch. ,'>. Mary, h. l;i Feb.. HJ7T.
Fam. 3. Thomas^(7'/(««/<(.''), m. 13 Oct., 166-. Mary (dau. \Vm., Sen.) Phelps,
17 Dec, 1668 (C»/. R^i-.); 1664 he bought at \V. land ' whereon he builded "; the lot
of Samuel Pond, except about \\ acres next to Silver street, on which P.'s house
stood, and which doubtless faced the Hollow Fjill road; rem. 1671 to Simsbury,
where, 16S2, he was a townsman; d. at S. 10 May, 1701 (03?); estate £488, !!<■<., 3rf.
She b. W. 2 Mch., bp. 19 July. 1644. Ch. h. al 11'. ('A C. R.):
1. .lohn. b. 1 X..V . Itit!2; in. Mary Holcomb.
2. Marv, b. 11 .Jan.. llilMi.
.1. Sarah, b 12 .Inly. lOti'.l; ni. And. Robe.
4. .Juaiiiia, b alit. iiJTIi; m. Josiah Adkins.
.'>. .Vlllte. in. .Ttinalhan Higley.
li. Thonia.s, b. 7 Oct.. Iti71; m. .\bii:ail Buel.
7. Saninel. b. IT Mav. Ili7-"1; in. Sanih Holcomb.
Thos. IJ. .Ir. iscr. K<l'.C.R.\'m 1U77 with 4 ch. Ii in \V.|
Fa.m. 4. Samuel ''('/'//"/HrM'). m. (I) l Dec, 1670, Mary Cogglns, who d. I'J May,
\ 1676 (Co/. /;<■(•); m. (2)25 Jan., 1G76-7, Hulh (dau. John) Drake (O. C. R.\ who
d. 13 Nov., 1731 (ir. C. R.y, he owned Half-way Covenant in \V. church 12 Oct.,
1671 (0. C R.y, res. at W. on the paternal homestead, which he bought of his bro.
John, 1671; contrib. 1». Crf. to the Conn, relief fund for the poor of other colonies,
1676; rem. to Simsbury. ' Tl'. Rec. say Saml, Sen. d. 12 .Mch, 1708; if so. he must
have ret. to W. in his later days. Ch. by Ul mar. (O. C. R.):
1. Thomas, b. T Oct., 1071 ; bn. 31 Oct.. IBiB. , Post : sen. at Hebron on Id. uiv. him bv his fath
2. iNlinuel, b. 26JBI1., 1U7.i. Fam. li. ' 8. Sarah, b. •> Alls:.. lliftS; ni Ul Slepheii F>almer;
sell. 1'<M|.. W.; ni. c2i n Phelps ; rem. toW -iild
Hij ill murrinqer !) William. Fa.m. 8.
3. .lohii, b. 2.") .Ian.. lf.7S. Fa.ii. 7. In. Marv, b. 2.'i Sept . 17>M; m. IVIer Brown ; sell
4. Ilaniiah. b. 4 Oct.. lliSl.-'A C. li \\ near where .llilins Ransom res. IfCiil
5. Hiilh. b -24 Jaly. Iftti; in. Win. Phelps ; sell. 11 Mindwell. d. nnmcl .Uh^c. 1712 i n /,' i; h.r bro.
\V. near when- Win. Cook res. 1S59 .loscph app. adinr on liereT-l. 17 Mch., 1713; est.
-.«. Eli/jiUth. b. « Feb . liwi; in. Daniel Loomis ; f'il. Il«.
res. W. near where U. W. Loomis res. 1K.->!I. 12. .loseph. Fam. !I.
7. David, b. 12 May, IiiSliif')/. lUo: in. Hannah , 1.3. Henjainin. Fa.ii. 10.
Fam. 5. Lieut. Josiah' (Thomas^), m. (1) to Abigail (dau. NathI) Loomis, Nov. 22,
1077, "by ("apt. Newberry"; res. in W. near the river, on Id. bought of Thomas Allyn
1676; .she d. i) Feb., 1700/1; he m. (2) Sarah Drake, •"> Nov., 1701; he d. 14 or 24
Dec., 1733,iE. 80; shed. 13 Dec, 1730(lf. c. It.) ChiUInn:
• Tliiw itcnw cnclOMtl in brackrlK, thus [ ], arc from Ihe Loomis Oriwalogy.
1. Abigail, b. 12 Mch., lr.73 [m. Den. Cornelius I 4. Niithaniel, b. 6 Apl, liiUl. Fam, II.
Brown, 4 De<-., ITOl; lu- li. ati.Tan, 1747]. 5. Jonathan, b. 4 .June, llifM. Fam. 1-2.
2. Josiali, b. lliSo: pos..^. the J. who il. Dec, 1"29. li. Aaron, b. 20 Julv, 1IJ!I7. Fam. 13.
3. Rdjofca. h. 11 Apl.. um.— CW. Ihi: I
Kam. 6. Samuel '(^w'c/,' 77iom<i.i'), m. Martha Ponder of WestfieUl, is June,
1718; she piol). the Martha (wid.) d. 6 Aug., 1758, te. about 90 (Wbi/. Ch. Rec).
1. Martha, b. I .May. KM.
2. Hepzilmh. b. S Apl.. ITltl,
3. Saniufl. h. 28 Auj;.. H 17: prob. the S. (s. of S.)
whod.l Ffb.. 1722 3.- 11'. R.
4. Thonias, b. 5 May, 1720. Fam. 14.
5. Kzckiel, h. 2.i Supl.. 1721.
ti. Benjamin.
Fam. 7. John' (S^imitrl.^ T/tomas'), m. Jane Alford, 04 .]ul\-, 1717. Cliildren:
111. Noah. b. 8 May, 17:!.5; ra. 28 Oct., 17(il. Sybil
Booth of E. \V., where he sett. ; Mr. Noah d. 13
Mch.. 1822, !«. 87 (A'.i'.); ^yife d. Ifi .\ug.. ISI.i, x.
81 (.V. A I Imie (E. W. C. li.):
1. Tarzah. b. 9 Julv, l)p. 19 Sept.. 1702.
2. Xoah, bp. 22 July, 1764.
3. , bp. 12 Oct., 17r>S.
11. Joel, b. 22. bp. 24 ( 11'. V. S.) Oct., 1736 " of First
Socy of W."'; m. Mary Drake, 2:J Xoy. 17.t8
( Whi/. ell. liec); rem. to Simsburv.
12. Jerijab. bp. 31 Dec. 17as.— II'. V.'/i. Fam. 17.
13. Kuth. b. 10 Nov., 1740 ( 11'. C.ff. gm- hp. of ■liuth.
dan. John," 17 .\ug.. 1740); ni. (li Titus Burr of
I Bloomlield; (21 Ebencx.-r Burr of Blfd.
Fam. S. William ' {SamnH,'' T/wiitiix ' ), in. Esther Brown, 5 Nov., 1700; res. Poq.,
W.; (1. 17 July, 1704. C/iild :
1. William, li. :31 Dec, 1701. Fam. 18.
F.\M. 9. Joseph'(.'vfww/,' rAo««w'), m. Mary Loomis, 6May, 1708. C/i.:
1. Joseph, b. 2'* .Ian., 1708,9. Kam.J9. , Harrint'ton lllarwinton). 23 0ct., 1740y— II'. C. B.
1. John, b. 19 June 17I.S.
2. Jane. b. KiJune, 172il; m. David Thrall ; n-^
W. where Horace Thrall res. l.s.'jtt.
3. Naomi, b. 27 Jan., 17-21: m. Danl Barberof \V.
4. Gideon, b. 211 Aug., 172!. Fam. 1.5.
5. .\sahcl. b. 8 Dec. 172."); d. (i Nov.. 172fi.
6. .\sahel, b. 10 Aug., 1727: m. .Mary Collier of
Hartford: sett, at Harwinton.
7. Reuben, b. 2ti Jan., 172*^: m. Sarah MerriiTian
of and sett, at Harwinton.
8. Jerusha, b. 2(i Sept., 17.30; m. Jonah Barber ;
res. \V. where J. P. Ellsworth iv.s. 1859.
9. David, b. 31 Mch., 17:K. Fam. lli. I
2. Samuel, b. « Aug.. 1710 |m. .\im Gilletl.
.3. Daniel, b. 2 Julv. 1712. d. 27 Jniic. 1714.- 11'. H.
4. Marv. b. 24 Mch., 1714 |ni. Tho^. Burnham ;
hed. 1H«2. 1
.';. Mindwcll. 11. 8 Oct., 171(i. Prob. this was the M.,
ilan. of .lo.>ieph. \vho m. Ezekiel Scovill of
(i. Daniel, b. 2:! Apl., 1719 [m. Naomi BarberJ-
Fam. 20.
7. Elizabeth, b. 5 Feb., 1721 ; d. June, 1722.— 11'. 7?.
8. Jonah, b.9 Jan., 1723. Fam. 21.
9. Abigail (dan. Joseph), d. 11 July, 1714.— If. R.
Fa.m. 10. Ben'ianY\n^ {"^1 II, lit I,- T/ioiiias'), m. Hannah Lewis, 30 June, 1720; sett.
Poq., W., ne;u- William Barnes's res. (18.59). Children :
1. Benjamin, b. 11 July, 17'2I. I 2. Eldad. b. 23 Jan.. 172:!.
Fa.m. 11. Nathaniel'(./".w(//,' 77(yw«(«'), m. Mary Filley, 2 July, 1711. C/i.:
1. Mary, b. fi .-\ug.. 1712 (or "l:!!; Liximiti Gen. says
she m. Enoch Drake, 1 .May. 17;io: but she may
have been the .M. whoui, Thfunas Burnharn
of Hartford. 10 Nov . 1737. IT. ''. It.
2. Josiah, b.(i Mch . 1711. Fam. 22.
3. Nathaniel (Capl.i. b. .", Dec. 1717. P'am. 2!.
4. Abigail, b. 11 Dec. 1?20; [m. Robert Woodl.
.■). Azuba, b. 31 Oct., 1725 Im.Jacob Webster, 10
Jan.. 1748; she d. 9 Jan.. 17.58: had .i s. Ili-zikiih
(Woodl, b, 2.3 Nov., d. l(i Dec, 1749|.
Fam. 12. Jonathan '(•/«««/(," 77«/;»(m'). in. Rachel Gaylord, 4 Aug., 1720; res.
W.; d. 2 Nov., 1772; she d. 'U Mch , 1778. Childni, :
1. Itachel. b. fi Sept.. 1721.
2. Kezia, b. 2.5 .Ian., 17-22 3.
3. Azuba. b. -20 Dec. 1724.
4. I.urv. b. 2(i Dec, IT2.5 |lu Elieii r Rockwell,
«! Aug.. 1749|.
5. .\un. b. 2 Dec, 17-28.
ti. Jonathan, b. 3 Dt-c. 17:tl. IjomiK Gen. sa^-s he
m Elizabeth Osborn, 17 Apl.. I7tK) t M'. ('. R.):
he is prob. the J. who d. 19 Julv, 1820, a'. 88 (S.B.):
his wife d. 3 A|il., 1810, le. 77 (.S. /(.); res. E. W.
7. Shadi-ach. b. 28 Jan., 1733/4.
8. Oliver, b. -29 Jan.. n:a/6. Fam. 21.
9. .\shbel (s. of Jonathan— prob. of this familvl, bp.
(ir. ('.«.) 30 Julv, 17.38.
10. Simeon, bp. l If. C. ff.i 17 May. 1741. Fam. 25.
Fam. 13. Aaron^ ^Jimnh.'' Thomati'), m. Mary Douglas (if W .. lat(^ of N. Lmidon,
2 Feb., 1724. V/iildnn :
1. Marv, b. 13 Sept., iTil\.
2. Aanui, b. IGOcT., ir2«.
:). Elizjilielh. b. 20 May. 1731 |iu. B.nj. Loomis.
3 Feb.. 17.57 1 .
4. .Moses, b. 2 Nov . 17.«.
n. Abel. bp. II Apt. 17ii;(ir. f./^l; ijiivh. Fam. -2(11.
li. Hannah, b. IT June, 1739.
7. James, b. -22, bp. 2S Mch.. 1741 2. Fam. -27
8 Elijah, h. 11, bp. 13 Jan.. 1744 .5. Fam -28,
1 9. Ann, b. 10 Mch., 171M,
Fam. 14. Thomas'(''4"«"e/,' &m««^,' TAo/Ha^'), m. Jane Isham, 10 Jon., 174S. lie
prob. the Thos. who d. 21 Dec, 1802, ;c. 75 (TI' C. R ); and she prob. the " wid of
Thos. B." who d. 1 Aug., 1804, sB. 76 (IK C. R.) Ch. (/>/>. W. C. R.):
1 Jane b. 12 Oct., 1719. d. 19 Nov., 1749.
-2. Thouuu'. b. 13 Nov., 17.59.
;i. Jacob, b. 16. hp. 21 June. 17.52.
i. Mary. b. 14. hp. 18 .Vug.. 17.54.
5. Jane, <lau., bp. 4 Sept.. 17.57.
C, Jacob, bp. -23 Sept., 17.59.
7. Abigail, lip. 5 Oct., 17K0.
8. Reuben, bp. 12 Dw.. 17(i-2.
9. (-bloc bp 12 May, 17ii5
10. Nathaniel, hp. 2.» Jan.. 176i
Fam. 15. Gideon* (John,' Santuel,'' Thomm'). m. (1) 9 Nov., 1744, Anna Gillet; (2)
17 Aug., 1709, will. Mary (Clark) Hoskins iW'I'i/. C/i. Uec); res. wliiio William
Shelton res. 18o!); rem. to Vermont. CliiUhm {bj,. W. C. Ji.):
1. Dttiiifl, 1>. 15 .Jiinc, 1743, bp. 10 June.— H'. C. R.
•i. Shubacl. h K Sept.. 1747.
3 Aiiii!!, t> arMih..n.-.i.
-1. Tr.vplinia, b. Dw.. 1753.
5. , bp. :il Mch.. ITM.
6. Gideon, bp. 11 Jiilv, 17.5(i.
7. . bp. 13 Mav. 1759.
8. Xaonii. bp. Vi Ki-b., ITIM
Fam. 10. David * (.Mil," Samtiel,'' Tlioma«^), m. Mar.v BrOwn, 12 Feb., 1754; sett, in
W. about a mile from Joel Palmer residence of 18o9 Vhililren:
1. Daviil, b. 15 Jan., 1755. | 2. Chester, b. 20 Nov., 1704. I :). I'lare, 1). 18 S.'pt., I77i.
Fam. 17. Jerijah* (.Mm," Sain'l,' 2'A<w. '), m. Loannal) (dau. Amos) Filley, •") Dec,
17(1"), who d. 9 July, 1793, a;. 49 (II'.C. Ji.): he d. 7 Feb., 1792. «. 53 ( It'.r. A'.) Cli.:
1. Jinjali. b. 2.1. bp. 2t Auk. 17nfi. Fam. 3!l. 4. Roxanii. bp. IC Aut;., 1772; ni. Cvru» Miller,"
2. l,iuiiniah. li. «. bp. 13 Mcli.. 17li8; ni. William , Feb.. 1105 (ll'.C.W.I; sett, at Ilartlanil. Conn.
Cooley: «■'! at (iianville. .Mass. 3. I.ucina. b. 17 Nov.. 1775; ni. Then. Ensigrn;
.3. John. b. 1!) .Mav. 17711; in. 1 1» 21 Jan.. 179(i ( ir. res. Ohio.
C. H.). Ann Newberry ; <2i Catlin ; { «. l!hf«la. b. 20 Apl.. bp. 22 June. 178-3; m. Ro'jei
eett. Torrinf::ton. Conn. i Phelps of Windsor.
Fam. 18. William* (Wiliidm," Stiimicl,^ Tlicmfis'), m. Abigail (dan. Deti. Cornelius
and Abigail i/xmiin) Brown, 10 ilch., 1725/6; res. W. Childnn :
1. Wiiliam. b. 19 Sept., 1727. I 3. Elijah, b. 1 Feb.. 1731. I 5. Luther, h. 1 Drt., 17.3«.
2. Abiel, b. 8 Apl., 1730. | 4. Abifiail, b. 2S iMch., 173:i. j
Fam. 19. Joseph* (.fosepJi,"' Samuel,' T/ioiiku'), m. Elizabeth (dau. Nathaniel and
Lydia) Cook, 18 June, 1728. C/t. (W. R. and 11'. C. It):
1. Josejih, b. (iMav, 17211.
2. Klizabelh. b. ISJulv. 1731.
■A. Luiv. b. II June. 17:H: m. 13001., 1753, liiehard
Brittain. -II. 11. c
4. Susannah, bp. 15 Oct.. 175S.
5. Asenath. bp. 17 Mav. 17511.
ti. Elihu, bp. it Aut'.. irtil.
Fam. 20. Daniel * (./<««7'/i,^ •''^"""i!^,' T/ioman ^), 111. Naomi Barber. c/iiUInu :
1. Naomi, b. 20 July. 174;J. | 2. Daniel, b. S Nov . 1744.
Fam. 21. Jonah' (./"«;/)//,' Samuel.' Thuman'), m. his eousiu Jerusha (dan. John)
Barber, 2i July, 1747 (W. U.li.), who d. 6 Feb., 1781; he d. 20 Juno, 1795, a-
72.— W. V. H. C/t. (hp. Why. Cfi. liec):
1. Jerusha. b. 12 .Tulv, 1751. j res. Bloonitielii,
2. Benjamin, b. U AuR., 1753. bp. 22 May, 1758. 1. Iliildah. !> 4. lip. 12 Jan.. ITrii!; prob. the H. m. to
F.^H. 3(1. I Daniel Cooke, 10 Meh. 17*1.— ir.r.ff.
3. Tabitha, b.O Mav. 1757. bp. same time with Ben- ' 5. Esther, b. 5 .Iinie. 17t3; poss. the E. who m. Jas
jalnili; m. Oliver Filley, who d. 0 Meh. 171111; Barber of Medw.iv. H Dee. ISitt). - HVyi/. f7(./?.'
Fam. 22. Josiah' (Xatli'l," .Mia/i,' T/iomas'), m. Sarah ForbeS of Hartford, 28
June, 1745; he d. 27 Apl., 1801, se. 87.— TT. C. Ji. Ch. (hp. II'.C. Ji.):
1. Josiah. b. 9 Oct.. 1742. F.vM. .31. I 3. Sarah, b. f. Feb.. 1749 50.
2 .'iarah. bp. 8 June, 1710. I 4. .\sael, b. 8 Apl.. 1753.
Fam. 23. Capt. Nathaniel* (Ara^AY,' Jo.iirtA,' T/inma.s>) m. Hepzibtih (dau. lehaboili
LoomiS, 13 Sept., 1739 (W. C. Ji.). who d. 26 Mch., 1793; he d. 8 Meh.. 1788, at
Torrington, where he rem. about 1740. Ch. (b. tit \\'.):
1. Ilepzibah. b. 9, bp. Hi Meh., 17.39/40.— 1 1. C.fl.
5. Timothy, bp. « Nov.. 174S; m.
0. ChhH', fip. 7 .\pl.. 1751; m. Abner Loomls.
7. I.ois, bp. H Jnlv. 1753.
8. Keziah, bp. Ill Nov., 1755; d. 22 Mav. 1774.
9 Susan, bp. I'.l Feb
C/t. b. lit Tf.rrinqloii {front Ijtomiit Geit.'\:
•i. Nathaniel, bp. 211 .\u)r., 1742: d. 9 .Mch.. 174).
3. Nathaniel, bp. 19 Feb., 1744; in. Mercy Spaf-
ford, 17 .Meh. 171,9. 10. Eli. bp. 29 .Meh. 1701. Fam. .32.
4. Elijah, bp. 11 .May. 1740; in. Mary Hills, 10 11. Ziba. bp. 14 Aul: . 17IU.
Jan.. 1700. i 12. Jemima, bp. 14 Anir.. llt'A: m. Bi'iioni Loomis.
Fam. 24. Dca. OVw/er* (.Toitalhan,' Jiutiah,'' Thoinait^), m, 30 .Ian., 1766, .Vniia (dau.
John and Anna jMomh) Root of Westficld, b. 10 Oct., 1743, and d. 16 Sept., 1825,
le. 81 (.S. Ji.); he d. 8 Oet., lS-20, te. 84 (S. B.); res. E. W. Ch. (h. E. W.):
1. Oliver, b. 3 Mch.. 17r.7: ni. Sanih , who d. I .3. Eunice, b. 0 Julv, 1772.
lOlKt. IK.-,4, a>. SOt.sV.I; he d. 20 .Mav, 1822 (.V. ; 4. Horace, b. 2 Ocl". 1770. F.\>l. .34.
/(.l; a ch of his d. !M Ami:.. ISIIi. le.lO (»■./(.), I 6. .\line, b. 22 Mch., 1778.
aiul ihiii. I'.rsis .1 27 Aiit.'.. 18111, le. 2 v. 1 m. (A'c.) 0. EUn-ta, b. 23 Apl.. 17S2.
2. (irove. b. 19 July. 171.9. Fam. .33. ' I 7. Henry, b. 2 July, 1790.
Fam. 25. Simeon* (•/"""'/"/",'./"«<(//,' Tltnman^m. 20 Sept., 1771, Lois (dau. Joseph
and I,"is l!ttn,l„iw) Allen, who d. 29 July, 1814, x. 03 (,S li). he d. 7 Oct., 1808,
in 0.8th year (^■. JI); res. E. W. ChiUlren :
1. Oviillim, li. SO Oct., 1T72; ni. E.W., 10 Fell., 1792,
Eliciiczcr Osborn, and d. 8 Mch., iaS7, at
Portlaiiii. Conn.
a. Sinu-oii, li. IT Mch.. 1774. FaM. 35.
3. Lois. I), li; ( 111 . ITT.i: m. at E.W.. 18 .Tune, 1798,
Fa.m. 26. Abel ' (prill'- Aaron,' Josiah,' ThoniaK^), m. Rebecca-
1. Aliel, lip. 18 Nov., ntM. Fam. 36.
2. Freeman, bp. SB Oct., 17lifl.
3. Freeman, lip. 91 .Jan.. 17U8. Fam. .37.
•■Mex. Richardson; he d. Ithaca, N. T., 3
Oct.. 1859; she d. E. W., 22 Jan., 180«.
4. Rachel, h. 25 Sept., 1781; d. unm'd E.W., 19 Aug.
l&M, 11". 73.
\ IladasHih, l).22Dec.,nS4; d. E.^..^! Feb., 1864,
untiiarricd.— ir. S. A.
-. Ch. (W.C.R.):
4. ThartdcMS. bp. 29 Mch., 1772: |il(ib. the T. who m.
Pollv Eggleston, 24 Nov., 1805.
" AWJ".!-- Up. 14 Nov., 1779.
fi. Jeruslia, i
Fam. 27. ia.mes* [Aui-oti," Jomih,'' T/im.'), ra. Esther Allyn, 17 July, 1768, who d
12 Dec, 180.5, ;i?. 59; he d. 3 Jan., 1803, m.
Ch. (Wbi/. Ch. Her.).-
1. Esther, b. 17 Sept.. 17159: m. .-\aron Foote of
Northampton. N. Y., 7 Apl., 1799 (117/)/. C/(, /,■,.■. I;
[she d. 3 Ang.. 1825; bed. 8 Dec. 1842, a". 73 s./i.]
2. James, b. 19 Nov.. 1771. d. 20 Sept.. 177ti.
3. .-Ulvn, b. 14 May, 1774; m. (11 , whod. ! Jan..
1842, IE. 42: (2) 25 Deo., 1S22. Charlotte Case of
Canton. Isme (Wby. Ch. Sec);
1. . ch. d. 3 I 2. Allvn. I 4. James.
Apl.. 1824. 1 .3. Ogden. 5. Esther.
Fam. 28. Elijah ' (.4«ran,
Children :
Apl.. 1824. I .3. Ogden. | 5. E^
4. Asa. b. 12 Apl.. l~(i [d. .30 Mav, 1814).
5. Janie.s. b. 2 June. 1778.
6. Oliver, b. 3 June. 17S0 [there was also a Roeer bp.
with (Oliver].
7. Russell, li. 11 .Ian.. 1783.
8. Henry, b. 1 July. 1785.
Joniih;' Thm.^), m. Abigail Wood, 30 Dec, 1768; res.W.
1. Elijah, b. 24 Oct.. 1769. Fa.m. :S8.
2. Abner, b. 18 Sept., 1772 ill'. C. R.my bp. 20
Aug., but prob. Sept. intended). FAai. 39.
3. Roser. b. 29 Jan.. 177.5. FaJI. 40.
4. Abigail, b. IS (and piob. bp. 93) Aug., 1778: m.
Thomas Boardman, 22 .\ug.. 1799.— ir.C'..ff.
F.\M. 29. Jenia.h^(Jerijah,'Jorm,^ Samuel,'' Thos.^). m. (1) Deborah (dau. Seth) Dex-
ter, 3G (38 ir. C.S.) May, 1796, who d. 29 Sept., 1803; (3) Auna (dan. Nathaniel)
Hayden, 27 May. 1806, who d. 5 Nov
1. Deborah, b. 10. \pl., 1798 ; m. Solomon Phelps
of Po([Uoiuick.
2. Rhoda Ann L.. b. 1808, (I. 20 lor 30) Oct., 1890,
a>. 18.
3. .Marv Jane. b. 1810. /I. 14 Sept., 1821, le. 11.
4. John Ilenrv. b. 10 Mch.. 1813, bp. 5 June, 1890.—
ir.C. Ji. Fa.m. 41.
, 1858; he d. 24 Mch., 1830. Children :
5. Samuel Thomas, b. 1815. d. 17 Feb., 1816, x. 4 mo.
8. Samuel Jcrijah. b. 1817. d. 23 Dec. 1821, ffi. 4; bp.
5 June. 1820.- ir.t^'. //.
7. Fidelia, m. .VIonzn Bridges, 22 Sept., 1824 (W.
C. li.): sett. Milfonl. N. V.
8. Nathaniel Ilayden, lip, -25 Oct., 1819.— IF. C. Jt.;
res. \V.. unnnirried.
Fam. 30. Sen]aLXr\\n''{Jonah,* Joseph,^ Samuel,'' Tho.i.^). [From his old account -book,
which shows him to have been a sort of universal genius, weaving, mending shoes,
teaming, letting horses, drawing teeth, making and selliug brandy and metheglin,
communicated by D. Williams Patterson, Newark Valley, N. Y.] "Benjamin
Barber, His Book, Decem'' 3"", 1778, Then I was married to Mrs. Ruth Boles."
He d. 13 Apl., 1797, x. -44.— IF. C. R.
".\pril 12, 1797. Then Died Benjamin Barber, Aged
44, com the (i day of .-Vngiisl " (this identities him
as the son of Jonah Barber (also W. C. H.)]
■'June 10, then died Jonah our Sou Aged 23 yeara
and 9 months" [nninjirriedl.
, m. Naomi Williams of Hartford
1. ■•Oct'"27"i I7Sfl|bp.5Nov.(Tl-C'..ff.)l. Then onr
Daughter Ruth was Born" [m. Erasius Wood-
ford, 14 Nov., 1805].
9. Sept. 90 [bp. 28 ( IF. C.K.'ll, 1783, ■' Then our S<in
Jonah was Bom."
Fam. 31. J osiah^ {Josiah,* ^'ath'l,^ Jomah," Thou.
26 Mch.. 1767. Ch. (W. C. R.):
1. Josiah, bp. Hi Aug., 1779. | 9. Elisha, bp. 10 Aug., 1780.
I am inclined to think that he is also the father of :
4. Elizabeth, bp. 3.'Vpl., 1768. | 5. Esther, bp. 13 June, 1773.
F.«f. 33. EIP had (ICC. R.):
1. Eli Harvev. bp. 11 Mch , 1792; prob. the Eli. Jr. I
who m. Chlris.sa Wilson, 13 Jan.. 1819— Il'.C'.i?.
2. Horace, bp. 2 Feb., 1794.
3. Laura, lip. 0 Nov.. 1716.
4. Jerusha, bp. 22 Jnly, 1798; prob. the J. w^hom.
Fam. 33. Grove'' {Den. Olirer,* Jonn.^ Jomiih,^ Thoi.'). m. 1.5 Dec, 1796, Mary (dau.
Hezekiah and Abigail Bartlett) Allen, b. 8 Sept., 1773. wlio il 18 Jnly, 1859; res.
W. Ft. He d. 28 Aug., 1827, fc. 58.— 5. B. Child:
1. Ashliel. Fah 12.
Fam. 84. Hova.C&' (Oliter,* Jona.,^ Josiah,^ Tho».'), m. Lydia A. (d;iu. Bethuel& Cath-
arine L<ird) Phelps, b. Hebron, 22 Apl., 1779, and who d. Saratoga Sp'gs, N. Y.,
17 Nov.. 1833. ;e. 54 (.'••. B.); lied. 17 Feb., 1839; res.W. Pt., E.W." Ch. {b.W. Pt.):
■■i. Klihu. hp. !.•< .May, 178:5.
R. Wiliiam. bp. 5 Apt, 1778.
Samuel Lemons, 94 Apl.. 1808 — ir.Cff.
5. Giles, bp. 95 Mav, 1800.
0. Orrin, bp. 31 .Iniie. 1S02.
7. Abigail, hp. :» Sept.. ISOI.
8. Jane, bp. Oct. 9, 1808.
I. Biirkli'V I'ln-li)s, 1). 21 Mcli.. ITilS. Fam. 13.
a. Ciiroliii.- Li>i<l, 1). 23 Nov., 1;!I9; m. iSil) Bi-iij. ('.
Burdett "f N V.. nml (i. 2i Oct.. W!». hum:
I. chiiili" l'lii-l|)s(BMnU-iii,l). 20 I-Vli., rsSI: iii.(l)
Sept.. IH-I'J. Harriet Flavin (dan. VXintt. StilcH
anil Flavia Jiiiil I Phelps, wlm d. r> Miiv,
IKii: (2) .Marv (ilau. .\/il anil Faiiiiv ISarl-
I'll Roe "f K.W. ■'• Nov., ISiKi; hari|»)Chas.
MolL-an. Ii, •Jii.liilv.lS.'iO: l/>) Henrv Mor(.'an,
li. 2i; Fi-li.. ISKi.
2. lliiraci' BarliiT (Burdctll. 1>. H Si-pl.. 1S22.
3. John l)«<;r()ol(BiirdtIt), b. 21 Apl., 1824; d. f.
Sept.. 18117.
4. Caroline Moignn (Burdett). li. 22 Sept., 1830.
.I. L.vdia Ann (Hnrdetll. b. :*1 Ma.v, ISM.
3. Honiee Betlniel, j^rad. Wahh'n ("nil., lawyer and
editor, was killed in a duel at Natebe/... Miss., by
Editor M<-\Vtlorter, about IH4(i; ninn'il.
Fam, 35. Simeon *> (W;;/C"//,* Joiia.} .hmdh," T/ws. '), m. 7 Oct,, 1H02, JI:iiili;i (dau.
Rev. T\u».) Potwine, b. E. W. 0 Oct,, 1779; ami d. E. \V. 22 Sept,, 1.H61, te, 82;
lie d, E, W, 22 Jiiiic, 1847, ;e, 73 (A', .»/,); res, Wiiidsorville, E, W, C/i. ( II',,S'..4.).-
1, Simeon Rictus, h. 7 Doc, 1807. Fam. 44.
2. .lairns, b. Ill .luly, 1810. Fam, 45.
3. Allen P., b, 28 .Iidv. 181,5. Fam, 46.
4. Edwin, b, n.Inne. 1821. Fam. 47.
Fam. 36. Abei^ (Ah, I.*
C/iil(livn(]r. P. Ii.):
1. Fanny, bp. 27 Dee., Kit,"),
2, Itebcica.bp, ,')0 .July, nil".
Aiii-on,^ Jf.sui/i." T/ios.''). Ill, I'dlly Mather, 21 Nov,, 1794,
.■3. JohnMatlier. bp, 10 Nov,, 179il; prob the?, wh
d. Dee , 18l«. a. ."i vrs,— 11', C. 11.
Fam. 37. Freeman (s, .MkIi, m, .Maiid Palmer, !» .Vpl,, 1795. CA. (W. C. /?,).•
1, Norman, bp, 3.1nlv. ITiW.
2, Theodore, bp. l,s Meh.. 17118
3, Warren M.irsh, bp, 1(1 Aiil,,
4, Harriet, bp. 7 Nov,, 1802; prob, the Harriet B,
who d, 28 Sel)t., IX.Il, .t, 48,—.*,
5, Kmilv, bp. 1 .Ian., ISmi.
6, . son. bp. 13 I lei.. 1811.
Fam. 3.S, Elijah' {KI!j,ili,'Anff>ii,^Jogia!i," Tlwa.^). ni. Mary Warner, .laii,, 1795. who
d, 29 Jan., I8;!9; lied, 19 July. 1812; res. W. C/,.: [Descendants of those marked
* to be found in Ijioinis Geneidogn.']
1. Marin, b, 12 Oct, 110,5; m, Uev, Hunt
iBap.l. who d, 1854; shed Hi .S<-pt,. 1854, Kast
Lonirmeadow. Mass, ; a-, p.
2 .lobn Wanier, b, 2 Feb., 1708, bp. iE.W. C. /?.)
II (let,, l.Sltl. Fam. 4,s.
3. liny,* b. 24 May, ISdO; m, Maria Jewett, 24
Oct,, 1821. who d, 10 Meh., 1878, Haniden, Conn.
4, Douglass, b. 2ilMav, IStM; d. 21 Oct., 182", Htfd,
,1. Ednmnd I.,, b, 18 Nov,, 1808; d. unm'd 9 Jan,,
1870, Sail Francisco. I'al,
C. Charlotte,* b. 15 Aul'.. 1811; in. Rev. Lewis C.
Gunn I.Metb.t, who d. 187", Berlin, Conn,
Fam. 39. Abner = (Elijah,* Aaron,' Jintinh,'' 77/»x,'), ni
1, Abner, bp, 27 Dec. 17)5, I ^\^. (. 11.
2, Stroni', bp. Ill Apl. ( ll'.a;?. savs 10 Xov.>, irM; ; 4. lialpli. hp. 5 July, 1807,
.._..!. L, .1... ., ..f « ...U.. .1 ... " .... ■\l.... IDfk-l - ,. -.1 . . _
Ch. (hp. ir. C.li.):
prob, is the s. of .\, who d, le. ."i vr,. Miiv, 18(B.
3, John, bp Scpl,, 18112; d, a>, 1 yr,, 13 Sept,, 1802,-
h. Oeoriie Pierpolil. bp, 5 Nov.,
0, Julia Ann. bp, 3 Nov., 1811,
Fam, 40. Roger '•> ( Elijah,' Aaron,'' Jonah,'' 2Vwn.'), m, , Ch. (hp. W. C. R ):
1, . dan. d. 11 Oct., 1804, le. 2 vrs.— B', C, Ii. I .3. Joshua Kilborn. bp. 22 Sept., 18a5.
2. Erastiis, bp. 5Jnly, 1807. | 4. Mary Ann, bp, 22 .Sept, 1805.
Fam. 41. John Henry " (Ji rijuh,'' J, rijah,* John.' .*4(»i7,' 77/«i«.'), m. 23 Dec., 1846,
Clarissa (daii. Strmis) Hayden of Hciinington, N. Y,; he d, 9 Dec, 1873, Ch.:
1, James Henrv, b, 20 Jnlv, l.MO; d. 13 Seiit,, I8I18. 5. Oeralil Thomas, b, 18 Aug,, 1858; d, 23.1an,, 187;i
2, Slidii!; Ilavden, b, 12 < iet,. 1851 . Fam. 4!I 6 ( laia l.oui.sa. b. 18 Nov,, 1802; m, 1880, (Jeorge M,
3, Marv (Jrace. li, 0 Apl,, 18->:i; d, 21) Ant:., 1H5!. WriSley of \V.
4, Milton, l>. Ill Dec. 18,Vl; il, 2,3 May, 1850,
Fam, 42, Ashbel" (^'I'w,' Dm. OUrer,* Jonathan,' Jomah,'' ThoK.'). m. Elizabeth
Phelps, 4 Sept., 1823 (.v./}.); he d. 28 May, 1843, ic. 45. (7/. (Fam. liec.):
1, ,d r; May. 1821, le, 4 his,-S, Jl.
2, , d, 27 Feb,, 1825, le, 12 lirx,— 5, B.
3, , (I. 2-) Mav. 1S20.— .s\ IS.
4, Marv Klizalu-th, b, .'SO Apl,. 1828; m. f^nuiliel
Watson, 12 Jan., 1S(!2. /»«w;
1 .Marv lelcslia (Walsou), b. fl Dw. 18112; d. 17
2, Samuel J, (Wat.soni, b 31 .Inlv. 18IU,
3. Waller Starr (Watson), b is .Mav, lK(i7.
n, Joseph .\shbel, b 13 Feb,. Will. Fam. .">0.
6. , d. 13 Apl., 183,5. «■, 3 vrs,_S, Ji.
1. , d. 12 Apl,, mVi, w. Ifl mos,— .9, It.
8, Hannah Celeslia. b 17 Jan,, 18)0; A. 5 Apl,, IftW,
B, , d, II Oct,. 1840. IB. 32 mos,
10, liboda Ann, li, 12 Oct,, 1840; ni, Thos. Smart,
11 Apl.. 181111. Imik:
1. Carrie Klizabeth iSmart), b, :jt Mch., 1870; d. IH
Dec, 1882.
2. U-iln .May (Sniart). b. 25 Dec, 1871,
;). .Mice Louise (Smart), b, 19 June, 1873; d, 17
Dee , 1882.
4. Frank Clayton (Smartl. b. 10 Mch., 187,"i.
5. Florence Isabel (Smart ), b. 1 July, 1877; d. )9
D(T,, 1882.
0. Charles Thomas (Smart), b. 20 Mch., 1880,
Fam, 43. Buckley Phelps" (Horace,^ Olirer,* Jona.,* Joxiah,'' ThoK.^), m. Harriet
(dan, Matthew and Eli/abelh ColUnx) Thompson of Enfield, Conn,, b, 6 Jan.,
1803, who d, W, Pt. 29 Sept., 1876: he d. AV. Pt. 22 .Vns., 1878. Vh. (h. W. PI.):
1, Caroline Lonl, in, (li 20 May. 1845, Rev. Junius
WiHey il''.i>is.). who had parishes in .saybrook.
i.ilellllelil, Illid HriditelMirt. Cnnll., wll, bed,; III,
i2) Sanford of Bridgeport. Conn.; res.
Ilien-, a wid, A>7/r (fn/ IhI /itinlt.).-
1, Marshall (Wilhvl, d, vomii.'.
2, Eli/jilH'lh (Willeyi, bi"i, 7 Sept., IS."!,- Itre. SI
Jvlin't C/i.. W. It.
2. Williani Thompson, b. 7.1iilv, 1S25, Fam, ,">1.
3. ElizalHth olmstead, b. Is32; m. 5 Jnlv, t8,>l, Al-
fred B. Hedtleld of Htfd.; she bii. W. It. 3 Aug.,
18"i7: hail ll) Caroline Elizala'tb iKedlieldl, bii,
W I't. II Jan., 18.")<>, ir, (Imos,— /i",.-. ,\V, ./o/in'n
Ch . ir, I't.
\. Horace, b, :il Oit,, l«:t7. Fam. 52,
TlllO liAltliKK FAMILY. 55
Fam. 44. Simeon Rectus°(Sime«n.,^ Simeon * Jona..^ Jusin/i,'- T/i>/«.^), in. iit Perry,
Wyoiniiis Co., N.Y., 22 Jan., 1885, Harriet Richardson, b. E.W. l(i Apl., 1815,
il. at P. 25 Jan., 1873. C/iihlmi (A. at P.):
1 .Muiiliii, 1). I-.; Sept . ISiCi; m. 7 Feb., ISlil. (ieo. I 2. Miltou A.. 1). IS Dec. IS3K; m. 25 Oct., 18T0, Mary
K Sheldon ; she d. 18 .Juiiu, 18S5; he d. 18 Marvin of Cortlandt, N. Y.
Mch., 1S83. I ;l Allen R, b. ^Nov., IfMO; d. P. 2:) May, 18W).
Fa.m. 45. Jairus" (&■'«<■<'«,'' Simnni.,' Joiia.,'' Joiiiah,' T/io«.'); m. E. W. 16 Jime, 1842,
Abigail C. Thompson {S. /?.), b. 12 Sept., 1819, who d. 13 Sept., 1863. C/i. :
1. Allien .1 . I.. Si .Mav. LS-W: d. aUiirie. ls(i:i.
i. Sdlihi.'i A,, li. Hi .Jan.. imii; m. Illfd. .i Oct.. 18U!I.
Philiil' Bennett; she d.ar.Meh.. 1877. Issue:
1. Edith .\l. ilJeiiuett), b. 25 .July, 1870.
■i. Arthur P. (Bemietli, li. fi May, 1872.
3. C'vilthia T.. b. 18 .Mav. 1K4S); d. 17 Oct., 1.S79.
4. Marv L.. b. 2li Apl.. i8^VJ.
F.\.\i. 40. Allen P." (Simeon,^ Simeon,* Joim.,'' Jmiah^ Tlioa}); m. E. W. 12 Feb.,
1846, Susan E. Thompson, b. 31 Aug., 1^20. Ch. {b. E. W.):
1. WilBoii .\., b.2C.Jan., 18.-17; in. Klla M. Buell, I 'A Harriet S., b. 19 Aug., 18.58.
12 .May, 18B1 ; has U) (aaee B., b. 1 July, 188.5. I
Fam. 47. Edwin ° {Simeon,'' Simeon,* Jouu.,'' Juniah;- Thm?); ni. E. W. 7 Jtmc, 1854,
Sopliia M. Adams, b. 24 Jan., 1830; d. 2 Nov., 1860. Vh. (/>. E. W.):
1. Irving A., b. 0 Apl.. 18.5."); d. 27 Auj;., 1871. | 2. Eveline M., b. 17 May, ia57.
F\.M. 4s. John Warner" iEUjah,^ Elijuh,* Aaron,^ Joxiah,^ TIws.^); learned the
engraver's traile with Dea. Abner Reed, of E. W. Was a most earnest Christian
man, and an industrious liistorical writer, illustrating his works by wood cuts of
his own designing and engraving. These works had a large sale, and many of
them possess a permanent value; they were IHsUn-ical Scent's in the U. S., Jf>27;
Hintory iind Antiqaities of Xeir Haven, Conn., 183 1 ; Iieli(/u»i.i Erents, ISSH ; Jlistor-
iail Collections of Connecticut, lS3(i ; Historical Collections of Massac/iiisetts, 1839;
llixtory and Antiquities of Neio Enij., iV'. York, and N. Jerseij, IS4I ; Elements of
(Jenend History, 1844 ! Incidents in American. History, ISJfl ; litiiyious Emblems and
Allcf/orics, 184s ; En ropeo/i Historical Collections, 1855; (Jar W/iole Country, Histor-
ical and Descriptice, 18(J1. Also (in connection with Henry Howe) the Hist. Collec.
of JVew York, IS4I ; of jVeu> Jersey, 1844/ of Virginia, 1844; of Ohio, 1847 ; and,
with his dau. Elizabeth G. Barber, Historical, Poetical, aiul Pictorial American
S-enes, 1850. He m. (1) Harriet E. Lines, who d. 17 Mch., 1826; m. (2) Ruth
Green, whod. 18 Nov., 1851. Res. New Haven, Conn. Cliihlren {from Ijtomis
<!i iitotiiijy) :
1. Mary. li. 311 Aug.. 182S: m. Lieut. Kirby S.
Woodward, U. S. Uev. .Service, who wart
didwned in (."alifornia 0 Nov., 18.50 ; issue :
1, Kale (Woiidwardl. b. 1844 : d. 19 Feb.. 185li.
2. .Vrthur (Woodward), b. 1847; in.; res. San
Fraueinco. Cal.
2. David Brainard. h. 9 .Mch.. d. 7 Aug.. 1820.
:i. Elizabeth G.. b. 2fl Nov.. Is27; in. 8 Apl.. 1801.
(■apt. Chiu«. H. Barrett lY. C. 18,52i: she d.
19 .Inly. l«(i:l, of cholera, on boani of her hus-
band's ship, in the China Sea. A volume of her
poems was pub. after her death. Js-'./o ;
1. Ruth Louise (Barrett), b. 25 Jan., 1802; d.
5 Nov., 1803.
4. I'aniline T.. b. 23 May. 1829: m. (ieorge W.
Jones lY.C. 18391. 11 Aug., 1802; he is .\8sistant
Professor of ilatbeiuatics m Cornell I'niversity.
5. John. b. 5 Nov., 18^J0; m. Sarah K. Barnes, 7
Mch.. 1854. Res. New Haven. Conn. Issui :
1. Chas. S. (Barnes), b. 27 Jan.. 1,8.5.5; d. 9 July, 1877.
2. Walter (Barnes). 1). 19 May. 1802.
fi. Janies. b. 10 .\ug.. 18;J2; res. llamden, Ct. Issue;
1. Cornelia, b. 18.57.
7. Harriet, b. 27 Feb., 1835; (1. %i June, 1802.
Fam. 4'J. Strong Hayden' (./"/'« 11.,'' Jerijah,'^ Jerija/i,' John,' Samuel,' '/'/»«.'),
in. 20 Aug.. 1877, Jennie H. Clark, of W. Ch. :
1. Mary Hayden, b. 18 June, 1878. | 2. Henry Clark, b. 23 May, 1881. | 3. Robert Henry, h. 29 Fi-h., 1884.
F.v.M. ."lO. Joseph A.' (Ashf/el,' Groce,^ Den. Olirer,* Jona.,' Josiah,' T/n>s.'), m. Ch.:
1. Carrie Josephine, b. 9. \ug., 18.53: ni. Francis W. | 2. Nellie Cecilia, b. 11 Nov., 1801.
Heath. 24 Oct., 1883. 1
Fam. 51. William Thompson' (Hurkley P.,' H/racc,^ Olicer,* Jona.,' Josiah,'
77»«,'), 111. ;it N. V. 3 .Ndv., 1S47, Mtiry Jagger Post, of N. Y., h. 27 Dec, 1827,
anil who d. at Htfd. 13 Apl , 1882. Ch. :
1. William Thompson, b. W. Ft. 0 Oct., 1848: d. d. :!1 Aug., ia54, W. Pt.
W. Pt. 10 Mch., 1852. 4. Bueklev (twin), b. 20 Feb., ia53; d. at \V. Pt. 25
2. Josi'phine King. b. N. Y. Sept.. 18.58.
3. Betliuel Phelps (.twin), b. 20 Feb.. 185.). ai W. Pi.; 5. Margaret Louisa, b. W. Pt.
Fam. 52. Horace' {Buc/lUi/ y.," Ilornre,^ Olicer* Jonn.,'' .fmiah,- TUim.'), in. 6 Oct.,
1S69, at Htfd., Caroline Walkin.son Allyn of Hartford. Vliihl :
1. (Jem-vicvt .\llen, b. 15 Aug.. 1871; d. at Mi'ritoiie. France. 6 hVb.. ls!l<l.
Aaron had by wife Jemima (W. C. R.) (1) Aaron, bp. 1(! IKc, ITMO; (2) Elisabeth, bp.
10 .Ian., 1784; (3) Levi, bp. 9 Aug., 1799.
Amherst Hill, b. 7 July, 1807; m. Uhoda (daii. Lory) Drake, ;{ Dec, 1835, who
d. 22 Jan., 1877; he d. 8 Jan., 1870; res. Penu Line, Pa. CIt. :
1. Sarah Amelia, li. l!t Aiij;.. 18.38; m. 13 Sipt . ISlW. ' 3. (ierlrude. h. (1 Apl.. ISri.
Chas. Anil Booties. /««/c- a. Alniiva .Jane. 1>. Dec. lM:i; m. 29 Sept.. W,9.
1. Minnie .Xbiizail. ti. Hi .\iiff., 18ii3. Charlec V. Ainger. Is/tr/t :
•i. Clarence Amhertl, b. K Oct., I8«8. i 1. Carlos Drake, b. ;JU May. 1W8.
Chauncey of E. W., m. 11 Oct., 1819 (S. B.), Elisabeth (dau. William) Sadd, » U"
d. ly Jan., 1876; he d. 16 Feb., 1868, le. 71. Res. Wpg., E.AV. Ch. :
1. .41onzo li . b. 11 Nov.. 1820. F.vM. 2.
2. Elisabeth Adelia. 1>. *i May. lH-£i: in. William
Vinton, <>f Vernnn. C'dun. /sxi/f ;
1. Wni (• (Vintoni. b. 11 Feb.. 1851: m. Loni><a
J. Sackett, 17 Apl.. I87s.
, b. 7Se
lotle E. Dart, IB Oct., 1878: res. .So. W
Ansnn E.. b. 8 Jan.. 182(1; m. Sarah M. Colton.
18 -Mav. 1850. /«>■"(. ;
1. Alice A. (CDltnnl. b. 2ft.Inlv. 1858; m. Waller I.
_ , Treat, 13 Sept.. I87ti.
2. WinlleM s. (Vint(in). 0 7 Sept.. 1855: m.Cliar- 3. .Aiireliiif B., b 5 June, 18.11. Fam. .3
Fam. 2. Aionzo R.'' (C'""'"'''*'), ni- Nancy M. Barber. Res. Windsorvillc, E.W.
Children :
1. Ch.. d. 12 Meh.. ISlij. u;. 5 mo. .S. B. — K. M. I 34 Dee . 18118; lied. 17 .Ian.. 1S7:J: «■. /).
tavs d. 1.1. 3. Frederick \V.. b. -iiiSept.. Isi'.l: m. Ellen Blinn ;
2. Alfre<i.\..b 22Meh..l81T:in. ConieliaGreen, I d- 23 May, ISS.'i. Rei'. Briddeporl, Conn
Fa.m. 3. Aurelius B.' (ChouHceii '), m. Lucy (dau. Marvin and Mar.y JJai/ixj Fuller.
He d. .") Oct., 1866. She m. (2) Samuel Morton. Res. E.AV. Cfi. :
I Ella Laviinne. b. 7 .Inly, IS-ili; m. Henry I 2. Herbert E., b. 1 .\pl., 1803.
Hamilton, Nov., 1873. I
Elijah Averls, m. Amanda (dau. Lory) Drake, 28 Feb., 18.83; he b. .5 Mch., 1804;
d. 8 Sept., 1865. Res. Penn Line, Crawford Co., Pa. C/i. :
1 Horatio Elijah, li. 19 Sept.. \m>. Fam. 2. .•!. Florence Amanda, b. 30 f>ct.. 1&43; m. Hi May.
2. Marv .Aiipista. b. 7 .Ian.. 1843; m. Alexander IKHi. Horatio Nelson Havens, b. 13 .lulv. Is4fi.
llamillon Hates, 12 Nov.. 18)17; had: 1 Willis Diake, b. 31 Mav, 18.30. — T. li.
1. Niil .\veris. h. 31 Oct.. 18118.
F.\M. 2. Horatio Elijah ' (AV(,v/A .l.'i. m. Malina (dau. Hugh J. ami Julia Dan«)
Laughlin, 2(l Oci., 181i»; she b. 11 Sept., 1818. Ch. :
1. Hugh Laughlin, b. 8 Feb.. 18S1. | 2. Leo Drake, b. 17 Apl., 1883. — 7". O.
Gideon* (/»*«. «"« of Gideon,* John,' Sam.," T/im.'). m Rlinda Drake, 22 Dec, 1791.
C/nW. C. a.):
1, Mariii. bp, 1 .Meh., 1795. 1 2. Anne t;ilet. bp. 7 .May, HUr. 1 3. Khoila. bp. 23 May. IKOl.
Isaac had {Why. Ch. Ser.) (1) Martha, d. 12 Nov.. 1739, ir. aht. ."> mo.; (2) Amaziah,
bp. 21 Sept., 1740; (3) Seth, bp. 9 Jan., 1743.
Luke had Charlotte Melvina, bp. 26 Dec, 1813.
Moses (prob. ». Aaron,^ Joniah,'' Thm.^), m. . Ch. (11'. ('. li.):
1. Moser, bp. lOOcl.. 1753. 3 Benoni. I ,.,.:„«,,„,■ ,„„ ,-,■«
2. Anna. bp. 31 Mch., 17113. 4. Hannah, ) '" "'- ''P '^ •^"»-' • ' '"^^
Moses and Wait had (H'.f. R.y. Eunice, bp. 14 Feb., 1773.
Reuben ' (/'/v/<. «. Tho« ,• Stim..' .<vi;«.,' I'hm.'), had (ir. C. 7?.).-
1. Wcallhv, bp. 14 Oct., 17.87 | 4. ReiilM'n. bp. 4 Oct.. 1793.
2. Lnlher, bp. 27Feb., 17?n. 5. Tiraih, bp. Sept., 1804: dau., d. 11 Oel.. 1*14.
3. KInalhan, bp. 20()el., 1793. I a;. 2 wks.
Samuel, m. Hannah Olds of Suffieia,8 Sept.. 1760; had ( ir/<//. Ch. Rer.){]) .M.ntha.
bp. 2K June, 1761; (2) Samuel, bp. 25 July, 1702.
Thomas (prnb. the Thos., Jr., who (ace. to 1IV«/. Ch. l!,c.) m. llaiuiah Hubbard,
18 Aug., 1811; and prob. the T. who d. 31 July, 1820, a\ 32 ( II7<,/. Ch. /!.,■.). and
who had a ch., d. 21 Apl. . 1816. a;. 1 yr. ( IIV///. Ch. /ft-.) had ( II7«/. Ch. AVr.).-
1. Thomas, bp. 30 .lune. 1814: proh. the T. s. T. 2. San-pla. bp. 22.1nne, 1817.
who d. Jnne, 1814. - l)7/j(. C/i. Nn: 3. Bets<'y. bp. 23 Aug., 1819.
, of W. ; m. Klioila, b. 28 Oct., 1745 (dau. John Root and Ann) Loomis, of
Southwick, Mass. Kes. S. Ch. :
1. Mareairt, b, 33 Mch.. ITWii m. Barlow. 3. noh.in, h. 4 Xov., 1772,
2. Maria, b. 1 -Jan.. ITCkS; m. a Rixford. ' 4. Truman, b. 20 Jan., 1775. — Loomis Genfiot.
M(irruigfK.—Ah\ga\\ A. ni. Lyman Stockbridge of Htfd. 14 Dec. 1809.— W.C. R.
Anna m. Robert Avery 6 Feb., 1780.— TK (7. B. Anna of W. ni. Augustus
Mills of E.W., 1.') Oct . 1783.- ir. C. R. Asahel (AshbelV) m. Sarah Osborn
1 Aug., 1767. Benoni m. Patty Goodwin of Hlfd. 11 Nov., 1790.— TF. C. R.
Charles m. Dolly Newberry 26 July, moi.— Wby.Ch.Rec. Charity m. Potts
Fuller 16 Nov., 1808—11'. C. R. Clorinda of W. m. Daniel Skinner, E.W.,
.5 June, 1799.— IT. C. R. David, Jr. (of Poq., prob. s. of David ') m. Jane Filley
15 Dec, 1776.— Tl%. C/t.Rcr. Elisha m. Chloe Riley 30 Dec, 1828. Eldad (Rev.)
m. Mrs. Hannah E. Crosby 24 Apl., 1834.— & B. Eldad (wife of) d. 7 Nov.,
1843, a;. 75.— .'^. B. Eldad d. 7 Nov., 1844, a?. 76; wife Loix d. 7 Nov., 1843, a>.
75. -£.'. ir. o. Eunice m. David G. Fitch 2 Aug., 1790— W. C. R. George
Wolcottm. Amelia St. Clair 22 Sept., 1844.— 5.i?. George W.d 60ct., 18.53,
x. 5S.—E. W.O. ; his wife Mary Ann d. 21 or 23 Jlch., 1843, se. 36; her dau. Sarah
d. 31 Mch., 1843, se. 2 yrs. 6mos {&.); ch. d. 1 Apl., 1842; a>. 2i.— .9. B. Harvey
m. Hannah Stiles 8 Mch., 1815 (5.5.); their son James Stiles m. (1) Abi.
Maria (dau. Col. John) Collins of E. W., who w.is b. 16 Jan.. 1819, d. 1885; m. (2)
Elizabeth Donetta (dau. Dea. John Alden) Collins 12 Jan., 1886; she was b. 28
Sept., 18.58. Ch.: (1) May Myrtle, b. May, 1887, d. inf. Henry of E.W. m. Mary
Pease 10 May. 1817.— ir. C'.i?. Henry, 2d of E. W., m. Emily Terry Osborn
27 Jan., 1829 (IF. C. R. et S. B.); their ch. d. 11 Feb., 1831, ;cl d. Horace m.
Lucy Wilson 16 Mch., 1817.— IT. Ci?. Jemima m. Theodore Bunce of Htfd.
10 Nov., 1791.— ir.C'.K. Martha m. Catharine Moore 28 Dec, 1832. Meri-
man (of Why.) m. Matilda (.dau. James, Jr. and Esther Btirnham) Drake of W.
abt. 1826; set. at Richmond, Ashtabula Co., O.; farmer, dairyman, and storekeeper;
both d. Oh. : (1) George, killed accidentally; (2) Laura, m. a Cotton ; (3) Helen, m.
Albert Stater; res. (1888) Richmond, O. Naomi m. Nath. Marsh of Htfd.,
20 Feb., 1795.— IT. C'.i?. Noah of E.W. m. Peggy Saunders 4 Nov., 1821 (S.B.
makes this Nathaniel). Norman C, b. 8 July, 1837, in German, Chenango Co..
N. Y.; m. (1) 14 Mch., 1858, in St. Louis. Mo., Hattie M. Vance, b. 6 Apl.. 1840.
in Oshkosh, Wis., who d. 9 June, 1862; he m. (2) 1 Jan., 1866, Elizabeth WellS,
native of Coventry. He served in War of Civ. Rebell. Ch. (by 1st mar.): (1) Jennie
M., b. 15 Mch., 1859, d. 12 May, 1862; (2) Franklin Francisco, b. 8, d. 10 June, 1862:
{by 2d mar.): (3) Ernest Burdett.h.Sl .hn., 1867; (4) Xorman Alon^, b. 15 June, 1871;
(5) Blanche Ida, b. 31 May, 1873.—/. J/. S. Rebecca m. Hezekiah Latimer 11
Dec, 1794.— W. C.R. Ruth m. Martin Powell 23 Nov., 1780.— W. C. R. Shad-
rach m. Elizabeth S. Pease 28 Sept., 1842. — s. B. Shadrach (wid. of) d. 6
Feb., 1822.— .S. B. Shubael m. Mary Denslow 4 July, 1800 or '02 —TK. C. R.
Trumbull m. Hannah Irvln 27 Mch., 1815 — ir.C.i?.
/>,„//,.«._ An nad. 11 Dec, 1829, .t. -52 — &•. Almirabp. 18 June, 1820.— 5.6. Asa
d. 30 May, 1814.— 1F*V. Ch. Rec. Betsey d. 17 Apl.. 1815, se. 20.— Why.Ch.Ree.
Erastusd. 2 July, 1824, sb. 41 — U7»/. 17,. Ra: Esther d. 27 Oct., 1732.— TT.i?.
Edward W. <i 21 Sept., 1851, x. 24.— 6'. B. Freeman d 16 .Jan., 1857, to. 69.
— ir. R. George d. 2 Mch., 1805, 86. 35.— IF. C. R. George d. 24 (or25) Oct.,
1842, 86. 76; wife Betty d. 20 Aug., 1853, !8. 83.— 5c. Hannah (wife Joseph) d. 7
July, 1705— IF. R. Hepzibah (wife of Dea. Samuel) d. 20 Dec, 1711.— IF. R.
Jonathan Jr. (a ch. of) d. 3 .Tan., 1805, ve. 2.—S. B. Jane (wid.) d. 25 Dec,
1770.— IF R. John d. 29 .Mch., 1767.— IF R. Mary d. 3 Mch., 1813, x. 66.—
Why. Ch. Rer. Mary d. 7 May, 1786, in 80th yr.— M'by. Ch Rtr. Mercy (wid.)
d. if. 90, 1 Nov., \YS.\.— W.CR. Nathaniel d. 6 Aug., 1768.— TF. R. Oliver's
ch. d. Sept., \mi.— ^\'hy. Ch. Rec ; ch. d. 30 Aug., 1814, w. 2\.— Wliy. Ch. Rec.
Vol. II. — 8
Rachel d. 19 Aug. 1854, ». 73.— A'.. I/. Sally ((iau. Natlil and Sally), b. in Vt.,d.
at her gd.-fatlu-r Bissell'sres. 20 Ftb.. IT'.t.^. a-. ', mos., 10 d.—E. H'. 0. Samuel
(IX'a.)d. 12 Apl., 1715.— U'.y?. Shadrach d. 24 Feb.. 1855, a". 48— S,: Sarah
D., wife of Edward W., d. 21 Sept., is.-jl, .t. 24.— A'. .V. Warren, ili., d, 18
.Ian., 1820, ir. 2.—S. B.
Samuel of Hebron is describcil in a deed from IJcv. Tlios l!u(liiiiij;liani of Saybrook.
as " from Wind.sor."
Samuel — "Ann and Patience (twins) of Samuel Harber— bis wife dead — he pro-
dueing Certiticate from Mr. Collins of Litchfield, of his Regular .standing y' as a
member in full communion," bp. 18 Apl., 1736. — W. C. li.
John and Samuel, from W., were first proprietors and settlers at Harwinton, Conn.,
1733/4. For .several families of Barber of Simsbury, etc., see Abiel Brown's
(ItK. Slcttrlua i,f the Firxt Scltli'r.i of W. SiiKsbtiry, now Canloii, Conn., pp. 18-29.
BARKER, Ephraim, m Jcrnsha Ellsworth, 4 Aug., 1790.— ir. R.
Ethan, m. Sarah Denslow, 8 Mch., 1814.— Tl'! R.
Horace, m. Cynthia Bower, 3 Sept., 1822.
Reuben had -. (l) Reuben, b. 16 Oct., 1789; (2) Sarah, b. 15 July, 1792; (3) Chaun-
cey, b. 6 Jan., 1794; (4) Perrin. b. 16 Feb., 1796; (5) Oliver, b. 2 Dec.. 1802;
poss. Barber.
Samuel, made freeman Oct., 1658.
Samuel, m. Sarah Cook, 30 June, 1670. — Col. Rec.
Seth, had , d. May, 1766, a few lirs. old. — iriy. Ch. Rec.
Amelia (wife of Rufus), d. W. Pt. 22 June, 1861 —see Barnem.
BARNARD. The W. Barnards supp. to have descen. from Francis, who, with his
bro. John both first sett, at Htfd.; rem. to Hadley, Mass., 16-59. [John, maltster,
prob. came in the Franc.i.i, from Ipswich, 1634, with wife Mary, :e. 38; rem. 1636
to Hartford, where he was an orig. prop'r; rem. to Hadley 1659. and there d. l'>64.
leaving wid. but no children. In his will he mentions his kuumoii, FranciS Bar
nard, as executor. Morgan and Thomas Bedicnt, children of his sister Mary, res.
in Eng.; and children of his kinsman, Henry Hay ward of Wetherstield. His wid,
left much of her ppy. to her bros., Daniel and William Stacey of Burnham, near
Maiden, Co. Esse.x, Eng.— .Vcm. Hint. Iliirtforfl Co.. i. 229.]
Fam. 1. Joseph (then 'Sgt."), m. Abigail Criswold, 4 Oct., 1705. Shed. 174T;
her son Joseph e.xec; invent. .£200 and over. Chiklnn (an vtentiontd hy llininan):
Joseph, Edward, Francis, Abigail, Sarah, Ann, Rebecca. " Lieut." Joseph, d. 1736
(prob. same as above). Ch. :
). Sarah, b. 23 Sept., 1707. I 4. Ann. h. 88 Feb., 1712.
2. Joseph, b. 19 Mch.. 1708. I 5. David, b. 3 Nov., 17H: d. 27 Mav, 1719.
3. Ebenezer, b. 8 Sept., 1710. I 6. Francis, b. 9 Sept., 1719. Prob. res. in Sims.
Fam. 2. Joseph (prob. J. above, b. 1708), had (tho' poss. there maybe here the fam-
ilies of tiro Josejilis) ;
1. .loscph, b. 11 Dee.. 1744. 1 4. Elizahelh, b. 30 Jillv, 1770. | 7. Klizur, b. .30 Oct., 17.S.3.
2. .Tehiiben. b. 15 Feb., 1751. 5. Jos. SlandlelT. 1>. S5 Feb..l7r9. 8. Joseph, b. II Dec., 17tM.
3. Elijah, b. 31 Aug., 1737. | 6. Lorinda, b. 10 Nov., 17S0. |
John, m. Rebecca Holcomb, 26 Nov., 1750; had James, b. 17 June, 1751.
Fam. 1. Edward (Capt.), d. at AV. abt 1783; wife Mabel; Ch. mentioned :
1. Lemuel iir Samuel ? I ,3. Mabel. I 5. Hannah.
2. Edward (deed). Fam. 2. | 4. Abigail. I 6. Miriam. 7. Roxana.
Fam. 2. Edward,' Jr. {Capt. Etlirard')A. before his father, abt. 1775; widow Ruth.
Children, whom he entrusted to guardianship of his father, Capt. Edward :
1. nmh, ie. 10. I 3. Sarah, m. fi. I d. (£•. If. C. /?.) 22 July, 18.38.
2. Ed\Mird, le. 8. | 4. Seluh. le. 5 (prob. the S. who 1 5. Lucretia, le. 3. — I/inmaii.
Robert, had wife Mary, who d. 5 June, 1727. in childbed, leaving a dau, b. same day;
he m. (2) Kuth Loomis, 1 Nov,, 1728,
Aaron, m. Lucy , who d. 7 Feb., 1783. C/t. (prob. by 2d wife) :
I: Horace!"'' ) ''P- 5 ■"'""' ''•^^- I ■'*■ *"'"''' '■"■ ^ '*'''"•' "^"^
Josiah, m. Elizabetli Holcomb i) Feb., 1743. Oliver H., m. Anne F. Moore
9 July, 1828. Dea. Joseph of W. d. 1788. Moses, s. of Moses (Poq.), bp. 6
Nov,, 17(W (ir. C. R.) Selah d. 22 July, 1838.— £'. W. U. B.
BARN A RD —addition by linth T. Spen-y. Htfd. Proh.Rec, Vol. XIV. (court lioldeu
17 Aug. , 1743). Ehcnczcr Barnard (son of Samuel Barnard, deceased), a minor aged
about 18 years, made choice of Caleb Church to be his guardian.
Francis {Joseph), b. in W., 9 Sept., 1719, prob. rem. Sims. Ch. (rec. Sims. T. Bee.
4. iv. p. 297).-
1. Francis, b. 2.5 Apl., 17—.
2. Lucretia, b. 11 >'ov., 1743.
L a Lvdia, b. 23 Feb., 174B.
•1. liana, b. 23 Oct., 1747.
9. Ebenezer, b. 12 Sept.. 1757. "New Stile."
10. Samuel, b. 9 Mch., 1759, " New Stile."
... Moses, ( . , .., „ ,..„ , „ 11. Klihu, b. 2.S May, 116i.
U. Aaron, | '^' '"^' "■ ^' "'='^" ' '■'"> "' =' | 12. Caroline Matilda, b. 22 Apl., 1705.
Francis, Jr.'s family:]
1. Elizabeth, b. 6 12. Oliver. I 4. Charlotte. I 6 Ira. I 8. Harriet.
Oct., 17li8. I 3. Chloe. I 5. George. | 7. Asa. | 9. Francis, b. Apl., ITM.
Samuel Barnard's family.
1. Samuel B.. s. of Sanniel B. by Rosana his wife.
was b. in Windsor. 17 July. 1773.
a. Abner, b. W. 21 Jan., 1775.
3. Ro.'iana, b. Sims. IG Dec, 1777.
4. James, b. W. 23 Oct., 1779.
5. Acbeah B., b. W. 10 May, 1781.
(i. James Harry, b. Sims., 23 Dec, 178(
BARNES, Levi (s. of Benjamin Barnes, who, in 1781, m. Abigail (dau. of Daniel
and Abigail MoiiUhnip) .Goodsell ; ni. (2) 3 May, 1827, Orpha (dau. Rufus and
Amelia Cogsiecll) Barker, b. in Suffield 9 Jan., 1817, and who d. at W.Pt. 6 Feb.,
1885, <T. 78; he d. W. Ft. 12 Jan., 1879, a.'. 75. Children :
1. Lamira A., b. 10 May. lS-28; m. (1) 29 Dec. 1845,
Albert 1). Parker': (2) 15 Dec, 1851, William
Roehmer, b. Berlin. Prussia, Oct., 1814, and
he d. VV. PI. 21 Dec, 1M75. Issue [bi/ 1st liusb.):
1. (ieorge (Parker).
By 2d Uusbanil :
2. Mary (Koehmer); m. M'illiam Rowe of
New Haven.
3. Frank (Koehmer), d. 1885, a;. 24.
4. Fannie A. (Koehmer), d. 1887, a;. 17.
5. Willie A. (Roehmer).
6. Joseph B. (Roehmer), d. W. Pt. ;e. 11 mo.
7. Louisa M. (Roehmer), d. VV. Pt. le. 2 vrs.
2. George Parker, b. 10 Dec, 1829. Fa.m'. 2.
3. Sylvester, b. 25 Jan., 1832; d. a;. 0 yr.
4. lienry L., b. 19 May, 18.34; m. Hester Pike.
F-\M. 3.
5. Joseph E., b. 29 May, 1830; d. ic 15 yr., W. Pt.
6. Ellen M., b. 20 Mch., 18;J9; d. se. 19 yr.
7. Sarah Elvira, b. Nov. 20, 1861.
F.\M. 2. George Parker' (LeH,'' Benj.'), b. 16 Dec, 1829; m. at Vf . Pt. 10 Apl.,
1855, Nancy Jane (dau. Sanford and Nancy Heath) Kingsbury, who d. 'W. Pt.
20 Apl., 1885. Ch. (b. W. Pt.) :
1. Geo. Kingsbury, b. 15 Sept., 1S5C; d. 9 Dec. .1859. 4. Arthur Cogswell, b. Htfd. 11 Sept., 18G8.
2. William Henrv, b. 18 Apl., 1801. I 5. May Kingsbury, b. 28 Mch., 1871.
3. Frederick Joseph, b. 29 Jan., 1863. Fam. 4. |
Fam. 3. Henry L. m. Hester Pike. Children:
1. Nellie M. I 3. Carrie. 1 3. Mabel.
F.\m. 4 Frederick ioseph* (George P., ^ Levi," Benj.'), m. 18 Nov., 188.5, Alice M.
Johnson of Drtroii, Mich. Ch («. W. It.) :
1. Morgan Kingsbury, b. 4 Apl. 1SS7. | 2. Frederick Heath, b. 4 Sept., 18S3.
Abel, m. Abigail Heath, 18 Aug., 1813—6'. B. Leman m. Anna Bancroft, 19
Oct., 1815.— S. B. m. Lydia Lord, 15 June, 1818.— S. B. Lieut. Eben-
ezer (Bams), who, with wife, came from New Cambridge, d. 21 Sept., 1774, se.
about 55.— H%. Ch. Bee.
Timothy (Barns) had (ir%. Ch. Bee):
1 l'..llv, l.p, 15 Dec, 17;4. I 3. Timothy, bp. 19 Sept., 1775. I 5. , bp. 31 Aug,, 1783.
:; Diina-. Ii]!. 10 Feb., 1777. | 4. Eunice, bp. 10 Sept., 1781. |
Stephen, m. ■\Vealthy Ann Loomis, both of "W., 16 Nov., 1780 (W. C. B.)- had
; il. 10 .\ug., 17S1, :v. abf. (! wks.— Wbi/. Ch. Bee.
BARNES, William of Warehouse Point, E. "W., b. Tolland, Conn., 8 Feb., 1802;
ni. 211 .Vpl.. 1827, at W. Pt., Maria (dau. of Joel and Huldah Allen) Holkins, b.
Enf. 28 Aus., 1804, and niio d. at W. Pt. 6 June, 1H.-)1. lie m. (2) on 30 Dec.
1858, Koxalinali (dau. Roswell and Sally Olmntaiil) Abbey of Enfield, who sur-
vived him, dyinj? 18 Ajd., 1889.
Mr. Barnes was fifth in descent from Stephen and his wife Mary, who resided iu
Brauford, Conn., in 1702, and whose ancestors probably were among the East
Hampton, L.I., families of that name: through Stephen^ by wife Martha Wheadon;
Jonathan' by wife Elizabeth WoodrufT; and lather Jonathan'.
His mother's maiden name was Rachel Steele. She was sixth in descent from
John Steele — one of the original proprietors of Hartford — by wife Rachel;
through John," by wife Mercy Warner; Samuel,' by wife Mercy Bradford, daugh-
ter of Lieut.-Gov. and granddaughter of Gov. Wm. Bradford of Plymouth; Eliph-
alet,' by wife Catherine JIarshfield; and father Josiah.' by wife Elizabeth Colton,
daughter of Rev. Benjamin Colton. Rachel Steele was the niece and adopted
daughter of " the Rev. George Colton of Bolton."
Mr. Barnes did not have a college education, although Iiis father and three older
brothers were graduates of Yale. He attended school in Mouson and Colchester,
and afterwards studied law in New Haven, where he was admitted to the bar De-
cember 4, 1823, according to a quaint account-book in which the fee is noted as
$4.25. He was iu his father's law oflice in Tolland for a few months, but moved
in June. 1824, to Warehouse Point, Conn., where he practiced his profession until
his death, December 23, 1872. He was Judge of Probate for East Windsor from
1838 until 1870, with the exception of two breaks of a year each; was elected to
the Legislature and to a number of public olHces during his residence of over forty-
eight years in the town. C'h. (b. W. Pt.):
1. E'lward William, b. IS May, 1S98; m. X. Haven i .Imir, IS.V2. .I^isL-ph (s. .loscpli and Doroth.v La)
8 Sept., ItS'J. .\delai<ie (ilnu". Sherman anil'Laura) I Olmstead, Jr.. M.l).— ^le (Mnul,aiJ.
Smith of N. il.;TrtJ.3Gct., 1883, iiiMilWfHi- I :}. Ileiirv Auf.Mistus. b. 5.1une. IS-il. Fam. S.
kee, WiM. "^KW ."ui'' 1. lieor'je Colton. b. a June, 18:J'.P; res. Illlil.
2. Savali .Maria, b. S Feb.. im; m. at W. I't. 2 |
Fam. 2. Henry Augustus" (M'aiiiiut'). m. 21 Sept., 1858, at W. Pt., >Iary The-
resa (dau. Geo. and Mary Palmer) Woodward, b. E. W. 16 Apl., 1835; d. 25
Feb., 1871; mcht. res. Milwaukee, Wis. t'h. (b. Milicaukee, Wi^.\:
1. Maria Theresa, b. 0 Sept.. IKJO. d. 1.5 Sept.. ISfiO. | 3. Sarah Adelaide, b. 3 e<il , JS«!); ni. -2 Oct., 1889,
2. Mary I'alnier, b. 7 June, 1803: d. 2" June, 1805. i Chas. Carrol C utler of Milwaukee, Wis.
.If. B. II. H W. S. A.
BARNETT, Robert, m. Ruth , who d. 1 Apl., 1754, a-, abt. 52 yr. He d.
Sept. 20, . Ch. (Why. Ch. Ber.):
1. Joseph, bp. 29 Apl., I'-'iO: d. 9 Mav, 17.19. 3. Marv. d. 7 Julv, , m. abt. 1(1 vr.
2. Anna, bp. Apl., 1710.
Barnett, Robert (prob. same as above), m. Hannah Parsons, 16 Mch., 17.58. C'h. :
1. Il.iiinah. bp. a.'i .Inly. 17.>i. , 4. Sarah, bp. 10. d. 12 June. )7«C.
2. Uobert, bp. 6 .Mch.. nm. 5. Joee, bp. 7 June, 1707.
3. Jow. bp. 22 Jan., 1701; d. 17 May, 1705. 1 6. Asaph Parsons, bp. 10 Sept., 1T7U. ~t
Barnett, John liad(U%. Ch. Sec):
1. James, bp. 4 AnK.. 1751. | .•). Uebecea, bp. 19 Oct.. 1753. i 6. Marine, bp. ^i> Sept., 17.i',l.
2 Jc.hii. bp 1 July, IT.vi. I I, Mary, bp. 17 Sept., 1757. | 6. Samuel Uolcomb, bp. 13 Dec., 1761.
BARRETT. [linlh T. S/iern/.] In IK. liec, Bk. 9, p. 149, men. is made of John of
Toll. , who buys land of Joiia. Sprague, 27 Feb., 17.58. From items in W. litc. we learn
tiial John had been in W. as early as 17.>5; 30 Jan., 1700. he grants Id. to his s. Zeb-
ulon, with half a mill, in Windsor, bd. S. by Hartford. X. on Rob't White's Id.,
and W. on highway. This Id., or the life use of it, Zebulon gives back to his
father in his will, dated 1775. His wife Hannah d. 21 Sept., 1771!, a'. 73. — Seantic.
In nil. Jturyiny Ud. wc tind tombstone recs. of John and Ilanmih Barrett's Ch. :
1. Puyncl, dau., d. 17 ¥v\>.y 1750, le. 10 yrs. | 2. William, d. 13 Sept., 1750, in 7th yr. 1 3. Zebulon. Fajc. 3.
F.\M. 2. Zebulon (John), m. Elizabeth (dau. .Tames and Janet .<vv//0 Thompson.
He il. 20 Dec. 1775. in 3Syr. — Scantk By.Gd. His wid. m. Ebene/.er Hii-d. Ch. :
1. Elizabeth, d. 2-3 May. 1778. in 12th yr.
2. Margaret, d. 25 Apl.. 1775, m 2d yr.
3. John. d. 2 Nov.. 1774, in 2d yr.
4. Zebiilon, b. 1175? ui. Irene : and iuM'pt/.
liten/inf/'Ord. is the tomb of "John Barrett, s.
Nathan H. (adult), bp. 2 July, 1837; d. V,
1. Abigail Harrington.
2. Charles GranvilU'.
I 3. Marsaret Harper.
4. Norman Worthington
of Mr. Zebulon and Mrs. Irene Barrett, d. 30 Apl.,
1795. a?. 3 moa.. 12 d.; thev also had a Jo/in Flarel,
bp. 13 Jan.. 1799; 2 ch. (/.owiwand JJaidel Bock-
irdl). bp. 17 Nov., 1805; llarkm JSbi'jhtim, bp. 31
Jan.. 1808 (£•.«•. C. Ji.)
Jan., 1843, te. 42. C'h. (bp. 9 July, 1SS7):
I 5. Samuel Thomas.
I —S. B.
BARTLETT,* John,' early res. at Poq. W. with Ed. Griswold and Thos. Holcomb
as neighbors, 1649; lG.j4-.58 Isept the Rivulet ferry; m. before he came to W. ; hed.
14 May, 1670. Ch. (0. C. R.) :
1. Ezava (IsaiaW. b. 13 June. 1641; d. prob. 13 July.
\tXo\Col.nec.): m. Abia(d. Xathan) Gillett, 3
Dec.,lfi(S(0. C. It.): had a son John. b. 12 Sept.,
1B64 ( Co/. 7iVr. and O. C. H.). and d. ICOo; bo't
acre of land in W. adjoininc; X. W. cor. Nathan
Gillett's homestead, but built on his father-in-
law's land. After his death his wid. sold the
acre and the little ho. standing near her father's
ho.. \vh. little ho. was to be rem. on to the acre.
2. Benjamin, bp. iX Mch., I(j43. ?\\m. 2.
3. Ephraiin, b. 19 Oct., 16J4; d. ItMS.— 0. C. H.
4. Hepzibah, b. 14 July, 1646.
5. Jehoidah. bp. 33 Dee., Iti49. Fam. .3.
6. Mehitable, b. 27 Feb., 1050; bp. 11 May. 1651.
F.\>r. 2. Benjamin ' (JoTtn '), m. Deborah Barnard, 8 June, 166.5 (ace. to Col. R^c,
16 Feb., 1664); bo't W. end of S. lot on Backer Row, Windsor; sold back to
Thos. Dibble, 1672, "with the siller [cellar] that Benjamin has made upon it."
This stood W. side of highway, beyond the turn at top of the hill N. of the brook.
He d. 25 Oct , 1678. Contrib. U. to Conn. Relief Fund for Poor of other Colonies,
1676. — 0. C. li. Ch. {* W. RfC.) :
1. Deborah, b. 3 .\ag.. 1666."
■i. Benjamin, b. 21 Jime, 1668; * d. 2 Mch.. 1075.
3. Ezaya. b. Dec. 9. 1670.
4. [Barnard, ace. to Hiiunan). b. 26 July. 1672:
perhaps the Barnard Bartlett who m. Elisabeth
Drake of Northampton, 14 Jan., 1702/3. Poss.
she mav have been m. before, as we have seen a
letter a'ddressed " For Mrs. Elisabeth Bartlett \
in I Erode Windsor, in Nuc Ingland [ to be Left
at M'. ffraneis ! Miler in Boston neare | Mill
Brid*^," dated Taunton, Sept. 12. 1730, from her
"father Will. Milner," which says "y^ Unkel
Thomas dyed abt a mo ago, & Jiichard Drake,
dead also about a fortnight after, also W"" Pexam,''
etc. Barnard Bartlett, says A. C. Bates, of E.
Granby. Conn., "was living in Turkey Hille as
early as 1712; " prob. this B. B.
5. Ephraim. b. 17 June, 1673.*
6. Jehoidah, b. 2 Nov., 1«75.»
7. Benjamin, b. 15 Dec., 1677.*
8. John. b. 29 Jane, 167.S.* Fam. 4.
Fam. 3. Jehoidah' (Jb/m'), m. 10 .July, 1673. Sarah Hillier, of W. (Col. Bee).
d. 14 June. ITLS; he bo't James Eno's barber shop in the Palizado. Ch. :
Joseph who A. 21 Nov., 1747 —K W. C. S.
4. Samuel, b. 11 Apl., 1688.
6. Isaac, b. 22 May, 1696.
. "John, Sen.," d. 22 Jan.. 1729. —E.
1. Sarah, b. .'JO Mav. 1677.
2. James, b. 7 Dec".. 1681; d. 8 Mch., I694,/5.
3. Joseph, b. 11 Nov., 1684 (Cot. lia;.); poss. the
FvVM. 4. John ' (Benjamin,^ John'), m. -
W. C. R., Cook. Child: Samuel, b. 31 Jan., 1715.
Edward, d. 1676; no family; made his will 24 Feb., 1675, as he was entering service
against the Indians; mentions his ho. and land at Greenfield, money due to him
from James Hillier, also from the county, etc. He gave ppy. to Benoni, son of
Christopher Crow, of Simsbury; also to Josiah Clark.
Gershom had .Joseph, b. 23 Jan., 1748/9; Lucy, b. 18 Nov., 17.50.
John (E. W.)had
1. Bettv, b. 13 Apl., 1773.
2. John, b. 6 Mch., 1777.
8. Harvev. b. 30 Jan.. 1779.
4. Hannah', b. 28 Aug., 1781.
5. Levi, b. 8 Mav. 178.4.
0. Clara, b. 1 Mch.. 178S
Widow, d. 21 Feb., 1719/20.
Isaac, m. Olive Rowel, 29 Apl., 1772.
1. Olive, bp. 30 Mav. 1773; d. 13 .Tan.. 1777.
2. Jesse, bp. ;» Ap!., 1775; d. 7 Oct., 1777.
3. Isaac, bp. 3 Aug., 1788. i
William "sone,"d. 23 Aug., 1751. — £?. W. C. R.
Ch. (^Wby. Ch. Rec):
I 4. Olive, bp. 6 Nov.. 1T77.
5. Louise, up. 3 June. 1781.
* From the Genml. and Biof/. Skftches of the Bjiitett Favtily ojEnrjtand and .Xiiunna we learn that
allot the name in this country spring from Adam Barthelot, of 1060, who went from France with Wil-
liam the Conqueror, through his descendants .John, R'ldiard. and Thomas, who came to Newbury. Mass., In
1634. Probably Rolxit, the ancestor of at least one branch of the E. W. Bartletts, may have l)e<'n a relative of
these three.
|As>*istancc acknowlodjred, in this line, from Cuaules Barti-KTT of Windsorville, E. W.]
BARTLETT, Robert (prob. cumc in tlie sliip Lion, arriving IG Sept., 1632, at
('aMil)riil!.'e, Mass.); was an orig. prop'r at Hartford, 1039-40, wliere he was the
lirst selectman; rec'd 8 acres at II. in div. of 1639; res. \V. of present Lafayette St.;
made freeman 10 Apl,, 1645; chimney viewer 16.50; owned Id. in E. H. as late as
1664; rem. to N. abt. 1655; was the first selectman; wid. Ann d. 3 July, 1676; he
was killed at N. by the Indians, 14 Mch., 1676; had 4 ch., of whom the eldest :
Samuel,' b. Cambridge, 1639; m. (1) Mary (dau. .James) Bridgman, 1073, who d.
1674; no i.ssue; (2) Sarah (dau. Joseph) Baldwin. He was also selectman; owned
gristmill in S. part of N. : the street on which he res. long known as Bartlett St.,
now Pleasant St ; he d. Northampton 1712; she d. 20 Feb., 1711; 10 ch.. of whom
the eldest :
Samuel,' b. N. 1677; m. Sarah from Northampton; rem. as orig. prop'r to
Bolton, Conn., with family. 1723; both joined B. ch. at its org. by letter from cli.
at N., 1725; d. at B. 1746; had 2 s. and 2 daus., of which latter, Eunice, b. 1721, d.
7 Feb., 1725, was the first person bu. in No. Bolton gr. yd. He liad 11 ch.; his 6th
ch. and 4th son was :
Jonathan' (Capt.), b. Aug. 1, 1716; rem. to E. W. when (juite a young man; m. 26
Jan., 1743, Hannah, wid. of John Bissell (who had been for some yrs. his employer,
and who d. 1737) and daughter of Ebenezer and Abigail (Kehei/) Watson of E.W.
He was com. Ens. of the train-band of E. W. by the Col. Assemb., 1752; Lieut, of
6lh Co. 1761, and subsequently Captain. He d. 1799, re. 83. Ch :
1 Snmnel. b. l.i .Ian., 1711 ."i. Fam 2. 3. Eunice, b. 18 Mav. 1749; m. Daniel Chapin.
a. Hannah, b. H Nov . iriii; in. (li Hnswell Blod- 4- Ann, b. 10 Mch.,"ir50-1; m. Caleb Booth,
gett; {2|.lob Belknap.
Fam. 3. Samuel' (Capt Jona.,* Samuel,' Samuel,' Robert^), of E. W.; m. Anna
Crane of E. W., 14 Sept., 1767; was a farmer; d. at E. W. 29 Nov., 1825, -x. 81;
she was born 12 Mch., 1747; d. 17 Mch., 1831; he was ciuite a mathematician and
something of an inventor, rec'g patents for drain tile and a screen for screening rye.
During the Revol. he transported beef from Boston to the American encampments
on the Hudson River at Albany. Ch. :
1. Jonathan (Onl.), b. 35 .InlT, 1709. Fam. 3. 4. Anna. m. James Harper of Enfield; il. July,
a. Abigail, b. 23 June, 1772; m. Jonhua Allen ISiO.
of E. \V. I 5. Sarah, m. Capt, Clark Foster of Ell., whom rthe
3. Samuel, b. 6 Sept., 1771). Fam. 4. j survived.
Fam, 3, Jonathan" (Col.) (&/«.,' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,» Sam.,^ Robert'), of E. W
in. Margaret Harper, who was b. 7 Apl., 1772, and d. 1 Jan., 1840; com-
manded the 1st Rcgt. Conn. Cavalry (militia), and held many civil offices in town
and county; rem. from E. AV. with his s. Joseph S. and family, in 1846. He d. 2
Apl., 1858, at Simsbury. Ch. (Jhin line giceii by C has. Burtbtt of Windsorrille, Ct.):
1, Marcan-t. h, 4 Nov,, 17!«; d. 2 Mch., 1875; m. ' 4. Joseph, b. 14 June. 1798; d. 8 Oct.. 1802.
ThuMia.s Potwine. 5. Fannie, b. 23 June, l.sol; d. .'io Sept.. 1802.
2. .James Harper, b. 22 Apl.. 1794; d, 15 Xov,, 1871, fl, Joseph Saml. b. 10 A|>1 . 1804; d. ISSil, Fam. 7
Fam. .■>. 7. Chae.. b. 1 Apl.. bp. 19 June (.y.«,), 1808, Fam. 8
8, Jonathan, b, 17 Mav. 1795; d, 1 Mch., 1836, 8, Ralph Edward, b. .tl Mrh., ISU; d. 11 Oct., 1837
Fam. i\. 9. Eliuha, b. 9 Jan., ISlli; d. 9 Feb., 1818.
Fam. 4. Samuel " (&»>.,' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,' Sam.,^ Robert'), of E. W.; in. Lydia
Pinney of E. W., 28 Oct., 1802; farmer in E. W.; d. 11 Sept., 1845; she b. 9
Oct., 1776; d. 14 May, 1838. Ch. (bp. S. B.):
1. Persis. b 80 Sept.. 18ft3; d. 12 Oct., 1803. , G. Eunice Kins. b. 4 Apl . 1812; ra. Almoii Noble
2. Samuel William, b. D .\pl., bp. 11 Aug., 1803; d. 1 of E. \V.; d. 13 Sept.. l>«i.
14 Sept.. I.Min- .s. fl, I c, Ilenrv. b, 2.3 Nov,. 1813; bp. 19 June, 1814: d. 2ii
3. Mar.v Ann, b. SNov,. ISnO; Im. 31 Mav. 1807; m, I Jan,, 1847. FaM. 10.
Alnuui Noble of E, \V.. and d, 17 Sept.. 1848, 7. Otis Pinncv, b, 25 Sept,. 1815. Fam. 11.
4. Samuel William (.Maj ), b, 5 Mch,, bp, 17 June, 8, Lvdia Pcrs'is, b, 25 Oct,. 1S07: prob. the Lvdia Pit-
1810. Fam, 9, ei»'bp,7 June, 1817; m, Geo, Parsons "of E. W.
Fam. 5. James Harper (Co?. Jona.,' S<im.,^ Capt. Jona.,* Sam., ^ S<im.,' Rohrt'u
of E. W.; m. Mrs. Mary King ParSOnS, who d. Aug., 1826; lie d, 14 Nov.,
1871. Ch.:
1. Edwin King, d. U Apl., 1817, le. 1 yr., 8 mos.
2. Mury, d. 8 Oct.. 1819.
3. Mary King, b.J Nov., 1817; m. Edw. L. Pot-
wine, 13 Sept., Ifm. Ifime .■
1. Cntlierine llimniih (Potwiue), b. 32 May, 1S41:
in. SiaiMu'l Wells.
F.\.M. <i. Jonathan" (Ool: Jona.
' Sam.
m. Ilimnah King of Enf., who was b
Obadiah Olm-
. Hannah, h. S .Tan., 1820; _m.
Stead of Enlk'ld. I.-^st/e':
1. Lanranna HanMah(Olmstead), b. 20Dec,
d. lion.. 1861.
2. Firferick Barllett (Olmstead), b.23 Jan.,1846;
m. Flora Sheriden.
3. Olin Simeon nHnisleadl, b. 22 >'ov., 1857; m.
Emma D. Sharp.
2. Mary Elizulx-lh (I'otwino), b. 25 Apl., 1845; m.
Fred ,1. Allen.
3. Arlhnr Kdwanl, b. Ifi Mch., 1855; m. Adclla
4. Louisa, b. 22 Dw;., LSI!).
6. James Uarpcr, h. 22 Feb., 1832; d. 1 Oct., 1842.
5 C(ipt. Jona.,* Sam., ^ Siim.,^ Robert'), of E.
8 June, 1801. He d. 1 Mch., 1836. Ch. :
Oct., 1844, Jnlia
Edward, b. 22 Dec, 1822; m.
A. Hyde "f Ell. /s.'i/e:
1. John, b. 20 Jnly, 1847; m. Charlotte Arrow-
smith, and ha.« (1) John Edward; (2) Xellic
Maria; (3) Flora Eunice; (4) Walter Robert.
John Strong, b. Mav. 1828: d. 4 Aug.. 1829.
Robert, b. 11 Mch. ,"1831; m. Jidia Weber ; d.
1 Mch.. 1888.
Fa.m. 7. Joseph SamueP (Col.), (Col. Jona.,'^ Sam.,^ Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,^ Sam.."
Robert '), of E. W.; m. 13 Nov., 1833, Emeline Strong, b. 10 June, ; d. 13 Oct.,
188o; has commanded 2.5th Reg't (militia) Inf., and has held many civil offices of
importance in E. W. and in Simsbury, where he now (1891) res. Ch. :
. Joseph I.ooniis. b. 11 Mch.. 1835. F.4M. 12.
:. Lncinda Crane, b. 19 Apl.. 1837; m. Alb't Day
of Brooklyn. Conn. /xx>/g .-
1. Albert 'Putnam (Day), b. 2 Feb., 1860; m.
Helen Maria Palmer.
2. Clara Bartlett (Day), b. 21 July, 1866.
:i Samuel Charles (Day), b. 18 Sept., 1868.
Emeline ,Strons. b. 6 June. 1S43; d. 22 Feb., 1881;
m. Jas. H. Sanf ord of Simsbury, Conn. />■.«(« ;
1. Jennie Emeline (Sanford), b. 17" Dec., 1864; d.
10 .Jan., 1861).
2. Charles Bartlett (Sanford). b. 30 Sept.. 1867.
8. Joseph Harper (Sanford), b. 1 May, 1870.
F.\M. 8. Charles ' (Col. Jona..^ Sam.,^ Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,^ Sam.," Robert '), m. (1) 4
Sept., 1833 {S. B.), Ruth B. Noble, b. 25 Sept., 1811, and who d. U Sept., 1870;
he m. (2) Louisa H. (wid. King) Allen
for several yrs., and held other offices;
Charles Noble, b. 19 .\pl., bp. 31 Aug., 1834.
b. 21 Oct., 1836; bp. 14 May,
Fam. 1.3.
;. George Milnor.
18;j7. Fa.1i. 14,
:. .Margaret Harper, b. 21 Feb.. Ift39, at McEwen-
ville, Penn.; m. Lucius H. Crane; d. at Ell.
3 Oct., 1869. Issue :
\ was a memb. of Legislature, 18.56; assessor
he d. 1891. Ch:
1. Maggie Bartlett (Crane), b. 31 Aug., 1868.
4. John Noble, b. 31 Jan., bp. 26 Sept.. 1841; m. (11
Harriet Watson, who d. 12 Apl., 1880; (2) 6
Oct., 1886, Rose A. (wid. ) Brewer.
5. Arthur, d. inf., 26 Aug., 1S44, a;. 9 mos.~ S. B.
6. James, d. inf., 1846.
7. Jonathan, b. 31 July, 1852. Fam. 15.
F.\M. 9. Maj. Samuel William ' (Sam.,' Sam.,' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,' Sam.," Robt. '),
m. (1) Elisabeth B. Noble of E. W., 29 Sept., 1830; she b. 1809, d. 24 Sept., 1842,
ae. 33; m. (2) Octavia C. Tarboxof E. W., 14 Sept., 1843, who d. Xov. 9, 1864; m.
(3) Harriet Morton, May, 1867; she d. 27 Mch., 1875; farmer, E. W.; memb. of
E. W. Bd. of Relief for 27 yrs.; Assessor 1845-50; Rep. in Leg. 1850; Fife-Major in
militia for 6 yrs.; he d. 1 Nov., 1891. Ch. (bap. S. B.) :
bap. 1 Apl.,
1. Samuel Irving, b. 23 Sept, 1831;
ia:)2. — S. B. Fam. 16.
2. Elisabeth Marilda, b. 15 May, bp. 23 Oct, 1836.
Jiij -2(1 marriar/e :
3. Clara Maria, b. 22 June, bp. 20 Sept (.S. B.), 1846;
d. 10 July, 1849.
4. Octaviue William, b. 1 Dec, 1850; bp. 2 May,
18.51 {S. B.). Fam. 17.
.5. Lucy Clarissa, b. 4 Aug., 1857; d. 9 Apt, 1865.
6. Mary Parsons, b. 28 May, 1861.
F.\.M. 10. Henry' (Sam.,' Sam.,' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,' Sam.," Robert'), m. Loretta
Allen, 21 Feb.. 1839 (S. B.); he d. 26 Jan., 1847. Children :
3. Cornelia Loretta, b. 15 Nov., 1843; m. Algernon
1. Helen Lydia, b. 4 Nov., 1839; m, Clark Burr;
res. St. Charles. 11!.
2. Mary Ann, b. 10 Nov., 1841.
F.^.M. 11. Otis Pinney' (Sam.,° Sum
Cornelia Loretta, b. 15 Nov.,
Purr ; res. St. Charles, III.
4. Henry Allen, b. 5 Feb., 1847; m.; d.
' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,' Sam.," Robei-C), m.
1821, who d 3 Jan., 1859; he d. 24 Nov., 1856, ae.
Semantha Allen, b. 26 Apl
41. Children:
Julia Sophia, b. 16 Feb., 1842. i 5.
2. Elisabeth R., li. 13 June, 1844; d. 11 Mch., 1817. 6.
3. Samuel, b. 6 June, 1&47. , 7.
4. John Otis, b. 27 Dec, 1&19: m. Harriet Wells.
F.\M. 12. Joseph Loomis' C^'"' •/"■•";*'' ■'"'
Sam.," Robert'), m. Ellen Maria Weston, b. Simsbury, 4 Sept
Prob. Judge for Simsbury, Conn. Res. Simsbury, Conn. Ch. :
Mary Elisabeth.b. 12 Feb., 1&52; m. —
George Henry, b. 20 Mch., 1854.
Clara Semantha, b. 6 Apt, 1856; d. 17
Aug., 1873
Col. Jona.,^ Sam.,'' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,'
1837; has been
1. Ellen Maria, b. 30 Oct,, 1858.
2. Joseph Looniis, b. 8 Feb., 1860.
:i. Mary Jane, b. 13 June, 1S62.
4. Emeline Strong, b. 11 Mch., 1S65.
5. Isabella, b. 19 Dec, 1866.
6. Jonathan, b. 10 Nov., 1868.
7. Harriet Louisa, b. 17 Jan., 1871; d. 1 July, 1889.
8. Emerson, b. 3 Mch., 1873; d. 4 -Mch., 1873.
9. Francis Ariel, b. 6 Jan.. 1S75.
10. George Weston, b. 27 Jan., 1878; d. 31 Oct.. 1888.
Fam. 13. Charles Nob\e' iC>iti»..' Col. Jona.,' Sam.,^ Capt. Jona.* Sam..'' Sam.,''
Robert '), m. Aint-lia Fisk of Willington, Conn.; he d. at Topeka. Knn., Apl.. 1882.
Family res. (1891) Topeka. Childien :
1. Minnie MariUla, 1>. 2 Mch.. 18«0. 1. Chac Iru ^■i^.k. h. .31 Muv. 1&S8.
2. Hiilh Anna. b. 30 Mill., 18(i3. 4. Sn.«ii'. h. 10 .Mch.. ISW; <1. Topvka, May. 1882.
3. Eililli Ann-lia. h. 7 Ki-li.. ISt»; m. a Hatha- i 5. Marv T.. h. 1 Oct.. 1874.
way ; ref. Topekic. Kan Imik : I 6. Willie M. N, b. 13 July. 1876
Fam. 14. George M'\\T\or' {Chas.,'' Col. Jona.,' &im..^ Capt. J<>,i,i.,' Sim.,' Sam.,'
Robert^), m. Leonora Sloan of East Hartford. Children :
1. Charles, h. »7 .Tune. 1871. I 2. Ruth Mary, b. 22 May, ISTo.
Fam. 15. Jonathan ' (Chan.,'' Col. Jona.,^ Sa,m.,^ Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,' Sam.," RoberO),
m. Mary Smith of Windsor. Children:
1. Sidney Kockwoll. h 4 .Time. 1880. I 3. Harry Joeiah, b. 4 July, 1887.
2. Ailaline, 1). 21 June. l.Ssa. | 4. Julia, b. Apl., 18S9.
Fam. 16. Samuel \rv\ng' {Sam'l W.,^ Sam.,' Sam.,'' Capt. Jona.,* Sam.,' Sam..-
Robert'), m. Caroline P. Colton of E. W. 10 Dee., 185C; she d. at E. AV. 10 July.
1876, fB. 43. Ch.:
1 Theresa Colton, b. 30 June. ISfil. I 3. Caroline Elizabeth, b. 30 July. 1866.
2. Mabel Cornelia, b. -.iO Dec, 18tU. I 4. Lucy Marilda. b. Coycmry, C'onn.,24Noy.. 18C9.
Fam. 17. OctavluS William '(.S/mV W.,'' Saii>..' Sam.,' Copt. Jona.,' Sam.,* Sam..'
Rf>l>erO), m. 30 Oct.. 1880, Mary Elizabeth Jenne of Brattleboro, Vt., b, 11 Aug.,
18.")9, in Sheftield, Mass.; he is an organ tuner, res. Meriden, Conn. Children :
1. Edith Laura, b. 13 Apl., 1882. | 2. Lottie Elizabeth, b. 2 June. 1.S8."). [ 3. Clara Mary, b. 12 .\pl.. 18«.
[Mainly from private papers and memoranda in possession of the late Rev. Shubael Bartlctt of E. W.]
Fam. 1. Robert, ;e, abt. 17, came to N. Eng. in the Ann, 1623. lie m. Mary (eldest
dau. of Richard and Elizabeth) Warren, 1628, and d. 1676, x. 73; wid d 1683,
■m. 43. Children :
1. BcnJSnin. Fam. 2. Dec . liWi.
2. Joseph. 6. Elizabeth, ni..\nth. Sprague of llinjiham.ltWl,
3. Rebecca, m. Wm Harlow, 1040. i 7. Mercy, b. 1050; m. Julin Ivey "f Boston. 2j Dec .
4. Mary, m. (1) Rich. Foster, 10 Sept., 1651; (21 , 161)8.
Jonathan Morey, USB 8. L.ydia. b. 1K17: m lU Ja-^ Barnaby, lOT:); (2)
5. Sarah, in. Samuel Rider of Yarmouth, 23 ; John Nelson of Middlelioro; shed. 1601.
Fam. 2. Benjamin" (R'iberl '). m. (1) Sarah, only d;iu. of Love Brewster of Du.x-
bury, Mass. (son of Elder William Brewster) and his wife Sarah, dau. of Hon. Win
Collier, who witli liis wife Elizabeth came over as a mcht., 1633; was an Assist,
1636-1668, inclusive; another dau., Mary, was 2<1 wife of Gov. Prince. Benjamin
B. sett, early in D., where he d. 1691, leaving a wid. Cecilia, whom he had m, 1678.
Children :
1. Benjamin. I 4. Ebcnezer. I 6. Sarah, ui. her cousin Robert (s. of
2. Samuel. 5. Rebecca, m. Wm. Brad- Josephi Bartlett, IIW.
3. Ichabod. Fam 3 | ford, 3d., 1679. |
Fam. 3. Ichabod ' (Benjamin,' Robert '), m. (1) Elisabeth Waterman (dau. of Rob
ert and his wife Elisabeth, dau. of Thos. Bourne); (2) Desire (dau, Seth) Arnold,
gd,-dau. of Rev. Samuel A. of Marshficld, Mass., 14 Nov., 1709; rem. to Lebanon,
Conn., between 1690 and 1700; d. 1717; guardians appointed to all his children
except Ichabod, Jr. Ch. (by Itt marriage):
1. IchalxKl. I 2. Jnsiah Fam. 4. I .S.Nathaniel. | 4. Joseph, m. Sarah Morion, tr27.
By 2d marriage :
6. Selh. res. Lebanon; no issue; adopted and made 1 6. Sarah, m. Cornelius Drew f^f Kingston. 27
heir of Jesse Wright. I Feb., 1728, 9.
Fam. 4. Josiah* (Irhabod,' Benj.', iJoJcW). m. Mary (dau. of Zebulon) Chandler,
by his wife Elisabeth, who was a gd.dau. of Capt. John Alden .-iiid Priscilla
Malleus, of the MiiyJIotrcr. Ch. :
1 Ichabod, b. 17 Oct., 1723. Fa». S.
2. Nathaniel.
3. Ji»hn. nhysician. rem. to K I. and Nantucket.
4. Chandler, m. Deligbi MoCall, of Li'banon,
5. Mercy, m. Patrick Butler. "
6. .Mary. m. Peleg Thomas, of I,ebanon.
7. Elisabeth, in. a Martin ; r,-ui. to Me. orNoy-.Sco.
8. Nathaniel, ni. .Mary (sister of his cousin Ichabod'e
wife) Otis.
Fam. .-). Ichabod* {Ii-IkUhhIJ' Btujnmin.,- Eolirrt'), m. Desire ((iau. Nath'I) Otis, '>>'
liis wife Hannah, tiau. of Col. John Thatcher, 1747. Ch. :
1. LvcHh. b. M.iy, 1748; in. .\lniur Kellogg
<.'oli"hi'sti:r. ('dim.
2. De.~ho, li. Apl., 17.50; in. I);iniil Strong "f
Lebanon, Conn.
.3. .Jiulali. b. .Juiu". 175*2; ni. I, una Abel of Li-b.
■1. John (Ui'a.), b. 29 Sept., IT.W. F.vm: li.
.5. Ilannali. b. Mav, n.'jG or 7; lu .Julni Shapley
of N. I.on.l.
fi. Mary. b. .\|)l.. ITtlO; in. Halkl Gallup; no i.^^sne.
7. Lnry, b. 17i«i: in. .Vnd. ChaiTipion of K. Hin.
8. Scth, b. .Juiu-, 17W;; nl. Althca (ilan. of Rev. H.)
Ripley of (Irwnis Farms, Fairticld Co., Conn.
Fam. 6. Dea. John ^ (Ichnhid.* IrJinhud,'^ Baitj.,- Hih't '), m. at l.eb., 1774, De.sire (dau.
Tlio.s. ami Sii.'^aiinah CUu-k) Loomis, b. 11) .July, 17.14; he ci. E.W. 2 Au,!{. (S.B. Bee.
.'^ay 6) 1831, le. 76. She d. 16 Feb., 1.S21. Kes. E. W. Ch. (h. l^aiton. Conn.) :
1. Rnbv, h. 17 Xov., 1775; il. 27 Apt. 17!tl.
2. Shubad atvv.). b. 3 Apt, 1778. Fam. 7.
3. Ilannali, b. 2'.) Feb., 178(); <1, 22 Aug.. ISIB.
4. Looinis, b. 23 Mch., 1782; (i. 20 UiT., 180.5.
5. John (Kev.), b. 1(1 Aug., 17>H. Fam. 8.
6. JIarv, b. Oct., nSB; d. IfWH; in. Uca. Charles
Sexton of Ell.. 1,S03; had 0 s. 2 dans. Children:
See Loomh- (rtma/.. ii. (i!)l.
7. Liicv, b. 2 June, 17'.K); d. 15 Mch.. 1840, al K. \V.
8. Seth C. b. 2(i Oel., 17«li; m. Laura Butler of
Ix^b.; had (1) Sarah, d. le. 3; (2) John Millon, d.
1860; (31 Set b C. d. Mav, 1S.30. The fallier d. 1
May,1830,at Leb.; hiswiii. ni.(2ia Diminock.
Fam. T. M.r\. Shubael " {/->"'. John.'' Ichalxxl* Ichabnd,^ Bcnj.," IHii-rt^). —For hiog.
sec p. (i(l7. Vol. I. Giad. Y.C. liSOO; m. Fanny (dau. John and Lois A/len) Leff Ing-
well (b. Norwich 28 Sept., 1778) 10 Jan., 1803, at Il:irtford; selt. as second pastor
E. W. l.i Feb., 1804; d. G June, IS.M, le. 76. Mrs. Lucy L. li. d. 2.S Aus., 1864,
iv. St). Cliiidri n :
1. John Lcffiiiffwcll, b. Htfd.. 3 Jan.. bp. 19 Feb.,
1S04. Fam. 9.
2. David Ely, b. E. W., 20 Sept., bp. 17 Nov., 1805.
Fam. 10.
.3. Faunv I.ptlinswell, b. E. W. 2:5 Oct.. bp. 6 Dec.,
1807; in. (M wifel Dea. .4zel Stephens (s. John
anil Kebecea of N. Y.l Roe 12 N"V., 1828: Dejl.
Hoed. 1 Jan., 1880; sell. E. W. \m\. CliHdrm :
1. Fanny Hartlett (Roe), b. 19 Sept., bp. 24 Oct.,
Is;i0; re^. E.W.; unmarried.
2. John (Itoe). b. 20 Mch., 1S«; m. Chloe (dau.
l-i.i'li Stiles: re.s. K. \V. (See A7;te.)
3. M.irv il,'..ii. b. HI July, 18;i5; in. (as 2d wife)
cli.iilo Burdett of New York City; res.
Slamroid. Conn.
4. A/.il (Koei. 1). 13 Dec, ]8:i8; in. Margaret
Stanton, E. W.
5. Isaac Fool (lioe), b. .\ug., 1841, N. Y. citv.
0. (ieorge llunlingdoii (Koe), b. 28 Mch., 1843;
(1. IHI'.S.
4. Charles l.noniis, b. E. W.. 31 .\ug., bp. 12 Nov.,
IMI-KI. Ka.>i. 11.
5. Shubael Fitell (M.D.), b. 23 Aug., bp. 13 Oct.,
1811. Fam. 12.
tl. Elisabeth (ioodwin, b. 19 Jnlv. b|). 12 Sept.. 1813;
in. 10 Oct.. 1.S.38 (.',•. B.) Kev. Samuel Robbins
Brown, native of E. W.: bp. 31 Aug.. 1810 (.y. B.V.
grad. Y. C. 18;12, a teai-her for 3yrs. in X. Y\ Inst,
for Deaf and Dumb, and a missionary of the .\. li.
F. C. M. ,\ week after llicir lu. tliey sailed for
China, and look the charge of a memorial school
al Caiilon, under the auspices of the Morrison E<l-
ucalional Society. "" The light and joy of her
falbcr's home, when the voice came lo her across
the «alcrs, and the call logo to far-dislant China
had lo be considered, her answer was pronij)t.
From lliis lime oil she was lrul,v con.-*eera1ed lo Ihc
noble work; hcrbe;mliful shining life way a steady
. Iio;ht shininor in u dark place, and she became an
efficient anil worthy helpmeet lo her husband.*'
The pupils of the school ever held them in esteem,
and several of them have since reached high ottieiaj
station in the Chinese empire. Mrs. B.'s health
coiiipellt.d the family's return in l.*vl7. For t^ yrs.
.Mr. Brown hail charge of an academy at Rome.' X.
Y.. and in 1H.51 lu* became pastor of the Owasco
Oullct church al .\ilburii, X. Y.. where bolh lieand
she labored clVei Inally until his resigiialiou in 1S.59,
to take cliatL'cof Ihc Dulch Ref. (*hurch mission lo
newly-ttpeiicd .lapaii, and where lliey labored unlil
declining licallii led again to their return lo .Vincri-
ca in Ifie sunimer of ls:'9. But Dr. Brown lingered
only until 19 .lime, I.S81I. when hed. al Monson,
Mass. His wife d. al (Ileuville. ()., Sepl. i. iaS9.
Kev. Dr. B.'s falher was Timothy II. Brown, a man
of line character and love of books, and his mother
was I'hebe lliiisilalf. dau. Geo. Hinsdale. She wrote
Ihe hymn beginning **Ilove tosltyil awhile away."
The family rem. to Conn., res. for a while at E.W.
then at Ell.; afterwards al Monson. Mass. Ch.:
1. Julia Maria (Browul, b. 18 Feb., 1840; m. Fred'k
Lauder, Yokahama. Japan.
2. Robert .Morrison (Brown), b. II-K. 30 Mch.. 1842;
d. there *2S Jan., l^sl:^.
:3. .John Morrison (Brown), b. UK. :ifl Aug., 1845;
in. ^larv .\. Gordon, Yokohama, .lapau.
4. William I toward (Urimn). b. N. Y. city, 27 Apt,
1S48. Re.s. Albany, X. Y.
5. Harriet Whitney (Browni. 1). Owasco Ijlke, X.
Y'.. 5 .\pl.. 1.S.52; resr Y'okohama. Japan; m. in
E. W. 12 Xov., 1SS4, Judge Samuel E. Wilkin-
son, res. Cleveland, ().
7. Wm. Allen. I). 12 Sepl.. bp. loOcl.. 181.5. Fa.m. 13.
S. Henry Thomas, b. -J:! Jan., 18IS. Fam. 14.
9. Daniel Wadswoilh. b. 21 Jan.. bp. 27 JIay. 1,S21;
ra. widow of his bro. Shubael, 1S5.S. Fa.m. 15.
Fam. h. John" (Rev.) {Dm. John," Ich.* Ich.,^ Benj.,' liobn-t^), grad. Y. C, 1807;
111. Jane Golden of Warren, N. Y. 13 Sept., 1812; .sett, there as pastor 1811; res.
later at Avon, Conn., where he d. 2.5 Apl., 1866; she b. 12 May, 1797, in Herkimer
Co., N. Y.; d. at A. 3 Dec, 1869. (.'Ii. {"f ir/iom the Inip. dales and the italicised
nuineii are fiirnishid III/ M'hi/. Ch. Bee):
1 Ilarriel. b. 3 Apt. bp. 19 .Mav. 181(1; m. Alfred
Gavitt ; d. al Seliua. Ala.. 211 July, 1814.
2. Mary. b. ."I .\|,1.. bp. 21 June. 1818: m. Bela C.
Kellogg; ri-s. (IS.**!) Avon, Conn.
:i. Iitliii Jane. b. 17 .\ug., bp. 8 del., 18*20: in. Ores-
tes Iv. Hawley ; d. I'ahnvra. Mn.. 11 .\ug..'43.
I. Jno. .\enlim. b. 3 July, bp.'il Aug.. 1821 Fam 115.
j. Aim Eliza, b. 21 Ocl., 1823; bp. 21 .May, 18*ij;
Vol.. U. —9
d. Bloomlield. Conn., '21) .Jan., 18.31.
II. David l'rt« Wii/iiifis Golden, h. 10 Apt, bp. 22
June. 1828. Fam. 17.
7. Julia Maria, b. 21 Oct.. IKM; m. Milo Chid-
Sey ; d. Collinsville. Conn.. '20 Mav. 18.5(1.
8. Matthew Henr}-. b. 3 Dec., Is:*!. F \m 1 ^,
9 11. (3 otbers, d. inf. uot uddu^.)
F\.\l. 9. John L.' (Il^i\ S/iubael,' Den. John,'' Irh.,' Jr/i.» l}nij.;' JMcrt'), glad. ;it V.
C. 1.S28; m. Ann, wid. Elias IJoiidinot Caldwell, of Wasliiiiirtuii. D. C, 17 Sept.,
1828; she was youngest dau. of Gen. James Liiigan of .Maryland, killed by aniol)
a"t Baltimore 1812; had 3 ch. by her first husb. at time of 2d mar. V/i. :
1)1). K. W., 7 Jiil.v. I8:« (.S\ Ji.y. d. 1804 in V. S. A.
3. tJanies I.iii<;an. b. (;fnc'scc Co., N.Y.,2fi.\Uf^., IS:U:
Nl'w (Orleans, La.
1. Anna Lingan, b. lllfil. :iU Julv. IRJU: Dp. K. w.
Ill JIuv. im {S. B.y, m. Ezra J. Peck ; ics.
(iHirii. N. Y.
2, John L., b. GwrsiM.mii, I). C, 11 Auj;., ISil;
Fa.vi. 10. David E.Xy'' (Bee. Shuhiid,' Dea. . Mill," Ich.,' Ich.,' Beiij.,- RibeH\ ^niA.
Y. C. 1828; teaehcr at N. Y. Institute for Deaf and Dumb; m. Fanny P. (dau. The-
odore) Hinsdale of I'ittsticld, Mass., 15 July, 184(i. Bio;/., see p. 609, Vol. I. Ch. :
1. Fannv, b. OJimc. 1S4-, at X. Y.; <l. .Mch., IftlS.
■i Tlicoilun' II., b. 7 Jan.. IW.I, at N.Y.; d. Vf,'.
:i. Mary I,u«ils. b. Sept.. bp. E. W'., 10 Nov., 1850.
lAKttnin Otneal., iii. (i92 givt't* ;
F.VM. 11. Charles Loomis"(^'-'''- f^loihwl.' Dm.John.'' Irh.* Ich.;^ Jicaj.," Hubert'),
III. ICmeline (dau. Elisliti and Sarah) Morton of ¥... W., 20 Dec, 1832; rem. to Bal-
timore, Md.; res. Petersburg, Va. CIt. {all hut younynst h. at E. W.):
4. Churles L., t). 13 Nnv.. IS-Vi; u-rad. Y. C, 187K.
.5. Marsaref. b. IKV).
6. lx)uiw, I). IstiO.
1. Hannah Huntington, b. 9 Sept.. bp. 7 Dec, 1834;
il. isr").
a. Emeline, b. 28 Mih.. bp. E \V. 17 .liine, 1838;
rei<. Petersburg.
3. Shuliae! Henry, b. June. 184IJ; [Loomh< Oeiieal.
save 18:ir»l; in. Julia : res. Tuskagee. .\Ia.
4. t'liarles Morion, b. Ball. 20 Deir., 1845; res. Pe-
tersburg. \'u.
Fam. 12. Shubael F.~ ('Sl.\^.)(I!,r.Shiiiael,' Dm..Ioh,i,'' /ch.," frh.,^ J},i>j.,- Ji"'''t'\.
grad. Y. C, ls;^;{; gnid. Aled. Dept. Y. C. 183',), after wliicli he studied at E. AV.,
Htfd., and the N. V. city liospitals; was prof, Sept., 1837, to Oct., 1838, in N. Y.
Institute for the Deaf and Dumb; commenced practice 1840 at Lyme, Conn.; Sept.,
1842, married Fanny (dau. Charles and Ellen Perkim, and gd.-dau. of Gov. Roger)
Griswold ; attained a gootl practice, but was induced to join a small and select
company who were going to Cal. as their physician. He left home Mch., 1849, but
the hardships of the vuyage and the privations of C. life at that time lirokc down
iiis health; and tlio' helped to a lucrative practice there, it was too late. Attempt-
ing to return home, he d. at Beiiicia (and was buried in the U. S. cemetery there)
12 Oct., 1849. llis wid. m. his bro. Daniel W. 15arllelt. Aug., 18.J8. Vhililrat (by
Shubael F.) :
1. Ellen, b. OMeh., <1. Juiu, ISII. I 3. rliurles Uribwokl, b. 23 Dec, IS-IS; in. Anne P.
2. .\deliiie Ciiainplin, b. 27 Mch., 18411; in. Homer Terry, Lyme, Conn.
S. Allen, E.W. I
F.vM. 13. Wm. Allen' (ft''- Shahul,'- Da,, ./uh,,,'- Irh.,* Irh.,* «7y.,' iiV«r? '), m.
Louisa B. Stewart of Phila., 27 June, 1843; sett, at New Orleans, La. Ch. :
1. Willinm. b. N. O. Mch., 1S44; d. June, 1844. I Cable; now res. at Northampton, Mass.
a. Kdwaril. b. N. O. Nov., IStt. 4. Luey, b. at N. O., ISW; in. lUiberl Jones ; rvs.
.'i. Louisa, b. N. O. Dec, IMUi; in. Geo. W. Ca- New Orleans.
ble of N. O., father of the author, (Jeorge \V. ' 5. Elizabeth, in. an Alison, New Orleans, I,a.
Fam. 14. Henry Thomas' (»'•. Shubad,' Dm. John,'' frh.,* leJi.,' Bciij.,'' lM,'t'),
m. (1) Elizabeth Soplinniia Hudnell of Darien, Ga., at E.W. 21 Mch., 1848 {S.Jl);
sett, at New Orleans, La., then at St. Louis, Mo.; she d. E. W. 3 Oct., 1849, iv. 23;
m. (2) Mrs. Margaret (Combs) Winn at N. O., 28 Nov , XH'tO. Child:
1. Henry llnilnell, li. and d. at N. O. 8 June, 1819, le. 4 mo. 10 U.
Fam. 1."). Daniel W.' (/.'<;('. Shubad," Den. Johii,^ Irh.,* Hi..' TiiiJ.,^ Rjb't '), m. wid.
of llis bro. Shubael, 1858; farmer, res. Scantic, E. W., in the Hev. Shubael Baillitl
• homestead. Children:
I Kal- Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug., 1859; m. Wolrolt I 2. Jos.-]ih Oriswold. b. 2) Feb.. d. Ill July, l««;-i
BIssell. I 3. Hol)ert HariH-r, 1). 24 Nov., 18U1.
Fam. Ifi. John Newton m/.'". John." Jbn. John,'" Irh.,* frh.," linj.,' IMi't'), in. 7
Sept.. 184U, l-;ileii l{oot Strong of Karminglon, Conn. Children :
1. Ellen .strong, b. N. Haven. Conn.. 28 Meb., 1849. I a Annie Golden, b. N. Krilain, Cunn., 1 .\ug., 1802.
2. John Pomeroy, b. Col'nsv'le, Conn., 4 June, 1858. |
Fam. 17. David Van W. C.'(» r. Juhn,' Den. Juhn,^ Ick.,* Irh.,' Riij.,^ linljO ). in.
Julia M. Painter, 18."i4. At the age of 16 lie went as privtite secretary to Kliliii
BASCORtB — Bass — batks. i! <
liinritt on liis "Peace Mission" to England, where lie (Burllett) formed a iilea.saiil
literary connection. His first work, W/iat I Saw in London, had a large and lasting
sncccss, and was followed by others, some original, some coin pilat ions, viz.: J.ife
of TakIi/ Jane O icji , What I Saw in Pans, Life of Franklin I'ierce, Fifty Ycarxin
Chains. He was for a number of years editor and owner of Wm Hartford l{epu\>-
liean (afterward the //. Post); was a prominent anti-slavery man in the '" Free Soil "
days; afterwards rem. to Washington, D. C, where he assisted i)r. Bailey on the
National lira ; and from that drifted naturally into the line of Washington corres-
pondent and telegrapher, and was for many years one of the most active and best
known of newspaper men; he was the " D. W. B." of the N. Y. Indcjiendcnt,
" specaal " for the N. T. Post, the " Van" of the Sprinnfiekl liepuhliain, Boston Trar-
eler, and other papers of equal standing, and was, also, at one time Clerk of the
House Committee on Elections. Later he was Secretary of the Chinese Legation at
Wasliington, but failing health led him, after some years, to rem. to Farnungton,
Conn., where he now resides. Children:
1. Alice, ivs. .11 Famiiiiirton with father. | 3. Mary, d. 187C.
*J. Philip, lawyer. New Vorlc city. 1 4. Alexi.s, now (1891) in Tale College.
F.VM. 18. Matthew Henry ' (B,c. .Mm, <' Lka. Joim,'' Jrh.,* hh.,' Bcnj.,'' Pol)t'),m.
(1) l.'i May, l.s."i!t, Mrs. Nancy C. Moses, who d. in Avon, Conn., 26 Sept., 1S70;
(2) 14 lilay, 18T2, Clara F. Avery ; he res. TaritTville, Conn. Ch. {by 1st wife):
4. Eoberl HeniT, 1>. 27 Aug., 1877.
5. Henry Chiils'ey, Ij. 2 Oel., 1S?9.
e. Clara" Golden, b. 1 June, 1&S2.
". Berlll:i Fidelia, b. 2 Nov., 18S.').
1. Wallace Hcm'y, b. B May, 18B1; d. 6 Mch., 18(i4,
Washinj^ton, D. ('.
Bif M wife :
2. 'Charles Averv, b. 30 Nov., 1873.
:i. .Mary Ida, 1). 'iS Oct., 18T5.
Bartlett, David L., b. 6 December, 1816; m. Jan., 1846, Sarah (dau. David and
Mary Clouuh) Abbe of W. Pt.; she d. 18 Sept., 1866. He is an iron mcht. in Bal-
timore, Md. Ch. :
1. Edward T,.. b. July, 1&17: m, 1S«; Julia Mc- 12. Ella C. h. Dec.. ls.->4: m. 187.-) Chas. P, Robin-
Farland ; n-s. Bait.: (ich. | son ; res, Hrooklyn, N. 1'.; 2 ch.
Bartlett, John O., m. Harriet (dau. IIcz. and Harriet) Wells. Ch. :
1 John 11.. b. 2 Jan., 1874. I 4. George O.. b. 1.5 May. 1878.
a, Harriet S., b. l;) .Mav, IK7.">. 5. Saninel, b' .5 Sept., d. 2.S Sept., 1880.
:B. Ilia C, b, 29 July, isru, 1 0. Merton W., b. 7 Nov., 18S1 ; d. U June, 18a3.
Bartlett, Moses, a nat. of Stowbridge, Mass.; m. Sarah L. Stanton, native of
Wlllington, Conn., whence they rem. to So.W. Jssue{b. So.W.): Wm. W. — J. M.S.
.M,irn'n;i.s l„ E.W.(S. /?.)— Algernon Sidney, m. Silvio Osborn, 23 Nov., 1843;
Joseph, m. Emeline Strong, V'< Nov., 1833.
Ilaptisms, E. W. {S. 7?.)— Henry Thomas, bp. 12 Apl., 1813; Ralph Edward, bp,
11 Aug., 1811; Shubael, bp. 7 Aug., 1886.
Deaths, E. ir. (.';. />'.)— Daniel, a ch. of, d. a;. 4 mos., 9 Aug., 1818; Elizabeth, d. 2
Oct.,1849, !c. 24; Otls.ach. of,d. 8 Mch., 1847, tc. 2* yrs. ; Jonathan, d. 1 Mch,,
1836, a?. 40; his s. John S. d. 4 Aug., 1829, a>. l/i mos.; his s. John d, 1 Oct., 1841, a-.
8; Mr. Edmond,d. 5 Feb., 1800, in 89lh yr, ; Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Edmond,
d, 1 .hdy, 17'J."i, in 71st yr, FJI . Old (r.-yd.
BASCOMB, Thomas, prub. m. before he came to W.; came prob. to Dorchester
in the first ship, the Mary and John, and to AV. 1635; sold out 1656, to John Moses
and rem. to Northampton. Ch. (Old Ch. Mec.):
1. Abigail, bp, 7 June. ](M0. I 4. Old Cli. Iter, nay, " Thos. Bascom's" child d.
2. Thomas, bp, 21) Feb,. l(Ul-2, '• 47 year," i. e., WA".
3. llepziljali, hp. 14 Ajil, (U. V. It. says .lulij), 11)44. I
BASS. Nathan, h:id (/•;, If, C. R.) th, bp, 6 May, lTf>4; 1 Dec, 1765; 23 Oct., 1768.
BATES,* John of Wurebouse Poiiil, b. :it Miildlc II:i(l(hmi, Comi,, 18 Oct., 1784; m.
a (23, S. B.) Oct., 1808, Sally (dau. of Charles aud .lane Miifltntfi; only cli. of an
Irish mcreliaiit who was lost at sea on his return to Ireland from America to settle
his estate,) Abbe of Enfield, Conn. She was b. 1 Oct., 1792. and d. 22 May, 181.3,
(C. 20; he d. 30 .luly. 1840 (11'. Pi. O.-yd.) He m. (2) Sally Pease, 10 Mch . 1814
b. Enlield, Conn., 13 .luue, 1705. Ch. {/>. II'. Pt.):
I. .Mnrv. 1>. I Sipl.. 1*i<i!l: in. ClKirU-s S. Ellis nf
Dostnii, Miii-F.. hIici il. JT Alls:.. 1»<.3; kIk- d. «r
A|il.. I.'«-J. /x«/r ((////.. ill ISukIoii):
- .Mary .lain- 1 Kills), il. I .">. Frank A. (Ellis).
4. Susan S. (SI<-Ison).
.1. Caroline Tavlnr (Stetson).
3. Elizalielli <■.. 1). 13 .May, 1813: m. (ll her eousiii
.loliii Chase of WoreVsier. Mass . who il. at W.
a. I'liafles 15. lEIIisi, il. I 8. Ellen (Ellisl. (I.' I I't, IS A|)l., 1M.">. a. :«: (2l (lark JohnSOn of
3. .lohn (Ellis), U. | 7. fieoijie (Ellis), <1. Woreester, Mass.; she il. \V. i7 Sept., IST'.I. /«"►;
4. Henry N. (Ellis), (I. | 1. Elh-ii Elizabeth (Chase), <1. W. I'l., 1844, a' 3.
3. Sally, 1>. -ii Dec. IKKI; in. Lebbeus Stetson Hii Sil mar.:
of B'osUin, Mase,, 13 Del., lS3ii; ie< (Ls'Lji Hos- | 4.Sabra A., I). 14 Meh., ISl.T; d. 18 Apl., 1830.
Ion. Iiunie: .">. Daniel ('., b. 13 Oel., 181ii.
1. Edward L. (Stetson). i ti. .lolin S., b. 1 Apl.,lsl'.); d. 20 Aui;.. 1S30.
3. Sarah Louise (Stetson), d. 7. claiiss;i, b. 34 Au^'., 1«31; d. 38.lniie. 1831.
3. .M.iry Elizalieth iStet.soiil. d. I 8. Emily li, b. 3'J Oet, 1S3:).
Alexander Hamilton m. Mary An.urnsta Barber, 12 Nov., 1SC7; b.a> Aug., 1839;
hiid ynlAicrix, h. 31 Oct., 1868.— 7'. D.
BAXTER, Francis of EiiiicliI, m. Sarah Ellsworth, 1 Mny. l7(U;had hri.h. 14
All-., lTt!4.
Francis, Jr., had (S. 11". C. /?.).•
1. .lolm, hp. 7 -Meh., 17!tO. I 3. , bp. 10 Feb., 17'.M. I .'J. . hp. 7 Oct., 1800.
3. Anne, lip. 4 Dee., I7!)l. | 4. , bp. 30 Oct., 17%. I
Francis (wife of) (1. JIcli., 1805 (.*;. /?.); 4 children of Francis of Wapping, bp. 27
Fell., 1807.— /i'. IF. r. R.
BATTERSON, [compiled by Mr. W. P. Felch for this work] JameS, tiisl of
name in America: ace. to trad, from England; more prob. fron) Scotland. Ch.:
1 (;eors£e. F.VM. 3. 3 .loscph. in. Reliecea (dau. Staj. Caleb) Dodd "f
3. Williain. sett, with liis bni. (;eo. at Fairfield, or Uorseneek. Caldwell township. Essex <"o.. N. .1 :
priili. (Jreeiis Farms, Kairlicid Co.. Conn.; rem. desc. in Western N. V. and Central Ohio.
withliU laiiiily to Warren. Conn.: afterward to O. (Poss. other ch.)
F.\M. 2. George' (.Aimes'), settled at Greens Farms, Fairfield Co.. Conn.: in. Mary
Oysterbanks, of Welsh extraction (a name shortened in Fairfield Co. to Hanks)
rliiUbi II :
I. Stephen, b. 1761. I 5. Betsey. I 9. Data.
3. I'owell. I 6. Naonii. | I(>. Itoxana.
.3. (ieo, h. 1758: d. 18:i7. Fam.3. | 7. Eliakim. i II. .lohn
4. Si-lliek. I 8. .lames. |
F.\M. 3. George ' (^V«.,',7<fH(»j('), m. .M:ii\ Seel ey of Weston, Conn., ill her 17th
yr. lie was in the army and subsequently in the navy during the war of the Rev-
oliilioii. At tile time of the firing of the town of Fairfield by the British troops.
the wife of CJeo.. .Sen., had jii.st removed from her loom :i piece of cloth which she
had woven with her owji hands. Her son (George. Jiin.) iminediately concealed il
in the hollow of a sycamore tree. After tlie troops retired he took it to his mother,
who made from it a suit of clothes in which he enlisted in the army. Later on, he
was transferred to the navy, and was in the service of his cinintry seven years. lie
died on the lllh day of May. 18;{7. His wife died on the .'illi d:iy of Dec, l^i-">^.
aged \)') years, 3 months, and .1 days. Cli. :
I 8. Simeon Seolev, 1>. 23 I 10. Alln-rt
Meh, 17!KI. F'a.m. 4. II. Lama
1 9. Liieiiida. I yi. Cyrus.
F.\M. 4. Simeon Seeley ' (6V</.,' Geo.,'' Jmnes^), m. 28 ;May, 1820, Melissa Rob-
erts, b. 21 .Meh., 1.'<00; res. Wintonbury, Conn., now Bloomfield. Ch.:
1. RelKH-ea.
.1. Nntlinn
3. Amelia.
(i. Simeon
:t. I'ollv 4.
7. AlilL-ail
iitriliuled by \l\m M. R. Ilolkiiis of Warehouse Point.
7. Mary Eliza, b. 10 Mth.. ia34; d. 14 Apl., 1S30.
8. Marv Jaiittlf, 1). B May, imu; m. George Magoe
FuHer, *; not., l^wr. /»■'« .•
1. Annie Seviii.iur <l-'iillcT), 1>. :» .Tan.. 1&">9: m. Hi
Ans.. lstv><. Win. V.. Pratt ; liave (1) .Man Ii^a-
bel Pralt, b. 3<1 .Mav, 188.1.
2. Julian L<Hlvairl ( h'ullerl, b. .30 Apl., ISfiO.
3. Sarah Farhhani (Fuller), b. G Nov., 186!); ni.
Wni. S. Hopewell, *! May, IS&i.
9. Fanny ilelH-eeii. h, ID Sep!., 1S;1S: m. .lames New-
berry Goodwin, 31 Del., IS.")"; heil. :)OMell.,
18fi7; Ixme:
1. Liicv .Tanette, b. 29 .lulv, 1.S5S; <i. 24 Dec, 1803.
10. Simeon Snniner, b. 15 .luiie. 1841 ; il. 14 Oct., WI2.
11. Henry Aiianis, b. 1 Sept., IH-tS; m. Mrs. Mary .\.
Horton («fc Larkmn), 27 Sept., 1870; he d. .30
12. Hiram Roberts, b. 20 Meli., l.^lli; il.
1. Minerva Melissa, b. 23 .July, 1,821; d. 0 Nov., 'OO.
2. .lames Cioodwin, b. 2.3 Feb., 1S23. Fa.m. 5.
3. Sherman Smnner, b. ti Feb., 1S2.t; d. ;J0 .\n£..'28.
4. Hermon (iriswold (Hev.), b. 28 Mav. 1827; m.
Sarah Eliza Farnham, 10i)et., 18111!; resides
Phila.; no issue.
.■.. rieor^c Tomlinsoii, b. 24 .Tan., 1S3I); d. .30Sept..
iasil?m. Slaria Goodwin, 17 Apl. 18(12. /»•!« ;
1. Harriette (Jomhvin, b. 20 .Vns.'.. Lsti.").
2. .\nne Allyn. b. .-iO.lnne. ISIo; d. l(i Fcb.,180i;.
.3. Kniilv Louise, b. 2 .lune, 1SI17.
4. (ieo. Simecui, b. l.i Mav. ISftS.
:.. l^lllc•rt ritkin. li. 22 Mav. 1871 ; d. 14 .Tulv, 1872.
II. Harriet Camptii-ld, b. 3 Meh., 18.32; m. Orrin
Henrv Whittemore, 18 Oet., 18i)«; d. 28
.lulv. 1.8IB. /«•//,..•
1. Orrin Henrv (Whilleinore). b. 27 Mch., 186,5;
d. 2S .Tuly, ISIl.').
F.\M. 5. James Goo(\vi\n,' (Simeon S.* Geo.,' Geo.,'' .JiitiHx'),i\w' \m\\\ in Bliioin
field, Coun., passed Iiis boyhood in Litchfield, Conn., where his ftitlier had estiil). ii
building-stone business, and where he enjoyed the advtintages of the L. acadcinv;
leaving which he pas.sed a number of years in the publishing house of >I;uk, An-
driis it Woodruff, Ithaca, N. Y.; whence returning home he studied law with the
noted .ludge Seymour. His health, however, rendering severe confined study im-
possible, he went into business, first with his father, and subsequently (184.5) indc
pendeutly in the same line, as an importer of and dealer in granite and marble,
later removing the business headquarters to Hartford. This business has now
grown into one of the largest in the U. S., owning quarries at Westerly, R. I., and
Mr. B. w.as the first in this country to use machinery for polishing granite, and has
idways been promjit to adopt new improvements, etc. In lSli;5, on his return from
one of bis tours to Europe and the East, in which he had been giving especial at-
tention to marbles and architecture, his attention was attracted, while passing
through England, to the success of the then recently-organi/ed Railway Passen-
gers' Assurance t'o.. and seeing at once its possibilities in .Vmerica. upon his return
he organized and obt;iined a charter for The Tmrelevs Ins. Co. of Hartford, to which,
in ISBfi, w:is added a ir.u^iilar Life Ins. department, the whole enterprise having now.
by successive sudden :ind enormous strides, taken position among the very I'oreinost
of X(;w England's insurance companies. Robust, energetic, highly intelle(tii;d.
socially forceful and public-spirited, the business. educ;ilional, ;ind other higher in-
terests of the city of Hartford, are indebted to him for powerful service and ui)-
building. He holds the degree of M. A. from both Yale and Williams Colleges; and
his life reveals a rare but symmetrical blending of literary and artistic eu.ioyment
with the keenest commercial activity. He m. 2 .June, 1851, Eunice Elizabeth (dau.
.lona. and Chirinda yewhcn-i/) Goodwin of W. Iltfd., b. 6 Apl., 1827. Ch. (h.IIfd.):
1 t'lara .Tcanette. b. 17.1an.. 18.V,; d. 13 Mav, 1868. 1. Goodwin Ballerson (Beaehl. b. 1 Oet., 1885.
2 Marv Elizabeth. Ii. 13 .lune. I.S5I1; ni. 17 .lune. 3. .Tames Ooodwin, .Tr., b. :!(> .\u'_'.. 1,S>S; m. Ida
Issi. I>r. ( 'harli> ( 'olliui: Beach. /•>•«,. Wooster, 1 Nov.. 1879. no issue.
BEAIVIOND (lieniaii. Beinent), Jonathan, had (A'. 11'. ('. /?) children I>p. 2!) .Tan..
ITW; 27 Oct., 1705; 11 Oct.. 1767; 18 .Tune, 1769; 20 Sept., 1772; 12 .May, 1770;
17 .Ian., 177!»; a ch. d. Oct.. 1778, and dau. d. 20 Oct., 177!).
Thomas, m. Lydia Roberts, bs.Ian., 1753, had(Tr5y. Ch. Rec):
1 Thomas, bp. 21 ( lit.. 17."s3. ' 3. Daniel, bp. 29 Aug.. 17.')l!.
2. I.ydia, bp. 2r,.lan., i;.V>. j 4. Elisba, bp. 24 June, 17,59.
I'lic Widow Beaman " <I. is Aug., 1752, x. abt. 82 yrs. — M'hy. Ch. liec.
Samuel, m. Margaret Chapman, 10 May, 1693; had
1. Huiniah, b. 2 A|)l., 1698. j 3. .\ Margaret (wife or dau. r) d. 12 ,\ul'.. 1712.
2. Samuel, b. li June, )?lM. I
BEEBE, George, m. Elisabeth Thompson, 13 Jan., 1825 (S. /?.). Nabby
(a<lull), bp. 2.") Feb., ISU (,S'. /;.); perhaps the same Abigail, bp, 20 Sept., I8U,
le. 39 (.<?. li.).
BECROFT, William, liis son from Wi'tliersfield, owned Covenant 4 July, 17:W. —
II'. C. 11.IIK 111'-.
BECKWITH, Alonzo A., m. I.:uii.i M. Clark, 11 :M;iy, 1823. — S. n.
BEDORTH A (I!c"li>rllia), Quartus, disr. i>f Hpccp of Agawam (now Siiringfield,
Mass.), 1G42; came to W. from A. when iiuile a young man; m. Hiith Loomis of
W.; was one of the first wardens of the E|)is(opal Church in Windsor; was father
of I. L. 15edortha of W.
BELCHER, Samuel [sou of Mrs. Ahigail of Dedliam, Mass., as appears hy a let-
ter of hers {Stinif/Ziloii MS.) to Capt. Thomas .Sloughton of W., dated 1!) .Fune,
1732, couecrning her son, who evidently was soon to lie married to one of Stough-
ton"s daughters. —n. u. s.], m. Mahel (dau. Capt. Thos.) Stoughton, 17 .\ug.,
1732; d. in 17.56, supposed to have been killed at or near Crown Point; left no ehil
dreu; estate, £296. His will, presented to the court by Col. .Joseph IJichards of
Dcdham, as executor, devised his projierty to his widow and his cousin Belcher,
son of .Joseph Richards of Dedham, except small sums to his brotherin law, l{ev.
Andrew Tyler, and Rebecca Walton Jliitmim.
Belcher, Elijah, d. 7 May, 1832. a-. .">8 yrs. See also X.E. Hut. of Gen. Reg., .vii. 178.
BELDING (Helden). George, m. Hannah Porter, 19 July, 1796; had (ir. C. R.):
]. lliirriit. tip. IS Aug., 179". 1 2. (Jc-orfre, lip. r Nov., 18(M. ! 3. Siinili .\iiKnsta, lip. 10 July, 1809.
Nathan (11'. C. iJ.)had:
1. AlfridC.nndnin, hp. 10 .Tulv, 1W8. | :i. ClmrliitliMii. I.i-wif Burr Sturgis, M Mil.v, IT.U,
■J, 1 IkiiI.- Kiliii.,11.1, bp. Z .Iiil.v, IW3. 1
BELKNAP, Kellogg of So. W.. m. (l)]-:inora «lau. Wm., Sen.,) StOUghton ;
■ settled in Ellington. She died. He m. (2) his brotlier Ral/.eman's widow, who died
suddenly, and he died about three weeks after. C/iiUlreii :
1. Kdizar. ivmovt'il to Texas, unmarried.
•i Halpli, sell. B. B.; m. Mnrsiirct Allen. Txmf :
1. Halzuman (Allen).
2. Man (Allen),
a. Jennie (Allen).
Twootliprs (Allen).
3. Charles, settled in Kllinirlon; in. ,\iina Connitiji of
LonEiiieadow. Mass. Jmu^ ;
1. Minnie M'ooinlis).
■I. Kllen A., ni. linnicr D. .\llen of K. W.
Charles of Ell., m, 21 Dec., 1826, Eleanor Stoughton. — /?./>.
Chauncey, Esq. (E. W.), m. Anna Allen, who d. E. W., 8 0ct., 18.-i0, «. 60(59 >'. /i ).
lie died 2."i July, 1844, it. 57 {S. B. says .May). Children :
1. .Marv .\nn. b. 22 Sept., 1811; d. E. W. 2 May, 4. Klisalielli. li Cs Feli . isv'r.: ni (1). Sprini;lield.
1K28."— .S. if. 2,") Dee, Isis. Win. I). Warriner i> I'f Haniel
a. Soplironia, b. 25 Apt.. 1813: m. .Tohn Thompson I and Keheeoa /Jiirliiii/). 1>. S B .Mav. !S2i;; d 14 c lei..
(-. liobert) Potwine of K. W. 1802. at K. W.; wounded at Anlielam; nienib. IIIli
3. iliarles. b. 20 Aug.. 1810: ni. (II Pauline Per- Conn. Vol. Ueu'i: she in. (21 Daniel Warner.
kins: ni. (2) . 5 Marv .\nn. li. l.'> Sept.. 182!l; d. Woon-nekel. K. I .
n.Iuly, 1K.V*. — If. S. A.
Job; poss. the Job who d. 29 Oct , 1 SI 1 , a'. 84 (S. li.) ; had ( JJ'. R.) :
1. Frances, b. 22 June, n.W. I 4. Ebenezer. b. W Nov.. 17fi0: d, 4 Mav. 1810. a-. r,:<:
■■!. Klennor, b. 9 Feb.. 17.i7. widow, d. 4 Mav, 1840. le 74. — .V. A.
3. Patience, b. 28 Feb.. 17.W. I
Job (probably a son of the above), d. 8 Jan., 1817, a-. .52 (."?. R.). His wife. ll;iiin;ili, .1.
19 Jan., 1813, a>. 66. — .'v-.
Job (probably sou of above), m. Clarissa Booth, 26 May, lyi4. — X B.
James (son of Elam), d. 12 Aug., 1854. — Wnjijiinff.
Chester ami wife Lavinia. a child of, d. 20 Feb., 1819, a-. 8 weeks.— .S. B. Amelia.
d. 211 Feb., 1M14, a;. 1 nio. 23 d. ; Henry Hudson, s. of, d. 19 July, 1848, ic. 28.— .■>>.
Darius, d. 7 May, 1834, se. 65 (&.); widow d. 29 Dec, 18:i8, m. 73. — S. R.
Clarissa, m. Moses Severance, 5 Sei>t., 1826.
Francis, m. Hannah Prior, 7 June, 1823 (S. R.); shed. 1 Aug , ls24. 'I'lieir son,
J<)-aneiii, d. 11 Dec, 1821, iv. 9 days. — Se.
Mrs., '-I'-J Jan., ISOe. — .s\ B.
Mrs. H., d. 19 Jau., 1813, ». m.—S. B.
Leverett, m. Sarah M. Boynton, 2 Nov., 184T. — .9. 7?.
Olive, il. l!S Aug., 1828, a;. 29(6". B. says 19).
BELOTE, "Jiidti/i, y child of John and Jane ISelote, olIcTcd up by her by virtue
of Communion of Chh. they having owned y Cov' here years past in y Ch. of
■\Vindliam, :Mr Clap's ministry, " bap, 16 Nov., 1740. — W. C. K.
BENJAMIN, Allen, b. 14 Aug., 1765; m. (1)28 Aug., 1788, Beulah Osborn, b.
2;! Jan.. 1768, who d. 23 Apl., 1811: (2) 4 Dee., 1811, Lydia Bancroft, who d. :!
Feb., 1824; he d. 1 July, 1S24. Children (b. W. Pt., E. if*.).-
Snow of Canada,
o. Harvey, b. 27 .Vii<i.. IT'.Hi; in. Sarah Mc Kinney;
res. Springfield, ^las-s.. later at .Syra(u>'-. .X, \ .: :J
cbildreii. of whom one, William, re.*. Miehi^aii.
1). Conrad, h. 10 Feb.. nW); m. Enieliue Wolcott
of Wet* 1 Sprin"Ueld. Mass.; family rem. to Short
Tract, N, Y. Issue: A. of whom a datt,, Klniint.
in, a Co.\, of S, T„ and son, Ithainar. ni, Kose
Kobinson of Ithaca, N, Y,: present residence,
McCook. Neb.
7. Dorothy, b. Hi Aw:... IHOl; m. (as Sd wife) Samuel
Patchen of W. Pt., 11 Jnly, ISJS, s.p.; d. •->0
Mav. 1.S74.
8. Adeline, b. -20 Aug., 1803: 6. Ian,, ]iW;i, in. Oeorge
(son llannab KlodKet and ) Gleason of
W. Pt.; d. 28 All!!.. lsT;i. «. i>.
9. Caleb, h. S Feb., isor; m. Snsan Morton of
Scantic, E, W,. 2:3 May, IKifl (S, Ii,l; harl;
1, Maria iMorton), ni. .John Bissell of Seanlic.
S. Calcbaiortoni.m.Lilla Vinton of Wp!;.,E.W.
10. Ithamar, b. .'iO Nov., 1810; d. 8 Apt, If«2, al Rio
.laneiro, S. A.; unmarried.
1. Walter, b. 28 .Jan,, 1789, F.'lM, 2,
2. Mabel, b, :M Dee,, 1790; d, 11 Dec, 1810.
3. .\llen. b. 20 Sept., 17112; in. Lvdia , who d. 3
Feb.. IS21. a\ 38 {S.lS.y. he d."l July, 1S24, x. 39
(S.H.\. both at W. Pt.; liad 2 ch.
4. Benlah. b. i Oct.. 1794: m. Lemuel Wood-
worth |rully| from VI. J»sue (all b.W. Pt.).
1. (Woodworth), d. young.
2. (WooUworth), d. young.
3. MelindaC. (Woodworth). m. Hugh Dunn of
il'tford: 4 ch.. of whom one. Margaret {wife
of John) Adams, re,^. (1890) Haitford.
4. Beulah (\\*oodworth), m. Humphrey Davis,
from N. v.: 7 ch.. all b. W.Pt.; res. E W,
3, Dorothy (Woodworth), m. (1) 13 Slay. 1846,
Jame.-i Kennedy, from N. \', ; had 2 s,;
m, (2) Quartus Parsons Terry, from En-
field; 1 son: res, E. W.
6. Elsie (Woodworth), m, Elisha Day ; S ch,
7. .\delia (Wo(Mhvorth). m. Daniel Noble of
Massachusetts; 2 children.
8. Emily (Wood« orth). m. 19 Nov.. 1856, Edward
F\M. 2. Walter ' (-IWt'/i'), said (from tradition) to have been the first Im;/ horn in
Warehouse Point; m. Naucy Skinner of E. W. Children :
1. Naiic.v. d, le, 18.
2, Samuel, m, in Springfield, Mass,; 2 s,
3. Walter, went to tieorgia; married; family.
4, Mary, m. Harrison Srnith of Springiield ; re.
moved to Ohio,
3. , bp, privately. 3 Feb., d. 13, 1819, a:. S.—S.JS.
6. , d. 33 June, 1825, le. 2, — S. B.
1. , d. 3 Mch., 1829, «•. 4 months, —.v. B.
MiscdUmMUH. — Isaac, m. Mary Dawson, 30 June, 1853 (S. B.); Susan, d. 16 Apl.,
1850, IE. 31 {S. B.); Walter (Cotton), bp. 2 May, 1813 (5. B.); Widow, d. 29 J:in,,
1827, X. Sr,.—S. B.
BENNETT, John, sentenced (Col. Rec) U) be wliipped, ni:i9; June, 1648, liouiid
over for his good behavior in sum of ,£20; at Get, court, ,same year, Jolin Drake
"complains agt. .John Bennett for stiying that he had enticed and drawn away the
affection of liis daughter "; .John Bi,>isell eoiuplains of him for his " breach of cov
onant,"and John Griffin " for slandering and defaming him "; the court, upon his
"expressing his repentance and promising better carritige in future," was " willing
once more to pass over his corporeal punishment." In 16.52 he was still unmarritHl,
and the town ordered that ".John Bennett should be enterttiincd by Willi:im lltiy-
den in his family," Previous to this he had bought and sold the I'eter Tilloii house.
After l(i")3 he disappears from Windsor.
BEN N ET, William and wife Sarah, came to Windsor from Ipswich, Ma.ss.
BENTON, Thomas, m. Anne Stanley of Hartford, 3 July, 1761, who d, 14Juii,
1«():!, iv. (iU, he d. 2 Nov., 1815, ;c, 79. Children:
5, .\nnc, b. 5 Dec.. 1786 (usiiallv called Nancv); ni.
Lemuel Welch of W. 10 Dee"., isio: d Jnlv'. xxtM.
«e. 74 (nee Welch).
1, Eliliii Sianlev, b, 8 Dec. 1762, Fam. 2.
2, Thomas, b, 29 Nov,. 1766, Fam, 3.
3, Theodore, b, 12 Apl,, 1769: d. 11 Nov., 1773,
4, William, b. 2 Feb,, 1772; d, 22 Nov,, 17T3,
F.\.M, 2, Elihu Stanley' (Thomas'), m. Anna (dau. .John) Filley, I Apl,, 1784.—
»'. C. It. Chihhcn (hp. W. C. E.):
I. ElizalK-th, b. 17 Mch.. 1787; ni. IIcIkt Keep, I BcnniiiKton, X. Y.; <l. S June. 1863, le. 74.
Lonuiuciiloiv, Mass., 15 Feb., ISIO; she U. 18 i 4. Theodore Sliinlev, b. 4 Oct., 17'J3. Fax. 1
.\|)l.. 1K.I3, ie. oS. 5. Kli/.iir. b. SI Aug., bp. 1 Nov., 1785; (1. II on .
■-•. KiHiuv. b. -Jti Feb., bi>. 31) July, irS9: ni. Samuel 1814, ;e. l!l,
Bestor of Entiekf, Conn. ,'33 Nov., 1811, and B. .\nna Maria, b. l."> .\|)1 . bp. 3;) .July, 17(17.
il. ••'.Ian., 1817. n: 38. ' 7. Hinrv, li. li .Meh.. lip. 11 ilrl.. 18()I: ni. Lucy .\un
.3. Williuiii Siiiuev , b. 13 .Ian., bp. 17Apl.,n»l: P. Starr "f N. I.on.lon. Mav, 1837; nni. lo llifil;
in. CIiUk- Loorrils, 4 Nov., 1831 ( \V. C.U); res. ' d. i-s Aii2 . IsGii. .v. 75
Fam. 3. Thomas '•'(?Vtt«(.'), res. at W.; m. Mary Bunce <il' lllfil ; iviii. to Siinsbury,
where he kepi tavern several years, then rem. lo Stairoril. Conn ; then rem. to
anil (.1. at Rutland, Ma.ss., Nov., 1800, iv. 94; sheil. .soon after at R. Cli. ( IC. V.R.):
1. Jared Bniice, bp. 1 June, 18U0, d. at Sims.; ni.
ill Hartfonl. ». />.
3. -Marv sianlc.v. bp. 20 Sept.. 1801: m. Meriitk
Dean in Siuis. ;sei. Hutlaiid, Ma^s.; hadUHons;
d. ill Mieli.
;!. Jaiiene, lip. 27 5lili., 1.S02; in. Zelote Case ;
l■e^.. Siiii..i. (that part now Bloointieldi; bad 3 > .
if daii.. all III. and lno!.tlv sell, in Hirrl.
4. Julia. Ii|i. 33 June-. 180l": ni. an Eno of SiniBb v:
d. l?rooklyii. N.V.; bad HVfiam, Jaur. Citn>/ii'^ .
who Ml. a'llr, Cooke ami le.-. Bklii.. NY.
5. raiiiline Dickinson, lip. l:i .May. 1.8i.'.l; ma Put-
nam ; ri-7.. and d. Kullaml.
F.\M. 4. Theodore Stan\ey ' (EH/m S.,' Tliomux^), m. Eliza Morgan of IS. Y
city i Oct., 1821: res. N. Y.; he d. .5 Jlay, 1837, fc. 42, fam. rem to W. Vh.:
1. TheiMlon' Moriiaii, li. 183.-,: res. Kiif in IssZ. | 4. Catliariiie Stanley, b. Mch., 18:17; d. 37 Aug.. 1842.
2. .\iiiia, b. 7.1an.. 18;J3; m. IIora<i- King of Enf. i ue. 5 yrs. ii nios.
3. Marv. b lS:i5; in. Dr. Samuel .\. Wilson of And 3 others, who il. in N. Y. citv.
W.: 'd. Aui;.. 1S73. !e. .3". I
(Data from W. C. I*, and Mi.s.s \. SIari.v Be.ston of Windtior.)
BELLOWS, Roswell, d lo Meh., 1840, ic. 4X—S. B.
BESUM, John.dniwned in the Great River30 May, 167.). — r.</. lie. iiiiil 0. C. Jt.
BIDWELL* iB.Vdcwell, liiddle, — original Stuou, — Biddiiljih, " war wolf ") seem to
be originally of County Norfolk and County Devon, England.
Richard, "was buried" in W., Dec. 2."i, 1(>47 (also Old C'/t. Rcc); ho left .i dan.,
Hannah, b. 3 Oct., 1G44.
Au Aiiiiii IJidwell 111. James EnO (the first of that name in \V.) 18 Aug., 1C4.S. Eroin
similarity of name of Richard's dan. — Hannah ;ind Anii;i being interchangeably
used — it is possible that this Anna was Richard IJiddle's widow.
" Goodman," is named in (MU Chiin-h litmnh among those who died in .same year as
Richard above, viz., 1647; iirobably Richard's father.
The ancestor of Windsor Uidwells was John,' proprietor at Hartford. Conn., lt)4t(.
"by courtesie of the town ;" tanner; m. Sarah (dan. .John) Wilcocks of Hartford,
both members of Second or South Church of Hartford, 1(170. He dieil 1087; iiiv
£419, 10, 6. She died V> June, 1690. —See JA ;//. Uiiit. lliitfoid t'onnlu, i. p. 230.
John '(eldest son of above), m. 1678, Sarah (dau. Thos. and Hannah Tuttle) Welles,
Unis grand-ilaughter of Gov. Welles, and menlioneil in his will. She died in 17118
He died 3 July, 1692; had .si.\ children, of wlmni the 6th,
Jonathan,' b. 1684, d. 1712; m. Martha Butler, b. 1688, d. 173.5. Of their two
children the eldest,
Jonathan* (tirst of the name at Wintonbury I'arish, W.), in. Hannah Hubbard,
b. Aug., 1740, who d. 26 Feb., 1794 {Why. Ch. liic); he d. 10 June, 1787, in 7:^.l
year; res. Wintonbury. iMCrijilinn on tonihstoiu' in Old Jiiirifiiiff (liuiiud of ISlfd.:
"Mr. Jonathan Ridwell who | Departed this life | June y lO" AD 1787 | in y 73"'
year 1 of his Age. |
" Our life iw ever on the wing, and Death it. ever nigh:
The moment when our lives iK-giii we all Begin to die."
Children :
1 llaiiimh. b. 11 IKl.. 1741: /«aw. the II. whom.
Siinnul Foot, 27 .Meh., 17IW - Il7/y. C'/i. Iter.
3. .Miiu'ail. II. 311 .May. 1713; inms. the .\. who m.
(has. Seward of Torringion, U .Mch., 1773.—
Why. a,. I!,c.
■■\. Joiuilluiii. b. 6 Feb., 1744/5. Fam. 2.
4. .Mallei, bp. 1 Feb., 1747: " »■»» realile<l with
inUk," and d. 19 Sept., 1748. — ICftj. Ch. Jlte.
5. >lalnl. 11. 3ti June. bp. 3.lulv, 17411. Khij.lh. A'.,
li. Itaehel. Il -m Aug.. 1751. '
7. Anne. b. 35 Nin.. 17.53; /iom. the .\. whom. Nulhl
AustinofTorgfonl, 37 Sept.. 1775. — H'fty. C. II
8. Candiue. lip. 33 June, 1755; d. 31 .\ug., 17lil
117,./. Vh. lit,:
a. ThoKlosia. bp. (i Feb.. 1758 - \M,.t II, ff.,-
10. Theodolph. b. 30 Jan., 17511
• Blilioill Gen., by Edwin M. Bidwell. 1884: The W. family of Bidwell an- nuidi inJilHfl f.ir llie i;. n
in tliio Ilisl. to Mre. IXlia (Hidwell) Wanl of Hartford, Conn.
Fam. 2. Jonathan ' {Joua.,' Jom.,' Mm.'-John,'), ni. 18 July, 1771, Abigail (dim. of
Nath'l and Abigail Gamlirin) Eggleston ; was drafted and served in Kcv. War,
in WtchfSter Co. and around NY. eity; d. 12 May, ISll, :e. Co.— 1K%. C. It. Oh. :
1. .Miisiail (■■ .Villibv ••), I). 7 Fi-b.. 1772; m. Ro^Kr
Mills ; ifiii. to'llollaiKl PiirclKi.se, N. Y.; d. 24
.An;;., 1S.M.
2. CillKlllcv. Ii. jl Nov.. nri; rl. 2!) Si-pI.. 1S60; Til.
Bfiij. Graham niH; hv «a.-^ Ij. a? D>-r.. m>;
d. n Fl-1i.. ISill; n*. Ului- llill.< .\vf . Ilttd. r//..-
1. Ciuidaw (linihiini), h. i Feb., l?.«i.
2. Klililv ((iniliaili). b. 211 Nov.. 171)7.
3. Fuiiii'y i;Gniliaiii). b. 2» Sept.. ITJ'J.
4. Sidlv ((Iraliiiin), b. 27 June. ISOl.
.■). .Abigail (Graham), b. Hi Apl., iJMi I
FA>r. :!. Jonathan" (Joim.,^ Jomi..* Joim.,' John,' .Mm'), ni, 15 Oet., 1709, Anna
Brown, li. 7 Jan., 1776, who d. 24 Dec, 18,57; he d. 25 June, ISGl. Ch. {nil e.c-
eept :i and 7 its. and d. at Iininmliad in Ulfd.):
li. Heiijaliiin (Ciahaiu). b. Si Sept., 1807.
7. Laiini K. ((iRiliiiin), b. 22 Mch., ISII'.l.
8. .loiiathan liidwell lOiabiim), b. 211 Feb., 1811;
rt*.-;. .loiiesvillir, Mich.; had a s, of same name,
n. ,Ia.M)ii .1. (tiraham), 1). « Del.. 18l:i; ie,«. Ulfd.
10. (ieon_'e((;rabMnO. b. .5 .In lie. 1S18.
:). .lonatban. b. 27 Meh.. 1777. (•■.\M. 3.
4. Jame.^, h. f, Meh.. 17s:i. Kam. 4.
.-1. Nathaniel, bp. 7 Alt';.. 17Si; (Why. Cli. Iter.)
Fam. ."> (proli.).
1. Anna, I). 22 July. IStXl; d. iiiimda Feb.. 1S7I!.
2. Pollv, b. 9 Jan.". 18112; ni. Hiram Roberts, 2.|
Nov.. lS2."i. and d. ."> Feb., l.'iVi. U'".:
1. Hiram liidwell (Kobcrts), b. 14 Aim . l.Sili; d.
!.•> Jan., l&il.
2. Slarv Seielia (lioberts), 1). 2:3 Mch., 1828; d. 26
Di-e., is;!ii.
.3. Saiah Ann (Roberts), b. 14 Oct., 1829; d. 29
Julv, 1,S4.5,
4. .Marv JaiieiRubort!!). b.3nOct..l831; ni. Geo.
Mills. 8 .Sept.. ia-)2. d. 22 Nov.. 1855. Ixmf :
1. Hiram Roberts (Mills). 1). 28 Oct.. 185:5;
res. cm Mills homestead, BIfd.; lawyer
doiiif; bnsiiiess in lltfd; in. 20 Sept.,
^2. J. KL'itha Wy ckoff ; has Issue:
Hiram \V\ekoir, b. 2S Sept., 1S83.
5. George Bidwell (Robert.^) b. 3 Sepi , 18:33; d.
22 Sept., 18:U.
G. F.milvlRoberl.si, Ii. 21 Xov..l8.S6: ni. Linus
T. Fenn, ISOci. lS.i9. /.'sue:
1. John Roberts (Fenio, b. 1:3 Jnlv. ISIio.
2. .Marv Roliert.s (Fcnn), b. 12 Nov., 1S«7;
re.«. ll.-vSin Hartford, Coim.
7. I'aroiinc (Rolx'its), b. 11 Mch. l.'Hl; iiiinrd;
res. (ISS'.I) Hartford, Conn.
:S. Olive, b. 2 June, l.sol; d. 2;i July, l.^i-^l; uniird.
4. Eliza, b. I'.l June, ISlHi; m. Festiis Moses, 1851,
and d. 12 AUL'.. lS7i;.
5. Nabbv, b, 18 Nov., 181)8; d. 10 Mav. 1S14.
li, Lavinia, b, :il Julv, 181(1; d. '.) .Mav. 1812.
7, Emilv, li, :il .Mill., lsl:t; in, Nalllan Flint Mil-
ler, 211 Nov., ]s:l,-,, and d, 12 Sept.. IM.x Clii/'/rn,:
1. Franklin l',id»ell(.Milleri. b. 4 Jan., 18:i8: m.
Marvi'. Davis of Northampton, Mass., 25
Oct.', lS(i5. Chihlnn:
1, Marv Emilv, b, \?, Oct , ISlili.
2. Aniiie Bidwell. b. 15 Nov., 1803.
.3. Haltie Davi.s. b. 1 Oct., 1S70. .
4. Louie Isadore, b. lOUet., '72; d. 111 Aim-., '7:3.
5. l.ucins Frank, b. :3 .Mav. "75; d. 11 Auf;.. '70.
6. Fiaiikliu Bidwell I Miller), b, 10 Oct., 1877;
res, (1,S.S!I) Harll'ord. Cmin.
2. Lucius Starr, b. :! Nov., 1840; m. 12 Jnlv, 1871,
Isadore Kills of Lafavelte. lud, CIdldreii:
1, Charles Ellis, b, 4 Nov., 1,S72.
2. Carrie Sherwooil, b, 21> May. 1871: d. 21) Mch,
1881; res. 41 Madison St.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
8. .Tonalhan Hiram, b, 2S .May. 181G; d, 25 June,
1819, nnmarricd.
'J. Nabby Lavinia, b. 8 Jan., 1820; d 20 Mch.. IStiO.
Fam. 4. ia.mes' (Jona.,^ Jona..* Jona.,^ John,' John'^)m.{V)\A-i\-u\ii S wetland, Nov.
(TlKinksgiving day), 1803, who was b. 3 Jan. 1784, and d. 10 Sept., 1S21, ;e. :!7
( ll'iy. Vh. li,c.); (3) 12 June, 1822 ( Why. Ch. liic) Wxd. Abi.gail (Stougbton) Allen,
who d. 28 Feb., 1831; (3) 21 Dec, 1831, Olive Goodwin Tyler, b. 26 June, 17iW,
who d, fc. NS; he d. 2!S Nov., 18.5o. Children ( Wlii/. Ch. Itic.) Idj M mnrriayc :
1. James, b. 1:3 .May, 18li:3. Fam. 0.
2. Lrivicia, b. 20 .Jan., 1805; Iperhaps the L. who m,
Giddinijs Demin, o.Xm;.. 1823; res. ll.S8!)i New
Brilain, Coiiu,. with her dan, Mrs. Marv Stednian).
:;. Cordelia, b. 24 Jan., 1807; m. Whiton ;
d. 8 Ocl., 1853; s,. Porter Whiton, bldr., res. 2^10
Laurel St., Ulfd,; dan., Mrs, Chas. Fuller, iw.
Biiekinu'ham Sl„ lltfd.
4. Nathan, b, 18 July, 1800; m, ; had 1 ch..
.\iii:iisla, who 111. Sevmoiir Smith and res. New
P.rilain; he d. 14 Feb",. 1885.
5. Hoiton, b. 24 Mch.. bp. 20 Sept.. 1812; m. ;
d, I'.l Nov., IS.-,7; had 2 ch,, Jas. II. and Eliza-
beth, res. Ulfd., .SO Bnckiii!.diam SI,
B. Anson Lorenzo, b. 21 Sepl.. ISl 1, bp. 11 June, 1815;
d. 1 1 June. l.'vS8; 2 sons in Hlfil., Frank (.Ellia Life
Ins. Co.), Waller,
7. Julia, b. 8 Dec, 1817. bp. 11 Oct., 1818; m. Sidney
Colton of Hartford luid Bloonilleld,
8, Savissa, b, 10 .Mav, bp. 2:3 Anu'-. 1810; umn'd; res.
(1880) wilh her sister, .Mrs. Colloii.
Till .id ni>u'i'/iitit>:
(I. Sainnel Waller, b. 27 -Mch.. b|i. 24 Ans;., 182.3;
res (18S0) 72 riiickini^bani St.. Hartfonl. I'onu.
10. Sarah Eli/.abelli, b. :il Jan.. bp. 0 Am;, 1820; d.
0 An.;;., 1865.
l'"\M. 5, Nathaniel" (■/"««.,'■ ■./i'"'«.,^ ■/'"'«., ^ </«/'«,'' '/"A" '). "u- 'rripluna Parsons,
11 Feb., 1810; res, Bll'd; prob. d, 13 Jlch., 1868, Chiklien {Why. Ch. li,r.):
1, Triphena. bp. 21 Jnlv, d. 28 1)ec., 1811. i 5. Cornelius, lip. !) An:;., 1818 ; d. 25 Apl., 1820.—
2, Nathaniel, bp. 20 Sept., 1812; res, lUSfl) Blfd. UV/y. Cli. AVc.
:3. Jonathan, bp. 8 .Mav, 1814; " •' 6, Lucia, bp. 29 July, 1821; res. (188!li Blfd.
4, ( yrus, bp. II .VuL'.lSlO; " " I 7. Cornelius, bp. 28 Oct., 1827; d. 1889.
Fam. 0. James, Jr.' (James,' Jona.,^ Jona.,* Juna.,' John,'' John'), in. Electa Gris-
WOld, 10 Nov.. 1836 (Tl%, Ch. Kc.); lie d. 12 Jan., 1835, Childnn:
Delia, h. 22 Julv, ls:51; m. Austin .M.Ward,
15 Nov., ls."):5; res. Ulfd, Conn.; C/iil'Irm:
1. Stella I Wardi, b, .5. d, 11 Nov., 1860,
2. .Mabel iWardl. b, 2 Mch,, ISO-S; m, 19 Jnnc,
l,s.'<8, (has. E. Cameron, Ml).; res. (1891)
Montrcjil, Can.
3. Edith (Wardi. b, 25 Sept.. ISOB,
4, James A. (Waril), 1). :S1 Dec., 1873.
Jehiel m, Hhoda Shaw, 23 Nov., 180:-t.— .S /;. Jonathan ni, I?oxy Cadwell, 14
Oil,, ^x^is. Jonathan, Jr. in. Anna Brown, Hi .Mrh., 180i».— »%. Ch. liic.
Vol. II. — 10
Jonathan's " youngest ch. scalded to death " n Apl., 1H12; also Hiiother cli d. 11
May, 1814, le. 5— TI7»/. Ch. Rec. Prudence ("id.) d. 14 Feb. 1703, a'. Sll yrs.—
U7»/. Ch. liec: Rachel d. 27 May. IT'.iJ. .iv 41.— H7»/. Ch. Ref. Ephraim <i. 2."i
.June, \mv.—K.)\:c.R. Sarah d. ii A|.l . istiu— /•■. W.c.u. Ml,-. Editha
(Bichvcll) d. 6 Mch. 1820, iu. 7S.— A'. D.
Charles H. (b. Manchester, Couii.), m. Eliza A. Coop, b. Glastonbury, Conn.,
and .sister of George Burnhaui's wife; sett. So. W.; bed. 12 Aug., 1874, a\ 6."> yrs.,
7 m. Children :
1. Iii'ui- K., m. Nov.. l.'i-4. Wm. 1-". (». Abner B.)
Andrews "f ^-n- ^V
2. ('hiirl,> II.. .)r.. il, MiimhoU-r, Conn., 29 Anp..
LSILS, :i.. l-i yi-., s 111.
3. Mmv l(.
4. Frank 1, . d 24 Oct , 1KT3, ic. H v.. 8 nio., al So.W
BIDDLE, Ephraim ("■ l>oct(ir')—iii-rb;iiis the Dr. Kplirai f K. llllil, wliuni. 21
Oct., 174G, Margaret (dau. Ebcuezer and Hannah) Blssell. He d. 25 June, 1831, a'.
72 (A'. U'. 61.); his wife Sarah d. 12 June, 1811, vc. 4'J.— A'. VI'. 0. Ch. (E. W.C.ll.):
1. . bp. lil Feb., 1786.
■i. Claris."!!, (
8. Waix'haui. 4
4. Chlw. I)|i, 4 Junif. IW
.'». . lip. fjirlv in 17SH.
6. . ch. .1, 14 Jun.-. ir.Hfl. -/■.'. !1 . C. I!
bp. 19 Nov.. nsO; \V il 1^58.
-K. IV.C./l.
7. John. bp. r, Apl., I7«i
8. 8arah, bp. 27 Fi-b., 17U1; il. '.I Apl.. IHliil.
». Horace.
1-2. Julia,
BILLINGS, John, m. Huklah Woicott, 28 Nov., 1812.— N. /,'. Leonard m.
Mar-ant Thompson, 14 Apl., l.s3G.— .5. B. Samuel ui. Irene Spencer, 21
Nov., ISM. — s, /,', Harriet Harmeliabp. 6. Jan., ISoO.- S. /;
BIRGE (Hirdge, IJurge), Richard, lanie from Dorchester with Mr. W.nliain, ol
whose church he was a member. Had home-lot in \V. Feb. (i. ItUO (see pp. 152, 543,
Vol. I); also 10 acres " beyond the 2d Pine Plain, west si<le of Milll>rook, and 8 acres
south of Jlillbrook, 8} acres on the side of Pine Hill," and many other lots on
both sides of the river, which were afterward owned by his son Daniel, deeds dated
before ir,46. He purchased land in W. of Nathan tJillct, 1014; of James Eno. 1047;
was juror, 1649; m. Elizabeth (dau. William) Gaylord, 5 Oct., 1041; was buried
29 Sept., 1051 (Coi. Ric); his wid. m. (2) Thos. Iloskiiis of \V. C/t. {/jp. 0. C. R):
1. .John. b. iri42: d. lr»4.'J. - O. C. It.'
•!. Daiiifl, b. 21 (O. C. It.) Nov., lOH. Fam. 2.
:t. Eli»ilH'ili (»«■ O.C. It.\.
4. William, b, -iS-Iiilv. If.Jfi; d. soon.— I'oss. the
rh. of Rich. Ii. who'd. VM.— O. C. It.*
h. .lertMiiiali. h, (1 JIav. IlilK. l.Vccordins: 1o C<t'.
Ilfr. li. 14 .Ian.. llH'.i|.'i()|. which af;rec.« nithrtvc
j;ivcn in lad line of tollowin;; cxt, from H'. /.V<-.:
•■ Oct. 22. IIHW. .lorfiniah lliri;c bi'inir in the woods
alone while hi« hrolher wa.** gone honu' with a
load of wimhI. he went ai;ain for more wo(h1, [and|
ftiinul his hrother Iviiii.' tmder the limhi* of a tree
which had fallen uheii he wen! from him; ami
he returned home and .loliii (;avloril and .John
llir<:e u«'nl with hitii to the place, and found .lere.
miah lyinu on his face on llu* •,;roinid an<l thntr
hoii-^hs prcsfinj: him down, one "cro.ss hit* neck,
and another 'cro.ss his waist, oiu' "cross his le;:s.
So they tiol him tan and earrie<l hint home the
2:ld day. Tile cjinse of his death jndired hy si.\
men ntnneil bv the Constable, to be bv the fall of
the tret! npon him. {He] wju* bnrietl. ayetl 20 years
and a half." .\cc. to (llil Ch. liir. he wajj the" only
inliab. of W. who il. in the year llltW.
.leremiah. after his father's tlcatli, hadrontraeletl
(19 Dec., lllia) with his stepfather iloskins to
serve him until he was 21 years tild. in consitlera-
lit>n t>f a lot tif lantl K. sitle the (rt. Kiver, and a lot
on W. si(h* of street opp. Hoskins's himse; and in
cjw*e of .ier.'s death, his liro. .lohii was tit serve on!
his time for hint; aiitl if II. slitiiihl die Itefttre.lcr..
the latter was ttt si-rve out his full time It) llie est.
.\s .ler. at lime ttf his dealli lacked ti mtis. tif full
lime of his service, .lohn fnltilled lite contract and
hail the land, as a;;reetl.]
(1. .lohn. h. 14. b|i. 211 .Ian., ItHll jjOJ. Fam. 3.
7. .loseph. b. 2 Nov.. VM: contribnli.d 3.4. lo the
Conn, fmid for " poor of the other ctilonies," I(i7lj
y<i\,t Ch llf.y. tl. 18 .Inly, 17ii.->; his wife .Marv d.
11 Apl.. iram ((V. /I'fC.l: .loseph, a first settler of
l.itclilleld. was proh. their son. Joseph also liati
.hniiiij. It. 22 Sept.. 11.811.
Fa.m. 2. Daniel' (/iV'-Artcd I), m. Deborah (ilati. Thomas) Holcomb of ILnlfonl,
5 Nov., 1008, "by Mr. .John Allen"; propouinled for freeman May, lOTO; hail ilic
hoine.sleiid; d. 20 Jan., 16'J7/8; she d. 20 May, lOSO. Childnn :
1. Klizaheth. b. 2.1 Apt. lii'li: d. in ll>78. — O.f. II. Ii. Daitiel. 1. .1 Dec.. Iiis2.
2. Itehorali. It. 2<i Nov., IllTI. 7. .Mn^'ail, It. IBS-I.
3. i;ii/.alMth. h. 3 Felt,, 1674. H. .lohn. It. lil Scpl , IIW!!. Fam 1
4. .Marv, It, 2.'i Dec, kit;; m. iK-f. fatherVtlealh. -i- (I. Citlln'lius, It. SO Jldv, 11191. Fam. j
.'t. I lei, h 18 Sept., 1(18(1; d. l2.lan.,lliKI. -Co/. /;. 10. Esther, It. I(>97.
• Knilil the fact that under tlie Hiline year (IGl)l the Old Ch. Itrc. notes dealli of ./ohii Hiri;; and also
thai of " ItiehanI Bir^, a child," it i» powlhle that the latter uulry rufi.T!i lo this John, and that the John llrsl
laciitioncU »a» an udult, iiau. father qf Richard,
TlIK lllliiJlO I'AiMll.Y. (.')
Fam. :i. John- {Ru-It<ird'), m. II;iim:ili (tliui. Robert) WatSOn, '28 Mcli. (D. C/i.Iiec),
1678; ho (1. 3 Dec, 1697; she d. 21 .luly. 1G90; lie rrcciveil, by will, his irniiidfatlier
Gaylord's estate. Children. :
I. .Tohii, 1). 4 Feb., ICTS. (Old C/i. Hei;.). I 3. Jerciniuh, b. 22 Supt.., IIM!. Fam. (J.
3. Hannah, li. 17 .liino, ICKS. I '1. Mary, b. i) (Sept., 1{!«8.
Fam. 4. John' (D/iinel,' Richnnl'). m. Abigail Marshall "f Xortlwniiploii, 16
>'ov., 1702. Children:
1. Abigail, b. 13 .lul.v. 170(i; d. 18 Dec, 1718. | 2. Samuel, b. 7 .Tune, 1707.
Fv\r. 5. ComeWus' (Daniel,'' Rirhard^), m. Sarah Loomis, 8 Feb., 1721; he d.
23 June, 1763; she died 2 Oct., 1776. Children:
1. Sarab, b. 5 Mch., 17223; m. a Swetland.
2. Isaac, b. 2« .Inly, 172.5, (1. 1701, or 3; left est. U\
bro. .Tonatban.
3. Ahiuail, bp. al lic.llc.n. ,s Feb., 1788 (D- H'- /'■)■
4. Esther, b. 1.") Feb., lip. P.iillon 20 Feb. (!>■ H' P)
1731 2: ni. .lames Spencer, 21 Nov., !7.">1.
.S. .Iimathan l(':ipl.K b. 1734; d. 1770. Fa.m. 7.
0. Hannah, b, 172;; m. a Grant.
FiUt. 6. Jeremiah' (J»hii"- Riehurd^), m. Mary Griswold, 1 .Tan., 1718. He d.
15 Sept., 1776, of epidemic dysentery (HiiistMe's i\'. S. C. Rec.). Ch. :
1. .Teremiah, b. 23 Dec. 171(1. I 4. David, b. 16 May, 1725. | 7. Hannali, li. 18 Mch., 1731:
2. Mary, b. 23 Aug., 1721. .5. Ann, b. 28 Ort., 172«. 8. Mindwell, b. %i Mch., 1733.
3. .John, b. 23Apl., 1723. I (i. Peleiiah,b.8Sept., 17:M. Fam.S. | 9. Luey, b. 23 Sept., 173B.
Fam. 7. Jonathan' (Capt.) (Corndiim,' Daniel,'' Richard^), m. Priscilla Ham-
mond lit liciltiiii, 34 Mch., 1763, where he sett.; d. 10 Nov., 1776, in 43d year, at
Stamford, f'onn., of wounds rec'd at battle of White Plains, at head of his ("o.; his
wid. ni. (3) Dca. Aniasii Loomis. Children :
1. Isaac b. 1 Mch., 1761. I 4. Anne. | y., 1 mo., 4 davs.
2. .Jonathan. Fam. 9. S.Ruth. -^(E.W.U. mil K.W. C ^l^.
3. Priscilla, b. 4! Apl.. 17r!0. | 6. Simeon, d. ai Oct., 1792, le. 19 |
F.\M. 8. Peletlah' (JcremiaJi,' John,'' Riehard^), in. Mary Grant; res. AV.; d. 2'J
Nov., 1814, se. 86; she died 25 Nov., 181.5, oe. 79. Ch. :
1 . Dan'l. b. M .lulv, 17CS: d. 13 Sept., 1803 (11'. C.R.).
■:. David, b. m Sept.. 177(1; d. 27 Aug., 1847.
:',. F,li. b. IS Oct., 1772: res. SulHeld, t'onn. Fam. 10.
4. Rbod.a. b. SSepl.; res. Windsor Locks; single.
-,. Setb. b. 17.1nue, 1776: d. 16 Oct., 1777.
6. Achsah, b. 23 Mch., 1778; res. sini;le, W'sr Locks.
7. Setli, b. 26 Feb., 1780: res. New Hartford, N. Y.
8. Asa, b. 29 Jan., 1782; res. single, W.
!l. Horace, b. :W Aug., 1784; res. W. L.; single.
10. .\le.\ander, b. 23 Aug., 1780; d. 15 Jniie, 1789.
Fam. 9. Jonathan' (Jona.,' Cornelivn,'' Daniel,'' Rirhurd'), m. (1) Dec, 1791, Mary
(dau. Smith) Bailey, who d. 4 Sept., 1793. "Mrs. Polly The Amiable Consort of
M'. .Jonathan Birire, d. 4 Sept., 1793, a;. 21 " {E. W. O. and E. )!'. C. R.); m. (2)
Sarah Warner, 8 May, 1794, who d. 31 Apl., 18.55, te. 80. Jonath;iu Birge was a
cabinetmaker, his shop being on land now owned by Geo. O. Clapp, So. W., and
much of the be.st old furniture of the neighborhood is referred to as of liis make,
lie also played the big viol, and was the leailing mu.sical characti'r of town and
church. He died suddenly while working on Ihi^ house of Abiah Wolcott, 12 Dec,
1830, 80. 52. 67/. hy Jul mar. (hji. K. W.C.R.):
1. Bailey, h. 4. \ng.,l)p. 8 Sept. ,1793. I 5. M.arv Bailcv, b. 12 Apl.. bp. 1.-) .lune, l.SOO; m.
(Hi/. '(/'mar.): Wyllis Stoughton, 22-25 Nov., 1821. — /^ /y.
2. Backus, b. N, bi). 15 Feb.. 1795: d. 29.Jidv, lKi2 0. Saiah Warner, b. 28 Mch., bp. 1 Aug., 18U2; m.
(or':i7i: was 1st hnsb.of .Mrs. Roderick Terry .lasim Sage of Htfd, 2:i May, 1.827. —Ji. I).
of Htfil. He had .7/.; | 7. Francis, b. 22 Dec, ISO:!, bp! 15 Apl., 1801 (A". U'.
1 Henry Warner, I , ,„ ,, ,,,.,. „ ■,• ,. r. : ('. U.): d. 1840. Fam. 13.
2. .Martha Hiplev. ( "!'■ ''' '""'' i»-'- —.c. ii .!.,.«. g "Hcry, b. 22 Feb.. 1808 lone accianil savs '071; his
3. .Inlius. b. 24 Sej>t.. bp. 2 Oct., 1790. Fam. 11. bp. cut. in /?. IP. C. R. as 12 .Inlv. IS07. Kam. 14.
1. Kdwiii, b. S (or 9) .June, bp. 22 July, 1798. Fam. 12. ,
Fam. 10. E.\\'^ (Peletiah,* Jeremiah,'' John,' Richard^), m. Charlotte Barnard. 6'//. .•
!. Orrin. b. :*)<)et.. 180.5. 1 3. Tirzah, d. a?. 17. I 5. Sidney. I 7. Rulh.
2. Harriet. | 4. Horace. j 0. Luman. | 8. Kli.
F.\m. 11. Julius' (./""«.,' Jona.,' Corneliwi,' Daniel,' Ric/mrd'), m. (1) Msiry Ann
(dau. Timothy) StOUghton, 25 Nov., 1824 (R. D.); she b. E. W. 4 Mch., 1805:
d. E. W. II. 13 Sept., l.s:iS; in. (2) Eineline (dau. Asa) Bowe, 5 Nov., 1839, who
was b. 1 Nov., 1808, E. \V. II. He d. K. W. II. 22 Sept., 1846. Children (hy M
nair., h. E. V,\ 11.):
1. Frederic Arthnr, b. 10 Dw., 1826; bp. 27 May, I d. E. Htfd 17 Oct., 18,89: bu. K. W. H.
1827; d. unm"d San Francisco, Cal.. 14 Feb., Isii5. («y iil mm:) b. K. \V.:
2. Juliett Warner, b. .'iO Meh.. bp. 5 Dec.. lM.iO; ! 3. Mary Ann, li. 10 Sept., 1811.
1. U.iiriT Pitkin. 1>. 4 Nov., 1821. 1>|>. If. Jan.. IM-i'S.
Kam. lo.
a. ClmrlnllcUmis;!. h. S Sept.. 18-37: il. (So. 11'.) 3
Uit.. 1M.">, ri\ IS.
a. K(l« iiril Bailiv, li. 20 Sept.. ISil ; (1. SH July, Is.',?.
4. t'liarl. -i Klnuf. li. -ii A|ll., 1831. Fam. Hi.
Fam. 12. Edwin*^ (./</««.," Joiui.,' Ooriieliiiii,' Dmiiel,' liirfimil '). m. (1 ) Huldali (sister
of Pilkiii) Elmer of So. W., 23 Dec, 1K23; roin. to West, wIkmc sli,' d. 22 .nm.,
1837, !i>. 40; lu' 111. (2) 15 Aug., 1837, Niionii (sister of AslilxO) Olmsted of E. II.,
who il. 20 Aug., 1840, -.v. :i."i; in. (3) Esther (ihiu. Flavel) Whiton of NiriioM,
Comi.. 2 Nov., 1S41; he il. 28 Aug., 1S43, iv. Xr,, his will. ni. (■-') Knink Wood-
WOrth ; res. So. W., liy whom she hinl s. FImvcI ( Woiuhvoilh), wli.i ]ii. .M.iltic S
Ihirt, 15 Oct., 1874. V/i. (hi/ 1st mm:) :
( //// ,''/ rnarriiif/f ) :
,-.. 'MMrllia Naomi, li. Ill .\n-j.. IsKl; l.p. 3 Mcli . ISU;
ailnpti'il liv hiTfalhcr'ssi^li r. Ml> Wvllys Slipih.'h-
Ion. wilh whom sin- rrw. iiniil Iut mar. 118118) willi
Kliznr K. Is. Kraiuis) Bancroft of So. W.
fi. I.iicv Maria, li. 3 Aug., 1SI2; l)|). 27 Aul'., 184:) (ace.
to K iy.C.Jl), «li. calls luTilau. of Kilwiii Jt Lmi/.
Fa.m. 13. VrRr\C\s' (Toiiii.,^ Jiinii.,' foriuHiiK,' Daniel,'' RkhanP). nierch't, llmlfoiil;
m. nmrloll,- Flint of E. \\.. 17 Apl., 1834. Ch.:
1. George R, li. H Sept., 1S;B. | 3. J.inu-s F., b. !M Dec.. 1S43: d jr, .Inly. Isl4
2. Irene O., li. 27 Oct., 1K;«<; d. 29 Mill , ISIl. | I. Waller K., li. 7 Apl., l»lii.
FA^f. 14. Henry' {■loim.,'' Jciki.,* CorndhixJ' Didii'i/,' /{ir/uird'). iiiinht, llMrHord:
111. .lime K. Filley, !) May, 1836. 67/. .•
1 William ll.niy, li. 7 Jan.. ]»«. | 2. Mary Ann, 1). 2li Oct., 1&30. | 3. Charles Warner, 1>. 2:i Mch.. 1S41.
F.\M l.-i. Roger P." (Kdirin,'- Jiina.,^ Jonn.* CorndiiiK,* Daniel,- Uidianl'), m. (1)
17 Feb.. ls.-,:i, Isal.elle L. Reed, I). 30 July, 1834, who d. 2 Apl., 18<!0; (2) 4 Dee.,
1S()7, Helen M. DeForest, h. I .Tilly, 1835; rem. to Ohio; thence to Nebraska. Ch.:
1. Marv K., 1>. .30 Mav. 18.-V1. i 4. Alice I,., 1). 9 Julv. ISIil : (1. Nov., 1RS3.
■i. Willis H., li. il h'eli., IS,-,7. .'i. Isahella K.. h. Ill .Meh.. ISCIl; il. 2.-1 June, 1S7I1.
3. Martha U., Ii. 27 June, 1S.-9. I
Fam. 1(1. Charles E,' {Khrin,^ Juna.,^ Jonn.,* Corneliiin,' Daniel," Hie/iard'), III. 6
Apl.. isiu, Kiiiiii.i Bonser, li. 29 Oct., 1842; res. Nebraska. Cli. :
I. Kclw ill. 11. :W July. l.SI'iO. I 2. Slelhl,l>.»Sept.,187ll:il.8l>i'c.. issl. I 3. Kraneis. li. 7 .Inly. 1872.
Simeon, .1. 25 Oct., 1792, te. -iO.—E. W. C. Ii.
BISBEE, Jared, m. Lydl.-i Eady, 7 .lun., 1821 (.s' /.'.); wife of .l.Mc.l (1. Hi .Tan.,
1S20, .-med 41. — N. /;.
Jared, <1. s .Jan., 1S51, ju. 75 {S. /!.); .she d. 15 jAIay, 1S37, .e. 57. — >'. A*.
Elijah, bp 23 Sept., 1827 (-S'. B.). Mrs. d. 1 Oct., 1800, or 7, re. 71. — N. /?.
BISHOP, Sally, :e 4(1, d is M, h , iTici. — 11'. r. /.'.
BIVENS, Chauncey, m. Abigail Cahoon, Id .\|.l . Is27. —.'<'. /I.
BISSELL (Byssell). [The genealogy of this family in the lirsl edilimi of this work
w.is mainly by Kev. ('li.Mtl.KS II. Bisskm., then of K.W. Hill; the [.itehlield liraneh
w.is furnished by Dea. II. U. Bi.ssKl.l. of Litehlield. In this revision we have been
indebted to Ihe labors of .Toiin (!. IJissKi.i, of Konie. N. Y., .iiid .Miss Ei.viuv (".
Ci..\fiMir K. \V. Mill.
It issomewh.'il girobable that this family is of Huguenot origin, many of whom
lied lo Kngland (o escape the perseculions which followed Ihe massacre of St. IJar-
Iholomew, 1.572. The family in England is but lillle known, and has but one coat-
of arms, which is of a religious, rather than a warlike, chaiacter, and is thus de-
scribed ill ISiiiki'K Ciimplele Arniiin/ : " HissKi.i,, (in., on a bend, nr : three escal-
lops, «<(. CreMl, a demi eagle, with w-ings displayed, «».; charged on the neck with
an escallop shell, i>r. jMolto, ' [n reeta Deeim' — In rectitude. Honor."
The family of .loii.s, who came to Windsor, is the only one of the name known
to liavi- come to this couiiliy. Tradition asserts that this .Toiin, wilh a brolhir
7 'A"//"'.", came from Co Soniersel, TOng., lo I'lymouth, Mass., 1 028, and that Die
hitler died at I'lymoulli, or ret. to Eng., which is doubtful; as also is the traditiim
rUV. lUSSKI.t. FAMir.Y. I 1
lli.il ThniiKis 111. ^111 Iiiilinn girl, il:ui. of tlio 1'(ii|Uiimmiic saclicm. and diril wilhnul
issiR', — |)rol):ilily a Tiiixcd version iif a similar trad, conccruiug Thus., son of John.
John, tiic fonndor of tlio W. line of Bissells, sett, at W. before 1640 see )ip. 152, .140,
544, Vol. I.); ree'd l(!4S'or '49, a .s^Tant from the Col. Ct., of the monopoly of a ferry
aeross the C'onn. River, located on the E. side, near the wharf belonging to the (Juarry
Co., — "the road on E. side of the Conn. River leading from it followed the present
road E. to the foot of the hill, thence a N. easterly course up the hill across the
farm known as the George Prior farm, where the road now has the aii]M!arance of
being very ancient." — (Maj. S.-un'l "W. r..irtlett. in (Inhhn Wrddiiiij nf Julni llixncn
II nd Kliziihcth, TIkhiiiikihi, ISTO).
Evidences seem to point to the fact that Bissell had buill on the east side of the
river as early as 1(>5'.)-60. In KiG'.?. he gave his homestead with the ferry in Old W.
to his son John, and rem. with his .son Nathaniel to the east side, below the month
of the Scant ic: bcin.g, probably, the first f.-imily to actually reside on the cast siile.
■' 'I'liiTc Ii:hI licen cellars and houses earlier, and in 1fi48 AVilliani Hills solil a ' dwell
liduse, barn, and appurtenances," but these had probably only been occupied by la-
borers who cultivated these meadows, most of the hay being put in 'ricks' (hay-
.stacks) and drawn to the west side on the ice, in winter." — ././/. ITniiih'n. 'i'hir-
teen years later (King Philip's War) the Bissclls had neighbors and their house was
fort ilied and garrisoned, as was Thos. Biirnham's at Podunk, H or 4 miles below.
John, Jr., asked, in Hi()8, to be released from his ferry contract, which wasgrantcil
on condition that some one could be found to take his jilace. Perhaps, from that
time, the location of the ferry was rem. down to the mouth of the Scantic; but cer-
tainly, as early as 1C7T, Nathaniel B. was ferryman there, and the ferry was still
known as Bissell's Ferry. The landing on the E. sidi^ was changed to the south
side of the Scantic nearly a century ago. John, Jr. d. at the homestead in W.,
1693, and was succeeded there by his sou Daniel, b. Kid:!; " he by his s Daniel, b.
1(594; he by his son Daniel, who remained on the homcstcail until IT'.H). when lie
removed to Randolph. Vt., the old house being sold to Jacob Osborne, who rem. it
to another [lart of the town. The whole of the original John Bissell home lot in
Old Windsor is now (1S91) unilcr a hi.irh state of cultivation, and owned and occu-
pied by Messrs. Henry and Steplirn Hills; and their liou.se, erected by Josiah Bis-
sell, about 1800, stands ab(]Ut 'Jll rods north of the site ot tlw oriuiiial .b.lui I'.i^xH
house." — ./. //. lliijiiJcii.
JohtT, Sr., d. :! Oct.. KiTT, av 8(!; his wife d. 21 May. 1041 (O. V. It). Children:
1. .iiiliTi. t). I^Iiit;. l''.\M. 'i. 4. Sjiimn'I. I''.\>i. 1.
'J, 'flioinus. I). Kn^'. I''am. .1 5. Niifliiiiiii'i. Ii. in WinilMir. 24 Si'|il. (c;. C. II.Y. tip.
:i. Maiy. Ii. Kii::. liiiiil |mi1ml>ty Ihe i-I.Ii-!^t i-li.) , 27lli. li;4_!l. V\t.\. .5.
m. -lacnti Drake, l- Apt.. Ki^tli, ■' now it is 'J.") (j. .loyci'. in. Sainm-I Pinney, 7 N'nv. ICd.'i.
ycjiiv aiiil in-*\rr liaii a cliilit." — (Mil Vli. Itir. I
F\M. 2. John'' i.Min'). m. (1) 17 June, 1058, Isabel Mason of Saybrook, Conn.,
and ilau. of Major John Mason; she d. 29 Meh., 10(;5 {(>. >'. R); m. (2) , 1669.
He had the homestead on W. side Conn. River; and with his bro. Nathaniel, owned
a saw-mill (1609) on the E. side; kept the ferry from 1058-1008. He is prob. the
John B. who acknowledged tlie Ibill Way Cov't in VV.CIi. 27 Nov., 10.59(/A f. /.'.).
Hed. I09:i. C/i/ldirn:*
1 , Marv, 1>. ti Fell,. n;.VS '11. • ti. liracl;iali. li. :!ii A|il.. IIW); (1. iH'ar Allmiiv, N. Y..
■i .Inlin. I).. 1)|). 1-2 .May. IllMI.— O. r. ff. T'"am. (i. 17 Oct., ITiKI, in llic- ({luvn Anni'V War.
:!. I)ani(4, 1i. 'Jfl Scpt«"li;i3. - Kam. 7. i 7. Ann, li. 2S Apl., I(ir.''i; liwaiiiL- a<l wife iif ('apt.
1. Doi-otliv, li. Ill Auj;., Iiiil.'j. I Daniol White i>r \V.
.-I. .Iiisiali.'li. lOOrl.. llira. Fam. 8. I S. Jernniali. Ii. as Kct)., 1077. Fam. !l.
Fwi. ?,. Thomas' (•/"/'" '), m. 11 Oct., 1655, Abigail (dan. of Dea. John) Moore;
sett. ]■:. side of the Great River; d. 31 July. 1689. In his will, probated 1 1 Nov. lOsj),
' " Samuei. BlS!iKLI., son of Jnlni. nianii-il Aliiuail, ilaimlilur (if William Filliij, i\n\f. 2(1, lli.S(); !»■ an year
olil .". nf last Apt., his wife -ti till' aist of last Aim. Ilii' ilaii(.'htcr, AliiLMiii, was born Aug. tin- :!, 16S1."— O. C.R.
Saimiel (si. of Owiai anil Mary Lmmh) Tiulor of K.VV., li. B DiT., lrj.52, m. .*! Oct., lti.S.5. Abigail (Filley)
will, of Ilis-i-ll; she .1. S .Tan., 1707.
ni:ide31 Aug., 1688, he meutious di. Thos., Bcnj., Epli'm, Isaac, Abigail, Elizabeth,
and Sarah. — Unrt. Co. Pinlxite litc. In 1655 lie Ijouglit lioiise and land (Hi acres)
of Tlios. Gilbert, formerl.v the lionie-lot of Jusiali Hull, W. side Main St., opposite
Hull's house in W. He and his wife ackiiowlcdired the Half- Way Covenant in W.
Church, he on 31 Jan. and she 28 Feb.. ir>57 (O. C. It). ('/,. (0. C. II) :
1. Tliomas, b. 20ct. (or 12). 1C50; lip. 7 Fell., 10.".7 Daiiirl White, .inil iiu.lliiT of I{.'v. Tlio?. Wliiii',
— O. (:. H. Fam. 10. S-'iad Y. C. 17*1: puslur iil Et<illiiii. Ciiini. (llextcr's
2. Aliisail. I). 23 Nov., l&IS. "Al 20 yr». of yse m. .1 «/»//» Y.C). Slu- it. IliillUlil. .Miik«.. 18 .Iiilv. 170.).
Nilllrl Tajctor,'' 17 Oct., 11178. -< .^.Y'<• -y , H. Isimr(l.i™i.),li.22Sf|il.. llWi. ^W l!^;- F.Ml.12.
i. .lobii. Ii. 2fi .Jan., lliGO. -^^ *^.3S I y. K|)liiuim, liii. 11, il. 22 Apl., 107U; ■ II ilav^ ufl<T,
4. .Iiw|ili. 1). 18. 1)]). Ill Apt.. 1IH!3. F.4M. 11. Jicd."-- O. C. K.
.■>. Elizl.li. 1..9.tuii.. l«;(i; iii.IoliM Stougllton. 10. &tlicr, h. 2 ((.'./?.) Apl. ,1677; li. 9 May I 0. C. /?.).
0. Bt'iijamiii. li. ',1 Siiil.. llilifl; <l. .I Mav. Wilis. Tlif \KA. — 0. C. K.
will of Keiij.. daled 5 .May, lOKS !//«//. f... I'l-oli. II. Kpliraim, 1>. 4 Sopl., lliHO. F.\M. 1:!.
/(•.CI, iiifiilions •■Alii-;ali-. rriirl." 12. I.iikc-. h. 22 Si-pt , 11182.
7. Sarail. b. S Jan., 1G71 2; brcanie l!*t wifeof rapt.
Fam. 4. Samuel" (./"/(/<'), m. Abigail (dau. Thos.) Holcomb, H June. 1C5S; lOfil
he bought a lot W. side Broad St., where E. L. Clapp now resides; built and res.
there. His father gave him 106 acres, — all of the B. property except that E of the
Great River and that which was sold to Job Drake. He avowed the Half- Way
Covenant in W. Ch. 27 Nov., 1659. — 0. C. R. He d. 17 May, 1697/8; his wife d".
17 Aug., 1688. Ohmren (0. C. R.) :
1. .lolin, b. ,') Apl., bp. STNoy., ICW; m. and tiad
cti.. if wc may jildjre from invi'ntory of tlie CM. of
*".fohil Bi?i!ioli, s. of Sanmel," lakt-n 27 .Jan.. 1084,
— total £12(i. \ax. ill. TIk! Uirati'cs aro Abiaail.
^i yoarii, and .Jobii 2 yr?. old. ,\din. lo \yid., Abi-
gail. — Ihni. f'o. PiUt. liec.
2. Aliigail, b. Il.lulv. IIIHI.
3. .Jacob, b. 28 .Mcli., ItilM; the e?t. of " .Jacob Bis-
Hell. wlio dyed 1 Aug., HilW.'* inyentoriwl 2:J Aug.,
1(,1»1; bis ri-lirls are wife .Mary and (s. .Jacob, b. 8
of .Jnne, 1694. — Ilarl. Co. Proli. Hec.
4. Mary, b. 1.5 Sept., ICflfi.
5. .Samuel, b. 11 .Jan., 1I1C8 (our 1st edition says in.
Klisalielh . but his Inyentorv (Samuel B., .Jr.,
of VI.), dated 111 .Meh., l«li7/8, mentions .Mini/ Bis-
sell as his will. /*««■.• (II .Mary, b. 2.") Meb.. Hills.
B. Benajah, li. .'iO.Juiie, Iti'l.
7. Klizaheth, b. 4. hap. 6{0. C. K.) .Ian., 10;7.
8. Ileborah. b. 2!l <let., 111711.
9. Hannah, b. IS Sept., liiS2 (not in 0. ('. Ii.).
Fam. .5. Nathaniel ' (John •), m. (1) Mindwell (dan. T)ea. John) Moore, 25 (2:S, 0.
C. 11.) .Sept., ]lir.2, who d. 24 Nov., 16.S2; in. (2) Dorotliy (nee. in r„,ilKiii.i:s Hint. Xor-
mdi, Cmin., of Rev. James) Fitch, 4 July, 16s:j. and who d. 28 June, 1091. He be-
came memb. W. Ch. Sept., 1673. — 0. C. R. His will (Hart. Co. Pro/,. .Bee), dated
30 Sept., 1713. He d. 12 Mch., 1713/14, in 74 yr. (E. W. C. 0.). Ch. (by l»t nmr.):
1. Mindwell. h. -M Oct., Hire?. — C<V. Tier,
■i. Nathaniel, b 7. Jan.. lim.'i. F.\M. 14.
3. .Jonathan, b. 3 July. lliUS; d. 2:1 Sept.. 16^J.
4. Ilainiab. b. 12 Jan.. 11170: m. Bancroft; Oeti.
5. .\hii;ail. b. 14 Sept.. 1117:1: bu. 8 Dec. 1073.
«. Jonalban. 1). 14 Feb., 1(174. F.\M. 15.
7. Aliigail. b. !l. bp. 11 Meh.. 11176.
8. Elizabeth, b. I.'. .Meh.. 1879
9. David, b. 18 Nov., 11181. F.\M 10.
( Ihf iii uiarriiK/r. I
HI. ' . son. li. .". Aug.. 1081; d. l.'i .\uj;.. tliH4.
11. Dorothy, b. 27 Dei-., 111811; d. :)(1 Jan.. 1701.
F.\M. 6. John^ (./"A/-,' Jofiii'), m. Mrs. Stirah (White) Loomis, wid. of Thos. L. of
Hattield, 12Nov., 1689 ((W. i?«e.). and dau. Daiii.-l \V. of llalti.ld; removed to
Lebanon, Conn., 1707/8. Cfi. {b. W.) :
1 Sarah, b. 12 Nov.. 1090. agreed to take eare of John Bissell and wife; in
2 John iCapt.l. b. 10 Sept.. 109.1. Fam. 17. will, 9 Aug.. ir."j8. names his wife .inn (prob a 2dl
:i. Iljniiel, b. 4 Jan.. 10118; m. Klizaheth FitcJl, and sons, ./w/yi/v and /Jch/<i//i//i.* and dans.. Sarah
1."i Feb.. 1740: res. Lebanon, (1.; d. 3 (let . 1770. (Hvde). Betsey iFileh). and Jerusim (Bissell).
4. Benjin. b. -JJMeh.. I7III; in. Mary Wattles, 6. Siirah. b. 15 Oct.. 1714.
17 July, 1728; n-s. l^-b.; d. 9.\ug.. 17:>ti; in 1725
• .JosKPn WiLLiAH Bi8»BLL (prob. B. of Jl,!,/. and gil. ». of Hhij.. ». of .h/in). m Betsey Clark of
Ijbanon, foun.. and rem. wilh «. Leverett to Oneida Co., N. Y. She d. 1850, .f. 91. Chililrtii : (1) Clark; 1>.
7 Sept., 17VJ; Fam. 2. CI) Ltrerrll ; ¥t.M. 3. (3) ^mei-y; Fam. 4. (4) Ifi//iii«i, die<I young.
Fam. 2. Gov. Clark (./n«/.// ir.I. grad. Y. c. 1806; in. Sally (dau. Hon. S. B 1 Sherwood of
Wi-sliKirl. Conn., -Jli Apl., 1811, wliod. -27 Feb.. I8.V,; he d. 15 Sept , l,s,57. Oiililren : (1) Bev Sam. B S., h
10 Feb , 1812. Fam. 5. (2l Edwanl C. b. 1 Aug.. 18-22. Fam. C. (3l Ooiirge A. b. 97 Aug.. 1824. Fam. 7.
(4) Marv- E.. b. 22 Feb., 1827; m. r. C BettS : has Thaildeus. Riwartl t"., and Charles. (5) (.•harlolle Char-
ily, h. 18 Dee., IS-iS; in. Hon. O. S. Ferry ; has Mary B. (Oi .\rehesus Henry, d. young.
Fam. .1 Leverett, has 111 B<'tsey. (2) .Maria. (:t) Mary, (li William, m and res. Cazeliovia, S.
y. (6) IJilbiri. (01 Eunice. (7i .John. (8) Lucy, d. young.
F.»M. 4. Emery tDr.) ni. Mary Hayes ; had (1) Ceorge, d. young. (2i William E., m. Angclinc
Seaver of B.>si,,n. i:ii Henry, m. Ilarriei Mott. (4i Mary H., d. ehigle. (5) Julie.
Fam. .">. Samuel S. B. (Bee.), in. Fanny M. (dan. BenssBlaer) Havens of N. Y. Cliililren: (I>
Klkn A, ti. 25S.pl., 1,8-10. (21 Samuel ShenvoiKl. b. 17 Sept., 1842. (.1) Kate Havens,!). 5 Oct., 1M4. (4)
Fam. 7. Danie\' {Jo/i»,'Johii^),m.21 Oct., 1693, Margaret Dewey of Wcstfiohl,
Mass. He d. 9 Dec, 1738; she d. 37 Nov., 1713. In po.ss. of laic Col. John Sloanc
of Wooster, Ohio, is a d^ed, dated 2;! ]\[ch., l(i9r)/6. from Thos. Orton of Fariuiiig-
ton, to this Dauiel Bissell, and witnessed by Simon Wolcott and Henry Wolcott,
Jr., conveying to B. Id. on the E. side Conn. River " near Nanieralli" which 0,"s
gd. -father, Thomas Orton, had pur. of John Gaylor. aljulting 2o rods on the river,
and running easterly one and a half miles, at .sajne breadth; bd. E. on Nath'l B.'s
Id.; N. on John Gaylords; S. on Job Drake's; also, his commission as cornet of
Horse Co. of Hartford, from Gov. Gurdon Saltonstall, dated 1 June, 1711. —
Brooklyn Eagle, 1886. Children :
1. Daniel, l>. 31 Oct.. 1(194. F.^M. 18. I //«V. .SV///'.. I'iirl II.. s:!.
2. Mar^aiel. b. 19 .Mcb.. li59S; prob. the Margaret j .3. Mary, I). 27 Nov.. 1701; m. ^'ath■l Gilbert "f
of \V. who 111. (as his id wife) :iO Aug.. 1722. Cpt. I (.'olchester, H Fel)., 1720, 1.
,\saph Leavilt. carpenter, of Suffield; rep. from 4. Ezekiel. t>. ti Sept.. 1705. Fam. 19.
S. 173(1-5.5; he d. 14 .\pl.. \Tt\. — Shelilon's Doc. 1 5. Ann, li. G.Ian.. 1709. 0. .)aliez(?K
F.\M. S. Joslah' (John,'' Jotui^), m. Miriam (wid. William) Hayden, 10 Dec, 1703,
who d. 8 July, 1747, in 66th year. C/iik/ren :
1. Josiah. b. 17 .Nov., 1714. at W. Fam. 20. I 17711. le. (8,
2. Amelia, who d. at lieading, Comi., 21 Dec, | 3. Benjamin, li. 1719 20. Fam. 21.
F.\.M. 9. Jeremiah' (John,- John'), m. Mehitable (sister of Capt. Daniel) White of
llatlield, IS or 19 Dec, 170.5; acc. to H'. Jiec. he was m. 27 Nov., 1692. Ch. :
1. Ii;lcliel, b. 1(1 Nov.. 17111). I 4. Sarah, b. 4 .Inly. 1711. I 6. Samuel.
2 .Mabel, b. 1(1 Jan.. 1708. 5. Jeremiah. " jeremiab's dan.'' 7. Jerijab. Fam. 23.
3. .John, b. 1 Sept., 1709. Fam. 22. I d. 25 July, 174!j.— C. A". I 8. Israel.
F.V.M. 10. Thomas" (T/m.,' John'), m. Esther (dau. Elder John) Strong at North-
ampton, Mass., 15 Oct., 1678 (0. C. B.), who died 4 Mth., 1726 7.— .e. IK. C II.
He d. 26 Dec, 1738. — E. W. C. R. Children :
1. Esther, h. Ill Sept.. bp. 5 Ot., 1(179. — O. C. A'. | 4. Ebene/er. b. 1 Aut;.. 111S.V Fam. 25.
2. Abii;ail, b. 20 Oct., KvSI. — O. C. R. 5. Eunice, b. :KI Mch.. ICSr,. l'<il. Her.
3. Thoma.s, b. 8 Dec, ItiSi. Fam. 24. i ti. Nathaniel, b. 14 A|il.. 1(190. — Col. /ta-.
F.v.M. 11. Joseph' {Titos.,' John'), m. 7 July, 1087, Sarah (dau. Lieut. Ketuni)
Strong. He d. 33 Aug., 1688/9. Ch. :
1. .los.'pb. b 21 Mch., llisr: had a 5. Benjumin. h. I 2. Benoui. b. 7 Dec. 1089; d. 2(1 An,-., 17(11, a.-. 72.
1 Oc(., 1720. I
F.V.M. 13. Isaac ^ (Lieut.) (Tho.s.,' John'), m. 2 Mtiy, 1706, Elizabeth Osborn ; rem.
to Litchfield, Conn., about 1723, and became the founder of llie L. branch of the
Bissell family; bought l-60th part of L. (about 700 ticrcs) for i'loO; also bought lot
in North St. for £90, Apl. 16, 1730, on which he .settled; the "old red house," built
by him about 1740, was, at the time of its demolition (about 1857), the oldest house
in that town. Lieut. Isaac d. 6 Nov., 1744; she d. 15 June, 1761. Ch. :
1. Elizabeth, b. 4 Feb., 1707; prob. d. young.
a. Isiuic. b. 9 .Mch.. 1709. Fam. 20.
:i. Abigail, b. 1(1 Jan., 1712; m. Thos. Catlin,
:May, 1732.
4. Sarah, b. 3 Feb., 1713; m. .lame- Kilbourne,
11 Sept., 173.3.
5. Joel. b. 1 Jan., 1714. Fam. 27.
(i. Beiiiamin. b. 2 Jiilv. 1717. Fam. 28.
7. Kiig'er, b. 24 Mch..l718. Fam. 29.
8. Oeorge, b. 10 Mch., 1720. Fam. 30.
9. Joseph, b. 7 Sept., 1722. Fam. 31.'
10. Zebulon, b. 173-1. Fam. 32.
Fam. 13. Ephraim "(Tho.s.,'' John'), m. .Joanna Taylor of W., 34 Dec, 1793; .sett,
Tolliind; (1. 1717; est. t90. 18s. 8!^.; his brother Isaac adniinistrator. Ch. :
1. Ephraim. b. 27 Sept.. 17l«. I 3. Abbot, b. 27 July. 1709.
2. Stephen, b. 8 -May, 170S; d. 4 Nov., 1712. I 4. licnjamin, b. 23 Feb., 1711/12.
Fa.m. 14. Nathaniel^ CEm.)(y<ithanid,' John' ), m. Sarah Cayiord, 8 July, 1714,
who d. (12 or 13) Sept., 1748; he d. 6 Mch., 1752. — W. U. and S,. W. (id. Ch. :
Uenssalacr Haveiis, b. 27 Apl., 1»48. (5) Fanny M., b. 9 Jan., 18.54. (0) Clark, b. 13 Dec, 1S55. (7) Morris
Je^snp, b. 28 Jan.. 1H,57.
Fam. (I. Edwar(d C, m Ikt.sey (dau. Daniel) Havens of Norwich, I'onn.. 1(1 May, 18-14; res. Xor
«alk. Conn. Chililnn : (1) Arthur 11.. b. 1(1 Feb., 1815. (2) (.aniline J., b. 8 June, VHI. (S) Edward A.
1 1) Fanny II. (5) Daniel Clark. Id) Henry S.
Fam. 7. George A., m Helen h. Talcott of Lanc-eboro, Mass. ; res. Piltsncld. Mass. : hud (1)
.Mary. (2) .Sarah O, (fommunicaicd hy Rev. S. J}. S. PifttU of Xor^valk, Conn., 1859.]
1. Aim, li. aMulv. ni6. 4 Williiim, 1>. 15 Sipl.. 1725. Fam. »1.
•J. Niilhiiiiii-1. li. ii; Ai)l.. 17l!l. Kam. :i3. 5. lislhtr, li, l:> ApL, HiU; d. SI Jiim-, n47.
3. Klii'liu, lj. 13 Jan., I'M: il. lO.lilliu. 1742.
Fam. 15. Jonathan' (-V<(M7,'./»/trti). m Briilgut Fitch, 17 Mill , 1709. ri,.
1. .loimiliaii. h. :il .Mkv. 1710. Fam
-i. Illllllmll. h. 14 Die, 1711.
3. JoM'pli. 'i. Sl.liilv, 1714; cl. 2 Mch., 1721,22.
4. Timothy, l>, yjaii., 171ii/l"- Fam. 36.
F.v.M. IG. David ' (Mint.) (.V(/(/(7,» ./-///«'), in. 24 Feb., 1703. Kiitli Warner, who
(1. 1 Mill., 1T;«, ill .V.HI1 year. — A'. 11'. O. Hi- il. :20 Oct., 17:«, -.v. ".1 vr.. 1 1 111.1.—
K ir. 0. ChiUlien :
1 Niilhniiii'l, b. 20j!iil.. 1705; U. Iti June. 1731.
is vr.. 4 luo.- K. \V. I).
2. Duviil. h. 3 Apl, 17ie !l. FA.M. 37.
.3. Il.wkiuli (liiv.). b. 30 Jan., 171U. Fa.m. 3».
4. Hulli. h 2<l Nov.. 1713.
5. Noah. b. 2li Juiir. I7lli. FaM. 3!I.
li. Nimiliah, b. 3 Nov . 1720; d. 2!l Aug.. 1732, a'. 1
.vr., y lnos.~ /;. \\. ti.
\M. 17. John* (Capt.) (Jolm,^ Juhii,^ Johii^), m. (1) Sanili Fowler; rem. to Gov-
ciiliy. of whifli lie was an early settler (deed, Oct., 1715); was the first captjiin of
the C. train-band; owned slaves; wife d. 25 An;,'., 1751; he in. (3) iS Oct., 1751,
Mr.s. Abigail Wells ol ll;irtforil.— Ihnt. Toin, II,,; lie d. I7H3. CIt :
Sei* al rnd of
1. Abitrail. b. 3 An'.'.. b.M
2. Johiui'api.i. b. liw;i: foundiM- of Mir Ozias
Bissell branch of Uolton, Conn.-
Ihi- main tii'lifaloj;_v.
Fa.m. Is. Daniel' (Omiiil,' ./n/m,'' Jo/m'), m. Jeruslia (daii. Xathn 1, ami i;d. ilaii.
Rev. James of Norwieh) Fitch of C'antirlniry. 1« .Mcli., 1717-lS; he d. 11 Nov.,
1770, ie. 7ti, "worn out willi age and intirniily."— X N. li. She d. lil Feb., 1780.
— ^'.S.Jl. Children:
1. Daniel, b. IB Fob., 1718.
2. .lain-/,, b. 11 Apl., 1721. F.V.11. 40.
3. Jortisha, b.
4. MarKaiil. Ii. 24 .Mav, 172:!.
.'V. Danii-1. b. 2 Fl-li.. 1721. Fam. 41.
e. Klienczrr FiU-li vkv. IoJ. II. II(njileii\.
Fam. 12.
Fam. lil. Ezekie! ' (Kns.) (Daniel^' .Miit," M,„' ), m. Kiilli (dau. Kev. E. ) Devotion
of Windliani, Conn., 21 Dec, 1743; rem. toSullield; while there waseoiiiMii»iiiiud,
30 Aug., 1743, Ens. of 3d Foot Co. of Suif.. Capl. Joseph King's Co., John Stod
dard's Ueg't, under signature of Gov. Win. Shirley of Mass. (I'diHisvf Uiti I'ol. Jii».
Sloiiiieof Wvonkr, OhUi); thence, 1757, to Torriiigford, Conn. Vh. (6. Huffidd):
1. KIhiumt. b. 23 Oil.. 1743. Fa.m. 43.
2. Klipliaz, 11. II (HI., 1714. Fam. 44.
3. K/i-kiil. b. II .M<h., nili. Fam. 4,'i.
4. .Mar>_'ari-l. li. 2S Ocl.. il. 3 Dec, 1747.
."i. Ann, b 3. il. 11 Sepl.. 1748.
U. Killli. b 17 Apl., \'i:»\ il. 22 Nov., 1827, ic. 77.
7. Mai-^arel. h 14 June. 1751.
8. .Villi, b :lll Jan.. I7.'ili.
{.Horn III 'riirr'ihi]Un'tl . Coiui.) :
'.I. llewkiah. b. 7 Sepl., U.'iS. Fax. 41).
111. Keziiih, b. 2!! Dw., 1762; il. 23 Sepl., ISl'.l, a:
Fam. 20. Josiah* (Esi].), J<m<ih,' Ju/in," Jo/m'), ni. Kiilli Bissell, U Aug, 1743.
lie was evidently a man of eon.seiiuencc in town and cliiirih, as his pastor thus en-
ters his death in A'. S. II.: " Dec. 21, 1776, died, Jo.siali Bi.ssell. Esq., of the small
pox, at Heading. A jiillar has fallen ! a year of great mortality." lie is mentioned,
at the bp. of his dau. Amelia, as belonging to the " 7th " Society (or Norlh Society)
under Parson llin.sdale. Esq. Bi.ssell was one of a comniittee ajipointed by the
t!en. Assembly "to repair to sundry towns in the S. \V. iiuarler of this State,"
for the purpose of " examining dangerous i>eisons, ' i. c, persons suspected of dis
loyally to the patriot cau;^' ; and while in the discharge of this duly, was taken ill
and d. at Ifeading. Conn., of the small-po.\. His heirs (Hiitli, Elijah, and Josiah
Bissell) memoriali/.cd the Assembly, 23 Oct., 1777, to defray the expenses of his ill-
ness and burial, which was granted. The itemized bills for these expenses, the ac-
ipiittiiucc of E.sq. Bissell's otlieial accounts with the Stale, and the memorial of his
heirs, above referred to, are to be found in MS. Arc/iins, ln/Mlal Itirolutioniirji War,
ill Conn. Stiite I.iliruri/, Vol. viii. 94. Childnn (lip. W. C. II.):
I Ji»-iiib, b. 8. bp. Ill June. 1744; il. 11 Aug., n.W.
2. liiilh, 11. 5. bp. !l .Veil., K4.-1 0; d. 15 AllL'.. 1750.
3 Ann. 1.. 11 Meb., 1747 S.
I. Kiijali. 11. ti .lune. l7."iU; m. niid had f. Elijah, b.
24 Mch., ITTll; .1. 24 Oel., 1820.
5. Kiilh, b. 21. bp. 22 (let., 17.-^.
li. Sarali, bp. 2.3 Feb., 1756.
7. Jwiah. b. 27 Nov.. b)*. 11 Di-o., 1757. Fam 17.
8. Aun-iiM, 11. 2fi AiiL'., 1760; lip. 3 May. 17lil.
Fam, 21, Benjamin' {.losinfi.' .Mm,'' .Mm'), m. Mary Strong, "bolh of \V .
27 Nov. 1745 ( H'. /,. II.), and rem. to Torringford; lied. 13 Sept., 1790, n?. 71; shed.
17 Aug., I.^^IIO, .%'. 80. C/i. (ft. TiirriniifurtI) :
1. Honjiimin. Fa.m. 48. - ll.iriioi(\Viii(lHn). h.DOXov.. 1783; m. Nilianioi
■J. Marv. ; ni.«ainnol Austin, , Smith, I80n; shed. :10 Nov., 1801.
■J-iOct., 17Tl<. I 3. Oliver (Winrlii'll), b. ;il .Inn., 178B; ronioveil 10
:; Oliver. ; (I. 18 Oel.. 1838. iv. 7(i; um'd. Creem-. Oliici. 1H.V,>.
I. lietiirn, : (I. 95 Nov.. 183-.i. »•, 73: liurd. i 4. Daniel (Winelu'll). 1>. S(» llay, 17SS; d. umM, !l
.*. KlisliH. F^M in. Sept-, is-^-:*, Handolpli. Ohio,
li. Lorraine, li. .Meh. i;. 1775: m. Ehn'/.er Miller, .">. Ihixiil (Winihen), li. 4.1ul,v. 1701; nl.'Eiinire M.
i> Dee., isirj: d. i: A»s.. IS27. le. 72. Kenneday, is Anjr.. 1K12. Kandolph. O.
7. Marlha. ni. Daniil Winchell, l.> .lime, I7;«: 6. Elienezer ( Wimhell). I>. 27 .\pl.. IT.M; m. .Maria
he was 1,. ir.iS. and d. 7 .Ian., 18l«; she il. Oct., Yale, 29 .Tan., Kill; lie d. l:( .\pl.. 1S.5!I.
IXI',1: ITS. TnrrinL'rord, Conn, hwiir .- " 7. Hiram (Wineliell). b. 11 Oet., 1791): ni. Olive
1. Tlmnkfid(\Vinehell), b. 20 0(1., 1781; m, Tv- Goodwin, 5 Oct., 1825; he d. 10 May, 1854.
ler King, Ma.v, 1823; shed. 17 .Inne. 1SB2. 8. Elijah. I'AM.50.
Fam. i'i. John' (Jer.,' John,'' J(ilin^), in Ilannali (dan. of Ebcii. and Abigail Kdioi/)
Watson, ^' Dec, 1733; he d. 1.5 .luly, 1737, iic. 28. — £'. 11" O. Ch. :
1. .lolni, b. 21 Dec., 17.H. 2. lle/ekiah, b. 20 May. 17:!7. Fam. ."il.
K.\M. 23. Samuel * (Jcr.,' John," John '), m. 1 Aug., 1746, Mary (dau. I«i:u-^ Kibbe
of Enf. He d. 18 Sept., 17.59. Oh. ( W. R.) ':
1. lsa.ae. b. 25 .Ian., 1749: prob. the I. (t^. of Sum.),
;e. 14, who ehose Isaae Kibbe of Enf. as hit, i;nar-
dian. 17(13. Faji. ,->2
2. Oliver, b. ISOel., i;.53.
3. Samuel, h. 10 .lulv. n.oli.
4. Mary, b. 8 Sept.. 1758.
C. 7i. "also ?ive.s following deaths of eil. of Samuel :
3 Sep!., 1751; — .July. 1751: 7 Sept.. 1752.
F.\-M. 24. Thomas ' ('/'//<«.,' 7V«m ,-./"/(« '), m. Martha (dau. Stephen and Esther*)
Loomis, ll> Ffl)., 1709; wa.s the first settler at Wappiiig. E. W. (sec Vol. I, 018);
lie d. 1 1 .June, 1771 ; she d. 2 Sept., 17.51. — C. R. Ch. :
1. :Martha, li. 21 Fib.. 1710 B. .Job, b. 13 Feb.. 1718.
2. .los-iah. I). II .Meh.. 1712. 7. Daniel, b. 3 Dee.. 1721.
:'.. .lerijah. Ii. 1713. Fam. .i3. 8. Eunice, b. 1 May. 1724.
I. Isjiiah. 1>. 29 Apt, 1714. 9. Esther, b. 21 Nov.. 1729. II . IL
.">. .Vsidu'l, II. 29 Nov.. 17111: drowned ou return 10. Ann, b. 22 May, n:J2. — If. II.
from Canada, diti in-: old Fn'neh War.
Fam. 25. Ebenezer' (Thm.,' Thos.,'' John'), m. , who d. 1 Aug.. 1726 (K. W.
C. R.); also Mary, " wife of Ebeiie/.er" (prob. 2d wife), d. 9 -Mib., 17.53, in 66 yr. —
E. W. <).; he d. 5 Sept., 17,50. in 64 yr. — ^. W. 0. Ch. :
1. Elieuczor, I). 10 .Jiuie, 1718, Fam, 51. 4. .Varon. Fam. 5().
2. Moses, h. . Fam. 55. 5. Matthew. Fam. 57.
:i. .Terusha, i»iss. the ^I. who ni. .Joseph Wads- «• . eh., d. 2fi .luly. 172B. - A". 11. ( . /.'
worth of Canterbury, 22 Sept., 1713. n.C./i. 7. , ch., d. fi .Inly, 1738 y
Fam. 26, Isaac* (Lieut . fmuH;' Thos.,^ John'), m. Sarah , 1 Oct., 1740; hcd. 1777.
Children :
1. Isaac, 1). 5 Aui;., 1747. Fam. .t8.
2. Luther, b. 18 .Meh., 1751; d. at Crown I'oint,
N. Y., 99 .Ian., 177tj.
3. Sarah, b. 23 Apl.. 1749; in. Col. Ileber Stone
of Litchlield, Conn.
4. Calvin, b. 21 Apl., 175:!. Fam. .19.
.V Olive, b. 13 .Vin;., 17.t5; m. .lolin Bishop.
6. Arehelans, b. 14 .Vnc., 17.i8. Fam. W.
Fam, 27, Joel' (Lieut. Imar,' Thos.,'' John'), m. Mercy (prob, Mary) Bishop,
7 Nov,, 17.50; he d, 1 Feb., 1761. Ch. :
1. O/.ian. b.r,.-\nir.. 17.M: III- Temperanee Culver, 4. .loel, cripple; d. almshouse, 1.S27.
29 Nov.. 17BII. 5. Samuel.
2. Friend. B. Mollv, ui. Ebenezer Kellogg of Avon, Conn.
■.i. John. Fam. fil.
Fam. 28. Benjamin* (Lieut. Isaac,' T has.,'' John'), m, Leah Peck, 0 Xov., 1740;
hed, 11 .Jan,, 1747(9?). Ch. :
1. Haehel. b. i; .Inne. 1741 : d. 3 Apt. 1749. I of Milton, Conn,
2. Benjamin, ti. 12 Dee.. 1743, Fam. fi2. 4. Marv. bp. 14 Sept., I74l">. W.C.It.
Z. Leaii. 11. IB N'i\.. H-IB: m. .lonathaii Wright I
Fam. 29. Roger '( A/V"' /.•cf./e,' 'Hum., ^ John '). ot Litchfield, Conn.; ni. .Sarah (d;in.
.John) Stoughton of Windsor, 2.5 Oct., 1743 ( \V. C. R.): sold out at I^itchfield and
reinov<'d to W,; wid. in. .Jerijali Phelps of E. (now So.) W. Child:
1. .lohn. b. 25 .lulv. 1744; bp. at W. "on her |his| mothers desire on her lyinj;-in, at her father's house,
.Inly 8. 1741. ■■ ' If. C. 11.
F,Uf. 30. George ■* (/.irot. ho,i,-,^ Thm..,^ John'), in, HI O.I., 1740, Lydi;i Gay;
rem. to Salisbury, Conn,, where their descendants now reside, Ch. (b. Litchfidd):
1. .lehicl, b. 18 Feb., 1741 2. I 2. David, b. 17 Jan., 1712 3.
■ ''(11. says <lan, Joseph and Lydia {Drake) Loomis,
Vol.. il. — 1!
Fam. :!1. Joseph* (/-/-"/. Jmoc,' ThoK..^,Min'), Ksther Smith, •"> Sept., 1774. Cli.:*
I UiMihen. h. aOJnnc, 1775: ni. riiililah Tilford. I 2. Simeon, l>. 18 .liilv, irrr, lu. Linn Gates, 20
I Nov.. 182(1.
F.\.M. ;53. Zebulon* (Alt"'. /«"««•,' T/ios.,' .Mm'), m. Abigail Smith; was a Kcv.
soldier in ('apt. Bfzaleel Beebe's Co.; was taken prisoner at Fm-t Washington; d.
at Woodbury, Conn., on his way home, as was allejred from effects of poison given
to him previous to an exchange of pri.soners by tlie British: est. sett 1777. V/i. :
1. Zohulon. u. :»Oct . n.'il. Fa.m. fA ; .3. Rlitxla. b. r, Apl.. KWI: m. Ain^ii Blakeslee.
a. nciijumin. I>. iD.laii,. 1754. Fa.ii. Kl. i I. Abisiiil. m. .Inlni Landon of Litcbficlil. imiii
F.\M. .33. Nathaniel' {Rkx. \fii/ri.' Anth'l,' ,Mi„'). m. A/uii:ih Ellsworth, lo
Apl.. 174fi. Chihireii :
I. Sanih, I). 38 Jan.. IMS. I 2. .Miirjpufl, h. 13 Feb.. n.i.S.
Fa^i. 3J. William' (Km. Ant/il,^ Nath'l,'' John'), m. .lemima (dau. Deacon David)
Skinner of K. W.. 4 .Tune, 17.54, who d. 18 .June. 1820; he d. 22 .June, 1796. jp.
09. Children :
1. Ilnrviy. IKil, it. fi7 (.s. /?.): ami she prob. the '-Hirtnu- of
2. Koswi-n. b. S Mav. n."i.'<. 1-am <k) , Wni." who el. J May. IftH, :e. 71.- .v. «. Loomi^
3. E.<thir. b i:i \ni.. 175!!: (1. IS Mch.. 1780. Oen. eavf he ni. ChliH' Thompson, but she ni.
1. Williiini. b. II Feb.. ma: nHllivcKlau. Elijah) his broilu-r. Ii<»-»ell lii^M■ll
Stoughton ; he prob. the \V. wliod. !t Feb.,
Fam. 3.j. Jonathan' {Jona.,' ynth'l,' John'), m. Elizabeth Holliday, of Sutfield,
27 Nov.. 1744; he d. 24 Feb.. 1789. in 79th yr.— K U'. 0. •mil S. R. '• Jonathans
wife" d. 1 July, 1789.— /;;. It'. C. li. Oh. :
1. .lamix. b. 23 .Ian.. l74.->; d. 7 Dec. 1807.-.5. K AMI'. C'./{.\
ir. r. II. 5. Eleanor, h. 97.1iil.v. 17.">8: tn. ^lark Filley.
a Elizabeth, b. : il. IS Sept.. 181-1. t>. Koswl (Koswell). "of .lona. and Elizabeth." d. 2«
:). .loiialhan. b. II AiiK.. 174(1. Fam. i;6. Oct.. 1757. :e. 3 nio^.- K. M . '/.
4. Tryphena, b. IB JIay. 1753; d. 2.1 Dec., 181.9.— (3.
Fam. 36. T\moVn\/* (Jonti.,' Nnth'l,^ Johii'),m. <h.:
I. . d 5 Meh.. 17»9. 1 2. Tabillia, h. 23 Sept., 17J3. 3. TiiiM.tliy. b. 1 Apl.. 17Ki. t
Fam. 37. David* (Ens.) (Lieut. Diirid,' Kath'l,^ John'), m. (1) Sarah Grant, 30
Sept., 1730, who d. 12 June, 17.53. in 43d yr. (E. 11'. O.. i2i .Sarah , who d. 27
June. 17.56, in 3!» yr. (E. Il'.O., on foolstone. Sarah Burt-Williston BLssell.) Ch. :
1 Aichipnu.-. b. •Z.i Jan.. I73II; d. 20 .May. 17:<1
•i David. 11. 27 Apl., 17:a. Fam. fi7.-
Bowe. lioit't titiieal.
5. Clark, b. I .Ian.. 1772; d. 8 Feb.. 17911.
6. Daniel, b. 3 May. 1741: in. Beiiluh , wlm d. .H)
Dec.. ISil.a-. "il(.sv-.): he d. 7 Dec. Win. in Siith yr.
-Sr. Ismf ;
1. Aii^(ni. ni. Anne .
2. Levi. in. Barber.
3. Miirj^aret. nin'd.
7. Elisha. b. 1 Oct.. 17W. V.\M. llS
«. Rachel. I>. « Jan.. 1711: d. 1 May. 17»i.
9. Kufns, b. 3 Apl.. 1747; d. 17 Apl.. 1757.
:l. Sarah, b. I .\ng.. 1731: d. Sept., '7li; in. Grant
4. Noadiab, b. 17" And-. 173ii; d. 1 Feb.. 17I.S !), a-.
12 vr. 5nin,. 21 d.— ^;. M'. O.
.-, I.iii V. b. ai Apl.. 1739: m. Saml Webster.
/«,,/,■ .•
1. I.iii V iWebi^ter). b. 2 Sept., 1703; ni. Kichanl
Strickland, 28 T)i-e.. 17S6.
2. Waller (Webster), b, 21 .Inly, 17t!5; nm'd.
3 (irove (Webster), b. 31 Dee.". 17li7: nm'd.
I. Wealthy (Websliri. b. 9 Nov.. 1769; in. Acn
liavidVdau. d. 28 Apl., 1745: his .s. d. 7 Feb.. 1747. - A'. IF. r. /!.
F\M. 3S. Hezeklah ' (Hev.) (AiV"/. i><(arf.' Xnth'l.'' Jiihii'). )>astor of Wintonbury
Parish, Windsor (.see Vol. 1,29.5); m. Mrs 3(ary Woodbridge of Groton, Conn.,
20 Nov., 1740. Ch. (Win/. Ch. Ii,c.):
1. llezekiah. b. 15 Jan.. 1741/2; d. 12 July. 1742. I ieni|>er my Klde.-t Daughter. .1/r//'j/ Bissull, ajjed
2. II ' ■ 'I' '■ 24 .\pi.. 1743; prob. (he Dea. It. Ten years, one inonili Jt Twenty Seven Days.
'7, /^r.i 11 Jan.. 18(12. le. .59; had She dyed on y 12"' Day of her Sick". — Nov 21"
1 .\pl.. 179J. at abo'. half an hour after Eleven a( nijrhl Dytnl
'TIT my other and only DanL'hter Wealthann llisscll.
1752. I with the same llistempff. a:.'eit Five years seven
clock in v niornini;, I m<Miths and Ki;:hteen Dii.v- She dyed in y* H*''
. .^;.or the i'hroat Dis- 1 Day of her Sick'.' ". Wht/'. Vh. lio^.'
I - Joseph m. a second lime, and that he is the same .ftti^p/i credltKX) by X. S. li. of
WindM>r. «illi the fiillowin:: children, viz. (by wife Tulla): .intetia. hp. 17 (let., 1781; (liy wife Sally— prob,
Ihe corn."! iianii'i Wo'cit , tip 27 Feb.. 1791 : and ( by « ife Polly — pmli. simie as Sally aliovel Joseph, bp. 27
nlslune of "Hannah, wid. of Timothy, d. 80 Sept.. 17y.5, in 75th yr.": and
orthvi, .,.,, .iiiiiii HMi .11 Joel (irei'ii). whoil. 21 (.let.. 1S08. iK 19. The^-e probably belon;; to the Tim-
othy h 174II.
Fam. 39. Noah* {Lieut. David,' Nath'l,'' John'), m. Silence Burt of Springfold,
2 Dee.. 1741, who d. 22 July, 1761, in 41st year. — E. W. 0. iiiid C. R. " Laudloril "
Noah d. 32 Aug., 1776, se. 61 years, 1 month, 26 days. — E. 0. W. sind C. K. Ch. :
1. .Sybil, 1). fl .Tan., 1743; (1. IS Oct., 1749. x. fi yrB.. i 2U. — E. W. O.
9m 9ii - *• If. O. ' .5. Svbi!, b. 31 Jan.. IMI/S; <1. *1 Mav! 1T.'53, a-. 1, 3,-
a. Silw (Silence), 1). 7. Ian. ,1744. i 23. — i'. ir. O.
3. Xoaii. l>. i >aii., n4li: (1. S9 Oct., 1749, »•. 2, 7, «. Xoah, b. 7 Nov., 1753. Fam. (ill.
•Zl.~E ir. 0. 7. Roxv. h. 9 IXt., 175.5: in. Elisba Bissell; <l.
4. Nathan, b. JS Dw.. 1748: il. 8 Sept.. 17.10. :c. 1. 8. 31 Oct.. 1781.
Fam. 40. Jabez' (Jabei,^ Dan'l,* Daii'l.^ John,' John' ), iii Dorcas . Ch. :
1. William, b. -m .lulv, bp. VI Anfr., 1752. — 11'. C. R. I 3. Jonatban Xarsli. l>p. SI Jlch.. 17«a.— X. S. U.
•i. Abigail, b. and bp". IB May, 1756. — n: C. B. I 4. ,Ieiusha,"(lau. JabeUi," bp. 28 .\ug..l74:!.-ir.f './?.
Fam. 41. Daniel'' (.IMo'l.* Danl,' John,- John'), m. 11 Feb., 1746-7, "then ni. by
his Hon.. y Deputy Gov', Daniel Bissell, Ju', to Elizabeth Newbury, both of
\y. ; I assisted in y Service by Prayer; their vows & Engagin" taken by his Honor. "
— Set: Jonii. iLiiKh in W. C. li. She d. B June, 1749, a-. 21; he m. (2) 1) Apl., 17.j2,
Elizabeth Loomis, b. 29 Nov., 1726; rem. to Randolph, Vt. Daniel Bis.sell and
wife d. at Kaudolph before 1S!34. Ch. {W. R. ant) IF. C. R.) :
. Sibel. b. 1 .June, 1761; ni. a Pember, and al)t.
1793fiett. atornr. liandolpb. Vt.. and was soon after
followed by her parents and the re;;l of tbc family.
1. Elizabelb, b. 7 Feb., 1747 '8.
2. Newberrv. b. 3 .Tune. 1749.
3. Lucinda.'b. lo. bp. 18 ilch., 175:i.*
4. Dan'I, b. :iO Dec. 17.>1. bp. 3 Jan.. 175.1. Faji. 70.
5. Elihii (Dr. l, b. 13. bp. Hi ,Ian.. 17.57. F.\M. 71.
ti. Elias, bp. 7 June, lia'.t.
8. Ezekiel (M.l).l. b. ■« Apl.. 176t. F.\>i. 7-i.
9. Perez, b. IS June. I7li7;i d. at Randolph, Vt.,
prior to 18'i4.
Fam. 42. Ebenezer Fitch ' (Capt.), (piob. Dan'l,' Dan'l,^ John,- John'); prom-
inent in W. and in the Rcvol.; participated in the battle of Long Island, Aug.,
1776; was captured and imprisoned in one of the old churches in N. Y. city; sev-
eral of his men d. of starvation, and Capt. B. himself fared little Ijetter than they.
His family, hearing of his pitiable condition, made great .sacriticcs to procure silver
money (then only current in the Brili.sh lines), and sent it, but it never reached him.
He m. 24 June, 1756, Esther (dau. Daniel) Hayden of W. and res. in the old Eb-
enezer Hayden pi., W., which his father bought from E. U., upon his removal to
Harwiuton, f'onn., in 17.il. Capt. Ebenezer F. Bissell d. 1S14. Ch. :
I. Esther, h. 28 Nov., 1757: d. 7 Sept.. 1777.
a. Ebenezer Fitch (Capt.), b. 14 .Jan.. 1760. Fam. 73.
3. Rhoda. b. 19 Dec, 1761: m. Elisha Bissell of
Torrinirford. C<mn. fftxirf, all unmarried:
I llarrv
2. E.sther.
3. Khoda.
4. .Ternsha.b. 17()4; nt.C'apl. Sui'I Allen of \V.
5. Titns Lncrctius. b. 23 Oct.. 17C6. Fam. 74.
«. Eli, b. 1770; d. 15 Sept., 1773.-A': .>■. !t..f
Fam. 4:1 Ebenezer ^{Esekiel,' Daniel,^ Jofm,* John'), m. Lucy Roberts, 1 June,
Vt'!'); he d. s Nov., 1820. For tins line, to the present time, we are indebted to John
G. Bissell of Koine, N. Y. Ch. {hii-thnfrom Fam. Rir.; bp.from TI'. C. R.) :
1. Pericles, b. 19 Mnv, 1776: bp. 1 Meh.. i;7S: d.ic.21. ;3. Frederick.
2. John Devotion (MD.), b. 13 .Tan.. 1783. F.\.«. 7.5. ' 4. Pelctiah, b. 15Nov., 1789; res. and d. Volnev, N.V.
3. Elizur, b. 14 Oct.. 1784; d. Sept., ISSli: re». Syra- ksue :
cuse, N. Y. In.-in^ : , 1. Lucius.
1. Marcus. 2. Erasmus.
2. Byron.
Fam. 44. EWphaz' {Ezttiel,* Daniel,' John,' John'), m. Ch. :
1. Eliphaz (M.D.I, le^ Vernon. NY.; il. foini . 2. Catlin. res. and d. Torringford. t-'onii.. 1SI7.
1819. JfK'it : 3. Hczckiah (M.D.), d. itiTexaa, is:t;
1. l^muel, 4. , dau.
2. Henrv. 5. . dan.
3. Charfes.
Fam. 45. Ezekiel^ (Ezek.,* D,inU,« John,' John' >, m. 9 Dec, 177'.», Liicivtia Spen-
cer, who d. 30 Apl., 1837; he d. 10 Oct., 1834, le. 88. Ch.
1. Ezekiel. res. Madrid. N. Y.; d. 1853. hmie : 2, Allwrt.
1. Frederic, lawverat Dubuque. Iowa. 5. Fitch, b. 19 -\uj:.. 1791; d. Zuues\ille, N. Y., 26
2. RoUin. " July, 1819.
3. Ralph. Ks. St. Lawrence To.. N. Y. 6. Cynis, b. 9 Dec.. 1793; d. Hartford, Wis.. 3 Juiu-.
2. Theodore, b. 24 .Tune. 1781. 1857; has one .«on livinf;.
3. Apollo-, b. 11 Jan., 1786. j 7. Roderick, b. 17 Jul}-, 1796. Fam. 76.
4. Samuel, b. 14 Jan.. ir>9. A.... 8. Theodo~ia. b.
1. Samuel.
• Rec. furnished by Ki. Rev. Bi-hop W.m. II. Bi>r.Ei,L of Bnrlinstnn. VI. (18'^5i, Kives HH-hIkIIi ao h.
1749: gives no rec. of XeiHten'y : drives one EUa^. b. 17.59, who had son Elias and another eh.: and says that
Elihu rem. before IgM to Lancaster, Erie Co., N. Y.
t Same auth. says that these, thns markcfl, rem. In Rjindolph, Vt., before 1S24.
Fam. -Iii. Hezekiah' (Ezek.,' Bnn'l,* Jofm,' Jolm'), in.
iv. 34, •/ Cliililriii :
he il. ;ill .Jan., IT'.i-.'
1. l.iinmii. d. yoiin<;.
•J. Peter, n'iniived t(» Allfstiiibiirc, Ohio. lasue :
1. Plait, res. in Kent. ('(inn.
5. Henry, n-x. .\ustinbnrj;, «Hiio.
X Afill!>.
4. LtHTetinf; ref*. ,\n.--tinliin-ir. (Hiio; m. a sister d
Kev. Harvey Loomis, I'tirinerly of Iiaiii:i'i,
F.\.\i. 47. Josiah' (Esq.), (Josiu/i* Jimnli,' John,'' JuJiu'), rem. to Pittsfielil, .Mass.,
wlieuio lie rem. to Rochester, N. Y.; tlicncc to I'tiea, X. Y.; in. (1) Sarah Wol-
COtt, whod. KlFcb., 178(j; m. (2) Maty Mather, 17H9, who d. 24 Sept , ISdU,
*. 40; m. (3) Kachol Ford. ''A. .■
1. .losiilh. 1). . iriKI. F.\M. t;.
2. Edward, bp. 27 .Ian . KU:!. — A'. .V. /.'.
8. .\nreliii. res. Pitt.-tield. Mttss.
4. Siinili Woleott. lip. »1 Ani;.. )T94.— II'. C H.
5. K. Mather.
ti, Hiehanl. h}i. ai Sept.. iriHi. — II'. C. It.
7. H<iraee.
K. JIarv Stroll};, bp. lli Nov.. 1800 - W. C. It.
'X JIar.v Mather, bp. I Get.. 18<KI.
ir. r. n. >
liein'y'H SkeMmn/ /{n/„. ■:>•!. X. )'.
F.VM. 48. Benjamin^ (/««;.,' ,fim,i/i,'>Jo/iii.^John^). m. Silence Winchell, 21 Xv
1778; d. at Harwintou, Conn., 1 .hiiic, 1829. C/i. :
1. Porter, li. as Mcli., 17711. Fam, 78,
a. .\lliiira, b. 22 .Sept., 17«0.
3. Benjainili. b. 7 Nov., 1782; in. Mary
\V. Hartfoi-d. t'onii. Aw//' ,•
1. Marv .\iiii.
-; res.
2. Milo Franklin.
4. Horace, b. 18 Nov.. I78«.
1. Nanrv.
.1. Horace," b, a-i Feb., ITitS.
F.\M. 4!i. EUsha.'' {Ilfiij.* Ji/xiii/i.^. Jiifiii,^ ,/ii/iii'), 111. Khnil,! (dan. Ehcnezer Fitch)
Bissell ; he d. C June, 1812, le. 58. C/i. :
1. .lolni, bp. 21 net., 171I3. A". 11'. ('. It.
a. Silv (Silencei. bp. 21 Mch., 1798,— A;. 11'. V. II.
;t. Edwin, b. 1 .XuK., I7ii,'..
4. Esther, h. 27 Sept.. 17'.I7.
.'i. Rlmla, b, 12 .Itllv, 1801).
II. Hciirv, I). 18 Nov.,
l.Seth, s.' Eli-lm, d. lU Se|)t., WM.- E. 11'. V. Jt.\
Fam. r>o. Elijah" (/icnj.,* J.-xiii/i." .Mm,'' Jo/,,,'),
182.""), ;e. 63. C/iildnii :
Haclicl Soper ; lie d. 23 Fell
1. Elijah, b. 28 Feb., 17!U: d. in Ohio,
a. Hanniba), b, 10 Apl,. 1703; res, Ohio.
3. Leonard, re?*, lleorpia.
4. Edward, res. Detroit,
.'i. \'ane\ .
B. Marv".
7. (ieol'KP; iHw*.s. the(i. who d. 23 Dec.. 1829. if, 4.'i
(therefore !>. 1784), and whose wife Fanny d, 2'
Sept., 1847, a', til ; had ,"i s., 1 of whom ivs. in low
and 1 in St. Louis, Mo,
8. Rachel. !l. Lucius.
10. fJeorge L.
F.xM. ."il. Hezeiiiah'' (i':\pt.) {Jn/tii,* Jirt'.,' Jo/iii,' Jii/,,,'). m. (1) Sabm Trum-
bull, wliod. 2(iOct., 1768, iv. 20; (2) Ilanuah Blodgett, who d. 28 Oct.. 1774.
.•e. 27; (3) Eli/.alieth Bartlett, b. 28 Nov.. 17.")3, and d, 10 Apl., 1S37, .-e. 84.— .<
Ji. ('apt. He/.. (1. 14 Nov., 1831, te, 94 yr,, 6 mo. He was born williiii ;i few roiN
of the spot where he d,, and in early life took an active part in the French War
b. under the ministry of Rev, Tinio, Edwards, lirsl pa.stor of K. \\ '., his mind wa-
il slorehouse of the civil, ecclesiastical, and social alTairs of the town; lie was a linn
friend of civil, relifrious, and social order, both al home and abroad; ami during a
revival of religion, in 1816-17, in abt, the 79tli yr, of his age, he became a iiiemhcr
of the E. \\ . church, Ue was a man of sterling common sense and iiianit'i sleil
much shrewdness in his observations of men and affairs. C/i. :
1. Subra. b. 2.-. May, 17(i»; ni, 9 May, 1781, Capt.
\\'all4*r Goodal6. /,'si,i :
1. Nancy UifHMlalo).*
2. Waller (t;oodak'l.
.1. .lobn L. (lioiKlale).
4. Ralph ((ioodak-i.
2 lluldah, b, 7Nov, 1770; m, Wolcott,
.Nov.. IT'.ll.
3. Hannah, b. 2 Feb., 1773; lu. 17'.I3.
I, Helsey, b. 2.5 Feb., 1777; d. 29 Apl., IKl'.l.
,'>, Kulh, b. 17 .Se|it., i;hii; d. 28 .Ian.. 1788.
II. Marildii. b. 2i; .Mch . 17,S.H; iii, •- Noble, 18U2.
7. Iioll.v, b. 2.').lune. i;87; ni. iloraiio James,
Dec . Isia: d. 12 Apt. ^S^^i.
H. Ile/.ekiah, b, II I)i.c., 17\)a. Fam. 79.
9. .loliii. b. 11 Jiilv. I79«. Fam. 80.
(1) Selden N, (Rislev), b. 28 Mav. isi:i; cj, Saiicv .\
iRislevi, b. .'. Se|il.,1811; d. 12 ilct.. ISM: (3l .^nieli.i
N. iRl'slev), b, 18 Anj:.. ISI.'i; d. 2 Apt. ISSS; (4) M.i
ria S. (Ri'slev). Ii. 10 Mcli.. 1817; l5) Kliza A. (liislevi,
h. 11 Sept.. 1818; d. 2.". Feb.. I82li; Hi. .sV. ;<//.<; 6'.,
(Risley), .W./).. h. 11 .Mav, IS2II; (71 ILiliiar liisscll
iRisleyi, b, ."i Ani;iist, ls"2."); l.S) \\'asliin::ion liis...c;i
lRisle"v). b. twin to Bolivar B.; I'.li I'arlislc T. iRi-
leyl, b. U.\l)l., 1828; d. 8 .\ua., 18:)2; (lib Beliialiiii.
F. iRislcv), b. au Dec , 1.S3U; (111 Tlioinas.l. (Rislev >
b. 20 Dec.. 18:j0; twin toBenj. F., il. 21 .Ian.. IS.ll
.Sff/lfleti OofKiifl* /("/Wf V, M.D.. of RtM-k\itIc, fonii
in. (1» Elizabeth Kin^ ; ni. rai Ktiiercttc Scott
Ihililifii khij Ixl „,;i\i: ili llliviM II. K., b.-iMiiic
18,")0. It,j 4,} ,it'i,-i-'ni<j, : i2i .Terrv E., b, 27 scpl.
I8-.9; d. 12 Oct., 18til; (21 Marv E .1). 15 Ani:.. 18i;2.
(3) Fannv S.. b. 17 .Mav. I8«ii; d. 1 .\pl., 1Sfi7: il
Christine F.. b. 11 net., 1870; d. 7 Oct., 1875.
• Nancy ()o<«lale in, WhiiiiiL' Risley. /»«'<
F.\M, .-)2, Isaac' (.S/m..* J,n.,^ John.'' Johi,^), m. Amelia I.eavill, 4 .Inly. 17711. wl
(1 l.-| \..
I soil
lied. 28.Tulv, 1822, -.v. 73. cli.
1. Amelia, b. 1 Apl., 1777: d. 13 Mav, 1777. 7. Harvcv, li. C, I)it., irsn. Kam. 8-'.
a. Aineliii. I). 23 IMcli., 1778; d. 25 Mch., 1779. 8. OwirKw, li. 1 1 Dec, 1788; il. 21 Aug.. 17117.
.-J. Isiinc, b. 31 Mch., 177(1. Fam. 81. 9. Asnph l.cavitt (.\l.n.>, b. 1 Jan.. 1791. Fam. S:!.
4. Aiai-lia. b.O.Iulv, 1781; ni. Hon. Joseph A. Cur- 10. BeNie, b. 2 Ain;.. 179:!; il. 4 Aim., 1797.
tis of Hanover,' N. H.; d. 3 Meh., 185."); .5 <h. 11. Sallv, b. 2:J Sept.. 17911; <1. 19 Aiis;., 1797.
5. Samuel, b. 19 Jan., 178;^; d. 14 Auk.. 1797. i 13. I.ulhera, \i. 14 Ma.v, 1799; m. Calvin Blodgfett
(i. Sophia, b. n Feb., 178.5; ni. K. Ilavi.s Curtis , of Bang.ir, VI.. 21 Apl., 1825; d.; 4 eh.
(his ad wife), 10 Apl., 1815; 4 cli. ! 14. (ieorj;e. b. 28 Jnl.v. ISOl ,
Fa.«. 53. Jerijah^ (T/ios.* T/im.," Thm.,' John'), K. W.; in. I a ilia Bartlett, 37
Mch., 1751, who A. 30 Nov., 1812, vp. «) (.S'. />'.); he d. '.t Dec, IsOii, in il4 yr.— S.li.
says Stli, and :«. 92. f'hildren :
lier sisler BelwevV luisb. ; she d. 26 Mav. 1845.
6. Asahel, b. 20 Feb.. 1702.
7. Ann, b. 20 Jan., 17frt; d. 9 Aug., 17IW.
8. Mariha, b. 0 Meli., 1700; m. 28 .Nov.. 1802, Joiiali
Bissell ; d. l Jan.. USIfi. A..W.-
1. L.vdia. d. unuuirrietl.
2. Levi. d. unmarried.
8. Ebcnezei'.
(Moses' eb. d. 9 Jan.. 1751. — K. W. ('. /?.)
1. Jcrijah, b. 20 Dee.. 1751; d. 10 Jnly, 182.5. — ,!J.iJ.
has it 14 Julv. 18:)5, x. 84.
2. l.vdia, b. l:i"Sept., 17.-)3; d. 2 Mch., 1789, le. 30.
3. Belsev, b. 21 Meh.. 1750; m.(liEphraim (s. Eph'm
s. of Mr. Win.) Wolcott, d. 15 Feb., 1795.
4. Thomas, b. 2 Dee.. 1757. Fam. 84.
5. Mary. b. 21 Feb.. I7IH); m. 28 .Vug.. 1799. Kphraim
(s. K'ph'm s. Mr. Wm. i WolCOtt. who had been
Fam. 54. Ebenezer'' (EUeii.,^ I'hos.,'' Tlim.,- John '), 111. 20 .May, 1740, Hannah (ihiii.
.Ic-ieiniali) Drake ; she b. 30 Apl., 1718; il. 14 Jniic, lSO;i, ;i>. 85 yis. (A". 11'. C I!.)
an<l E. W. 0.); he d. 29 Mch., 1804, x. 86 yrs. — A'. If. (>. and C. //. (7,. :
1. Charles, b. 25 Julv. 1741; d. nnm'd. 15 Julv.— 3. janu-s (Biihvell), ni. (1) Ksllier Roberts : i2.
Ituri.-K. W. O. ami r. It. ' Abbie Butler; (31 drra Ward, ll.id ill
2. Alice, h. 10 Oct., 1743: d. unm'd. 2 Oct.. 1824. — fM/ur; l2) .Itihi,.
E. W. C. It. and It. D. id. 4. Eli ll.ieul.l. b. 12 Jan.. 1749. Fa.ii. s.",.
3. .Mar^-aiil. b. 21 Oct.. 1746; m. Dr. Ephraim .5. Hnld"h,h.5Jmu'.17.54; m. Filer Wolcott of K.W.
Bidwell of F,. H. Issue,: 0. Ebenezcr, b. 6 Jan., 17.57 8; d. 3!) Meli,. 1804.
1. So])hia (Bidwelll, nnmarrii'd. E. II'. ('. R.
2. .lames (Bidwelll. ni. Marv Curtis of Cvntrv. | 7. Hannah, b. 17 June. 1701; ni.'l'hos. Bissell of K.
Conn.; had (11 Helen; (21 Sidney; ci) LHCian; W., 2:! Feb., 1792; she d. 14 June, WW. E.W.Clt.
(4i William; (51 Cliarloile;(0) James; (.7) Harriet. ' (Ebene/.er's son d. 23 IJee.. 17.57. E. »'. C. /;.
Fam. 55. IVIoses° (JCheii.,* Tbos.,^ T/it>s.,' John'), m. (1) Esther Matthewson ;
prol). the " ifoses wife" who d. 1 Dec., 1750 (/?. ir. t'. II.): m. ci) Anna (dan.
Isi;icl) Stiles. C'hiklieii (by M Marriage) :
1. Moses, l>. 2 Feb., 1750. 5. Esther.
iSy id iiidrriageA : 0. Jerusha
2. Irene, 1>. 14 Jnl.v, n.55: in. Hez. Munsell "■
See ilunaeU Gfuftdofft/,
3. Anna.
4. Benlah.
Fam. .56. Aaron ^ (Cn[)i.) (PJImm.* 17u>ii.,' T/u>g.,' John'), m. DonilJiy (dan. Samuel)
Stoughton, 5 Dec, 1757, wlio d. 5 Dec., 1808, le. 76.— r. II. el li. 1). " Here lies
y Body id' Cap" Aaron Kissell, who in the Course of his IJfo serv' his General iou,
Ijy y will of, God in a reputable & Useful Life & Died with becoming composure
I and discharge of y« Duties of y" {'hristian, Civil, and Soi'iety DomesI'' | Resigna-
tion of Mind to the Divine Will, on May 11"', 1787, Aged 65. And though Dead,
silently says, Death is a Dibi tin' living owe, which I have paid and so iiiiist you."
—E.W.O. Oh. (hj). K.W ' /;, .;
1. Chloe, b. .30 Aiii;., 17.58. | 3. Epaphras, li. 24. bp. 28 Julv. 1705, 1- am, s;
2. .\aron, 11. 27 July, bp. 22Xov., 1761. Fam. 80. 1 4. Domlhy.
Fam. 57. Matthew'^ {Eben.,' Tlion..^ Tlm.,^ John' ), res. E. W. ; m. Anne , who
d. 15 Sept., 1766, in 42d yr.— K. \V. <). Oh. (K. 11'. 0.* (ind E. I!'. C. li.\) :
1 Hufus,*d..iOSepl., lT.-)9.!C.5Hk-.,5da.-£ W.C.lt. 4. Achsall.i bp. 25 Meh., I7W; prob. llieeh, of M..
2 Anne* (.\invl. bp. 12 Sept., 1762; d. 11 Mav. who d. 25 Mav, 1701. A'. 11. C. A'.
1701, a'. 20 lu'o, 1 dav. " 5. ,i bp. 12 Feb., 1709.
3. .Mary,» d. 10 June. i7W, a'. 3 v., 7 mo.. 12 da. 6. .+ bp. :W Jan., 1774.
Fam. 58. Isaac'' {Jsaai-,* Lieut, hane,^ Tlios.,'' John'), m. Abiatiia Way, 12 (or 13)
Dec, 1770; he d. 19 June, 1823, at Ilartwick, N. Y. Ch. :
1. .lolin, b. 15 N'in.. 1771. 6. Harvev. b. 2:j Julv, 1780.
2. I.uiher, 1). June. 1773; m. Fam. aS. 7. Benjafnin. b. *l Meli.. 1782.
3. oniinie, b. 12 Feb., 1775; ni. Sarah Guild 'f 8. Norman, b. 3 Jan.. 1784; sell. Milfonl. X. 'V.: had
Milton. Conn. son .{nuts.
I, Levi, b. 15 Jan., 1777. 9. Folly. 10. Pcggv. 11. Mollv. 12. Isjiac. 4lh.
5. Sally, b. 21 Aui;.. 17T8.
I"am. 59. Ca.\w\n^ (Txdiie* Lieut. Imae,' Thos.,'' John'), in. Eli/.abclli KilbOLirne,
who'd. 19 Nov., 1830, .-c. 69; he was a Rev. soUlier; d. Litchlield, l.mn., 2« Fib.,
1837, le. 84. Children:
1. Catharine, m. Abni-r Cutler ; il- llaruvick,
•J. Wait, d. iinmarriwi. [N. V.
:i cliHrlfj*. KiTvtKl in Capl. Stephen Ranney's Co,,
in War of l,Sl-3; il. (hirini: that war, at Phltt«-
liuri:. N. V.
4. Horace. .<ett. Uariwiek, X. Y. ; m. Miranda (daii.
I,nt)ier> Bissell ; has fanlily.
5. Henry, m. Belinda McNeil"' LitehHeld, Conn.
1. Cnrnliii. i.; , l> 11 Aiisr.. 1«37.
2. Emily K., b. S) Feb., 18^10. (N. Y.
(i. Lanra, tn. .lohn I). Webber ; ret^. CineituiatiiH,
'. Alma, m. Kliziir U. Smith of l.itehflcld, Conn.
8, Maria, in. — Palmer ; re-. Wc!.imoreland.N.Y.
9. Diantba, m. Carvviod Sanford, V.^x\.; family.
lO.'Lnther, m. .Junetti* Piatt of Waterlown, Conn.;
he d. Woleoltville, conn.; had eli.
Fam, 60, Archelaus' (Imac* Lieut. IiuiiH-,' T/ut.t.,'' Jii/iii'), III. Mary Thomas,
who d. 12 Oct.. 1H26, ;i". 64; was a Rev. soldier and pensioner: tlied at Litelilitid,
Conn., 26 Apl., 1H4(), se. 88. Cliililreii :
1. Anna, in. Ashbel Beach of Chenango Co., N. .'). Elias, b. 9 Feb., 1792; re:;. Litchfld. Conn. : nm'd.
v.; -1 children. 6. Clarissa; re»*. with Eliii.'^; unmarried.
2. William, of Albany; later of Glx-enwieli, N. Y.; 7. Olive, d. youilK; piob, IheO. who d. 1-,' May. I78T,
m. Ill .Viinii Pierce of Stratford, Conn.; 12) "a child."
Harriet Bishop of .Mbany. X. Y. 8. Horace, d. Warivii Co.. X. Y. !«. ;).
.■). .lohn. MTved in Capl. Clieeiiey"s Co.. in War of 9. Harriet, ni. Ciirlit.>. Hallock of Litchlleld, Ct.;
1S12; wounded al (^iieenslowii, and d. in Canada. lU Mary. in. Win. Patterson '<f Kox'by, Ct; 6ch.
4. Thalia, d. iininarrieil.
F.\M. CI. John " (.he/,* Liiiit. hauf,^ 'I7i,:i.," .Mm '), ni (1) Mar.v Dickinson, Nov.,
1781, wliod. aboul l.S(l4: m. (2) Hiildali Chappel. 'V/. (/.i/ W miirrim/e):
1. Orrilla l.\urelia». b. 1.x .lime. l~tf>. I. Amanda.
2. Almira, b. u-.i .Tan.. 17S-t. 5. I.neinda I..
3. Anios, h, 14.1aii.. 17Hli. 8. Win. (M.l).i. li. Is .lime. IWW; sell Monirose, I'n
4. Clarist-a, 1>. -22 Feb., 17H9. . i/fv iil infifrinfft a
5. David, b. -.JSMav, ntll. 9. Amamla .leiulte. I>. -JO Apt. 1811; m. William
ti. Amanda, b. 42 Apl.. 1793; d. 14 Apl., 1(<07. Bissell. K-<|-. '-i N"v . ISil
7. .\1h-1. b, 21) .\ni».. ITSii; bad 'mxiir : in. Cordelia (Cornelia ?| K., b. Vi Aiij;., 1812: in. .lolm
1. Charles 11. Morgan of Kent. Conn.
2. .lohn. II. .sedina L.. b. 1(i Feb.. 1815; m .liirni> Morgan
'A. Mary. of Kent. Conn.
Fa.m. 62. Benjamin' {/ifi'.i-,* Lieut. Imnc,' T/iog..' Jnliii'). ill. Mallei Griswolcl.
ChihtrtH :
1. Hiram. b.28Apl.,lTtH; III. Ik'ihiaWetinore, •'> Raehel.
18115. /Milt: li. Xancv; poss. the X. who in .Vsher Adams of
1. Ciarry. 1. William. 7. .lo.sepli .1. Bostoii, 3:1 Feb., 18(10. H7.y. CA. /.V< .
2. Benjamin. ,>. I.nev. 8. Nancv. 7. .Mabel.
:). Hirain. Ik l.yinan. 9. Riifils. 8. Rlitxla.
2. Warren. 9. .Aniiis.
M. Benjamin. I 10. Lois.
4. Rufus. 11. .Minerva.
Fam. oa. Zebulon^ (/&'•..* f.ifiit. hunc,' yVcw.,' ./«/(» 'i. III. Saiali Watkins, li
.Jan., 1774. Clii/dicn :
1 .lohn. b. 10 Feb.. 177(>. F.\.>i.Sli. 1. ticorge C., b. 1800: in. Susan Kilhurn.
2 Bei.-y, b. 10 De<-., 1781 ; m. Shepard, 2 AImiI, d.
:i. Sarah, m. Win. E. Chittenden. 3. Edwin c.
4. Heinaii. b. li .\pl., 1778; 111. Siisannab iSusiin :r) .'>. .Tulia; in. a Baldwin.
Camp. Iss\ii : fi. Xormaii.
F.\M. 64. Benjamin '*(/<'/.,' Lt. Imnt,-.' T/k^k.,' J<>/ui'). m. Esther Benton. -'1 Feb.,
1779, wlio d, 27 Dee,, 1840, te, 83; he d. 28 Feb., l.S2."i, a'. 71. Childit,,
1. Rebecca, h. 9 Feb., 17>«; ill. William Smith .li. Abigail, b. 19 Feb., 1792; in. Join. Cris wold .
of Clieminiito. X. Y. Iititut ;
2. .\nna. b. 14 !)«•.. 17*1; m. Levi Hoytof CiKip 1. Cornelia Kiriswoldi, in. Dr. Cha». Vaill.
erstown. X. Y. T. R,ichel. b. 18 Sept.. 1793; in. .lonailiaii North
8. .Nathaniel, b. 31 Dw.. I7s(;; in. ,\iiiia Smith of (ireeiie Co., X. Y.; 7 childn*n.
of Miildlelmry, C(nni. /«xw ,• 8 Dotlia, b. 18 Oct., 1795; m. John Landers of
1. ErastnsS. .'i. .Iiilia .\.. in. 'Pimcahv Brimme Co.. X. Y.
2. Henry B. I Allen. M.Tl. of Bnxik- 9. Harinan. b. llj Jan., 1797; in. .\niia Peck, Kec
:i. Ralph. lyii. X. Y. ls2Ci; res. Fond dii Ijic. Wis. lium :
4. Frederick. j li. Charles. 1. I.e<jnard C. i :). .luliils. 15. Frances.!.
4. Henjainin. b. 2(; Dee, IT'S: in. .Melis.sa Post 2. David (). I 4. Harriet. I (i Julius, 2d
of Cuiiaan. t.'olin.. Feb.. 1822. Iin'm- : 10. .\mos, b. 16 .Inlv, 1?.I9; ui. Lvdia Hall lone aci'i
1. (War iRev.i, b. 20 Ih-c. 1822; in. il).\lina savs Os/x>/v;l. 15".Mch., 1827. ' /uSHr :
Cr>li=. M .1 l^KI; |2) Aiiinisla M. Ward, I. Edwanl. 3. Klizabelh. I 3 Dwiaht.
1 2 William 4. Julia. ! (i. .Mary
2. B' _'e. I 4. .\iit.'usius. ! 5. Lawrence. II. Julia, b. 12 .Mav. ISOi'i; in. Lviinin J. Smith ;
t> M' White of Oalveslon, Tex. ri». LitchtUld. Conn ; eb.
5. Kniii..,, i,. m h,.l,..17mi; unnrd.
F.\M. 6.5. Ftosv/eW (^yin.,* Jiiii: y<itiri,'' y,iilil,' Mm'), 111. (liloe Tiiompson;
he d. 7 Feb., 18.03. fMnniiti Gen. says he in. Olive (dau. Elijah) Sttnighton; but this
is an error, as we learn from his gd.-daii,, Mrs. L. Badore of K. \V, II. Ch.:
1. Clarissa, in. Xatbl Wolcott, 21 Ant;.. ItKW. 5. Harvev.
2. Cluster, m. Tryons of clastonburv. ti KIsa. ii. 17 .Sept., 179:t; m 12 ^pl lsl9 Tlin.>ihv
3 Ksther. in. Anhlx'l Webster. Watson.
4, Laurence, b. 11 Mcb., )T;2, F.vll. 9l>. 7. Anna. d. le. 4 vrs.
K\M (i(i. Jonathan ' (Jo/i'f.,* ./'wn.," JVath'l,'' John.'), m. (1) I'nulence Smith, 12
June, ITTO. wlio d. \ July. 1789; m. (2) Hwlexalena (dan. John and Hcdcxalena
Wo/eott) LoomiS, Vi Sept., 1791; res. Windsoi'ville, E. AV., and d. 29 Dec. 182.")
(N. fl.); his wid. Redexalena d. 27 .\pl., 184:?. C'/i. (hy Ut imr,)!tjr. K. W. C. It::
1 . Prudence, bp. Oct., cl. 98 Nov., ITTO. 10. .Jnliu. h. U Feb.. d. 0 Oct.. 179fi.- A'. IV. C. II.
2. (Hive, li. 4. lip. 14 Nov., 1T71: in. Daniels. 11. Henjuuiiii, h. l.i AuK.. 17il7. Fa.>i. W.
3. I'mJcnce, h. 13, bp. 19Scpt., mS: m. Charles IS. .luliii, I). 10 Dec, 1799: m. Ruel Payne (.-"=
T. Sparks. ' Paine GematX
4. Riibv. b. 18 Aue , 1775; m. Walter Pease, 13. M.irihii, li. Hi. li. 2\! .Inly. 181«. - li. ir. V. li.
.*>. Warhain. li. -2 .\pl., 177.J; iiiun'd. 14. Mary. b. twin In .Martha; in. Timnthy Smith "f
fi. .Iimnthan, h 17 .N'ov., I7.'<0: bp. '2.'> Feb.. 1781 ; li. .\inirerst, Mass ; she <l. IMS; no Lssiie.
3(1 Au^'., 1814. 1.5. Laura, b. Oct.. 18—; m. .John MclVlasters "f
7. Clarissa, b. 21 .Mav. 17.»i.3; piiib. the ch. bp. 2:} Oranby, Conn.; shed. 1871; res. Mich. /.-.-v. ;
.Mav. 1"«4; m. Flint. 1. Bissell IMcMasters). b. IKIi).
Hi/ M inarriar/r : 2. Frances (.McMastersi. ni. Oeo. Fcrward.
8 orrin. b. 1 Dec. nte. Fa-M. '.'1. .3. Charles (MeMaslers).
;i. Redexalena. h. 17 .\nf.'.. 17!M; m. (iuy Wol- 4. Timothy Edwards (.McMaslers). b. 1819.
cott (*c^ Wftiffift Gcii*.fif.i.
Fam. 67. Lieut. David' {Ens. David,' Lt. Jhui,!.' Xniy/,'' JolirO). m. Elizabeth
Baclcus (if E. W.. 14 (2.5 aec. to OimtirinK .Wci. p. ;?():)). 1761; he wa.'i a nieinber
of (':ipt Menjamin Allyn's (4th) Co., 3d Regt., in theCrown I'oinl E.xpedition, 17.w:
and Lieut, in 4th Conn. Regt. dviiing the Rev. War. His wife. Elizalieth Backus,
was daii. of John, Jr., of Windham, Conn., and gt. jrd.-diiu. of Lieut. William
Backus of Norwich, Conn., who ni. 1 1 May. 1660, Elizabeth (dau. Lieut. Win.) Fratt
of Htfd., b. 1 Feb., 1641. Lieut. David d. 16 Dec, 1799, te. 67. Ch. (/>/). E. W.C.It.):
1. Nondiah l.Maj.l. b. 4. bp. li Dec. 17til (A'. IV.C.Tf. I tuil. of E.W.: shed. Apl, 162(1; lltul 3 s. and 3 dans,
gives 22 Nov. as date of bp.) Fam. 93. 4. Simon liackus, b. Ill (22 ace. to Omdvhi's AW«i,
2. Marv. b. 14 Dec, bp. IS Nov.,(r) 176B; d. T Nov., bp. 22 .Jan.. i;ii9. Fam. 91.
1771.'in.5th vr. E. 11'. I). ' h. Clarine. b. 14. bp. l.") Sept., 1771.
^ David. h.f>,' bp. 10 .June. 17M; ni. Heart Wick- f>. Mary. b. in. bp. 17 .\pl.. 1774; nl. 17 .Inly. 1791.
ham of I'oinfret. Conn. \vh. he sett.; rem. to Nathan. Lyman of Coventry, Conn.; sett, in E.
K W, Ihence In lltfd. \vh. hed. abt. 1816. His ' W., h h. he d. 3 Mcli . 1S2H. le. .t8. leavin<r 13 ch.
u id III Dr. Krlw. Tudor of M'dlebiiry. Vt., and . 7. . d. 27 v\uK , 177(1.
F \M lis Elisha =■ (Ens. Darid* Lt. Sarid,' Xath'l,'' John}), m. Roxy BIssell ; he d.
22 .May, 1808. Vh. (bp. E. W. C. li.):
1 Seih. b :» Auk. bp. Sept.. ITsa; d. 11 Sept.. 179.-<. Woodruff, htiiir :
2 Elisha. b. 14 Feb.. bp.l Apl.. 1787: d. 3 Feb.. 1810. 1. Sarah A., b. 7.1uly. 182.').
3. Koxv. b. 18. bp. 2!l Sept.. 1788: m. Bristol; 2. Cicorpe D.. b. 24 Apl.. 1S2S.
d. 7 Dec. 184fi. 5. Silvia, h. 17. bp. 2^1 Meli.. \'M: ui. Simeon E.
I Ceorte, b. IK Oct.. I79II; iK W.C. Jl. jrfvc rec of Hodges, "bod. 13.)iine. 1S47. she ni. (2) 1858,
./«////, s. of Elisha. bp. 24 Oct., 1790.) in. Sarah Pickett.
Fam. 69. Noah*(3wA,* Lt. Darid,^ Snt/i'l,' John^), m. Eunice (dau. Dea. Benoni
Olcott of E. W.. 17 Nov., 1776: she d. 12 Nov., 1798, sv. 46.— ft'. 11'. C 0. ef C. Ji.
Children (hp. E. IP. C. R.):
1 Noah. b. 39 Sept., I«p. ■sometime heiw. 29. Inne .'>. Rntli. b. n .lune. I7H7: m. Calvin Cowen of
and 29 Sept., 1777 ■; d. at Khincbcck. N. Y.. 26 Ihestcrtield, M.iss.. .Tunc. 18U9; d. 17 Aiif;.. 1826. at
Sept.. 1842. .Taniestnwn. N. Y.
2. .\melia. b. 30 Oct.. bp. Nov., 1778: in. SK^pbeii (•. Syloimm. b. 2(;.laii , 1789; in. Tirzah Pierce of
Taylor of Norwich, Mass., .Tan., 1803; d. 11 Chestellleld. .Mass., 21 Apl.. 1S18.
Sept.. IFIS. at .\. 7. Einilv. b. 19 Feb., 1791; ui. Calvin Cowen. for-
:i. Cvnthia. li. 2ti Apl., bp. 19 Mav. 1783: m. Bela merly of Chesterlield, later of .laniestown, N. V..
Stetson of Chesterfield. Mass.. 19 Nov.. 1801. Oct.. 18.38.
I. Flavia. b. i AliK.. bp. Sept.. 17H.i; in. Bonner 8. Benoni Olcott. IlS^I Feb., d. 2n Mcli.. 179.1.
Robertson of Ch'strmi. Mass.. 10 .Tuly. I,Si)l.
F.\M. 70. IJeul. Daniel" (L'.S. A. )(/>(///(■</," y;//Hje/,'' Daniil.^ John,'' John'), wliose he-
roic and romantic mililiiry exploits are narrated in the Revolutionary Clitipter of
this work, after the war m. Rhoda Hurlburt, in Vermont, wliillier he had rem.
after his father's death, about l.SOO; served as Lst Lieut. 16th U. S. Inf. (commission
dated 17 Apl.. 1779. and signed by President John Adams) in Sullivan's Expedition
against the Indians — " the .\dams War. " Chililnn :
1. Daniel IVrez • i M.D.I. :iU son and nth ch. b. .3. Daniel natkell (M.D.i. t-rad. M.D. at Y'. C. Mol.
Randolph, Vt., 29 Mav, 1802. Fam. 93. Depl.. Mch., 1S26: was once Health Officer of ihe
,'. Daniel Daniel. Port of New York.
• The Rt. Rev. Bishop I5is.»ell of Veniumt is. Ezekiel), writes: ".My uncle Daniel and my father had
cuiiotis notions about their children "s name's, ^ly uncle naincti atl his boys Daniel, thus: Daniel IVrez, Dan-
iel llmktll, and one was named after himself, Daniel Daniel — the lirsl to attain the D.D. .Wij father named
III! his pills Kliziihrtli. and all his boys WiUkiin: the tirsi in coinpliinent to his wife; the latter in compliment
to a friend of his youth. Rev. AVilliam Frederic Kowland."
?\\M. 71. Dr. Elihu" (/^"«'^' />««'/.* Diiii'l.^ John,^ ,Min'), h. W., sett, at Si.. Kadley,
Ma.ss.; 111. Anne (eld dan. Jilattlicw) Hyde of KUingloii. Conn, 6 Nov., 17H2; lie
(1. 23 Aug., l.S(»:3. Vhildiri, :
I .liiMpli Wadswnilli. h Sci. Iluilli'v, 15.IC111C. 17K4; 3. Kil-su, Oi:imc i.'iviMi on iiillhorily uf .1. W. H. i<!
m. Marv .\iiii Hyde ; li II Miiv. iSi«. /{iiili den. Spriimvilli'. llali, » liu cavf she d. nlii. IS"?, agi-d
i. Ilcnrv. Ii. al Si. Iliidlry --li Aiij.'.. liSr. Kam. !I6. , ovir'.XM.
Fam. 72. Ezekiel (.M. I) )(/>/»«>/," Daiiul* Daniel^- John,- Julm^ ), ni. 31 Jlay, 17'Jf>.
Elizabetli Washburn of Kanrlolph, VI. He d. at I?. 13 May, 1K24. Ch. :
1. William* Freilnir Kt.wliiml. I>. li May. ITltii | Austin Bradford. I"""'
(l"!ir- Fum. llri.y. il. -Hi Dif.. IKIS.
•J. .VI^'iTiii.ii Sidney William,* I). :« .Mrli.. ir!»; d.
■S.\ Ihc, !««.
3. Kli/jilieth S. .\.,»h. 3 DiT.. 1801 118110 - Finn.
//«■.); d. .June, IS-Ti; iii. Kliazor Bancroft.
1. I'anilnci- K. (Riiicrnt'Il. 1.. Kcl... IKK; d. Ison.
■I. Aurclia K. ('..* li. ■i'.\ .M:i\, istll: in. Feb. 27. ISar.
1. I.iicy K. iBiadfoitl), li. \x>A.
•i. .\LiMili iliradCiird).
3. AiLi\-liu(ltiadf.iid).
t. I.mv (Biadfi.idi, 111. .1. 11. Dudley.
5. M. TliVm-a K..+ li. S5 .May. ISIH; .1. 17 .liiiir, Ifill
(.Ian.. \M'i-Fiiui. Ittr.Y. in. (.oilman Smith.
li. Wijliaiii lUyirv vViijlil.'tiiH* (Kl. lii-v. HiHli(.|. of
VI. 1. 1>. Ill N'l.v.'. IKH. Ka.1I. 117.
Fam. 73. Ebenezer Fitch" (Capt.) {Ciipi. Him,. /•:,• \iroh. lhi»'l,> J>,iii'l,'. Mm'
John'), m. Eunice Phelps <>f Haydens, W.f He d. 1838, ip. 78. Ch. :
1. Kiu-h. bp. 21 Ans;., 17111 ( If. '•. A'.); ni. Faniiv
I.. Moore, 3 Apl.. ISI."; I ir. U. It.y. l.i.ih died
abl. ISIIO; 111. isi^iie.
•i. Cyrus, hp. i\ .Inly, 17113 i.V. .V. A'.): d. iiiiurd..
lS.Vi, a'. 63.
3. Kiiniee. bp. » .Inne. 1800 ( 11'. ('. /M: lu. .Nalh'l
Lines »»f HnM.klii-lil, Mas*. iMitt :
1. Ebenezer iLiliei^.l
Fam. 74. Titus Lucretius* (Vnpt. Ehen. i''.,'^ prol). Dmi'l,* Dan'l^'- Jnlin,' John'),
of West Hartford and Shnsbtiry; m. 20 .June, 1790, Eunice Humphrey of
8iinsliiiry, Conn.; ho d. ;ilit. IS.iO. C/iiUlnn:
1. .lohn liiinii.hrey, I.. W. 1' .Tune. bp. 16 X<.v. ( IT.
.".. llenrv Catiip. b. llifd, 211 Nnv.. ISli). Fam. HI'
11. Kilward Ilaniillini. b. ilifd, IS .Nov.. INl-J; d.
7. .\li(;il»Ul» I'elliboiie, b. Iltfd, 11 Mel... 1811; d. 10
A|iI., )83;1.
r. /i'.), ISIKl; <1. Phila.. l'ii.,l,S Mel... IKJ.-.; inn'd.
•i. Tiltis LneieliUK. b. W. 14 .lulv. l!<i«. Fa,m. 93.
3. . dan. b. Illfd. :» Nov., d. 17 Dee., 1804.
4. Harriet Eliza.-b. Hlfd. 2<i Sept.. ISOB: d. 2.0 Nov.,
Fam. 7.'>. John Devotion" (Dv.) (Elxn.,' KzcK:.' Vnn'l.' John,' John'), sett, in On-
ondaga Co. , N. v.; in his later years rem. to Chicago. 111., where he d. 10 Sept.,
18.56. and was Im. at .Vun.ra, III.; m. 19 Oct., Isi)."), Elizabeth Forman, who d.
at Alti.n, 111., 23 Sept., 1838. Ch. :
1. (Ji.rdoii N.KiIhaiii, b. IT- Sept.. 1SU6. Fam. 100. .",. .lane Klizabelb. b. 3 Si-pl., 1814: in. Beiijaniin I".
2. Cliarles Foiman, b. 211 Apl.. IHOS. Fam. 101. Woodworth, 2? Nov., l*«i; d. .St. I.oiii-. Mc. ,
:i .Mi.rpirc't .\i.n, b. 3 Feb., 181U; in. Kieliard .1. Feb.. 1S.K.S
Church i.f Kullierford, N. C: she d. Omaha, li. I.nev .laneiie, b. 211 June, ISIfi.
Neb., 14 itet.. IH.%. 7. .lohn WnnI, b. 21 Apl., 1818. Fa.m 102
4. Hannah .Matilda, b. Vt Nov., 1812; in. Oirin 8. .loseph Kbelic/.er, b. T.lnne, 1821. Fam. ini.
Cowles ; she d. hi Kmkfd, 111., lo Meh., WAT.
Fam. 7tj. Roderick' (Kzikiel,' Ezek.,* Dan'/,' John,' John'), m. Fanny Caylord, 11
.May, 1824; res. Torringford, Conn.; she b. 10 Nov., ISOl. He d. 10 Feb.. ls7.5, a-.
78. Vhildien :
1. (;avh>rd I M.D.I, b. Feb.. 1825; m.EinilvTall- 1. Edirar M.lBroiicoii), b. ft .Viij;., I8ii2: d. 25 ffb..
madgre, 7 Nov.. IWS; rvK. Ft. DtKljre. In«a. 187ti.
Ileil. .Iidv. ISTll. /».w ; 2. Fannie Bell (BroliM.nl. It. S .Viijr, 181H
1. KcUvni Hi»leri(k (M.I).), b. 185.V 3. Anna E. iltronson). b. 24 llct., lwi7; d. 14 Feb..
2. Charli'S. I.. l»ai. IKT.'J.
2. Charles H. (Mil... b. IH May. 18.31; in. .\iina 4. .lohn M^nr. b. 15 Meh., ISiW: ni. l.eab Byerly,
Henn, 18l»(>; res. Coli.rarU. Sprin;;s. 15 Sept., lS7ll; res. Frederick, loHa.
•3. .Marv .lane, b.4 .Meh. .'ill; in. Merrill Bronson, .'.. Esther .\nn. h. li) Apl.. IS;J5.
1 Nov.. laW; ix's. Winsted, Conn, /miu : 8. Virgil l!..b.8(or.30) Dec. 11*41; ui. XeliieOwen;
res. Sevillia, lowji.
F.\M. 77. Josiah"' (A'lw/.) (Josiiih,-' JoKiiih,' Jiminh;' John.' John') eonihined. in an
eminent degree, active business talents with an humble and energetic t'hriMian
ehanirter; he was a leader in every humane and benevi.lent cause. In company
with Aristarchus Champion, he established the tirst line of stages in Hoehester, N. Y.
He was the lirst mover of the Bible cause in liiat regiiui, and an ardent friend of
the Bible Society; evi-n to the clo.se of life actively enga.ired in dislributiiig the
Word of Life. He d. at Seneca Falls, N.Y.,r)Apl., 1.S31; m. Hcnrietla Perkins
of Harlfi.rd, 2.5 May, 1814. 'chihh-en :
• See note to Family of Lieut. Daniel (.ii previou.* piij.'e.
1 The N. .s. /?., in rec. bp. of bis 2 eld. ch., gives Liriii /)iiii,ill,i as iiuine of their ini.lher.
1 . yUu-v Ann, li. I'iilsni'ld, Slas*., 13 Oct., 1813.
.'. Joshih Wolcoli, b. Uoclii'sK.T, N. Y.,3May, 1818. I
R\>i. 1(M.
i. chaiiis I'iikin, b. SB Sept., 1823; m. Julia
West <if Uoclu'siLT, N. Y., and is proprietor of
W'l-st .\ venue Nurseries there. 1
\M. 7S. Porter'* (lienj.,^ Denj.;^ Josiah;
IS <)i;t., 1855. CkUdreii:
. (;e<irj;e 1\, 1). II Mav. 1803; d. 30 Ann.. ISO-l. I
!. Aim Wllite, li. 21 Nov., 1804.
(. (ie(H;;e 1". ((.'ol.), 1). -il Mch., ISOB; ivs. Torrins- I
foril, t'oun.
1. .Martin, \>. 2« Feb., 1808.
.. l.<'l>beiis 1'., b. 8.Jaa., 1810. Fa.v. lOG.
;. .John, b. 18 Del., 1811. I
M. T'J. He2.eW\a.h'' (Capt. Hez.,^ John*
wine Ellsworth, 25 Dec, 1820.— -S. li.
Children :
4. Ceor^e Perkins (Col.), b. Roclieslcr, N. Y., ii
July, 1827; banker I larl lord. Conn. F.\»l. lOS.
5. Cbanii)ion, li. 11 Jan., 18:)(); in. a Wales ol' \Vil-
iniiifiton, lJi-1., 3 Oct., IS,")!.
(i. Catherine, b. 1831; d. 1822.
' John,- John'), in, lAicy Tinker. Ilcil
r. Koselta F., b. 27 Nov., 1813.
8. Elisabeth, b. 2.3 Apl., 181<i; d. 1 .May, 1817.
<). Mary E., b. 17 June, 1818.
10. Lucv, 1). 25 June, isatl.
11. WilMaui, b..r Feb., 1,822: d. 22 Feb., 1825.
12. Catharine, b. 27 Oct., 1823; d. 31 Oct., 18l!l.
Jeremiah,' John,'' John '), m. Eliz;il)otli Pol-
Ile d. 5 July, 1872; she d. 31 Dec, 1871.
4. srary A., b. .Jan., 18-30; d. 2 Apl., 18:j3, !c. 3 yrs.—
S. It.
5. Freilefic E.. b. 15 >[(li.. 1S;!3. Fam. las.
6. Fayette C. b. 2(1 Nov., 18:!5; enl. in 25 Conn. Vols.,
Aug., 1802; killed at Iri.-<h Bend, La., 14 Apl., 1803:
'.\M. 80. John" (Cnpt. Ilci.,^ John,* Jemm.,' John,^ JoJin'), m. Eliztibeth McKnight
(dau. John and Stibra, sister of Jabez Allen) Thompson, 13 Dec, 1820, who w:is
b. 10 Sept., 1800; d. 14 Mch., 1887. He d. 5 Mch., 1873; was for many years a
leading member of the Ecclesiastical Society of E. W. C'h. :
1. Elizabeth E., b. 11 Mch., 1822.
3. Cornelia >!., b. 23 Oct., 1825; m. Cmarhs n.
Talcott of Glastonbury, Conn., 8 Jan., 1851.—
A', ir. A".
3. Ilezckiali F.. b. 13 Mis., 1827. Fam. 107.
1. John Hooker, b. IB Apl., 1.S22; m. Maria Susan
Benjamin, 8 Nov., 1877; no issue.
2. Caroline Elizabeth, b. IS Aug., 1823; d. 23 Oct.,
1825, le. 2.
8. Samuel Thompson, b. 21 Mch., 1825. Fam. 109.
4, Caroline Elizabeth, b. 10 Jan., 1827; d 23 Dec,
5. Ilezekiah, b. 7 Feb., 18.35. Fam. 110.
8. Elizabeth, b. 7 Dec, 1830; m. Darius Miller,
12 .Xu.i;., Itiio; no issue.
7. Caroline, b. 3 May. 1S!9; m. I'hiiieas Stedman,
1 .Tune. 1871; no issue.
8. i\rary Abalena, b. II Nov., 1,S.|3; m. !) Dec, 1,S73,
Rev. Diivid H. Thayer, at one time pastcu- at
E. W.; aftenvard, until his death, 1!) Sept., 1882,
in charfie of the Catlyilie Aiwstolic Church at En-
field, Conn. /.s>-'/t'.-
1. Willis Miller (Thaver), b. 1 Nov., 1874.
2. Burdette Cardale Cl'hayer), b. 2;i Sept., 187G.
3. Susan Bissell (Thayer), b. 9 June, 1878.
Fa.m. 81. Isaac' {Tsaae," Sam.,* Jere.,' John,' John\ m. 20 Oct., 1801, Nancy
Wemple, who d. 6 June, 1859; he d. at Hartford, Vt., 16 Oct., 1834. Ch. :
II., Jan., 180:3: dictl 20
, (ieori;!', h. Hanover, N.
.Sept.. ISOI.
I. Amelia Maria, b. Anq., 1807; d. 29Mav, 1808.
;. Caroline Elizabeth, b. 2 J[ay, 1809; d. 22 June,
Sarah .\nne, b. 2 Feb., 1814; m. Geo. Sturte-
vant, 16 July, ISij; d. Windsor, Vt., 19 Sept.,
-5. .\mclia Maria, b. SB Oct., 18t«; ni. Win, DaviS,
21 Jinie, 18:!5; d.
6. Luthera .Melvina, b. 12 Sept., 1819; m- Geo. Ten -
ney, Esq.; she d. N. Y. city, 13 Jan., 1878.
7. George Henry, b. 8 Nov., 1821. Fam. 111.
F.\.M. 82. Harvey" (hane,^ Sam.,* Jere.,'' John,' John'), ni. 23 Jan., 181G, Arabella
(dau. Fieegrace and Jerusha Joomi«) Leavltt. He d, 26 Dec, 1850; she b. 15
July, 1793; d. 26 Dec, 1850; res. Suffield, Conn. C'Ji. :
.lane .\nnette, b. 11 JIay. 1818; m. John Devo-
lion Smith of Veri;eunes. Vt.: she d. -28 Nov.,
isiil: hem. (2) Emily Church of Bristol, R.
1.. 18 IS. Jffilr:
1 . William Harvey, h. 18 Feb., 1843; d. 14 Sept.,
2. Henry Bissell, b. 27 Nov., 1.S44; d. 5 Dec, 1,843.
3. Eilw. Hunter, b. 17 Sept.. l.slfi; d. 25 Aug., 1868.
!. Henry Freegraee, b. 10 Mch., 1820; um'd; res.
Lawrence, K:in.
3. Elizabeth Amelia, b. 2 Oct., 1832; nl. Henry 0.
Lawrence, 17 Oct., 1843; bad:
1. Arabella. 2. Charles Henry.
4. .\rabella Jerusha, b. 24 .Ian., 1825; tn. Judge Wnl.
Luther Loomis, IB Mch., LSBS; res. Sullleld.
5. Louisa Maria, b. (i Mch., 1827: d. 19 June, 18:«.
B. Sophia Leavitt, b. 9 Feb., 1830; um"d; ivs. Law-
rence, Kan.
Fam. s:j. Asaph Leavitt' (M.D.) (Aw«<;,» S<im.,* Jerc.,' John,' John' ), m. Lucy (dau.
I>:ml A: Lucy A/».v) Norton, 3 June, 1819; res. Sull.; he d. 2 Aug., 1850. C'h. :
1 Charles Samuel, b. 5 .\pl.. 1821; ni. Maria
Pomeroy ; he d. 2 Feb.. 1887. Fam. 112.
2. KraueisL.. b. Sullield, 182.5. Fam. 113.
3. William N., b. 182:), d. 1H1:J.
4. Mary. d. yoimg.
5. .Mary .\nielia, b. Suff. 28 Sept.. 1828: m. Horace
E. Mather of Hartr«>nl(to whom we are much
indeliled for ihi-^ line- of tin- Bissell Family,) from
Sam.,s. Jeremiah, s. John, Jr., ». of Jokn, the
settler.— See Mather.
B. Emilv Luthera, b. SulT. ).><31; ni. Nath'l Shennan
Bou'ton of Cbie;igo, III., 15 Sejit., 18.5B; d. 12
Sept.. 18.57. Ch. :
1. ( harles .Sherman Bouton, b. 1857; d. inf.
7. Harvev I,., b. ISJ4.
8. Eugene, b. 1 Nov., 18;)9. Fam. 111.
'am. 84. Thomas' (Jerijah," T/ms.,' TfuM.," rhos.,'JoUn' ), in. (1) llannali Bisseil,
2:i Feb., 1792, wiio d. 2 .Jan.. 1793, in 32d yr. (/;;. IF. Se.); (2) Eleanor Mills, 20
Vol. IL— 12
N..V., 18(M. JIc.l. 31 Dec.
80. Vhildna:
.Iliniiw. li. 1) Deo., 1TJ2. Fam. U."..
KU'UiHir I'lirlir. Ii. II .Iiiiif, ISi:); in.
Itcti. .[ipBhih Rice or Ilurlfonl, I'oim.i
1855, iu. 98; a Krvol. solilitr; wid. il. II l''cl> , ISOI.
•J^l AliI .
plU' (lull
1 D.'i-.. is;.'..
■Hiiis. II., 1). viS .Mill..
l'\\M. 85. Eli" (IJcUt.) (/•//«•«.,'■ Elicn..' T/ios.,' '/'fins..- .Miii'), r:illi<l
•• l>ioiit."; m. Dniiiaii.s (diiu. Hev. Tlioiiias) Potwine ol' K. W.
She d. 31 July, 185;i; he d. 31 Apl., :8:». C/i. (/.y. K. If. C. 7;.).-
in A", ir. ('.
•i'.) Sept.. n
I. Kli. li. .3, l)|i. 17 Dec. nsii. F.\M. nr. Ills.
■i. .iiiiiii. i>. a> DiT.. nw. lip II Jan . irs'.i. ka.m.
:i. Elr<iiii (Ki-lMfca A". 11. ' . /.'i. I.. :!<i .lunc. lip.
:t.lulv. 131: m. Juit-il li. Talcott <>f •ila^'lon-
liiirv.' Cinni.. IS Xi>\ ., ISIS(/.'. /I.); slii'il. aii .Mrll.,
IS.<-j; hid. atlOcl.. IHS« iKKiie:
I. .iMlia (TiiUoii). h. Ill Sept.. ISlfl: m. John S.
Clapp of E. \V. Hill, 13 May, IMO.
■i. Ih.irlnllo (Takolt*, b. 2« May, isal; <l. 23
.liiiM\ IfSK
X. I liarlis lUniv <Tal<ottl. li. .'il .lull, IS-JJ; in.
liiimlia M. iilfiM lli'z. anil Elizalielh Kllsimith)
Bissell of E. W. S.laii., IS,-,I.
J. AlfiiHl Hisspll (Talrolli. b. SO.Jiiiip. 18iB: in. (li
Maiv liobbiiis Hale, 8 Nov., 1854, who il. 17
.\ii!.'.. ist!7; (21 I^iuiwi Edmonston ;
Doi-clta Goffe of \Va^llill::lon, D. I'. ; ba^
h'liiniiii : {i> Miiliil: at ./(iml Talmll.
5. .Iftliii ('I'alriilt). il. voiiii<;.
. Daniarip'. b. 2t! Nov., bp. 1.", Dir. {E.W.i:/:
17!i:!: <I. i; .Mill., IKT".. If. SI.
I. Eliza II. (Ilaiiiiali Eli/.a ill /.'>//). Rir.i. I>. 18 (>' i
ISOO: lip. IS .lull.-. ISdl (A'. II'. f. //.): in Jiiliiii-
Hale of (JhlsliPliblllv, Coilll, 28 Eib.. isai; Kilt
il. 22 DiT., 1S.W, a'. .Vi; Iu- cl. Dii-.. 18~. /««, ;
1. Elvira .MomIv, b. ;) Mib.. 1S2;: in. Janus II
Charlton ; ^^In- il. 21 Nov.. iss-j.
2. Julia Eliza, b. 11 .Nov., IKt!; in. James II
Charlton, ir .May, la^S.
Fam. 86. Aaron" (Capt.) (Cnpt. Aaron,'' Kliin.,' T/wn..' T/k/h.,^ Miii'), m. Nadinj
(dan. SaiiHicl) Tudor; res. E. W. Hill; owned Bissell's Tavern and IJissell's stmc.
She bp. 8 Apl., 176-1; he d. 7 Dbc., 1834. ChiMmi (hj>. K. W. C. It):
I. Soiibia, b. ir May. lip. Sept., irs,--,; in. Eli R. 1. Ilorare, Ii. 18 Mcli., 1"!10; bp. 17 M.b., IV.«; .1.
" " 17 May. IS-iT,. Iloiaio li. of .SV-. in. liel.-<ey Wol-
COtt of K. \V., 18 Jan.. 1814. It. I).
5. Jlaria, li. .-fl Jan., H!):!; bp. 4 Del., ir'.)."i; il. iiniM,
as Jan., 1818.
II. Eiljrar, b. .'Ill June, bp. 7 Si'pl., 18()0. Vsw. lUi
7. Alfred, b. 13 Dee., 1804: bp. 7 Apl., ISll.'.; d. iiiii I
Sojibia, b. 17 May. bp. Sept., TiXy. in. Eli R.
Haskell, 2!l July. 1810 iA;. ir. V. //.): d.. and
her sislt-r Susan (Suiiev) became E. II. V 2il wife.
>. Susan, b. 14 Nov., 1787; d. :« Jan., 178'.l, :e. 14
inonlhs, 17 davs. A'. IT. O.
i. Susan, bp. '.I M.iv. K'.Hi; in. 1 Sept., 1819, as his
2d »ife, Eli li. Haskell.- A". IV. C. It.
Fam. ST. Epaphras " (Cciil. Annm,^ Khea.* Titos.,' Th».i.;- J.ilin '), ni. 30 Nciv., ITHl.
•lerusha (dau. Samuel) Wolcott, I), 8 Ort., 1775. He d. :it Avon, N. Y., 20 Xuv
1820. Kcs. E. W. Ch. (bji. E. II'. C. H.):
business in 1852, in which he reniaiiuHl iiiilil his
. I'raiices. b. Sept., li|>. 11 Oct., 1795; in. Owen P.
Olmsted of Hartford, 22 Sept., 181!!.— W. O.
/itsi/f :
1. Prances (Olinstecl), m. Henry K. Coit of
Lilchtleld, t'onn.
Edward. b.20.Ian., lip. 2(mch.,i;ft7. Fam. 120.
; I'liiUrick. b. .\lis., bp. (iOcl., ITSO; d. Toledo,
o. : nninarried.
When ipiile youn;; he learned the engraver's
trade in New York, tlioui^li he never followed
llial caltini;asa business. .Mioiit 1S27 he ri-inovwl
to I/K-kport, X.Y..aiid eiii:a^cd in the dry iromls
trade, wliciv he remained mini In- Ifni. to Toledo,
in 18'Hi. Here he became the senior of the linn
of ISis.sell & (Jardner. forwardiin; .'iiid eoiiiniis.
sioii merehanls. In 1811. relirin-.; from the dock,
be atzain en^a;;e<I ill tile dry «;n»Mls trade, and con-
linili'd therein iiiilil he retiinied to the cominission
tleath. He was one of the oldest residents, as he
was ainoii>; the very oldest business men of Tolcli i.
in both of which capacities he ever held a bieli | —
sitioii. Honorable and iipriu'bt in all his biisiui —
transact ions, his e.xjM'iieiii'e ami cliaraeti-r i;a\i'
his jndy:tiHmt much iiillilence anionjr his business
aeiinaiiilances. ( 'omin;: to TnU-iiti « hen il was but
a hamlet strii;.".;liii'.; with older and In'tter eslali.
lislied towns for the metrdpolis uf the Maiimee Val-
ley, he witllesse<I and experienciHl nejiily the whole
of the early hoja-s. the snbseiiiient fears, llieloliu
contest, and the Illial success.
4. Sidiiev. b. Jan , bp. 7 Mcli.. 1S02.
."). Tlici«lore, b. Mcli.. bp. Id.lnne. IsOI. Fam. 121,
8. I.everctt.b. Sept., IS07; bp .", June, isos; in. Julia
iilau. Ileiirv and Jnlia Itmli Watson, 'Hi .Nov.,
1810, and he d. '24 Sept . 1812: no issue.
'am. 88. Luther ''(/•"'«(■,' /wi//',* AiV'«/, /«»«<%' yV/fW.,'^"//// '), m. (1) Hannah Pot-
ter ; (2) Uannah Shepard 111' IJIchtield; rem. to Urooine Co., N. Y., whei'c he
d. May, 1835; was llie iuventnr nf the "cut nail.'' C/i. :
Win. II. ((iov.), b. 12 (or 2S) Apt.,
Ta'vi, b, Jan,
,1800. Fa>i.
1811. F.
. 123.
Vwi. 89. John" (Zeb.,^ Z<1>.,* l.ieiit. Iiaiar,' 'I'/nm.,' Jo/iii'). in
Litchfield, Conn.; was a merchant in Ulica sind Albany, N. Y.
d, 1856. V/iildieii:
Kate Marsh "i
d. .Mch., 1855; she
I. sniniul. b. 1800; d. Tc.tas, Dec.. 1837.
.' ' ' • .'■Mav. 1807. Fam. 121.
27 Nov., 1808. Fam. I'il.
U. .\n<;.. 1811; d. Aie_'.. 1S22. |18M,
.,, l^:rh. nil.. ii.(Kt.,181.'j; m. Uoswell Hoyt; d.
0. Caroline Elizabeth, b. July, 1818; in. John I;.
7. Marv Ellen, b. 7 Oct., 1810.
8. (ieoi'v'cHirkwilli, b. ir.Sept , 1828; d. 10Seiit.,l&l8.
0-13. (5 others, wliod. inf.)
Kam. 90, Lawrence" (Uoxirdl,' WiUinm,' Em. A',tl/i'l,' j\,il/,'l,' .Mui '), m. 28 Feb.,
1805, .latir Wolcott {S. A'.), who d. 22 Sept., 18W. C/i. :
1. Wolcotl. I 5. Siihni.
JcniiinM S., Ill, f'liaima'y G. Sexton, 88 Xov.,
is-'ll. K. W. II.
.lam' Mclisxii, li. 17 .Iiine, 1808: m. \Vm. Green,
■.>:i.\|il., 1831. — A'. W. It.
C. Aildiii, 111. Francis W. Shepard "f Xoitli:ini|i
ton, Mass, an Aiil.. 1841. - K. \V. II.
t. TIiMirv VV. Faji. 1-Jll.
8. LawroiicK Wolciil 1 , 1). 18(l(>; il. l(i Niiv., 1825, ffi.W.
1 ' \M. 91. Orrin " {Jma.,^ Jona.," Jima.,'' Nath'l,' John '), m. K! ApL, 1819, Hcpzibali
Ames, wlio d. 34 Oct., 1855, .t. 61. IIo d. 8 Jan., 1873. Cli. :
1. Thaildeus Aililison. b, 4 Mav, 1820. Fa.m. 127. i 28 Mcli., 1,858; res. Br. Br'k, ('mm.— Sw /'«;■.«<«.«.
2. iii-njamin L., li. 0 Aiis;., 1822. Fam. 128. 4. On-in Cyrus, li. 30 Sept., 1829; (1. 5 Apl., 1831, :i-.
i-, :i. l{lu>(:a.\.,b. 81 May, 1827; m. Sol. G. Parsons, 1 18 mos.
Fam. 92. Benjamin ° {Jonn.,^ Jona.* Joita.,' i\'rtW7,' .Miii^), ni. Nancy ^M. Robin-
son ; res. York, Neb.; Wiis editor of St. iMuis {Mich.) licpublicdn. Ch. :
1. Bt'iyaiiiiii T!a.\ler, h. 1834; ni. I 4. Philip DoiWiiilge.
2. JIaiv liobinson; '.inmanicd. .5. .ToiiaUian Kdwaids, b. 1S19; ni. .\liila Bradley.
3. Cnrnclia II. I
Fam. 93. Noadiah" (.Maj.) (Jhnid,' Ens. Darid* Licni. Ihintl,^ Xiith'l,- Juln, '), m.
(1) at Hartford, 13 July, 1794, Silitl (dau. Gen. Koger and Jenislia) Enos of Hart-
land. Vt., who d. 19 June. 1796, in Hist year (i". H'O.);- (21 27 Jan., 1797, lii-tsy
Shuttleworth of Dedham, Jlass.; settled E. W.; rem. to Vt. Child:
1. Klizabotli Hackus. bp. 11 Oct., 170.5. — .B. VT. C. It.
Fa.m. 94. Simon Backus" (David,^ Ens. Dnrid* Lieut. D<irid,'' Nitt/i'/,- John').
m. 16 July, 1790, Martha (dau. Gen. Israel and Martha Pnliner) Morey* of Or-
ford, N. II. She was the tirst female ch. born in tliat town, 20 Dec., 1767. He d.
at Orford, 13 Meh., 1843. Ch. :
1. Marv Mailb;i. b. 1811; d, Florence, Italy. 18."ifl.
2. (ie(iri,'ia. b. 18-15.
3. llcnrv, b. 18.51; d. 18.54.
3. Israel lilorov, b. S.luiu', 18(11. Fam. 1211.
4. Georfie William Fitl. b. !1 Nov., ISdC; in early life
was a sailoi-; but sett. a( San I''raiiciseo, Cal.. and
liecanie a banker; in. 1.'<.52. M;iry (dan. Haiiiibon)
Loughborough of (.Jnissfands, I). (' . niece
of tbe wife of Com (lore I)is,sell; lie d. ]8((0. IxKin:
1. JIary Lonis;i. b. 1S,>1.
3. George, b. 18511.
1. Rdward Morev, b. 8 May. 18110; in. (1) Elizabeth
>1. Howard, who d. i(l.laii.. 184.5; (2) Callm-
line M. (dan. Hon. .\. G.) Britton of O. Mr.
llissell rep. (). for many yrs. in the N. II. legisla-
lure, and d. l(i .\pl.. 1857; no issue.
2. Siiiiou Backus (Coiuinodore), b. 28 Oct., 1801;
was edue. at West I'oint; cut. V. S. Navy as a
luiilshipiiian and ro.se to the irrade of coinniodore,
ha\ iiiL' served in the .Mexican War. and in War
<if the Civil liebellion; m. 1840, Sarah (dau. Ta-
llinn) Loughborough of Fauquier Co.,Va.;
lied. ISso. at Brussclls, IJcls;ium. Insi/e:
Fam. 9.5. Daniel Perez' (Dr.) {Lieut. Dan.,' Ikin.,^ Dan.* Jhiii..' John,'' John').
commenced his med. studies with Dr. E. W. Cheeucy of Kicliniond, N. Y. (later of
C';miiiidaigua, N. Y.), 1832; attended lectures in New Haven, Conn.; was licensed
111 practice by Conn. State Med. Soc. and Jlcd. Dep't of Y. C., 1826; rec'd lion, de
give of M.D. from Univ. of Western N. Y., isn."); api>. N. Y. State c;iiial comniis
sioncr, Feb., 1842; elected to same ollice by the people, 1844; servt^d as such fl yi-s. ;
rem. to Utica, N. Y., 1856, where he resumed prtictice. He in. Mary Ami Dut-
ton, 23 Sept. , 1830. Children :
* Gen, Morey, who wa.s lioni at Hebron, Itonii., May 27, 17:15, removed lo Orl'ord in January, nilli, hi'
iiijjoiieof the tirst setllers. He became an extensive laiulowner in ami around Orford, <in both side>i of Ilu'
Connecticut Biver, built Hie first sawmills there, and procured a charier for Hie first ferry across the Coiinee-
licut Biver.
He represented orfoi<l in llie Foiirlli and Fifth Provincial .Vsseniblii's of Ihe Colony of New Hampshire.
1775, and in the first House of Bepresentalivcs of the State of New llanipsliire, 177i;, was a ineniber of the
New Hampshire CoiiimiKee of Safely, and Colonel of flie ]2lh Be!;iment of Foot, New Hampsliire niililia.
1775 to 17.82, diiriiis the lievolulionary War. Duriii;; the entire period of the war he was aclively I'lijiii^ieci In
miisteriii^, i-igiiippiii;;. and forwardinj; lo the (_'mitiiiental .\riny Ihe troops raised by .New Hainpshiie.
He removed to Fairlee, Veiininil, in 1782. and was .\ssislant .ludt'e of Ihe tlran^'e County CiHirl, 178(1 lo
17!tll inehisive. and member of llie Legislature of Vermont, 1781!, '88 lo '!I0. and '.13 lo '!)7. He wax iiuirriinl at
Hebron, .Inly 14, 17.57. to .Martha Palmer, and died at Orford. .\ug. 10. ISll'.l.
Il4' had live sons and two dailKhlcrs, of w hum the oldest s(m, Israel Morey, .Ir.. born .Iillie Il>. 17(10. die<l
.Ian. 25, 1S20, served in the army, diiriiif; (he Bevohitionary War, as a lieutenanl.
'Phi' second son. Cap!. Siimnel .Morey, born Oct. 2:1. 17(52, died April 17, ls43, was a iiinii of ;;ii*at seieiitille
atiaiiiments, and was the discoverer of the api>liealioii of steam .is a motive power in water iiaviv'a(ion. (Sei-
.No. 1 of Ihe I'otlfi'lionfi of tin' Xiii' lliimpuhil-' Anfu/mninn Sttrirti/. published in 1871.1
Tlie third son, .Iudi;e Alonlton Morey. born .Inly 4, 17(15. ;;raihuiled fniin Dardnoiith ColIeKe in 1780. be-
came Assistant Judije of the Oranjie County T'ourt. and Associate Jiisliee of (he Supreme C{nirt of N'ermuiii,
having been also a member of the Vermont Legislature in 1324 and *25.
1. Marv Eliza, h. -it Dec.. 183.3.
2. Uaiilil I.iicius, b. 7 Apl., ISJ?; (1. 3 Apl.,
3. Frank, l>. 2(1 M.iy. IMl.
6. wniiam K., 1). G May. <1. 31 Ocl.. 182.-.. niisK.ii
fi. llinrv, 1>. l«in ro Win. K.. (1. Ill I'Vl).. If*.!). C'al.
7. .Jnstph \VailsH<irIll, 1). 1 .Ian., ISW. Fam. 130.
Fa.m. 9G. Henry" {Dr. EWm,'' Drtn.,'- nun.,' Dan.,' John,'' John'), m. Dolly (Oori)
tliy) E. Plummer, b. 20 Dec, 1791, at Newbury, Mass. He d. Boston, Oct lii
1832; she d. Wood River, Neb., 14 July, 1853. Ch. (b. Bonton, Mtm.):
1. fliarlcs II., 1). S,\ng., 1817.
2. Ilanict Jt., li. 29 Nov., 1819.
3. Lvilia Ann. b. 7 Mch.. d. 9 Apl.. 182". Bnslmi
4. Sfarianna. 1). 7Mdi., 1822; il. 5,Ian ."In X.Y.cilv.
Fam. 97. Rt. Rev. Bishoii William H. A.' {Dr. Ezek'l,^ Dan'l,'' Dan'},* Dnn'l,^ John.
John'), educated at Orange Co. Grammar School at Randolph, an<l Vermont Univ.,
whence he grad. 1830; was ord. deacon in Calvary Ch.. N. Y. City, 29 Sejit., 1839;
ord. priest Jidy, 1840; teacher of llie classics in Troy Episcopal Institute, Sept. 1,
1838, to 1 Jan., 1841; rector of Trinity Church, West Troy, 1 Jan., 1841, to Jidy.
184.i; rector of Grace Church, Lyons, N. Y., Nov. 1, 184."), to Nov. 1-, 1848; rector
of Trinity Ch.', Geneva, N. Y., 1 Nov.. 1848, to 14 May, 1868; consecnUed Bishop
of Vermont, 3 June, 18G8; res. Burlington, Vt.; m. 29 Aug., 1838, Martha Cotton
(dau. Phinehas) Moulton of Randolph, Vt., who d. July, 1859. Children:
. 1. Mavlha Elizabi'lh, li. 30 del.. ISSil. al K.; ni. (1)
\ Aug., isiil, I'liiloM. Patterson; CJjWillanl
^. S. Pope, <"ivil fng. and pre*, of Hftpoit liridsif
ami Iron Wkp.. of Dilroil. .Miih.. 21 Ocl., JI8S2.
2. Lanra Maria, b. 18 Doc., 1811, al W.Troy. N.Y.:
ra. Nov.. 18C2, Cbark's C. Gray, purjieon V. S.
A.: she rcH. BurIinj;ton,Tt. Imttie;
1. Mavlba (Cray), li. Aug. 17. 1861; ni. May, 1880,
Cii'oruf W. Wales ; had:
1. Laura (ii-ay (WaUst, b. Mav. 1887.
2. Gcoi-je Kf.^inald (Waltv), b. Jnly, 18,88.
3. Marv Alicp, b. W. Trov. N. Y.. 10 Dec., 1813: n\
Aiil.. 1,870, William (;. Shaw, Ew).. of Burlin.-
Ion, Vt.; lie in a lawyer, fni-nierly eily judv'e; res.
liurliiiKion, Vt. hmii :
1. Win. (Ji'orj;!- (Sba« ). b. Nov. 1872: d. .lllly. 1873.
2. Ilenrv Hi<;elo\v (Sbaw*. b. Nov., 1873.
3. Fann'v Laura (S!ia« ). b. .Inly, 187.'>.
■1. John lienry, b. Lyons, N. "Y., 23 Feb., 181(1.
Fam. 131.
5. William .\nibrose, b. Lyons, N. Y., 8 .Jan., 1848.
Fam. i;a
Fam. 98. Titus Lucretius 2d' (Tit. L.," Capt. Ebca. P.,'' Daniel,* Daniel;' John.'
John'), m. Claudia (dau. Jolin) Bennet, 2.') Dec, 1831; was a hardware merchant,
Charleston, S: C; he d. 8 Nov., ISO'.t. Children:
1. Harriet Eliza, b. Meeblunb'g, N.C, 25 Dec., 1&32.
2. Tims L. (3d), b. Simsbun-, I'oim., 11 Aug.. ISM.
Fam. 133.
3. .lobn Bennelt, b. 15 Jlch., 18:ill Fam. 131.
1. Henry Edward, b. 6 Nov.. 18.37: unmarried.
5. William Swiulon, b. 12 Jlch , 1839. Fam. 1.15.
«. MaryCaroline.b..-, (111., 1840; m. 25 Ang., IS-W,
D. .(obu Anderson ; 7 ch. Sec The Ilai/deii
(Ti'iiiir/Of/!/. p. 281.
7. Eunice Laura, b. 15 Mch., 1812; d. 9 Mch., 1881.
8. Anna Keith, b, 13 Nov.. 1813; ni. 6 Sept., 1865,
Joseph Prevosti 10 ch. See The Ilinjihii (ieii-
eittogii. p. :^1.
9. Sarah Claudia, b. *; Feb., 1818; m. 22 May, 1806,
John W. Townsend ; 5 ch. See The llayeltn
(jencalo^lif, p. 2.*<1.
10. (ieorgeWugusius. b. 9 Oct., 1818; unmarried.
11. Mary Stone, b. 10 Jan., 18.51; ni. 21 Oil., 1873.
John B. Reeves; 7ch. Sec Tht: I/uytttn Orf-
enlorjij. p. 234.
. (iloriiia. b. Charli-sion, S. C, !) Feb., is:ift: m.
C. J. Reeves. She d. Dec. 1870; no issue.
!. Martha Eunice, b. li Sept., 1818; in. A. Daltoil
Kennedy of Canideii.S. C; 5 ch. Sec Tlie
lliiijihi, (leiieal., p. 282.
Fam. 99. Henry Camp' (Tit. L.," Capt. Ehm. F.." Dan.,' Dan.,^ John.' John').
m. (1) 28 Feb., 1838, Glorina La Roussiliere, who d. 20 Feb., 1839; m. (2) l."i
.Ian., 1846, Charlotte M. Reeves. He d. 22 Sept., 1866, a'. .")6. His family from
The llayden (jlencalogy. Children :
3. Whitmill Beeves, b. 1 Mch., 18V); d. 22 Dec, 1882.
1. Betsey lloykiii, li. 3 Dec., 1851; in. A. Dallou
Kennedy, 1887.
r,. Klleii l.udlow. b. i; Apt, 1856; 111. 1881, Bellon
Kennedy. 2ch.
Fam. 100. Gordon Needham ' (Dr. John D.,'- Eben' r,'- Ezek'l,* Dan'l,' John;- John').
m. Lutheni Ward, 3 Feb., 1.829; she d. 20 Sept., 18"i6. Mr. Bis.sell d. at Rome.
N. Y.. 19 Feb.. 1S!)1. He was educate'd at Onondaga Acaiicniy. and siient much of
his early manhood in North Carolina with his mule. Judge Forman, the founder of
.Syracuse, N, Y. From 1837 to 1843 he was a contractor on the Blaik River Cjinal;
111.' then entered the drug business (Bis.sell iV Leonard, and later, (}. N. Bisscll A Son).
In 1.S83 lie retired from active Imsiness, and the tinn still leiii.iiiis. under llie title of
J. G. B. & C'o, Mr. B. was ti director and for .several years the vicepresidi'tit of
the old Bank of Rome; one of the organizers of the Rome E.xchange (now the FirsI
Nal'l) Bank, of which for many years he was president, and for a number of years
before his death president of the Rome Savings Bank; he was long, and at the time
of his death, president of llic Koine Gas Light Co.. and one of the promoters of the
Rome Iimi Works; in early days an aihcictilc for pl:iiik mails, and later on of
niilioiuls, manufacture's, etc., etc. He was one iif tlie oldest members, and lor
thirty years warden and vestryman of Zion (P. E.) Cli., retiring from liis oilice
when age pressed too lieavily upon him. His jiersonal wortli cannot bo over-
estimated. No resident of Rome was ever lield in liiglier esteem. His name was
the synonym for integrity, lionesty, and fair dealing. He took his S\inday religion
with him into his store and all his business relations. His lionesty of purpose and
Ijerfcct faii-ncss were household words. He would allow of no imposition upon any
person with whom he did business, or came in contact. He represented all things
exactly as they were, and, rather than allow his customer to .suiter, lie would himself
take the consequence. This was his rule, and he never deviated from it. He was
a man of wide reading and rare intelligence, and, while taking much interesl in
politics and political events, he never would accept nominations for oilice, and never
held any office except that of village trustee. Children:
1. .Miiiv Liithcra. b. -"O.Xpl., 18:30; res. Rome, N.V. i 2 Dec., 18T4. Ismu: :
a. .Maii'Mii-l. li. O.rmic, 1S33; res. Itome. M. V. 1. Laura Bissell (Ilain, li. 5 A])!., 1877.
3. I'liarles Kornian, b. ir Apb. \im. Fam. l:!li. 2. l''raiik Oordmi (llaff), b. t .Iiitv, ISSll.
4. .lohn (i.irilmi, b. 33 Sept., lS.3r. Fam. 13T. t 3. Charles Ward (llalT), b. 11 Dee, 1S,S2; il. 2ll
5. WMUiam Ward, b. 24 Aug., 1839, Fam, 13S, Allj;., 1883.
e. Ijiura .lane, b. 29 Aug., 1848; ra. Frank B. Haff ,1 T. Franees, b. 14 Mch., d. 2!) .June, 18."il.
F.\M, 101. Charles Forman ■ (Dr. John I).,'- Ehcn:r,' EzH-'l,^ Bdn'l,' John,- John'),
m. Ann E, Beckwith, 3 Oct., 1&-0; he d. 11 June, 1880; res. Aurora, 111. Ch.:
1. (ieorge Henry, b. 12 Aug., d. 8 Oct., 1845. I 3. Ann Eliza, b. 2 Mch., 181!l; m, 4 Feb,, 1873, Jlcnris
2, Gordcm Charles, b. IG Kov., 1846. Fam. 139. I G. DaviS.
F.\M. 102. John Wa.rd'iDr. John. D.,'- Eben'rJ' Exek'l.-' Daii'l,"''John," Johii<).m. Han-
nah E. Jackman, IS) Feb., 1848; res. Chicago, 111. Children:
1. .Tdhn Ward. b. 4 Jan,, d. 12 Aug., 1&19. I 3, Ella .lauette, b. 20 Aug.. 1,855,
2, Elizabeth Edith, b, 8 Aug., 18.il; d. 10 Sept.,la")4. | 4. Frank, b. 29 Apl., d. 17 May, 1858,
Fam, 103. Joseph Ebenezer ■ (Dr. John 7>.,« Ehenr," Ezck'l,-' Dnni;- John.' John').
m. Margavet S. Pierson ; res. St. Louis, Mo. Children:
1. Evelyn, b. 4 Sept., 1851. I 3.
2, Edgar John, b. 14 Mch,,l,S."i6, I 4.
F.\M. 104. Josiah WolCOtt ' (•^"•*"'''. Bnq.,'' Jodnh,' Jonioh,* Josinh,'- Jolin.' John').
1). 1818; m. 12 July, 1844, Julia Wolcott (dan Horace tind Helen Wolcotl) Hooker,
b. 10 June, 1833. Children :
1. Josiah Wolcott, b. 1 June, 1845. I 4, Kilwanl Hooker, h. 12 Mch,, 1853.
2. Millard Park.'r, b, 2(J Aug., 1847; d. 19 Aug, 1878. I .5. Francis, b. 11 Jan., 18.55,
3. Helen Wolcott, b, 2B Feb,, bSSl, | G. (icorgc I'erkins, b, 13 May, ISGO,
Fam. 105. George Perkins" (Col.) (JoHah," Joniali, Emj.,'' Jo,4ak,* JoxloJi/- John."
John ' ), in boyhood lived iu Haddam, Conn. ; then followed the sea for awhile, iiiid,
when nearlj- 20 years of age, became a clerk in the Hartford Bank; next became
cashier in a bank at Springfield, Mass., and soon after cashier of the Farmers' :ind
Mechanics' Utmk of Hartford. In 1854 he, with Calvin Day and 1). F. Kobinson,
began the lianking business under the firm title of Geo. P. Bissell & Co.; later, the
lirm of Geo. P. Bis.sell and A. S. Rotiinsou; later still, Bissell and Ethvard II. Per-
kins, and, since jNIay, 1876, Geo. P. Bissell and A. H. Olmstead.
He became very widely known with hosts of friends, generous almost to a nuilt,
iinswering all kinds of apjicals to his ptirse, of unconiiuerable activity and persistent
energy, gifted with a humorous w;iy of looking at things, ttlways read3- to lead or
to do more than his part in public affairs when the cause had hisiipproval, an early
and enthusiastic Republican, a man who did not want oilice, but who worked hard
for the Ciuise and who.se examiile and inlhiencc ciirried many more. There are
many who can remember him in the Fremont days in 1850, when lie was one of the
original organizers of the Fremont Club; and idmost as a matter of course he was
one of the original " Wide Awakes" and mar.slial of the jiroccssion when Abialnnn
Lincoln was at Hartford in 1800,
When the whole North wtisslirretl in th(' early days of ISfil. by the threats of
the Soulh. a number of vouug men oriranized in Hartford, under the name of Ihe
CMti/.eiis' Drill Corps, aud with competent instructors were taught simple militar.v
i-volutions. Colonel Bissell was a incnihcr, and with others graduated into the
tlion recently-organi/.cd Hartford Cily Guard. lie joined February 20, ISGl, took
part ill tlie first jiaradc May 1, rose to the rank of corporal, and wliile doiiij; duly
with the conijiany at the Slate Arsenal, was appointed colonel coiiuiiandiiiij; caiiii)
of recruits, located down on the New Haven turnpike. This was in Septenilier.
1862. aud soon af(er, on Sci)tember 16tli, lie was apjiointcd colonel of the Twenty-
fifth Regiment.
This regiment, one of the best of Connecticufs nine mouths' regiments, was re-
cruited in Hartfoixl and Tolland counties, and was composed of young men of the
best material. It was mustered into the United States service November 11, 1862.
Three days later tlie regiment, con.sisting of over 80l> men, left Hartford for Ccii
terville, L. I., and two weeks later s;iil(!d for New Orleans, La. The regiment was
engaged in tlie battles of Irish Bend, La., April 1-1, 1S6;J; the advances on Port
Ilud.sou, La., May 25-26 and June 14-15, and the engagements at Hra.sliear City
and Bayou Buuf, La., .liine 2:i-24, ISIili. Tlie battle at Irish Bend was one of llii-
hottest engagements of the war, considering the number of troops engaged and the
time occupied in fighting. The regiment in this fight lost ninety-five men killed
or wounded, being nearlj' one-fourth of the number who went into battle.
Colonel Bissell was uecessarily'abscnt from his command during a period some
time after the battle of Irish Bend, being prostrated by malarial fever. He refused
to be left with the sick and wounded, as ordered by the surgeon, and insisted on
accompanying the regiment. Growing worse, he was finally sent to New Orleans.
where he arrived nearly at death's door, and remained confined to lied for se\'eial
weeks. From July 16, 1863, he commanded the Third Brigade, Fourth Division,
Xineteenth Army Corps, with hcadiiuarlers at Donaldsonville, La. Major McMaiiii'-
had command of the regiment during Colonel BisseU's ab.scnce.
As a commanding officer Colonel Bissell was a good disciplinarian, kind and con
siderate to his men, and careful of their wants and health. In the field, and when
under fire, he was brave, cool, and determined. Although a stranger to the men
of the Twenty-fifth Keginient when he was elected colonel by the line ollicers, he
soon became well likeil and afterwards very popular throughout the command.
He had llic power of imbuing the olficers and men of his legimenl willi bis nwn
magnetic spirit of enthusiasm, bravery, ami promptitude.
After the war he kejit up his active interest in the cause he had helped to defend
and in all that related to its promolion and to the preservation, in a luoper way,
of the associations then formed. lie was a member and trustee of Itoliert O. Tyler
I'ost, G. A. K., was one of the prime movers in securing the Memorial Arch In the
memory of Hartford soldiers and sailors in the war, and chairman of the commiltec
which selected the design and had charge of the work. Ho made the speech pre
senting the monument. Time would fail to record the numberless ways in wlilcli
his interest and activity were inaiiif(!sted in this one diieelion. In 1S69-70 he was
payniaster-general on Governor .lewcll's slafT. He commanded his old reginieiil on
Baltle Flag Day, September 17, 1879. On his return from service he did duly with
his first love, the City (Juard, at various limes, was one of the early picsideiils of
the Veteran Associalion, ant4 in 1HS2 was eaplaiii of the Veteran City Guard.
He was a member of the Army and Navy Club and one of ils founders, and of
llir> Loyal legion as well as Tyler Post; he was always active in the Tweiity-fiflh
Regiment Association, was its histori.in, and gave a large sum to cover llie cosl
of its last reunion. The same active |uiblie siiirit ran Ihrough bis life. He was
an early president of Ihe Young Men's Iiislilule, ami when the c|ueslioii of Ihr
free library lame up he made a large subseriplion, .-ind when Ihe e;ill lo elos<' up
the ^4(10,11(10 came he doubled ll. making his eiviilribulioii :j:4.000. lie was. wilhal.
a man of sound judgment, bad niana.ned large allaiis ably, and lieeii tnislec on iiu
iiii-ioiis iin|iiirl;iiil I'stiitos. He was coiicenieil in iiiaiiy Imsiiu'ss ciitcriirisi's. tin-
largest, pcrliaps. l)cing tlie VVliccliiis; Briilge & Tcniiiiial IJailway ('iMii|iaMy. tA'
wliicli he hiid I)ei'ii at the, licail I'm- tliirc ycais.
C'olDiiel Bissell was a great lover of paintings, and bougiit largely and with dis-
eriniination. He leaves a tine eolleetiou, wliith includes many gootl speeiniens of
modern Euroi)ean artists and some excellent American pictures. Ahoul Ihreeycars
ago he made a voyage to Japan, and lie with liis wife and daughter already traveled
extensively in their owji country and in Europe. A troidjle with digestion, com-
l)ined with untiring energy an<l great mental strain, ilo.sed his active and useful
life, April 11, 1891.
In announcing his death, the lInHford Coiirtud (April 13th) .said: " He was full
of ))iililie spirit and of enthusiasti<- patriotism, and when there came opiiortunities
to advance the city or to defend the country he was ready in the caii.se. In the se-
rious duties of citizenship he did his part well, and his contagious enthusiasm has
time and again aroused his fellow -citizens. Along with the seriousness of ()uriiose,
which proved itself on occasions of neccs-sity, he possessed an unlimited fund of
good nature and a keen and clever wit, and his bright sayings have day after day
carried a smile through the whole circle of his wide acquaintance, for he knew
everybody and everybody knew him, and no one else was like him. He was a fa-
miliar ligure in Hartford and he will be luuch missed and sincerely mourned in the
city to who.se interests he has shown himself so truly devoted."
Col. Bissell m. 14 June, 1854, .Jiilia Seymour (daughter of Calvin and Catharine
Sji/iiMiir) Day of Hartford, born July, 1839, who survives him. Ch. :
I. Caroline naj'. 1>. Apt. 17, 1853. 1 2. Ileurictta Pcrlviiis, 1). 25 Fill., 1S63: d. 17 Aug., 1S08.
Fam. 106. Lebbeus Peck '■ (Portei;'- Benj.,' Benj.* Josiali,' John,- John^), m. (1) 24
Jan., 1838. ll.irriet Johnson, who d. 24 Dec., 1847; (3) Christiana C. Johnson,
14 Jan., 1849, who d. 2.5 Feb., 18o4; (3) Lucy Clark, 4 Jan.,. I860; res. Kockvillc,
Conn., firm of L. Bissell & Son, insurance agents. >Ir. L. Bissell is president of
the Rockville Bank. Oh. (hi/ lut tcife):
;. AiilimT.,li. ii Fell., 1850. Fa M. 110. I 2. Hattie, b. 19 Dec, 1S51.
Fam. 107. Hezekiah F.' (Uez.,'- ('niit. IIoz.,'' John* Jere.? John,- John'), m. Sarepta
Danforth of .Sodu.s, N. Y., 30 Mch., 1854. Children:
1. Aik-ll!\ S.. 1). (i .Mi-li., 1857: m. Avtiiiir S. Pot- I 3. Evelj-n E., b. 2fi Apt. 1800; in. aS .lulv, isat, \V. I.
wine "f E.W'.. is Oct., lS7(i: sec I'otwiiii den. \ H ulett of Sodiis, N. Y.; res. I'i<-ne, Uak.
F vM. 108. Frederick E.' (Zfez.,* Capt. TIez.,' John,* Jere.,~' John;- John '), m. 17 Nov.,
1857, Charlotte >I. (dau. Edward and Mary Ann Piirxons) Dexter of Broad Brook,
E. W.; she b. 25 July, 1836. VhiUlrcn : '
1 Williiiiii F.. li. 17.IiMie, IS.-)!); ill. lit Dec., 1889, | 2. Ellen Elizabeili, li.lSt>2: in. Fnint; Winn, lSS.->:
I in.i I. Merrick of Ellsworth. X. Y., b. 28 | had /.>■•«/<;.•
.liiiH--. 1S7.I. 1. Edijar Francis (Winn), b 15.Iimo, 1SS5.
I 2. Edith Josephiuc (Winn), b. 2:i Dee., I8S8.
Fa.m. 109. Samuel Thompson • (Jo/jk,* Cajyt. lies.,'' John,* Jere.,^ John,- John'),
m. Elizabeth M. (dau. Soth & Jlarouet^Me) Phelps of Enf., 22 Jan., 1853. Ch.:
I Fannie Elizabclh. I). IS Nov., 1852: m. 25 Sept., i 3. Samuel Woleolt, b. 21 Oct.. ISiiS: m. SB Nov., 1800.
18TS. Ce.njje S. Phelps. Kate E. (dan. Daniel) Bartlett, E. W.
;. fhailis lliiiniihi.v. b. Hi Dec., ISST; in. 12 Sept., I 4. NeUie Thompson, b. 2U Apt. ISTl.
1882, Eva V. Matoon. I
Fa.m. 110. Hezekiah ' (Jolm," Capt. /fe.," John,* Jure.," John,"- John'), m. 20 .May,
1875. at St. ThoDias. Out., Can., Alice Hughes, b. Woodstock, Can., (2d dau. of
David John Hughes, b. at Kingsbridge, County Devon, Eng., by his wife Sarah
Richardson, b. London, Fug., and ni. at London, Ont., 1844); grad. Y. C. Scienlilie
Sell ; enl. Co. A, 1st Conn. Vols., in war of Civ. Rebel., and 1st lieut. Co. CJ, 25th
C'onn. Regt. Is a civil engineer, engaged in railway work; 5 yrs. on Union I'acilic;
2 years in Peru, So. Am.; since 1878 on the Eastern R. R. (now part of IJostiDi it
Maine R. R.); is now chief engineer of the B. & M. and its lines. Ch.:
1 .John lIuKlies. b. St. Tho:nas. Oiil.. T Nov.. 187G. I 3. William Norton, b. Salein, Mass., :> mi., i^»->.
:. Paul .\iidrews. b. Salem, .Mass., 28 July, 1878. I
Kam. 111. George \Aenry ' i.l!<iiiti:,'liuiin\^ Sunt'l,* .JcicJuhu,' Juhu'), grad. Dart.
iiKiutli t'oll., 1845; gave ^35,000 to that college to establish a gymnasiuin in Bissell
Hall, ill 1867; res. some yrs. in New Orleans, I>a., but his later years in N. Y. city,
where be acquireil a large property, lie m. 13 Oct., 18.").'), Opliie Louise Griffin ;
he <I. N. Y. city, 19 Nov., 1884. Ch. (4. N. Y. cili/) :
I Kli.iviKi- Wi-iiiplf, 1>. II .Jim . IS.")?; 111. a.Iiiiiit,
l.ss'. t'huili^ S. Piatt "f N. Y. cily; m> ifsiii'.
■i IVIhaiii SI. Cifomc, b. 5 I)«-., IS-W: III. 7.Jmi«,
ISSfi. Ih'k'ii AUtt\t tilaii. 'riiur*. .U-lTiTMin and lU-U'ti
M»i'\> IliiiUii) French, 1>. .'<iaU'ii Island, .N. Y .
I'J Ki'li., 18li.l Ch.:
1. I'c-llmmSt. licor^r. 1). U Apl., 1887.
F.\.M. 11-2, Charles Samuel ' (Dr. AM/tk L.,'- rmuic,'- Sitm'l,* Jeiv.,^ John,- Jokn^).
b. Sullielil, 1821; m. Jlaria Elizabeth Pomeroy ; d. 3 Feb., 1887. Ch. :
I Liaviil Poimiov. li. 8 .\i)l., 1805; m. Miiniic I 2. chaiUs CliauiKi-.v, 1). 18 Auk., IS.i"; in. ls,S',l,llani
cilhiii. IS.Jmu', 18,S8; had: Spencer; liad:
I. Emily l-eavitt, I). N(>v.."8;i; (1..5Scpt..l8!)l. I I. Hfliii. b. ISIH).
V.KM. 118. Francis L..' (/>r. .[■■<(ipliL.,"fi«i<ic,''S<lin'l,*Ji:ir.,'Jo/m,-,/<>/iii')\n. (1) Man
iiah .Maria Squire, about 185(), who d. 3 Dec., 18Ct, ic. 38; (2) Adelia Holmes
of Lockport, N. Y.; res. Michigan. Uh. (by 1st wife):
I . Slary, b. IV, ,Iaii.. IS,". 1 2. (Nara .\rabc11n, 1). 7 Nov., 1858. I 3. Carrie Sliddiiii, b. 9 .July, 1S«4.
Fa.m. 114. Eugene' (Dr. .Uaph L.," fsanc,'- Sam'l* Jere..'^ John,'' Jo?iii'), ni. Mary
JIatilda Van Name, June, 18(!.'); iiuht,, N. Y'. City; res. Brooklyn. Oh. :
I. Eu.u'cnc Van Name, b. 37 Nov., 1SU7: ni. May Yale, 1SS8. | 2. Klonnux- Ntirlon, b. 20 Mch., 1373.
F.\M. II.). James" (Thus.,'- .hiyiih,'' 77»«.,^ J'/iy.*.,-' Thou.,' .Mm'), in. (11 33 Njiv..
1817, Amelia Mills, who d. IS An;
Jan., 1871. Children:
1. Ilamiab Ami'lia, b. 13 Feb., 1821); in. .luljn I), ( .
Carpenter, 'IDct.. 1842(£:.II'. /?.); who d,
I'^liS. SprinLjIU'ld, Mays. A-^v/t ;
1. Kniiua A. (Carpenter), b. 8 Sept., 184:1; d. 12
2. .lohn 1). (raipeiitcr), b. 22 Sept., 181.5.
3. .Marlba O. {(Jariienter), b. 4 Mav, 1848: d. 2
.Inlv, 1848.
2. Maria Sarah, b. 2(1 Nov., 1822; in. .lolin Bar-
nett, IS.Iimc, 18.Vi. New Jersey.
:l. .lam- Elizab'b. b. 4 .Iiilv, lS2i;; m. Kred. Woleoll
Barber, Mav, 1«5K: shed. Si>.\V.8 Oct., 18<iC.
1S3S; (2) 8 Oct., 1838, Maria Mills ; lie d, 11
1. tirace A. (Barbell, b, 2() >Inlv. 18(i3.
2. Waldroll J. (Haibi-n, b. 28 Sejit., 1874,
4. I'harles Porter, b. 7 .Alay. 1828: insane.
5. Fiederie A., li. 17.1iiiie. Wil; nnni'd; Vl
6. ,Iames Mason, b. 13 Feb., 18;«i; in. l.iuy.X. Por
ter, 4 Oct,, 18(J0, lllfd. /w«< :
1. Graeii^ \.
Bij 1(1 win :
7. Klleii Alheiia. b. 7 Jan . 1845: d. 4 Feb., 181(1,
8. Homer Thomas, b. 25 Meh., 1851; d, 7 Feb., 1880,
Fam. lie. Thomas h\.' ('J'hi:i.,'' Jarijuh,'-' ThoK.,' Thii,i ,' 77/<«.,- J"//h'), m, Josephine
M. (dan. Rev. S, A.) DaviS, 28 Oct., 1867; res. Iltfd. ; real estate dealer. Vh.:
1. Arlhiir Thomas, b. 5 Nov., 1868. 2. Mary Eleanor, b. 39 Oct., 187:).
Fam. 117. EW (Lieut. Eli," Ebeii'r, A'mn'r,' Th».i.,' Thou.," John'), m. Emily (ihiu. Dr.)
Griswold of Manchester, Conn., 4 May, 1820; he d. 29 Sept., 1866; she d. 20
June, 1860. Children:
1. Ilaniel I,., b. 14 (let.. 1822: d. 10 Jnly. ISfiO, iinrd.
2. John Newloii. b. ,"> Nov., 1,S2I. F.»H. 111.
3. K. Sheldon, b. r, Mav. 1S27; in. (i Si'pt., 18(12,
Mr». I.auia Hutch'ings; be d. 22 Jan.. 1880;
III) issue.
4. Eli (i.. b. ."i Oel . 1S31; d, 10 Jan., islil; nnm'd.
5, li. Two dans, who it. in inf., b. 21 Mav, 1821. and
5 Fell., IStO.
3. Chark's (Sinidn.
2. (ieor^e Sninh. I>. 41. bp. 2'.l Jan.. 18:13: lu. 27
Apl., 18."i8, Jane Clark of liloninlleld, I'luin.
Fa.m. 118. John' (Lieut. Eli," Eben'r,'' Ebeu'r,' Thos..' Thou..- John'), in. l'liil;i (dan.
Jedidiah) Smith of Glastonbury, Conn., Apl., 1829, who d 2il Dec, 1847, av ."18;
he d. 17 Oct., 1866, :e. 78. Ch. (lip. E. W. C. It.):
I Charles llenrv. b. 1!) Apt. bp. 7 .Vug., 1831; Ul.
.\iiiia M. Smith, lOJnne. 18152. Jtnw :
1. Kliira ISinilh).
2. Ji-nnie (Sniitbl.
FvM. 119. Edgar' (Aaron.'- Cupt. Aaivn,^ Eben.,* Thos.,' Thos..' John' ), in. Kviliiic
(dan. xVbiel) WolCOtt, 29Nov.,1836; lied. 12 Mch., 1888; she d. June, 1888. Ch.:
1 Samuel Tiiiloi. b. 2.", May, 1S2S. F.\J1.1I3. I 2. Henry Ed'.'ar, b. Oct., 1,S3I: m. l.ouisa Sage.
I Issue : 1. Lillian L.
F.v.M. 120. Edward' (K/xnihntJi,'- Oipt. Aaron,'- Elien.,* This.," Thox.,- John' ), in, 1.")
Oct., 18.>3, Jane Ann JIaria (dau. Dea. .\biier and Elizabeth AVoods hniiiij) Reed
of E. W., b. 2.S Apl,, 1798, and who d. 30 Sept,, 1864. He died sit Toledo, Oliio,
9 Nov,, 1861. Mr. Bissell left home at the age of 16 years to enter a store in N.
'^dAArrj/uO hij^i^&L-
Y. city; thence, in 1817, he rem, to Genesco, N. Y., where he continued as a mer-
chant vmtil the sprhig of 1828, when he removed to Lockport, N. Y., and erected
there one of the most extensive mills tlicn in "Western N. Y., and soon became pos-
sessed of a large property and a beautiful home. In tlie spring of 1833, -nhile on a
western tour, he visited tlie present Toledo, tlien known as Port Lawrence and Vis-
t\da, containing, at that time, less than 100 inhab.. and so impressed was lie with
tlie commercial importance of this point, that he made a large purchase of real es-
tate and liberal expenditures in various improvements. In 183(), with a few otliers,
he began to build the Erie & Kalamazoo R. R. to Adrian, 33 miles, at a cost of
1300,000, and it was so far completed in July, 1837, as to commence the running of
cars, by horses, and at a time when not a barrel of pork or flour came over tlie road
for the lirst year; but the road was in daily u.se to feed the population of Soutliern
^lichigan. It was this road which, in after years, proved to be the lever that finally
settled public opinion in favor of Toledo as the only commercial point of any great
value at tlic S. end of Lake Erie. The final result of building this road, at a time
when all knew that it would not pay as an investment, was to concentrate at this
point several important railroads, costing millions of dollars, and the 700 miles of
canal, the business of which, connected with Lake Erie, was done at this point.
These were the logical results of the opening of the road to Adrian, for which the
State was more indebted to Mr. B. than to any other ten men. The iinaneial
crash of 1837 almo.st ruined him, making the later years of his life laborious in the
etfort to remedy the losses of that destructive year — an effort in which he was, in
some degree, successful. Though disappointed in the slow growth of Toledo to
the eminence which he early foresaw for her, his faith was never dimmed in the
final attainment of this position among the cities of the West. Mr. B. was a man
of education and refinement, of great foresight and sagacity; an energetic worker
who knew no such word as "fail." While he commanded universal respect and
confidence in business circles, he was, owing to a natural reserve and dignity,
known intimately only in the domestic circle, where his affectionate and unselfish
ch'aracter was fully displayed. Far-seeing and thoughtful, his views of life were
eminently practical and sensible, and he early advocated many of the doctrines
which are now daily growing in popularity, especiailj" those pertaining to the rights
of women. At a time when their defenders stood singly and alone, he advocated
their equality in law — their equal need of, and right to, a collegiate, and even to
business education, as a dependence for the future. In these views he was in ad
vance of his times. Children :
1. EUward. b. 24 Sept., 1834. Fam. 143. | port, N.Y.; cduc. at Toledo IJifih School, at a init
2. Elizabeth Beed, b. 13 Feb., 1828: m. 11 .June, ^-^ . ■-. »- ... .. - .... .,
18(11.. Judge Will. A. Collins, then of Toledo, O
fnrnierlv of Fowlervillc. N. Y., who d. .3 Apl.,
ISill. ixme : f. b. and d. 4 Mnv. Wm.
■■'.. Arthur F. I.M.n.l, b. 14 .June, 'ISSH: grad. Coll.
Hhys. and Surir. . N. Y. city, -June, 1848; prac-
lit-ed med. at Toledo. O., until May. 18t!3. pince
which time he ha.s been engaged in bii[*ine.si» in
itary school in New Haven, Conn., and Brown
Univ.. R. I., which he left in lem. from ill-hcallh;
studied law in Cincinnati, ().; adm. to the bur at
Toledo, O., 18.5(1; enl. ii Aug., 1802, in lUth Ohio
Vol. Inf.; app. Sgt.-Maj. 1 Sept.. promoted 2d
Lieut , Co. II. 17 Nov., 18(13, and proin. lnt Lieut.
and Adjt. of Ueg't. 1 Kel>., lS(l;i; participated in
Gen. BuelTs campaign in pin-hdit of Hragg> army;
N. Y. city; m. 2tMJct.. 185ir Anna K. (dan. Judge , and in lH(i3. in the cam'p.-iign raid after Morgan.
Nehemiah and Pamela R. Suhfoiil) Browne , until that gencrid wa^. captured. When the lieg't
of Rvf\ N. Y. Ifytte : ' commenciHl its Fast Tcnn. campaign. ,\iig., 18«.3,
1. Florence Sanford Wolcott, b. 20 .July, 1851; i he was so ill that he could not accompany it. and
m. 28 Ni>v.. 1882. Oliver .Sumner (s. Cot. Wm.) the extra fatigue and expof*[ire of altcmpdng to re-
TeaU of Svracu(*e, N. Y.. grandson of Oliver join it caused his death in The Si^lers■ ilospitul at
T. of S.. and of (ien. Edwin V. Sumner. IT. S. Louisville, Kv.. !l Sept., 18(1;): a lirave ollicer.
A.: their dan. Boris W. B. (Teall), b. 20 Sept., 7. .Julio W., b. 12 Oct.. ls:iil; in. Asa Backus of
1889. I Norwich, Conn., I) Dec., 18(10; res. N.; shed. 5 Dec.,
4. Charlotte, b. 21 Feb.. 18.30; d. 21 Mav. 1855. 1891. Isfiie .■
5. Mary, b. 5 Dec.. 1831; in. O.Jan., 1837, Alfred W. ' 1. Carrie T. tBackiis), b. 19 Feb., 1862; d. 18Mch.,
(s. Rev. Anson) Cleason ; res. Toledo. Ohio; ' 1864.
lawyer. Imw : 2. Asa W. (Backus), b. 3 .Jan.. IStW. [186(1.
1. Xlortiiner Chester (tileason), b. 13 Dec ,1866; d. : 3. Lizzie U. (Backus), b. 2S Mch., 1.S65; d. 29 Aug.,
:J0 Apl. 1879. I 4. Julia R. (Backns), b. 7 Dec.lSGti. [1874.
i. Maud (lileasoni. b. 27 May. 1809. i 5. Edward T. (Backus), b. 11 IK-c., 1873: d. 24 Jan.
t; Henry Tudor (Lieut.), b. 12" Aug., 1834, at Lock- ! 6. Frederic T. (Backus), b. 2 .Mch., 1876.
Vol. IL — 13
Fam. 121. Theodore" {K/xip/mis^ dipt. Anion,' Kben.,^ Jilieii.,' T/iim.,' T/ion..''
.Mm'}, b. 1803; in. Cynthia M. Spofford, 16 May, 1827; he d. Dec, 1876. 67..;
1. Fran.i.MM.b. ia30;il. ItCW. Baird, Kib. )R8S. [1875.
2. Ilarrici E., b. Mnv, 1S:«; in. Edwin B. Wood, •'>. cliarlis S. (Wowi), b. July, 180S; d. Nov.,
.Inly, 18r>fi fMtie) fi. Lillian (WciikIi. Ii. Dec.. 1ST(P; d. A»K., 18Ta.
1. FrodiTick BiK«cll (Wood), h. Ajil, IMS; ni. ~. .Inliii Miriam (Wood), h. Nov., isr3.
Loiiim- Kinley, Fi'ti.. lK8.i: had (1) Kiliiiii •!. Man Louise. \i. Nov., 1835; m. .John Steele,
Beniarrl. b. Nov., 1SS.t: d. Ans;., 188B; (9) Fred- Jan.. iwv;: d. Jan.. lSti4.
fWr/(- /(oYrawi, b. June, I8Sn. -t. Laura Edna, 1). Supt., 1837; m. Hciiry Chee-
2. Edwin Theodore (Wood), b. Mcb., im>: d. ver, l!»>'2. Mw .■
July. IWM. 1. Dwitrhi Kiui-vcr), b. Feb., 1868.
S. William Dertert (Wood), b. Nov., 1862; d. 3. Nellie (Cheever), b. Nov., 1872; d. Mch., 1890.
Feb., 18(13. 5. Uenrv, b. May, 1840.
4. Mary Louise (Wood), h. July, 1864; m. E. C. i
F.\M. 122. Levi' (Luther,' Inaar,^ Ti'i'ir.' T.iint hn.ir,^ T/ios.,- Jahn'), m. Jane
Walmsley. Children:
1. (ieorce. b. 24 Sept., 1824: d. 10 Mch.. 1855. j 1. sarali K.. Ii. MA Dec. isi).
2. Levi. b. 5 June, la^^; d. r, June, 1855. t,. William, b. 1 Apl., 1840.
3. .lane .\nn, b. 5 .Vuj;., 18211: m. .Jos. Kune. I
F.\M. 12;i. William H.' (Gov.) {Luther,' Imac.'- hanf* Dr. hnuc,' Thos.," John'),
m. (1) Oft., 1810, Emily James of Monroe Co., 111.; (2) 23 Kov., 1851, (Asm.
E. K.) Kane ; died in office, while Governor of the Stale of Illinois, 18 Mch., 1800.
Children (by 1st irife):
1. Marv Josephine, b. 3 Di-c. IWl. ' By Sd wife :
2 Hho'da Emma. b. 5 .\pl.. 1844. 3. Norman.
4. William II.
F.\M. 124. John' (John,' Zeb.," Zelj.,* Lieut. Isaac,' Thi>s.;- JJin'), m. .Martha C.
Holly, 5 Sept., 1830, who d. 20 May, 1875. Ch. :
1. Katharine, b. 26 AnK..lS.Sl. I a Augustus Hollev. b. 24 uei., 1840. Fam. 144 .
2. Marianna. b. 11 July. 18%; d. 21 Dec, IBS."). I
F.\.M. 12.1. Edward ' (U.S.N.), John," Zeb..'- Zeb.,* Lieut. Isaac,' Thos.,'>Johii' ). m. Yic-
torine Dubois de Puga, 23 Apl., 1846, in N. Y. city. He d. Jan., 1876. Ch.:
1. Edward Manuel, b. 19 Feb., 1847. Fam. 115.
2. Frederick Paul, b. 10 Feb., 1S61; d. Jan., 1879.
3. Ysabel Mamiela de Pu<;a, b. 20 Jan.. 1863: m.
Henrv P. Egleston, 5 Dec, 1882; she d.
19 Nov., 1886.
Fa.m. 126. Henry W.' (Lawrence,' liosu^eU,^ Wm.,* Ens. KatJi'l,' A'aHi'l,' John'), m
Juliette Dawson of Hartford. Conn., 14 Oct., 1840. Ch. :
1. Elizabeth E., b. 8 Aus . Is41. ; 3. Juliette, b. ,30 Apl.. 1849.
2. Lucius II., b. 29 Jan , 1S15. | 4. Mary, b. i7 Jan., 1853.
Fam. 127. Thaddeus A." (On-in.^ Jona.,' Jona.,* Nath'l," John'), m. 4 Dec, 1844,
Abig,ail J. Hastings ; res. Amherst, Mass. He d. 10 Feb.. 1849. Ch. :
1. Orrin Ilastinffs, b. l:i Oct . 1S40: d. 8 Feb.. 1S.")8. 1 Post, Clinton, Conn.
2. Abigail Isadore, b. 19 Jan., 1849; m. Ezra E. |
Fam. 128. Benjamin L.^ (Orrin,'' Jonn.,* Jona.,* Nath'l,* John'), in. 8 Sept., 18")0,
Mrs. Abigail II. Bissell ; res. Broad Brook, E. W. Ch. :
1. Charles Addison. )i. 7 June, l.Sol; m. Martha A.
Wilson, 8 Sept., 1874. hxm :
1. Charles L.. li. 10 Apl., 1.S76.
2. Eliza, b. 21 Sept.. 18.V1: m. Stanley J?. AdainS,
Broad Brook, E. W.; she d 2 Oct., ISsr. Isaue :
1. Carlton B. (.\dams), b. 30 Oct.. 1878.
2. (iraee E. (Adams), b. 28 Feb., 1884.
3. Staidev B. (Adams), b. 9 Sept., 1S87.
3. Benjamin L., b. 16 Mch., 1856: d. 9 Feb., 186a
Fam. 129. Israel Morey' (^won B.,« Darid.'- Eos. IJarid,* Lieut. Darid,^ Xath'l,'
John'), m. 22 Mch., 1831, Augusta 'ruriicr (dau. John AVilliam Cniiiip*) Meade.
He died in Philadelphia, Pa., where he had residnl sim >■ 1840, J:! Jan 1877 sin-
was born 13 Aug., 1811; died 34 Aug., 1888. Ch.
• Joii.N William Cbi'Mi- Meade was a member of lite New York Bar; res. West Farms, near N. Y. city.
but formerly of Henrico County. Va. His wife, Bridget Charlotte Turner, was the youiii^'st daughter of
John Turner, a prominent importing merchant of New York, who oi-eupied one storehouse for over sixty year*,
and rc8. for more than fifty years in one house opposite the Bowlin;; lireen; was a member of the St. .\ndrcw's
Society, and his name apjK'ars in the New York Directory for 1786. His wife was Margaret, dauirhter of John
and Marjiaret Burnton, who came to New .\mstertlaiu from Holland. At their wetblinj; the Lady Kitty
Duer, daughter of Lord Stirling, a (Jcneral in the Coutineiital Army, was one of the bridesmaids.
1. Elizaliclh Hill. 1). 4 .Tan., ISili; m. 3 June, ISo-S.
Tlioa. (eld. s. Leonard F.) Roberts of Chesier
< 'onnty, Pa. /*w/e :
1. (Jooi'se Wood liissell (Roberlsl, b. 2 Srch.,
la-iil; fVM\, A.M. Univ. Penn.,1882; m. 10 Feb.,
1S8U, Mary Foster (dan. Epliraiui) Froth-
inghani of Boston, Mass., b. 7 Mch., 1.S64;
hud Mav Krothins'm (Roberts), hM June, 1887.
■1. Wiilers Dewces (lioberts) (Uev.l, b. 10 May,
IXC.-,; grad. A.B. Univ. Penn.. 1884; A.B. Ilarv.
Coll. 188."); ord. Div. School. rambrid^<', JIass.,
June. 18.88; Asst. Min. Trin. Ch., BoBton, Mass.
3. .Mav (Knhiris), b. 1 May, 1807; d. yoimg.
4. AuL'iisia .Meade (Roberts), b. 3 Dec, 18(19.
5. Thomas I U.ilierls), b. 31 July, ISTl; d. young.
6. Thomas (Hoherts), h. 14 June, 1875.
2. Edw.'inl Monv, b. I.SSM; d. voung.
3. Geori;!- William Pitt, b. l&W; d. voune.
4. Frederick .Meade, b. 5 Dec., 1842. Fa.ii. 140.
.■j. Wolc.ill, Richards, b. 20 Mch., 1845; m. 22 June,
1881, Marv .\ui;uBta (dau. Alex. Osborne) Mc-
Crew of Brooklyn, N. Y., b. 9 Feb., 1855.
Fam. 130. Joseph Wadsworth'' (Henry,'' Dr. EUhu,^ Dnn.,^ Dan.,* Dan.,
John.,' John'), m. Anne C. Allerman, 31 Mch., IS'iS; res. Springville, Utah. Oh.
1. Harriet E.. b. 5 Feb., 1833; m. SO Mav, 1873, S.
E. Clark of Utah.
2. Joseph Theodore, b. 4 Aug., 1833; d.ll June,I85G.
3. Marianna, b. 9 June, 1857.
4. Aniui <'., 1). 34 Jan., 1800; m. 1 July, 1S80, J. J.
Walton of Utah.
5. Eoxa (.:., b. 13 Dec., 1802; m. 27 Nov., 1S83, H. W.
White of Ut.ah.
6. John Allerman, b. 27 Oct., 1,803.
7. Ada L., b. 17 Aug., 1808; ui. 28 Aug., 1
8. Pearl, b. 10 May. 1871.
9. Charles E., b. 28 July, 1874.
9, (3eo.
Fam. 131. John Henry « (Bp. Wm. H. A.,'' Ezek.,^ Dan.,^ Dan.,'' Dan.,'' John,-
John'), m. June, 1869, Annie (dau. James M. and Angeline) Soverhill of Geneva,
N. Y.; is a lawyer; res. Detroit, Midi. Ch. :
1. .Tames Moulton, b. May. 1871; d. Aug., 1871.
2. Lillian Gray, b. June, 1873.
3. Alice Colby, b. No\'., I,s75.
4. William Sidney, b. Sept., 1878.
5. , twin bro. to above; d. soon.
Fam. 132. William AmbroseUBp.W. If. A.,'' Ezek.,^ Dan.,^ Dan.,* Dan.,^John,''
John'}, m. 4 Jan., 1877, Anna Melone; agent on Pacific coast for Atchison, To-
pelia & Santa Fe R. R. Ch. :
1. William Hara/.thy. b. Nov., 1882. 1 2. Ernest Lilienthal, b. June, 1886.
F.\M. 133. Titus Lucretius" {Titns L.,"' Tilv.i L.,' Capt. Ehen F.,^ Dan..* Dan.,'
John;' John'), of Charleston, S. C; m. 20 Nov., 1856, Anna T. Thompson.
He d. 1 Feb., 1884. Ch.:
2. Titus L., b. 7 Dec, 1886.
2. Paul Lee, b. 7 Nov., 1859.
3. Titus L., b. 22 Feb., 1863.
4. James Dougall, b. 5 July, 1804.
Fam. 134. John Bennett' (TO"' L..' TitKn [...'• Capt. Eben. F.,"- Dan.,* Dan.,^
John;' Ji'hii'), 111. 17 Nov., 1858, Sarali Harriet Baker; res. Charleston, S. C. Ch. :
1. Orville Humplirey, b. 11 Nov.. 1,857; ni. 26 Dee.,
1883, Carrie U. La Far ; res. Charleston, S. C.
letrue :
1. Orville Humphrey, b. 2 Sept., 1883.
1. .\iina Claudia, b. 17 .\ug., ia39; m. 17 Nov., 1881,
Geo. .\I. Trenholm. Is^iie:
1. Claudia Crrenholml. b. 18 Mch., 1886.
2. Jlarv Tovvnseud. b. 17 Oct.. 1860; in. 11 Feb.,
John'Rutherford Bennett. Issue: [1886.
1. Washington Jefferson (Bennett), b. 17 June,
3. John lieunett, b. 4 Feb., 1802.
4. Robert Baker, b. 22 Sept., 1803: d. 17 Feb., 1863.
5. Clement Stevens, b. 3 Jan.. 1865.
6. Sarah Harriet, b. 22 Sept., 1.866.
7. Alice Prevost, b. 26 Feb., 1808; d. 1 Dec., 1809.
8. Hervey Edward, b. 15 Dec., 1809.
9. Daisy, b. 20 Mch., 1871.
10. William Carvillc, b. 28 July, 1872.
11. Christopher (iadsdon, b. 15 Nov., 1873.;
13. Jaiiii'S c ami. hell. I'- 1 Apl., 1873.
13. Haidic (duslance, b. 4 Dec, 1877; d. 9 Mav, 1878.
14. Annie Lucielia, b. 4 Feb., 1880.
Kam. 135. William Swinton' (Titm L.,'' Titus L.,'^ Capt. Eben F.,'' Dan.,* Dan.;'
John,' John'), 111. 15 Aug., 1867, Alice A. RiggS. He il. 6 Sept., 1881, tu. 42; res.
(,'harlestou, 8. C. Children :
1. Lilv Riggs, b. 2 Dec, 1S6.S.
3. John S. Riggs, b. 23 Dec, 1869.
3. Swinton Bennett, b. 11 Sept., 1871.
4. Vincent vVllison, b. 0 .Ian., 187'4. 1
Fam. 136. Charles Forman' (Gordon JV.,' Dr. John D.,^ Eben.,'' Esekicl,* Dan.;'
John,'' John'), m. 14 Jan., 1857, Julia .\. Barnard; res. Austin, Tax. Ch.:
5. Alice Riggs, b. 11 Sept., 1873.
6. Ruth Ann, b. 26 Mav, 1877; d. 0 Jan., 18*4.
7. William Swinton, b. 31 Jan., 1881.
1 . Frances Luthera, b. 12 Dec., 1857.
3. Lncv l«oot. b. 30 Alch., 1839; d. 5 July, lf61.
3. Anna, b. 37 «lcl., isol; d. 22 Dec, 180'l.
4. Alice (twin to .\nnn), d. 24 Dec, 1861.
5. George Gordon, b. 29 Aug., 1863.
Fam. 137. John Cordon" {Gonhn N.,'' Dr. John D.," Eben.,'- Ezek.,* Dan.,' John,'
John'), ni. F. Aiigu.sta Baldwin, 9 Oct., 1862; res. Rome, N. Y. Ch.:
1. .Viigusta, b. 16 .\lig., 18(M; d. 37 Nov., 1868.
2. ,Iohn Gordon, b. 5 July, 1860; d. 33 Jan., 1873.
3. Marguerite, b. 14 ,lan., 1870; d. 31 Oct., 1873. |
Fam. 138. William Ward ' (Go7-don N.,'' Dr. John D.," Eben.,'' Biek.* Dan'l,* John,''
4. Florence, b. 2 Aug., 1873.
5. Joyce, b. 21 Feb., 18T5.
/«/(»'). 11- Henrietta Bushnell Van Patten, 2 Sept., 1863; res. New Rodielle,
N. V. Children :
1. Mary 0. b. 25 Feb., ISIifi. | S. Ward Van I'ntleii.b. 15 Nov. , 1867; d. 13 Aug., 1860.
Fam. 139. Gordon Charles" (Chag. F.,^ Dr. John,^ Ehen.,'' Ezek.* Dan'l,^ John,-
Jofm'), m. CathariiK- Bodine, 21 Feb., 1868, who d. 30 Nov., 1889; res. Evansville,
Ind. Ch.:
1. Harlcim, b. 10 Nov., 18fi9. I 3. .\nila Louise, b. 7 Feb.. 1875.
a. Je,«sie Blanche, b. r Sept., ISTl; d. 22 July, 187a | 4. Norman Covert, b. 25 Nov., 1883: d. 2 .Inly, 1884.
F.\M. 140. Arthur T.' {Lebbevs,'' Porter,^ Benj..' Bei)j.,* Jonah,'- John,' John'), m.
Alice B. Farmer, 3 Oct., 1875; res. Roclsville, Conn. Ch.:
1. Emily A., b. 31 Oct . ISTS. I 2. Lebbeus F., b. 29 .\ug., 1881.
F.\M. 141. John Newton" {Eli,' Eli," Elxn.,'' Eh-n..* Thos.,^ Thos..- John'), m. (1)
22 May, 1848, Olive DaviS, who d. 26 Feb., 1867; (2) Susan S. TalCOtt of Rome,
N. Y., 10 June, 18G8. He d. 25 Jan., 1886. Ch. (by l»t wife):
1. Grace, b. 17 Nov., ia>4; m. 20 Dec., 187G, Chas. Ilij Id tti.ff :
E. House of JCanchester, Conn. Jsme : 2. Ocrtru'dc Isabella, b. 10 Dec. 1870.
1. Herbert, b. 23 June, 1878. 3. Clinton Talcott, b. 9 Sept., 1873.
2. Olive, b. 23 Apl., 18.-M; d. 29 Oct., 1887.
Fa.\i. 142. Samuel Tudor" (Edgar,'' Annm,^ dipt. Anron,^ Eben.,* Thoii..' Thos.,^
John'), m. Cornelia Hayden. Res. Hartford, Conn. Ch. :
1. Ida Evel>Ti. h. 2.3 Feb., 1855; m. 7 Deo.. 1887, Si- I 3. Marj- Seymonr. b. M Apl.. la^S.
hiH II. Cornwell of Hartford. Conn. |
Fam. 143. Edward' (Edir'd,- Epnph.,'' Capt. Aaron ;• Eben.,* Thm.,'^ This.,'' John^),
grad. V. C, 1844; m. 24 Dec, 1862, Sarah A. Secor, at Toledo, Ohio, wliere he
resides; is a prominent lawyer at T. Ch.:
1. Edward Arthur, b. 7 Apl., 1804; d. 5 May. 1872. ' 4. Maurice lieiil. b 11 Feb.. 1870.
2. Frederic, b. 23 Oct., 1865. 1 5. Waller Secor, b. 20 Mav. In77.
3. Herbert Sjieneer, b. 2 June, ISfiS. I 6. Charlotte Secor, li. 22 Oct., 1880.
Fam. 144. Augustus H." (.A///(i,' John," Zeb.,'- Zeb* Lieut. Isaae,' Thos.,' John '),
ni. Sarah Marsaret Sterling, 30 June, 1869, who d. 28 Dec., 1883. Ch. :
1. Margaret Crawford, b. 30 Nov., 1871. ' 3. Katharine Sarah, b. 11 Sept.. 1874.
2. John. b. .■iO Jan., 1873. j 4. Charles Stirling, b. 29 Aug., 1870.
Fam. 14.V Edward Manuel" (Edirard,' John,' Zeb.,'' Zeb.,* Lt. Tsaae," Tho»..~
Johi, '), m. Isabella Haskins, 1875, who d. Nov., 1882; res. N. Y. city. Ch.:
1. Victor Manuel, b. 1875. ] 3. Leon Edward.
2. Viola. I 4. Herbert Harold, d. Oct., 1882.
Fam. 146. Frederick Meade" Usruel Morey,'' Simeon B.,' David,^ Ens. Darid.'
Lieut. Darid,' Xiith'l,- John'), grad. A.B. Univ. Penn., 1861; served during the War
of the Civil Rebellion, 1862-3, in the 1st Rcgt. (Jrcy Reserves of Philadelphia ;
niemb. of the Penn. See. Sons of the Revol.; nienib. Hist. Soc. of Pciui.; Auditor
of Penn. R. R. Co. He m. 2 June, 1870, Sarah Corl)it Perot, b. 5 May, 18.")!,
ilau. of Elliston Perot,* and his wife Caroline (dau. Henry ('.) Corbit of Philadel-
phia; res. Phila. Children :
1. ElliBlon Perot, b. 23 Nov., 1872. | 2. Frederick Meade, b. 23 Jan., 1874; d. 8 Apl.. 1874.
♦ Elliston Perot was great-great-grand«on of James Perot, who came from France after the Revoi-aliou of
the Edict of Nantes in 11)85, and settled in New Rochelle, near New York. His son James, born in 1712. went
lo Bermuda, married Frances Mallory, and founded a family there. One of his sons, Elliston, born March Iti,
1747, went to New York at an early age and wju* brought up by his uncle. Robert Ellist(»n, Comptroller of
In 1784, Elliston, with a brother, John, settled in Philadelphia, and founded the Perot family of that city
Through her grandmother, Elizabeth Marshall .Morris, who marrii-d .Inne 17, 1823, Francis Perot, son of Elli.»-
ton last ineutioue<l, .Mrs. Biw'ell is g.-g.-grand<laui;liter of Christnplii-r Marshall, member of the Pennsylva
nla Commitle** of Public Safety during the Revolutionary War, and gri'at-great-grejtt -great-great-granddaugh-
ter of Anthony Morris, who came to Philadelphia with William I'enn. One of her ancestors was Captain
Samuel Mi>rris. commander during the Revolutionary War of the Philadelphia Light Horse, the escort of
Oencnil Washington. This company, now called the First Troop. Philuilelphia (.ity Cavalry, is the oldest
military organization in the United Stales in continuous exislence. having been formed Nov. 17, 1774, by
twenty-eight genllemcn of Philadelphia, of whom Capt. Morris was one. .-Vnothcr anci'stor, Miyor .\nthony
.Morris, was killed at ihe Battle of Princeton.
Asahel, born Feb. 18, ITGl; married Pully Calkins. Children:
1. Marv, b. Nov. 3. 1800: m. Ephr'm Tyler, Dec.
4. 181!); d. Nov. IS. ISlil. /xsiie ;
1 Beiij. Owi-n, b. Si-p;. 7. l.X'JO; (1. Sept. 2, 1880.
3. .VnscI Lvmaii. h, Oct. II, l.SM,
3. .Tolin .Vilnius, li. a) .\pl., d. 26 Oct., 1824.
4. Dc Will v.. h. Oct. 10, ItStr. d. Mnv 23. 1800.
5. Mm Minerva, b. Mch. 12. 1828; d. .tan. 31. IS.'JS.
li. Sarah Maria, b. Feb. 12, 1S)1.
7. .lames .Manning, b. Apl. 27. IS:!."!.
S. Daniel Welisler. b. .Iiine 13. li. Dec. 2!). 1S.3'.
n. Will, llenrv Harrison, b. .Nov. 27. 1S30.
2. Louisa, b. .Ian. 12. ISffi; (1. Nov. 8. 1,804.
3. Lonisa. 2il, b. .\pl. 4. 180.5: d. .Inne 13. 1829.
4. .Vsahel Milnor. b. .Inly 10. 1807. Fam. 2.
5. Cordelia, b. .luly 7. 1800; m. an Atkins; d.
Oct. 27, 18.33; 1 ch., TIenrv.
6. Fidelia, b. Mcb. 20. 1812; in. Wm. Ray. r.ixiie :
1. .\lbert W. 1 2. Frank Klmer.b. 1844. | 3. James.
7. Henrv Williams, b. Apl. 2, 181,5; d. Jan. 30.
1877. " Fam. 3.
8. Betsey Marin, h. June fi. 1818; m. Moses Spen-
cer, "Mav 27. 1841. Ufiie.-
1. Wilbnf, b. 1844; d. July 14, 1861.
3. Emily E., b. 1846.
3. Osmond, b. 1848; d. IS.'iS.
4. Herbert, b. 1&50: d.
.5. Edmond. b. ia51.
6. Walter, b. 1833.
9. Sarah Sophia, b. Apl. 1."), 1820; m. Atlna AI-
vord, .\ug. 11. 1843; s. p.
F.\M. 3. Asahel Milnor, murried Lucy Upton, Dec. 8, 1829. Children.
1. Edwin Milnor, b. Mch. 21, 1.8.32: d. Jan. 4. 1,S:«.
2. Julia A., h. Nov. fi, 18:«.
3. Charles W., 1). Jlch. 15. 1.S.33.
4. Benj. F.. b. June fl. 18:ir; d. Mch. 20. 1,8.39.
5. Daniel M.. b. J.in. 18. 18:».
6. Sarnh Jane, h. .\i)l. 29, 1811.
Fam. 3. Henry Williams, married Iluldah Corse, 1836. Children:
6. Lucy Cordelia, b. July 21, 1848.
1. Louisa Sophia, b. Mch. 2. lS:i8.
2. Ausiislns Henrv, b. Aug. 18. 18S3.
■',. Mary Fraud's. \). Dec. 28. 1841.
4. James, b. Mch.. 1813; d. June, 184.3.
5. Ella Maria, h. .\pl. 24, 1.845.
Sarah Minerva, b. June 23, 1830.
8. Alice Cornelia, b. Mch. 18, 1854.
9. Adna Cornelius, b. Mch. 18. 1854.
10. Franklin Williams, li. Dec. 14, 1857.
Daniel (poss. tbe Daniel, s. of Eus. Dnrid, Fam. 37), m. 27 Dec, 1768, Lydia (dau.
Jonathan and Hannah Pasco) Munsell, b. 9 Feb., 1749; he d. 30 Jan., 1809, a;. 83
( Wp. 0.)\ she d. 14 Dec., 1791, in 43d yr. (Wp.O.) Ch. (W. E. and iuf.frmn Diright
E. Botrirs of Neir Ilneen, Conn.):
3. Lucina, h. 2:3. bp. 27 Nov., 1774; m. a Cooley :
res. Canalldaitrua, N. Y. hslie (prob.t;
1. Lydia, m.; 4 s.; res. Bloomfield.
2. John, ni.; 2 s., 2 dans.
3. Ann, m.
4. Margaret «
5. Emily, d. unm"d.. av 23.
-6. Lyman, had a s. .\lhcrt, who m.
7. . dnu ni. Chapman.
4. Esther, b. 25 Apl.. bp. May. 1777; ra. Elnathan
Baldwin of W. Springlicld. Mass.. a native of
Granville, who d. 12 July, 1811; she tii. (21 Col.
Beii.i. Olds, and d. Ajll., 1849. For. cli. (all by
1st hiisbnndi. see lialdu'tii (ieutal.
5. Cheslcr, li. 6 Dec., 178(1. bp. Feb.. 1781.
6. Levi. b. 1 May, bp. 20 June, 1781.
Deliverance ^uliax Warner) Bissell, dismissed as a member, by vote of tlie 1st
ch. at JVIiddletown, Conn., with Iier dau., Rutli Bissell (rtftV/* Warner), to Windsor
Seantic ch., 22 Aug., 1708. — From E. Stearns, Middletown, Conn.
A Henry Bissell (or Bassell) came from Windsor, witli his wife Content, to
Middletown I'pper Hou.ses (now C'romwell) alit. 17.'?6. He was m. to Content Cole,
26 Aui,'., 1730, by Rev. William Russell of jMiddletown, and d. siidtlcnly in eliiinli.
30 Mch., 1777, in his 79th yr. His wid. d. 11 Dec, 1794, in 8.5th yr. He removed
to the Midd. Town-|ilot (now city), in 174.5, where he purchased the lot of the Rev.
Noadiah Ru.ssell, on Jleeting-House Sq., 1745; rebuilt the house and kept tavern
there. No oomicction has been proven, thus far, betv^-een him and the Windsor
family. Ch. (b. at Upper Housei, Conn.) :
1. Jonah, b. 30 Aug.. bp. m Sept., 1770; m. ;
res. E. W. late as 1835: had dau. Lydia.
2. Fluvia, b. 27 .\ug.. 1772; m. Hosmer Cleve-
land of Pomfret. Conn., 31 May, 1791, and
principally res. Shipton, C. E. TttRtte (1825).-
1. Cvnihia, m.; had large family.
2. Ha'lsev. uniii'd, 1825.
3. Bissell. a tanner; had 1 s,. 1 dau.
4. Thomas, liiiin'd.
5. SlaiT. unnrd.
6. Edward, b. 9 Dec. 1804; grad. Y. C. 18.32:
studied theol.: m. in Bath, N. H.. 1 Nov.,
1843, Marv M. Lang; d. Burlington, Kan.,
29 Sept., 1HS6, k-a\Tng wid., 2 s., 2 dans.;
pub. poems and liisl. ol native town.
1. .Marv, b. 16 Mav, 17.37; A. 19 Mnv. 1740.
2. Henry, b. Ill Feb.. 1739.
3. Charles, b. 25 Dec, 1740.
I. (ontenl, b. 25 Apl., 1743.
5. David, b. 11 Sept., 1744.
6. ,Iohn. b, (Midilletown) 1 Nov., 1718.
7. Thciuias. h. 5 Feb., 1752.
From K. Stfttriif, .MiddUfoini, Vonit.
Josiah (S. R), had: (1) .Mari/, d. Feb., 1801. a-. 10 mos., prob. the Mary Strong bp.
10 Xov. 1800; (2) Hezckiah, d. Jan.. 1.H02.
Jacob, had (N. S. R.):
1. .Iciusha, inf. dau., d. 18 Sept., l;77. ; 2. Ralph, lip. 2T Sept., 1789.
Samuel (Rev.), of Twinsburg, Ohio (said to be a grandson of Israel of E.W., who d.
iif camp distemper in early life), was b. iliddlelield, llass., 1798; removed to Ohio,
1806; grad. Y. C. 1823; sett, at T. 1828, and (by 18.59, had) educated some 6,000
youth, among whom were nearly 100 Indians, some of whom have since been prom,
incnt in their tribes. In ISoS Mr. B. was still principal of the Institute at T.. the
oldest in Xorthcrn Ohio, except that at Austinburiiii.
Sylvester and Mehitable hud iE. II'.);
I. Thankful Anna. b. Nov. 20. 1800. I 3. Aralwlla Wells, b. iW Mcli., 1805.
•i. Jami-.-' Posi, b. S(i Sept., 1802. I 4. Lucy Caroline, b. Hi Feb., 1807.
Miscellaneoim — Deitths.—AWce (.Miss), d. 3 Oct., 1824.— A'. Il'.r.T?. Charles (s. Chas.
and Roxanna), d. 2 Oct., 1834, le. 2 y., 8 m.—K W. 0. Cornelia, <1. :'. Sept., 1853,
a". 42. Chloe (wid., prob. Roswell), d. 27 Jan., 1817, a?. 5',.—^. B. Daniel,
d. 29 Oct., 1812, in 41st y.; wife Sybil d. 4 Dec, 1812, in 43d yr.—E. W. .sr.
Dorothy (pr. dau. Aaron), d. 30 Jan., 1760. — £•. W. C. B. Elizabeth,
a ch., d. 6 Apl., 1742. — £'. W. C. R. Elizabeth, d. Ifi Xov., 179G, je. 74.—
E. W. C. E. Elizabeth, d. 29 Apl., 1849.-5. B. Elizabeth, wife of Dan'l, Jr.
d. fl June, 1747.-11'. It. Elizabeth, wife of Thos.. d. G Apl., 1742.— &'. W. G.-yd.
Esther (dau. Thos.), d. 9 May, 1G78,— O.CT.iJtc. Esther, d. 31 July, 1741.— S. H'.
G.-yd. etE. W. C. li. Esther (wid.), bu. 31 July, 1747.— .s'. 11". G.-yd. Esther, d.
10 Oct., 1750.— £•. W. Sc. Emily, (Mrs,,)ic. 81, d. 8 Mch., 1890, atWinsted, Conn —
E.W. C. R. Henry (Mrs.), d. 10 May, 1853, no. 56.— 5. «. Hezekiah, d. 20Oct,,
1774, in 27th yv. — E. IK. Sc. John, wid. of, d. 6 Aug., 1820, ;e. 85. — .'.■. B.
John d. 25 June, 1820, a-. 86. John (s. Joel, Fam. 27), born 28 Dec, 1751.
Jonathan, Sr., ;e. 79, d. 24 Feb., 1789. Jonathan, a ch., d. July, 1788.—
E. W. C. R. Jonathan's ch. (some copies say Jonah's) d. 29 Aug., 1751.—
E. W. C. R. Jonathan's ch. d. 16 Dec, 1749 — ^. W. C. R. Mary (wid.),
d. 9 Mch., 1753.— K TF. C. R. et 8. W. G.-yd. Noah, s. Noah, d. 25 Mch., 1775.—
S. W. G.-yd. Nath'I's son, d. 8 June. 1712— A'. W. C. R. Nath'l Jr.'s ch.,
d. 17 Dec, 1747 — E. W. V. R. Nathaniel's wife, d. 12 Sept., 1748.— £". 11'. C. R.
Noadiah, d. 11 Feb.. 1749.- A', ir. C. K. Noah, Sr., d. 8 Sept., 1750.—
E. ir. r. li. Nathaniel, d. 6 Mch.. 1752.— 11'. A'. Peggy, bu. 29 Nov., 1835
(A. II.). —A Tl'. G.-yd. Roswell, d. 25 .Ian.. 1702.- A'. W. Sc. Sally, dau. of
.Mr. Nathaniel and Jlrs. Sally Barber of liratlleboro, Vt.. d. at her grandfather's.
Mr. Daniel Bi.sscU, 20 Feb., 1795. :e. 5 m., 10 d.— .Slv/H^iV; fi. G. Sarah, d. 5 Sept.,
17i»6, ;e. <i2. — E. W. V. R. Timothy's ch., d. 5 Mch., 1739.— A', ir. v. R.
Wid., d. July, 1747 —£?. TF. C. It Wid., d. l(i Apl., 17.50. — A?. W. C. R.
Wid., d. 8 .Jan., 1820, *. 80. — .S. B. William, a ch. of, d. 11 Aug., 1813. inf.—
>. /.'. Wolcott,d. 29 Jan., 1798.— E. 11'. C. William Stoughton, d. 5 May,
1833, SB. 22. — .S. /,'.
ft' W/(.«.— Jonathan had Jonatlian hp. 10 Feb., 1745.— H'A//. Cli. Itrr.
Aftirri(ir/e.i.— Anne ('/) m. John Granger of Suff., 5 Nov.. 1740 — IT. ''. It. Aure-
lia, m. Wm. Henry Mather of Suff., 1 Jan., 1S24.— U'. R. Amy, in. Waller
Pease, 28 .Ian., 1793.— J/rC/v/v Rec, E. 11'. Betsy (^Irs). m. Janics Pelton,
16 Feb., 1834.— A. IV. C. R.; McClure. Chloe, m. Joel Rockwell, '-'fi (''/'. Rec.
makes it 16,) Apl., 1809.— .Veawre Re<-., E. 11'. Clarissa, m. .Vathl Wolcott,
21 Aug., 1803. Daniel, Jr., m. Ilibil Barber, 7 Jan., 1790. David, m. Fanny
Latimer, 15 Oct., 1827.-11'. R. Dolly S., m. Uufus Russell of Sunderland,
Mass , 8 Dec, 1823(33?).— A', ir.r. /■'. Elsa. m. 'rinioiliy WatSOn, 12 Apl.,
1>^19. Henry, (E. W.), m. Sarah Lamberton, at W .. 2.s Nov., isjj,— 11'. C. It.
Henry M.ior W.), m. Sarah Loomis, '-'2 Oct., 1S34. — .s'. li. Jemima, m.
John Crosett, 27 May, 1800. — A', .s'. It. Horace, m. Betsey WolCOtt, 18
Jan., 1S14.— A'. »'. C. R. Mary, ra. Timothy Smith, of Amherst, .Mass., 7 June.
1»^'27. Mary, m. Amos Daniels of I.udh.w, .Mass., 10 Jan., 1823. Mary, m.
Nathan Lyman, 17 July, 1791. Miriam, m. Joel Green, 18 Nov., 1795.
Prudence, m. Richard Murphy, 27 Oct., 1797.
(The Ozias BiBsell Branch of Bolton, Conn. See Family 4, j). 78; on p. SO erroneously assigned to Fam. 17.)
BISSELL. [By Miss Ruth T. Speuuv of E, W. Hill, for Geobge F. Bissell, Esq.,
of Chicago, 111.]
John' (Capt.) (John,^ Samuel,- Ju/ui ' ), carlj- at Bolton, where he had land set out to
liim in the first apportiounieut of town lands, 1723; was selectman in 1721 and for
many subsequent j'ears. He was established and confirmed to be Lieutenant of the
company or trainband in the town of Bolton in Oct., 1722 {Col. liec, vol. v, 330);
later he was Captain, but after his appointment to a Justice of the Peace in May,
1739, he was more frequently designated Esq. He represented the town in the
Assembly and was in many ways a prominent man. John Bissell of Coventry
i,Fam. 17), was app. Capt. of the 2d Co. in that town in 1738 {Col. Rec, viii, p. 191),
and as there were then two men of the same name and title res. in adjoining towns,
it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between the two when the name appears on
State records. Then, too, the whole region was sparsely settled, and town and par-
ish lines frequently changed. Later we tind Ozias Bissell, though a resident of
Bolton (see B. Land liec), chosen lieutenant of a company in (now East) Hartford.
John Bissell's home-lot in Bolton was at Quarryville, and there he and his wife
were buried. We could not find any record of his est. in the Hartford Prob. Office.
Capt. John m. 23 Feb., 1710/11, Hannah (dau. of Samuel) Denslow, who was b.
14 Nov., 1690 (TT. S.). and who d. 13 .Tan., 1752, in 60th year. Capt. John Bis.sell,
Esq., d. 8 Mch,, 1771, in 88th year of his age. Children {Boltoti Uec):
1. John. Fam. 2. 1 4. Sarah, m. Samuel Bartholomew of Bran-
2. Elisha, bp. .31 Mch., 1728. Fam. 3. ford. Conn., 7 Jan., 1738.
3. Ozias, bp. 16 May, ir31. Fam. 4. |
Fam. 2. John ' {Capt. John,* John,'' Sam'l,' John'), m. Sarah . He d. at B.,
1759/60. — Hartford Prob. Bee. CJiildren {Bolton Ch. Ike.) :
1. Sarah, bp. 1 Dec, 1745; m. Oliver Theyre I 3. Benjamin, bp. IS .\ug., 1731.
(Thayer »). 4. Ann, bp. 20 May, 175:3.
2. John, bp. 81 July, 1748. Fam. 5. |
Fam. 3. Elisha^ {Capt. John,* John,' Samuel,^ John^), m. (1) Mary • — , who d. 19
June, 1767, se. 35; (2) Sarah , who was admitted to B. Church, 17 May, 1772.
Children {Bolton Ch. Bee):
1. Elisba, bp. 23 Jan., 1757; d. in army, Dec., 1770. 5. Benjamin, l)p. 21 Julv, 17G4.
2. Mary, bp. 11 Feb., 1759. (jBy 2t/ marriagt) :
3. Luce, bp. 10 May, 1761: ra. Thomas Field, 4 li. Sarah, bp. 5 July, 1772.
Julv, nsti. 7. Thomas, bp, 5 July, 1772.
4. George, b. 6 Aug., bp. 13 Nov., 176.3; m. Lois 8. Clarissa, bp. 2;i Apl., 1775.
Cone. Fam. 6.
Fam. 4. Ozias' (Capt.) {Capt. John,* John,^ Samuel;- John^), s. of Capt. John and
Hannah (Dinnlow) Bi.s.sell of Bolton, Conn., b. 13 May, 1729, in Bolton; res. and d.
in that part of Bolton now Vernon; buried in .Mancliester, Conn.; served nine years
in the French War (was in action on Lake George in 1755),* and 5 years 8 months
in Revolutionary War; was in three general actions and seven skirmishes; was
thrice wounded — once severely; was twice taken prisoner and each time held for
about two years; was a prisoner in 1762, at Havana, where he was confined nearly
eight months; raised one of the first companies in 1775, f and marched to Boston and
was at the siege of that city.:f In the Revol. War served bis first mos. as a vol-
unteer; was engaged in the Battle of Long Island, Aug., 1776, where he was taken
* Private, 2d Co., 1st Reg't, rai.sed for the reduction of Crown Point, Apl., 1776, in service 28 wks.— Hist.
£ml Hartford, p. 77.
+ App. l9t Lieut. 2d Co., 4th Eeg't, Apl., 1T75. — Col. Uec., xiv. 427.
♦ Promoted Capt. 2d Co., 4th Res't. — Rec. Conn. Men Reed., p. 50.
prisoner; was acquainted with General Ethan Alien; himself, sons, and grandsons
saw one hundred and twenty years in the militarj' service of the United States.
From liee. of V. 8. Penniim Office, Washington, D. C, we learn tliat he was ap-
pointed 13 Jlch., 1778, Captain of 1st Battalion of Conn. Line, and .served nine
nios.; in June, 1779, appointed Captain of a conipanj- in Col. lluntiugton'.s regi-
ment, and 20 Mch., 1780, appointed Captain in a foot company, Colonel Wells's
regiment, and served until June, 1781, and that he was talien prisoner with Col.
Wells near Horseneck, Conn., 10 Dec, 1780, and held until June, 1781; at time of
pension affidavit (7 June, 1820), he was 88 years old; farmer; wife ae. 58; both
unable to labor; res. Vernon, Conn.; property valued at ^192 He m. (1) Mabel
Roberts, who d. 31 Oct., 1803, je. 76; (2) Sarah Hoffman, whom he m. when
lie was over 80, and who d. 20 Aug., 1828, a;. 73. lie d. \'crnon. Conn., 10 Mrh.,
1822, a;. 93. Ch. (see Bult. and Vn-. 67/. liee.) :
1. Ozias, bp. 12 Apt, 1752; m. Eliziib. Kilborn, 7. Leverett, bp. 1 Feb., 17(il; in. Sarah Newton;
S.'i.Ian., Iii6. Fam. 7. lioih owncdcov't in Ver. ch., 1790. 8ch. ogd.-
S. Jlahel.bp.SflJiilv, 1753; m. Andrew Millard; rh.: he d. S .Mch., IS13, se. 52; she at M. in 8 Julv.
had r ch.. 20!;d.-ch. ISM.
.1. Riissill, bp. 2B Jan.. 1755. 8. Belle, bp. 13 Nov., 1763; in. John Marshall;
4. l{ll^!!ell(Maj.l, b. 1755. bp. lljan., 17,W. Fam. 8. 3 ch.. 1 f;''- rh.
5. Hannah, bp. 25 Dec, 17.57; m. Calvin Gil man; , 9. Anna. hp. 13 Nov., 1763; in. Joseph Loom is;
7 eh.: 12 ga..ch. | 7 ch., ti j;ii.-ch. • [eh.
6. Elijah, bp. 25 Feb., 1759: was in the Kcvol. War, 10. Freetioin, bp. 22 Feb., 1767; in. Elijah Fitch; 3
and d. on a prison-ship in New York." — •iletn. 11. l)osha (Tlieod<»sia), bp. 20 Aug., 17G9; ui. Duniel
on the haek of f'taftnu-nt taken by Geortje BUtteU I Lanfear; 3 ch.
from tips of fjiL-Hithei\ oa to his famUy., etc.; \ 12. Daniel iiwin to Dosha), bp. 20 July, 1769: was a
in. Betsey Buckland. /««««; Hevol. soldier: continued in U. S.serv.; became
1. Buckland, d. ■£. 10 years. a lini.'.-(;en., f. S. .\.; d. at or near St. Louis, Mo.,
2. Harriet, m. Kli Williams. 1820. after long service on the frontier; m. Deborah
3. Caroline, m. Peter Buckland, 1800. Sebornj had 5 eh., lOgd.-ch.
Fam. 5. John ° (John,'' Capt. John,* John,^ Sam'l,'' John ' ), m. . Ch. :
1. Alexander, bp. 4 .\ng., 1771.
2. Benjamin, bp. 29 Sept., 1771.
3. John. lip. 14 Feb., 177.3.
4. Aaron, bp. 23 .\pl., 1775.
5. Tirzah. bp. 9 Feb., 1777.
0. (Inf. d. 11 Apl., 1778.)
7. Noah, bp. 18 June, 1780.
Fam. 6. George' (Elisha,'- Capt. John,* John,^ Samuel,^ John'), m. 31 Mch., 1791,
Lois (dau. Capt. Jared and Cliristiana Ij-K>/iii.i) Cone, who was b, 17 July. 1769.
He d. 0 Nov., 1838, te. 75; she d. ID Apl., 1S42, ;c. 72. Ch. (bp. Bolton Ch. Rcc):
1. George Cone, b. 20, bp. 26 July, 1792. Fam, 9. d. 29 Oct., 1811, at. 40. — Ouanuvillt Jin. O'l..
2. Pollvi b. 31 Aug., 1791; bp. 20 Julv, 1795; d. 5 Bolton.
Sept., 1S57. 6. Christiana, b. 18 Apl., 1804; in. Willis Thrall,
3. Sanford, b. 6 Apl., bp. 4 June, 1797: in. Asenath .W Aug., 1820.
Bagley, Jan., 1820: d. 10 May. 1S21. 7. Jared, b. 7 Mav, ISUS.
4. T.OIS. b. 20 Mch., bp. 16 June, 1799; in. Martin 8. Betsey, b. twiii to Jared; m. Soloinou Jones,
Chesebro, 26 Aug., 1821. !M .May, 1829.
5. Bela Bobert, h. 24 .\pl., 1801; prob. the K. who
F.\M. 7. Ozias, 2d'' (Copt. OzifU,'- Capt. John,* John,' Sam'l,- John'), m. 2.5 Jan.,
1776, Elizabeth Kilbourne {/hlton Ch. Rer.); rem. to Colebrook, N. H. [lie d.
ffi. 74.]*; was one of the Bolton Le.\. Alarm party, 1775. —iJef. of Conn. Men in
lierol., 5, 13, 59, 101, 541, 630, 033. Ch. (Bolton Ch. Bee.) (fam. meiu. credits him
with 11 ch., 4 gd.-ch., and 1 gt.-gd.-ch.):
1. Ozias, 3d, bp. 8 Mch., 1779. — Jlollon Ch. Bee.
Fam. 10.
2. David [ni. (1) ; (2) Clara Bryantl.
3. Benjamin K.. b. 4 May, 1783. Fam. 11.
4. Elijah, d. 21 Feb., 1821, ae. 28.
5. Caroline, ra. Peter .
0. Liicretia.
7. Austin.
8. Fanuv.
9. Martin.
10. Orvillc (anth. Judge Julius B. Bissell); d. about
1878, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Fam. 8. Russell « (Major U. S. A.) (Capt. 0'zia»,<' Capt. John.* Jo?m,' Sam'l,' John ' ),
was one of Bolton Lc.vingtou Alarm Party, 1775 (see acct. of his bro. Ozias); d. 18
Dec., 1807, at Bellefontaine (now St. Louis), Mo., while iu the U. S. service, a;. 52.
He III. Eunice Rockwell, about 1782, who d. 9 Feb., 1832. Ch. :
1. r^eorgc, b. 26 Dec, 17.S4. Fam. 12. \ 3. Lewis (Maj.l. b. 12 Oct , 17«. Fam. 13.
2. Eunice, b. 8 July, 1787; m. Uenry Winter, 4. Nancy, b. Julv. 1793; in. Riidolphus Land-
und d. 1880. fear; d. Hartford, Conn., 1870.
• Items in this family, enclosed in bracketD, are furnished by Mrs. Jamce B. Wood (Mary Ann Buckland).
Fam. 9. George Cone' (l!"iive,' EUsha,'' Capt. John* John,' S<imiiH,' John'), m.
13 June, l«il, Elizabeth White of Bolton, Conn., b. 27 July, 1800; d. 16 May,
186T. He d. 15 Dec, 1882. Children:
1. Eliza Ann. 1). 19 Mch., 1822; m. Henry Throop,
as Feb.. 1847: <i. 5 Meh.. 1852.
2. tieorge Sanford. b. 10 Oct., 182:): m. Marv .\.
Haskins, 15 Mcli., 1»46; d. 19 Jan., 1889;' has
son Fi-itnk.
3. Dorcas Caroline, b. 25 Aug., 1825; m. Daniel A.
French, 5 Oct., 1847.
4. Marv White, b. 10 Feb., 1827: m. S. L. Hick-
ox. 2 Mav. 1849.
5. Pamclin Uickerson. b. 24 Nov., 1828; m. Theo.
P. Kellogg, 21 Mch., 185:j.
6. Edwin (_'one. b. at ychoharie, N. Y., 2 Mch.,
1&32; grad. Amh. Coll. 1855: taught 1 yr. in Wil-
liston Senu; partial course at Theol. Inst, of Ct ;
grad. I'nion Sem. 1859; ordained pastor at West
Hampton, Mass.. 21 Sept., 1859; dismis. in 18&4;
Capt. Co. K, 32d Mass. Vols., 1882-63; Inst,
Green St. church, San Francisco, Cal., 1865; dis-
missed in 1869; during this time was editor of
Tilt P,i,iti,-. 3 yrs.; acfg pa,storof Fort St. Ch.,
Ilonolutii. Hawaiian Islands, 1869-70; inst. pastor
at Winchester, Mass., from 1870 to *73: mission-
ary of .\. B. C. F. M. at Innsbruck, .\ustria, 1873;
dismissed 1878: received deg. of D.D. from Amh.
Coll., 1874; in 1880 went to Leipsic, G«r., for
study of Hebrew and cognate languages; later
in the year was elected Nettleton Professor of He-
brew Language and Literature in the Theo. Insti-
tute of Conn." at Htfd., Conn., which chair he has
occupied since the beginning of the academic
year in 1881. Has published The Historic Ori-
gin of the mUe, 1872; Apocrypha of the Old
Fam. 10. Ozias' (OjiV/s,6 Capt. Ozias,^ Capt. John,* John,' Sam'l,'' John'), [m. Sarah
(dau. ZebuUin) Bidwell. Children:
Testament, icith Historical Introiluctioits, Hevlmd
Translation, etc., 1880: Tlie /'. n/aleuch —Its Ori-
gin anil Strin-tt/re, 1885: Hifttical Antiquities,
1888; .4 Practicat hdroit'tctorii Hehreti: Grammar.
1891. He m. 6 Sept.. 1850. Euiitv Pomeroy of
Somers, Conn, (.'ailed to Chicago 1892.
7. Adaline, b. 19 Jan.. 18.34; ni. Rev. Elijah Rob-
bins, 17 .\ug., 1859; he b. Thompson, Conn., 12
Mch., 1828; d. 30 June, 1889. k. 61 vr..3 mo.. 18 d.;
she d. 20 Oct., 1888: 2 .sons living: i dau. died; Mr.
Robbins was ord. in East Hartford. Conn., 3 Aug.,
1859, and went immediately missionary .\. B. C. F.
M. among the Zulus; since 1.860 has been establish-
ing and sustaining a missicui school at Uruzumbe,
and in translating the Xcw Testament into Zulu:
since 1875 had charge of the theological school of
the Zulu mission.
8. John Enders. b. 7 Sept., 1835; d. 8 Dec., 1863;
killed in war: unmarried.
9. Robert, b. 11 .\ug., 1839; m. Lizzie Deming.
Issue :
1. Robert. I 2. Grace. I 3. ;.
10. Lois Cone, b. 17 Sept., 1&37; m. 7 Dec., 1869, at
Rockville, Conn., Allen Park Hammond ; she
d. 28 Julv. 1872. Issue:
1. Allen (Hammond), b. 9 Nov., 1860.
2. George Bissell (Hammond), b. 4 ApL, 1862.
3. John Park (Hammond), b. 16 June, 1866; d. 30
June, 1867.
11. AugustaSophia.b. 27 Apl., 1843; m. Allen Ham-
mond, 26 Aug., 1873.
1. L. Glover, m. Amanda Beckwith. He d. se.
SQ.— Judge Julius B. Bissell. Issue :
1. Lewis. I 3. George.
2. Harriet. I 4. Charles.
2. Nelson.
3. Sallv, rem. West; ni. and d.
4. Ozias, b. 1 Dec, 1808. F.\m. 14.
5. Lawrence Bidwell. Fam. 15.
6. Eunice, rem. West; ni. and d.]
Fam. 11. Benjamin K.' (Ozim,^ Capt. Ozias,^ Capt. John,* John,' Sam'l,'' John'), m.
Eunice Kay of Cheshire, Conn., 31 Apl., 1827; res. and d. Chicago, 111., 29 May,
1861; shed. 10 May, 1891. Children:
. Chas.H..b.29 Nov., 1829: m. 11 Aug., ia56, Ellen
D. Blxby of Vergennes. Vt., who d. in 1888 ;
prop'r .Matteson House, Chicago. 111. Issue ;
1. William Bixby. b. 1 June, 1860: both father
and son were killed in a railway ace. in Ver-
mont in Feb.. 1876; the father met his death
in attempting to rescue his son from a burning
1. Elizabeth, b. 1 June, 1828: m. Norman W.
Rose of Genesee. N. Y., 2 Mch., 1852; she d.
12 June, 1889. Issue:
1. Charles (Rose), b. 1 Nov.. ia58; d. 2 Aug., 1869.
3. Anna Emily, b. 27 .\ug., 18.38; m. .\ii"nstus D.
Lamb of Chicago, 10 Sept., 1858; 6hed;i2Mch.,
1883. Issue :
1. Benjamin Bissell (Lamb), h. 18 Sept., ia59; grad.
Y. C. 1881; adiu. to bar 1883; res. Chicago, 111.
2. Louis Audrick (Lambt, b. 20 Nov., I860: d. 25
Feb., 1864.
4. Eureka Camille, b. 15 Julv, 1840: m. il) 15 June,
1869, N. Foster Pearson of Oakdale, Mass.,
who d. 1871; (2) Wilbur F. Story, editor of
Chicago Times, 3 Dec, 1874; again left a wid., 27
Oct., 1881.
Fam. 12. George ■ {.^faJ. Russell,^ Capt. Ozia^,^ Capt. John,* John,' Sam'l,- John ' ), m.
Fanny Wilson of Manchester, Conn., 1810; he d. 23 Dec, 1829; res. Manchester,
Conn. Children :
1. Lewis, b. 1812; d. San Jose, Cal., Dec, 1887; m.
Electa West, 18:iS: 2 daus.
2. Cornelia, b. 1811: d. 3 Sept., 1853.
3. .\uson. h. 1814: ni. Eliza McLean j d. St.
Louis. Feb., 1865: «. /).
4. Marvin D., b. 1818; nl. Harriet Young, 1849;
he d. Dubuipie, la.. May, 18tJ,3. Issue :
1. William, b. 18.tO; d. June. 1888; m. Fannv
James, 1.S76. lUil: (,1) Etluin,h. IS7S.
2. Fanny, in. F. Treadway.
3. Ella C. b. 18.54; unmarrieil.
4. Charles, b. 18.56.
5. Lewis, b. June, 1859: d. 1874.
5. Frederick R., b. 182:); d. Dubuiiue, la.. Aug.. 1881 ;
s. p.
6. George F., b. 1827: m. Jerusha Woodbrldge,
18.55; res, Chicago, 111, Issue:
1. Frank 11.. b, 1858; m, Ilattie Falkner.
2. Richard M,, h. Juikn 1862; res. Chicago,
3. Arthur G., b. Dec, 1868; res. Chicago.
Fam, 13. Lewis' (Maj. U.S.A.) (jtfo;. Busgell,' Capt. Ozias,^ Capt. John,* John,' Sam'l,'
John'), entered U. S. Army, 1808; served as Captain through the War of 1813;
Vol. n.— 14
fought under Gen. Scott at Lundy's Lane; was commandant of fort where Omaha
now stands; resigned, 1820: settled at St. Louis, Mo., where he d. 26 Xov., 181)8.
lie ra. (1) Mary WoodbrldgS of Manchester, Conn.. 1824; (2) Mary Douglas,
1843. Children:
1. .James, b. 1826; d. St. Louis. Mo.. 18S8. : (fly id «•;/>)
5. Cornelia, m. .\. Provines.
6. Sophie, in. Hirlitird Cheney.
Mary, b. 1828; m. Win. Morrison ; il. 1850.
_. George, b. 1830; griUl. We.-si Point V. S. Military .
Aeadeniy; m. Virginia Reyburn, 1853; rfs. 7. Lndy, ni. Sanniil May
San Francigco. Issue: 8. Annie, ni. lieor:;;' 1'. Wilson.
1. Eugi^ne. I 2. Louis. | ;i. Cora ((/ alios). ' 9. Lewis, d. yoniic.
4. Anna, b. 18;«; m. Gov. Henry Haight of Oal. , 10. Taylor, res. Stannton, Va.
Fam. 14. Ozias, 4th*(0i«rt«,' Ozias,' Capt. (kias,^ Gijit. John,' John,-' Sdm'l,' .Mm'),
m. JIary Parker, 17 Nov., 1831. Children:
1. Marv Alniira, h. 18 Sept.. 1832; d. 5 Oct., 1843. I 3. Orville, b. 3 Jan., 1843; d. 27 Sept., 1848.
2. \Vh)'. Ozias, b. 28 Feb., 1837; [in. .Tustina Grant.] I 4. Mary .Alinira, b. 3 July, 1850.
Fam. 15. Lawrence Bidwell * (Ozias,'' (feino,* Capt. Ozias,^ Capt. John,* John,'
Sam'l,-John'),m.;\{ Farmiugton, Conn., 1833,(1) Sabra Carrington; (2) El-
inina (/Jf/cAc)-) Green ; res. So. W. Children:
1. Louisa, 1). 4 Sept.. 1834. a few vears rem. to Dot* Moines, la.; in 1878 rem.
2. .lulins Bidwell |Uon.), b. 1 July, 18:J9; cdiic. in to Leadville. ( ol.; was iu aciive practice from I8«5
New Haven, t'onn. ; read law in Meriden, Conn.; until app. as nu-m. Supr. Court Commiss. of Col.,
eul. private, June, ■U2. in Co. B. I3tb Conn. Vols. ; in .\pl., ISO i, wliiili position he lield until .\pl..
served in .\rmy of Potomac and No. (Carolina un- 1891, when lie ivus app. Jud;.^e of Court of .\pi)eals
til July 12, 18G5; was successively app. 2d Lieut., of C()l.. which position he still occupies (1S92). He
Co. E, and 1st Lieut., Co. C, of that reg't, and m. 29 June, ISUli, Jnlia 1). Vail of Brooklyn, N.
during last 15 mos. of his service was Provost ' Y. Issut :
Judge of the Dcp't of N. C. At end of war he 1. Elizab<'lh Sahra.
eiit practice of his profession inN.Y. city; after 2. George .\nna Fuller.
Miseelluiieoug — Bolton Ch. Rcc. — Sarah, adm. 3 Aug., 1733; Susannah, adm. 1771;
Bette, adm. 1 Apl., 1787. Jeremiah (s. of Jeremiah), bp. 2G May, 1771 Sally
(dau. of Leavit), bp. 27 Jan., 179!». Jared, d. 2!l Jan.. 1876, k. 67. Sanford
(Dr.), d. 10 May, 1801, sa. 94.
BLACK, Johnson, wife of, d. Feb., 1818.— .9. B.
BLAKELEY, Sarah, bp i". Feb.. 1819.— 5. i?.
BLAKESLEE, Charles Lewis (M.D.) (son of Ichabod and Maria I/olme*
Hhikeslee), b. in Russell, Mass., 13 Nov., 1862; moved to So. AViiidsor, 1890. (See
Vol. I, p. 793.)
BLAKESLEY, James, m. .Sally Crane, 13 Oct., 1808(6'. B.): she d. 18 Feb.,
1S19, a;. 38 {S. B.). Mr., d. 17 Jan., 1825, tu. 24.— .S. Ji.
BLANCHARD, Thomas, m. Silva Brown, 3 Dec, 1793.— TV. C. B. Ch.:
1. I)e an, b. 24 May, 1794. , li. Marvin, b. 4 Nov., 1807; in. Naomi Mather,
2. Aliidrica, b. 31 Oct., 179(i. I 10 Sept., 1832.
3. Diana, b. 15 B'eb., 1793.
4. Simon, b. 28 Feb., 1801; m. Eunice Squire,
29 Oct., 1823.
5. Ransil, b. 21 Feb., 1804.
Thomas .\lberl, b. 6 Apl., 1811
8. Sallv Lois, b. 13 June, 1816.
9. Silvi), b. 18 Mch., 1818.
Adelissa (poss. the Aladrica, dau. of Thomas, above), m. Liinian Squires,
18 Feb., 1817.— ir. C. A'.
Chester, m. Emma , who d. 20 Dec., 1795. Chester's s. Chesterh. 18 Mtiy, 1799.
Sarah, had a child bp. 3 .\ug. (or between that and lOlh), 1766.— £'. W. C. B.
Ursula, m. Luke Adams, 19 Feb.. 1819.— H'. r. B.
BLINN, Minerva, of K \V.. m. \Villi;ini Rich of Manchester, Conn., 31 Jan.,
1825.— .ff. D.
BLISS. Information gleaned from Bliss Genealogy, by Jolin Homer Bliss, Boston,
1881. and data furnished by Henky Watson, Esq., of Northampton, and Sereno
Watson, Ph.D., of Cambridge, Mass.
Thomas,' of Okeliampton, Belstone Parish, Devonshire, Eng., b. about 15o0-'60; d.
about 1635-'4(); had Thomtie.
Thomas,- b. in Belstone, Co. Devon, Eng., 1580-'8o; came to Hartford, Conn., 1639
or '40; m. 1612-'lo, Margaret Lawrence, who was b. 1594. Ilartford Co. Mem.
Hint, gives his death as in 16.50; invent, est., 14 Feb., 1().50, £86. 12. 8.; wid. rem.
with family to Springfield, Mass., and there d. 28 Aug., 16S4; had 10 ch., of whom
was :
Samuel,' b. Eng. 1624; res. Springfield; ni. 10 Nov., 1665, Mary (dau. John) Leon-
ard, b. 14 .July, 1647; d. 21 Meh., 1724; he d. 23 Moh., 1720;" had 11 ch., of whom
Ebenezer,^ b. 2!) .July, 1683; res. Springfield; m. 10 Jan., 1707, Mary (dau. John and
Mary Cliirh-) Caylord, who d. 1 Jan., 1723; he d. 7 Sept., 1717; their only ch. was:
Ebenezer (Capt.), b. at W. 17 Aug., 1710; res. East Windsor, Conn.; m. 17 May
1744, his cousin Ann (dau. John and Hannah Grant) Gaylord, who was b. 6 Apl.,
1718, and d. 31 Jan. {E. W. C. R. says 11 Feb.), 1803, se. 85 (E. W. 0.); Capt. Ebene-
zer d. 11 Mch., 1776, in 67th year (E. W. 0.); will dated 28 Mch., 1768; est. £2,189
3«. 2d.; wid. and son John esecut;ors; she rec'd from his est. ijj of his personal and
}^ of his real estate, and his negro girl Patience. Ch. :
1. rlolin, b. 2.3 Ap!., n4ri; in. Alice (dau. Nathaniel jjrove, the private burial-place of the Watsons,
and Martha £llxivotth) Stoughton, b. li) bearing the following inscription: " Anne ] wife
Oct., 1743; he d. 14 May. 1780. iu :iOth jr. [E. W. of i .John Watson, | only cliild of \ John and Alice
I).); shed. 27 July. 180-2. in oflth yr. iE.^y. 0.\: Bliss | Born Dec. 10, 1711 | Died Aug. 4. 18:W. i
he was a farmer in K. W., his ho. the tir.-it on W. Slranirer, whose feet haye wandered to this groye
side of road N. of Scantic Bridge, his lands be- of f;ik-ncc, contemplate this Monument. Beneath
ing on both sides of the road, and were after- il is interred the dust of what was once a lovely
wards occupied by John Watson. Jr., in right of form, inhabited by a mind of superior intelligence,
his wife, to whom they descended (home lot now i worth, and benevolence. .\s a daughter and friend,
owned by Jlr. Treat.), l^tie : • as a wife and nuuher. few whom she has left be-
1. .\nne, b, l!t Dec, 1771: m. John (son John) 1 hind mei-it so bright a name. Cherish her mem-
Watson of E. W,; she d. E. W. 4 Aug., \SSIi. j ory. Follow her example." {W.C.R.
—See IIV//.SW*. -i'assenr along the road from the 2. Ebenezer, b. 17 Jan.. 174G/7: d. June, 1747. — E.
Hill to Scantic will see. al some little distance ' :i. Aiuia. b. 12 May, 1751: m. 5 July, 17ti7, John
from the road, north of that stream, an obelisk Watson, Sen.:" rec'd by her father's will all his
of white marble, standing in what was ouce a j C'olebrook lands; she d. 5 Dec., 1827. — See Watso».
Jonathan, " Sen.," d. 6 Oct.. 1742 (E. W. C. R.y, prob. the .same who had (TT. R.):
1 Sarah, b. 21 Oct.. iriW. I 2. Jonathan, b. 4 Fel)., 1711 12.
Moses (s. Ebenezer), of Springfield, d. 13 May, 1734, in 20th year.— A'. IT. O.
Peletiah, m. fl) Ann , who died 26 Sept., 1736, in 37th j-ear; (2) Eli?.:ibeth
Stoughton, 9 Feb., 1743, who d. 23 Feb., 1781, x. 69; he d. 5 Sept., 1764, in
i;il|] year (nil (lutes froin K. 11' 0. and E. W. C. R).
Stoughton (probably son of Peleti;ih). Children (E. W. CR.):
1. Nancy, bp. 20 Mav, 1787. 4. Reuben, bp. 8 Feb.. 1795.
2. I Wilhamj, bp. 24 Jan., 1?.W. , ch., d. .31 Dec. 17i)C: prob. the above.
;i. Peletiah. bp. 22 .\pl.. 17!t2 i|iroh, the P. ui. Luciiui i 5. Reuben, bp. 17 .Alch.. 1799; deformed; d. A. H.
Grant, i; June. ik21>. 1
Seth P., had a child, which died 29 Sept., 1840. — & B.
John (Rev.), b. 17 June, 1736; grad. Y.C. 1761; ord. 9 Nov., 1765, at Elliugtou; m. 15
Jan., 1766, Mrs. Betty (dau. Esq. and Capt. Joel) White of Bolton, Conn., who was
b. 17 Dec, 1747, and d. 9 Sept., 1779. Kev. John d. 13 Feb., 1790 (see Vol. I, p. 823);
wid. 111. (2) 15 Scjil., 1790, Lemuel Pomeroy of Soiithamptou, Mass. (A.S.K.), and
d. West Spriugtield, Mass., 17 Jan., is;36, ». 88. [In our first edition we gave the
Kev. John as a son of Ebenezer of E. W., but later information leads us to think
he was a son of another Rev. John, who grad. at Y. C. 1710, and d. 1741]. He
was a native of Longmeadow, Mass., and was ordained over the Church at Elling-
ton, 9 Nov., 1765, which he served until 1780. Ch. :
1. Betty, b. 30 Nov., 17r>6; d. 17(;9. ! 6. Uosca, b. 20 Feb., 177fi.
2. John. b. 16 June, 17(18; res. and d. in Tolland Co.
3. Betty, b. «Apl., 1770.
4. Ach.sah, b. 3 .May, 1 772.
B. Joel White, b. 3i .Mch., 1771.
{Bui'il wifer).■
'!. Daniel, b. 5 Feb., 17W).
8. William, b. 11 Mav, 1784 (family rec. savs 1783).—
A. S. K.
BLODGET (Blocliet). [For this account wc are largely indebted to a .MS. record
made and owned by Mrs. Franklin Paynk, Portland, Conn., and from which we
have extracted such portions as refer more immediately to the E. W. families of
the name.]
Fam. 1. Benoni, K.W., came from Woburn. Mass., about 1720; m. Abigail Booth
(prob. dau. Simon and Hebecca); erected a house about lT2o near that of his father-
in-law, two miles east of Connecticut Hiver, and near the Kntield line. It was
occupied by five generations of Blodgets. Mr. Gains Hooth occupied it about
thirty years, and it is still in quite a good state of preservation, having been the
birthplace of some thirty persons — now owned by Mr. Joseph Allen (i?. H' |/'. /.i
Benoni died 4 Feb., 1773, tv. 79. Vliihlrcn :
1. David. Fam. 2. I 4. Klijali. Fam. .'>.
2. .losiuh, I). VH. Fam. 3. 5. Aliiier, h. \~,A~. Fam. li.
3. Ebenezer. Fam. 4. ' (1. Reliecca. 7. Anna.
Fam. 2. David ■'(&/(<>«/'), m Jcrushic Dickinson of Amherst, Slass.; he was a
blacksmith. Children :
1. I)a\i(l; res. in Venuont: had family. wid. Lucinda Clapp. TTif* eldest (of foitrWli. hy
2. JerUfliH. ' Isl wife. Israel i*orter Bltxitretl, m. Avis Dodge
3. Sal>ra
4. Sarah.
B. Asaliel. li. Anilierst. Ma:?£„ atiout 1770; sen-ed
in War of 1 HI 2; ni. (1) Kiinire Calkins ; {2i
of Be!cliert<t\vn, .Ma.ss., andwas the fattier of Hon.
Hknry Wii.mam Hi.oimjett. Jud^^e of tlie Disi.
I'ourt of f. S., Xortliern Disl. of Illinoi,.; h. ■;]
.Iidv, ISJT; R-s. Chieago, 111.
Fam. 3. Josiah" (Jieiioni'), m. Abigail Rood, 15 .Ian., 1746; farmer at Ell.; d. 2-5
Apl., 1768, X. 44 (&.); shed. 6 June, 1776, in .^Gtli yr. (.%•.); inv. £153. 12«. Ir7. C/t. :
1. Roswell, h. 1749. Fam. 7 I 4. Elijali. Fam. 10. | iI. Aliisrail, m. Silas Is. of .lacoli
2. .losiati. It. 17.">2. Fam. S. .5. Muy. m. Daniel Porter and Sarab ]ttttirfnift\ IVIun-
3. Pliineas, b. 1750. Fam. 11. j ofK. Loni;nieado\v. .Ma^>. [ sell; had 4 etiildr'en.
Fam. 4. Ebenezer- {Benoni^), m. Ann Barber, b~» Nov., \Vi%, who d. 2.") Mill..
I7"ilt, in 4Ist year. Child:
1. Ann, li. 2 Meli., 17l")il/fi0; m. Benjamin Hamilton of Ell.
Fam. 5. Elijah- (Bmnni^), m. Hannah Corning of Ilollciislnn. l."> Aug., 1746; he
d. 17C.2; inv. .£113. 7«. 7rf. Ch :
1. Hannah, li. 3 Aug., 174H; m. Tlezekiah Bis- 12 Susannh,l>. 3 .Meh. 1751; ni. I-evi Fish; hadSeh.
sell ; d. m Oct., 1774; had 2 daus. | ;!. liebeeca, b. Is .Jan., 1701; ni. a Fish.
Fam. 6. Abner " (Benoni'), m. Rachel (d. David and Abigail Pettibone) Phelps, 23
Mcli., 1768; he d. 33 May, 1812, se. 74 (S. li.). Chihlivu .•
I. Abner, b. 1 Oct., 1771. Fam. 10. I 5. Job, 1). 18. Iiine, 17S2; d. single. 17.18; blind
a. Rachel, b. 2 Aufi-. 1773: in. I 6. Rufus, I. .^.j,,^ ,, <, ,,,„ ,..,
3. Martha, b. 18 Oct.. 177.1; in Naihl Allen of 7. Cephas. Fam. 12. 1 '"'"■ ' ■ -•'""■ '•"■
K. W.. res. Amherst. Mass.; 2ch. S. Achsah.
4. Benoni, b. n .Ian.. 1778. Fam. 11.
Fam. 7. Roswell ' {Josia}i,- Benoni'), m. Hannah (said to have been a sister of .Sam
ucl Bartlctt of Scantic) Bartlett; he d. 3X May, 1781 {Sc.); she is said to have
survived Mr. Blodgett and m (2) ,Iob Belknap of E. W., by whom she had C/icJi-
ter, Chaitncey, and Am!/. Ch.:
1. Hannah, m. Jonah CI eason of F.nf; had 9 ch. 3. .\nnie, mi. Nalh'l Stanley of K. W ; had 7 ch
2. Lydia, in. Avers Locke of Ueerfleld, Mil«s.; ! 4. Roswell. li ITTS. F\M 13.
had several ch. | 5. .lo.seph. li- 17SI. Fam. 14.
F.\M. 8. Josiah''(-'^'»'"/'.'^^'i<'njM,m. Rachel Crane; he d. 19 Dec, 1823 (.Sc). Ch.:
.losiah. Fam. 1.1. was a farmer nntil 1S3I*. when he rem. to Vernon.
2. Elihn. Fam. 10
.3. clu'slir, in. Permit Allen of E. \V.. 30 .hine,
1814 (,v. f).); had 7 s. 4 d. ; rem. lo Ohio; an inf.
s. of che-sler. b. 'J, d, 10 June, IKM. — *.
4. Ilarvev, prob. the Ilarvcv who d. 18 Nov., 1821,
le. 31 — .Sc.
.1. Ijiiira. in. il> riark is .\ndrew and Hannah
LUIUirlrlfiei Mcintosh of Willinslon. Conn.:
nan. at n;:i- "I 21 die b. i7K1i, to E. W.. where he
Oneida Co.. X v.. and d. at V. 24 Per . Ift4M;.Mrs
Lena iBlo^liriMt' .Mi-|nlosli m. (2' Webber.
fanner in \'.. where she d. :W Mdi.. ls.>. and w;i-
bu. lx;side her Isl husband: >■. /i.
C. Theodosia. m. a Dunham ; had .Icli.: Henry.
Elijah Hurt, llttrhm . U>irr'iet. and U'lmitln-fy.
7. Jtilia. m. a Dunham ; had 1 dau., who in.
.\iid. Hamilton of E. \V.
8. Cynthia, in. Bi-nj. Hamilton of E.W.; hadSs.
Fam. s. Phineas' ulmnh;- ]iei,niii') [For Revol. services, see Vol. I. pp. 631. «!)•)].
m. l>:iiM;iris(ihui. of .lolin and Rede.valena Wolcott) Loomis of E. W., 1783; he was
a farmer and blac-ksmilU, and
!C. 64. — S. B. Res. E. W.
d. 2!) (2S, .S'. B.) Aus.
1810, ;c. 54; she d. 5 Oct., 1838,
. Phinea.*, h. 2 Nov.. 17S3. Fam. 17.
:. Dnmari:*, 1). 13 Oct.. 17S4: in. HtMioni (S. .\bner
aiul lijicliol /'//(V/ao Blodgett of E. \V., late of
.\inli('i-st. Afasy.
.It-lm. b. r. <1. Hi Oct.. ITSIi.
Vtiilfiia. I>. 17 Sept.. 1787: ni. Robert Mcin-
tosh at K.W., 17 Sept.. l.'SIW. He was b. (I Nov.,
nsj. Ixxiie : :!el<l. h. E. \V.
1, Kmeret (Meliitosh), b. llMiiiie. ISlfl; m. at E.
Loiigmeadow. Massi., I Mav. 1S.'«. Dr. William
Scott, will) was b. ai> Apl., 181)7. and il. 4
Mav, 187S; liail: (1) Eiueret J. (Seott). b. 6
JIav. 1.S.11; 111.. .Mandie.ster, Ct.. 1.5 Nov., 1S54.
Dr. Steplien G. Risley, b. 11 ^lav. 1820. and
had Ui) Jennie K. Hislev. b. 37 Sept., 18.50; d.
12 Oct.. 181)1; ('») .Marv'E. Rislev, b. 15 .\ng.,
18(B; (rt Faimv S. Rislev. li. 17 Mav, 18(iO; d.
1 Apl., 18«7; ('/) fhri.stine K. Rislci'. b. 16 Oct..
1871): d. 7 Oct. 187.".. 1-21 Eliza J. (Scott), b. 14
Mch., 18:^7; ni.. Judge David K. Calhoun,
at Savannah. Ga., IH Feb., 1870: he b. 11 Sept.,
18-27. CJi Flavia C. (Scott), b. !l Julv. 183H; d.
2'.l Jan., 18110. (1( (ieoige \V. (Seott), b. .5 Dec,
1840: ni. at Hockville. Conn., 23 Jan.. 1S73,
Adelle McCray, b. 10 Mav, I&tO; he d. 15
Aug.. 188-1. (5) Kllen C. iScotl'l, b. 1 May. 1.843;
111. at Maiiclie.<ter. Conn.. Elmore Penf ield,
in Oct., 1801; he b. 0 Apl.. 18.18; had: (a) Uer-
trade S. Penlield. b. 18 Mav, 18(i7. (61 Mary E.
(Scott), b. :il Jan., 1S19; d. 5 Sept.. 1S49.
3. Lucius W. (Mcintosh) (Dr.), b. 11 Aug.. 1811;
d. 18 Oct., 1884; practiced in Marllioroiigh an(l
(Jlastonbiiry, Conn., Vernon. N. V.. andE.Htfd,
Conn., whence he rem, to Clear Lake. la., wh.
he d. 18 Oct.. 1884: m. (li Kiiuice Gilbert;
(21 Mrs. Eh'Cta (Jones) Lord.
:i. Harrison L. (Mcintosh) i.M.D.). b. 38 Jane.
18i:i; 111. Martha (i. Lyon ; phvs. and fanner,
Columbia. Conn., wh. he d. 28 .Mav. 1882. Had
:j sons, the eld. of whtnii is Charles L.. senior
nienib. of tirm of Mcintosh & Mygatt, brokers,
Denver, Col.
4. Ralph iMcIntoshi (Esq.), b. 15 Nov., 1815; m.
.Mrs. Sophia iS/jfi'//t/i/ii/y Pierce; d. IS.Tiily.
1S84. Venion. N.Y. Prominent in pub. alTairs;
was P. M. at v.; twice rep. to Leg. of N. Y.;
special surrogate of Oneida Co., X. Y.; nienib.
conv. to revise State Cons. His only s., li/idirt
/,.. 1). 5 .Iiiiie. 1800; con. with bk. at Vernon, N.Y.
5. Naomi li. (Mcintosh), b. 26 Sept., 1819; m.
Noniiaii Foster, East Hartford.
0. Flavia C. (iMelntoshi, b. 8 June, 1,823; in. Hor-
ace Ihirf Wilcox, Portland, Conn. lie was a
fanner, and had a wide reputation as a teacher of
sacred iiiusie. He d. at P. 5 Apl., 1.888; 6ch.. of
wh. the 3<1. Kwi-nlf Klizalnl/i, b. 13 Aug., 184.5.
m. Ilea. Franklin Payne of Portland. Conn.
She inherits iter fallier's mus. ability: was ednc.
at Holyoke Sein. and tanirht music for some time,
at one time in Straight I'liiv,, N. Orleans. La. She
is the author of the Blodgett MS. CJeneal.. upon
wh. we have drawn for our rec. of the H. family.
7. Charles L. (Meliilosh), b. 38 Aug., 1837, East
Longmeadow, Mass.; m. Mary E. Bliss.
8. Ethan C. (Mcintosh), b. 30 Nov.. is:ll. Long-
meadow, >Iass.: 111. (:harlotte A. Hendrick.
5. Marilda. 1). 13 Sept., 1789; m. Noah Pratt of
Longmeadow. hsiie :
1. Angeliiie (Pratt), ni. a D wight of L'ginead"w.
2. Danforth (Pratll.
6. Alvah. b. 23 Feb., 1792. F-\M. 18.
7. Abigail, b. 4 Jan., 1797: m. Elisha Smith of
Auiheist. Mass.. Sept., 1817: d. on St. Claire Riv..
Mich.. Meh.. 1.8.52. hsut :
1. Orra (Smith), 4. narrison (Smith).
2. Eugene (Smith), b. 1821. 5. Clinton (Smith).
3. Emeline (Smith). 6. George (Smith).
8. Emeline. b. %i Oct.. ISOl); m. 1 ApL, 1827, Charles
Packard; d. 1828; s. p.
9. Luke Woleott. b. 38 Mch., 1803. Fam. 19.
0. Candiice M.. b. 11 .\iig., 1805; m. Dr. Edward
McCray of Longmeadow; res. (1859) Agawam,
Mass.; she d. 18 Dee., 1884. Imic :
1. Edwin (.McCray).
2. Eliza i^IcCray). m. Lnman Cooper.
3. William (.MeCravi; d. unmarried.
1. Antoinelle Minerva, 'h. Aug., 18118; m. Allen Por-
ter Merrick of Amherst, Mass., 7 May. 1834
l^stit [0. Ill .So. Aiiilifi-sf, Mftjis.):
1. Loomis (Jlerrick). b. 8 Meh.. 18:J6.
2. Aaron Winthrop (Merrick).
3. M.'irv (Merrick), b. 2:J Jan., 18.38; m. William
I. Eliza iMeni.-k), b. 27 Oct.. 1.840; d. 1800.
-,. Minerva li.i.Merrick). b. SO Jan., 1845; d. 1800.
«. .Martha Ilidibard (Merrick), b. 13 Mch., 1843.
Fa.m. 9. Elijah^ (Jima/i,- Benoni'), m. Tryphena Osborn ; lie d. 16 Nov., 1844, .t.
83; she d. 20 (27, S. B.) Apl., 1804, iv. 38. C/i.:
- Elijah, prob. the E. who in. Miriam Mills, 15
Dee.. 1804 {S. BJ: had a large family: poss. in.
the 2d time, as there was an Eli.iah B., Jr., of
Scautic. who in. Elizabeth Stocking, 33 Dec.,
1813.- R. I).
'. Faiinv. d. nni'd. 15 Sept.. 1,8.50, w. 00.— .S'. I!.
;. Allen' d. U Apl.. 1814. le. 19.- ••?. li.
4 Luke, d. 19 Nov.. 1824. ffi. 23.
5. Ruel, d. 29 July. 1830, sc. 39.
0. Huldah.
7. Levi M.
8. .Sylvia.
9. Chaiincey. m. and had s. /I'o.-./
rf/ : uciit to Maine.
F\M. 10. Abner ■■ {Ar>n,-r:' n,-iio„i'), m. l Nov., 1810 (S.B.) Hamuli) (dau. Col. Caleb
and Annie Ihirthtl) Booth of E. W., who d. 13 May, 1832, CB. 51 (S. /?.); he d. 21
Dec., 1834, a\ 63.— .S B. Ch.:
1 Ralph, b. 30 Oct., 1811: m. E.W.I Sept., 1&)6
(.s'. B. I. Caroline Jane ((lau. Samuel and Jane .4/-
l'ii\ Allen, b, E. W. I Feb.. 1823; he d. E. \V.
21 Jan., 1802; no issue.— IT. S. A.
•\\.M, 11. Benoni ' (Aimer," Benoni^), m.
lAxjmU) Blodgett of E. W., 18 Nov.,
Amherst, Mass. Ch.:
1. Emeline. 2». 1817, d. nnmarriwl, I8l<). j
Key West; s. j}.
John (M.D. >, m.; no issue; d.
Henry, ui.; d. 1809; left 1 son, 1 dim., Amhei-st,
2. Hannah, b. 14 July. 1,815; m. Lemuel Stough-
ton of E. \V.; Is. and dau.. Hannah, who nl.
Israel H. Stiles of B. B.
Damaris (dan. of Phineas and Dainaris
1807 (S. B.): he d. Hi Dec., ls(i4; rem. to
4. Washburn, unmarried.
5. Winthrop, riiiiiiarrie<l.
Fam. 12. Cephas ' (Abner,' Benoni ' ), m. atE. \V. Iluldah (dau. Eleazer and Sylvia
CUirli) Gayiord of \V.. 27 Sept., 1814 (TK. C. R.)\ was a wlieidwright; went, ace.
to one act., to Schoharie, N.Y., and, ace. toanotlier, to Amherst, Mass. Cli. (h. K. W v.
\. Edwards Phelps i Rev.), b. 23 Aug., 1815; grad. | 2. Rufus.
.\iiih. Col. 18:J8; for over 40 yrs. a Cong'l clergy-
man at Greenwich, Mass.; in. Maiy Webb of
Eng. birth; 5 children.
a Harriet, in. n Montague.
4. Delia; m. Langdon .\. Clark.
Fam. 13. Roswell ' (lloxirtU,' Josiah," Benoiii'), m. (1) Rubah (dau. Stephen and
Jfiiry iri!/<!t),) Heath, b. 6 Mch., 17S2; shed. 36 July, ]>^41, a>. .->() (,?. /?.); m. (2)
Fanny Bower, lie <1. 11 June, 1807, x. 88. 67/. .■
1. Piinu-lia. 1). l.Sn-2: in. d i Cnpl. Lvninii Cooley ;
iS'.I. P. Lee. shell. IKK2; had 1 dau. by IkI,
and '2 (hius. hv 2d hiir^band.
•2. .Marv. h. ISOll; in. Maj. Alvah Morrell of
I.<'nirx. Mas-.. 8 Feb., IST2. /»*i/c .•
1. Amelia Kuby iMorrelD, iii. Edwin F.
Thompson "f Kll.; res. W. Pi : ."i eli.
2. Jnsi'|>ii lilodu'cti (Morielli. m. Marv Drake
of \V.; lie d. ai Anp.. 1889: 5 ch.
3. Eli/.a M., d. Ifi Oct.. ISII. ic. 3 mo. 11 d.—E. IV.Sc.
4. ^, ch. d. IS Oct., 1S14. a;. 3 nio.— S..B.
Fam. 14. Joseph {Rosieell," Jonah,'' Benoni'), m. 31 Dec., 1801, Rhoda (daugh-
ter Roger and Chloe /xwmf.*) Loomis ; be is said to have been " bound out" to
his maternal uncle, Samuel Bartlett, for a penny a day, until he should be 21 yrs.
of age; he d. 7 Sept., 1828, a;. 47 (Sr.); she b. IB Dec. 1T<)'.I. in E. W.; d. 2 Oct.,
1844, 83. 76.— .S>. Ch.:
1. Ropwell. 1). an Mcli.. ISllT; m. Thanksffiviii!: Day,
18."i3, p'lance.s Cliuroh of Hartford; he d. 18
.Jan., 1875. /sifue :
1. Anna E., I 4. Afaria, I ,,,,;„„
a. .Jane P., I 5. Sonhia, f'"""^-
:i. Frank R., 6. Lelia F.,
I 7. George.
5. Elizabeth, b. 1 Nov.. 180!): m. EoUin C. Crane :
d. 1891, le. Ki; 3cli.
C. Mary, b. 1 Dec., isil: d. 10 Dec, 1813.
1. Maria Rhoda iTihoda Jlariay). b. an .Inne. l»>a:
in. (1* Austin Pember, lsa5: tai Horace Ful-
ler, 38 Feb.. 1,839; she il. 31 Jan., 1S41. /»>■(« .•
1. Albert (Fuller), b. 181(1.
a. .Joseph Loomis, b. 27 Dec. 1S03: removed West
when yjr. ; in. 4 times; he d. 5 Oct., 1870. InKii^ :
1. Elizabeth. 3. and 4. Two sions.
2. Marinda.
3. Nancy liartlett. b. 1.". July. ISO.'i: d. 20 Dec,
185a, unmarried.
Fam. 15. Josiah^ {Josiali,^ Joaiah," Benoni'), m.
meadow, Mass. ; he d. 19 Dec., 1823, se. 73.— A B. Ch.
McCregory of Long
1. l.oren.
2. JohiM.M.D.).
3. William : in. Isb-w.
4. HeiiiT: ni. hsue. I Elliiiirton.
.5. Clark: m. 7. Sylvia.
G. Susan, in. Loren Pinney of |
Fam. 16. Elihu-" {Jimah,^ Jottiah,- Benoni'), ni. JLiry (il:iu. R(>,;ier) Loomis of E.
W., 4 ApL, 1810.-&i?. Oh.:
1 Jennetlc. b. 1.S12; bp. 22 June. 1817 (S. B): m.
Nelson S. Osborn of E. W.; shed. 19 .Mcb.,
18;)8.— S<:
2. Allen, b. 17 .Jan.. ISIll; m. Aur., 1855. Abigail
C*. (dau. .\ustin and t'liarlotte) Pelton of E.
W.; farmer at E. W. hntie :
1. .\rthur .\. 3. Jennie \.
2. Annie W.
3. .Miranda, b. Ihl7; bp. 6 June, 1819 yS.B.'': um'rt
4. Nelson, b. 1820: bp. 27 May, 1,821 (.v. /i.i; d. um'd.
Bridgeport. Conn., 1877.
Fam. 17. Phineas^ (Phineas,^ Jminh,- Benoni'), m. ISOfl, Sarah ((l;iu. Jiislif; ami
Sarah Steck) Reed of K. W., b. 26 Oct., 178.5 (prol). the ch. bp. 25 June, 1786),
and who d. 23 Jlch., 1848, oi. 62 (S. B.); he d. 20 ApL, 1842, a;. 59 (S. B.); fariiur;
res. Windsorville. Ch. :
b. 10 Apl., 1870: (it Ethel Elizabeth Sliaw, b. 11
Feb., 1879; (d Charles Harlan, b. 1 Mch.. 18a3.
Abigail Rc-ed. b. 27 Sept., 18)7; bp. 7 June. 1818
(S.B.); in. 14 Feb.. 1840. Siwlman Nash, Jr., of
Ell.; shed, (^uincv. HI.. 1803.— See .\nx>i.
Phineas Uifa\etle (l)ea.l b. 2!! Aug.. 1819 (bp. 23
Apl.. 18211 -.s. /(.p: ni. l,ucy.\nii Allen of E. W .
."10 June, 1844: Scautic; no ch.
Lavelletle Clayton, b. .311 Jiil.v, bp. 28 Oct. (.•?. B •.
ll«;l: m. Ill .Marv .\nii Ladd of Nonvicli. Cimu .
4 Oct.. 1847; shed, al East Windsor, limn.. 4 Oct..
I8.">8; her mother d. May. 18.5:). at E. W..;e. .'iS.— .V./(.
(3) Loraine Bradish, May, 18iai; she d. 29 May.
((/) Fred'k Bridgiiian Shaw, J 1801.
Fam. 18. Alvah ' {Phinem,^ Joxinh,' Benoni'), m. 14 Oct., 1817, Harriet Porter of
Hebron, Conn., and d. 6 Aug., 18.50, a;. 53 {S. B.); she d. E. W., 10 Feb., 1«77, :p.
. Sarah Marin, b. 29 May. 1810: bp. 17 Nov.. 1811 ;
111. 0 .ian., 1831, .John 'i'errv Thompson of ;
E. W.. b. HI .\pl., ISlfi.- See T/mlKpmii.
I. Elizabeth Mav, b. 8 .Mch., bp. July. 181."); m. 5 i
Nov., 181(1, Edward Bridgrman of So. Am-
herst, Mass.. who d. 2s Jan.. 1877. Ixsiie:
1. Harlan Page (Bridgnianl. Ii. 18 Sept.. 1843.
a. Cliiirles Torrev (Brtdginali), b. 29 C)cl., ISI.i:
d. 24 Oct.. 1S18: d. ' I
3. Kdward Hoc (Bridgmaii). b. 10 Scjil., 1»17; d. I
18. 1 (inc. 18.J0: d. I
4. Fanny Koo (Bridgman), b. 3 .Jan., 1850; m. ,
l.'i Nov., 1871, Charles .\. Shaw of South Am- i
herst. Alass.; has; id) Fred'k Bridgman Shaw, ,
77; ftirmer and carpenter; res. E. W. Ch.
Harriet P., b. 2 Sept., 1818; d. 14 Sept., 18:i4. a'. 10.
2. John Bandolph. Ii. 27 Mi-h.. 1821; bp. (adnltl
July, 18:)8; m. Lucy Jane Woodruff; res
liroad Itraok; x. /*.
3. Alvah Hollin, b.23 A|)l., 183:J; lip. (adullll Jnlv.
1S:»*. F.\M. 19.
4. Huldah Amelia, b. 183.'i.
t_6. Emelinell.. b. 23Nov., 1829: m.Ccorgel! Bill-"
Bile d. 21 .lime, l»(i9, al Lebanon. Conn
0. I'aroliue. b 2.'lJulv. 18.33: in. William .\. Daw-
son, Beliiil. Wis.; shed. 12 Aug., ISsii Isfiie :
1. William (I)awsoiii, b. E. W.
2. (Jeorge (Dawson I. b. E. W.
3. Edwin R. (l)awsoiil. 10. Charles (Dawson 1.
4. Henry (l)awsonl. 7. James (Uawstui).
5. Ualtie (l)awsoiil. 1
7. Increase Porter, b. 1.8;U; m. .<ainaiitha Norton,
Soutllington. Conn: res. Plantsville. c
I. Norton. I 2. Eugene Ii. | 3.
Fam 19. Alvah Rollin' (-l'™A,* Phin<m,^ Joxinh,' Benoni'), m. L;iur:i
Daniel :iti(l Fl:ivi:i /,'„/■/.,, i Chapjn, 15 Apl., 1J<46. — .S. 7?. Ch. :
Klsie Mav .
\iiii idaii.
1. Kicik-rirk I'liilir iMU.l. Ii. ami lip. 6 .hui.. 181';
m. Martha. I. Bill ol" New Haven; ret*. Aiisoiiia,
9. Harriet Sopliia, 1). 14 Sept., 1851; d. 4 M\g., 185-1.
■'i. t'lialios Sumner, i). -^ Sept., 185(i; d. )i7 Apl.,
18,83; ftnul. Anilierst foil., 1878; i;rail. Aidiiirn
Tlieol. Sein., 1881, and at time of deatll watr pa>l(n'
of Pres. ell. at (;laren('e, N. Y.
4. EuKene I'liapin. li. 31 Oet., 18.58,
5. Jnlia JIuria, li. 11 .liine, 18"li.
Henry S., m. Rebecca Osborn, 9 Apl., IH4~. — S. 11. Amelia, d. 10 Apl., lS4i),
«, 14. — *'. B. Brice, d. 29 .July, 1836, it. 39. — & B. Hai'vey, d. l.s Nov.,
1S27, .-c, 3.-5. /?. Mary, wife of Joseph, d. 1.5 Deo. 1SI3.
BLOOD, Ebenezer, m. Kebeceu B. Allen, IT Feb., l.sis. — ,s. /,'.
BOAGE (or BoogeV Daniel, m. Lois Ames, 24 Feb., rrsi).— li: C. U.
BOARDM AN, Thomas, m, Abigail Barber, 22 Aug., 1T99.— 11". C. li.
BODFISH [all E W. and S. B]. Alvan, m. Rlioda Prior, 2(1 May, isii;. — .s'. /;.
Elizabeth Hamlin, bp. 1 Aug , 1S19.— .S'. B. Silas B., in. I.iureliaG. Chaf-
fee, !t t>>l., 1S36.— &i>'. Simeon, d. 23 June, 1S4II, a", .jri; bad: rh. d. 9 j\I:iy,
1s:J1, a-. 2 mo.; ch. d. 13 Mch., 1839, a;. 10. Simeon Giles, bp. 15 Oct., 181.5.
Benjamin, d. 30 Sept., 1831, «. 1 yr, Abigail Hamlin bp. 1 May, 182.5.
Benj. B., bp. 20 Oct., 1833. Elizabeth (adult), bp. 2 Jan., 1842. Minerva,
l>|>. 17 May, 1829.
BOLES, •■ Keeurd of Samuel Boles and Family — Birllis and Deaths: March 19,
1710, Samuel Boles was born; Oct. 38, 1719, Ruth Boles, his wife, was born; Aug.
12, 1747, Mary, their daughter, was born; Apl. 3, 1753, Ruth, their daughter, was
born; Sept. 13, 1762, Samuel Bowles departed this life, aged .52; Apl. 7 [10, TK C.
R.], 1792, Ruth, his wife, departed this life, aged 73; Nov. 3 [1st, W. C. i?.], 1797,
Elizabeth, his daughter [b. 31 July, 1750], departed this life, aged 47; June 16, 1810,
JIary, his daughter, departed this life, — 63; June 11, 1831, ]{uth, their daughter,
(lied. 78, [she was the wife of Benjamin Barber (p. 53), and prob. the wid. Ruth
Rockwell noticed — .see Barber]. Thus ended the Family of Samuel Boles." —
D. WiUiariis Pidterson.
Elizabeth, d. 1 Nov., 1797, a'. 47 : Wicl. d. 10 Apl , 1792, a', above 70—11'. C. R.
BO LAND, .Jeremiah's child, d. 26 May, 1758.— X If. ('. R.
BOOTH. (Assistance in revision acknowledged from W. S. Allen of East Boston,
Mass., Mrs. Ellen S. (Booth) Derby of Springtield, Mass., and Gaius N. Booth
of E. W.)
Richard, Robert, and John, brothers, came to New England.
Richard was the ancestor of the Stamford, Conn., Booths.
1. Robert; res. Exeter, N. H., 1645; removed, 10.53, to Saco, Mc, where he
d. 16;2, a;. 68; therefore b. 1604.
2. Simeon'- (Ribcrt '), b. 1641; m. Rebecca Frost, by tradition a Scotch woman,
1663; res. Entield, Conn, f'hildrcn:
1. William. Fam. 2. | 2. Ztdiariah. • «^
Fam. 3. William ' (Simeon;- Robtrt '), m. Hannah idau. Johm Burroughs, 3U Aug.,
1693; he d. 1 Aug., 1753, se. 89. Children:
1. Caleb, b. 15 Aug., 1«95. Fam. 3. I 2. , hui.
Fam. 3. CaAet)* {WHliam,^ Sim.,'' Rjlit '), m. (1) Mary Gleason, 28 Feb., 1719/30;
res. Enf.; rem. to E. W., where .she d.; m. (3) Abigail . C/t. ipy Ut irife):
1. Utarv, b. .'51 .Itdv, 1721. | 6. Miriam, h. 27 Nov., 17:!2.
2. Caleb, b. M .lune, 172:J. Fa.v. 4. 7. Irene, b. 27 Feb., \TM.
3. Esther, b, 27 Dec., 1727; in. Jacob Elmer, 31 S. Aaron, li. 8 Sept., 1735. Fam. (1.
Oct., 17.54. 9. Levi, b. 2.5 .Inn., 17:JS/9; prob. the L. wbu ui. Alii-
iBi/ ■Jit wife): j^ail Osborn, !3.Iune, 17t>5.
4. ■siineoii, b. 5 May, 1730. Faju. 5. 10. Kphraim, b. U .Jan., 1710/1. Fam. 7.
5. Abigail, b. (i May, 1731.
Kam. 4. Caleb M'' '"''*.' Wiii.,'>Sim.,' Iioh-t'),,>t K. W.; in. llniuiali Allen of !•:. W..
:J0.I;iii.,lT46/7;he(l. 29Sept.,1773,a3. 78;slie(1.22Nov., 1779, iii.wyr. C/i.(/>.KW.):
1. Iliiniiah. li. ITMav. lr4S.
•i. Calili ifiil.l. b. 3 Miiv c2-i AiiL'. ': '. 1751. I'"a>i. 8.
:i. Beul»h. 1>. li Jiuic. ITM; in. JipIim is. IVIrliali ami
Ji'inirna lliml/i) Pease, li. Knf. 2. Ian., 1748.
■I. Tryphi'iia. b. :^ May, 17J5.
5. Josiiih, 1>. 24 Si'i)!., 1757. Fam. 9.
!;;rvS.f" »»'>"•"'» a. vs.
8. Marv, b. 31) Mary, ITtilJ.
Kam, .'), S\meon ■ (Ciilili,' Wm.,'-^ .Sim.;' Bol/t'), m. — . C/iildreii:
1. Glizabulh, 1). 13 Sept., 17,'i2; il. 2 I'Vb., 1772.
2. Simeon, b. 20 Jlilv, 17,>1; <1. 25 Mcli., 1T«2.
3. .Ifliiinia. b. 22 Api., 1T56.
4. Ashbel, b. 3 Jiily, 1758; d. 29 Mch., 1702.
Fam. 6, Aaron ^ (rw<A,-' Wm..'^ Sim.;' liobt.'), of E. W., m.
(dau. David) Skinner of E. W., b. 4 Oct,, 1737. Ch.:
5. Saniiicl, b. 4 June, niil.
6. Sinu-on, b. 31) Sept.. 171)3.
7. Ashbi-l, b. IS Sept., 171111.
8. Eluin, b. 11 Sept., 1709.
13 Apl., 17.50, Kdntha
4. OllfM', b. 2fi,Inlv. );il3.
5. Uavid Skiinur, 'li. 3i) Apl., 1705.
1. Aaron, b. 10 Mrb, 17.-)7. F.\M. 10.
2. Kdalba. b. 2r.)nne, l",'i8.
3. Kra.-^tnt^. h. 23 Apl., 1761.
Fa.m. 7. Ephralm-' (CuUb,* Wih.,» Sim.,- Itobt.'), of K. \V., in. Eli/.abclh Gay-
lord, 27 Mch., 1765, Ch.:
1. .\nna, b. 28 ,Inlv, 1700; m. SamI Pease of Knf.
2. Htlscv, b. 7 Feb.. 1T07.
3. Sflh.li. 16 Apl.. 171.9.
4. i,ui'iTtia, b. S -Ian., 1771.
.I. Sylvia, b. 19. Iiini', 1773.
6. .\nm', b. 17 ,Ian., 17i5.
7. Clara, b. 9 Od., 1770.
8. Ephraim. b. 2 Aug.. 1773.
9. (bio.-, 1). -a Aui;., 17S0.
10. l.i'vi, b. 22 Fib.; 1780.
11. (Vliiula. b. 30 July, 178,8.
12. Polly, 1). 29 .Iniif, 1793.
Fa.m. 8. Caleb' (Col.), (CaMj,-' CaM),^ ^Ym.,' Sim.,- IM/t.'), of E. AV.. in. 0) 1 May,
1775, Anne (dau. Capt. .Jonathan and Hauuali Wnf-v/n) Bartlett, and who was wid.
of John Bissell. b. 21 Mch., 1751. She d. 20 Apl., 1)S03, ic. 52 i^E. W. 0.); he m. (2)
Cook of Hadley, Mass, Col, Caleb, Esq., d. 10 Sept., 1830, m. IQ.— S.li. Cfi.:
1. .\nnf, b. 10 .Inly, 177.i; in. Elain Parsons;
rem. to N. Y. State. Ifsi/^ :
1. Hnldab iPart»ons*t. 3. Horace (Parwrnti).
2. Maria iParsonst. 4. Caleb (Parsons).
2. Caleb, b. i .Ian. (one ace. says 27 Jnne), 1777; d.
1 Sept., I.S13, nni'd.— ,S'. />'.
3. (iains, b. 30 May, 1779. Fam. 11. (.Ir.
4. Hannah, b. 21 Dec., 1180; in. Aimer Blodgret,
5. Chaiincev iRev.l, b. 15 Mch., 1783. Fam. 12.
0. llelirv. I>. 2S Feb.. 17KS; d. 20 Sept., 1K13
7. net,>*y, b. 28 May, 17^; m. Joel \V. Smith,
/*■.-•'/<:■ .'
1. .Sabra (Smith). 2. Betsv i,Smitlii.
8. Sabra, b. 10 Sept., 1790; m,"Elial Smith, M H
1. Henry Booth (Smith). 2. Elizabeth (Smitlu.
— ; rem. to
Fam. 9. Joslah' (Cakh;- Cakh* II w.,' Sim.;' J}M.'), of E. W., m. —
We.skrn N. V. C/i.:
1. Abigail, b. 19 AiiK, 1777. I 2. Ennice, h. twin to Abipiil. | 3. Isaiah, b. 16 .May, 173.
Fa.m, 10. Aaron" (Aaron,^ Caklj,* Wm.;>Sim.:-' Jiobt.'), of E. W., m. 22 Oct., 177:t.
Anne Nash of Why.; res. Why., rem. to E. W.; prob, ; res. Ell. (.'/(, (/;«. A'. U'.
and W'Oy. Ch. liic.) :
1. , d. 18 Aup., 1774, iv. a few weeks.
2. David, bp. 21 Apl., 1776.
3. lA-vi. bp. 26 .\pl., 1778.
4. Hiissoll, bp. 2:JSept., 1781.
5. Chloe. b. 15 Sept., 17,S8.
0. Aaron, b. 29 .Sept., 1?.I0.
7 Desire, b. 6 Mav, 1793.
s. .\aion, b. 1 .Mch., 1797.,
Fa.m. 11. Caius' ('■"'. ('„/,/,,• r,,/,/,,' (,(/,//,' ]Vm.,^ Sim.,'' R>h't^),o[E.\V.. m I Dec,
1806, Clarissa Dewey of Sulheld, Conn., b. 16 Oct., 1785, who d, E, W. 15 Nov.
1845, a\ 60 (.S. B.); he d, E, W. 11 Aug., 18.55, le. 76, Childieii (6. E. W.):
1. Clarissa Miranda, b. 11 Oct.. 1807, bp. 10 .\pl., I
IHosi.v. B): m. Peter Chapin of Knf., 22 Oct., !
1828; shed. 28 -\pl.. ISS.-!. /«,.//,.• |
1. Kdnar D. iChapiiK. b. 11 Aiisr., 1829; m. .\nn i
A Osborn; d. is Apl., 1873; she- d. 22 Apl.,
1S77; bad dl .Vrtliur D., b. 12 Aiii;., ISSll; m.
Kva Hale, and had iii\ Kre<*eric, b. 15.\pl..
lai"; (fc) .\rllnir. b. 19 Dee., INil; (.1 Bertie, b.
22 Mav, 18Si: (2) Frederic E., b. 9 Nov. 1861.
2. Clarissa .M. ichapinl. b. 6 .Meh.. 18:12; ni. Elam
' 1 A I len ; bad . 1 1 Herbert c, b. 29 .Meh.,lsii3;
(21 Dellwil V... b. 0 .Mav, ISIm, d. 4 Dec, 1866;
i3i llaltie M.. b. 2',l.lnne, 1809.
3 Hannah H. (Chapin), b. 4 Sept., 1831.
4 Kbeiiezer (Chapin), b. 6 Nov., 1K39; d. "il Auk.,
5. >!ancy(ChapiM), b.7.lnne, 1812; rt. 5 Apl., 1861,
2. Mary .\iina, h. 21 Mav, lull; school-teacher; d,
at South, 15 Dec, IKiO,
3. Hannah, b. Amherst, Mass.. 27 Nov.. 1813; in. 2ti
Sept., 1!*42, Hev. ,Iohn Malcolm Frazer, b. Ker
risbunrb. Vt., 21 (let , 1802; d. E. \V. /k.i/» ;
1. .lohn (laiils (Prazer), b F. 0 (let., 1S40; m. (1
.IkIv. I.sis, at Lima, N. Y.. Martha Malilil i
Minor, b :)» Oei . 1812; had di tJraceSelini
b. 'role"!!!, o. 1 Meh., 1X72; (2) .lames Min.u
b. E. T., 21 ,Sepl., 1874; (3) Faith Alice, b
Mndisoil, f).. 22 Dec.. 1879.
2. .lames Booth (Frazer), b. S. \V. 10 .Inlv. 18.t0;
m. 20 Feb.. 1K74. at llberliii. O.. ,-a a (Mi\iii
Morgran, b. (inilford, N. Y., 22 Sept.. 1s.",o.
he d Cleveland, u.. 19 Oct., 1881; had ll| Mabel
Clarissa, b. C, 1 Oct . 1.S79.
4 Harriet, b. 29 Miiv, INIH; in. Ix^onard Haskell.
31 Mill., 18112.
,5. Eniilv, b. 24 Nov.. 1K1S, bp. 2.'! Mav, 1819 (.V. «.);
ni. Hev. HeiirvCi. Pendleton of III, 22 Feb..
1>52; d. 9 Sept., Is-*!. y...-..f .•
1. Mnrv Ailmi (Pendleton), b. 27 Oct.. 1854.
a. Elizilbeth Mar>- (Pendleton), 1). 31 Pec. IKifi.
8. 01iiris>ia Lueretia (IVmilelont, b. 1 .huie. 1S.50.
4. Eniilv llosetta (Pendleton), h. li) Nov.. IHBl.
f\. Scliini.'b. S.Tan., IS22: in. .Tohn W. Newell of
111.. -1 Aug., l.-i-^r.
7. Caroline, b. 24 .Inlv. 1824; m. Albert S. Wells
S.Tan.. ia")l. /»>■«;
1. .Mbert H. (Wells), b. 14 Ana., IS-W; ni. .Mvareltj
Holcomb, 22 Oct.. 1.S84.
2. .\rtlinr N. (Wells), b. l.". Auff.. l.'!.")7.
3. Harriet S. (Wells), b. 22 Oct., 181)1.
8. Caleb, b. 18 Sept.. 1825. bp. 4 June, 182(i {S. B.):
d. unmarried, 7 Sept., IS.'iO.
9. . b. 2'.) Sept., IK2K, le. 2 weeks.— fl. IS.
10. Gains Newtcni (l)ea,), b. ,s ,lau., bp. 22 An'.'.. 18:50
(.S'. B.y. m- (ll.Tulia Seliiia (dan..Iolinl Thomp-
son of Ell., 1 M:iv. l,s,')(i, who d. 4 .lulv. 18.S(I: ni.
(21 Mary 1.. M c K n ight, 0 Feb.. 1881 ;' res. E. W.,
on the same I'ai-ni which bis father, jid. -father, and
i;t.-«;d.-falbi:r ciihivated. The Innise was raised
8 Oct.. 1773. and is still in <:ood condition. Its
centennial wan appropriately observed 8 Oct..
F.\.M. 12. Chauncey" (Rev.), (Col. Odeb,' Caleb," Ciileb,^ Wm.,' f^uii.,- Jiob't'). m Ki
Nov., ISl.j, Laura ((3au. Peter and Sylvia) Farnam, b. Salisbury, Conn., 14 Aug.,
1792, and who d. Ell., 6 Sept., 1875. He grad. Y. C. 1810, where he received his
first permanent rtjligious impressions, and with the College Church he united. He
studied tlieology at Andover Seminary, where he graduated 1813, was ordained and
settled over the First Congregational Church in Coventry, Conn.. Sept. 20, 1815,
and served it faithfully and acceptably until liis dismissal, on account of ill health,
20 Mch., 1844. Tlie church at the time of his settlement was small and unhappily
divided, but, with the co-operation of a few strong and fervent members, thirty-si.x
persons were added to the church by profession during the first year of his pastorate,
si.xteen the ne.xt. In 1823 there was a revival, which added nearly a hiindred;
another in 1828, and others in 1839, 1831, 1834, and 1838. Mr. Booth's education
was thorough and e.xact; his manner grave, dignified, and sincere, — ever watchful
over his feelings and over his lips, although eminently social in his disposition; he
enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his people in a liigh degree. He died in South
Coventry, Conn., 24 May, 1851. His memory was honored by a sern)on, preached
at South Coventry, May 26, 1851, by his successor. Rev. Charles Hyde, and after-
wards published. Children (b. South Coventry, Conn.):
1. Channcey (JI.T).). t>. 21 Se|>t.. 1818. Fam. 18.
2. Lanra Faniam. I>. (i -Vpl.. 1S18; m. So.C- 8 May,
ls:i9, T)r. Timotbv Dimock of So.C, who d.
28 Apt, 1874. I.i.-'ii, ill. a. C'.i :
1. Marv Elizabeth (Dimock), b. 28 Feb., 1840; d.
2ii .Mch.. 18^13.
2. Ili'ury Farnani iDimock). b. 38 Meb.. WI2;
fjrad. Y. C. 18tj3. and later from Harvard Law
Scbool; practiced law a few years in N. V. citv
Susan Maria, b. N. Y. citv. 18 Nov., 18u9.
3. .Maria Farnatn (Dimock), b. 2 Oct., 1843; d.
l.T Aus., 1861.
3. Elizabeth, b. « .July. 1S20; d. 4 .Ian.. 1821.
4. Caleb, b. 7 Meb.. is22; d. 30 Oct.. 1840.
5. Thomas Fitch, b. W May. 1821; d, 28 May. 184;!.
(i. Henry Martvn (M.I).), b. 2 Oct.. 182B. F.oi. 14.
r. Kirtland Farnam. b. Ifi .Inn., 182'.l. Fa51. 15.
8. Williatu Howard. Ii. 15 Aug.. W)l; d. Harewood
Hospital. Washinu'ton, D.C.. :il Oct., 1864.
n. , son. b. and d. 3 .\pl.. 18.'».
10. Ellen Maria, b. 2 Sept.. 18:i0; m. Springfield, Mass.,
8 May, 187(1. Dr. Pardon Hildreth Derby; res.
Springfield, Mass.
Scliool; pru
with his brother-in-law (e.\.-l'. S. See'y Navy),
Wm. C. Whitney; rec'd app't Agt. Metropol'n
Steamship Line" iont.side line) between N. Y.
and Boston; res. X. Y. city; m. 5 Sept.. 1867,
Susan Collins (dau. of thc'late Gen. James S.)
Whitney of Brookline. Miu^s.; have (1)
Fam. 13. Chauncey" CM-D.) (.&e. C/iauncei/,'' Col. Culeb,'' Caleb,'' Caleb,* TTm..^ Sim.,'^
Jiobert^), m., Soiuerville, Mass., 28 June, 1848, Hannah Johnson Tufts of S.
Children (4. Somertille, Mass.) :
1. Edward Chauncey (M.D.). b. 4 May. 1849; rc-s. I 2. Caroline Tuft.s, b. 28 May, ia53; d. 26 Mch.,
Someryille, JIass. I 1834.
F.\M. 14. Henry MartynMM.D.) (Rtiv. Chaunceu,'' Col. Caleb,'' Caleb,'- Caleb,* Wni.,''
Sim.,- liobt.' ), in. (1) 22 Apl., 1857, Martha II. Duckett »i Hertford, No. Caro-
lina, who d. Albany, 111., 21 Oct., 18(33; (2) l)aveui)orl, Io\v:i, 29 June, 1872, Sarah
Elizabeth Duckett. He d. Albany, 111., 4 Aug., 18Sl. fb. (b. Albany, III.) :
1. Marv Farnam. b 15 Feb.. ia>S; d. 3 .June. 1802. 1 daughter Alire.
2. llenVv IliickcK. b. 3 Jan.. ISliO: ni. 30 Oct.. 1887. 3. Maria Dimock. h. 31 Jan.. 1862; d. 2 Oct., 1877.
Luren'a Gabriel of CJarden PLiee, III.; have | 4. Sarah ElizabeUi, b. 13 Apl.. 1863; d. 22 Aug., 186.3.
Fam. 15. Kirtland Farnam' {-««'•■ Chauncey,'' Col. Caleb,'- Cbb.'' CaUb,* Wm.,"
Sim.;- llobt.'), m., Amboy, 111., 1 Nov., 1853, Eugenia Deet Searles ; chief eng'r
Chicago, Alton ifc St. Louis R. R. ; res. Chicago, 111. Ch. (A. Amlmy, III.) :
1. Frank Deet. b. 2. \ng.. 18.'>4; d. 36 Oct., 1856. I 1. Percy Booth (Sherman), b. 29 June, 1885; d.
2. Etta. b. 5 Jan.. ia59; in.. Chicago. HI., 3 Jan., Chicago, 20 Mch., 1889.
1HS4, Alexander Fremont Sherman. Issue: \
Ambrose, d. 27 Sept., 17.")9.— .B. TT. C. /e. David, m. Lovicy T. Boynton, 29
Oil, ]sy2.— S. /J. Henry, d. 20 Sept., 1813, te. 28.— -S.ZJ. Joshua, bttd IIV/-
liam, b. 20 Mch., 1732/3.
Vol. II. — 15
Seth, Jr., m. Sally Watson, at Sc, Oct. !t. isj()(/,'. It.y. wiiv .1. 11 Au-., 1H18,
IE. 40; had (S.n'y.
1. inf., bp. 2 Sept.. 1S27. I 3. . ell. il. •->! A|il., 181.S, :.•, 9 nlo^. '
9. , rh. (I. 10 Sept., 1S:«. ir. 21 ino. I
Samuel C, d. 12 Nov., 18r,5, R\ 60.- A'. .1/.
Walter ((4eii \ m Jlrs. SmimIi H. Lathrop, 17 iMay, 1843.— ^'. JS.
BOSTWICK, Isaac and Henry, bp. 0 .luly. I^r. — .'••, /?.
BOTOLPH, David, had ( ll'/v/. cli. Jl>":):
1. ROfjiT, 1>. 4 Oct.. 1~M. I 2. Uuvid, bp. S.Imie, 17III ; 3. Klijali. bp. Ill Ma.v, 1712
Nathaniel, m. Anna Glllet, 27 Dec, 1770. C/>. ( 11%. V/i. Ike):
I. l.uov. I ,,„ ,o i„„„ 17-q (1. nSl. I 4. Aiim-. bp. 21 Aug.. IT8(P; (I. siliip (lay.
a. I.iicriM'. bp. 3 Ma.v. 177S; d. 1 Sept., 1773.
Dea. Isaac, m. Sarah , whod. 12 .Jan., 1753, a-. 54.— Why. Ch. Uec.
Joseph, d. 8 Mch., 1797, in 20 yr. — 11'*.//. Ck. nee.
Anne, d 27 Pii . 1702, a-, about 40. — Whii. Ch. li.c.
BOTSFORD, Jabez, m. Sophia Fox, both of E. W., 30 Jan., l«Ot). — A';//, li'C.
BOTTOM, Jacob (K. W.), m. Prudence Hebard of Windham, 2 Dec, 1773; had
/.i/iltii, li. I.") Si'iit., 1774.
BOWE. [Furnished by Mrs. Kmeline (Bowe) IJiuoi; of K. W. llill.|
Alexander, fromEng.; first sett, at Hartford; rem. to Middletown, Conn., ulicre
lie died. C/iildirn :
1. Samuel. Fam. 2. I 2 .Mi-xaiuUT, m'II. .MiddUMinvn, fdiiii.
Fam. 2. Samuel- (--I'f'-' ), m.; setllid Middlelown, Conn.; d. 1775. C/iild: 1.
Amos. F.\M. 3.
F.\M. 3. Amos' {Samuel,- Akx.' ), d. 20 Oct., 1750. C/iild: 1. .!//('«, n-. 10 years at
time of father's death. Fa.m. 4.
F.\.M. 4. AmOS^ (vl/mV &im.,- AU:r.^ ), b. 20 Od , 1710; m. (I) Lydia , whod.
26 June, 1776; (2) Thankful , whod. 19 Dec, 17s5; (3) Mary . Amos
B. d. 22 Feb., 1826. Ch. (nil h. MiMletoini, Coi,,,.). ( liy Ut irife) :
Ci. Abimiil, b. 20 ,Mav, 1780.
7. Luiv, b. II Aui;.. i7S2.
». Ciiitw. b. 20 Si'pt., 17a">; d. in oliin, 8 July, ISl 1
iJlil ■!<l (lirft:
!). Miihii.-1, b. 10 Juno. 1787: il. 10 Sept., ITW.
10. L.vilia, b. 12 Aug., 17K9; d. ;iO.Iiim-. ISU.
1. Amos, b, 10 Oct.. 17(18: d. 1 Dec, 1M1.
2. Obudiah. b. 4 July. 1770.
.3. AbniT. b. 10 Apl., 1774; d. at sea uwir W. 1.8
July, 1796.
4. Aii. b. 20 June, 177t!. T.ku. n.
{Byiitl wife):
5. Elisha.b. 34 0ct.. i;78
F.\M. 5. Asa'* (.J/z/'M,^ .l///'«, ■ .S(/H., A/i:i:> ), came to res. at E. AV. Hill; in. (1) 1800,
Wealthy (dau. Samuel and Lucy — dau, of David — /ii.w,/l) Webster of E. W., li.
it Nov., 1769, who d. E. W. 8 Apl., 1825 (/?. II'. O.): he ni. (2)Sabia Strickland,
lie was the mail carrier for several yrs. before and after 1826, and carrird llu- mail
from E. W. to Bclchertown, Mass., once a week. He d. E. AV. Hill, 20 June, 1848.
Ch. (h. E. ir. Hill, by iKt iriff ; four ehl. I'p. 17 Mny, ISiiU.— K. 11'. C. It.) :
I. .\bncr, b. 11 .July, 1601; d. 21 .May, 1809, ic. 7 < 4. Emeline, b. 1 Noy., 180S; m. Juliii» Birge, 5
yr., 10 mo., 10 d. " ' Xoy., IKiii.
2.'Eli/ji, h. 24 Ocl., 1803: d. umd. IS .\uj.'.. 1W8. 5. Ijiuni, b. 3 May. ISII ; iii. i2d h ifel O A.Bowe ;
a. Weallliy, b 2S.JaM.. ISIXi; ui. Kleazer Fenton I d. 30 .Inly, lS7;i.
of E. W", 22 .Ian., ls:t"); ixiii. to lliipeyyell, N. Y.; B;/ -'<' wi.l'r :
' tliein-c to I{iil<;oyille, t)Uio, where she d. 29 Aug., [ 6. .fiilia. '
IKS'*.— See Fiiiloii, \ 7. Maria aiid Mary.
Obadiah Allan" (OImhI.,'-' Auk/k,' Amon,'' <S/;«.,' .l/<r.'), wash, ill Wells, Vermont,
11 Nov., 1807. He in. (1) Kate , and Iniil two dans. He m. .second,
Laura Bowe, dau. of Asji Bowe. Had one son who died in infancy. Jlr. Buwe
was editor of the Muhnirk 'J'iiiKu and Ilertiiiur Jnuriinl, and advocate<l aboli-
tion of slavery far in advance of his nci;jlibors. He resided in Herkimer, N. Y.;
afterward in N. Y. city, where he d. 6 iMcli., 1851I. He was buried at E;ist Wind-
sor Hill, Conn. An obituary nolic c in llic ^'i ir York Sun of 7 .March, 1859, says;
" Mr. ()lia(li:ili A. Bciwi', for soiiic tinu" past cDiiiicclcd willi Hk' odituriiil (U'pai't-
nioiit of 'I'he Sun, died yesterday afternoon at his residence on Third avenue. Mr.
Howe was a native of Vermont, and was a felh)W apprentice to tlu^ printing husi-
ness witli Mr. Horace Greeley, of The Tribune. Tlie friendsliip then fonnded was
never interrupted, and it was througli Mr. Greeley's representations of the experi-
ence and personal worth of his friend that he became, about three years ago, con-
nected with our oBi('c. . . . Mr. Bowe luis been connected with tlic American
jircss, as printer and pulilishcr and in other capacities, for over thirty years. As
a newspaper publisher he was not fortunate, probably because of his want of keen
business habits, and his conscientious advocacy of views which were in advance of
the times. lie was a man of genial disposition, of fine literary taste, and an ardent,
intlcxilile advocate of what he believed to be right and just,"
BOWER (liowers, Bowe), John, .said to have been born in (ieruiany (Holland?); to
have coiue over in the Mai/Jtt/wer (?) when a boy, and to have come to W. with the
Ellsworths; he had two guardians. He m. (1) , prob; the "wife of John
B.," who d. 24 Apl., 1779 (E. W. C. li.); (2) Catherine, who was bp. 19 Nov., 1797.
Ch. (/>!/ Ut mar.; bp., E. W. C. R.) :
days.)— MrCIiire /iVr.
Tlie fi)ll(>\vinK from tJ. W. 7?er. ;
11. Lodciiia, 1). (IScpt., 1783.
12. Cyrus, 1). 28 Mcli., 1T85. Fam, 3.
13. Erasfns, 1). aSAuR., 1787; in. wid. of Eno.s Mun-
sel I, 25 Nov., 1830. — S. B.
14. Rhoda, b. 22 Nov., 1789.
15. Abi^'ail, b. 31 Oct., 1793.
16. Abiii.r,l). 20 Apl.,1705.
17. Azcl, b. 22 June, bp. 19 Nov., 1797; m. Mary
Craw of Rye St., E., W., 24 Nov. (.V.B. savs 5),
, cll. d. 4Feb., 17«7.
John Bower d. at Wpg., E. W., te. 110
J. , d. 14 Jan., 17(i4.— E. If. C. I/.
2. Mary Ann, bp. 17 Feb., 1705.
I' I bp. 10 Nov., 1700; one of Iliese d. 20 Nov.. 1706.
i Feb., 1769.
5. (
6- f
7. , h\i. 4 Aue., 1771.
8. , bp. 25 Jiiiv, 177:i.
!). Jolni. F.XM. a.
iJii/ L'(f mar.) :
10. , lip. 15 Sept., 1782.
(Inf. ch. of Mr. liliitk. bp. Mill., 1S04, on ace. of Mie
ild.-parent.'s, Jolin Howe and wife, and d. in .-i few
Fam. 2. John' {Mm' ), m. Ruby Palmer, 30 Sept., 1798.— TF. V. H. Ch. ( W. li.) ;
1. Fannv, b. 20 Jan., 1799; m. Blodgett.
2. Sidney, 1). 25 Nov., 1800; m. Sarali Buck land.
Fam. 4.
3. Cynlhia, b. 22 Feb,, 1S03; in. Iloiace Barker.
4. Horace, b. 18 July, IRiri. Fam. .5.
5. Anson (Jriswold, b.7'Ian., ISll: in. wid. Clark;
leh.; m. Clarissa A. Ellsworth, 31 Dec, 18.39.
Fam. 3. Cyrus' (•/"/'»'), shoemaker at W. ; served in Hevol. and War of 1812, rem.,
1842, to and d. Gu[e?]rry, N. Y.; in. Mehitable (dau. Solomon, b. in France, and
Mehitable (hle.% b. in Scotland) Clarke. Ch.:
I.Clarke. i :j. LeRoy A., b. Sliaron, N. Y., 2i; June, 1812. Fam.6.
2. Kiasrus. j 4. Mary. 5. Jeanet. 6. Oscar.
Fam. 4. Sidney • {./"hi,.- John '). ofW.; m. Sarah Buckland nt E. \V., 24 Nov.,
1830.— «./i. Ch.:
1. John .Sidney, b. 26 Sept., lS;a. | 2. Bneklaiid Paluier, b. Is ,\pl., 1S:!8.
Fam. .'3. Horace" {John.- .Jchn^). m. Nancy Ann Welch, 1« Nov., IS,"?."); res. W.
(■h.(]V. 11.):
res. W.; .■//..• KreU, b.
1. Nancy Ann. b. 15 .\pl.. ls;I8: in. Anson Ells-
worth of \V.; rem. to Nebraska.
2. Horace Welch, b It Jiin.. 1843; married Emma
Chainberlain of II!.
ISi;.-,; M:md, b. 1869.
1. .lames A., b. 1 Sept.. 1843; d. 8. Tan., 1849.
2. Riilph A., b. 16 Dec, I.SI5: d. 11 Jan.. 1849.
3. Giles W.. b. 18 Mch.. 1817. Fam. 8.
Fam. 6. LeRoy A.' (Cyrus,'' John," John'), in. 17 Oct., 1842, in E. W., S;irah (.9. B.
Tec. calls her Elisabeth) Ellsworth (dau. .Jaines and Dinah Chalk) Darling, b. 10
Sept., 1811; d. 28 Feb., 1883. He res. (IWIO) W. Pt. Ch. {b. E. II'.);
4. (Jeor;.'e I... b. 16 Sept., 1849: 111. 4 July. 1S72, Mar-
tha Brooks: res. Ell.
5. Charle,-, b. 7 Jleh., 186.5.
Fam. 8. Giles W.'-{UTloy,* Cymi,;'' John,'' John'), m. 8 jray, 1872, Mary A. Porter.
Children {b. W.Pt.,E.W.):
(This family poss. several articles said to have been
broujrilt over by John Bower, in the Maiittoirtr. (ri
onea fork of especial i|uaintncss, and if (as wereaill
forks were iiol introduced into Kiiff. until 1611, this
must have been anions the earliest, and approach-
ing Ilie cud of its :id century; also, a wooden ladli'
made bv mie of the Kllsworlbs while at riviuoiith,
Mass.; also, an Oxfonl Uible, printed MDCCXI.X.
by John Basketl.) - Tfiix linf/i/rniiifiet/ Inj M.lt.Il,
1. Edith .r., b. 19 Feb.. 187.3.
2. Mabel A., b. 13 Fell., 1815.
3. Minnie L., b. 17 Nov., 1876.
4. Emma V., b. 26 Oct., 1878.
5. Hcssie M., b. 8 Sept., 18S0.
6. Lucv E.. b. 10 Dec., 18k:j: d. I5.lulv. 18.88.
7. LeRov S., b. 14 Oct.. 18M.-..
8. Marv .1.. b. 14 Sept., ias7.
9. (Jilts W., b. 14 Julv, 1889.
Azel, iif E. W. (poss. bro. of John''), m. Susannah , wlio d. 17 Feb., 1778; he
a. 11 June, 1791, in 53 yr. (E. W. 0.); lia.l Ch. hp. (E. W. C. 1{.) : (1) b. lo, bp.
21 Aug., 1768; (2) b. U, bp. 25 Aug., 1771: (S) d. 23 Feb., 1770.
Ebenezer, iv. 19, of AV., 1726, chose Matthew Grant [.Ir.]as his gu;irili:in.— Ilinmni,.
Anne, m. Samuel Stiles, 10 Dec, 1843. — .B. II'. I'uc.
Chester A., m. Hannah Ellsworth, 27 Sept., 1839. —5. B.
Stephen, m. Wealthy Loomis, 16 Nov., 1780.— W. C. li.
John Sidney (s. of Sidney and Sarah), b. 18 Mch., 18i8. — Tl". li.
BOWMAN il'.ev.), Geo. A. of So. W.; nat. of Bath, Me. (s. Joshua), ni. p:rnestine
Lord (dau. Charles Austin Lord), nat. of Kennebunlcport, ]Me.; came from Man-
chester, N. H.; installed, 1866, over Congregational Church, So. W.; rem. East
Hartford, 1884. Cfi. :
1. Caroline N. {srad. Welleslev. 1880). 4. Ernestine Libliv, il. Mamlieslcr. N. 11.. «•. 9 mix
2. George Krnesl (grad. Yale, 188.3). 5. Bernard Davis. 1>. Sn. W., 18«S; d. East Ilarlfonl,
3. .Xlietni Lord (■rriid. Yale, IXS-t). Th-f 13, ISS.'i.
BRADLEY, Joslah (E. W). liad : {\)J<m\i/i, h. 1!) Dec, 1753; (2) Elizabeth, b. 16
Apl., 1756; (3) Reuben, b. 26 Apl.. 1758; (4) Esther, b. 29 Aug.. 1760; (5) S<iriih, b.
28 Feb., 1764; (6) Eli, b. 27 Apl,, 1766; (7) Elisha, b. 27 Oct., 1766 (?)
Almond W. (E. W.), m. Pam.liti Spencer, 15 Apl., isio.— li' C. R.
BRAGG, Joslah of So. W., m. Khoda Bement, wlio d. 24 Aug., 1825, a;. 49
ill'. D.), he in. (2) 30 Dec. 1827, Airs. Clarissa Eaton of Sttifford, Conn., a widow
with several children, two of whom m. witli two of Jlr. 15. 's children by first wife,
and one (Lucetta) m. Geo. Gilbert of Wpg. Mr. 15. d. 19 Feb., 1848, «. 71 . Ch. :
1. narvey; m.
2. Lt^rrana, m. William White.
3. Sidney. Fam. 2.
4. Calvin, m.
5. William,
ti. Orrin.
7. Mary. m. Elipbas Eaton, her etep-bro.
8. Lydia. d. 10 Dec, ISU, a?. 0 m. -ii d.
fl. Laura.
10. Leonard, m T'liehe Eaton, liis step sisliT; rem.
West. \\ liere he d. Jfisi/e ;
1. l>lii'l>e .\nn (ICalnn).
^. KUen Aniiiisla (Katon).
3. ElizalietU A. (Eaton).
li. Mary .\., m. Albert Francis Tryon "f So. W.
7. Frank. Fam. 4.
». John. Fam. 5.
9. Inf., — lived one h<>nr.
F.\M. 2. Sidney' (./o»iV//( '), m. Tirzah Skinner of Bolton. Cliildnn :
1. Cvril. i,,,.i„„ in. Phebe Carpenter of Bol-
2. Sidnev, ( '"'""• Fam. 3. lion; had 1 s. llenrv.
3. Henry, d. le. 18.
4. Julia, m. Aaron Parsons of So. W.
5. Clarissa, d. iv. 2.
Fam. 3. Sidney^ {Sidnej/' Jtm'uh'), m. Frances (dau. Chester) Burnham of E. II.
He d. E. H.; wid. in. (2) Geo. W. Cowdy. Chililin, :
1. Chester, d. 18 jr. i Kilbourn of Itumside; res Ilarlfonl. /«"«
2. Albert, m. Aiiflie Jaquith of Springlleld, btt Ul nuirHtitir
-Mass. Jiinue ; \ 1. Emma (Jaquith).
1. .\ddie.
2. Jeanie.
3. Berlie.
3. Frances, m.(li Elijah JaQuith ; ni i2) Chas
iJnttut Inj ':itl inarrtagt) :
2. Kilborn.
4. Frederick, rejj. Hartford; unmarried.
.'). Harvey, d, a*. 18.
Fam. 4. Fra.n\^^ (Sidney,'' Josiah^), m. Emma Goodale of Burm^de, whcte be res.
Children :
1. Alice, d. SO Jan., J871, se. 1 .vr. 6 mo | 2. .Mary
Fam. 5. John ' (^'V/n^y,' JociaA'), ni. 24 Nov., 1870, Elizabeth Reader of Bristol;
res. So. W. Children :
1 .Mary Angeline. | 2. George Sidney. l/o stilrx'M^
Edward, m. Susanna Ellery, 29 July, 1784. — ]V. C. li.
BRAMAN, Daniel (E. W.I. had O/mvt AVwn, b. 19 Oct., 1773; rr-'(V/, b. 24 Jan.
BRAND, David, had (1) Polli/. b. 28 Apl., 1780; (2) Durid. h. 22 Nov., 1781; (3)
Jjiiill,;/, b. 27 .Inly, 17S3.
THE niiOWN FAiMlLY. 117
BRAN KER, Jlr. John, liad lut iu W. wliicli inchulcd the iiiioccupioa (1SS») lot N.
of ]\[i-. IT. S. Hayden's res. on Broad St., " the old Squire Allyn " lot, breadth, 12
rods. His name docs not appear among Mr. Warham's peo])le previous to their ar-
rival in W.: his land record dated 1G40. Ace. to Wolcotl'n Slwrtliand Bee. he was a
ruling Elder in thech.; sometimes preaclied the weekly lecture; was the school-
master; d. 27 Jlay, 1062 {Col. Rec); no issue; wid. m. Kev. Mr. Warham. They
sold the pi. to Thos. {s. Matthew) Allyn, on his m. to Mr. W.'s dau.. and the jilace
descended to Esqr. Henry Allyn, who died there 1804.
BREWSTER, Walter T., m. Mary Johnson, I -Ian.. 1838.- .S'.i?.
BRIDGMAN, Edward, m. Elizabeth Blodgett, 5 Nov., 1840. — S. B.
BRITTAIN (Britnni. William, m. Lucy Barber, 13 Oct., 1753. Ch.: (DW/Uiam,
h. 11, bp. 21 (ir. r. ;,'.)Mch., 1756; (2) Luc//, h. 26 Feb., bp. 2 Mcb. (IK. O. 7?.),
1760; (3) Gilbert, b. 27 Feb., bp. 4 Mob. {W. C.R.), 1764.
BROCKWAY, Diodate (Rev.), pastor of Ell. ch. 1799-1849. (See Vol. I, p. 823);
ni. 19 Oct., 1799, Miranda (dau. John and Eunice Dnvehcster) Hall of Ell., b. 19
Sept., 1780. He d. 27 Jan., 1849; she d. 25 Mcb., 1829. Their oldest child, John
Hall Broekway, b. 31 Jan., 1801, graduated Y. C. 1820; became a lawyer in Ell., a
niemb. of State Leg., and Rep. in U. S. Congress for two terms, 1839-1843. He d,
29 July. 1870. He ni. Jan., 1829, Plavia P. Colton of Longmeadow, Mass.; had
three daus. who now res. in Berkeley, California; the second dau. m. Prof. Martin
Kellogg of the Univ. of Calif,; the third ni. Geo. D. Metcalf of Berkeley, Cal,, and
has three sons, the only surviving grandchildren of Rev, Diodale and Miranda
Broekway.— 7?«B. J. O. Baird. See also Vol. I, p. 832.
BROOKS, John, contracted, 16-)0, to attend the Rivulet Perry, the town agreeing
III make him a cellar (lOxl.5 ft.) for to dwell in before the 25 Dec. His wages were
to be bro't in before 8 Jan., and if it fall out that the cellar is not ready by the time
aforesaid, the town shall provide a house to p>it his corn in. He is to attend two
days to receive bis wages in wheat, pease, and Ind. corn. He bo't the N. part of
the Hubbard lot on Backer Row, abt. 1655, built and was res. there 1668; rem. to
Simsbury before 1682, abt. which yr. he d. Inv. of estate, £199. 8«. M.; left five
children living; m. Susannah Hanmore (ITanmer). 25 ]May. 16.52; she d. 7 Nov.,
1676. Ch. (0. C. B.)
1. .Ti)lin, h. Ifi Urch.. infiO; dead 1074. i .i. .lonima. b. 2 Feb.. in(!8.
3. Samiid, b. ti Sept.. 1062. 0. Maicy. Ii. 2.'> Nov.. 1(170.
:! Kliznbeth. h. i~ .Tune. Ifin4. 7. Lvdi.i. b. T .\U2.. 1(173.
*. .Maiy, b. 21 Mch., Kid."!. I ,S. Siisumiah, b. 2a Sept., 167.">.
Mary [poss. Marcy. or Mercy] Brooks's child d. 10 Mch., 1745.— j&". 11'. ('. /■'.
BROWN (1) Peter, ancestor of the W. Browns, carpenter, came to Plymouth in
the Majiftinrcr. 1620, being then unmarried; in div. of Plymouth lands, 1623, had
but one acre o'f land assigned to him ; but in 1627, in div. of cattle, his name, with
those of Mary and Martha Brown, occurs, each of them receiving a share in tlie lot;
he d. 1633, invent, presented, Oct. 4, 1633. The order of Court on sett, of his
est. mentions his having had "divers children by divers wives." Mary, his wid.,
was second wife and administratrix; and, aside from £15 sett, on his two daus., rec'd
the remainder of his est. for supjKirt of her young family. (-
Fam. 2. Peter (son of above), b. 1632; rem. fr.mi Duxbury, Ma.ss.; ni. 15 July, 1638,
JIary (proli. dau. of Jonathan or Xathan) Gillet; he adm. to \V. Ch., 22 June, 1662
(O. C. B.)\ bo't in W. same yr. (June 28) ho. and lot of Robert H.ayward, " near the
mill," and doubtless res. there until he bo't the Josias Ellsworth place near William
Phelps, Jr., 31 Jan., 1664, which since has been called the Peter Brown place, and
became conspicuous .'iboiit the beginnini^ of present century becaiisc of the oppo-
sition of its flien occupant (a Peter Brown) to tlic opening of a new road wliicli left
liis lio. in tlie lot, etc. Tills lio. was denuilisliecl some ;!() yrs. since. ]Ie coiitiili.
!)». '7(1. to the Conn. Col. Kelief Fund for the Poor of other Colonics, ](>T(>; his
wife owned Half- Way Gov't in W. Cli. 17 .Inly. l(i.-)!t. — O. C. II Peter Urown d.
!) Mch., 1691/2, a;. 60; est. .£408 ITm. ^^(l. Children (A. amlhp. 0. C. R.) :
1. Marv. li. 2 Mav. bp. 24 .July. ir-W.
2. Ilan'iiiili. 1). ■,'!». lip. :fn. Sept., llilkl.
3. .\liii;ail, li. S. bp. 10 Auff., 16t>2; m. Samni'l
Fowler, Nov.. ifis:).
•1. Ili|izil>.ili. Ij. 111. l.p. -.M Nov.. l«;i.
.S I'.tiT. li. li Alch., ir,iai 7. K.\M. .!.
li. Jiiliii. Ii. S.ian.. IliUS. Kaiu. 4.
7. Joliallian, li. .30 :\l<li., IIBO. Fam. 5.
S. rnrncliiip. h. .W.Jiilv. lCi72. Fam. li.
'.I. Ili-.^^tiT, li. 22 May. lCr:i.
111. lsal.1'1. I). '.l.jMiic, linii. _
11. Ilc'lumih. 1). 12 Feb. •' iiiirlil iH-forf," HITS;
Joliii Hosford. II Apt. liM.i.
12. Sarah, h. 20 .■\iil'.. Itisi; m. .l<)>>ppli Moore.
IS. , ilaii., uimiarrivil.
14. , dan., ilnlimriii-(i.
Fam. 3. Peter, Jr.'' {Peter,'' Peter^ ), m. 22 July, 1696, Mary Barber, who d. 171!).
A letter from Thos. Moore of W. to his .son-in-law (?), Isaac Skinner of Colchester,
dated 31 Aug., 1719, says, " 1 have noe gnat nialters to inform you of, peter Hmwn
has Lost his wife, and she has left two children, new horn." Res. Poq. Ch :
1 IVIer. h. 21 .Tan.. IIW.I 171)0: jjrob. tlio P. who
Ml. Harhcl Scott uf lllfil.. 14 Anj;.. 1722. and
had I'fti-l-, 1>. .1 Ant'-, lli'i.
2. Dinah, b. 4 .Ian., 1701 2.
;>. Sanim-1, b. 2H A115.'., 1705. Fam. 7.
4. iMaiy, b. as Aiiff.. 1708. ^. —
.'). Itt'iiiarnin, b. 11 Aug.. 1711. Fam. 8.
7. Sarah, b. 22 .Jan.. 1704.
S. Isaar. b. 17 Mih.. 17ili;/7. Fam. 10.
!l. llanii-1. b. -.".Llaii.. 17ilS 0.
1(1. MalL'ali-t. li. S .Mch.. 1711.
11. I-Mlicr. h. 17 M.li.. 1712 i:).
Fam. 4. John" (Piier.' P,tn' ). m. 4 Feb., 1691/2, Elizabeth Loomis. who d. 11
Dec., 1723. He d. 4 Feb., 1728. CI,. :
1. Eliziibetli. h. 11 Feb.. 1602; d. 12 .\w;.. 17].->.
2. Mary. b. 11 Sept.. lOflt.
.1. .\nii, b. 1, d. 22 Sept.. lfi%.
4. Hannah, b. 21 Aui;.. Ii;!t7.
r,. .Iiihn, b. 11 Mih.. liiOft Kml. Fam. 0.
U. Ann, b. l:j .Vug., 1702.
F.VM. 5. Jonathan' (Peter,'' Peter' ), m. MindwcU Loomis, 1 <»it , lllim. who d 1
iMch., 1767, te. abt. 93; he d. 26 Aug., 1747. Ch. :
\e. Dayid. h. K M.h . 1709. Fam. 12.
.. Eiinirr. h. Ill May, 171.'>; m. l)aiiU-l Rowell, 2.3
.Iniu'. 1730.
H. .lonalhan. b 111 May, 171S FvH 1:1
11. Hcnjainin. b. 14 .Inly. i;2l
1. Mindvvi-ll. b. 8. Tan., ir.'.IR'O.
2. Kphr.iiin. b. ISi .-Vni;.. K12 Fam. II.
3. Unlli, b. 11 .Ian., 1701 2.
4. Marlba. b. 7 Sept.. 1701; ill. Isjmc Brown, 2">
Mih., 1720.
.'>. .liinalhan, b. 20.1nnp, 1707; d, ynung.
Fam. 6. Cornelius- (Dea.) {/Vto-,- Peter' ), 111 Abigail Barber. I
d. 26 .Jan., 1747. C/i.:
Dec. 1701. he
1. Abiirail, b. 0 Sept., 1702.
.3. Mabel. I "■ "' ■^'"- "'"■ d. 8 Dcr, 1704.
4 C'lirnclhir'. b. 1 May. 17irT: had (Wltij. III. Ilt-e.):
1. Conulin.". bp. O.Ian., 1740.
2. Sli'|)hi-n. bp. 17 Keb., 1742.
T<. Ilil.lah. b. 17 Noy.. 1700.
li. llipzibah, b. 10 .Ian.. 1712
7. Tiliw. b. 11 Noy., 1714.
8. Elizabith, b. 1 Oct.. 1717.
0 Aaii.n. b. :ll Mav. 172.".
Fam. 7. Samuel ' {Peter,' J'eler,- Peter'), in. Mary Phelps, 1"> Iiiin
19 Jan., 17.5.'!; he d. 18 June. 1785. Cli.:
i;:!ll. who d.
1. Mary. b. 3 Jnly. 1731; prob. Ihc M. of R.imiic1.
bp I May. 17:n i ir.r. /t.\. d. 10 .Ian.. 17.->.-..
2. Sannicl. b. 2 .May. 17:H.
3. Mary (Minyn, b. 2:1 A|il., 1:^7.- M'. C. It.
I. I.iK-y, b. 1. bp 7 I ir. r. /.'.Mill., 17:ifl.
.-u I'ller. bp. 2 May. 1712. IK. r. /.'.
II. rliarily. b|> 3 Aul- . 17111 11'. f I!.
F.VM. 8. Benjamin' (Peter, ^ Peter,'' Peter'), ni. (1) lI:iiiMah Grant. 19 Oct., 1743,
who d. 2.1 Aug., 17.59, se. abt. 38; (2) wid .M:irv Brown of West ilifd., 12 .Iiiin-,
1760. Children:
1. Hannah, b. 2 Mih , 1741 .">; prob iIk- II «hi) d.
Ml (VI., 1.S2.-), if. 80.
2. .lowph, b. i", .Mav, 17.13.
3. .IiiiihIki. 1. It .\..v , 1740; jKisn. the ,T. who m.
Cahin Hammond "f .Icriro, fiOcl.. 1773.
4. Ilinjainin. b. -il Idi , |7|8. FaM. 14.
r.. Sarah, b. l.lniv. IT.-,|.
6. .liiM-ph. bp 2; May. U.Vl.- \VI»J. Cli. Itee.
7. Ke/ia, bp. II .Ian . I7.W. 117,;/. Ch. Itte.
S. Aaron, bp. Ill Hit.. l7.'J8iUV,y Cli. Kre.). wit in
(i\. nnrrilii^ton, Mass.. or over Ibe lini' in .Viisler-
lilz. N. Y.
Itii Jil iiulrnaqf ;
9. I/inis. bp. 211 M<h.. 1701.— H7../. Cli. Ilfr.
10. Ml^^•^•s. bp. !■, Fib.. irM; d. S2 May. 17iri. MVw.
I'll. III.:
F.VM. 9. John' (./->//;,,' Peter,'' Peter'), m. Mary Eggleston. 14 .Mch., 172-5, who d.
2.5 Aug., 1789, iv. 87; he d. 3 Sept., 1790, le. 90; res. Itloomticld, Conn. CIi.:
1. ^I;irv. <i. uin'd.. 1S37, ;ii. iirarlv UK) vcars.
a. .lohii iCiipl). 1). 4 Nov., 1728. Fam.' 15.
3. M:irj»-n, t>. ;i June. 1731: m. 22 Sept., 174!), T)a-
vifl Filiey ; n<» iti«ne; (-he d. 177r>, ii'. a!>t. 45.
4. KBlhcr, h. .5 Sept., 17.'i3; il. 7 .Su;;., 17.'il.
5. K/.ra, 1>. 25 .Iiil.v, 17:iS; m. fhloe Hoskins,
13 (U-t., 17.'>7; rem. to Vermont.
(i. IliiiiiKili, li. 1 Julv. il. II .Vu'_'., ir37(0i)ioli.).
7. |.\zubull, 1). 90 M'eh., I71U; d. v-i.—LoomlK Geu.\\
A. !) .\iij.'., 1T51.— If/-//. VI,. liic.
8. Ilammli, b. 17 AiiiJ., 1713; d. 6 .\ii','., 1751.
9. ISaiah. b. 28 SIcli., 1710: d. vg.— ioomi* 6'en.];
d. 14 Aii^., 1751.^ ir«y. Ch. Jiec.
8. Moses, ( ,, , c,.nt 174<!
10. Isabel, I . , . - T ^„.,.
11. Jlarv, f''-" ^"' ■•'■•'"'■
12. Elijah, b. 34 Mch., 1753.
F\M. to. IsELSLC' {•Mn,^ Peter,- l'e(er'), m. Martha Brown, 5 Moh, 172!), who tl.
12 Aug., 1772, a;, abt, 68; lie d. B Sept., 1775; res. Blooiulield. C/i.:
1 Isaac, bp. 11 June, 1738; d. 22 Jan., 1739.- 117/y. I 3. Martha, b. 2 May, 1712; d. 23 June, 1775.
r/,. /In: ' [J/fc. 4. Isaac. Ijp. itt Jlilv, d, SOit. IS43.
2. Isaac, bp. 27 Apl.. d. 2i; Oct., 1740.— ll'*y. C/i. I 5. Mhidwcll, b. 20 Sept., i;41
F.\.M. 11. Ephraim^ (Jonff.,^ /Vto-,' Pfter' ), in. Thankful Brown of Farmitiglon,
10 Dec, 1737; she d. 9 Jan., 1774. Ch.:
1. Ephraim, h. Ifi. bp. 22 0ct., 17:iS. I'\\.M. 1(1. I 4. Thankful, b. 3 Apl. 1747.
2. Ci-nrire. b. 22 May. 1712. 5. Alph<-ns. b. 9 .May. 1749. 1-'asi. 17.
3. .Michael, b. 31 Oct., 1744. I 0. Ebenezer, b. 15 May, 17,51. Fam. 18.
F-\M. 12. David'' {Jonai/tan," PeCer,- Peter'), in. I.s;ibcl Barnet, 1") Mch., 1732; res.
W. Cliildren. :
1. David, b. 20 Feb., 1733, 4; il. v£r. , 7. David, b. 82 Mch., 1746,7.
a. Isabel, b. 3 Nov., 17:i5; d. vg. " "
3. Isabel, b. 21 Au£.. 17:i7; d. yg.
4. Noah, li. 9 Mch., 17.38.
5. Timothy, b. 27 Oct., 1741.
(!. Chloe, b. 5 .\pl., 17H.
Fam. 13. Jonathan ^ {J<m,tlh.,« Peter,'' Peter'), in. 11 Jan., 1743/4, Naomi Ells-
worth. Children,:
1. .limathan, b. 20 DiT., 1744,5. | 5. Trvphemi, b. 25 .4nK., 17-53; d. 27 May, 17.58.
2. Naomi, b. 174t). 6. Deborah, b. 23 .An;;.. 17.55; d. 15 June. 17.58.
.3. .\nn. b. 4 Oct., 174,8. 7. Martin, b. 10 Dec, 17,57; d. 10 Jmie, 1758.
4. Lucy, b. 4 Oct., 1750; d. Hi June, 1758. I 8. Justus, b. 9 Sept., 171)0.
Fam. 14. Ben}a.m\n'' (Dertj.,^ Peter,'- Peter,- Peter'), m. (prob.) the Abigail, wife of
Ben.]., who d. 31 Jan., 1809, x. •")7 (11%. C/i. Ilcc); res. Why., on Brown St.
Children {Wby. Ch. Sec.):
1. Ro.\y. bp. 6 Oct.. 1771; m. John Cole; les. 1 3. .Moses; sett, and d. < 'oimnbus. Ohio.
and li. Marceihl.s, N. Y. 4. Abifjail, bp. 24 Nov., 1799; m. Oliver Phelps ;
a. licnjainin, bp. 13 Oct., 1770. Faji. 19. I res. and d. Maylield. N. V.
Fam. 1.'>. John ' (Capt.) (Mm,' John,^ Peter,- Peter '), m. 2 Mch., 17.-)H, ll:iiinah ((hiii.
Elijah aud Hannah lliyley) Owen ; rem. from Wby, (now Blfd.) to W. Sims.,
1755; elected Capt, 8th Co,, 18th Conn. Reg., in spring of 1776, at head of which he
marched to the army at N. Y., where he d. 3 Sept., 1776. She d. 18 May, 1831, va.
Ill; res. Simsbury. Children {from TIuinphreiiH Family, p. 302):
1. Hannah, 11. 21 Dec, 1758; m. (2d wife) Solomon | «■. 82.
Humphrey ; d. I.s25,;e.(i(i; lied. IHil. a'. 81. j 7. Fn;derick, b. 14 .Vii?., 17(19; m. il) 1792, C'ath.
2. Aziiiiah, h. 7 Mav. 17(10; m. .Michael Barbour; I Case ; m. (2) 1808, Chloe S. Pettibone ; d.
d. 1812, :e. .52; he d. 18:)B, a'. 82. i 1818, le. 78.
3. Esther, b. 4 Mch.. 17(12; in. 1781, Timothy Case ; 8. Owen, b. 10 Feb.. 1771. Fam. 20.
d. 1,8:18, ;c. 7(i; lied. 14 Nov., 1850, a\ 9.'. 9. Thede, b. 5 Jan., 177:); m. C2il wife) William
4. Miirireiy. b. 25 .Ian., 1704; m. (1) (as- 2il wife) Merrell, Jr.; d. IWO, le. 74.
David Ciddings ; m. (2) (as 2d wife) Prince ! 10. Uoxv. li. 29 May, 1775; m. Alex. Humphrey;
Taylor : d. 1S20. a^. .50. d. 1855, :e. SO.
5. l.iuiiida. 1). IS Nov., 1705; ni. (2d wife) Utissell ■ 11. .\biel, b. 18 Nov. (posth.) 1770; m. .\niia Lord
Borden: shed. 1814. 1 of Lyme; d. 185(1, ;e. 79; res. West Simslniry;
0. .luliii llh. b. 31 .\ui;., 1767; in. (1) Milliecnt was the compiler of Otncrdl Sktti'hw oj lutiiy
Gaylord ; m. (2) «iil. Ahi Case ; d. 1849, | Settlers IK Sinw.
Fam. Kj. Ephraim, Jr.,' (Eph.,' Juna.,^ Peter,- Peter'), m. 13 Ajil., 1757, Mercy
Westlan<d. Children:
1. Klias, li. li; Mch., 17.5X, whom. Fam: 21. i 3. (prob.) Joab, bp. 15 Keb . 17(17. — .Y .•>■. /?.
2. Silas, 11. ;)1 .Mch., 1761 ; prob. the Silas who had 4. Susy, b. 9 Sept., 17(19.
Silas, b.. 30 Aug., 1810. 1
F.vM. 17. Alpheus' (Fph.,' Jona.;- Peter,'' Peter'), m. Miritiin Burr, !MJ.l., 1771;
he d. 3 .Sept., 1S21, ;c. 72. Cfi. (Wl>y. Ch. I{ec.) :
1. charlotte, bp. 2H .Ian., 1773. I 3. Miriam, hp 4 Nov., 1781.
2. .\lpheus, who d. 2 Nov., 1779, te. about 20 nios. |
Fam 18. Ebenezer ' (^=')''(!.,^ •/'^""■. '•/*<-''"',■' ^'<'''"* ').'"• Sus;inii;i Pierce, 1!) Dec,
1776 (»7///. Ch. Ute.); bed, 30 June, 1796; prob, the wid. S. who d. 14 Sep't., 1813,
was his wid. Ch. :
1. EheiHv.cr, bp. 7 Sepl., 1777: pioli. Ilic E. »lin 2. lUzckiuh, hp. l!l Jliiv. 1781; proli. Ilie H who in.
111. Riilli Pinney <>r Simslmiy, 1(! Feb., im\ Kmiico Burr, 2!l Dec. 180.3.
and /jo^. the K. wlin iii. Siibra Mills, 1 Jan.. 3. Stitfv, bp. :^1 Jiilv, 178'i.
1»1«. — S. li.
Fam. 19. Benjamin" (Bnnj.,'- BenJ.," Peter,' Peter,- Peter'), in. (1) Tlnda i(l;iu. KM-
phulcl) Curtis ul Canton, Conn.; in. (2) (11'% Ch. liec.) Sirs. Tliicia Filley, 10
Nov., 1809. lie res. and d. at Bloonilield, Conn., 1840, x. 62. Vhildren {hi/ M
iiuirniKje — Whi/. C/i. Il^:c. — and tetter of .Vm. A. li. yicherMii of Appleton, 11 V*.)."
Nickerson ; res. (1)<89) Applelon, Wis.
7. Luey Kliz:il)elh. lip. 4 July, IKllI; m. Iliraiii
Parsons ; les. ami d. Jnhiisiown, N. Y., IS.'KI.
8. Fanny I,n<inil;i. bp. 1 ;Mav. 18-.i,"j; m. Klnei^on
Johnson; n>. (IKsiP) lja'n,'ville, X. Y.
9. William, bp. i; \»g.. IKili; <1. vs., IKJl.
10. Weallby Ann. b. i Oet.. 1800 ( n iFnm. Rei:), m.
Eilwin Bissell *>f \A'allini;for(l, Conn.. ij*2 Sept ,
18-it; sett. Johiisto.« 11, N. Y., and d. 1831
1. William, b. 18(12; sell.inWby.; (1. Ml Oil., IS',>5,
le. 2.S; he in. 182S, Thirza Maiia Griswold.
S. Mary. bp. 21 Mav, I,S(i!i; ni. John Smith; res.
(1889) llarlfora. ('omi.
3. MiU-B, sett. Applelon. Wis.; il. lilfil. 18S1, iB. 75.
i.Bii Jd iit(trrkirie) :
i. David, bp. June, 1812; eett. St. Joseph, Mieli.;
d. 1889. (1889.
5. Orrin.bp. 10 July, 1814: res. Platte Center, Neb.,
0. Alil;;ail lio.va. bp. -ti Sept., 181U; m. 1800, I-. D.
Fam. 20. Owen ' (Capt. John,'' John,* John,'' Piter,"" Peter'), m. (1) in Sims., 11 1-Vli..
1798, Uuth (dau. Lieut. Gideon and Ruth Umniihrey) Mills, and ^nanddau. of lion.
Oliver Humphrey of S., where she was b. 1771; sett, at Norfollv, Conn.; rem. 1799, to
Torrington, Conn., and, 1805, to Hudson, Ohio, of wliich he was a first settler: his
wife, Uuth, d. at H. 1808, lu. 37, and lie m. (2) Sarah Root, and (3) Abi Hins-
dale (ace. to Hint. Turrinr/toH, .Liivy (Drake) Iliiisthile, wid. of Harmon), lie w:is
a man of deeided character and wisdom, ;in(l :i trustee of Oberlin Coll., INliS— 44;
resigned iu conseiiuence of growing inlirmities. He d. 8 May, 1850. Ch. :
1. Anna Ruth. in. King; res. Akron. O.
2. Capt. John. b. 9 Mav. 1800. at 'rorriiiEton, Conn. :
d. at Charlealown. VV. \'a.. 2 Dee.. 1869. the hero
of Ossawatoinie and of the Invasion of Virginia.
Get., 1859. (For full <letails, see liedpatlro Life
ot'Jo/ut BrOHii: the Tlumphri-tt Fnmibt. p. 302-;Jl.'>.
3. Salnuin. b..30 Apl.. 1802, Toi riii'jroii. (oilll.: d. vir.
4. Oliver Owen. b. 2B Oct., 1804, Torriiigton, Conn :
n>. Hudson. O.
5. Frederick, b. 180(j; res. Hudson, O.
Stephen {pomr^»:-rf~CsinieUns,s.I)ea. Cornetiu»), m. Eunice (dau. Jedediah and
Sybil Caiie) Loomis, 26 Nov., 1775, who d. 23 June. 1808; he d. 5 May, 1833, a-.
83; res. W. Children (tlwse marked thus (*) hare families, giccn in Ijwmis Genenlvyy,
ii. 703; bp. W. C. R.):
1. .lames • (Col.l. b. 2 Dec. ITTfi: bp. .", July. 1778;
ni. Ijivinia Walton; he d. 24 .Inly. 1818, Wa-
terbnrv. Conn.
2. SieplK'n. b. :iO Apl., bp, 5 Jiilv, 1778. Fam. 2.
3. Bradley,* b. 1:1 Dee., 1779; bp. 2:i Jan., 1780; d.
Hi Sept.. 184.1. at Champion. N. Y.
4. Eunice.* b. 29 Jan.. bp. 1 Apl.. 1781 ; m. 4 Aug.,
1820. John Robertson or Robeson ( If.
C.H.): shed. iK Fill., islil. lioche^Ier. X. Y.
5. Sarah.* b. 27 June. 1782.- bp. :iil Oct.. 1790; in.
Noah Parsons; she d. 20 Sept., 18."k).
li. Manila.* b. 22 Dec . 17.H4; bp. .Ill Oct.. 1790; m.
Iclialii«l Loomis, :iO Aug., 1810; she d. 17
June, 1815.
7. liebecca, b. 11 IVc. ITSli: bp. 30 Oct.. 1790; in.
Frederick Hubbard : shed, lo Nov., 180T.
8. . son, b. 1 1 Feb., 178!l; d. vj;.— Ahowim (ieiieOt.,
ii. 703.
9. , son, b. .\pl.. 17'.10; d. yg.— Loomis Gfiifoi.,
ii. 7o:i; prob. 2 Jan.. 1808,
10. Jesse.» 1). 17 Mav, bp. :ill llcl.. 1791; ni. ill Susai
Clark; (2) l.ucv F. Gaffes; rem. to llick^villc
Ohio, where he d. 27 lie.
11. .\lelin.la.» b. II Feb.. 1795: ni. Will. P. Riggs;
shell. 15 Mch.. 1819. Hichmond, Vt.
12. Oliver.* b. 23 Dec. 1798; in. Luey HickS, *•
Ocl,. 1824, Waterbnrv, loliu.
F\>f. 2. Stephen [Stephen'), m. 20 Sept., 1801, Ruth Mahala (dau. Benjamin and
Chloe Brown) Loomls, wlio d. (and an inf., also) 4 Feb., ISIl, a-. 29.* He d. T,
Jan., 1842; res. liloonitield, Conn. Ch.:
1. Stephen Haney. b. 1803. rJrafton. O.
2. Kiiih Eliza; ni. Batterson of Blooni-
lield, Coun.
3. Martha Almira; in.
4. Lydia .Maroa; in. Cillett, Itloomndd.
5. ^\alU'^,t rem. South.
• Loomis Oen. eays 30 July, 1K27. t LoomU Gen., but this we deem doubtful.
Ezra (Poq.), in. Chloe Hoskins, 13 Oct., 1757; had {M'bi/. Ch. liee.) :
1. Sarah, bp. 12 Al.l., 17.58.
2. ChlcK-, lip 4 .Mcli.. 1759; |)i>ss. the ( hliM- » ho m.
Francis Barnard of .Scolland, 8 Oct.. 177><.
3. Sarah, bp. 29 Mch., 17111.
4. Ezra, bp. 29 May, 17(13.
:>. lilloda. bp. 2:1 June, 1705.
li. Isaac, bp. 31 May, 1707.
7. I.oanna. bp. ir, July, 1709.
8. llaiiiiah. bp. ','5 Oct.. 1772.
Ezra (perhaps the above', had i MV/y. CA. Jier.}:
1. t'rsiila. bp. 2(1 Feb.. 17T5.
2. Pollv. bp. 2(i Apl., I77S.
3. , bp. 31 Aug., 178.3.
Joab, m. Abigail Wilson, 30 Nov., I8OI; had (11'. Ch.liec.) William, b. 8M<-h.. 1803.
Joseph (11%. Ch. I/,c.) had (1) , d. 23 Nov., 176.), fc. about C mouths.
Joel Loomis, m. Wealthy Ann Burr, 21 Sept., 1800. Probably same Loomi.-, who
had(H7.y. Ch.liec.):
1. Anim. (There WHK Jill Kliznbelh lirniin nf I'ih]. who in. Ji
•J, Salcimr, I ., , ,„„„ ,„,, Joel Loomis of Toninnion. 4 .luiie. n.VJ; iirob.
:i. shennan. 1 ' '•'"""' ''""• piireiits of thin .loel I.ooniis Drown.)
1. Edwin, I ll. i .Iiine. ISU.
Jonathan, had (1) AMid, b. 22 July, \Ti%; (2) Aziib.di, b. 22 JIcli., 17:i'.».
Jonathan, li;ul .lomithnn, b. 11 Sept., 1767.
John, liail Jnijnh. b. 26 Dec, 1738.
IVIoses, bad ( Wby. Ch. liec):
I. Sidney, I ,,„ .,, ,.,„ .o,,,, | :). .Tiunes. bp. IS .Vn-:.. IfJll.
■-' si,vviii-d. \ "•'• -' *'"•*■ ''*'■'■ I 1. Elizabeth, hp. 21 .Mii.v. ISl.",.
Daniel. (This line furnislicd by L. A. Roberts of BriK)klyu), liiid;
1. Zailoek, b. li.Inne. n.m Fa.m. S. i ~'. I'rinh, b. 12 Dee,. 1T52; ni, (blue Clark of
1 Pot), \V,. 4 .June, ms.
Fa.m. 2. Zadock ■ (Diniil '), m, Ann Eggieston, 3 Dec, 1775. Childnu :
1. ,\nn. b. T.Jim.. ITrii, .i. Knih. li. 27 Oet., 1783.
2. Eli. b. 4 .\ug., 1.781. Fa31. 3. 1 4. Nathan, b. fi Oct.. 170(1. F.\.m. 4.
Fam. 3. Eli ■' (Zad.,'' Danid'), m. 27 Kov., 1807, Chloo Hubbard, who d. !) Xov.,
18oi). lie d. 8 May, 1855. CMMren. :
4. Edwin, b. 16 .Vilf:.. 1Sl:i; il. 25 Sept., 1S14.
5. F.iiwin. b. 18 Mav. 1810.
(•). Ans(ni, b. 10 Dee., 1821.
7, (.'(M-nelia, b. 28 .Inly, lS2i;; d, 2 Meh,. 181)2
1, fhloe Velina. 1). 29 Dee., 1808; ni. Oliver D.
2, Eli, b. 13 Meli,, 1811-, Fam, 5.
3, .lidiu .Maria, b, 2.5 ^leh.. 181(1; m. Lemuel D.
Fam. 4, Nathan" (Z<id.;- Daniel'), m, Emily Brown, 24 Fcl),, 1824, who d, 28
Apl,. 1889, :v, 93; he d, 20 July, 1870, oe. 80. Children:
1. Eniilv. ni. Xorman Shepard; she d, 24 .\hs,. I 2, Marilla, m, (1) (llivir . I. Thrall : ni, (2) Fnmeis
1882. I Slater.
Fam. .""). EiiMAVi,' /^'id.,- Dn/i.'), m. 3 May, 1860, Almiia J. Hubbard. C/t. :
1. FannieC..I).2n,Iune,18fiO; ni.FrankN.Wells, I 2. Lillie C, b. 30 Sept.. 1883.
anil d. Apl. 28, 1885. I
F\ave\'{./ui<ep7i,' Beiij.,^ Peter,- Peter', b, 1032); m. (1) Uliodii Clark; m. (2) ,
C/iildreii {prnh. by 1st jiiar.):
!. Siiisan. m. Eniis Barrett. j 3. Sninner, in. Helen Clark. — L. A. Itiilttrh.
2. -lay.- in. .\manda Barnard. I
Joseph M.' (prob. s. Joseph,' b. 1753: Benj.,* Peter,' b. 1711; Peter,- b. 1664; Peter,' />.
1632). 1). 24 Jan., 1784; in. .30 Mch., 1809, Catharine Seymour, b. 30 Aug., 1789,
\vho d. 6 ,Mch.. 1865; he d. 24 Feb.. 18.56. Children (bp. Wbi/. Ch. Pec):
1 Catharine, b. 2J.lulv. 1809; ni. Sidnev Drake, Mov.. ISfiS; had eh.
II Alls;.. 1842. and d. 4 .Mav. 1880; no i>,-iie. H, William, b. 21, d, 22 Nov., 1822. ;e. 15 hours.
2, Eliza. b.SOet.. 1811; m. .\lanson H. Dough- 7. Almira .1., b. 17 Feb.. b)!. Oct., 18*1; m. .Joseph
erty, 27 Feb.. 18.")(i. and d.:)0 .Mch.. 1889; noissiic, Luther Brown. Oct., 1KV2.
:( .1. Seymour, b. 10. \lll!.. 1814. Fax. 2. 8. Albert Starr, b. 20.1lllv, 1827; bp, 22 June, 1838: d,
I. I.utber Rogers, b. 24 Meh., lip. 21 Sept., 1817; 1 Oet., 1829.
111. 10 Nov . isiil, Flavilla -\. Coop. 0. CharleH Starr, b. 0 Meh.. 18:*); m. Laura M.
,•.. Marv Ann, b.Sdii. ,1819; bp, 18 .June, 1820; in. Wells, 18 Feb.. 185.3; he d. 7 .lime. laiO.
linllin K. Stoddard, -a Au«., 1810; shed. 4
Fam 2. J. Seymour" (Jug.," Jos., ^ BenJ.,* Peter,' Peter,' Peter'), m. 23 Aug., 1,836,
-Miiry Ann Knox. Children:
1 llenrv Sevmonr. b. 3 .lune, 1837. [ 4. CJerald H.. b. 2 Auj;.. 1&14.
.: .lesKie Maria, b. Ani;.. 1839; d. 13 Sept.. 1840. ' 5. Zulette, h. 14 Dec.. 1845.
:t Cordelia E.. h. II Aug.. ISH. ll. Mary Adelaide, b. 12 .Jan.. IK'.l; d. 26 Sepl.. 1851.
Miii>-dliiiieiiiis — Marringes — Anne, in. Smith, 12 Oct., 1824. Anne, m. Philip
Putnam, 30 Nov., 1806. Amy, m. Reuben Judd, Jr., of Htfil., 31 Oct., 1773.
Calvin, m. Sophie ParsonS, 27 July, 1815. Chauncey, ni. ^larilda Farn-
ham, it Xov.. 1829 (.v. B). he d. 9 May. 1857, ic 69; she d. 2 Nov., 18.55, ;e. 64.—
AMI'. /. Dwight, Ml Maria Ingals, 11 Aug.. 1844 — s'. /?. Gustavus C,
m. Marion Laubscher, 5 Oct., 1x46 — .v. B. Harriet (wid, Samuel), 111. Oliver
Baker of Springtield. 7 Nov., 1826. Jonathan, m. Patience Kneeland, 22
June, 1775. Lucinda M., m, Harry Webster of Sims., 8 Nov,. lso9. Lu-
cius, m. Abigail Barber, 20 Apl.. 1833. Obadiah, m. (laris.sa Bacon, 20
Aug., 1832. Peter (puss, the P. b. 1742, s. of Snin. Fam. 7), m. Margaret Filley,
Vol. II. — 16
27 Feb., 1777; itiKiie: (1) Peyi/y, b. 5 Jan., 1778; d. 1 Dec, 1788; (3) VluuitMii. h. 12
()<t.. 1779; (3) Lm-y, b. 24 July, 1782 (W. C. R.); Richard M., m. Ciiinliiic C.
Abbe, 7 June, 1842. Susan, m. Fred Wilson of II:iill:iiul, Cdiiii., Ill Oct.,
isi,5. Samuel, m. I.ois Segar, lO Aiil., Isog. Samuel, m. Lena . who
(1. Mcli.. 1TS2. Samuel i'<( [.rlmnon). ni. Joanna Loomis, 8 Nov., 1721. Sam-
uel, ni. Harriet Marshall oi Sims., ."i Jan., 1821. Samuel Bobbins (Uev.),
rn. Klizabctli (Joodwin Bartlett, 10 Oct., 18H8.— .»^. /.'. William, Ml. Tliirza M.
Criswold, in Jan., 1S2:;. William R., m. Kli/a Winter, I Oct., 1833.
Woodward, ni. Lmy Brown, 3 May, 1821.— .S /;. , m. M. Fish, 29
Mcli., 1810.— 5. />'.
Jioiihs-^ Amasa's <li. d. 7 Oct., 17()2.— A", IF. ('. 11. Annie, d. 19 Aid., 1801, je.r.l.
Benjamin, d. 15 Nov., 1799. Chauncey,d. 19 Apl., 1804, a-. 24.— It'. ('. A".
Charlotte (wife of Oanicl), d. 5 Oct., 1847, je. 28; her son \V. ('. d, is Meh.,
1S14, ;e. 1 yr. Enoch, d. 19 .Jan., 1801, jr. 27. Hannah (wid.). d. 23 .Alcii.,
1802, in 81sl yr. Jarnes, d. 2.') Feb., 1S1(5, se. (i7.— .'^'. />'. Joseph, Sr., wife
of, d. 7 Mch., 182.V Lucia, d. 29 June. 1828, ;e. ."i. IVlicah's idiot .hild d. 14
Dec, 1796, !T. 37. Mrs., d. 17' Meh., 1820, a'. 76.— .V. /.'. Peter, d. (i Meh.,
1739. Pliny, a son of, d. .v. 2 wks., 26 Oet., 1S04.— ir. C U. Philip's wife d.
30 June. 1796. Rachel (wid.), d. 10 Slay, 1799, ;e. 78. — It'. ('. /{. Samuel, d. 2
Feb., 1803, -.v. abl. 60. Samuel, d. 30 Dec, 1823. Sally (dan. .lona. and Hoxy
Vombg) Brown, b. in W. " in the Ilalf-Mile" adjoining Sini.s.. 23 Mch., 1790, was
still living in .January. 1891. — .1. C l}iiln<, Kn.if (inuthji, Coiiii. Samuel, a ih.
of, d. 30 Apl., 1807, iv. 6 mos. William, il. 23 Jan., 1S26, *. 31.— .S li. Wil-
liam, d. (A. 11.) 13 Sept., 1829.— E. W. C. R.
Baptisms— J uWa Maria, bp, 4 Oct., 1806.— >'. /?. JVIary (oi Wm \ bp :; .\n>r..
1801.— JT.r. R.
BROWNLEE (Dr.), Robert (Scotch); re.s. Scantic parish, E. W.;d. 29.May. 1T97,
in^<Uyr.; his wife, I'riscilla, d. 11 Dec, 1803, in 76 yr. C/i. (Scihlu; K. If., lig. (I>f.):
1. Frederick, d. 2.5 .luiie. 1S05, in M yr. (.v. B. savK
29 .June, and .">3|.
2. Williiiin, d. al Fairfield, Conn., 13 Si'pl., !;"«. in
2.'1<1 .vr., fromeffe<'1s<if drinicing eold wnler wliile
(fverliealed, wliile on his return fniiu He\ , army,
in wliieli he was then ser^in-r.
.3. Priscilla. d. 10 Ann.. 1"86. in 3*1 vr.
4. Elizabeth, h. .lulv, ll.iT; d. 23 Fef).. 17SB, in .12 vr.
.i. Mary, il. 0 May. irtiO. »>. 3 mos.
(i. Koljert. d, prisoner in Xeiv York, ;l Nov., 1781,
r. Cyme Matthew, d. 2 May, ir«t. a\ 21.
BROWTON (Broughton). John, orig. sett, at W.; m. Hannah Bascomb, I'i
Nov., 16.i0; purchased, 1650, of Simon Mills of \V., his dw.-ho., milliouse, tind
orchard, with ho. lot and swamp adjoining at the W. end; also 5Ji acres; al.so in
acres in the woods; also 4 acres by the Mill Brook, and 20 acres by same brook:
sold his 5 acre lot to Samtiel .Mtirshall; no ihites. but it w;is ettrly. as known by the
hounds of the lots; perhaps rem, to \Viii<lli;ini. — lliniiinii (which al.so see for Wind-
ham liiwiff/itoiix). See Vol. I, p. 1.52 of this work.
BOYNTON, wife of Joseph, d. Nov 17, 1844, n: 42, — N. fi.
Moses D., il. 22 Apl.. 18:?2, a. .53. MoseS (.Mrs.), d. 23 JUh., 184.S. iv. 65. — .V /.'.
BUCKLAND (Bucklin) [for inforiniition we are indeblcd much to Miss Soi'iiiv
B1TCIW.AND, 731 State St., Springtield, Mtiss., and Mr. \V. Thacy Kistis of Boston,
Mass. — the hitter's contributions being enclo.sed in briickels, thus:| ]. ] Thomas,
freeman in Mass ,l(i35; at W. early as 1638; Id. gr. 1637 (.see Vol. I. 11. 1.52); juror,
1644; collector, 1649; wjiy warden. 1655; in Pequot light, 1637, for which he rec'd
grunt of Id.; m. Temperance (dau. Nicholas) Denslow, and d. 28 Jltiy, 1662,
leaving wid. enwiiite. " Wid. B." owned the Half-Wtiy Cov't at W,, 6 >Ich., 1670
(0. a R.); " Old Wid. B." d. 26 July, 1681; her will liiade 21 Mch.. tiled 31 Oct.,
1081— Ilort. Prob. Ret., iv. 46. Inv. of her est., 19 Aug., 1681, 1'99. 13«. 4</. She
was uiemb. of W. ch., 1647.— 0. C. R. Vh. (0. C. R.):
1. Timolhv. b. 10 Mi-h.. lliSS '9. Fam. 2. I (Col. liec), Iliiiiimh (rlau. Nath'l) Cook ; had
9. Klizatx'tli, li. 1 Kcli.. liMO, 1; [pmh. m. Kilward 1 dau. Hannah, who d. -i) Via-., liirti.— o. V. Jl.
Adams, Hlijii. Kairlield, f'onii.] 1 8. Hannah, b. and bp. IS Sept.. IliM: (). C. li. sayi^,
3. TiMnpemnce. b. 27' Nov.. H^t*2: ni. John Ponder.! '• Hannah Biu-khtnt] and -Jojibiia Welles were
4. Marv. b. 2 Oct.. lU+l; d. Dec. 1657. I m. by C'apt. Nuburry, 11 Ang.. I(i8t."
5. Nicliolas. b. 21 Sept.. IWIi. F.\m. 3. ; 9. John. b. 2fi Jan.. IBliO; [prob. the J. who d. 20
e. Sarab, b. 24 Mch.. IWS/I); bp. 1 Apl.. ItMfl; |m. | June. lf,77. al Iltfd.J
John Phelps. I ' 111. Thomas (posthnuionsl.
T. Thomiis. 1). 2, bji. 14 Feb., I(i.i0; m. 21 Oct.. 11171)
Fam. 2. Timothy' (J'Ara.'). "i- Abiguil (dau. liichaid) Vore, (0. V. 7^)7Mcli.,
1662; adm. to W. ch. 10 June, 1665, and wife adm. .\pl., 16()6 (0. C. It), he d. 31
Jlay. 1689; inv. £107. 8, 0 {Wfil. I'mb. liec); she d. 30 Dec, 1727. Cli. :
1. Timothy, h. 20 Apl. (Aug.. O. C.R.I. 10114; d. I 4. Mary, bp. 17 Nov., lOTO.
same year. 5. Elizabeth, b. 26 Feb., 1(178 |2 Jiilv, 1117(1, ';.('. It.);
2. Thomas, b. 2;) June, 1(1(15; bp.21 Jan.(0. ('. li.): m. a Burlas or Biiilns.-Elfil'. Pinb. I/tc.
ni. Abigail Hannum,2.'>.Ian.. 1093: d.:*iJan., 6. Hannah, b. 28 June, 1117(1; ni. Nathan Gillet,
1741/li, a:. 77; she rl. 1 .\pL, 17411, :e. 82; had dau. Jr., abi. 1704; [see Timothy (the father's) will.)
Sarah, m. .loseph Gaylord. (See Tbos.'s 7. Sarah, b. 10 Apl., 1073; d. 25(1.5, TV. i^..^.) Sept., '82.
will, June 30, 1737.- Illl,l. fmli. liec.) " February 26, 1078, July 18, '81, 2 daus. b. one Died
3. .yliidail. Ii. and bp. 11 Nov., 1(107; married a ' the 34 day, the other d, Aug. y 2 day."— 0. V. li.
Hosford. I 8. Esther, b. 12 Feb., 1682.
Fa.m. 3. Nicholas' ( 77('«.' ), m. (1) Martha Wakefield of N. Haven, 21 Oct., 1668,
who d. 28 Oft., 16S4; (2) Elizabeth Drake, 3 Jleh., 1083-6, who d. 20 Feb., 1097;
(3) Hannah Strong, 16 .fune, 1698, who d. 27 ]\Ich., 1719; he d. 24 Aug., 1728, ;c.
82; will proved 7 Oct., 1728 (lltf,]. Prob. Ike.) He tendered himself to obtain bap
tism for his ch., 6 Meh., 1672; [he had the homestead in \V. of his grandfather,
Xicholas Denslow.] Ch. (by 1st wife):
1. .rohn,.b. 13 Meh., 1072; d. 2 Apl., 1073.
2. Hainiah. 1>. 1 Sept.. d. 15 Sept.. 1074; " born y«
llrst day."— Cnl. Ittc.
3. John, b. 7 and d. "JO Dec.. 1675.— Col. lit,-.
4. Martha, b. 1 Mrb., 1077/8; m. Sain'l Strong.
5. Hannah, m. Sam'l Mather (see-father's Willi.
6. John. b. 17 July, 1081.
7. .Mindwell, m. Itau'l Phelps isee father's will).
( liy -id wife) ;
8. dau., b. 19, d. "M July. 1081. - 19. C./^.
9. dau., b. ; d. 2 Aug.. - O. C. K.
111. John, b. 10 Dee., 1080; d. Dei'., .same year.
11. Nicholas, b. 8 .Ian., 1087/8; d. 9 .May, 10a8.
12. Elizabeth, b. 19 July, 1692; m.Bobt' Hoskins.
I liy :Jd n'(fe) :
13. Ebenez'er, d. 22 ,\ug., lOSffi.
(rnderd.-ile of Dec. 18, 1891, Mr. W. Tr.U'Y Edstis writes me thus ; "Mr. Ed-
ward (t. BucUlaud has been aiding me to follow the original Thomas and wife, and
has concluded l/iul the male line berume e.\tinct, and that the later Windsor Buck
hinds are from William of Hinghani, Ma.ss., 163,5, and Rehobiitli. When JS'ichol(i.i
of \X . made his will (.June 17, 1728), liis wife was dead; only a dau. survived, and
he nientioned no .sons. When his bi'o. Tiim/thi/ of \V. d,, his only son was Thomas,
li. 23 .Tune, 1605, who d. 30 .Inne, 1737, giving all )iis Jipy. to his viiU: for life, and
remainder to his (hiii. Sarah and her hiislcind, John (iiiyloi'd. but making no men-
tion of a son. .\Md we can find no evidence of other male descent.
Jonathan, li. ab. 1716 (s. William and Kli'/.abeth {Ilillii) of E. Htfd., 1687; s. of 1) w.
of E. lltfd., whod. in W., in.solvent, 13 May, 1691; s. of WiUium of Iliiigham,
Mass., 16.50, Kchoboth. 16.58; bu, E. Hlfd., 1679); m. Sybil Bumham; poss. m.
(•2) Sarah Anderson. His wid m. (2) James Forbes. Children:
1. AU'xaiider (b, abi, i;:iii|. Ki.M. 2. 4. Timothy; sgl. in f'apt. Heyuold's Co., War of 1812.
2. .lonathaii [b. abl. 1701 j. V.wi. 3. .'» Sybil, m. Sylvaiuis Snow.
3. I'olly. in. a Corey.
Fam. 2. Alexander ' (.Zona.'), m. Sarah Smith of N. Haven, who was li. abt. 1738,
and d. 19 Jan.. 1823, ip. 85; sett. Ell., W. side of the Gt. Marsh; he d. 1815. Ck.:
1. .Mexander [b. Friday. 34 July, 17011. Fam. -1. 7. Erastus(l'apt.) |b. Saturday. 2.\pl., 1774|. Fam. 7.
2. Kpaphras lb. Monday, 'ir, .luiy. 1"(13J. 8. John (b. Salurdav. 1 Juliet 1770]. WTm, 8.
3. Sarah tb. Thursday, '29 Ailg.,n(H; d.l9 May, 1709). 9. Electa lb. Saturday, 18 Dec, 17;«; d. 23 Meh., 1848;
4. Leverelt [b.-Sat., '22 Noy., 1767J; d. '26 Apl., 1789. m. Nalbajiiel Moseley, 14 July, 17fl0|.
.".. Waller |.b. Tuesday. 12 Dee., 1769). Fam. 5. 10. .Sarah [b. iMi.lay, 15 Peb., 1781;'m. Thos. (s. Jo-
6. .\shbel [b. Thursday, 14 Nov., 1771J. Fam. 6. seph) Moseley 1.
F.\M. 3. Jonathan- {Jorui.'), m. Laura (dau. John and Content) Sadd of E. W.,
wlio d. 24 Apl., 1857, se. 96; he d. 22 Apl., 18.55, a'. 94; res. E. W. [Uucklanil
Hill, Ell. — ir. 7". J5.] Ch:
1. Polly, b. 11 July, 1787; m. Chester Allen, 1 0. Har\ey H., b. 1793; in. 28 Nov.. 1.810. .\zuba
■Ian.. 1810. Clark (.v. Jl). Iwho d. 3 Meh., 1870, le. 79|; had
2. l-'miny, prob. the F. who d. at Ell., 15 .Vpl.. 1814. s, /fane;/ II., b. IK->0. for whose m. see MUel,.
3. .loiihthan, ui. Datiuiris Corey. 7. Theodosia. iii. .hie! Clark, 0D<*<-., 1821 (d. Is21 1.
4. Leverelt. Fam. 9. 8. Limra, in. Kli Hamilton.
5. Elisha; in. Sally Clark ; m. C'Jj . 9. Loren. b.'23Julv. IS(«; m. .VmeliaT. Parsons.
Jonu.'), in.
rS; res. Ell.
Fa-vi. i. Alexander' (Alex.,
se. H.5; hed. 6 Oct., 1836, fe.
EllstKS of Boston]:
1. Jftlnes, d. miin'U, St. John's Bluff, E. FloridB.
23 I'el)., IK*; (13 .Mch., ISliS, se. 80 V.
2. Suphin, h. abt. 1797: il. I.'J .(an.. 1814, le. 17.
3. ,\lex«!i<ier. d. Kovtdtoii, Vt., ;».*. U.
4. Lu<indn, 1). 1787:' d. 2U .Mav, 1790, if. 3.
5. .laiiiTO, d. 11 Mdi., 17K7.
ti. .\lLxaiuUr, b. 1803: d. iiniird, Mih. 15, 1863. in
Kll.. if. 60.
7. Sally, m. Horact- Lord ; had sons (1) Horace,
(31 Anillia. (31 OriuiH: stie d. 11 Ang., I82.'>. a:
31 ; no d.sc. in E. W.
Cli. U
l:itos, I'ti-.,
who (1. 24 Apl.
fuiiiislicfi bv W.
8. Lucinda, ni. n> (a.-* 2d wifci ^'h»■^lrl■ Lord of
E. W.: m. (2) 19 .Ian.. 1K19, Xaiiri Moseley of
Sprinilllcld: she d. W. I'l.. H .\pl.. Isin. :i-. 72.
•.I- Phil.-na, Til. (11 .lolin Weeks of lltfd . 21 Apt.,
1824: (2i.liuvi> Buckland of W. Vi.. is Sept.,
1827; she d. lluTe3 Nov.. 1K71. a-. .S2.
10. Lovi«a, Ml. 12 Dec. IS.*), .lolin Dresser of Cov
enlrv. Conn.; rem. from Kll. ro .\licli.
11. Khoda, ni. Thos. \V. Viles, Tioy; she d. 2 Od.,
1879. le. 74; had dan. Sophijt. who in. In Trov.N.Y.
12. t'lariwi: in .lames Randal of N Y. Jt d' Htfd.
[Walter' {Ale.e.,"' Jomi.:- T/ioii.').h.\lG\) : m. Kliz;ilielli SnOW, 11 -Inly.
IT'JO, in Ellington. Children :
1. Epapliras, b. 3Feb., 1791. 1 2. Mary, b. ,8 Mchf,^92 | 3
Fam. B. Ashbel' (Ah'.r.r Joint.," nf>K^. hi. 10 Jan.,
Moseley, lurhaps at Putnam, Yt.; she b. 23 Mcli.,
W. Pt. He d. Chicoiioe, Mass. Ch. (l>. 11'. Pt.).-
Elizabeth, b. (twin lo Mary.J
1793, Hiitli (dan. .losepli)
1772: d. 29 Nov., 1S43, al
1. .Joseph M., b. 12 .Ian., 1794; d. 3 .Mch.. 1872.
2. .Aaenath. Ii. 29.1une. 179,i [ni. Poller Til ley, 9
, .Sept.. 182;!; he d. 28 .Mav, 18«r.. :e. II8|.
Ih. .lohn Flavel. b. 12 Apl.', 1797: m. 19 Ma,v, 1824.
in K. \\'.. I.iieina idaii. .lohn and IVnelope Hfa/Zi*
Bancroft of K. \V. (.v. B.K h. 13 .Ian., 179B.
whod. \V. l'I.,9.1an., 1S71. Hed. 28 Oct., 1804.
1. Maiv I.ucinda. b. 17 Apl., 1831 ; m. (1124 Nov.,
1862,' .lohn Q. Adams of Milford: in. (21 8
Dec, I8ii7, Joseph Arnold, Jr., of West-
field, Mass., who il. is Sept.. 1HS7; les. W.l'I.:
no issue.
4. Sophronia. b. .31 Jan.. 1799; d. 10 Mch., 18.>0; |in.
Lucius Barnesl.
.-). David William, h. 21 Keb., ISOI; d. 2 May, 1802.
0. fliarles William, b. 3 .Ian., 1803; lii. a vVidow in
.N'. v. cilv; bed. abt. I86U.
7. Ilairiel.'b. 7 Dec, ISIH; d. 19 Nov.. 1847. W. I'l
s. KiLlh, h. 23 Keb.. 18(17; d.2:1 Jan., 1885; in. Lewi-
Robinson, Slch , 1831; rviii. to Ludlow or
(iraiil)v. Mass.; had 4 cb.
9. Ashbel, b. 2r> July. 1809. F.VM. 10.
10. David Harris<m. I). 19 Nov., 1813: d. uiimaiiied. s
May, 1832. \V. I't.
Fam. 7. Erastus ^ (Ca\it.) {Alr.r.," Jona.,- T/ios.^ ), m. Sarah (daughter Stc])lien ami
Polly (Mmrii) Heath of E.'VV., who was b. 19 Ajil., 177.-), and d. 21 Oct., 1850, ;iv
75; he d. 28 (S. B. .says 9) Nov., 1820, io
b. Tuesday, 7 8 June. 1799.
1. Erastus (T)ea.)
Fa.m. 11.
3. Emily, (b. 11 Aug., 1800: d. 4 Mcb., 18fi9J: m.
(1) .\iiiariah Kingsbury of E.W.; (2) Stephen
Ames ; rem. to (inihlhafi, Vi.; d. 27 May, 1800.
Ist<nt hy Iftt Inifilnniti {^'li l\in(lxlninj):
{.Ii;/ Ji/ tinifriafft) ;
2. Harriet (.\ineH), m. her cousin, Latham Ixiren-
zo Buckland ; rem. to Providence, K. I.;
hasd) C'/i<irtrK : (2) Fri-ilerirk : (3) Giare.
3. Erastus (.\mes|, d. unmarried,
3. Sarah [Maria, b. 28 M<h , 1804); m. Sidney
Bower of \V.: res. there wid. Inntif :
1. .lohii (Howerl. reside W.; unmarried.
2. Hiickland: rem. to Cleveland, ().; in. there.
4. Harlehijih |1). 9 June. 1802]. whod. Ill Oct., 1803.
.'i. Ilarleliii.'h tlleath, b. 2.5 Oct.. I805|; (lith. ch.) b.
.". Oct., 1805; grad. Wash, (now Trin.l Coll., 18.31,
and from Yale Law School; practiced law ill
F.\M. 8. John' (Ale.i:,''Jomi.,'' T/ios.' ), ni
prob. the wid. II. who d. W. L. 2 Dec,
1. Marilda, ; m. 2.") Aug., 18.13,
Alex. (s. .JalH*/.) Lord of E. W. Jsjttte ; |daiis.
I. Charles Buckland (Lord), in.; res. Chicago; 2
2. (.\aroii, b. abl. 1810 20; res. (1890) Ell
3. Solomon [b. 4 Auk.. 1812|. Fam. 18.
4. [John, b. abt. 1797; d. 21) D«-.. 18(M. :
5. Hiram, b. 25 .Mch., 1800. Faji. 14.
B. Kraslus | W.l, d. W. L., uiini'd.
7. Henry, killed ill Mex. War; iiiimM.
8. Nelson, rem. to Marysville. Mo.
9. Jnlinim, ni. 1790, Samuel Denslow of W.L.
hed. W. L. 17 Apl.. 1709, :e. 79; s. |i.
46. Ch.. (I). R. II'., Jirouil Brook) :
.Springlleld; in. Sophia Moseley of Sprinixfield.
Mass., 5 Nov.. 1834; bed. S. 2.'> All'.'.. lS4(i. htiie :
1. Anne Sophia; res, Springlield.
2. Edward llinlebiLdi. m. in S Florence (daiiyliter
Col.) Byers of 'I'enn.: rem. to Phil.: D.D.S.:
hasadaii. Flnrtif, t'oru.
3. .\lmanzo .\mes. m. bis cousin, .Inlia Isadoiv.
0. Almira |li. 13 Julv. 18131. i". 20 Sept.. 18:12. .las.
Viningof K. W.: rem. West; |she d. 17 .Mch..
18*1.1 /«x//f .•
1. E(lw(l (Viiiinu;), b. K.W.
2. .\lainai)/.o (Viningi.b.E.W.
3. Heiirv (\'iiiing).
7. Harriet', d. 11 Apl.. 1809. le.
savs 0 we*^ks.)
8. .Marilla (Ann. .v. B \ |b.
9. .\laman/.o lb. 3 Nov.,
. Krastiis(Viniuf;).
. Israel (Viijin^).
0. Charles! Viliing).
nil). 10 diivs (.s'. /».
1 Jillv. 181.5; d.2l Sent.,
, 1811], rem. lo West; [in.
Sarah Northrop! :-d
10. Umii/o IMonl^iHiiery. b. 7 Feb., 1810]. Fam. 12
Hannah BlOOd ; [Lewis, JI'. T. C.\: she
18.55, X. 78. C/i. (/.. Kll.):
10. Jarvis, d. 1817, Chicago, 111.; m. ili Julia (dan.
Luke and ne.ile i) Fisk, 18 Sept . 1827; (2)
Philena (0»<'/'Ai»>/i Weeks, wid Jnhn Weeks
and dau. .\lex. and Uiis yl'iiikt) Buckland.
/w)/# [hy Ul irif'e):
1. Julia P.. b. i; Feb.. 18:11; iii, is 1)ih . i8.-,2. Wm
Palmer Woodward ; had ili Horace Watson
(Woodward). I». 20 Oct.. 18.*>l: now liviiiL'. iim'd.
Mrs. Julia I'. W. d. 2:! Dec., ISli-l.
11. Charles, b. 18(M; d. iinnrd.
12. Cloriuda. d. le. 15 or Hi.
Fam. 9. [Leverett* ( Jom.,'' Jomi.;- r/inn.'), m. 2 Oct., 1813, Doxy (Doiiai Parker,
born about 1797; d. 20 Aug., 1853, le. 56. Children :
1. Fanny, b. Ul Apl.. 1814; d. 9 Dec, 1885, in Ell.
2. Junius, b. 23 .\pl., 1818; in. Lucy — ■ — ; bad 9.
bp. Ell., 14 Ai>l.. JK'iO.
8. Anson, b. 9 .Inne. 1820.
Fam. 111. [Ashbel' (As!iM,^ Ak.i;'-' Jona..^ 77w.v.'), m. 2 Sept.. 1883, I.iicn-ti;i Ann
Hyde, b. ll Sept., 1805, ami d. 1 Mcli., IMSf); \w A. 23 Jiin., XHl'r. rem. In Lu.l-
low, or (iranby, Mass. Ch. :
\. Willinni Hcnrv lI;inison, 1). 13 Mill., I.SII ; il. 7
.V|il., 18-K.
5. Carlos Ashbel, li. W Nov.. 1844. Kam. V,.
6. Aseimth June, b. 1 Sepl., 184(>; in. Levi Frost,
1. Lucielia Ann, b. 16 July. 18:«; m. K. II. Fitch
nbont ls.i5; (1. 2 Sepl., 1873.
2. Iliiri-iel Kveline, 1). 30 June, 183(i; ni. I). U.
Smith, isru.
3. .Fcilui. ll. l.'i Jinic', 1838; (1. 15 Apl., l,S4i).
11 ErastusMDea.) (/i'/vi.v/w.v,* ^'l/cr,,' ,7b/i/f.,- 77/as.'), m. !) Oct., 1S34, Anna
(dau. He/., ami Mary llaydei,*) Wells, b. E. W. 1811; d. \V. Pt. 13 May, 1866;
he <i. 23 .Ian., 1848.— <S'. B. Ch. (t>. IF. Ft.):
1. Anna |('elia|, b. Ifi (1.1, IT'. T. E.) Anj;.: lip. 8
Nov. IS. v.). I83.'>; m. John \Vin'_'ate Buck-
nam. Ml),, of Lancasier, Nil., who cl. 21 Dec.
ISTO, at L.; she il. I.. 24 Dee., 1870. /xxue:
1. .\iinie Weeks (Huekuam). li. antl res. L.
2. Erasliis Wells, li. 2."i July; bp. (.s\ «.) 11 Nov.,
1838; m. 17 Ma.v, 1871, Kileu Kliza Ulan. Henry
& Nancy McKuiiii/) Woodward, b. 20 Oct.,
18:M. hsfie :
1. Celia Maria iWooilwariD.b. W.l't. ICMeh., 1872.
3. ,Surah Marilla, h. 2 June. 1,842: bp. 10 De<'., 1843
(.S'. «.); m. 2iJ June. 18(17, Kev. llarvev Henry
Olmstead, D.D, reetor of Si. JohiiN, W. I'l..
anil later of eh. in llreal liarrili^^loii. .Mass., antl
Urniifoid. I '(inn.: he d. H. 30 Oel., I8S2. /.«/„.-
1. I'anliiu- Celia ((llinsleaill, li. (i. H. 7 July, 1871.
2. Heinv Hii.khuid lOhnsteaill. b. li. 10 July, 1.87"..
3. .Norueiiicl l( llinstetuli, b. H. 7 .Mav, 18711. '
Fam. 12. Lorenzo Wlontgo\r\ery * (Capt. Ak.r.;' Jona.;' T>io.s.'), m. 1 .Jan., 183,j
Julia Hall ol K. W. [lie il. 3 July, 187.5, a\ 65]. Cfi. (/>. K. U'., Kr<md lh;i„l:) :
1. Latham I.orenzo, ni. his cousin, Harriet Ames;
(1. in Prov., R. I,; I>u. in W. Ixxiir ;
1. Charles. 2. Frederick. 3. (-race.
2. Sarah Marilla, ui. Charles Reynolds of Xor-
walk, (."omi. hutie ;
1. Margaret (Reynolds).
3. Julia Isadore, m. her cousin .\laiinnizn Buck-
land of Sprintrfield, Mass., s. p.
4. .Mphouzo. in. Helen .\ni;uHla Marble; rem. to
WdoiiMieket, K. 1.
.-.. Louisa. 111. Ill Kclward Sexton "f U'.; in. (2)
(ieori^'e ,\ddisoii Bingham of Hrfd. hmie :
1, .Mabel (Sexton).
(1. Wilbur, in.; res. W.
Fam. 13. [Solomon' (John* Ala-.,- Jona.;- T/ws.'), h. 4 Aug., 1S12; 111. Eineliue
(dau. Setli and lluklah Wi'.nifr) Patton of W. Pt., 4 May, 1S32; she b. Sepl. 16,
1814; d. loMeb., 1890; removed to Eiitield before 1837; n'S. (1890) Augusta, Me.;
demented at Soldiers' Home. Cliildren :
1. Julia, b. '20 Nov., 18."i4: ni. Lafayette Durham,
.Tan. 11, 1855.
2. LealUns S., Ii. 5 Mav, 1S37. Fam. Hi.
3. Ceorsie. li. 4 .lime, i^O: d. 2 .\ii^'., 18117; in. .In-
lia Reed, 29 Nov., 18«!.
4. Seth Johnson, b. 10 Apl., 1846. Fam. 17.
5. Charles, li. 9 June, 184il; d. uniu'd, 31 July, 1871.
(I. Kiuina, h. 11 Feb.. 1852; lu. KiiL'ene F. Mc-
Clean, 20.lan., 1871. 1
F.\m: 14. Hiram-' (Jnhn,^ Alt.r..," Jnim.;- Tlioiit(ts^),h.2{) Meh., 1800; of Spriiigtield ;
m. 1 .Ian., 1827 (li. D.), Harriet Grant of Wpg., E. W., who was b. 14 May, 1804.
and d. 10 Feb.. 1873. He d. 10 Aug., 1887. Ch. (b. W.):
1. Solomon Svlvester. b. 25 May, 1828. Fam. 18.
a. John William, b. 26 Jlay. ISJO; nnir'd; wife dead;
no issui'.
3. .\ndrew .lacksou, h. 12 Nov., 183;i. Fam. 10.
4. Mary Adelaide, li. 5 Nov., 18:»; uiiiu'd. 1801.
5. Elizabeth, b. 'i.-, Oc-t.. 1837: ni. And. liariiard, 25
Oct., 1860; d. Dec, 1873; left two pr. tmm. a'. 16
and 19, in 1891.
6. (ieorjje Washiii"t.(ni, li. 4 .Tan., 1810. P'am. •}».
7. Albert, b. 6 ApL, 1&I3. Fam. 21.
8. Julia Ann, b. 15 Feb., 1,815; il. 1SS7: ill. William
Filley of W., 19 (let., 18IH.
Fam. 15. Carlos Ashbel'' (AMid,' Anhhd* Ak-.i:/' Joint.;- 77(".f.'), m. I^ottie A.
Lincoln of Xeu Marlboro', Mtiss., 3 Dec, 1868; res. Granby, Mass. Ch. :
1. Francis I... b. -,'0 Apl., 1870. 2. Kdilli !>., b. 31 Oct., 1871. I Frederick ('., b. »S May, 1874.
Fam. 16. Leantus S.'' {Suliintun.'' .Inhn.^ Alf.r..' Jonn..' Thus.'), b. 5 May, 1S37; d. 4
May, 1887, in Hawaii; in IJo.selle M. Craig (ilaii. of Pliilo of Ell.), 22 Dec , 1867;
she b. 19 July, 1840; res. Ell. ChUilreii :
1. Kobcrt 1'., b. 22 July. 1867: res. V.W.; unin'd. | 2. (ieori;e. b. 20 Oct., 1869; res. Kll.; iiiim'd.
Fam. 17. [Seth Johnson * (S„l<„„oit ;■• .hhu,* Alf.r.,- Joim.,'' ThoH.*), b. 10 Apl., 1846;
111. Mattie E. Culver, Ell., 5 .Meh., 1871, b. Lee, ilass., 19 May, 1853; res. Spring-
lield, Mass. Children:
1. .\llierl .lohnsiMi, li. Mav 18, 1874: d. 12 Oct., 1874.
2. Mary Kineline. b. 3 Jaii.. 1870; d. -M Oct., 188:!.
3. William Culver, b. 25 Sept., 18»!.
4. (iraec Heath, b. 23 Nov., 1888.
Fam. 18. Solomon Sylvester'' (Ilinim,'- John,* Ale.r.,'- Joint.,- ThoMins'), 111.
Charlotlc Burnham of S.:otlaiid, Conn., aliout 18,56; b. 10 May, 1833. Child:
1. Mary, b. 17 llec. 1861; m. .Apl.. 1885, .Arthur E. Brown of Windsor; res. Monrovia. Vul.
* Dau. .lohn anil Anna t Ti'inilinlh Hay den of W , -•iiul LOaiid-nier,- of (iov. 'rnimhull.
NeVv Haven.
C. Julia T.. b. IS .lulv, 1803; il. is Mch., ISlis, Hul
falo, N. V.
{lii/ :d inurrUuif):
7. WalK-r IJncoln. li. 47 Nov.. IHV.I.
S. Arlhur Carlii-ld. b. 1 Nov.. lijKl.
'.P. Hanii-I S.. b. l:i Dec. lSS:i.
10. Hazel, b. -JS .Mcb., 18N«.
Fa.m. ISl. Andrew iSiCVson^ (Himiu,^ John,* Alex.,"- Jonu.^- Thomim^),n\. lo Jan.,
1857, Julia A. Turner of Buffalo, N. Y., 1). l-") Apl.. 1836; she d. 23 Nov., 1809.
He went to Buffalo, .N. V.; tlience to Great Bend, K.an., .Mch., 1872; lie m. (2) at
(Ireat Bend, 1 July, 1877, Annette Dodge, 1'. 24 July, 1854, at Kenoslia, Wis.
C/iiMien (A. Buffalo. X. V., by Ixt wife):
1. Soil. b. IKt. 15, <l. 10, 1857.
2. (Jiaee Man-, b. 82 Sept.. 1861; m. William A.
Moses, 14 Dec . 1882, I'neblo. Col.
;{. .Maiy Lincoln, b. 0 Mav. ISO.'j; m. William K.
Merriss: re.-^. PnebU>. Col.
4. Caroline Klizabeth, b. 11. lane. 1800 (?); m. John
II. Magee, 2 Sept., 1882, Buflalo, N. Y.; d.
July, 1N80.
5. Eifivard Grant, b. :)1 jlec.. IHiiO; nnm'ii; res.
Fam. 20. George Washington '(//'''"'", '^ "^"/"'.^ -l'<'-,'''/"""-.^ 7'/'<'<-'). '"• -Mury
Potter of Olierlin, Ohio. 2:! .Xjil., 1867; resideiiee, Oreat Bend, Kan. C/iildren
(I: Ihiffalo. 2s. )'.).■
1. KduanI r., b. ab(. 18T-I. 1 2. Cieorge B., b. abl. l.STS. :l. Clara K, b. abl. 1881.
F.\M 21 Albert'' (J/imm.'' Jo/ni,-' Ale.r.,^ Jona.,' Th<iuiii.i'), in. 6 .\|il.. 1879, Lizzie
Steel, h. Ill Apl.. 18.5t); res. W. Ch. {h. II'.).-
1. Fannie, b. 24 Apl., 1881. I 2. Arthni, b. 28 May. 188.1.
Mrs., d. 25 Nov.. 1843. :e. 72. — N. /.'.
Charles, m. Hannah Shephard, 2-.' May. 1712. at H:iilfonl. Conn. Caroline,
111. 1 Apl., 1833, Joseph B. CleaSOn. — A'. W. Mary, m. 5 June. 1844, John
Hunn. — A'. U'. Sarah, n. 2 l>ec., I86(i. Carlos ( . Redfield.— A'. U'. Mar-
garet E., 111. Kilw;inl Manley of Hainpton. Id May, 1843, at h'/i. Jonathan,
111. Maria Ann SnOW, 30Nov., 1S43, at FJl. Oliver C, ni. Sarah K. Elsworth,
9 Apl., 1840, at /•;. ir. Harvey H., b. Ell., aht. 1820; m. Adeline C. , h.
abt. 1818; she d. 12 Nov., 1800, le. 42; hiid dau., h. K.W., 2 July. 1838; d. 26 June.
1863. Harvey H., m. (1)26 Dee., 1841, iMargaret Foster, who d. 23 .Tan., 1843.
X. 21; m. (2) Cliloe Rockwell, 14 May, 1844; ni. (3) Adaline C. , 1.. 1818, ,1.
13 Nov.. 1860, :e. 42; li;iil dau. b. K. \V., 2 Julv. 18.58, d. 26 June, 1863.
BUCKLEY, Elisha's<li.,d. 21 July. 1T60.-/-;. II'. r. /,'.
BUEL (Bewell), Willitim, a \Vi Ic lunan: joiner by trade; an early and respectable
settler at W., whciv Id. gr. in 1040 (see p. 1.53, Vol. I.); will dated 26 July, KWl ;
inv. ottered by wid., tl47, 2<i., 'id.; gave his dau. .Mary (iMills) 5t' more;, than his
other dans.; to s. Peter he gave the land grant, by the town and half his tools; the
other half to his s. Samuel; inaile his mark to his will; his iiiollier prob. accompa
nied liiin to \V., as the '/oirn l{,e. say, " Goode Buell <1. at W. Dec. 3, 1639 "; also.
(>. ('. II.; eontrib. l.v. 'Ail., and Sarah, his dau., "silver" l.i. to Conn. Relief Fund
for jioor of other colonies, 1676. He in. Mary , 18 Nov., 1640 (OW Ch. Il.r.).
who d. 2 Sept., 1684; he d. 23 Nov.. 1681. Ch. (OlilCli. /?«■.);
1. Samuel, b. aSept.. lim. I-am. 2. .■> Ibpzilmh. b. II Ilec. l «. C. /(".l, 1(H9: m. Tho-
2 .Marv, b. 3 Sept., llH2. Welles "f lladlev. MlUW., 1072.
:i. I'eler, b. ly Alls;., 101 1; m. Martha Coggens, «. Sarah, b. 21 Mch. U'"/. //c. savs N'ov.i. 10.S3; d.
" both of W.,' Si Mch. Iliro 'VV J!r,: befiin- her miiUier.
4. Huniiuh, II. 8 Jan.. n'rlll; in. a Palmer. 7. .\bi'„'ail. b. 12 Feb.. lik"i."i.
Fam. 2. Samuel' ( HVWrtwi ' ). ">• Deborah ( dau. Edwardi Griswold, 13 Nov..
1662 (OW C/t. liii-.), and sett. Killingworth. C/i. :
I Samuel, b. 20 Julv, lOia. O/.l <■/,. AVc. \W- : 8. David, h. I.'. Feb., 1078 II.
2. Iieborah, b. 18 uci., liir>.'>; ni. Saih'l Porter of ■ 9. .loHinh. b. 10 .Mch.. 108U.
:!. Hannah, b. 0 Sept.. I0.'>7; d. inf. 10 MehilaWe, b. 22 .\u._'.. His2; d. voiiiiK.
4 Marv. b. 2H Nov., Il*'.l; m. Ilez. Porter of W. , II. Peter, b. 8 Dec, 1084
.'i. .lohii, b. 17 Feb.. 1071. Fam. S. I 12. Benjamin, b. 1080. at Killinsworlh.
0- llannali, b. 4 Mav. 1074; in. Jo.«. Porter td W. 13. Samuel.
7. Willlani, b. 18 ll'cl.. 1078. '
F.\M. 3 John-' (.S;)H.,- ll'm.'), in. iit W., Mary Loomls, 20 No\., 1695; she b 20
Mch., 1672, and d. 4 Nov., 1768 (\V.;. C/i. :
1. Miiry. li. 11 Dec, 16flS. | •>. IVtcr, ll. 13 Oct.. ITSil: 111. *! IKt., ITIIli, Abipiil
■i John, b. 1 Fell.. Iii9s !l. I ((Ihu. Zmli ) Seymour of llarwintoii. Comi.,
:f. Isaac, li. it Mrli- 1701. -isnr of Mr... Hil>,i-ni, wife of KWml Shep-
I. .■\bisail. b. -in Mi'b.. 1702. ard, >'</<»«,/ /'.. ibcir son, wa!- Kd.-fih. of Hear
.'>. Hannah, b. 1 Dir., 171)3. | .\ilniiial Kraiikiiii, U. S. N.
li. Lois, b. 12 Mch.. 17IKi. , 3. .\vis. b. 311 Jan.. KW.
7. Deborah, b. 2J Jan., nns: ni. John Marsh (and | 4. Liicretia, I). 7 .Vpl., 1TI3; ni. Ki'iiianiin Web-
thi'ir dan. Mary in. Mose.-; Seymour of Litch- |. ster, 2d. of I.. lISucll, r.S..\.
field, ronn.. and had. besides others. (Jov, Sey- 9. Eliene/.er. b. Hi ,Meh.. 1713: i:d. -father of General
niniirof N. Y. and .IiulL'e Seymour of IJIehfieid). 10. .Solointtii. ii. .30 .Viij;.. 171.'j.
&. IVIer, b. 22 May. 1710; in. .\vis (lian. Jolni and 11. Jonathan, b. 13 Her.. 1717. at Lebanon. N. Y.; nl.
.•\nna A-. M Collins, sister of Kev. Timothy f. Lydia Landon of I.itehlield. Conn, (^sranddan.
of Litrhlield: L'r.-daii. of John (son of (Jov. Wm.) Nuncv in. (Jen. Sedi:\viel< of Sharon, fonn.).
I.eeie ami Marv (dan. of Wm.i Chittenden. 12. Elizabeth, b. 27 .\|il.. 17S0.
Issue : I 13. Rjiehel, b. 22 Mav. 1723.
1. .\rclielaus. b. 11 .Vpl., 1737. I " (A', X S/ie/Mnl.)
BULL, Isaac, had (IK. C. R.) (1) Euino. lip. 26 Nov., 1738; (2) h<mc, bp. HI Oct ,
BULL, Manning (C'apt.) (prob. s, of .y^.'sppii (s. of Ciipi. Tlios. of iiifd.) by his 2il
wife, Sarah Manning); had a <•/(. \v)io d. T Fcl).. ITfil), a few hrs. old; Dnjiiil, lip. IS
Feb., 1770.— I17,y. Ch. AVc.
BUNCE, Tlieo., of Hartford, to. .rctiiiiiia Barber of W, 10 Nov., niH.- ICC'./,'.
Charles W., of N. Y,; m. Julia Bidwell, 12 Aug., 1S22, R. I).
BU RBRIDGE, Rhoda, wife of Lieut.. Charles, d. II Oct. (&'. H'. ('. Ii. make.s it 12
Sepi.V 1S27, :e. 4:i. Maiiii L. (simply Mrs. in K. W. I'. R.). diui. of Lieut. Charles,
d. A Oct.. 1827. -A', l.j. Mr. d. 7 Aug", 1831.— K. W. V. li. d K. W.O.
BURGESS, Philetus M., m. Hannah E. Ellsworth, 1 .Ian., 184G,— .v. B.
BURLIE (Burless, Burly. Biti Lis, Kurliss, Burlisoii, all ajipear on W. rec.) Fear-
not (s. Edward and Sarah of Suttield), b. 18 Dec, 1679; ni. Elizabeth Buckland,
S Feb., 1704-.'i; he d. 13 Nov., 1733; she d. 7 Dec., 17.')3. The name distippetirs from
SuHicld about 174.'). Ch. (last 3 supp. by Ilinmnii lice):
1. Ksther, b. 1.-. Fell., no.5 (i. I —W.C.It.
2 Daniel b. :!0 Dec. 1707. I 5. Job [linrlison]. h. 7 .\n};.. 1711: had .l/jii/iiil. bp.
3: Elizabeth, l>. 2 Jnlv. I70il. 4 Mav, 17.". - Why. ch. Rr.-.
4. Elienezer, b. s Mav. 1711; prob. the Elieiiezer 6. Daniel IHiirlison|, b. 7 Meh., 1717 IS: had AW//«/-,
Burleson who had Framol and f/nl/i (twinsi and bp. S Dee., l".".l ; il. B Feb., 17.i2.— 117///. C/i. Iltc.
Khriifzn: hji. at W. 24 Del.. 1742. he ■' belonginf; 7. Mary. b. 3 >lch.. 1720/21.
to Siiltield and a ineinb. of theCh. of Christ there.''
BURLINCAME, child of Mr., d. 2 Sept., 1843, te. \.— S. B.
BURLISON, S(>c Daniel and .lob Bmlif. above.
BULLEN (IJiileyn). This family claim to be of the same line:igc as Anne Boleyn;
:ind to liiivc bought in E. W. and in Enf., bordering on E. W., at a very early date.
From the King .Street Graveyard, W. Pt. (originally a private buryingplace on the
HuUen pro|)erty) we gleah the following: Mr, David, d. Nov.. 1801, ic. 68.
Isabel, his wife, d. 23 Feb., 1825, :e. 89. David (son of Mr. David' and Mrs.
Ezebel), d. 18 June, 1784, a-. 24. Christopher, d. 23 Dec, 1837, le. 73, His
wife. Vashty, d. 3 June, 1831, te. 66. Levi, d. 7 Nov.. 1838, ;e. 37. His wife,
Eliza, d. l^i")9, te. .53. From Enfidd lieconli we have the following;
1. khahod. son of David anil E/.ebcl, b. 1739; d. 1 | 4. Sarah, dan. of David, b. 1757.
\pl 1789. i 5. Lvdia. dan. of David, b. 1759.
2 Jonhiia. son of David and Ezcbel, b. 1740; d. 14 i 6. Elijah, son of David, b. niirt.
Julv 1742 7. Lvilia. dan. of David, h. 17(i2.
3. CJrace. dan. of David and Ezcbcl, b. 1730. I 8. Christopher, son of David, b. 17(14.
/•Vow Enf (III lit. lia:: .\f'iiriaffes— Cra.ce, m. Eli.iidi Fish of E. W., 3 Jtiii.. isor,.
Lydia, m. Joel Allyn of E. W., 17 May, 1806. Rhoda, m. Joseph Lord, Jr.,
(both of E. W.)4 Aug,, 1803,
The Bolc.>-ns elaim to be the lirgt family who located here, taking a large Irael of land on the lior.li rs ..r
East Windsor and EiiHeUl, but they have no records back of the burials in the yard in King Street.
BURN HAM (Uiiinaiii). (Tliis rfvisimi is iiuli'lilcd tn tiie OV/on/. /iV'-o/// r;/' 77/oi«i/Ji
liiiriiliiiiii, till Mmi(/niiil, etc., — Second K<litioii, liy Hodciick II. Uurnliani nf Hart-
ford, published since our first edition was piiblislied, viz., in 1S84.)
Thomas, born in England in 1617 (descended from the nnrnlianis of Ilerefordshiii'.
Knghmd). was an educated man and lawyer — a man of ilelermined character and
energetic in l)U.siness and public niiitlers. Jle appears at Hartford about 1647/8.
and in 165!) he purcha.sed from Tanloiiimo, "the on<-eyed chief" sachem of the
I'oduidis. a tract of land now covered bv the towns of South Windsor and Kast
Hartford, on which lie resided, and a part of which is still in the possession of his
descenilauts. He was a large landholder in the Colony, his house at Podunk being
one of the five on the east side of Connecticut Uiver. This was fortilied and garri-
soned during the Indian War of 167.'>. His legal career was sununarilv closed by
the court in 16(i2 on account of his successful defense, as attorney, of Abigail Bett.s,
charged with blasphemy, wherein, though he ".saved her neck," he was himself
condemned to " y prison-keep," but he defended himself so strongly and shrewdly,
demanding "ju.stice according to Law," and declaring himself to be "a
Subject and Denason of England," that the sentence was not carried into effect, and
he was merely deprived for a time of his citi/enshi]) and debarred from acting as
an attorney for others in the cmu't, though allowed to argue his own ca.ses. lie
was re.idmitted to cili/.enship, 166'), and among W. freemen, 1()69. He m. Amm
Wight, b. in England, and d. 28 ,Iune, 1688, se. 71; she d. o Aug., 1703. He had
iiiiic children.
F.\M. 2. Thomas (./'/' '•/<. undthl. mill 'if TlioiiKiK, Si-.), b. 1646; m. 4 .Ian., 1676. al Kil-
lingworth, Naomi (dau. Josiah) Hull {0. C. li.). b. in W. ( II'. AVc), who d. l.'i Mcli.,
1727. He d. 1!» Mch., 1726; will dated 1.") Mcli. He bought a lot and house of Eben-
e/.er Dibble, W. of street; prob. a little S. of the ferry road; whelherhe res. there
or at Pod. is uiu'crlain; but he res. in \\ . when he bought, and also when (1681) lie
sold it to C^uinton Stockwell. C/i. :
1. 'I'hoiiiiin. h. IB .\iil.. tins CA f. W.>: m. !l Nov.. I the rii'iinilinat iiivontiin.
1711. KliziiluMh iiluu. i«f .Mr. .John and Kli/.atx-tii j 3. .Iiiliii. li. -,►,' Miiy, UiSl ('). C. /,'.)! 11'. A'...); d, vir.
Wit/iin>r) Strorig of \\'.,nildwid. of Nathan- I and prohalilv iiiiniarripd.
■•■1 Boardman ; ^lu- b. an Feb.. 1B71; d. is .1. Klizabcih. lip. l.Junc !i»l: in. Wii b'li Gilman.
.\pl . ITJci. I'biir ton 'niomm, li.il .Inlv. , -1. Sanib. tip. 7 Mav. 16s; ; in. a Muif ord.
\~\'l. 111. an .Vpl., loir. .Mary tdanirlilcr of .Jo- | .",. Naomi, lip. :) .inno. lliSS: in. .losiali Cay lord,
seph anil Mary Lijtiiiiii') Barber of \V.. aiul 7 .May. 171.3.
he owned sonic lands in K. \V., Iboii^li lit- r«'*i. in fi. Charios. lip. Hi ,Mav. Iti'.tO; in. l,vdi;i Williams.
!■: II His dan. l/orv, li. 176H. m.lapl. ZebuNin 7. Marv. bp.lS.Iiilv, liwa; ni. I.l. .lolin Anderson.
Bidwell. Hiss. '/?,„/»„, li. aa.Ium. 174a. in. S. Atiiljail, bp. a-^i Mch. li;»4; in. .lona Williams.
*'bloc Fitch idan. .Ios<'ph alul sister of John. ! 9. .Josiah. bp. tjscpl., Itilttt; d.
Fam. :J. S3imue\(VA\!i.){fithch.and2ds.ofTh(>».,St:\h. 1650: wasof (E.)W.; m. 8 Oct ,
1684, Mary Cadwell, b. 8 .Ian., 16.59; d. 1!» Apl.. 17:18. He d. 12 Api., 1728, — a
man of ppy., :is by his will he gave each of his five sons a home and farm. Ch. :
1 Hannah, lip. 2 .Ian.. IfiSH; in. IV Oct., 1717, .Icic. ."i. SainncI, lip. II Feb.. IfiiM; d. uninairicd.
iniab Drake ; «bc d. JDOct., 17IM. li. .Joseph, bp. in Feb.. IWKi. Fa.>i. 1.
'i. Itcliccca. bp. U Dec. lt;8H; d. iinniarrie<l, vomit;. 7. Willniin. bp. aO .Jiilv. llilW; in. ifi .\pl., loJ4,
;t Anna. bp. 10 Oct., lliOO; ni. S .Mav, 1711, Aininis .lenisha Clark.
Trumbull; d lit Ann. 17.'i3. B. David (J.icntcnnni). bp. aii Mch., 1700. of Harl-
4 Maiv. bp. 13 Mch.. IfiOa; in. 4 Dec. 17aa. .John ford.
Church: d. lo .Mch.. 1767. !l Timothy, bp. 1 ,liily, 17fl."i. of K. 11.
F,\M. 4. Richard {St/i rh. 5t/i *. <>/ Thm., Sr.). b. 1654; tvs at Podunk; m. 11 .tunc,
168(1. Sarah I dau. .Mr. Michael and I'riseilla (Iniiit) Humphries "I W.; b. 6 Jlch.,
16.511. and who d. 28 Nov., 1726. He d. 28 Apl., 1731 ; inherited a large landed estate,
much of which was in (E.) W.; served in Narragansett E.\p., 1675. Had 10 Vli.,
all of whom died yg. but one dau. :
r Hannah, b. lliSl. ! 6. Msrlhn. bp Ss Oct., ti.94.
a Uebecca. b 16,S,'i. 7. Ksther, b|i. a8 Mch.. 1IW7.
••; .Mary. hy. aa .Vjil.. 1(188. 8. I'harles. bp. .iO.Jnly, lO'.W.
j 9. Susanna.
1 10. Michael, bp. 170.'i.
:) .Mary. lij). aa All!.. 1(188.
4. Mercy, lip. IS Mav, HidO.
h. RictaHrd, bp. July, liiiia.
Fam. -,. Joseph (Cornet).^ (&«!.,» T/ws.'\ m. (1) 18 Oct., 1738, Hannah (ilau. ot
Gabriel) Williams, «lio li. IT Fob., 1695; d. IS Fel).. lT(i(i (A'. W. 0. ii.); m. (2)
-Mrs. Eunice Shaylor of Bolton, Conn.: was commissioned Cornet of troop of
horse, 5th regt., Oct., 1764. He d. 20 May, 1772; res. W.; had a dau. Hannah, b.
17 May, 1731, who m. Wm. Buckland, a s. Joseph, who d. unm'd, and s. Gahnd,
who m. and res. E. H.
F.\.\r. 6. AshbeP (Timo.,-' Sam.,'' 77ws.'), li. 2 JFay. 1740; m. 5 Apl., 1768 ? Sarah,
(dau. Nath'l and Azubah Klhtrorth) Bissell (and gddau. Ens. Nathaniel and Sarah
Giiylrird, gt. -gddau. Nath'l and Mindwell Moore and gr.-gr.-gdd. John Bissell of W.).
He d. 10 Jan., 1781 (E. W. C. R.); res. E. W.; had one dau.:
1 rlaiissa, b. 30 Jan., 1774; m. IT May, 1792, Ashbd Williams, and d. 5 Keb., 184S, a-. 74.
Elijah ' ( '/V/«.,^ Sam..' Thos.^), b. 23 Jan., 1737 ? m. 3 Mcli., 1770 ? Hannah(dau. Dan-
iel) Bidwell, b. 31 Mch., 1750, and who d. 17 May, 1826. He d. 12 Aug., 17«() ?
res. E. W. Children:
2. Selah, bp. 7 (fi. E. II'. C. R.). F<-li.. 1774; m. 9
June. 1793:^ Eunice Anderson, d. -i J.-m.. 1834.
3. Elijah, hp. 14 Mav, 17S0; m. Ill A|il., 1S04, Lucia
Austin, d. 9 July, 1840. Fa.m. 2.
F.\.\r. 2. Elijah* {Elijah,* Timo.,^ Sam.,- Tlios.^), m. 10 Apl., 1804, Luciua Austin
of Harwinton, Conn., b. 17 Feb., 1784, and who d. 28 June (or Jan.), 1853, m. 69.
He d. 9 (or 12) July, 1849, se. 69; res. E. W. Ch.:
1. Nai)ini. lip. 13 June, (Nov.. E. If. C. R.\. 1773;
ni. ISSept., 1797, Zcbulon Morton; d. 30 Apl.,
isa ?
1. Horace, b. 2 Oct., 1S04 Fam. 3.
2. Man,-, b. 10 Sept., I8UI5; m. 12 Mch., 18:B, Wui.
F. Willianns of Willmgton, Conn., and d. "io
Mav, 1S7S; s. p.
3. Ilcnrv. I>. 22 Jan., ISnS. Fam. 4.
4. Julius. I>. 13 Sept., ISIO. Fam. 5.
5. Edwin, b. 3,-) Jan.. 1R13; d. 18 Mch.. 1813.
11. Lucv, b. 3 Mch., 1814; m. 2:3 Apl., 184;3, in Ohio,
Henry Converse of Vt.: rem to Wis.; d.
7. Susan, b. 7 May. 181(i; m. 4 'Mch., 18:W, Reuben
Parker; rem. Wis.; he d. Milwaukee; she res.
there ('74*; has a son JnliHH ; m.
8. Inf.. b. andd. 8 Apt. 1818.
9. Austin, b.22 Feb.. 1821). Fam. 6.
10. Inf., b. 6 Feb., 1834; d. 16 Apl., ISai.
Fam. 3. Horace* (Elijah,'' Elijah,* Tinw.,^ Sam.,- T/tos.' ), ni. 31 May, 1835, Elgiva
(dau. Moses) Elmore of Long Hill, So. W., b. 13 Nov., 1808; he d. 25 Apl., 1847;
res. So. W.; wid. in. (2) Jerome Signor, by whom she had a son, Oswald Jerome
(Signor); res. (1874) So. W. Ch. :
J Horace K. b. 34 June. 1838; res. Iowa, 1874; m. I 3. F,duiund P.. b. 2S Apl..l»ll; in.: d.; res. S.W. 1874.
30 Sept.. I.s7.i, Nellie Crosby ; d. I 3. Elgiva A., b. 14 Nov., 1813; in.; d.; res. S. W. 1874.
F.\.M. 4. Henry " (.£■//>(;/,=• Elijah,* Timo.,' Sam...'' J'hos. '). m. 8 Mch.. 1835, Mary M.
Richards of Canton, Conn., b. 18 Sept., 1809; he d. 19 Nov., 1875; res. So. \V.
1)11 the f;um which had de.sc. to him in direct line from Thomas, Sen. Ch.:
1. Willard (iilman, b. 6 Apl.. 1s.3r,; m. 14 Apl.,
ISKJ. Sarah J. (dau. Ashhel) Williams.
2. Henry liiehards. b. 4 Mch., 1842; ra. 15 Apl.,
1880, Mrs. Sarah E. Hollis ; d: res. S. W.
F.v.M. ."). Julius'' (.Elijah,^ Elijah,* 7'ir/M.,^ Sam,.,'- Thos.'), settled K. W'.; m. Laura
Hills (d;.u. Wm.) of E. W. Ch.:
3. Roland Franklin, b. 13 Oct.. 181(;; in. 20 Keb.,
1872. .Amanda .\. (dau. Geo. and Maria) Starkes
of S. \V., whci-e they reside.
1. Ralph Heurv, b. 30 Jan.. 1.844; d. um'd. 3 Aug., '73.
2. Albert William, d. 37 June, 1R50, :e. 4 vrs. 8 mo.
3. Ellen Elizabcih. b. 11 Aug.. 1847; m'. 14 'Oct.,
1808. Mariin Roberts, nat. of E. H. (s. Ira);
sett. E. H. /.M«^ .•
1. Walter l{avuiond (KolK*rU).
2. Nellie Ruriiham (Kciberts).
4. Frank Julius, b. 3:1 Aug., laW: m. 29 Oct., 1873,
Jejinuie Gourman of E. H.; bad a sou b. 8
Oct., 1874.
Fam. C. Austin'^ (Elijah,^ Elijah,* I'imo.,^ Sam.,'' Thou.'), m. Mary Frances (dau.
Pcrsius) Olmstead of E. H., where lie settled. Ch. :
1. .\daline Frances, in. tJeo. (s. Albert) Oilman I of S. W., where he sett, on Ell. road.
of E. II.; res. (18741 E. H.; no issue. 3. Clarence I'ersius.
3. Itiinsom Miller, m. Millie (dau. Asa B.) Prior I 4. Emma Olmslead.
Ell'' {Gc».,* C7m«.,^ T/ws.,- T/u>s.'), m. 10 Aug., 1800, .Jeru.sha (dau. Oliadiah) Wood
of So. W. (Obad. was bro. of Capt. John Wood), who was b. 19 Slay, 1783; she d.
E. H. 28 Feb., 1864, x. 81; he d. S. W. 23 Oct., 1859, ic. 83. Ch.:
Vol,. IL-17
1. Lucius, h. 25 Jan., 1802. Fam. 2.
2. Alfred. I). 211 Die, IKfM. V\M. .3.
3. .Julia J.. 1). 27 i)< t . lr«li;: in. 22 Mch.. IKil), Orrin
(9. .loxiah) Bragg of So. W.; rem. to I'itlslicld.
Mass.: ret. to So. W.; in 187-1 res. HlfU. Iffue.-
1. (Bragn). d. inf. at I*.
2. Gi'or^'e Sahford (Brafj:). m. Mrs. Klizabeth
Noyes of lltfd.; had (11 Alljerl ,• 12) Oeo. S.,
res. 5few Britain; (3) I/f///i^\' (4) .
4. Ilarriei M.. m. Alex. Campbell of llfd.; s.p.
5. (Jeorsre. b. 14 .Jan.. ISlKl: m. ill 17 Sent.. 1829,
Maria idan. Channeevj Seclg>vlck or So. W..
who d. 20 Meh.. lS4li: a-. :«; i2) Lucina J. Coop,
h. in (ilastonbin-v. Conn.; s. j).
tl. Koxy L., li. « Sept.. 1S14; ni. 14Jan.. lS3li, .lohn
Cramer of Woodbury. Cinin.; ha<l ilau. Elhn,
who ni. a Wilton ; re.s. Plymouth, Conn.
. Louisa H. b. :iO.)uly. IHIH; m. IStkl.. 1840, Lorfn-
zo D. Richardson of lltfd. Jutme :
1. <'aroline K. iHiehardsoni, res. lltfd.; single.
2. Harriet .1. (Ri<-hardson), m. Aaron Cook, Jr.,
of Manchester. Conn.
3. Georjie U. (Richardson), in. Nellie Wright of
lltfd.; res. there; had il) Srllir ; (2i a.i,r<i,.
4. Frank W. (liichardsoii), m. Belle Saunders
of (ilastonbiiry; res. E. H.
5. Edith L. (Hii-'hardson).
I. Eli A., b. i; Dec. 1821; m. 1(1 Apl , 184.5. Malnarel
ElizalM-th (dau. Wm. \V.. Sen.' Larrabee of
Burnside. Conn.; he d. 9 May. 1^16. a\ 24; wid. m.
(2) Levi C. Gates of Ilfd; wid'r with as. Altierl.
. C4)]in. :
¥.\M. -2. Lucius' (A7/.' Geo.,* r/i<i<i.,' ThoK.,' Thos.'), m. 15 Feb., 182.5, Pamela C.
Goodrich of Middlebury, Conn., b. 4 Dec, 1806; d. 3 Dec, 1882; resided awhile
in Wis., but now So. W. C/i.:
m. Phinlev V. Ba-
d.; had (l> FranJc ;
1. .luiia Ann., b. aJiily. 182(1;
con : res. La Prairie, Wis
i2( lliirrkt.
•i. Harriet A., b. 27 Nov.. 1828; m. Samuel M.
Bronson ; res. Womlbiirv, Conn.; d.; s.p.
.•i. charlotte S.. b. 12 May. Is:)!'; unmarried; d. 19
Fam. 3. Alfred' (KU.^ Gtx,.,* C/,u^.,^ Tim.,- Tluts}), m. 1
Feb.. IMC.
4 John Wood, b. 4 Mch., lS3.i; m. Martha Rob-
inson ; d.: res. Iowa.
5. Adeline, b. 4 Jan.. ISM; d. 15 Sept.. \mi\ uiund.
6. Edward L., b. 15 Jan., 1842. Fam. 4.
Dea. Levi) Dart of Vernon, Conn.
Nov., 1836; ics. So. A\'. CJMdixii:
Apl., 1832. Eliza (dau.
b. 29 Dec, 1810; d. 24 Aug., IS.JT; he d. 1.)
Mary Jennette, b 10 Jan.. 18.'!.'S: nl. 17 Oct.. ISfiO.
Norman T,. (s. Norman and Emily) Ander-
son of K. 11.; s. p.
2. .Manila Kli/.abeth. b. 12 July. 1S«; d. 2fi Sept.,
Fa.m. 4. Edward L.' (Lucius," Eli,^ Geo.,* Chint.," Tints., ^ T/ws.' ), m.
1860, Anne Elizabeth (dau. Wm. and Julia) Simpson ; sett, at Manchester; later
of So. W.; she b. 15 Aug., 1840. Ch. :
Eli Lucius, b. 11 Apt. 18(18; m.; d.
1S51; unmarried.
3. Alfred LeaiKler. b. 15 Apl.. ISJT; ni. 20 Nov , Ittiil.
Mariette Orcutt of Rockville, Conn.; selt. E.
11.; had a s. who d. in K.
19 Nov.,
2. Kihvard Everett, b. '.I Nov., I.SOS
.-). liobert Walter, b. 18 Mav, 1S(;9; m.; d.
4. Williaui Simpson, b. 13 Feb., 1871; m,; d
David ■' {David,' Danrl,^ Sum.,' T/ws.^). bp.
Craig, b. 21 May, 1770, and who d. 25
res. E. W. Chihlirn :
1. John Crnitr, b 11 lAb . 18il2; m. C Nov., 18.31,
Catharine Van Brakle; d.
2.5Williain, b. !S(H; d 27 Die. 1824, unmarrii-il,
3. David, h. 180(1; d. unmarried.
4 Penelope, b. 1807; m. .\shb<l B. WHIiams, d.
5. Gertrude E., b. 3 Feb.. 1,873; m.; d.
6. Cieorge .\., b. 15 June. 1875; d.
7. EllaT., b. 12 July, 1S?J; d.
27 Aug., 1769; m. 2 May, 1800 V Hannah
Jan., 1841. He d. 3 Mch., 1835, te. 66;
22 Apl., 1847,
6. Mary, m. an Underhill ; tl
5. Sophia, m. 2 Mch., 18;!7. Josej)li Fish ; d.
Mary, m. a
Samuel, d.
8. Hannah, d.
Shaylor Fitch' {('uMn,'^ Itfuhm,'' Thos.,* T/tos.,^ Tim.,'' Thos.'), b. 1 July, 1813;
m, (1) 1 June, 1837, Elizabeth T. (dau. Lemuel) Roberts, who b. 26 Oct., IsU;
(1. 22 Mch., 1858; m. (3) 15 M.iy, ISOT, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth (Geer) Pease, b.
23 Aug., 1828; d. 2 Nov., 18.S2; res. Hloomtield, Coini. Ch.:
1. ncorse Ford, b. 20 Sept., ]8:«l; m.; d. 3 Ocl.,!.-*!'.!. | 2. Frank lioberts, b. 16()cl., 1S42; m.; il.
Ransom Martin' (.Vartin,'' Jesse,'- Kktizer,* dluis.,^ Tlios.,° Thos.'), res. of So. W.;
b. 11 Jan.. is;3!); ni. 31 Mch., 1880, Mrs. Lucette (Stoiighton) Blair, who was b.
12 Feb., 184.S.
AbnerMA'''-"/'",' i.irul. Jiifhard,' liiclKiid,' Thos.'), h. 15 Aug., 17.V): in. II Sept.,
1779, Eliztibetli (dtiu. Rev. Matthew and Jciiiinia Cook) Rockwell "f K. W.,
whob. 26 Mch., 1750; d. 21 July, 1837, te. 81. He res. E. \V,; Nilcr at Madi.son.
N. Y., where he d. 27 May, 1843," ic 88. Ch. (/./>. K. W. C. R.):
Elisha, b. 17. bji. 20 AuR., 1780; m. 3 Nov., ISM,
1. . ^ _ ,
■'milv Burt; he d. Lonj^meadow, Miis«<., 14
Sept., IK'W.
2. Satuuel, b. 27 All};., 1782: m. 8 AllR.. ISIK. Orra
Bartholomew: hed.l Feb., 18(Vi, Madison,
N. Y. '
3. K.-lsev. b. 21 Nov.. 178.3; bp. 23 Mav, 17»1: ni.
:io Apl., \H*i, Adni Howard : she d. 8 .Mcli,,
4. Frederick, b. 10, bo. lu Feb., I78G; d. 19 Dec.,
5. Frederick (Dr.), b. 10. bp. 18 Nov.. 1787; in. 2
()i-t., 1H21, Harriet Wooldridge (WimkI-
bridse?): he d. 15 Jan., 1829; she d. 23 .\pl..
1880, Covinglon, Kv.
6. E<lwanl, b. 27 Sept., bp. 4 Oct., I7S9; d. I'.l July,
18(10. iiiimarrieil.
7. Matthew KiK-kwell. b. 11, bp. 21 Julv. I?.ll: m. fi
Sept., 1834. Khoda Warren : he il. 12 Julv, 188U;
she d. 13 Aiii;., 181,8. :e. 72. Madison. N. Y.
8. Eliziir, b. 20 .liiiu-. bp. 8 Sept.. 1793; m. I'.i Jan.,
1828. Sophia Blair; he d. 25 Jan.. l.><;.'i, Mailison,
N. Y.
9. Eniilv. b. 13 ()<t., 179."., bp. 20 June, 17:16: ni. 0
Jan., 1831, Isiuic Allen- lied. 29 Mav, 1879.
10. Abner. b. 17. bp. 19 Jmi.' IT.IS; d. 20 .Inn., 1798.
11. William, b. 29 .Viu; , bii. 8 Sept.. 1799; m. (US
June, 1828, Louisa White, who d. 11 June, 183^
a: 24: ni. (2l Sarah F. Worth, 29 Sepl., 1S»I.
He d. 87 Mav, 1878, at .Madi.- N. Y.
Timothy Elmore' (Zenas,'^ Zcnan,^ Silus,* John,' John,"- Thou.'), b. 10 Nov., 181G;
m. 18 Oct., 1S47. Hiixy Eveline (liau. Benj. and Alice <S'M//(//'t!) Glllett, wlio was b.
16 Feb., lS2i». am! d. 28 Dec, 18«"); res. So. W. Ch. :
1. Timotliv E.
2. Surah A.. 1>. U Nov., 1S47: in. l.-> Mdi., 1S(«.
.Iiihii T.. Hayes; il.
3. Slisim Aiisoiicll;i. h. iO Dm-., 1840; d. 1 Mliy, mil.
4. Susan Kvcliius li. VJ Si-pt., WSi; m. 4 Ai)l.,18rr,
Chas. K. Lathrop ; il.
5. Sminid Tiniolhy, li. 15 Ang., la5C. Kam. 2.
li. Aliinsnn KIniri-, li. 6 Oct., 18li2; ni. L™a (i. Mi
nor, !l .\pl., !(*<").
Fam. 3. Samuel T.- (Timo. K,'' Zeiim,'' Zenii.1,^ Sila^,' Johii,^ John;- Thos?), m. 9
.luiie, ]88(), Mary Eliziibeth Loomis, b. 9 Nov., 1857. Ch. :
I. Siiiniicl Oilhcrt. 11. 2H Jan., 1883.
•I. Jennie Loniso, li. 8 Fob., 1884.
■A. H.-rnv Lcmmis, li. 10 Oct., 1885.
4. Timothy KInu-r, b. 12 Nov., 1887
Jesse" (■/<•««,'■ AV/</T,/-,J C7"/.s.,' 77('«.,- r/ws.'), b. E. H. 31 May, 1820; m. 1 Jan.,
1S.JT, Khoda Jane Signer, b. 13 Feb., 1835; he d. 12 Feb., 1876; res. So. W.; bis
wid. 111. (3) Clias. P. Fairbanks, 25 Dec, 1876. Vh.:
Alice J.
1. Jcs.«e Eil'.'i-ne. 1>. 14 Sepl.. lS.">r; in
Wolcott.il Die . l,s:'.i: (1.
S. I.einiilriTeirv. h. 21 Oct., 18.T8; m. 11 .Xpl., ms3,
M.iivlS. Bidwell.
3. Eslella .]:me. h. :!il .\ii<;.. 181)0: m. II! Apl., 1885,
Frank P. Farnham.
4. William Bunlctte. h. Hi Jiilv. 1S62: m. Anna M.
H ouse, 211 Ang., 1887.
5. .Xrlhnr J., 1>. 21 Nov., 18114; d. 23 Oct., 1,871.
li. Alice ( '.. h. li; Apl., lSli7; m. 29 Aug., 1889, E<iHin
J Northrup.
7. Howaid E., li. 4 Sej)!., 1809; ll. 4 Oct., 1871.
8. Edilh, h. 3 Oct., 1871: d. 4Feb., 1876.
9. Avehic. b. ■?, Feb.. 1874.
10. Ida May, b. li .\pl., 18711.
Wlllard Oilman' (nenry,^ Elijah,'' Elijah,* Timo.,' S(im.,- 7%o.s.' ), b. 0 Ajil., 1836;
111. 14 .\pl., 1863, Sarah J. (dau. Ashbel B. and Penelope Bnraham) Williams,
b. 14 Feb., 1838; res. So. W. Ch.:
1. Nellie flaire, b. 28 Apt., 1809; m.: d. I .3. Leo, b. 8 Jan.. 187.5: m.
i. Mary, b, li l id,. 1S7I : d. 4 .July, 1872. I
Erastus Williams" (Pkinens.^ Eleozer,* Chii.s.,' 7'ho.i.,^ Thoa.^), of S.W.; li. 15 Aid.,
1810; 111. 8 July, 1833, Enieline (dau. Shubael and Elizabeth) Parsons of So. W.;
b. 12 Feb., 1813; he d. 20 Oct., 1854, ». 44. Ch.:
1. Eia.'stns Williams, b. 28 .\pl.. 1834. Fam. 2.
. 2. Harriet E.. b. 15 Aug., 18:i5: m. 21 May, ISSl.
(iLX>rge (s. Riis.sell and Uhoda) Hayes; f^etl.
at So. \V. on Ell. road.— See Jlaijf.^.
3. Louisa. 1). 2!i Jan.. 18.37: m. 4 Feb.. 1851, Ileiiry
ibro. of her pisterV husband); res. So. W. — See
4. Caroline Alaria, 1). 20 Sept.. 18.38; m. 10 May,
1854. Horace K. (s. Horace) Starks of So. \V.
— See Starkweat/trr.
5. Maria, b. 10 Jan., 1,S41; m. 10 Jan.. ISCO, Geo.
W.Shipley; res. Delroil. Mich. Jnitiie :
1. Nellie IShiiiley).
2. George Edwanl ishijilevt.
3. .\rthur iShiplcvi. il. vcimg.
4. John Miitlhi'v\s (Shiplevi.
6. Juliet L.. b. :iO Mav. 1N43; m. G Dec. 18li0, .John
H. White of K. H. Issue:
1. Emma Irlella (White), b. 6 Oct., 1801.
2. Charles A. I Whilel, b. 3 Feb., 1868; d. at D. 13
Feb., 1874. Mr. W. d. 1 1 Feb., 1809, le. 85; res.
F.\M. 2. Erastus Williams' (EraM.W.,^ Pkiium,'- EUnzft-,* rh<i.'<.,' Thns.,° Thos.^).
res. So. W.; b. 28 Apl., 1884; m. 15 May, 1855, Mary Devine, who was b. 28
Jan., 1832. He served in 1st Ueir't, Conn. ITeavy Artillery, in War of Civil Rebel-
lion. Children :
Betroit. Mich.
7. .\bigail. b. .-ill Mch.. l.-M."!; in. 8 Fell.. 1,805. George
Webb of Maiicliesler. Conn., who d. 12 Feb.,
1870, a-. 31: she d. 9 Sept., 1808. Js.~-ue:
1. Edward (Webb).
2. Nellie iWehb).
3. Christie (Webb), d. 11 Sept., 1808.
8. Edward S.. b. 2ii Jan., 1847: m. Genevieve J ew-
ett <li- Ceneal. says Deming): he si'rve*! 3 yrs. in
llith Conn. Keg't Iiif., War of Civil Kebellioii; res.
Detroit. Mich. Issue;
1. Anna L. (Jewell).
2. Willie (Jcwett).
9. Elizabeth, b. 24 .Jan.. 1849; m. 4 Jan.. 1870, Kobt.
Emmet Simpson of So. W.— See .Situpson.
10. Walter W., b. :?<l .Nov., 1851; ni. 15 Julv. 1872,
.\ngie (dan. Johni Ellsworth of live St". E.W.
11. Gilbert Lee. b. .30 Sept.. 1853; ni. 2 July, l.'<72. .\g-
nes McLaughton, niece of Erasliis W. Hurn-
ham's wife: res. So. \V.
fi. Henrv E.. b. 22 Mav. 18W; d. 3 Nov., 18fi4.
7. Frederick .\.. b. 5 Sept., 1806; d.
8. Robert L., 1). 22 Mch., 18«S; d. 13 July, 1868.
9. Erasras D., b. 28 Apl., 1871; d.
1. William, b. 3 Apl.. 18.V,: d. 13 Dec, Ism.
2. Owen W.. h. 11 June. IK,'; d.
3. Chas. Lee, ii. 20 Dec, laW: d.
4. Emeline M.. b. 29 Nov.. I860; d.
6. .\yres C, b. 10 Oct., 1862; d. |
Stephen'' {Danid,* John,' John,- J'ho.y.' ). who, ace. to li. GeiictiL, res. E. Hartford;
b. 14 Dec, 1755; d. 6 Apl., 1806; ni. 17 Oct., 1792, Mrs. Joanne (dau. Samuel
Uilh) Alvord, who was b. 9 Mch., 1763; d. 21 Apl., 1831; prob. resided awhile
in E. W'., as he had di. {hp. in E. W.— E. W. C. Ii.) :
1. WVllr', 1). n Aug., 1793; ))p. 16 Mch., nW; went
t*) «'a mid lu'ver heiini from,
a. Theodore. 1). 13, l)p. 17 July, 1798; d. 23 Aug.,
1819; unniiirrictl.
3. Aunii, I). 5 May, bp. S4 June, 1798; m. 0 May,
18-iS. Horace Hubbard; d.
4. Hannah, hp. 21 June. 18UI.
5. Ruth, 1). 5 Mav, 18(13; ni. 7 Dec, IS)!. Louis
Rowell; d. 2.VDec., mw.
Stephen,* had a ch. bp. 24 Feb., 1783 (E. W. V. li.); prob. this Stephi'u was S. of E.
II. (Chns.,' liicli.,- Tlios.'), whom. Elizabeth Cole, 1780.
Charles had {E. ir. C. Ji.), tho' I believe it to have really been Gorge (C/«M.,' Tliitf.,'
T/ios.>)oi E. H. : (1) , bp. 11 Sept., 1775; (2) ch., d. Sept., 1803; said on
J{ec. to have been the first interment in the iieir (E. W.) bu.-gd.
Daniel had (E. W. C. R.y. (l) , bp. 13 Aug., 1775.
Silas' (John,'' John.;- Thou}), of E. II.; b. 27 Nov., 1721; m. llanimli Morton of E,
ir., 3 Sept., 1747 (H%. Ch. Her.), tho' B. GeiicaJ. sjiys 1746.
Gordon C, m. Elizabeth Amidon, 7 Nov. 1813(5. B.), their eh. d. 9 Aug., 1820,
a\ 14 months.— ,S. B.
Sarah (wid.), had, bp. {E.W. C. R.) : (1) Siindi Lacinda ; (2) Zenai ; (3) Timothy
Elmer ; all bp. 26 Aug., 1821.
Lucy, had ch. bp. Sept., 1779.— E. W. C. R.; Lucy, m. Aaron Rice, 7 Mch., 1788.
— jr. C. E.
James, m. Catharine P. Judson, Muh. 15, 1S41.
James (E. W.), m. Eunice Allen. Ch. (b. E. W.):
1. Jame.», li. 7 >fov., 1784; d. Granby, Mass., 3 Feb., 4. Ezra, b. 10 Apl., 1791; d. C'hicopec, Mass., 2:1 Julv,
1813; ,-inglc. 1S4H; siUKle.
2. Kunice. b. h Sepl.. 17K7; ni. at Granby. 18 Aug., 5. Elsie, b. lladlev. Mass., 2ll Mav. 179.'); ni. Brattlc-
1S12, Uvi Taylor of IJ., b. 1787; she d. Chic- boro, Vt., Oct.,' 185.i, Jacob Baldwin of Ilol-
opee. Mass.. 2 Sept.. 1M.V.(. yoI\e, Mai4«i.
3. Minia. li. 1 Juno. i;S9: d. G.. Mass.. .30 Nov., 0. Allen (twin to Klsic), b. Hadlcv; drowned G.. 2
IX-.'i;; >iii'.'le. Apl., 1802.
James Y., m. llnrrlct Haskins, 20 Mch., 1841. James's wife d. 29 Aug., 1853,
a;. 37.— S. B.
" William, son of Thos. Hiiriili:iiii, wwd Klizabelli. il;iu. of Xatlianiel Lomas, were
ni. .June 28, 1671."- CW. Rer.
William's son d. 10 Sept., 1741.— A'. W. C. R.
Eleazer, m. Tryphcna (dau. Zebulon and Kezia) King, b. 2!) .Jan., 1754; had; (1)
EUazer ; (2) Phinens ; (3) Ji"«»e.
Richard, of Hartford; m. Elizabeth Hosford "f W.. 15 Oct., 1742.— IT. C. R
BURR, Abraham (ir. ('. R.), had;
111 .Mlvn, lip. 1 Sept.. 1797; (2) .\seimth Pea«e, bp. 8 June, 1800; (31 Hcurv. and (1) Abraham, bp. 5 Aui:
l>«il; ill William, bp. 29 Oct., 1809.
Adonljah, had {Wlii/. Ch. Rec):
tl) Adonijah. bp. 21 Jan.. 175H: (2) Zabrina, bp. 15 Dec., 1751; (8) Asa. bp. 11 Nov., 1753; (4) Roger, bp.
9 Nov., 171)5; (5i HiHTshelia. bp. 2 Oct., 1757.
Amos, m. Anne Rowell, 30 Dec, 1761; he d. 19.Tuly, 1775, in 65yr.; had (ITiy.C.Tf.).-
il) Amos. bp. 22 Apl , inn : r'l Kunice; (3| Tlios.. bp. 4 Nov., 1792; (4) Timotbv. lioss. the T, s. of Anio«,
who d. 2U Aug.. 1791, a-. 3 vr.; (.51 Timolhv. lip. .SO June. 1799; (ti) Nalhaii. lip. 3 Aug.. ISOO: i7i Ijiura,
bp. 8 Aug., 1802.
Alpheus, hiid (ll'ft.v. Ch. Ree.):
(Il Anne. bp. 29 Jan.. 1775; (2) Alpheus, bp. 8Fcb., 17T8.
Ebenezer, m. Hepzibah Brown, 10 Jan., 1740; had(Tl%. Ch. Ree.):
Ill Kliiliezer. lip. M .\ng.. 1741; l2i llliver, bp 27 Feb.. 1743; l3t l.ncv. bp. 30 Juno. 1745: |4I Daniel, bp
8 .M' h., 1747; (.'.) Aaron, bp. 28 Oct., 1750.
Benjamin, had ;
^-~tl> Hannah, h. 30 Jan., 17.*); (21 Abigail, b. 4 Apl., bp. 11 ( 11". C. R.), 1736; (3) Sarv, bp. 9 Apl., 1738 ( M'
('. K.i; (41 Saniiiv!, bp. 25 Dec, 1739.— If. f. Jl.
Gideon, m. Etinicc (dau. Isaac and Hannah fjjghxtoi,) Loomis, II Nov.. 1742; she
.1 :iii AuLv, 1716 M. :.Iii. 26yrs.; had ( H%. Ch. R>c.) :
(1) Eunice, " an iilOTitive child," bp. 17 June, 1743, " in his house," d. same liav ; (3) Eunice, l)p. 14 Oct..
ITM; (3) .Sarah, hp. 7 .Sept., 174<i; (4) Giileon, bp. 20, d. .30 Nov., 174S; (."i) (;"ideon, l)p. 9 Uee.. 1750; (B)
Elizal)eili, bp. 20 May, 1753; |7) Hannah, bp. 8 June, 1755; (8) Ozias, bp. 4 Dee., 1757; (9) I»hena, l>n.
2U Oct.., 17t»; (10) Moses, lip. 3 Apl., 17(j3.
Isaac (Uev.), s. TI10.S. amlgd.-s. of Benj. of Iltfil.; grad. Y. C, 1717; m. Mary (dan.
.]olm) Eliot (feq.), of W.; preached several years at Worcester, Mass.; ret. and
located at W. abt. 1744, where he d. abt. 1751/3. Many iirticles of mcrcliaudise are
found iu his inventory, prob. goods from est. of his father-in-law, John Eliot, Es().,
who had been a merchant in W.; est. abt. £2,000. Mary, his wid., adm'.\. Ch. :
(1) Jolm Eliot* ; (2) Isuc fDr.l, a rcpntahle physician in Htfd., d. before 1795; (3) Samuel, d. before 1795;
(4) Jonathan* ; (5) Mary, d. before her father; {ti} Prudence* ; y7> Lots, ni. Taliuads^e Bishop.
Isaac (prob. Dr. I. above), had {E. W. C. B.) :
111 Ch., bp. 23 JIay. 1792; (21 . 2.S Sept., 1794; (3) .Jcnisha, (4) Horace. (5) Orrin, bp. 1 Feb., ISOl.—
father mentioned as "' now of Vermont."
Isaac, had (TTfr^. Cfi. Bee):
tl) Roclice (Rosa?) bp. 6 Aug., 1780; (2) Deborah, bp. 17 Oct., 1784; (3) Cliesler, bp. 16 June, 1787.
t Isaiah, m. Eunice Rowell, 10 May, 1773; he d. 27 Apl., 1779, in 34th year; luid
( Why. Ch. Bee):
U) , d. 80 Nov., 1773. abt. 2 hrs. old; (2) Joab. bp. 8 Jan., 1775; (3) Irura, bp. 10 Feb.. 1777; (4)
Isaiah, bp. 18 July, 1779.
John, Jr., m. Tabitha Loomis, 17 Dec, 1747; liad {Why. Ch. Bee): (1) .John, bp. .5
Atig., 1750.
Nathaniel, m. Hannah (dau. Isaac and Hannah Eggleston) Loomis, 1^ July, 1740;
had ( Why. Ch. Bee):
lU Hannah, bp. 8 Nov., 1741 (prob. the Hannah who m. Luther Barber "f Norfolk, 15 Oct., 17C1); (2)
Xathiiniel, bp. 19 June, 1743; (3) Isaiah, bp. s Sepi.. 174.'> (see above t ); (41 Ainia, bp. s Mch., 174"
(poss. the Anna who m. Edmund Brown of Norfolk. 'J .May, 17611; (5) Eunice, bp. Hi .lulv, 174it; (6)
Sal. in, hp. 14 June. 1783; m. Ann Cole, 17 Feb . 17sil( nVyy. Ch. Jiec): (7) Miriam, lip. 21 July,
17.'.4; i8) (Freelove, bp. 11 July, 1756; (see, also, under heatl of Phelps, ShuhaelJ.
Nathaniel, Jr., of Farmington, m. Abigail Strong of W., 3 Apl., 1766. Children
( II'. B., and bp. Why. Ch. Bee):
(1) Harris (Horace), b. If. Dec., 176C; bp. 29 Mch., 1767; (2) Elijah, b. 7. bp. 17 Al)l., I7G8; (31 Bissell. b.
• 14 Dec., 1771; bj). 26 Jan., ITK; (4) Nathan, b. 13 Oct., 1775; bp. 35 Feb., 1776; (5) Levi, b. 21 Ftb.,
1778; (6) James, b. 12 Dec., 1779.
Noadiah, Jr., m. Abigail Pease, 17 May, 1757; he d. 28 June, 1793, ;c. 61 or 62.
.\ls(i, he had " 4 children lying N. E. of the foot of his grave," viz., Abigail, Ase-
nath, Rhoda, Xoah(Tr%.); had (Why. Ch. Hee):
(1) Abigail, d. 5 or 7 Mch., 17T7, in ISIh vr.; (2) Noadiah, bp. 18 May, 1760; (3i Ilannali. bp 5 Jiilv. 1761 ;
(4) Joseph, bp. 9 Oct., 17B3; (5) Thede. bp. 28 .\pl., 1765; 16 and' 71 Hachel and Khoda, twins, bp. 16
Mch., 1766; (8) Abi, bp. 27 Mch., 1768; |9i Kczia, bp. 7 May, 1769; (10' Abraham, hp, 15 .lulv, 1770;
111) Lois, bp. 14 Julv, 1771 ; (12) AsenafthJ, bp. 8 Nov., 1772; d, 23 Sept,, 1775; (13) Noah, hp. 17 Julv.
1774; d. 22 Sept, 1775; (14) Noah, bp. 2 June, 1776; (15) Martin, hp. 2 Aug., 1778; (16) Abigail, bp, io
Oct., 1779.
Noadiah, Jr. (s. of Noadiuh), m. Hannah Rowley, 20 Jan., 1780; \md.(Wl>y.Ch.Tiee):
i I • W<-iilthy Ann, bp. ai Sept., 1780; (2) Titus, bp. 31 . Auir., 1783; (3) ( HV/y, Cli. /tec.) in 1785, '• some-
time last spring Noadiah Burr, Jr,, had a child scalded to death,"
Noadiah, had ( 1I7«/. Ch. Bee) : (1) Erastus, (2) Oliver, bp. 19 Aug.. 1778.
Samuel, m. Cliristian Cadwell, 28 Dec, n.lS, who d. 27 Jan., 1782; h:id(llV«/.
Ch. Bee) :
(1) , b. 4 Oct., 17.53 [li. 3f.S.): (2) , bp. 23 Sept., 1764; (3) Marv. bp. Aug.. 1765; (4) Samuel, bp. 15
Nov., 1761; (5; Kiltie, bp. 5 Aug., 17(H; (0) Pelctiah, bp. 24 July, 1768.
Samuel, Jr. (prob. s. of above), m. Clarissa Barber of W, South. 15 Oct., 1792,
who d. 24 Nov., 1795, x. about 23; had (Why. Ch. Bee):
(I) Peletiah Wal.son, bp. 17 June, 179S; (2) Clarissa, bp. 6 July, 1800; (3) Pamela, bp, 7 Oct,. 1804; (4)
Sunmel, d. 3 Oct., :e. abt. 2 yrs.; (.5) Samtiel, b|i. 3 July, 1808.
•John E., Jonathan, and Prudence became insane, and Henry Allyn, Esq., of W. was app. their conser-
vator, with Pliny Hillyer, Esq., app. to distribute Rev. Isaac's est. in Granby, 1795; first dislrib. Apl,, 1796,
by I. Bissell, N. Loomis, imd II. Allyn, Esq. — Jlinman.
Salmon (,Tn»^. Ch. Bee.) and Deborah . lie d. 19 Sept., 1773, x. 50 (Whi/.y. had:
(1) Salmon, bp. 31 Mch.. 175ti: d. 17 T)ec., 1157; (2i Elizaluili. tip a; Mch.. 17.18; (») Salmon, bp. ,ii) Mi h .
17U9; (4) Theodore, bp. 9 Oct., 17U3.
Stephen, m. Sarah Burr, 23 Oct., 1761; had (Why. Ch. Her.):
(1) Sarah, b. 10 Mch.. I7(M; (2i Knnicc. b. S AuR.. ITWl; d, 12 Sept.. 177.5, in 7lh vr.; (.11 Clar.'. b. Sfl.riin..
1~3; d. 0 Sept., 1TT5, a:, aj yrs.; (4) Eunice, bp. 13 Oct., 17711; d. 5 Sept., 17T7; (.5) Clare, bp. 4 .\pl..
Clarina, d. 24 Xov., 1795, x. 24.-11'. Eleanor, m. Amariali Watson of New
llifd., 5 Dec, 1776.— 11%. C/i. Uec Henry, m. .Iiili;i Ann Barnard, 22 Oct.,
1H34. Noah, m. Lucy Cadwell, 2S Nov., 1799; their ch. d. 3 May, l.s(»9.— 117/v.
Ch. liec. Solomon," ni. Dcboiah WatSOn, 27 Nov., 1754.-7?. MS. TltuS,
m. Elizabeth Wilson, Sept., 1814. — IP. C. It. Mary (dau. Benjamin, an orig.
settler of Hartford), m. (1) Chri.stopher CrOW, 15 Jan., 1657; (2) .Tosiali Clark of
Windsor before imi.— ifem. Hist. Ilartfrrd Co.,\. 233. Abigail (wid.). d. 15
May, 1814. a\ 76.-117-//. Ch. Rer. Amos's s. d. 20 Aiig., 1794, :e. 3 yrs.— 117,//.
Ch. nee. Asenath (wife of Sylvesler), d. 3 Oct., 184.5, ;e. 66.-117/)/. Daniel,
Jr., d. 1 May, 1775.— £;. 11'. C H. Deborah (n-id.), d. 27 .June. 1792,
in 70lh yr.— 11%. CJi. Bee. Ebenezer, d. :! May. 1811, «. 70; his wife Ruth d.
8 Dec, 1814. te. 74.— ITi.v. Ch. Bee. Hannah, d. 11 .June, 1804, x. 43.-117,//.
Ch. Bee. Hannah (wid.), d. 1<; Dec., 1777, in 75th yr.— TTi.y. Ch. Bee. Isaac,
d. 13 May, 1822, x. 62 or 63; his wife Deliverance d. 15 Mch., 1799, se. 42.— 11'/,//.
Jonathan, d. 9 Feb., 1770.-^.11'. C. B. John, d. 21 or 25 Sept., 1769, in
74th yr. — llT-.y. Ch. Bee. John, d. 5 May, 1741, x. about 71.— Tl%. Ch. Bee.
Joseph, d. 29 .Tan., 1812—11'////. Ch. Bee. Linus, d. 2 Sept., 1775. a. perhaps
43.— 11'////. Ch. Tiec. Martin's ch. d. Oct., 1809, iP. 9 nios. Nathaniel, d. 5
May, 1772, x. abt. 66 yrs. Noadiah, d. 12 Feb., 1762, x. alit. 60. Ruth iwid.).
.1. 9 Dec, 1814, x. 74.— 117///. Ch. Bee. Rhoda, d. 23 Oct.. 1722, x. .^0. Sam-
uel, d. 13 Aug., 1817, X. 87. — 117,//, Ch. B<r. Samuel's wife d. May, 1817.—
117///. Ch. Bee.^ Samuel's son (Samuel. Jr.), d. 21 Oct., 1S16, a'. 4.— H7,v. Ch.
Bee. Samuel, Jr., d. 16 Sept., 1814, se. 53.— n%. Ch. B>r. Samuel's wife
Sarah d. 25 Feb., 1806, x. 76.— Why. Ch. Bee. Stephen, Jr., d. 3 Apl.. 17S2.
11%. Ch. Bee. Theodore, d. 23 Feb., 1796, x. 33.— W'lji/. Ch. Bee. Titus, il.
26 .Jan., 1799, in 61st yr— TT////. Ch. Bee. Wid. Burr, d. 4 Sept., 1767, in 93ii
yr — 11%. Ch. Bee. Wid. Burr, d. 4 Aug., 17S7.— E. W. C. B.
BURROUGHS. David, m. Sarah Tyler of Tolland, 24 May, 1744; hail .1/,//./.
1>. 1 .Mch., 1744,5.
Simon, m. Lydia Porter, 30 Oct., 1745. Children.-
1. Simon, b. 30 Sept.. 174ti. , .■>. Simon, b. 14 .Inlv. 17.'/1.
a .lohn, b. Ill Feb., 1745. (^ 6. Kbcnezer. b. I ,lnlv. 17.Vi.
:t .lolm. b. 30 Apl.. 1748. 7. Aaron, b. 16 .Jnlv, 17.Vi
4 llavid, b. C Jan., 1749. 50.
Jonathan, had; (\) Jumith.u, , b. 27 June, 1725; (2) Saralt, b. 19 Aug.. 1731.
-Jonathan (prob. the same), had :
3. Klizabeth. b. 10 Nov., 1740. I 5. .loel. b. 7 Anc. 1748.
4. Hannah, b. 9 Oct., 1744. | li. Daniel, b. a5 .May, 1755/6.
Jonathan (poss. the same as above), m. Judith Webb, 5 Mch., 1752; had ;
I .loiialhan. b. 14 Nov.. 17.V3. I 3. Zebnlon. b 3 S.pt. 1758.
v; Si.|iIrii, b. 3 .Jan., 1755. |
Abel (E. W.), had AM, b. 18 July, 1775.
Abner (E. W.), had (1) .l/'W, b. 12 Sept., 1754; (2) Alfrnl, b 19 Aug., 1777.
(BURROWS) John's <h.. d. 24 Sept., 1723.— .fi'. H*. C B (lUirah). See Ens. .h,hn.
Vol 1., p. S80.
BURT, Gideon, d. 12 Nov., 1821, x. 43.— 7f. Z»,
BU RTIS, Nalhaus son d. 7 Sept., ir.il.— K. W. ('. R.
BU RTON, John, a hired man to Henrj' Stiles and Thomas Gilbert, 1G5II. — See In-
ventory of Debts due T. G. from H. S.
BUSHON, Mr., d. AuLT . \"<6.—E. IF. C. R.
BUSH, Rufus, d. 28 Mch., 1866, a;. 84; wife Fanny d. 2") July, 1866, ;v. 6:i; their
dau. Mmira d. 4 June. ISSo, ;e. 6 mos.— TP. P^. G.
BUTLER, Thomas (Wby.), son of Th as of Htfd.; with wife. rem. to W. from
Ipswich, Mass.; d. 23 Aug., 172.5, a'. 64; his wife Abigail (dan. .Toliii) Shepard
of Cambridge, d. 5 Sept., 1750, a;. 85.
Isaac (second son of above). Wby.; grad. Y. C. 1722; m. (1) Sarah IWarshfield,
Tuesday, 23 Jan., 1732-3 (TTi^. Ch. Rec.)- was res. Htfd. 1732, where births of 2 s.
and 2 d. are rec. ; in May, 1738, when the first church was org. in new township of
Wby., he and his wife are on the roll of its members, and he was elected senior dea-
con; about 1758 he rem. to Ilarwinton. Conn., where he prob. d. before 1779. His
wife d. in Wby. 12 Jan., 1753 or '54; and he m. (3) Thankful Parsons, 1 July,
1762.— Dexter's^lft/«//*o/ T. O. Children :
(II Olive. 1). -i .Mav. ITat: d. srSfpt.. 17-->r: (4t Sumui-l Stonf. b. 31 .Inn.. ITiii/r: (.3) Olive, b. in May.
irafl; (1. 10 Sept.. ir.>4; |4I Josiah. b. !t Nov.. 17:^1; (.5) Sarah, b. SJ Aug.. 1734; <i. 14 Jan., 175.3; (ii)
Kiclianl. ni. Mary Griswold, VJ Oct., 1817; had Josiali, bp. 7 Sept., .
Samuel Stone' [Ishmc,- T/ios.'), m. Mary Goodwin, 19 Aug , 1751; both adm. to
ch. at Ilarwinton, 15 Apl., 17.53; he d. July, 1798. C/i. :
(1) Isaac, b. I.T.June. 17.W; (2) Sarah, b. 2.3 .July. 1754.
Joslah ^ (Isam,'' Thos.'), m. Margaret Manly, Simsbury, 13 Nov., 1754 {R. MS. 1755);
d. Oct., 1799 — IFAy. Ch. Ree.); had :
(1) Nathaniel (E. W.I. d. :)0 Aug., 18-J8, ;<■. 78; (21 Aurelia, d. 31 Aug.. 1824. le. .>4; (.3) .John. d. Apt. ItHl,
a-. tlO(*'. B.): Nathaniel, ui. Onal Skinner, 20 Feb., 1812.
Samuel, had :
(1) .Mary, b. 22 Dec. 1741; (2) Samuel, b. 6 Mi h.. 1743; (3> Hannah, 1). IS Oct., 1744; rt) .lenisha,* b. 21
Sept.. 174(1; d. 21 .Mch.. 1747; (51 Jerusha,* b. 2I> Oct.. 1747: ((il Abisiail.* b. 20 Dec, 1749; (7) Zcch-
ariah.' b. 21 Mcli., 17.52; d. 24 Sept.. 1751. le. 18 mo.; iSI Zechariah.*!). 4 Sept., 1754; d. 1 .\pl., 17.i9,
;e. :i vr. and abt. 7 mos.; ,9i .bwiah. b. 2 Sept.. 17.55; (101 Thankful, b. 24 .Jan.. 1759. -
BUTTOLPH. SeeBottnlph.
BUTTON, Jonathan uf K. U.; had :
1. Levi. b. St Mch.. 1776. I 4. Rhoda. b. 14 Mav, 1785.
2. .Joseph, b. 22 .June. 1778. 3. Hnlva};, b. 25 Mch.. 1789.
3. Naomi, b. 12 July, 1780. I 6. Jesse, b. 25 July, 1791.
Jerome, of S. W. (s. of \Vm.), m. Mary (dau. Geo. and Harriet) Jacobs of S. W.
Joseph, Jr., wife of, d. 27 Mch., 1833, a;. 21.— S. B. [—J. M. 8.
Asa, d. W. Pt., 27 Aug., 1833, x. 56; Mrs. Pamela (Patten?) Kulton, d. 12 May, 1814,
;e. 43. Children:
1. I^ura, ni. Dea. Zelofes Collins. I 5. John.
2. littfey. m. Harvey Prior. B. William.
3. .\bi<rail. 1 7. Henry.
1. .\>.iialh. i ([MJss. others.) —M.lt.ll.
BYONTON (noyiilonV), John; had /w/t/i, b. 4 June, 1754.
CADWELL. (The following from Why. Ch. Ri;c., the family being mostly found in
that part of Bloomfield formed from Simsbury.)
Matthew had:
5. Theoda. bp. 5 Dec, 175G.
6. Huldah, b|). 19 Auj;., 1739.
7. John, bp. 3 Jan., 17ti2.
a Lois. bp. 18 Mch., 17l>4.
1. Matthew. b|>. 12 June, 1748. Fa.ii. 2.
2. Klizabclh. lip. 11 Mch.. 1730. wlio d. instantly
while at dinner Nov. 3. 17()4, in 15 yr.
3. .\nne. bp. 5 Jan., 17.52.
4. I'elctiah, bp. 7 July, 1754. Fam. 3.
0. Elizabeth, bp. An);., 1705.
* Wlnj. Ch. Rec. makes dates of Jcrusha's disaUi, and births of Jerusha 2d, Abigail, and Zccliariah Ist
and 3d one year later.
Fam. 2. Matthew Jr.' (ytattheir^), m. Joanna Marshall, Vi Feb., ITliT; lie <i
Aug. 1, 1773, in 48 yr. Our 1st edit, gives d. of llomima, wife of JIatt., 2() .Tunc.
1787, as wife of Mall., Sr., wh. poss. may liave been Joanna. Ch. :
1. Mutthow, bp. 24 Mav. 1767. | i. George, lip. 9 Mav, 1773.
i. Justus, hp. 7 Mav, 17i;0; d. 28 Oct.. 1775. 5. Joanna, li. 8 Mav, 1774, bp. l.^i Auj;., and d. i:i c,i
3. Abijah, bp. 18 Meb., 1776: m. Eunice Allyn, ! 14 Oct., 177.i.
!• May, 1793, who il. 31 Meh., 1794, x. -26; inf. (1. ; 6. Justus, bp. 19 Apl., 1776; d. :» Sei)t., 1777, ae. 13
previous day. I nios.
Fam. 3. Peletiah '■ {Mattlmr^ ), m. (1) Lucy Foot, 7 Nov., 177C, wlio d. 9 Aug.,17Sl.
iB. 24; m. (2) . lie d. Sept., 1817. Ch. :
1. Peletiah, bp. 7 Dec. 1777. ' 3. Orrin, I ,„, ,„ ..,„. ,,^,.. Ornuiu.Ilurri.l Pet-
9. U-vi, bp. 17 Feb. 17SU; in. Ro.w Brown, 7 4. Luev, f ' '" -^'" ■ """■
Oct., 1799, who d. 2 Sept.. 1803. ip. 2.5. tibbne. 12 Oct., ISl.i; bad <b. « ho d. 23 Oct .
5. Erastus. bp. 2 Sept.. 17S7. [1820, a-. 1 .\ i
( /it/ ,'(/ mfirriaget : G. Sylvia, bp. t; Meh., 1796.
James, wlio d. 29 Aug., 1771, in 75tli yr., had : (1) James, bp. 26 Dec, 1742. F.\.\!. ■,'.
Fa.m. 2. James" {James'), m. Mary Foot, 19 Nov., 17G7. Ck. :
1. Aaron, bp. 8 Nov., 1768: m. Cldoe Foot, 24 I 3. Hhodn, bp, 7 Feb., 1773.
Ail2.. 1794. 4. James, bp. :j(l July, 1775.
2. Mary, bp. 11 Nov.. 1770. I 5. Martin, bp. 15 Feb., 1778.
Moses, had :
1. Lois. b. Jan.. 1729 '30: d. 28 DlT., 1734. I .'>. Tiinotllv, d. IS Feb., 17:i8. le. about C vears.
2. Penelope, b. 35 Apl., 173.3. I tj. Olive, bp. 25 Nov.. 1739: d. 2(1 Aul'., 1741.
3. Jonathan, b. Mch.. 1734/5. 7. Timothy, bp. 6 Sept., d. 20, 1741.
4. I.ois, d. 23 Aug., 1741, a:, about 5 years.
Samuel, Jr., had ; - — , d. 37 Nov., 1828, a;. abl.2d.; . d. 10 Dec., 11^28, a>. 2yr.
Thomas, m. Mary Porter 20 Dec, 17.-.2. Ch. : (1) , d. 10 May, 17.50.—/.'. M.S.
Allyn ni. Nancy Latimer 7 Jlay, 181(1; litid ;
I. Nmuv Amelia.
1 3. Sidney.
1 5. Julia Ann.
1 7. A^^<»n.
a. KtUviinl l.jilimer.
1 4. Eli/.Hbelil.
1 fi. \jii\i Haydeii.
1 8. Al!vn.
Theodore, had; (l) , d. 24 Sept., 172.5; (2) , sou, d. 1 Nov., 1799, a-. 6 yrs.
Theodorus (prob. the same as above), had;
1. Koxv (adultt, bp. 17 June, 1821. I 7. Mareia Jennet, bp. 10 Auj;., 1823.
2. LoviVia, 1 I 8. Edwanl S., bp. 16 July, 1826.
3. Iluldaii, I
4. Ksther, J- bp. 29 July. 1821.
5. TlieiKlonis, I
(i >Iary. I
CIrey, m. Hezeklaii GoodwIn, ;i Aug., 181.5. Huldah, m. Nonicdi w Moses
of Sims., 23 Nov., ls:}l. Melissa, m. Win Watson of Torringfoiil, ;i(l .]an.,
1828. Roxy, m. Jonathan Bodwell "i Fanniiiirton, U Oct., ls28. Sarah, m.
.ledediah OlCOttof New lllfil., 3 (let., 1709. Theodore, in. l!o.\y ParSOnS,
25 »)<•!., 1804.
Anne, d. 1.5 Dec, 1778, in 27th yr. Calvin, d. 30 Nov., 1813, a;. 37. Calvin, eh
of, d. 30 Dec, 1812, in 7th yr. Elizabeth (wid.), d. 10 Oct., 1775, :e. peihaps4.5
yrs. Ira's ch. d. 26 Apl., 1817, inf. James, d. 16 Dec, 1811. Justus, d.
29 Dec, 1815, a;. 7 yrs. Mary (wife .Maj. .Mailliew), d. 3 Nov., 1804, ic 4(). Or-
rin's ch. d. 23 Oct., 182G, x. 1 yr. Theodore, d. 9 June, 1826, a>. 44. Rog-
er's children died : (1) Ulioda, 20 A])!., 1813, ic 4; (2) , 30 Dec, 1815, a:. 27 d.;
(3) , 5 Apl., 1816, X. 3 wks.
CADY, Sgt. John, d. 6 Sept., 17.51, in 74lli yr.— K. W. O. Wid. Citdy d. 29 I'M'.,
1760.— il'. ir. C. 7i.
, ch. d. 10 Oct., 1739.— J5;. W. C. li.
Nahum, d. 14 Oct.. 1834, a. 91; his ■wife Deborah d. 17 .\pl., :e. 74.— A\ II'. O.
[Xotts furnittheti by Pi-^]f. Vauid Cadtj Kuton. Xtw ll<it€it. Conn.]
James Cady, second s. of Nicholas and Judith (Knapp) f'ady, b. Watcrtnwii, .Mas.s.,
28 Aug., 16.55; removed with his father idid brothers In (iroton, ^I;iss., about 1668.
He married, 14 June, 1678, Hannah (dau. of Ellis) Barron, b. 6 .Mch., 1658. Hed
at Groton, 2 Dec, 1690, intestate. The inventory of liis estate is recorded at p. 319
of Vol. 7 of the ^Middlesex Probate Court reeords; it amounted to £69, O.f. , Od., and
was returned, so the record states, by John Cady and James (.s(c .') Cady, brothers of
the deceased. His widow was living in 1711, when she was named in her father's
will. Children (Jame,i, Elizabeth, and Aaron, known to have been such; the others
are given by more or less probable conjecture) :
1. James, b. at Watertown, 1 Apt.. 167!); m. Thank- I fret. The rec. of liev. Dudley BrariHtreet wron^jlv
fill ; wag of Sherl>orn, Mass.. till 1710; then ' marries her to IJardu/ Cady on" the same day. She d.
of ^tarlboro" (1711-17141: then of Pomfret. Conn., ' Ponifret, 11 .\pl., 1757. havinir been tlie mother of
til! his death, 18 Jan., 1742; he had 12 ch.: Han- 9 chi\t\ven -Ji^mirn'f, Eztklef. X>-/t'inia//, //aii'tah,
ttttli, ElktJi, Jofi'^ph. SibiU. Silas, Sarah, Jie^iQ- \ Elizabtth, Jonas, Ennit-^, lIez»^kiah.nnA AhiqaiL
nalt. PdelUth, Amariah, Man/. Corntlius fwlio 5. William, who had children bp. at Ivillinsly, Brtiir
went to Coventry. Conn.l, and Tliankfld. His i 7'aA, 1716, .IWyff/i, 171S, and £'/0n/(. 1730. This fam-
toinl>stone is in Brooklyn, Conn., by the side of I ily probably rem. to Plaintield or Norwich,
his wife's, who d. 18 May, 1741. " I 6. Ehzabeth,"b. at Cirolon. 10 Apt. Iti86; perhaps the
•J. .John, perhaps b. at Watertown about 16,S0-1681; I Eliz. who m. Timothy Parkhurst at Killingly
the Serizeant John Cad.v of Windsor (see above). I 15 Jan., 1716.
."t. Daniel, b. al)ont 16,S2-l'iS3; m. .Vbi^il ; I 7. Aaron, b. at Oroton. 7 .\pl.. 16SS; was a " cord-
rem. from Groton to the falls of the (Juinnebang t winder " at Marlboro", Mass., 1714-1717; rem. to
river, a place then called Aspinock. in 1707; sold Canterbury, 1717; to Coventry, 172.">; and to Tol-
out in 17-21. and was for a lime of Tolland and land. 173!); he in. at Cambridge, Mass.. 2:i Meb.,
then of Canfcrbnry, but returned to Aspinock, , 170!). 10, Mercj', daughter of Joshua Fuller, b. 11
and was living in 1751. His ascertained children Mch., 1688/8!), and hadSeh.; James, h\i. at Wal-
were : Eplmiim. Amos, Zfrithth, nintithy. Sa- tham, 1 July, 1711; Aaron, b. «t Canterbury, 7
rafi, Ah'Kiail. Jonas. Lyiiia. and Jniizdiali. ' Dec. 1718 (a'fterwards Dr. Cady, whose sons lived
4. Abigail, who m.Ezekiel Cady, son of Daniel, in Columbia Co., X. Y.); and i'/isofte^A, living un-
•Sr., at (iroton, 22 Apl., li'U7. as reeordetl at Pom- married at Cambridge in 1748.
John Cady (j>ral>. n. of Janieii). The records of transfers of land show his resi-
dence in Groton, JIass. (1699-1701), Plainfield, Conn. (1704), Canterbury (1704-
1721), Tolland (1721-172,1), Willington (1725-1727), Windsor (1728-1739), Coventry
(1740), and Tolland tl740). -Probably he soon returned to \Viud.sor, where he died
Sept. 6, 1751. One of the Tolland deeds, dated Sept. 6, 1721, conveys to his
" brotlier Diiniel Cady of Tolland " 254 acres of land for £65. Another deed, from
" Daniel Cady, Jr., of Canterbury" to "my brother John Cady of Willington,"
dated Aug. 23, 1725, reconveys the same land for £160. Investigations in Windham
county show that this Daniel Cady, Jr., was neither Daniel Cady of Tatniek Hill
(Brooklyn), nor his son, but was the Daniel Cady who came from Groton to Aspi-
nock on the Quiimebaug River, in 1707, and lived mo.st of his life in Killingly. In
the Ilixhiry of Windham County Daniel Cady of Aspinock is confused witli Daniel
Cady of Tatnick Hill, who was a son of Nicholas Cady of AVatertown. Similarly,
Sgt. John Cady is confused hj Buiul anA Saraye with his uncle John, s. of Nicholas
Cady; for Joanna, wife of John, Sr., was living long after John, Jr., had children
borne by liis wife Elizalteth. That this John Cady was the s. of James Cady of
Groton is inferred from the following facts: He lived in Groton -with the other
Cadys and with them came to Connecticut. Aaron, the proved son of James Cady,
followed John to Canterbury, and afterwards went likewise to Tolland and Coven-
try. Cornelius, grandson of .lames, and son of Jtimes, Jr., also went to Coventry.
Dr. Aari>n Cady is asserted to have been either brother or cousin to Ebenczer, s. of
John Cady, by the descendants of both Dr. Aaron and Ebene/.er, who settled together
in Columbia Co., N. Y. John's age, as given on his tombstone, contlicts with this
belief, but a.i^eson tombstones are often wrong, as, for instance, on the t'oinbstones
of Daniel Cady of Tatnick Hill, and of Ebenezer, s. of this very John. The families
of the other sous of Nicholas are known; but in the family record of James there is
:i Idank of seven years f/om the birth of James, in 1679, to Elizabeth, in 1686, which
Itlankis the only place where the names of John, Oarid, Abi'jail, and William can
be inserted.
Sergt. John Cady was married twice. His lirst wife, Eliztibeth , was tlie
mother of live and perliaps .si.\ of his children; the second wife was Elizabeth Mather
hioss. Eliz, (hill, of John and Sarah (Filrh) StOUghton, b. 19 Feb., 1692, and m.
Jost pli Mather, who d. 7 Nov., 1717.— /^. 7'. N.]. Cwilc Burialliei-. gives Oct., 1739,
jMr. Cixdy's child. The date of neither marriage is known, but we may suppose the
lirst to have taken place about 1698, and the second twenty or thirty years later.
Vol. II.— 18
Children :
1. .lohii. b. lU (irnioii, Mjis8., 7 Anjr.. liiOD. Faji. i.
2. Klizabclh, t>. Oroloii.S Mch, ITUl: m. Ephraiul
Grant, aa Aug.. jrsa. ami (1. 8 Nov.. irili. C'/(.
«iTf: (1) Ornce. b. ar Tollaml 14 Jan., ITM; (2)
t't'fmthn, b. at Tolland 37 Apl.. 17^6; in. Mary
West, 13 I)«-.. I74,s.
3. William, b. at ranlerbury. 22 .\ug.. Itm. K.vM 3.
4. Kleazer, b. at L'antiTbury. 1.5 Mch.. KUS. Fam. 4.
5. Elx-nezer, b. at Canlerbury. 1» Apl.. 1714. Fam. 5.
ti. Deliverance, birtti not found; ni. Siinnn Kings-
bury, about 1739. ifyfv Kln'jsbiinj.)
7. , ch., d. 10 Oct., 1739.
The grave of John Cady is in the old burial ground at Ea.st Windsor Hill. Epi-
taph: " Here lies the liody of JI' John Cady, who died iSep' the (i"', A. I). 1751, in
the 74"' year of his age." The distribution of his estate is to be found on tile in
Hartford Probate Court. Widow Cady died 29 Feb., 1760. — Cook Record.
Fa.m. 3. John' (Johft^), m. Hannah Abbott, 0 May, 1739, and is said to have res. at
Coventry. Tradition gives him three sons: Asiihd, Xahum, anA Amos. Rmd as-
signs him dau. l/uunali, who m. William Shurtleff, Nov., 17.5;5.
Fam. 3. William' (./»//;('), was taxed in Wind.'^or in 1732; was of Plaintield in 1740,
in whieh year his father gave him land in Coventry. He lived in Coventry in
1743-1744, and is said to have gone to Dalton, Mass. According to tradition his
sons were WiUidm and Jeremiah.
Fam. 4. Eleazer- {John'), was taxed in Windsor in 1732; lived In Plainlield. His will
was dated Dec. 10, 17C6. and was proved in Mch., 1767. It names his wife Kezia.
eldest .son John, youngest son Si/uirc, then under age, and only daughter Lun/, wife
of Obadiah Johnson of Canterbury. Ch. :
1. -John. b. abl. 174:1. ni. .Joanna ; lived PIfd.;
was- drowneii while reliiniiiii; fr. N.Y.. 23 Nov..
17f^3; f^-e copv of in^eriprion on his ^r.-st. in
I/M. or »h.fl'/,ai,i Co.. U.. p. 322.
2. I.ney. n». Obadiali Johnson.
3. Scpiire. was constable in Plainlield in I'ltlJ. This
family was probablv continued, for another S(|uire
Cady was' town cler*k there abt. 183U.
Fam. 5. Ebenezer' (John'), received from his father, in December, 1736, a gift of 53
acres in Windsor, "next the great river." In 1740 he was for a short time a resi
dent of Plainlield, but within the year removed to Coventry, where he probably
resided several years. He is next heard of as coming with his whole family to
New Concord, now Canaan, in Columbia Co., New York, probably about 1763.
Family tradition gives him an intermediate stay (from 17.54 to 1763) in Dutchess
Co.. N. y. His wife was Prudence Palmer, daughter of Jonathan and Mercy
(Mannering") Palmer, who was born in the northern part of Stonington, March 31.
1718/9. He died at Canaan, May 16, 1779. His wife lived till about the close of
the century. Children:
1. Prudenec, b. abt. 1710.
2. Kbenezer, b. .Ian. 20. 171.3. Fa.v. (1.
a Kleazer. b. Lvme. Conn , Mch. 20. 174.5. Fam. 7.
4. Klijah. b. at Covcntrv, Mch, S. 1747. Faji. H.
5. Elisha, b. 8 .Jan.. 17.T(t. Fam. 11.
r>. Elias, b. ? m. Kezia Doty.
7. .John. b. ; m. ilWolly Waterman,
and had 2d wife, name unknown. lie lived after
the Rev4>rn in Florida. N. Y., and is said to have
been insane for uniny years before liis death.
Prudence, daughter of Ebenezer and Prudence Cady, was probably their oldest
child, as the inscription on her gravestone reads, " Prudence, wife of Daniel Love-
joy, d. June 8, 1834, aged 84 years." Where she was born is unknown. Her mar
riage may have taken place in " The Oblong," i. <?., near Amenia, Dutchess Co., N.
Y. Her husband's tombstone reads, " Sacred to the memory of Capt. Daniel Love-
joy, who departed this life July 28, 1795, in the 57th year of his age." Another
stone, near by, is that of " Sarah, relict of Mr. Benjamin Lovejoy, who d. May 16,
1790, in the 82d year of her age." Where the Lovejoys came from is not known,
but it is very probiible that they were Connecticut people. The Lovejoys settled
in Canaan, N. Y'., probiibly in 1761, and they are buried in the western part of the
town. Ch. (the order of age uncertain):
1. Daniel, killed in Kev. war by an Indian. 5. Andrew, b. 17SI; d. 1H43: m. cl) Sarah Hul-
l. David, b. ? '" m. a woman by the name of
White: her given name I have fort;ot." So wrote
El)enezer Cady. 4th, and added lo his story Ihes<'
v*'ord6 : ''.\ll those men were Whiizs, and fou;;hI
for their liberty; spent their time and money Tor
the g(XKi of their couiilrv freely fo the la*l."
Both Sergt. .John and libeuezer res. "on y* Jvist
Side of v* tlreat Itiver above Seanlic." See Wind-
sor Ta.\-Lisls.— yj. T. H.
2. Kenjamin.
3. .Umw.
4. Kbenezer, 1). 29 Mcli., 1777; d. IC.Tune, XSST: m.
Sarah Svlvia (dau. of MnJor Martin) Beebe ;
tliey had eleven eliildren.
bert. and (2) I'oily Niles.— .l/«n'W/-l'«. .I'l'-.
n., p. 7.1.
6. IVudencc.
7. -■\ini.
8. Sally.
Fam. 6. Ebenezer" (Capt.) {Ebeiiezei;- John.,^), b. 20 Jan., 1743; first of. the Cadys
to settle ill {'oliimbia Co., N. Y. His grandson related that he came there some
years before the IJevolutionary war, as a hired servant of liis brotherin-law, Daniel
Lovejoy, and that the rest of the Cadys came the next year. The applicalion for
a pension of his brotlier Elijah li.xes the date of this settling as 1702. lie married
Chloe (dan. of John and Kwth I'mtt) Beebe, born at either Kent or Sharon, Conn.,
29 Apl., 1747. He was lieutenant, and later captain, of the 3d company of the 17th
Albany Regiment of militia during the Revolution. He d. 11 Sept., 1816. His wife
survived him many years, made a speech in 1840 favoring the election of President
Harrison, and died not long afterwards. Ch.:
1. Prudence, b. 8 Nov., 1T67; m. Valen-
tine ; <1. 3. July, ISau.
2. Chloe. b. 8 Aug., 1709: m. Smith ; lived
in Herkimer Co., N. Y.
3. Ebenezer. b. 4 Apt, ITil; ni- ,\nn.T Babcock,
•28 Apt. 1790; lived at Chatham. Columbia Co.. N.
Y.; d. h Apt, IS59; ch. were: A/ji/it»«. llalritl.
Sophia^ Williuvi. Xehoii, De^'ler, \\'iti(/irop, Ebtii-
ezer^ George M'.. Salty, and John. He wrote what
he could of the family history 3 yrs. before he d.
4. Ruth, b. 20 Apt, 1774.
5. Elizabeth, b. U Feb., 1776; ra. John Morris;
d. 25 Dec, 1814.
6. Arnold, b. B July. 17S0: was a seafarer; he m. Sal-
ly H unt of Chatham; had several ch. ; d. in Her-
kimer Co., N. Y., 12 Nov., 1851.
7. Lodemy. b. 9 July, 1770: m. Knapp.
Fam. 7. ^\ea2.er^ (Ebenezer,- John^), b. at Lyme, Conn., 29 Mch., 1745 (fam. bible);
res. Columbia Co., N. Y. He marched with the militia to Schenectady, arriving
the night after it was burned; this was all he did in the Revolution. Hem.
about 1766 Tryphena (dau. of John and Ruth Pratt) Beebe, b. at Kent, Conn.,
2 Nov., 1749. He d. at Canaan, N. Y.,. 5 Feb., 1819. His wife d. 5 Nov., 1839. Ch. :
1. Tryphena, b. 28 Feb.. 1768; m. Daniel Dar-
ro'w ; had ch. : Prudence, Eleazer, Nicholas,
Ruth, Ann, Daniel, James, Cady, Eveline, and
a. Zflpha. b. 28 Dec, 1770: m. Nathan Halsey; had
ch. : Emma, Eleazer Cudy, Polly, Elisha, Conielia,
Silas, Milton, and Daniel. She d. 30 Apt, 1S5S.
3. Daniel, b. 29 Apl., J77:i, an eminent lawyer and
jurist of New York. He m. 8 July, 1801, Margaret,
dau. of Col. .latiies and Elizabeth {Simiison)
Livingston.* He d. at Johnstown, N. Y.,
3lt)rt.. l.'Ciit, 'i'hcir children were:
1. Harriet, b. 9 Nov.. 1S02; d. 3 Mch.. 1810.
2. Trvphcua. b. II Sept., 1804; m. Dr. Edward
Bayard; d. IS9|.
3. Eleazer Livinsvton. b. 26 May. 1S06; d. 16
Aug., lt.a«.
4. Jas. Livingston, b. 14 Oct.. mi8: d.5Aug.,lS09.
.5. Harriet Eliza, b. 5 Oct., 1810; m. her cousin,
Daniel Cady Eaton, 27 Dec, 1830.
r,. Daniel, b. 24 .June. 1814; d- 27 Oct.. same year.
7. Elizabeth >imilh. b. 12 Nov., 181.5; ni. Henry
B. Stanton ; is the distinguished advocate
of ■• WciiuenV Rights. '"
H. Margaret cliimi. b. 9 Dec, 1817; m. Duncan
9. latbiiiiue Ibury, b 7 .Tan., 1820; m. Samuel
10. Eleazer Livingston, b. 28 Jan.. 1827; d. 24
Sept., 1829.
■1. Eleazer, b. 21 June, 1775; lived in Canaan, Colum-
bia Co., N. v.; ni. Lucy Backus, 29 Sept., 1799.
He d. 15 Apr., 18.5U. She d. :, Jaii . 181ti. Ch.:
1. Harry Bjickus, b. 28 Sept., IWMi.
2. Daniel Backus, b. 5 Aug., 1802.
3. .Margaret .Maria, b. 10 Jan., I.SU5.
4. Eliza, 1). 1 Mch . 180"; m. John W. Lovejoy.
5. Stipllia. b. 11 Oct., 1809.
li. Trvphena Beebe, b. 8.\pl.. 1816.
7. Lu'cv Jane. b. 17 Dec, 1822.
5. Rulh. b. SNov., 1777: m. Hezekiah Hulbert;
was living an agetl witman in 1855. Her children's
names were (It .Mvndres. (2) .\ddisou. i3i Sailv.
(J> Marielle. (5) I>olly, (li) Eleazer, (7i Edward, (81
Charlotte. (9) George, (10) Jane. Several of them
were living iu Gloversville. N. Y., in 1855.
6. Sally, b. 18 Feb., 17.85; m. Amos Eaton, the dis-
tinguished geologist. 16 Sept., 1803 (his 2d wife).
She d. N. Haven, 13 .July. 1816. Her children were:
1. Daniel Cadv, b. 17 June, 1804: m. his cousin.
Harriet Eliza Cady, 2i Dec, 1830. He was a
dry goods merchant in New Y'ork city. He died
in Paris, France, 10 June, 18.55. His widow is
living, ioved and respected, in 1892. Their two
children were llarrift. b. 4 ,\ug.'. is::^; m. 15 Oct.,
18.57, George Slu.irl Brown "f Baltimore, and
Daniel Vidlij. b. 10 June, 18:!7: in. 18 Dec, \m\.
.Mice. dau. of Ileiirv and .\ini {.U(iJiOri) Young
of N. Y. Tlu- son gi;i(luated at Yale Collegein
1860. and was from lsti9 to 1876 ]*rofessor of the
History of the Fine Arts at Yale College.
2. Aiiios Beebe, b. 12 May, 1.S06; graduated at
West Point in 1826. and served i|] the V. S. army
until his cleath at New Haven, 21 Feb., 1877. He
m. II) 21 .\pl., l.s:!l, Elizabeth (dau. of Calvin
and Phebe A'.'y* Selden, and widow of Joseph
Spencer. She was born at Lyme. Conn.. 18 .\pl.,
niKi, and d. at Washington, DC, 8 .May. 1868.
He m. (21 7 Sept., 1870, Mrs. Mary, dau. of Isaac
and Clarinda Jerome, and widow of Col. E.
Kirby Smith, t . S. .\. (ieneral Eaton was
for ten years at the Itead of the Subsistence De-
partment of the .\rmy, and was noted for the
tid'-liiy with which he p(;rformed every, duty.
His ( liildien were: (I) Ellen Dwight, b. li) Alch.,
18:«: (2) Daniel Cady, b. 12 Sept., 18;J4: m. 13
Feb., 11S66. Caroline (dau.. of Tredwell and jMary
Van lli/ii/d Ketcham of N. Y.; graduated
at Yale College in l,s.*)7. and since 18i>4 Professor
of Botany in .-anie College: is the writer of these
note?*: (3t"Fniuce.**S|)encer, b. 18 July, 18.36: m. 15
Oct., 1861. chas. .\twood White of N. Haven.
3. Tim'v Dwight, b. 16 Dec, 18ti7: d. 14 Nov.. ISSS.
4. Hezekiah llullJert. b 21 .Inly, ISOll. wa.s Profes-
sor of Chemistry in Transylvania I'niversily,
Kentucky; m. 1 Dec..l8;il. Miiry ,\. Harper of
Lexington, Ky., ami d. 16 .Vug.. 18:S.
5. Chas. Linna'iis, b. 19 .Mch., 1811: d. Sept., 1814.
F.\.M. 8. Elijah ' (Ebcnezer,'' John'), b. Coventry, Conn., 8 Mch., 1747; settled with his
bros. iu Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y. He was an ens. in the company of his brother,
Ebeuezer Cady; his wife was Sybil JackSOn; be was living in 1833, and drew a
pension from the U.S. Gov't. The compiler has no dates for the following children:
• Col. Livingston was (he ofliccr represented in Trumbairs '• Death of Gen. Montgomery,"
tlie dying form of that hero.
as supporting
1. Elijah, m. Woalllm Hamilton; live<l in I 4. Jonalhan, had sons in Western "N. Y.
Chattiani. N. v.. ami had h«-veral Lliildren. 5. l*riideiK-e. ni. Murray; d. in Wir*r»)nsin.
2. El)ent*Z(T Jaclison. ni. Lnc> Smith ; lived in ti. Sybil. ni. Murray, broiher of rrndence't*
Chatham; had i-hildreii.* | hiislmnd; d. in fonn.
3. Sylve>ter, m. I'olly Gregory ; lived in (_'hat- / 7. Susan, in. Northrop ; lived in Conn.
ham; had children'. j
Fam. 9. EUsha' (Ebeiuzei;- JoJiii^). Ebenezer Cady ^ wrote of liini; " Elislia Cady
married Ruth Waterman." At Half Moon, Saratoga Co., N.Y., are the grave-
stones of Elislia Cady, who died 24 Aug., 1821. aged 71 years, 7 mos., 16 da)'s, and
of Ktitli. wife of Elisha Cady, who died 15 Sept., 1840, aged 83 years, 5 mos., 1 day.
The New York archives show that he was an ensign in the 17th Albany Co. militia.
The names of his children are unknown.
[For Elias, .John, and David, sons of Ebenezer Cady and grandsons of Sergeant
John Cady, no more particulars are at hand to give. — D. C. E.]
CAHOON. SecCo/ioon.
CAMARON. Ml-. John, d. S.Tan.. 1813, in .54th year; " a native of Scotland."—
j:. U".
CAMPBELL, James, h:id :
1. Marv, b. 13 Feb., 1743. 5. Klizabeth. b. 26 Mch.. 17.51.
•i. William, b. 31 .Jan., 174o. , fi. .John, b. -i Nov., 1753.
3. Matthew, b. 7 ,Iau., 1747. 7. Rosauna. b. 14 June. 175.5.
4. James, b. 11 Jan., 1749. | 8. Joseph, b. 4 May, 175G.
Margaret (wid.), d. a\ 84; fu. 23 Feb., 1821.— i?. D.
CANADA (Kennedy), Timothy, s. of Elizabeth, bp. (20?) June, 1762.— jE. W.C.Ji.
CARPENTER, Noah (E. W.). liiul (U Ahn.r. h. 1.". .Tmh.. 17,'54: r2^ _V.Wi. b. 8
Sept., 1785.
David (E.W.), m, Martha Bronson, i:^ Apl.. 17sH; Imd i,l) //>n'/w, h. 6 Oct., 17sG;
(2) ./(/</, b. 28 Mch., 1789.
CARTER, Joshua, a first settler at Dorchester and W. (see p. 1-53. Vol. I.); d. 5
July, 1647. Children :
1. Joshua, bp. Meh., 1K)8: had, by father's Hill, on fboth d. accidentally, be-
his jnaiority, Itafl, the land in W., Si acres, 10 2. Elias. hp. 13 .Ane.. I(sl3. in;; Imnied to death in
rd. wHie, and ntller lots, which he sold same vear -; their father's ho. **SCay
to Sam. .Marshall. 3. Elisha, I 10, llWi, at llinht " ( ( W.
iTycc); see, also, i/w/.
[Doiv/ietler, 40.
As OW C'/i. lice, in 1677 credits Joshua with but 3 ch. "born here." there may have
been another Carter family in W.
Abigail, d. 23 Sept., 1640. Caleb, d. ir.n Henry's child <1. 1647 — OW C//.' 7?f<-.
Joshua, whom. Mary (clau. John) Skinner of \V.. 21 May. Ifiill. was s. of
Joshua of Deerlicld.
CARVER. Benjamin lA'. 11'. ('. /?.), had C/dm; bp. 2.-i Sept.. 1763; 3 ch. bp. 11
Del . 1772; < h. , d. 24 Sc])t., 1775.
CASE, John, m. Stu-iili (dau. William) Spencer of Hartford; ros. in W. until spring
of 1669, when he settled at Wealogue (Simsbury). His house in W. (prob. btiilt by
a former owner) was on cor. Mill highway antl Bloomlield ave; lot c.\t. on ave. abt.
33 rods and 14 on Mill road. His lot " whereon his house standeth " had not been
recorded before 1669. "It was first gn. to Beuj. Newberry, now Captain, ami
hath been possessed by several men before." He sold his house and lot ami shop
• Mansell's American Anctttry, Vol. II., p. 19, nays that he was horn 17T.I, in. T.iiry Smith. ISOO, and
d. 1844. One son was Norman t'ady, b. 18S1; m. Mary E. Bradley in 1S50.
to Niitli. Cook, 1089. His first wife d. 3 Nov., 1691, re. 55, and he m. (3) Elizabeth
(wid. of Nath'l) Loomis of W., and (prob.) dau, of John llooro of W. He was
the first constable appointed iu Simsbury, 14 Oct., 1()69, and represented the town
several times at General Court. He d. 31 Feb., 1703/4. His wife d. 23 July, 1728,
iP. 90. Children (* Old Ch. B(c) :
7. Bartholi>nie\v, 1>. Oct.. li;;0.
8. Josepti, I), ti .\[>I.. I(j74, of Simst)ury, wliose son.
Rev. Benajah <liv 1st wife, Ann, dau. James'
Eno, Jr., of W.l'grail. Y. C, nS3. — Dexler'n
An/Kii.': Yfi/e Cftllefje.
9. Sarah, b. 14 Aug. (Apl- O. C. JR.), 1676.*
10. AbigaU, b. 14 May, 1682.
[For full geneal. of this family, see Goodwin's Geneul. Notes.]
Benjamin, m. 10 Nov., 1743, Hannah (dau. Jacob and Hannah Loomis) Drake, b. 3
Jan., 1706. Clu :
1. KMzaliclli, b. alKiut 1C5,S.
arv. I). -W Juno. 1660.*
John, l>. r, Nov., 1602.*
4. William (Jameg^ ace. to CoK JRer,), b. 5 June.
166.5. «
3. Samuel, b. 1 June, 1667.*
6. Richard, b. 27 Apl., 1669.*
1. Zenas. bp. 5 .Tune, 1748; m. ^Marv Loomis, 2
Mch., 1769. Issue:
1. Morton, bp. 17 Sept., 1769.
2. Zenas, bp. 29 Sept., 1771.
3. Shadrach, bp. 5 Dec, 1773.
4. Polly, bp. 15 Sept., 1776; d. 1.5 Oct.. 17
5. Nathaniel, bp. 29 Apl., 1776.
Benonl, m. Anne
1. Agnes, b. 19 Jsin., 1776.
2. Benoni, b. 2S Mch., 1773. Fam. 2.
3. Amy, b. 3 Julv, 1783.
4. C'hloe. b. 28 Jiily, 1786.
5. Pamclia, b. 8 Feb.. 1788.
6. Harlow, b. 20 Sept., 1790.
7. Zopbav, b. 2*.; June, 1792; m. .Julia
who d. 24 Dec, 1814, se. 56; he d. 5 Feb., 1883, a;. 81 (Poq.N.).
Julia, who d. 20 Sejit.. 18.50, le. •X.—Pua. yew. (id.
8. Zardus, b. 18 Oct., 1794; d. 30 Sept., 18.30, ffi. 36.
9. Delsena. b, 19 May, 1797.
10. Freduf. b, 19 June, 1799; d. 24 Mav, 1836, 3e. 37;
m. Ruih Phelps, 14 Feb., 182S, x. .36. Isme :
1. Adelaide, who d. 26 Aug.. 1848, te. 17.
F.\M. 2. Benoni - (Benoni'), m. Chloe Barnard, 1 May, 1798. He d. 30 Jan.. 18.">4,
se. 76.— Po?. iV. Children :
1. Otis, b. 14 Nov., 1798.
2. Warren, b. 12 July, 1801; d. 2 May, 1851, ». 49.
Titus, Iiad (TT. Ch. Eec):
1. Rebecca, bp. 8 May. 1791.
■-'. Sarah, bp. 2 Feb., 1794.
3. Frederick, b. 4 Mch.. 18ft3.
4. Mary. b. 31 Mch., 1805; d. 6 Feb., 1841, se. 35.
3. Titns Vesper, bp. 13 Nov., 1796.
4. Francis, bp. 21 Oct., 1798.
Samuel, Jr. (Why. Ch. Rec). m. Violet Burr, 7 Apl., 1757. Ch. .
1. Violet, bp. 28 Jan.. ir.5!).
2. Eunice, bp. 16 Jan.. 1763.
3. Louis, bp. 1 Feb., 1767.
4. Peieiiah, bp. 4 Sept., 1768; prob. the P. who had
infant, d. 10 Apl., 179.5; child d. 16 Nov., 1801,
te. 1 year. — Wbi/. Ch. life.
5. Saniuel, bp. 23 Sept., 1770; d. 23 .\ug.. 1775.
6. Russell, bp. 13 June, 1773: prob. the R. who d. 27
Jan., 1802. middle-aged.— Why. Ch. Ilec.
Reuben, m. Ruth Goodrich, 9 July, 1747. Ruth, wife Dea. Rctiben (prob. sainc);
d. 23 J.-in., 1782, iu (i.")th year. Ch. ( Why. Ch. Rec.) :
21 Oct . 1779.— ir*j/. Ch. IlK.
6. Ruth. bp. 18 Nov., 1739.
7. Huldah. bp. 3 Oct., 1762.
8. Allin. bp. 20 Mav, 1764.
9. Lucv, bp. 4 Oct., 1767.
10. Anrie, bp. 25 Apl., 1771.
11. Susy, bp. 12 Mch.. 177.5.
12. Susanna, bp. 21 Sept., 1777.
1. Reuben, bp. 15 Mav, 174S. Faji. 3.
2. William Robe, bp.8 Apl., 1730; d. 30 Nov., 1828,
le. 78. K.lM. 4.
3. Ashbel, bp. 21 June, )7S2. Fam. 5.
4. K.lihn. bp. 3 Mch., 1754; m. Freelove Burr, t
>Iav, 1777: bad FiteJoce, bp. 19 Feb., 1781.—
II iy. (7i. Hfe.
5 Darius, bp. 17 July, 1757: m. Hcpzibah Foote,
Fam. 3. Reuben- {n<'». Kiiben'). Children (Wby. Ch.Jiee.):
1. , b],. 16 .Xpl.. 1780. 1 2. Lucy, bp. 25 Aug.. 1782.
F.vM. 4. William Robe" (Dea. Reuben'^), m. Hulda (dau. of Stephen and Grace)
Loomis, 3 Feb., 177.'), b. 12 Dec, 1756; d. 1 Jan., 1835. He d. 29 Nov., 1828.
Res. Why. Children (Wby. Ch. Ree.):
1. William, bp. 27 Aug.. 177.5; d. 9 Apl.. 1793.
2. Ilulila, bp. 2:1 Nov., 1777: d. 16 Aug.. 1800.
■;. .\biah. bp. 3 Oct., 1779; m, Orestes Bronson,
Ocl., 1804; she d. 20 June. I8:!6. (1833.
4. Horace, b. 4 .\pl.. bp. 23 Aug., 17,82: d. 27 Sept.,
5. Ruth, b. B July, bp. 29 Aug., 1784; U. 29 Oct.. 1823.
{Loomis Oenfal., it. OSO^ gires):
6. Asher, b. 12 Dec. 1786: m. fharloite Petti -
bone, 13 Nov., 1826. He d. 7 Sept.. 1838.
7. William (Rev.), b. Apl., 17!M. Fam. 6.
8. Chester, b.20SepI.. irtlii; il IVun.a Oct.. 18.57. unm.
F.KM. 5. Ashbel (Dea. Reuben). Ch. (Wby. Ch. Ree.):
1. thloe, bii. 17 Sept., 1773.
2. Ashl>el, bp. 21 June, 1778.
.3. Timothy, bp. 19 Feb.. 17K1.
4. , b|). 31 Aug., 1783.
Fam. G. William (TJcv.) ( William li.,- Dea. Reuben^), Coiig'l cler;;'m.; grad. Y. C.
1821; 111. rMne Stoughton of Blfd., 2 Dec, 1824, wlm il. 15 Aug., 1840, se. 43,
at W. He served at Chester, ("onii., awhile; afterwards at So. W., and was ass't
editor of a Htfd. relig. paper, lie d. Iltfd., 28 Apl , 1855; bu. at So. W. C/i. :
1. SainiK'l, m. 18 Jan.. IK.'iC. Frances J. Parker ; 2. Aiitoinetle, ni. Lord; pctt. Killintrworili.
of So. W. {tiau. Klislin H. rtiui I'harlottu \V.>; Conn.: now a wid.
rem. to W.: thence to Cbicago; rej*. Oak Park 3. Marv Aim: d. W. al»t. .SO.
iCIiicaRol, III.: hail (I)Mary, (J) Fannie, (.31 Kllen, 4. William; res. (1874) Htfil. — .Viv. SlileK .)W.
(II .Muria W., and (.')) a son' (twins), (B) Oluline S.
George, m. Rhoda Pierce, 19 Dec., ITTC, wlio d. 11 Apl., ITTit. ill 21) year. A Geo
(prob. this one) d. " mitldic aged," 5 May. 1793. Vhitdren (Why. C/i. liec.) :
1. , d. Fell., 177.S. a>. about r days. i sr. !S: ch. . d. inf. 24 ,Jnlv. ISn.
2. George, bp. (i Ang.. 1780. " 4. Khoda. bp. Sept., 17W.
3. Itobert; prob. the K. whosewifed. 28June, 1817, I 5. L.vdia, bp. 2:3 July. 1786.
Nathaniel, m. Miriam , who d. 24 Sept. (N. S.), 1702, a?, about 45; lie prob.
in. (2) Hannah , who d. 3 June, 1761, ;p. abt 22 yrs. ; he d. 5 June, 1753, iv.
perhaps 50 years. Ch. (Wly. Ch. Bee):
1. Nathaniel, bp. 18 Feb., 1738: perhaps the N. I Bif ^tl marriaqe-
who d. l.l Dec. 17K3, a', about 20. 3. Nathaniel, bp. I Feb.. l"lil : d. 13 Nov., 1762. .i
2. Silas, bp. 3 Aug., 1740. I 21 inos.
Benjamin, m. (1) Hann:di Drake, 10 Nov., 1743, who d. 9 July, 1760, «. tibout 52:
in. (2) Wid. Mary Loomis of Sims., 13 June, 1763. Ch. by 1st tcife ( Why. Ch. lire):
1. Zenas, bp. 5 June, 1748. F.\m. 2. | 3. Fobs, also ITannah. bp. 2 Jnne, 17C5: and
iid marriiiqe. Why. Cl>. Ii\ ' ■ — • -
<.>njainin, bp. 12 Oct., 17(J0.
(Huid iiiairinr/e. Why. Cli. Htc.) : 4. Rebecca, bp. :i(l Apl.. 17li!l.
2. Ben; ' '
Fam. 2. Zenas (Benjamin), in. Mary LoomiS, 2 Mch.. 1769. Ch. ( U'iy. Ch. Bee):
1. Morton, bp. 17 Sept., 17C9. j 4. I'ollv, b. l.'j Sept.. 1770: d. K Oct., 1778.
2 Zenas. bp. 2'.) Sept., 1771. 5. Nathaniel, bp. 29 Apl. 1776.
3 Sha.lrack. bp. .5 Dec. 1773. I 6. , son, d. 14 Oct., Kft"., «■. 17 yrs.
Joshua, Jr., had (Why. Ch. Bee.)
1. Oliver, bp. 2.! May. 1749: wife F.li/.abelh d. 13 j fi. Khoda. bp 29 Oct.. 17.W
7. I.vdia. bp. 11 .Ian., 17lil.
8. Salira, bp. 22 .\U!r.. 1702.
.lulv, 1772. :e. perhaps 2.'> vrs.
2. Klisha. bp. 7 0ct., 17."iO. ' 8. Salira, hp. s
3. Oeorf;c. bp. 9 Feb., 1752. 9. Koselta. bii. 19 Auff.. I7IM.
4. .Mary, bp. 20 Jan., 17.Vi. I in. Mabel, lip. 11 May. I'lKi.
5. Alexander, bp. 14 Nov., 175;: d. 12 May. 1703, | 11. Alexander, bp. 0 Mch., ITOa
se. about OJ years. 1
Darius, ni. Mary GiddenS, who was b. 1 Sejit., 1765; after his death she in Tims.
Shepard of Wby.. l). 1761. By Ow she had :
1. Darius. a. Clarissa. 3. Harriet. 4. Temperance. 5. Anson. 0. Laura. .-F. .V. >
Caleb, m. Christian Burr, 11 Apl., 1771; had (Wby. Ch. Bee.) :
1 Chrislian. bp 22 Mih.. 1772. I 8. , s. d. 13 Oct., 179li, !l>. 2 yrs.
■J Jiiunna, bp. 12 Jlch., 1773; d. 20 or 27 Scpt.,1775. |
James, had Hepzibah, bp. 6 Aug.. 1780.— Wby. Ch. Rx.
Jonah, had (.Wby.Ch. li.c.) .T>,„nh, bp. 30 Aug., 1741. [1SI5
Hezekiah, m. Susanii:i Adams, 25 Dec, 1805; had (^^'l<y. Ch. Bee.) eh. d. 17 June
Samuel (Dea.), d. 23 Sept., 1768. in 73d year; wife Eunice d. 1 Sept., 1775, in 72d
year. Children ( Wby. Ch. Bee.) :
1. Mary, d. 8 Sept., 1775, x. about 10 yrs. i 2. Perlec. d 9 Sept., 177."i. in Cth year.
Dmlhf ( Why. Ch. Bee )— Ammi, wid. of, d. 9 M;iy, 1773, le. 74 yrs. Anna (wid.), d.
28 Mch., 1811, se. 84. Benjamin, d. 21 Aug., 1818. Benjamin, d. l!i Feb.,
179s. in 88th yr. Joshua, d. 15 Feb., 1764. ;e. tibout 08. Joshua, d. 4 Aug.,
1778, le. !ibt. .50 yc;irs Hezekiah's wife d. 9 Oct., 1804. Lois (wid.). d. 10
Feb., 1799, x. 66. Mary (wid). d. 19 Sept., 1803, le. 78. Samuel, d. 27 Aug..
1775, a;, abt. 40 yrs. Gideon, Jr., d. 8 Oct.. 1786, le. 59.— /% A'. Julius, d
11 Nov., 1834, iB. 44. — y'.<v. A'. Nathaniel (irAv.),d. 6 June, 1753.— II'. /?.; his
wife d. 13 Sejit., 1752.-71'. ^fS.
Mdiriiirnn — Eunice, in. Elisha Laurence of Kensington, 13 May, IT.iO. — Wby. Ch.
liec. Newton, m. Laura Roberts, 26 Nov., 1812.— /?. ir C. n. Sarah, m.
Hez. Richards of W. JItfd., s May, 1755.— ^Vby. Ch. Bee. Gideon, m. Sarah
Alderman, 5 Dec, 1750. Orson, m. Mary Bebee of Harttord, 1 May, 1822.
y.V/-^.v/«.« — Richard's wife bad (E. W. C. R.) oh. lip. 5 Dec, 1779.
CASEY, Eunice (wife Patiick), d. 28 Feb., 1799, in 55th year.— £. 11'.
CHADDOCK, [//- liu-. ShadrichJ'sch. d. is Sept., 1764.- jE^. IK. C. R.
CHAFEE (Chafe), Hezekiah (Dr.), b. ]{ehoboth, Mass., 1731 (descended from
I'hoi/iiiis of Hingham. Mass., 1637 — a Cltuffa' Gmealoyy is in preparation by W. H.
Chaffee, P. O. Box 68, Kew York city); practiced and died in W., 4 Mch., 1819, a3.
88; m. Lydia (dau. Samuel) Griswold, w ho d. 1 Oct., 1801, ». 79. Ch. :
I. Hepzihah. b. 12 Aug.. 1758. she li. Aiil.. irOO, se. •Zj.— W. G.ijd.
•i. Marv. b. 3.').Iulv. KliO: ni. Capt. Jas. Hook- 5. John. b. 22 Feb.. 1707: iii. Marv (dau. Rev. David
er;'sbed. 7 0ct.. IMIS, a?. 8«.— IV. G.-yd. S.) Rowland, 1 Meh., 17!I3 ( W-'.a/?.): hed.l
3. Hezekiah. h. 21 Mch.. lT(i2. Fam, 2. Aiie.. 1S44. ;e. 77 ( U'.fi.-y/-/.); she d. 21 June, 1SJ4,
J. Esther, b. 24 .\pl., 1703; ui. Capi, McLean ; i iC. 74.— ir. O.-ijcf.
F.KM. 3. Hezekiah- (Dr. Hez.'), m. (1) Abigail Taicott, 25 Dec, 1814 (11'. C. R.);
(2) Charlotte . Ch. (hi/ M wife— TK. C. R.) :
1. Al)ii;ail Sheiwood, bp. 8 Jui.v. 1787. iB;/ 2i/ frife) :
2. Hezeliiah Itradlev. bp. 28 June, 1789. '-i. "Sanuiel (iriswold. bp. I.t .Jan.. 1792; m. Rebecca
Phelps, 13 Apl., 1815.— W. C. R.
Anson, m. Sarah M. Whipple, 19 Apl., 1827. — X B. Billings, m. Charlotte
Hoskins, 27 Aug., 1814. Rufus, ni. Lovicia Francis, 26 June, 1811.
CHALK, William, b. 4 Oct., 1755, in East Acton, Co. Middlese.x, Eng.; landed in
America, 4 Oct., 1776; is said to have held a commission in the EnglLsh army, pur-
chased by his father, but, on reaching this country, was unwilling to tight against
a people struggling for liberty; therefore be deserted and remained concealed until
the close of the war; came to E. W., where he d. (W. Pt.) 26 Mch., 1803, ie. 4»; he
m. in E. W. Dinah Ellsworth, b. 5 Dec, 1745, who d. E. W., 14 Apl., 1826, se.
81.— 5. i?. Ch.^h. E.W.):
1. William, b. a Mav, 1780; d. 25 Aug.. 1780. 4. Dinah, b. 15 Oct., 178B: m. James Darling of
2 Sarah, b. 9 Apl., 1781; d. 2U June, 1847; S.B.. E. \V., whose dau. Sarah m. 17 Oct.. 1842, LeRny
21 June. 184'.i. «>. BK. I A. (s. Cyrus, s. John) Bower of E. \V.
.3. William, b. 7 Julv. 1784; d. Feb., 1787.
CH ALKWELL, Edward, d. 17 Oct., 1648: known only by his will; est., £13, 7s.
M.; left no ch.; legatees were; Nicholas Sension, John Moses, Rev. Mr. "Warham,
Geo. Phelps, and the poor of the ch. of W.
CHAMBERLAIN, James iCapt.), of E. W.; was a son of Joseph C, who was
res. in Tolland, Conn.. 1737, and who was prob. a desc. of Thomas of Newton,
Mass., prob. son of William of Woburn, Jfass. (see Savage's JV'. E. Gen. Diet., I.).
Capt. James was b. 11 Feb., 1734, O. S., and 27 Jan., 1757, he m. at Coventry, Ct.,
Abigail (dau. Zachariah) Boynton and wid. of John Palmer, hy whom she had
4 ch. b. in C. They rem. from C. to Tolland abt. 1772, and to Warehouse Point,
E. \V., before 1787. He isde.siribed as " well-known to all people for miles around
and to boatmen from one end of the navigable portion of the Conn. Uiver to the
other. So candid and judicial was his mind, so acute and unbiased his reasoning
powers, so dignified and magisterial his appearance (six feet in his stockings and
weighing over 250 lbs. avoirdupois), that, for settling disputes, or awarding claims
for damages, etc., he was the umpire invariably selected, if possible; and his deci-
sions were accepted and acquiesced in by the parties at variance, with rare e.vcep-
tions, as conclusive, if not entirely satisfactory. Though of Puritan extraction,
the worthy captain, shortly after his arrival in E. W., became (from conviction of
the inherent defects of Congregationalism as a polity of Church government) a de-
vout and consistent Churchman, and with Gen. Jencks, Wm. C. Warner, and oth-
ers of like mind, organized the present Episcopal parish at Warehouse Point, and
was a devout and consistent Churchman until his death. Capt. Chamberlain com-
manded a company of cavalry one or two tours of duty during the liev. war; was
a rop. from Tolland in the Gen. Assembly in 1775. Children, (all b. Cotentiy, or
Tolland, Conn.) :
1. Jopcph,* b. 4 Nov.. ir.i7; tl 12 June, ir.M.* 6. Naomi, b. 1!) Nov., 171.!); rt. aii Apl.. 1807; m. E.
2. Marv. b. 7 AuR.. 1759: m. KH. ',) Sept., 1770. Kh- W., 1787. Jos. Ik. Capl. .MintT and Marian ttilrne*)
fuK (s. Benj. and Kachel) Cleveland ; shed. Hilliard, b. Toll. Co.. IS An:.'., 176.i; d. in Cole-
. Coventry. Conn.. l:i Nov.. 1S|>7; Ihey rem. with brook, N. II.. 'i! Nov., ISiO; she il. Canaan, Vt.,
Capt. Chamberlain from Kll. to E. W., 1783 or i 20 Apl , lS<i7. in flsth vr.; he was a i^addletree-mak-
"8:1. and res. there until spring: of 1787. when he I or; after comin;; to \\'. Pt. he buill. with his father-
rem. to Barkhamsted. Conn., where their 14 ch. in-law. a " coaster." and in it traded nierehandiso
were all b. (dese. Cltidaiid Oeii.. \i\. fa). to Charleston. S. C. hsiie :
3. Sally, h. 12 Au^., 17111; ni. Kll. 1782. Koswell (a. 1. Charles (Hilliardi, b. E. W. 20 July, 1788; d. in
Stepiieii and Deborah Skhiittr) Paine, nat. of \'t.. nitm'd; an expert hunter and trapiH-r.
\'ernon. Conn.; farmer; rem. 1.8t>2 to Amherst, 2. James (Hilliardi, b. E. \\ . 17 .\|)l.. li'Jli; d. 12
Mass.. and became the popular landlord of a ho- I Aug.. 1801. fi'om a scvthe wound m alahunen.
tel there; she d. Iladley, Mass., 2.i June, 18:j.j; ' .3. Banies, b. K. W. lOAuf;., 1798; d. ColehriKjk,
had 11 eh. b. A. (desc. Vleieluiid Gen., 187-1%!. N. II.. 9 Dec . 18(».
4. Joseph.* b. 17ta; d. 3 June. 17lilj. |Fam. 2. (And 4 others, h. Colebrook. N. H. For dese. of all
f). James iMaj.l, b. 2-1 July. 171i«; d. 22 Feb., 1814. these H. ch. see Ckolantl Out.. 300-2(13.)
Fam. 2. James' (Maj.) (Capt. Janm'), m. E. AV. 25 June, 1788, Annah Watkins
(dau. Elijah and Elizabeth Bassett) BabCOCk, nat. of Ashford, Conn.; was a mer-
chant associated with his father (James Chamberlain & Son) at W. Pt. ; ret. from
bus. and rem. to Canaan, Vt., where he engaged in buying and selling horses and
cattle; was ;i memb. of Vt. State Legislature for one or two terms, and rec'd from
the State commission as Maj. of Militia; he d. Amherst, Mass., 23 Feb., 1814; she
d. Portland, Me., 2 Oct., 1804. Ch. :
1. Abirtall. b. E. W..28 Nov., 1790; m.. Amherst. IS40; 7 children.
Mass., 23 Oct.. 1815. Rufus (s. Daniel and Mary 4 Elizabeth, h. E. W. 8 Feb., 1799: m.. Milo. N. Y .
K(t.-'tmiin) Kellog:g of A., where she d. 8 May. 14 .Inne. 1827. Francis ts. Hoswell and Lucy Cftrnj)
1K24; 4 ch. ' Stevens: she waslivin};(ls7SK'anlon,lll.:2eh.
2. James,!). E. W. 1792; d. 3 Jan.. 1794. 5. Harriet, b. I'orlland. Me., 3 Apl., 1804; m. John
3. William, h. E. W, 4 Dec , 17911: m. in Maryland, Dobson is. Thos. and Ann //««/i Dent, an Knc-
27 Oct.. 1824. Itarhel idau. .losh. and Sarah P//it- lishnian: she d. in Canada. Vt .\iig.. 18.34.
lilix) Ring; he d. I'l. Deposit. Md., 11 Mch.. (For desc. of these, see r/«l«(//ii/ «««.. lnti-1991.
Oliver, of E. W. Children (b. K W.—hp. E. W. C. R.):
1. Wvall. h. 2rt Dec, 17(13: bp. 1 .Jan., 17(i4. , 6. Alva, b. 14 bp. 24 Feb.. 1771.
2. Dliver. b. 111. bp. 28 July, 17115. 7. Chauncey, bp. 27 Dec, 1772.
3. Sarah, b. 19. hp. 21 Dec., 17(i«. j 8. , bp. 15 Jan., 177.^
4. , bp. 17 Apl.. 17118. 1 9. . bp. 22 June — 28 Sept.. 1777.
5. Levi, b. 12, bp. 24 Oct., 17119. I 10. . bp. 2ii Dec, 1779.
I (also had ch. d. 22 Jan., 17(19.
George, m. .lane Allen, 30 Dec, 1.838.— .S. B.
CHAMPION, Reuben ■ (Capt.), of E. W. (5th from 77«w..' younger s. of //.;in/'
cif Sayhrook, and) s. of Israel and Mehitablc (Fiilkr) Champion, was b. E. Haddam.
1757 or '59; d. A. II. at E. W., 26 Apl., 1838; m. 12 Nov., 1782, Khoda 11. (dau.
Dr. Gibbons and Hannah Ayres) Jewett, b. Wellington, a parish of E. Had., 12
Apl., 1764; had (b. E. W .) lieiikn, b. 18 May, 1797 (Fnincis B. Troirbridije. wli..
sjiys, " my rcc. that Capt. Reuben of E. W. was in depths of poverty until relieved
by bis nephew Reuben (s. of his bro. Andrew iif E. lladihimi would imply tli;it Ids
s. Reuben, b. 1797, died young ").
CHAMPLIN, Asa W., m. L..ra Jenks, 31 .\ug., 1825.— .s. ;i.
CHANDLER, Isaac, m. Anna (dtiu. C.ipl, Reuben and Ann Moon) Loomis, 3
Oct., 1771; bed. 16 June, 1791, x. 48. — ir. C. II. Child (W. C. It.) | Items ,ii(1iis.m1
in brackets from hitniiis Gcncal., ii. 709|:
1. Isaac, b. 19, bp. 25 Apl., 1773. Fam. 2
Fam. 2. Isaac' (Isaac^) [m. Mary Wilson, 3 Oct., 17%, he d. 12 Oct., 1831]; res.
Windsor, Conn. Children {W. C. H.) :
' IMh of these Josephs were accidentally drow ntxi (in a lame kettle used by the family) belw. age« ■ ■
U and 3 years; they arc buried side by side in the old cemetery at T., with a double headstouo over Ihc g^«^ ■
1. Roffev* IMonri-, b. ri May); bp. SI Si-pt., KOr;
m. Haiiimh Rood, Dec. 14, 182ti; ri'iii. to Luii-
low. Mafis.
2. f , inf., b. •M.Jime, 1799].
3. Marv Ann (li. 28 June] ; bp. 39 -June, 1800; (1. 11
Dec," ism. W.
4. Edward* fb. ar.Jiinol; bp. 19 Sept., 1803; fiu.
Julia Hayden, Mav 4, 18;W; rem. Sharon, O.,
where be li. 7 Awj.. IKIill.
5. Matthew .Vllen* [b. 24 .July]; bp. C Oct., 1804;
[m. .Vlmir.'i Morse, 5 Oct., 1837; Sharon, O.
(i. [Louisa, h. 13 Oct., 180S); bp. 7 June, 1807; um'd.
Great Fall,*, N. H.]
7. Avres Lueindii [b. 2 Dec., 1808); bp. 16 July, 1809;
(in. (iad Sheldon, U Apl., 1831; nlie d. 25 Dec,
1802; West Suffield, Conn.l
8. Isaac (('.apt.) (b. 32 Sept., 1811]; bp. 28.1une, 1812;
|m. Elizabeth D. Furber, 2(i Nov., 18.37; Som-
erswortU, N. II. 1
John, hiid (IF. C. li.) Lois, bp. 29 Nov., 1795; Luther, bp. 20 May, 1798.
Bilhah, m. Lebbeus Fay of Tliompson, Conn., 2.5 Nov., 1798.— W. G. li.
Aretas' {Moses,^ Sanhornr' of Moultonboro, N. II., Moxes* of Lancaster, Mass., Wm.^
of Andover, Ma.ss., Thos." of A., William ' and Arinis of Roxbufv, Mass., lG;i7), b. 4
June, 1784; d. 5 June, 1841; m. Feb., 1804, Rebecca Bradbury of Franlilin, N.
H., b. 7 Aug., 1784. Children:
1. Huldah B., b. 9 Apl.,1806. I 4. Chas. M., 1). 1 Feb., 1812; d. 30 June 184(i. Fam. 2.
2. Moses, b. 9 Jan.. 180S. .5. .\retas, b. 15 May, 1814.
3. Dexcer, b. 21 Mch., 1810; d. 12 Mch.. 1811. I 6. Mary Jane, b. 22 June, 18
F.vir. 3. Charles M. (Ardax and Rebecca) of Franklin, N. H.; m. . ary Vibert of
East Htfd., 4 Oct., 1837. Children (Ij. E. IL):
1. Leonidas Dimock, b. 14 Oct., 1838. Fasi. 3. I 3. Harriet, b. 14 ,\ug., 1842; m. 39 Oct., 1882, Chas.
2. Mary R., b. 17 Apl., 1840; d. 27 Sept., 1841. | N. Pelton of So. W. See Petton.
F.\M. 3. Leonidas D. (Chas. M.. Aretas), m. 11 Oct., 1870, Celia M. (dau. Benoni O.
and Lucina) King of So. W.; farmer. Ch.: (1) Grace King, b. 31 Aug., 1871; (2)
CharksVibert, b. 10 Dec, 1873; (3) IiVeddie L., b. 9 Nov., 1876.— J^. M. S.— B. T. S.
Charles (s. Thomas G.). b. 20 Jan., 1845, in Pomfret (Conn.?); m. 12 Oct., 1881, Eu-
nice J. (dau. Benj.) Wells) : is a fanner in Soutli Windsor. — R. T. S.
Samuel (Lieut.), 3d ch. of Neliemiali and Mary (15tirrouglis) Cliandler, b. Euf. 11 Oct.,^
1737; m. Margaret, dau. James and Janet Scott Thompson of E. W.; abt. 1767
moved fr. Enf. to Alstead, N. H., wh. he tooli up 360 acres of Id.; was an Episco-
palian, prominent in ch. and town affairs; d. A,, 26 Jan., 1784, in 47th yr. ; wid. d.
A., 9 Mch., 1793, is. 55 yrs. Ch. :
1. .Jonathan, b. Enf.. Conn., 10 Feb., 1763; m. II thaniel Vilas of Alstead; re.s. Oodensburg, N.Y.
Oct., 1784. 1'ollv Marvin of Surrey, N.H.; res. . 5. Samuel, b. Alstead. 25 .\ug.. 1769: d, 6 Oct., 1786.
Reading. Vt., d. in Alsam, N. Y. 6. James. Ii. Alstead, Zi Apl., 1771: m. 29 Sept., 179B,
2. .lohn, b. Knf.,24 Nov., 1764; m. (1) 2 .Ian., 1787, Abigail Vilas of Alstead.
Sally Brown ; (2i Eleanor Huntley ; res. 7. Margaret, b, l(i Apl., 1773: d. 3 June, 1777.
and d. in .\lstead. 8. Xebemiab. b. 9 Nov.. 177H: m. at Hancock, N.H.,
3. Elizabeth, b. Enf., 1766; m. Ezra Wait of Al- 31 May, 1803. Abigail Dustin: res. Winhall, Vt.
stead; res. Favstou, Vt. I had 11 children.
4. Mary, b. Enf., 1 Sept., 1767; m. 20 Apl., 1789. Na-
CHAPIN, Daniel," (»-'^''n«'/"'n,''*- I'^Jl; Jonathan,")). IGSS; Japltct,'' b. 16/,2; Dea.
Samuel of SiiHnfjJield*), b. 1755; d. 13(15 — S'. /,'.) Pec.. 1808, ne. rA(E. W. 0.); m.
28 Apl., 1783, Eunice (dau. Cajit. Jonathan) Bartlett, by wife Hannah (wid. of
John BIssell and dau. Ebenczer) WatSOn, .-ilie li. IS May, 1749; d. 14 .Vpl., 1822,
te. 73.— .N'. B. They had (1) Eunice, who m. Gorham Fuller of E. W. ; (2) Huldah,
who d. 22 Nov., 1803, in her;;i8th year (E. W. 0.), and (3) the Dmiiel given below.
Daniel ' (s. of Daniel,'^ h. 175.5; Jonathan,'^ b. 1711; Jonathan,^ b. IGSS; Japhet,° b. 1643;
liva. Samuel of Springfield, J/<m».), b. 23 July, 1791; d. 17 Sept., 1878; m. (1) Flavia
Barber, 18 Jan., 1815; d. 5 Sept., 1827, ». 30 (.S. B.); m. (2) Wid. Achsah
Strong (maiden name Fuller) of Monson, Mass. Ch. (by Ut loife) :
* Samuel is supposed to have been a Huguenot. The name was honorable in France as far back as the
10th century, when a Frenchman won a coat of arms and the novbriqiitt of " Capinatus " from a cut on his
head, received in battle. The cap itself, with a cut in it, and the sword lying across it, became the coat of
arms of the C. family, and this heraldic device survives in the .\merican branch. It is supposed that Samuel's
father lied tirst to Holland: whence, after marrying Cicely, a French maiden, he rem. to Dartmouth, Eng.;
and emig. to Roxhury, N. E., where, with several children, he settled about 1635; and finally, 1613, or a little
later, rem. to Springfielii, .Mass., where he became a deacon in the S. Church. His sons. Henry, the Select-
man, and Japhet became interested in what is now Chicopee, at the lower end of which street H. built a
house, while Japhet built at the upper end. II. had Bve ch., J. ten; of these eight were boys, 'and those eight
boys begat eighty-seven cliildren. — Mason A. Green's llisl. of Spvingfleld, 175.
Vol. II.— 19
{This lim furnhhed hy E. S. Ikath of Melrose. Conn.']
1. Jonathan Bartletl.b. 28 Nov.. 1815; 111. Matilda \ gett, 15 Apl., I&16. See Blodgetl.
M. Criswold, 2'J Aug., 1839; he d. 15 Feb., 1889. («;/ .'d mnrringe) ■
2. Huldali. I). 4 Meh.. 1818; m. Wm. U.Thomp- I 6. Flavia Maria, b. 2.'iA|il.. 1830; m. (II (ieo. Met-
son, 2B Jan., 18.36. calf , 19 Sept.. 1818. who d. U Mav. imM; she m.
3. Fredemk Wolcott, b. 7 Oct., 1819, bp. 26 Mch., 18 Sept.. 1805. Lewis E. Morley.
1830 («. B.); d. 18 Oct., 1827. i 7. Harriet Sophia, b. 5 Feb., 1832; m. 8 Aug., 1850,
4. . ch.,d. 13Mch., 1822, ffi. 2hr8.-S..B. Elisha S. Heath.
5. Laura Ann, b. 20 Nov., 1824; ni. Alva R. Blod- ' 8. Daniel, b. 6 Feb., 1834. Fah. 2.
Fam. 2. Daniel ' {Dun.,* Dfin.,' Jona.* Jonn.,^ Japhet,'' Sam.'), m. (1) Harriet Celestia
Barber, 27 Dec, 18.1.5, who d. r, Apl., 1858, x. 22 {E. W. 0.); m. (2) 19 Jan., 1859,
JIary Elizabeth (daii. .James Leander and Mary Terry Allfn) Shepard, 1). South-
bridge, JIass., 14 June, 1840; res. E. W. Ch. (bij Ut wife):
1. Harriet Oele.«tia, b. 6 Aiis, \Sa6.
2. Arthur Eugene, b. 5 Nov., 1857; d. 28 May, 1875.
(.By sa wire) :
3. Mary .jane, b. at Wethcrsfleld, 14 Apl., 1885.
(One ace. savs 10 Apl., 1861.)
4. Daniel, h. Vernon. Conn.. 7 Mav, 18t!0; d. 21
Feb.. 1S07.
5. Albert Shepard. b. E. W., 30 Mib., 18<i7.
e. Ralph Wiliard. b. E. \V...30 Jan.. 18(i9; d. E. W.,
7 Fel)., 1869.— /'"/■«. (-y E. H. lleuth, .Veiiose.Conn.
Nathaniel" (Rev.), b. 4 Jan., 1763, at Enf. (.s. of Sailil^ of Enf., b. 1738;* s. Nath'l*
of Euf.,b. 1711; s. of T/wiims,^ h. 1671; s. of Japhet,'' h. 1642; s. of Dea. Samuel
of Springfield), m.at W. 18 Mch., 1786, Lovisa (dau. Thos. and Sybil Foster) Sex-
ton of W., b. 21 Nov., 1761; bp. at W. 22 Nov., 1761. Rev. Nathaniel for twelve
years had charge of the Cong. Ch. in Union, Conn.; became a Methodist minister.
She d. W. Ft., 3 Sept., 18.50. He d. 14 Jan., 1849. Cli.:
I This line furnished bij Miss M. Jl. llolkins of W. PI.]
1. llenry. d. inf.
2. Lovisa, nniii'd.
3. llenry, b. 1.^) .Meh., 1790. Fam. 2.
4. Charlotte, b. 29 Oct., 1792; in. Samuel Corben
of Union. Conn.; she d. 17 Feb.. ISO".
5. Nathaniel, m. Olive Vanhorn ; d. Peoria, III.,
21 Meh., 1S71.
C. Svbil, 1). 25 Apl., 1797; m. Levi Moody of
Broad Brook. E. \V.; she d. 2 Dee.. 1S57; he il. 8
Oct.. 1889; had Charles Chapin (MoihIv). b. E. W.
7. Charles, b. 5 Sept.. 1799; d. 25 Sept.. 1802.
8. Miranda, b. 4 Aug., ISOl; d. W. Pt., 30 June. 1880.
9. Eliza.
10. Charles, b. 10 Feb., 1806; d. Sp'gf'd, 14 Mch., 1882.
Fam. 2. Henry '' (Ret. Kath'l*), for many years owned the ferry property at Ware-
house Point, and his recollections covered the time when salmon so abounded that
•whoever purchased shad must take away as many pounds of salmon: one pound of
salmon to each shad. While a resident of Union, in 1812, he became a noncoinmis-
sioned officer in a company which served for two years as Minute Men. In June,
1816, he made a trip with a friend in a wagon from Union, Conn., to New York
State. Beyond Madison. 22d, they were caught in a snow storm, and when they
reached Greenbush. N.V., found the Hudson River too deep to attempt a crossing.
A horse ferry-boat was at tlie time being built for the Albany ferry. He in. ;il Enf.
2 Mch., 1820, Elizabeth (dau. David, and gd.dau. David, a Rev. officer) Wilson
of Longmeadow, Mass., b. 18 Oct., 1799. He d. 8 Aug., 1885; shed. 18 Aug.,
1869, both at Jlonson. Children (A. Tr. Pt.):
1. Elizabeth Wilson, b. 30 Jan., 1821 ; m. 25 Dee., of E. Oranbv; has (n) Paul (Alderman), b. E. U.
IMi, Barton M. Douelas of Suflield. Mr. B. d. ic. 3 inos.; (b) Ethel (.\lderinan). b. Brainard,
M. D.d. W. I.. 1886; Tuin. res. there 1S90; issue: Minn.; d. le. 15 mos.; (i-i Barton March (.\lder-
1. Simon Barton (Douglast, i). S. 22 Nov., 1.H14. man), b. June. 1886; ('/l Ruth (.-Vldermau), b.
2. Ilenrv Chiipiu (Douglas), b. S. 4 Sept.. 1840. 18.88; d. a:. 3 weeks.
3. Svbil' (Douglas), b. S. 5, d. 19 .June. 1S4S. 2. I/)visa Sexton, b. 21 .\ug., 1824; res. M<mson.Mass.
4. Kllen(l)onglas). b. 2fl.\pl.,18.'iO;d.4Dec.,18S4. 3. Ilenrv .\ngustus, b. 29 Aug.. 1K26. Fam. 3.
5. Frederick \V. (Douglas), b. S. 5 Feb., 1.S53; ! 4. Ellen Maria, b. 18 Oct., 1828; d. Spriuglleld. 12
m. 5 Feb., 188.3. Martha Parish of Norwich. , Oct., 1840.
Conn.; have (O) Frcierick. b. Dec, 1SS3; d. I 5. Liicv .Vinella, b. 23 Oct, 1830; m. Chas. W. Rice
Apl.. 1884; {/>) Ellen Miranda, b. 1 .\ng.. 1885; i of SpringHcId.
(c) Fre<lerick, b. Sept., 1887; (d) C!eo. Orville, i 6. Alice, b. 4 Dec.. 1832; d. same dav.
b. Apl.. 1889 I 7. Miranda Louise, b. 9. \|)1..18:«; res. Monson. Mass.
6. John Breed (Douglas), I twins, b. 30 Jnlv, 1858. 8. Susan Caroline, b. 5 July, 1839; m. Chas. Moul-
7. James B. (Douglas), f James B. d. inf. 1 ton of Springfield; res* Dakota-
John m. Feb., 1831, Ellen Sophia Alderman I
Fam. 3. Henry Augustus' {llenn/.- Ser. Xalh'l,* Xathl,^ Xath'l.* Thou.,' Japhet.^
Dea. .SJkw.' ), m. 21 Nov., 18.50, Sarah Eliza (dau. Isaac) Stevens, b. 13 Oct., 1830,
Springfield, JIass. ('A..-
1. Elizalieth Maria, b. 17 Julv. 1751.
2. William Ilenrv. b. 21! June. 1856; ni. 24 .Tunc,
1886, Charlotte Scott, b. Toledo, O., 16 Jan.,
1862. Jmte :
1. Maria Scott, b. Sni-ingllcld. Mass.. 17 Apl.. 18S7
3. Euiiiia Stevens, b. 13 Oct , 185S.
4. Ellen OIncv, b. 20 Dec, 18tM.
• Nathaniel, b. 1738, was Ens. 2d Co. Col. .Sage's Rcgt, Wadsworth's Brig.,
Eliphalet, of E. W.; m. (1) Mary Darling, 25 Nov., 1773, who d. 34 (E. W. C. R.
says -i) Sept., 1776, in 23d yr. {E. W. 0.); (2) Anna Reed of Canterbury, Conn., 18
Jilne, 1778. C/i. (hp. E. W. C. R.):
1. Sophia, 1). ir AufT., 1776. 5. Betsey, bp. 23 May, 1784; d. 9 Apl., 1787.— £". ir.O.
■i. Wright, b. 2t> Jlch.. 1779; {E. W. C. It. sav hp. (I. BetseV, hp. 5 Oct.. 1788.
28 Feb.) 7. Sophfa. bp. 20 June, 1779; poss. the S. who d. {E.
I;— :;bp.aiOct.,1781. m C. 7?.) 1883.
Aaron (E. W.), m. Mary (dau. Zebulon and Kezia Loomis) King, 11 Sept., 1777; had
(1) Laertes, b. 22 Aug., 1778; bp. 23d ace. to E. W. C. R.
Joseph, b. 23 June, 1718; m. Jane Allen (dau. Henry) Wolcott, who was b. 16
Aug., 1710, and d. 3 Feb., 1788, in 77th yr. (E. W. 0.); he d. 6 May, 1803; was a
noted gunsmith and mechanic; res. at Longmeadow, Mass.; then settled in Ketch
Mills (E. W.); afterwards rem. to Vt., where he d. Ch. {first 5 b. at Longmeadow):
Stiles of E. W., and became the mat. g'dmother
of H. R. Stiles, the author of this work; she d. 21
Apl.. 18.S1.
6. .Josei>h, b. 28 Oct.. 1759; worked at his father's
trade and blacksmithing.
7. Thankful, h. 3 .Tulv. ITHl: d. 30 Oct., 1761.
8. Abigail, b. 9 Mch., 1763; m. (1) ; (S) James
Clark of E. W.
1. Jane, b. 27 Aug., 1748; d. 23 Julj-. 1769.
2. Solomon, b. 19 Aug.. 1749; d. 21 .July, 1813, at
Sodu!', X. Y. : had a large family.
.3. Irene, b. 11 Mch., 1752; m. (1) : (2) a Smith
of ,\mherst. Mass.
4. Gideon, b. 16 Apl., 1754; worked at his father's
trade and blacksmithing; m. a dau. of Rev. Thos.
Potwine of E. w.
5. Tryphena, b. 29 May, 1756; m. Captain Asahel
yiarriiiges — Chester, m. Mary Ely, June. 181.5. — TI'. C R. Dan Terry, m. Mar-
ion Ladd, 31 Oct., 1832.— .«.'. B. Gideon, m. Zeruiah Wells, 1 Jan., 1815.—
■S. y.'. John,ra. Sarah Fenton, 26 Nov., 1833.— 5. i?. Henry, m. Melissa
Loomis, 25 Jan., 1827. Nathaniel iVI.,m. Maria A. Shepard, 7 Kov., 1836.
— S. B. Peter, m. Clarissa M. Booth, 22 Oct., 1828.— .'^. B. Sylvester, m.
Lucy Newberry, 2 Dec, 1837. — -S.i?. [1767.
Birth — Alice (dau. Hannah Bartlett) a.nA reputed dau. of Eliplialet Chapin, b. '30 Mch.,
Deaths— mr., d. 4 Aug., 1845, £b. 21.— & B. Mr., d. 15 Jan., 1849, te. 83.-5. B.
Mr., the wife of, d. 31 Jan., 1850, ;e. 5\.— S.B. Mrs., d. 4 Sept., 18.50, se 88.— S.B.
Baptism , child of, b. 19 Nov., 1780. —£•. W. C. R.
e. Hannah, h. 3 May. 1671.
7. Margaret, b 7 Mch.. 1672.
8. Sarah, b. 24 May, 1675.
CHAPMAN, Edward, m. Elizabeth Fox (niece of Dea. Henry Clark of W.) in
Eng, (Old I'll. Ric): was made freemau in 1667; died, Dec. 19, of wounds received
in the attack on the Xarragansett Fort, known as the Swamp Fight, 1675; invent,
dated Feb., 1675/6, is £184, 10«.: dlv. £61 to the wid.; to son Henry, £30; Simon,
£18, and £15 each to five daus. Wid. had her ch. bp. after the father's death.
She m. (3) Samuel Crow, 1677. Chapman res. on the Huit pi. in Pal. given to
his wife by her uncle, Henry Clark. She adm. to W. ch. 28 Apl., 167 [prob. 1677]
(0. C.R.). Ch. {O.C.R.) which says " Elizabeth Chapman had 7 ch. bp. 37, '77 ":
1. Henry, b. 4 July, 1663. Fam. 2. l Dec, 1684. -- Col. Rn:
2. Mary", b. 2;3 Aug., 16M; d. 30 June. 1665. — Col. 1 5. Simon, b. 30 Apl., 1669. Fam. 3.
Bfr.'iO. C. /?.!. ■"
3. Mary, b. 27 Oct., 1665.
4. Elizabeth, b. 15 Jan.. 1667; prob. the E. of W.
who m. Joseph Strickland of Hartford, 11
Fam. 2. Henry- (Edirann), m. Hannah Grant, 11 May, 1693; he d. 23 Dec, 1713.
Children :
1. Mary, h. 15 Feb., 1692/3. 1 3. Hannali, b. 2 Mch.. 1699.
2. Edward, b. 8 Apt. 1695: (prob. the E. who d. 4. Betty, b. 12 Apl., 1702.
21 May, 1721.— A'. If. C. «.). I 5. Sarah, b. 10 Noy., 1700.
Fam. 3. Simon M^E^'"""'''''). d. 12 Oct., 1749, a;. 79. Sarah, wife of Simon, d. 21
May, 1735, x. 60. Children {b. IV'.).'
1. Samuel (Capl.). b. 2 Mch., 1695/6. Fam. 4. | 2. Simon, b. 14 Nov., 1700. Fam. 5.
F.\M 4 Samuel ' (Capt.) (Simon,- Edirard^), m. 8 Aug., 1717, Hannah (dau. Lieut.
Heturni Strong; was a farmer in W., and, after 1726, at Tolland, Conn.: was
('apt. t)i the Htli Conn. Co. at Siege of Louisburg. 1745/6; was subsequently killed
in the French War; in T. was a large landholder and J. P., and socially next to
the minister. His ho. was abt. half a mile E. of that of Sidney Stanley, and stand-
ing in good repair in 1859. Ch. (b. in W. before 1626 — all prominent in Toll.) :
1. liciibeii, h. 9 Dcr., iriH; d. 3 .Tun.. ITIN 1(1. <-li-itc(l to the (iL-iiornl .Xsscinbly nt 45 annual elcc-
2. Sarah, I). 2.i Mav, 17*1. liotw. and if rcrcirck'ii a« |)re!*m at 16 special
3. Samuel, h. SOc't.. ITS.'i: il. vj;. sc?.-ii)UB: was a .1. I", for ili years, continuing in
4. EiijalMlIou.), I). al)t. n2ti. " otllce until above 77 years of ajie; retained com-
5. Sanuu'l ICol.), b. abt. 1729 ; rec. as ''s. of Sam- mand of his reg. utitil aliove 70, the business on
uel of Htfd."; res. in the homestead above re- lield days heinfi performed by an adjutant. He
ferred to uulil his death; he was fapl. of .Mil. w-ils a remarkable nian, in hardihood as if made of
in 175S; and before and during the Kev, War iron. In the army he not only endured but seemed
was a leader in the patriotic town of Tolland; to thrive u|>on fooil which the soldier ordinarily
wasCol.of the ^"Jd Conn. .Mil, and as such made loatheil. in the coldest weather lie never used
several campai;:ns; was at N. Y.. in 177(i, with jjtloves or mittens, and walked outdoors barefoot in
his entire regiment, diminished, however, by the March, when above Hll years old. .\ neighbor who
many previous enlistments. On the evaciu'ition for twenty-eight years res. near him never heard
of that city his conduct was deemed peculiarly him laugh, and he seldom smiled — Sidney Slantfy.
honorable' by those who witnessed il. He was C. Ruth, I), i:! 0<!t.. 17:1.3. at T.
the wealthiest man in T.. and the leading busi- 7. Simon, b. 28 Dec, 17;Jti.
ness man. He also owned several slaves; was K. Margaret, b. .5 May, 1739.
Fam. 5. Simon" (Simoit,^ Kdminl'), m. (1) M;irv Allyn, T Jan., 1724, who d. 3
Sept., 1729, 88. 28; m. (2) Sik-iicr Winchel, '-'o Hec, 17H0. He d. 22 Apl., 1737,
m. 36. Prob. also he m. (3) .Mf.s. Elizabeth Lothrop of Toll., 2 Dec, 173G. C/i.:
1. Simon, b. 29 Dec., 1726, who d. 3 .Jan.. 1730/7.
Henry, m. iMary Dibble, both of W., 24 Ma}-, 1744. C/i. :
1 . Klizabeth, b. 2A. bp. 30 ( W. C. II.) Sept., 1744. I 3. Hamiah, b. 21, bp. 23 ( I)', f. ll.\ .Mch., WA.
i. .Mary, h. 5 May. 174S. 1
Taylor, m. Ann Ellsworth, 1 Xov., 17.VJ; she tl. 1 .Ian.. 17114. Ch. :
1. Taylor, b. %; Apl.. 1764. I 3. Edward, b. 6 Apl.. 1702.
2. Frederick iHcv.i. b. 3 Sept.. ITtiO; m. Lucy ' 4. . dau.. b. 5. d. 30 Nov., 17U5.
Marshall, 27 Nov., 1800.
Edwin' (Ber. Fi'ederick." I'di/lm-'), m. Abigail (dtiu. Lciiuiel and Esther BurnJiam)
Drake, 29 Apl., 1824; fanner; res. on old road opp. road to Bissell's Ferry. Cli.:
Edwin Drake, li. 2 .luly. 1S21; m. Phalla Grif-
fin, abt. IS.**!; res. .Monroe. .Mich.
2. Frederick Lemuel, b. 11 Apl., 18211.
3. Ann Matilda, b. «H Nov., 1X27.
4. George Henry, b. 27 Mch.. IfCiO.
6. .lames Francis, b. 3 Mav, 1H32.
(Family rem. to Ashtabula Co., O., abt. 1830.)— r.Z*.
Wid. Mary, d. 9 Apl., 1792, a;. lo.— Wby. Ch. hW.
Asahei, of Glastonbury; m. Eunice A. House, 6 Aug., 1829.
John, ni. Lydia Holkins, 11 June, 1827.— .s^ C Julius D., m. Mary Ann
Strickland, l'> Jime, l.s42.— ,s'. /?. John B., I.ydia, wife of, d. 4 Sept., 1839,
a> :ts _.s. />'. Lucas B., in. Olivia C. Wilson ibotli of W. L.), 4 Dec., 1849.
Sarah (duu. C'apt. and wife Giles Sliinncr), bp. 2 Aug., 179."). Taylor, in. Ko.\-
aua Drake, 28 Nov., 1791. -ir. C. 1{. Albert, d. 29 July, 1848, x. 18. Daniel,
d. 10 Feb., 18.52. ae. 3.5. , in. Whitney, 26 Sept., 1805.— ^•. II. Ed-
ward, d. 21 May. 1724.— K W. C. R.
CHAPMAN, John Buckley « (Col.), b. at Tollaud, Conn., 12 May, 1799. s. of .Uh-
bel^ (s. Elijah " and Kuth Steels (Capt. Snm'i,^ .Siinon,^ Edward') at W., 16«0) and
Lydia (dau. of Epaphras and Lucy Buckley, and granddati. Rev. John Buckley of
Colchester, Conn.) Lord ; m. (1) 11 June, 1827, Lydia Holkins "f W. Pt , who
was b. 9 June, 1SII9. and d. 3 Sept., 1839, at W. Pt.; (2) 8 Sept., 1840, Lydia (dau.
Dr. Elihu) Dwight of So. lladley. who d. 29 Aug., 1843, W.Pt.; (3) 15 Feb., 1843,
Lydia Aurelia (dau. Oliver and Abby V/iumkrlniii) Lord of Tolland, Conn., b.
Coventry, Conn., 2 Mch., 1820; res. (1890) Hempstead, L. L Mr. Chapman d. at
sea, on journey to California, 10 Dec. 1849. Vhihlren {by 1st wife, b. W. Pt.):
1. Albert Bucklev. b. 27 Oct.. 1830; d. 29 .Iiilv,
IMS, at \V. I>t. "
2. Frcilerick Augustus, b. 2.'> Mnv, 18.32. Fam. 2.
3. Lydia Louise, b. 30 .Vch., 183-I; in. at W. I't. 211
Sept.. 1N6S. Zeno King Pease of \V. Pt.; she
U. 3 Dee., 1874; he d. at (Juiltord, I'onn., 23 .Vu"..
laao. Itfiie ..
1. Harriet Louise, b. 27 .June, 1859; d. 25 Dec.,
18iai. at Hartford, Conn.
2. liucklev Chapman, b. 12 .June, 1803; d. 27
3. Frederick Chapmnn, b. 9 Mch., 1807; d. 17 Dec.,
4. Louise Chapman, b. 6 Mav, 1870.
4. .lohu Kdwin, b. 1 Sept., 18Sii. Fam. 3.
6. llarvev Holkins, b. 30 .July, 1838; d. 19 Feb.. 1872.
nt W. I't.
By ,''/ man'iofir :
6. Lvdia Dwight, b. \V. P., 13 .Ian., 1812; d. 29 Aug.,
Fam. 2. Frederick Augustus' (JohiiB.* Ashbcl,'' Elijah* Capt. Sam.,' Sinton,^
Edw.'), m. at Ltinsingbiiigh, X. Y., 3 Sept.. 18.55, Sarah Loui.se Vandercook.
He d. 19 July, 1889, at Minneapolis, Minn. Ch. :
1. Harriet Wt-iuiiill, 1). I>., 25 July, 1S5S: m. nl Chi-
(:ai;o, III.. *2o Apl., 1S78, Abraliam Reamer,
Jr., of Chicftiio, now of New Bruiiswiek, N. J.
1. Frederick Chapman (Reamer), b. 4 Sept., 1883;
cl. 4 Aiiir.. lRS-1.
2. I).'xiri Wiii;lir (Iteimer), Ij. 14 June, IS&'i.
3. KaililiTii (Ki'.nner). b. 11 July. 1S87.
2. Louise, h. t'hicasjo; m. 31 Jan., 1870; (1. al Lan-
singburgh, N. Y., 2i) Nov., 1889,
F.\M. 3. John Edw'm^ {John B.,<' A.ihM.,^ Elijah,* dipt. Sam.,^ Simon,- Edw.'), m.
at Chicago, 111., 8 June, 1809, Mary Adams of Chicago, 111. Ch. {b. Ohicago, III.):
1. Anna. b. 21 June, 1870. I 2. .lobn, b. XI June, 1873.
Carlos' (brother of John TJ.*), rem. iu 1840 fi-om Tolland, Conn., to Warehouse Point;
now of W. L.; ni. 16 May, 1823, Amanda . Oh.:
1. Lucius B. Fam. 2. 1 2. Julia A. | 3. Junius L. Fam. 3. 1 4. William I). | 5. Caroline E. I i\. li. Iniogene.
F.\.M. 2. Lucius B.' (Carlos,^ Ashbel,^ Elijah,* Capt. Sam.,^ Simon,' Eilm.^). m. 4
Dee., 1849, Olive C. Wilson. Children:
1. Helen C. I 3, Florence. I 5. Frank H.
2. Willie F. I 4. Dwight. W. I
Fam, ;1 Junius L." (Carlon,^ Ashbel.'- Elijah,-' Capt. Sum.," Simon,'' Edw.'), m. 1
Jan., 1870, Eveline ('. Whipple. Children:
1. Arlbur W. I 2. Frederic L. 1 3. Lynde B.
CHAPPEL, Abner Brown, m. Ituldah Osborn, 31 Jan., 1797.— W. C. B.
CHARLTON (E. W. Hill). From Family Bible Reaird, in possession of Mrs. JuLi.\
II. Cu.MtLTON, E. W. H.
Richard, b. Eng. abt. 1715; m. Sarah (dau. Thos., b. Eug. 1700, d. 1780, and Sarah
Birchard, h. abt. 1700, d. 17.")4) Griste, b. in Norwich, Conn., 22 May, 1722, "He
was lilowed up in a vessel at the rejoicing at the capture of Havana, 17o9." Sarah,
his wid., d. Norwich, 38 Feb., 1808, se. 85 years and 9 months.
Charles (eldest s. of above), b. 80 Jan., O. S., 1752; m. 25 Apl., 1775, Sarah (dau.
Nathan, b. 1720, d. 1781, and filizabeth Ilrii/lei/, h. 1726, d. May, 1813) Williams
of Stonington, Conn., b. 39 May, 1746. He d. 3 Nov., 1813; she d. 23 Sept., 1812.
Jesse (child of above), b. 30 Jan.. 1776; m. (1) 2 Nov., 1809, Rebecca JI. Thomas
of Htfd., b. 3 Jan., 1778; bp. 10 May, 1819 {E. W. C. B.), who d. 18 Feb., 1839; (2)
Harriet Jones, 24 Mch., 1830, who b. 7 Nov., 1791, d. 19 Aug., 1841. Mr. Charlton
d. E. W.H. 11 Mch., 1859. He came toE. W. abt. 1800, and some yrs. before his m.
bought the Wells homestead, which is next north of the Academy and now occup.
by wid. of James H. Charlton; the tailor-shop (since rem.) stood nellr the st. N. of
the res. He was by trade a tailor, and for many years kept a store on E. W. H. ;
was P.M.; a man of courteous manner and genial (-haracter; much respected by
all. [Mr. Jessie Charlton's sister Sarah followed him to E. W,; m. Nath'l Rock-
well ; was the mother of the late Dr. Sidney 'William Rockwell. — Sec BtM-kirdl.]
Children (b. E. W. H. and bp.—E. W. C. R.):
1. Elizabelh Halscv, h. 29 Apl.; bp. 15 Sept. (23
Mch.. 1812. Dr. McClure's Uec.\ 1811; m. 14 Mav,
184.5, Kev. Charles !•'. Cleason, at E. W. U.";
he b. 22 Nov., 1812; d. at Lowell. 111.. 13 Aug.,
1819: she m. (2) at K. W. II., 28 Oct., 1.S52, Uev.
Ira Tracey (as 2<1 wife), h. 15 Jan.. 181K1; d.
Nov.. la7r,; Mrs, Traeev il. in Beverlv. Mass.. 27
Dec, 1885: no issue.
3. Edward Thomas, b. 21 June, lip. 24 Oct., 1813 ; d.
3 Feb., 181(1.
3. James Henrv. b. (ilastonbury. 22 Nov.. 1814; bp.
28 May, 1815; m. 30 Apl., 1845, Elvira M. (dau. Ju-
lius and Kli/.a liiss'lh Hale of (jlastonbury, Ct.,
b. 3 Mch.. 1827. who d. 21 Nov., l,8,->3; m. (2), at E.
W. U., Julia (sister of bis Isl wife), 17 May, 1855;
he d. 16 Aug., 1878: no isHue. He adopted ,\ugus-
tus H. Tate, now known as A. H. Charlton of Htfd.
CHARTER, John's ch. d. 1 Dec, 175!.— ii". W. C. R. George d. 18 Jan., 1798.
-E. ir. r. 11, Lemuel, m. Betsey Allen, 25 Nov., 1813. — N. B.
CHASE, John of W. I't., E. W., b. in Vt., 1776; m..Iunc(dau. Charles(?)and .lane
MacU.-<lcr) Abbe of Enlicld, Conn., b. 6 Jan., 1780. Her mother was a dau. of an
Irish merchani named J! .rlester, who was lost at sea on his return from America to
Ireland, on a voyage for I lie settlement of an estate. John Chase, when ». 4 yrs.,
was brouglit on horseback from Vt. to W. Pt. He d. at AV. Pt., 26 Dec., 1852, a-, 77.
-Mr. John d. 3 Jan., 1853 — ace. to S. B.; prob. the date of burial. Ch. :
1. Charles. Fam. 2. I I. Elizubolli (KinEstmiT), m. Albert Kibbe of
2. John, b. 15 Dec, 1809. Fam. -1. I Soiners, Conn.: had (l) Kllen S., Hh» il. IKiB.
3. Hetsey. b. IHOO; in. Elit*ha Kingsbury of I 2. Etii^ha {Kinjjtilmry). ni. Sarah Gates; no
Coventry, 25 June, 1820. Isxiit : I is.'ine.
F.\M. 2. Charles' (John'), m. LmiiHlii Abbe of Enfield. Ch. (h. Tl'. 1^.):
1. Charles, m. Nancy Pomeroy of W. Pt.; ^*«(/«'.• I 2. Lncinda, m. 2 Apl., 1&43, Andrew Riggs of
1. Sarali R. ( Ponieroy). Wilmington, Dei.; no it*8ue.
2. Ida L. (Pomeroy)." 1
Fam. 3. John • (./«/(« '), in. Apl., 1834, his cousin, Eliz.ibctli Bates, b. 13 May, 1813.
He d. W. Pt., 18 Apl., 1845, ic. 35; she m. (3) Clark Johnson of Worcester, Mass.,
■where she d. 27 Sept., 1879. Children :
1. Ellen Elizabeth, b. 27 Aug., 17.37; d. W. PI., 10
Nov.. 1K44. ft>. ri. — .S. ]i.
2. Sarah .Tane, b. 4 Jan., 18.^^; m. Kcifns Rey-
nolds of E. W., 29 Nov., 1854; res. (1S!I1) Jack-
sonville. Fla. luKitt :
1. George Unfns (Reynolds), b. 15 Nov., 18.55: ni.
10 June, IHHO, Florence N. Rodgers of N.Y.
IsKue: {«) Bessie M., b. 1 Apl . )8sl ; d, 2(i Apl.,
188:i. («) George I.awrene.-, b. 22 Meb., 18S4.
Porter m. Maria Fletcher, 35 June, 1841. — S. B. Sarah Chase, a communi-
catit in Prot. Epis. Ch. ;it W. Pt., bu. IT .Tuly, 18(i3, a?. U. — M. R. U.
(<■> Arlhnr Richard, b. 20 July, 1888. (il) Herbert
Rufus. b. 0 Anc.. lt*9.
2. Clavloii kh\K (Reynolds), b. lOMch., 18fil; d.
20 Oct.. 1861.
.1 Daniel John, b. 30 June, 1839; d. at Oakland, Cal.,
Sept., 18(;9.
4. Charles Abbe, b. 24 Dec., 1844; rei*. (unmarried t
N. Brooklleld, Mas*.
CHILD, Gardner, m. Elmina Robertson, 29 .July. 1840 (5. B.). Mr. C. d. 13
June, 1842, «. 65. — S. B.
CHIPMAN, Horace, butcher, S. W.; m. 7 Oct., 1832, Mary (daughter Warham)
Porter; after his death, wife res. Hartford. Ch. {J. M.S.): (1) Francis, d. sin-
gle, at Htfd.; (3) .Irthur, res. at Htfd.; (3) Kdicard, d. at Htfd.; (4) Henry, m. but .
no issue; d. at Htfd.; (5) Uoraee Enr/ene, m. 3 Oct., 1874, Helen A. Brown of
Gilbertsville, Mass.; (6) SiM., d. 30 Apl., 1834, x. 64.— .S. W. 0.
CHAUNCEY, Nathaniel (Hev.), (4th ch. and s. of Kev. Charles, 3d, pres. Har-
vard Coll., who was a grad. of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, Eng., and gd.-s. of George
of Newplace and Yardly-I5ury, Hertfordshire, Eng. — see Ilintori/ Stratford, Conn.,
1173); was h. Plymouth, Mass., abt. 1639; grad. H. C. 1661, of which he was after-
ward a Fellow; bp. at Scituate, Mass.; first sett, as "teacher" of the ch. at W.;
adm. to ch. 12 Jan., 1667 (see 0. C. It.); occup. the Dewey pi. first N. of Palisade;
m. Abigail (dan. Elder John) Strong of Northampton, 13 Nov., 1673; contributed
£1 to the Conn. Helicf Funii for Poor of other Colonies, 1676; rem. to Hatfield and
d. there 1685 (see p. 200, Vol. I.); wid. m. (2) 1686, Dea. Medad Pomeroy, a prom-
inent citizen of Hat., and their s. Rev. Samuel P., b. 1687, grad. V. C. 1705; sett, at
Newtown, L. I., 1709; d. 1744, deeply lamented. Children (rec. at W.*):
1. Isaac, b. 5, bp. (I Sept., I(i74. that time. This library was valued in the invent.
2. Catharine, b. 12 Jan., bp Iti .\pl.. I(i75[tl]. of est. at t'8.',. and is thoii<;ht to have comprised a
.3. Abigail, b. 14 Oct., 1(;77.— Vol. lific. large portion of Rev. Pres. Charles Channcev's li-
4. Charles, b. 3 Sept., d. 31 Oct., 1«79. brary. This Nathaniel Chamicey, Jr., was the flrst
5. Nathaniel (Kev.), b. IIWI: after his father's d. in ivcordcd grad. of Y. C. ; begini to preach at Dur-
1(185, was taken by his uncle. Rev. Israel Chan- ham. Conn., 170tl; was ord. there 1711; in 1708 de-
cey of Stratford, ("'oini.. to bring tip tmtil he was elincd a call to Stratford ch.; d. at 1). 1750.— lUM.
of age, for the use of his father's Horary, during ■ Slnttjoid, Conn.
Charles (Kev.), (s. Kev. Israel, pastor at Stratford, who was 6th son and ch. of Pres.
Chauncey of Harv. Coll.), b. 1668 (//(V. Stntlford, Conn., 479, 1173, 1350): was first
pastor at Strat/iVW, Conn.; m. (1) Sarah (dau. .Mr. Jehii) Burr, who d. 1697; (3) 16
Mch., 1698-9, Sarah (dau. of Henry) WolCOtt of W., who d. 5 Jan., 1703-4; (3)
Elizabeth Sherwood, 1710. Ch. {I>i/ ~d irife, Surah Woleott, rec. in IF.; he had Z
di. by 1st wife):
♦Matthew Grant's Old C'li. Rec. thus records this family: "Mr. Nathanell chancey. Teacher of the
Church of Christ at Windsor, married .\bigayl, daughter of Elder John Strong, at Nortblampton], Nov. 12.
1G78. His son Isack Chancey was born tj Sept., *74, the night before and bapti/x-d that day. Kathren, daugh
ter of Mr. Nalhaniell'hancey, w as born Jnne 12, '70, and Baptized the 10 day. His Daughter .\bigayl wu-
born Oct. 14, l(i|(i71 that day at night baptized — born at 11 o'clock the before. Ills son Charles
was born Sept. 3, '79, baptized the 7 day. He Died Oct. 81, '79."
1. Ahifih, b. 29 Jan., 1699; m. Rev. Tiino. Cutler.
2. Robert, b. 29 Nov.. 1701; res. Stnitford. Conn. i
3. U-liJibod Wolcott, b. 4 Jan.. 1703 1; res. Strut- '
ford. Conn. !
{Ilintimn says iliai Hcv. Charles was, in 1710. app.
«:iiardian for his ch.; he d. .31 Dec.. 1711. and John
flioore and Daniel Hissell of W. were npp. their
CHUBBUCK. [Commuuicated in a letter from O. J. C'iiubbuck of To\v;ui(l:i, I^;i.,
as condensed from Craft's Hist. Bradford Co., P<i.]
Ebenezer, was a soldier in the French war, and a lieut. in the Revolutionary war;
and, for some years after, a sea captain, quitting which, he bo't and resided upon
a farm iu the E. part of Ell., where he d. suddenly, :e. 73. Child : Xttthaniel, b.
16 Oct., 1764. Fam. 2.
Fam. 2. Nathaniel- {Ehen.^), m. 27 Nov., 1788, Chloe Eaton, who b. 14 Mch.,
1768, d. 11 Oct., 1832; res. in Ell. until spring of 1818, when they rem. to Orwell,
Pa., traveling the entire distance with a yoke of oxen and one horse, and sleeping
at night in the wagon. He d. at O.. 13 Mch., 1825. Ch. (b. Ellington):
Nathaniel, b. 5 Sept.. 1789; rem. to Orwell in
snmnier of 1811 ; purchased the possession-riKht
of SOOaeresof Id.: ret. to Ell.; m.. -^8 Jan., 1812,
Hannah Lovet, and be^an housekeeping in
their new home in Feb.. a eliest serving as a ta-
ble, and shingle blocks as chairs; he bro't with
him to O. a saddle given him by his father, on
the condition that, on the tirst opportunity, he
should invite a minister of the gosi)el to preach
in his house; the result was. that his house be-
came a preachiug-plaee; he was converted, and
as early as \S'-iS was licensed to exhort, and be-
came a powerful and widely-known exhorter.
He d. at U. 1 Aug., 1805.
, Aaron, ; rem. to Orwell. Pa.. 2
yrs. later than his bro., and sett, one mile below
iiim, on the Wysox Creek; in 1819 app. J. P. by
<;()\. of Penn.. which off. he held until under the
(.'niisiii. of 1837 he was elected and re-elected un-
til 1S42. when he was elected Proihonotary of
Bradford Co., by virtue of whicli off. he was' also
clerk of the Courts of Oyer and Terlniner. Quar-
ter-Se.ssione, and Connnon Pleas, till 1845; in 1850
he was elected As^i?it. Jurltje, which oft', he held
until his rem. from llie State, abt. lS(iO or '61 ; he
was a counsellor much sought after, and nnich
trusted bv all who knew hiin. He d. at his old
res. at 0."l9 Aug.. 1881, ai. 90 years. 15 days. .
Hannah, b. 10 Feb.. 1793: m. Joseph Hamil-
ton ; had 3 ch.; d. Windham, Bradford Co.,
Pa.. 7 Aug.. 18(j5.
John (Dr.i. b. 22 Feb.. 1795; m. 28 Feb., 1822,
Marv (dan. David and Mary Clourih) Abbe;
she (1. 8 Nov.. 1878. ;e. 75; practiced medicine in
Nichols and Binu'hamton, N. Y.; was surgeon
of 1st Ueir- Engineers i('()rpH d' Afrique) in ser-
vice at Biazos ;nid .Sanlijigo, Texas. 18l5a-4; d. at
Biughamt<m. 18 Jleh., 1878. hnuf. :
1. David Hollis, b. 6 Feb.. 1823; d. Binghamton,
X. Y..1877. leaving one dau. who its m. and res.
in Philadelphia.
2. Mary E.. b. 10 Apl.. 1828; is now wid. of John
GiltTiore and matron of an Old Woman's
Home in Washington, D. C.
Z. Edwin E., b. 30 May, 1830;'res. New Orleans,
La.; has one (-on.
4. Caroline S., b. 14 Feb., 1^33; in. Julius Mor-
gan of the Broome Co. Bank, Binghamton, N.
I Y.; have one dau. m. and res. Brooklyn, N. Y.
I 5. Sarah T., b. l(i Mch., 18:^5; wid. of Henry AI-
I len ; res. with her two dans. Binghamton, N. Y.
; (!. Ellen A., b. 12 July, 1837.
I 7. Frances L., b. 2t> Aug., 1839; m. Frank Ste-
phens, present, mayor of Binghamton, N. Y.;
three sons. " [1831.— S'. Ji.
8. Hollis S.,m. Elizabeth Ann Heath, 10 Oct.,
I 5. Jacob, b. 5 Mch., 1797; rem. to Orwell with
! his brother Aaron; ret. to Conn.; m. 7 Oct., 1819,
Miriam Tupper ; ret. to and res. at O. till 1878;
j rem. with Ins son to Towanda, Pa., where he d. 25
, Oct.. 1873; 3 sons and 3 daughters.
I (i. Sheldon, b. 6 Jan.. 1799; d. in childhood.
7. James, b. 5 Apl., 1801; rem. with parents toO.;
res. on homestead till he d. 7 Feb., 1873; 3 sons
1 daughter.
' 8. Chloe, b. 8 Dec, ISaS; m. Levi Frisbie (nat. of
(;onn.); res. O., and d. 20 Aug., 18G9; her husband
! d. 23 Nov., 1889, se. 91; 4 sons, 1 daughter.
I 0. Daniel Ostrander, b. 17 May, 1805; res. O. about 20
vears; d. Mt. Vernon, Iowa, 3 June, 1880; 3 ch.
, 10. "Hollis S. (Dr.), b. 13 Mch.. 1809; m. 10 Oct.. 1831,
Elizibeth Ann Heath (S. B.)\ practiced in O.,
! Pa., and Elmira, N. Y., where he d. 4 Mch., 1883;
1 daughter,
I U. Austin E., b. Hi June, 1810; at his majority ent.
I bus. at Elmira. N. Y.; when m. abt. 34, ent. the
I itineracy of the Methodist, Church, and was a suc-
I cessful pastor in the Genesee and Central N. Y.
' Conferences; d. 15 Apl., 1882, at Elmira.
I 12. Francis 8., b. 10 Mch., 1812; farmer and black-
smith until 1849, when he joined the Wyoming
I Conference of M. E. Ch., and was an active intin-
I erant for about 20 years, when, thro' ill health, he
j accepted the Buper-annuated relation; served as
I Chaplain in Texas, in 18t>3/4; res. (1891) Nichols,
N. Y.
Ill 1855 the aggregate ages of the eleven children reached 000 years, and there had
not btrn a d^'ath in the fannly for J{fty-on^ t/mrs/ The eleven then living had all l>een
together hut twice, once at their mother's funeral, and once at a family reunion, iu
June, 1850. All were members of the "Si. E. Church (except one, who jt>ined the
Presbyterian Church with her husband), and held olficial positions therein. For
good character, standing, and influence, this family was no less conspicuous than
for its longevity.
CLAPP, [Saxon name traced back to one for whom tlie parish Clapham (home of
Clapp) in Surrey, Eng., was named in the days of Edward the Confessor. Six of
the name came to America iu 17th century, five of whom landed at Dorchester,
Mass., from 1630-40, and the other at a later date, on Southern coast. The Dor-
chester emigrants all descended from Richard Clapp of Dorchester, Eng., and from
his bro. (name unknown) who res. at Salcombe. on western coast of England, twelve
miles from Exeter. This genealogy prepared by Miss Elviua C. Clapp of E.W.H.]
Preserved (s. of C'iipt. lio^cr, who was b. Sakombe Regis, County Devon, Eng.,
6Apl., 100!), and who landed at Nantasket. 30 Jlay, 1030, in tlie Mitry andJohn. and
his wife, Johanna, dan. of Thomas Ford of Dorchester, England, b. 8 June, 1617,
and m. 6 Nov., 1633), was b. 23 Nov., 1643, in Dorchester, Mass., where he res. for
20 years or more; then removed to Northampton, Mass., wliere he d. 20 Sept., 1720.
He m. 4 June, 166.S, Sarah (dau. Benjamin) Newberry of W., Conn. (m. by Mr.
Talcott); she d. 3 Oct., 1716; had 7 ch., who lived to adult life.
Increase" (7th ch. of Increase, 4th ch. of Beiij., 4th ch, ./"//«, 1st s. Increase, 2d s.
Dea. Tlwmns of AVeymouth and Scituate, JIass., s. of Rirhdvd of Dorchester,
Eng.), b. Tolland, Conn., 6 Apl., 1783; m. 26 Nov., 1807, Polly (dau. Col. Ebenezer
and Chloe HctO Spencer of Tolland; removed to East Windsor, 1808; d. there
8 Feb., 18,59; she b. 2 July, 1786; d. E. W., 27 Dec, 1835; m. (2) 19 Apl., 1837,
Sarah Morris of So. VVilbraham, Mass., who was b. 2") June, 1793; d. E. \V. H.
Feb., 1863. Children (M, 3d, 4th, 5th, bp. 5 Oct., 1S28.— (E. W. C. It.) :
1. Ebenczei- Spcnc<T, h, IS Apl., 1809. FiM. 2. ' 4. Carlos West, b. 14 Dec, 1824. Fam. 5.
2. John Si'Ulen. h. 7 Mrh.. ISM. F.w. :). 5. IncrcHse Butler, b. 8 Apl., 1827. Fam. 6.
8. George Oils. li. 2ii .\pl.. Isli;, 1'am. 1. C. (:i others, who d. in inf.).
Fam. 2. Ebenezer Spencer ' {Increase,'^ Benj.,'' Mm,* Incre^ise,' Thos.,- Mich.'),
sett, in W.; in. 17 Apl., 1832. Sophia (dau. Daniel and Iluldah H/ickircU) Pinney
of E.W., who was b. 23 Feb., 1813, and d. 17 Aug., 1884; he d. 6 Jan., 18U2. Ch.:
1. .Julius Spencer, h. 1 Aug., ISW. Fa.m. 7.
2. M.irv, d. le. 1 year, I! Feb., isar. — K. W. O.
3. Martha Sophia, b. 2 Aug.. IWtr.
4. Sarah Morris. 1). l:) Sept., ISjS; m. 14 .July, 1802,
Kli Phelps Ellsworth of W.. afterwards of
Fam. ;i. John Selden ' (lucream,'^ &iij.,'' John,* Incrense,'' Thug.,' Rich.'), sett. E.W.;
m. 12 May, 1840, Julia (dau. Jared and Electra Bissell) Talcott of Glastonbury,
Conn., b. 19 Sept., 1819. Children:
1. Charlotte Talcott. 1). 2.3 Apl., bp. 19 Sept., 1811. I .3. Alfred Selden, b. 5 Apl.. 1851. Fam. a.
2. Charles Spencer, b. SO .Meh., 1810. Fam. S. | 4. Elvira Clmrlton, b. 25 Oct., 18.Vi; res. E. W. Hill.
F.\M. 4. George Otis" (IncreaKe,^ Benj.,^ John,* IncreiiKe,'-' 7'hoii.,'' Itich.'), sett. E. W.;
m. 10 May, 1843, Harriet S. (dau. Elisha and Fanny Morris) Bowen of Wethers-
field, Vt., b. 3 July, 1823. Children :
1. Elisha Bowen, b. 3 Feb., 1844. | 1891, Alniira Harriet (dau. Leonard and Eliza For)
2. Marv Frances b. 22 .Ian.. 1SH7: d. 26 Feb., 1849. | Pitkin of Uartford.
3. George Increase, b. 13 Jul.v. 1857: ni. 23 Sept., ! 4. Henry Morris, b. 2 Aug., 1860.
Fam. 5. Carlos West" {Incre/tse,^ Benj.,'' John,* Incraisc,^ Thos.,' Rich.'), settled in
Rochester, N. Y.; m. 26 Oct., 18.53, Caroline J. (dau. Robert and Cynthia Cohoon)
Thompson of E. W., b. 22 Feb., 182.5; rem. to Hartford and E. W., now res.
New Ilaveu, Conn. Children:
1. Carlos Morris, h. 22 .July, 1854: d. 15 Jan., 1860. I 3. Carrie Thompson, b. 11 .Mav. 1860.
2. Inez Carrie, b. 29 Apl.. 1856; d. 21 May, 1859. | 4. Minnie Louise, b. 13 Meh.. iStiS.
Fam. 6. Increase Butler' (Incnone,'^ Btnj.,' John,* Increase,' Thos.,'' Rich.'), sett.
So. W.; m. 3(1 Apl., 18.50, F:mnic Skinner of Hartland, Conn., b. 28 Dec, 1827;
rem. abt. 185.5, Granville, O. ; 1865 to Berlin, Conn., and 1876 to Pasiidena, Cal. Ch.:
Brooklyn, N. Y. See EllKWorlh.
. Marv Spencer, b. as Sept., 1845; m. Prof. P'rank
IL Brewer of Wilbraham, Mass., 27 Apl., 1876;
re,-. (Is91) Fairlield. Conn.
1. Edwin Carlos, b. 16 May, 1851, in So. \V.
2. (icorge Whiton. b. 28 .Jan.. 18.V:. in Granville, (). ;
m. Maiiie Pickett of Tarittville, Conn., 21
Sept., 18H2: res. Los Angeles. Cat; d. 12 Sept.
3. Annie Selbv. h. 18 June. 1859.
4. Alliert Butler, b. 3 Oc!.. 1862: m. Anna Mills of
Los Angeles. 21 June, 1887; she d. 26 Jan.. IS'.ll.
IiiKiic (1) Mills, b. Nov., 1890.
1891; 2 children. I 5. Walter I., b. Berlin, Conn., 31 May, 1871.
Fam. 7. Julius Spencer^ {Eben. 5.,' Increase,'' Bcnj.,'- John,* Increase,' Thos.,''
Rich.'), m. 10 Aug., 1856, Adelaide C. Cleason of Manchester, Conn.; res. (1889)
Paris, Me. Children:
1. Carrie Sophia, b. 11 Oct.. 18.')8/9; m. 26 Meh., 2. Julia Ella, b. 7 Feb., 1861.
1884, Charles S. Dudley. /»«"«; i .3. Anne Dickinson, b. 31 Meh., 1863.
1. Grace .Marjorie, h. 4 Jan., isa"). I 4. Grace Pinney, b. 10 Oct., 1865.
Fam. 8. Charles Spencer* {John S.,' Increase,^ Benj.,'- John,* Increase,' Thos.,''
Rich.'), m. 27 Nov., 1872, Mary Ellen (dau. Edw'd and .Mary .Vnn Parsons) Dex-
ter of Broad Brook, Conn., b. 1 Dec, 1849. Children:
1. Leslie Talcott, b. 27 Nov., 1874. I 3. Frank Dexter, b. 29 Dec, 1881.
2. Inez Lucrelia. b. 11 Nov., 1877. , 4. Ruth Charlotte, b. 23 June, 1886.
Fa>[. 9. Alfred Se\den' (John S.,' Increftse,'^ Benj.,^ John,* rncri^ase,^ Thm.,- Rirh.^),
m. 25 Oct., 1877, Clara Irene (dau. John and Mary J. Fo:e) Wrisley of E. Htfd.,
b. 28 Mch., 1855; res. E. AV. Hill. Oh.
1. John Sclden. b. 2T July, 1878.
S Diiclley Fox, b. 4 Sept., ISST.
,3. Alfieda I., b. 9 Apl., 1800.
Norman, m. RUoda Allyn, 10 Mch., 1815, — /;. D.
Samuel, son of Elder Preserved and Sarah (Newbury) Clapp, b. in 1677; he m. (1)
1697, Sarah Bartlett of W. Child, Mary, b. Mch. 13, 1699; d. Aug. 28, 1702.
Roger, son of Elder Preserved and Sarah, b. May 24, 1684, and m. Elizabeth,
dau. of Samuel Bartlett of W., Nov. 28, 1706. They had eight sons and one
daughter, and all grew up and had families. He d. Jan. 9, 1762, aged 78, and his
widow d. Aug. 9, 1767, aged 80.
CLARK, Daniel (Hon.), an atty.-atlaw; a first settler and man of much influence
and position at W. ; held many public offices; was Sec. of the Colony, 1658-64, and
166.5-6; was in the land div. of 16;W-40, at Htfd.; for bis Id. gr. at W. see p. 153,
Vol. I. He was admitted AV. ch. 18 June, 1643 (0. C. R.); " Capt. Clark's wife"
adm. 16 Apl., 1658 (0. C. li.): "Capt." C. contributed 5s. towards the Conn. Relief
Fund for Poor of other Colonies, 1676. — 0. C. R. He m. (1) Mary (dau. Thomas)
Newberry, 13 June, 1644, who d. 29 Aug., 1688; (2) Martha (wid. Simon) Wol-
cott, a sister of William Pitkin, Esq., of Hartford. He d. 12 Aug., 1710, " in the
88th year of his age, or thereabouts"; buried E. W. Hill; grave not found; his
wid. d. 13 Oct., IIW.— E. W. 0. Ch. (all by Ut wife, bp. 0. C. R.):
, hp. 9 Aug.. IDGS: ni. (1) Isaac Pin-
1685; (2) a Marsh, or Nash, of
1. Mary, b. -U Apl., 1645; d. inf.; prob. the ch. of
D. C. whom O. C.R. meiit. as having: d. in 1648.
2. Josiah, b. 21, bp. 28 Jan.. 1648. F.\M. 2.
3. Elizabelh, b. 28 Ocl,., 1051; m. (1) Moses (s. Capt.
.\aron) Cooke of \Ve.sllield. 25 Nov., 1669; (2)
Lieut. Job Dralce of W., 13 Sept., 1677.
4. Paniel, b. 4, bp. 10 Apl., 1654 {0. C. R.): m.
Hannah (dan. Diiniell Pratt of Htfd., 16T8;
sell, at Colchester, Conn., where he founded a
large line of desc, for geneal. of which see Good-
win's O^iual. Xoft^^.
."). .Tnhn. b. in, bp. 15 .\pl., 16.50. F.\M. 3.
li. Marv. b. 22 Sept. (</. C. Ji.). 1658: m. (1) John
Cay lord, l:i Dec. imi; (2) abt. 1700, Jedediah
Watson.— B.Kir./r.
r. Samuel, b. 6, bp. 7 July, 1661. Faji. 4.
8. Sarah, b.
ney, abt.
9. Hannah, b. 29 Aug., 16K5; d. early.
10. Nathaniel, b. 8. bp. 9 Sept.. 1066: never in.: was
a land-owner at W.: killed by Indians 1690: left a
will, dated 29 .A.pl.. 1690, wh. thus begins: " Where-
as, I. Nathaniel Clarke of \V., in the Co. of Htfd.,
am, by the providence of God, called to go out
against the common enemy, for his Majesty's ser-
vice, and the defence of the country: and, consid-
ering the peril and hazard of sucli an undertaking,
and being now of good understandin:: and memo-
ry, I count it my duty to settle that estate Gotl hath
in His mercy bestowed upon me, in the manner
following," etc.
F.\M. 3. Josiah- (IIt)n. DanieV ), m. before 1682, Mary (widow Christopher) Crow,
and dau. of Benj. Burr of Hartford. She m. her 1st husb. 15 Jan., 1657. Only
child (rec. at W.): Jotiah, b. 13 Jan., 1682.
Fam. 3. John- {IT<m. DanieV), adm. inhab. Simsbury, 24 Dec., 1686; then, 1698, of
W.; m. 1685, Mary (dau. Christopher) CrOW. He d. Sept., 1715, in 60th year; his
wid. m. William Randall of Enlield, about 1720. Ch.:
1. Ilaiuiab, b. 6 .\ug.. , in Siiusburv; m. Thos.
Gillet, 20 Keb. 17115.
2. .Tohn, b. Sicusbury: d. 7 .Mch.. 1709.
3. Marv. b. Sinisburv: nj. Sam. Cooley of
Spriiigflelil, 24 Oct.". 1711.
4. .lemiina. li. Sinisburv: rn. Cooley.
5. Martha, b. Windsor", 19 Mch., 1697; m. Jarni-s
Eggleston of W.,28 Aug., 1718; she <1. 25
Ma», n-is.
6. Solomon (Capt.), b. 20 May, 1699, in W.: m. Anne
Eggleston,' 24 Feb., 1720-21; he d. 5 Mch.,
1707, in 6911i year.— lI'Ai/. Ch. Hec.
7. Elizabeth, h. 10 May. 1701. in W.
8. Sarah, b. 28 Oct., 1702. in W.; d. young.
■ 9. Daniel, b. 31 Dec, 1704, in W.
111. Ann, b. 12 Jan., 1707. in W.: d. 16 Aug., 1713.
11. Beuoni, b. 21 Oct., 17U8, in W.; d. Enf. 16 Jan., — .
Fam. 4. Samuel' (Hon. DanieV), m. Mchitable (dau. Timo.) Thrall, 1687; she d.
Aug., 1723, 88. .59. [In this line of desc. wo acknowledge indebtedness for assist-
ance to Ch.vui.es H. Clarke, Esq., of Hartford.] Ch.:
I. Samuel, h. 10 Nov., l(a<8. Fam. 5. I 3. Nathaniel, b. 11 Oct., 1099.
2 David, b. 1 Apl., 1690. ' 4. Josejih, h. 13 July, 1697; d. 7 July, 1718.
Fam. 5. SamueP (Snm.,- Hon. Daniel'), m. Abigail (dau. Josiah) Owen of Sims-
bury C!) but is described as of Lebanon, in a deed to Samuel, 1713; he d. 1741. Ch.:
1. .Joel. b. 1717. Fam. 6.
■->. .Abigail, b. 1719.
3. Samuel, b. 1720-1: founder of the Nohtiiajii-ton
(.Mass. I line — a genralogv of which has bet
furnished by Miss Jilia" E. Ci.aukf. of N.,
Vol. n. — 20
which will be found in Appendix to thia volume.
4. Hannah, b. 17'M.
5. David, b. 1725; m. Kachel Moore, by whom he
hall '20 children.
6. Ann, b. 1729; d. .5 Jan., 1741.
Fam. 6. Joel ' (J'ld,' S(im.;- II»n. D(iiiii'P), 111. 1743 F^yilia Forbes, (whose mother
was Mary, dau.^f John Griltin, one of carlu'st sett, of Sims.); he il. 15 Oct., 1777;
she il. 1796. Children :
1. Sainnel. b. ITSK; d "J .\pl , 183:1; ill. (Il Ruth I 4. Keubeii, ti. \VA: n\. Via Owen ; wtt. in South-
Forward; ('..*' HiiUia Phelps (l');3ch. d. inf. wiclv. JUiiMg. ; killed bv powdt'r-mill explutJion.
2. Jod. b. 1747. Kaji. 7. . I 3. Lydia, m. Eliiali Owen of Sinl^.; sit. oii^, Muhk
Fam. 7. Joel' {Joel* (Ti'g?^ Sam.,- J/on. Dnnid'), m. Jlarlha (dan. Abrain) Pinney;
he (i. 5 Oct., 1808; Joel's wid. d. 1 Apl., 1814, ae. 44.— -S. Ji. V/t. :
1. Jot-l. b. 177ti: d. 18 Apl., IMft; m. Huth Klaii. I 3. I.vdia, d. imniarriol.
Aaron) Phelps, about 1810. 4. I'atly, in. Stron-; Mather of Windsor.
3. Horace. F.\M. 8. \ ..
Fa.m. 8. Horace" (Jud,-' ./<>(l,^J(>cl,iSniii.,- Ilm. Buiiid'), m. llauuah (dau. Sam-
uel) Forward, at E Gianliy, Conn., 1802; he d. 184:!; she d. 1H82. Ch. :
I. Ilannali. b. 3 Oct., 1S03; d. 1S18. s [ 3. Elmore, h. 1807; now living, unmarried.
•-'. II. linden, b. 1805; d. 1S87: in. (Drassnndra 4. Walter K., b. 18n9; d. lN2<i.
Henderson of Sandiiskv, (i.; d. )S39: (2| 6. Nancy S., b. 1811; in. lliiam Prior of Ilifd.; d.
Wid Matson ; i3i Mai-aiet O'Connor ; i isaii; s. p.
he survived both; by Isl he had \V,l/iii,„ ; by *l ! li. Charles P., b. 13 .Jan., 1815. K.vM. !l.
none; by ;ld Drijtltn, WitUtr, and Mary, now i 7. Samuel, b. I8-.i1 ; in. Unhania .M. idan. Adijah)
res. in W. SufHelil. \ Dibble, Uranliy.
Fam. 9. Charles P.' (//"Ot,,,- ,M-i;- Jo,l,* 'Jo<l^yS,i„i.,- ll<m. naii'P), m. Polly (dau.
Eli/.uraiid Polly r^/.v) Benjamin of Graiiby, is;!(>; both now living; she b. lOKeb..
181.5; her fill her was.s. ]Aeut. J-Jlizur, Stun'/. Sum'/, one ot first sett, and built the lir.st
sawmill at Ihirtland, Conn.; her mother Polly Case was dau. of Levi of Sims. C/i.:
1. Walter K.. b. 10 July, 18:i7. I .3. I'incknev B., b. (i Nov., IS4II; in. Mini Smith.
2. fharles H., Ii. !1 Meli.. IKi'J; in. (1) Calliarine > /.«/,.■
(dan. Oliver) Hayden ; (2i .in June. 1&S!», at , 1. <;eitrude.
Wallintiford. Conn., Ileiuietli- idaii. Hoswell C i 2. Charles,
and rlnlia E. MmifOiO Adains: res. Htfd., 3. Daniel.
Conn.; attorney -at-law. 4. Nancy S.. b. 11 Nov.. 1842; unniarrietl.
Benonl, m. Abigail Latimer, Vi Apl.. 17."i9. Ch. (Why. Ch. Rec):
1. , d. K Meh.. ni'iO. :e. a few week- i;. Nance, bp. 1 .\pl.. 1770.
2. Benjamin, b. 4 Apl.. ITIil. T, Svhil. bp. 17Mav. 1772.
3. Abigail, b. li; Ajil.. 17ii:i 8. William, bp. lil June. 1774.
4. Silas, b. G Mav, I7ti.">. | 9. Kczia, bp. 23 All);., 177li.
5. Hezekiah, b. 18 Ann., l^ii"- 1 10. Lucy, bp. 19 Sept., 1TI9.
E2ekielhad(>r. C. R.):
1. Oliver, bp. (i Keb.. 1747 8. I 4. Ezekiel. bp. 28 'Au;;., \Vu.
2 Kli/.abeth. b. 10. bp. 13 Oct.. \',:,l. 5. Oliver. ' , , „„, ,.^ ,, ,,.. „. „
3 Sarah, bp. l.", .June. 17.".. I G. Ezekiel. 1 "''• * *'"'•' ''^^'- ~ " "'J- "'■ "" ■
John ; po.ss. the " Wid. Ke/.ia ' w lio il. 6 Feb., 1804, «•. 7.5, was his wife. Ch :
1. Kezia. b. 14 Apl.. H.il; d. 8 Oct., 177.5. I 8. Koswell. bp. 19 .May, 17115.
2. Martha, b. 9 Oct., 175;j. ' 9. Ilannah, bp. 20 Feli., 1707; d. same dav.
8. John. b. « Oct.. 17"" '■ "
10. Hannah, bp. 12 June. 1708.
11. Abiah. bp. 2S Sept.. 1770.
12. Isiinc, bp. 12. d. IG July, 1772.
la Isjiac. bp. 17 Apl., 1774; piiili. the 1. who d. 20
AuR., 1177.
4. Deborah, b. .\jil., 1('.'»7.
5. Jeremiah, I). Feb., 17.59.
0. Daniel, b. 24 Dec., 17G0.
(From Whij. Ch. Itrc):
7. Wealthy Ann, bp. 17 Apl., 17li:t.
Charles of E. W., m. Chloe (dau. Elijah and Cliloe linr/M-r) Sadd, '-' Feb., 1818 (.'''.5.);
she d. 23 Nov., 187.3, te. 80; he d. 29 Sept., 1879, iu. 80. Ch. :
1. Chloe Aurclia. b. Ul Apl.. 1818, bp. 25 June. 18:10 4. John Noah. b. 1 Feb., 1825; in. Eliza S. Snow,
(.S-./(.); m. Dr.Win. II. Wilson ; res. Portland. 2 May. 18IS; she d. 23 Apl., 1887, a). 58; res. Wind
Oregon; 3 eh. sorviile. K. W. Jn-tuf :
2. Charhs Wells, b. :10 Jan.. 1,S20; bp. 25 June, 1. Ida E. (Snowl, b. 2 .Meh., 18M; ill. .\nil. Dick-
imi. — N.ll. F.VM 2. inson.soet. l,S7:!.
:i. Henry, b. 18 Feb.. 18-22; in. Harriet Beasely ; .'>. Laura Ann, b. 18 Meh., 1S24; ni. John Beseley ;
res. Winomac, Ind,; 4 ch. li. Kenbeii II.. b. IS-'iO. Fam. 3. (ri-s. Kll.; 4 ch.
Fam. 2. Charles Wells {Chur/tx'), m. JIary Ann Craw, II Feb., l.'<47; d. 2
Nov., 1871; res. AVindsorville, Conn. Ch. :
1. Mary Ann, b. 24 AllR., 1W8; m. Newton OS- I 3. Charles .John, b. 14 Jan., 18.58; d. 4 Oct., 18.58.
born, 17 Nov.. 1S72. 4. Knih Elizabeth, b. 21 Aiii;., 18iil; m. Frank I..
2. Isabella .\ni.-li.-i.b.G Meh. ia\3;d. 24 Oct., 18.54. I Joy ner, :>• .Meh, 1880.
F.\M. 3. Reuben B.' (( 7«/ /•/<■«'), m. Cornelia Potter (Cornelia P. .!«/■«.') Ch.:
1. Frank, b. 4 Alil.. 1855. I S. Bertie L.. b. 17 Feb.. 1805.
2. (harloite c., b; 18 Dec, 1859; m. George Fred. 4. Koberl W., b. 13 Aur., 1808.
Clark, 10 Feb., 1877. |
David, of K. W.; 111. SiisniiMiili (daugli. John and Contciil) Saclcl, wlio d. 11 June,
lf<()l, IB. 87; he d. 28 Dec, 1827, tc. 06; res. E. W. Ch. :
5. John, <1. iinmarrii'd.
0. LiK-ina. in. C<illins Drake.
7. Selemi Elizabeth, b. 18it'.t; m. Oliver LoomiS ;
(I. lUJiiii., 1860, a!. 51.— See Lmmls Oental.,H\.
1. .Miiiiliia, 111. T'nah Chatf ield, 'i; .Inne. 1813.
■J. Aliiiira. h. Ill Nov., iriir. ni. l!ii>>ill Rock-
well, 20 Nov., ISIT; (I. 13 di-l., ISlil; he d. 2S
Sept., 18G2, lu. n.
3. Sylvester, 111. Maiv Drake. 8. Hiram, h. 86 Sept., 180.5. Fam. 3
4. William, b. .lime. iSllO. F.vM. 2. I
William- (.Darid ' ), m. Lucy (dau. John and iSibel Starkti-eiif/Hr) Hayes, 3 Feb., 1824.
He d. 12 May, 1835, iE. 35; res. So. W. C/i. :
1. Eli/.abeth Loiiiwi, b. 17 Aiij:., 18^; in. Willard and Roxy) Vibbert, nat. of .Maiichestcr, Conn.,
Grant, 30 Uee., IS-iS: d. 16 Oct.. 1S61.
2. .\inaiida, b. 22 .Tune. 1.S26; m. Chas. K. Pease
of So. W., 4 Aug.. iav>; she d. 19 Julv, )8S9; he
d. 7 .Mch.. l,S7;l. a-. lA. /.-.vi/f .•
1. Charle.* Henrv (l"ea.-^ei, b. 17 .Ian.. 1854: m.
.Iiilia I.. Alexander, 30 Oct., 187S.
3. Eveline, b. 25 Sept., 1827; in. .Tos. W. (s. Loreii
26 Nov., ih,tO. Ji'xiie :
1. Charles W. (Vibbert).
2. Walter Aferwin (Vibbert).
3. Horace Henry (Vibbertl.
4. Susan, b. 14 Jan., 18;J0; d. 4 Nov., I8;il.
5. William Henrv, b. 2U Nov., ia'i2. Fam. 4.
6. Almira, b. 4 Nov., ISH; d. 24 Nov., 1836.
Fam. 3. Hiram- (Dand ' ), m. (1) Emeline (dau. Russell and Anne Steadman) Hayes,
May, 1826, wlio d. 9 Apl., 1854, oe. 43; (2) Maria R. Baker, 6 Sept., WrA: he d. 6
Mch., 1SS9; res. E. W. and Avon, Conn. Ch. (by Ut irifr):
ft. George Washington, b. 1K4."): married.
111. Homer Franklin, b. 184.H; d. I Mav, ItMO. a;. 14 m.
II. Emma Jane, b. -22 July. ia5S: d. 1 Dec, 1860.
12- Sojjhia Angeline. b. 2.5 Ang., 185B; m. Albert H.
IS. Flora Marion, b. 6 Sept., 1&57; m. Willis r.
Woodruff, 17 Mch., 1S,SI.
14. Hiram Luther, b. 21 Sept., 18.59.
1.5. Arthur Ernest, b. Si Aug., 1864.
1. Katharine, b. 1827: d. 24 Sept., 1834.
2. Edwin, b. IK-jn.
a Jane Lama, b. ISil: d. 7 Deo., 1850, .-c. 19.
4. Angeline, b. 1S33; d. 5 Oct., IS34.
5. Edgar Fredirick iKev.). b. 1-J Sept., 1835; m.
Julia M. Woodruff, ■«) Apl.. 1862. who d. -iU
Apl., 1882; res. New liedforil, Mass.
6. John Weslev. m. Sarah A. Cook, 12 Oct.. 1.S.58.
7. Emma Fraiice^. b. IS-IH: d. 19 July, 18.50, a;. 10.
Fam. 4. William Henry' {William,- Darid'), m. Olive A. Porter, 25 Sept.,
1856, who d. 10 Feb., 1S63. He d. 22 Apl., 1864; res. So. W. C'/i. :
1. Albert Henrv. b. 2!i May. 1859; d. 24 Oct., 1859. I 3. Arthur Sanford, b. 18 Jan., 1863.
2. Alfred William, b. 31 .\ng.. 1860. I
[For forerjoimj rieiienlO(iie/> in lines of Charles and Daivl, ice. ure InileMeil Ir, Mixn M. J. Ei.tser of Biirn\irle,
Joseph came to W. from Dorchester (poss., as Savage suggests, from Cambridge),
pnib. about 1637. "April 3, 1639, the wife of Joseph Clark died" {O.C.R.); owned
111. at W. (see p. 153, Vol. I.) He made his will 1640, leaving property to two minor
children (uriuamed), and {0. V. i?.) died and was buried 14 Apl., 1641. No wife
is menlinned in his will; but these children were Jumph and ilnry, both baptized
(according to O. C R.) 30 Sept.. 1638. This son Jo.seph died 2 Slav, Ki.V.I (0. C 11.}.
leaving his property to his sister Mdry, who m. 26 Nov., 1656, Jului Strong, Jr.
.\ Frances Clarke (wnd by .some to have been the widow of the above Joseph).
111. 22 Mch., 16:!8;'J, 'rhoiiwis Dewey of W., formerly of D.. who d. 27 Apl.. 1648,
leaving by her several children, It hardly seems possible that she could have been
this Joseph's widow; more probable she might have been a sister. But, whoever
she was, she m. (2) George Phelps of W., formerly of D., 30 Nov., 1648, by
whom she also had children, among whom was Jacob, who m. Dorothy Inger-
SOll, 2 May, 1672. Widow Frances (Dewey) Phelps d. 27 Sept., 1690, at Wesllield,
Mass. — Pieced out from Sariii/i', Iliiitiiiin, Mum. Hint. ILirt. ('<>.. ii. 5Ii'J; Corr&tpoiid-
eiicr irith (1. A/liert Li:iri.i of Phiht., and Mn<. Kd/r'd (I. Sdlistiury of New Ilaceii, Conn.
Henry (Dca.), then of lladley, made his will 1675, wherein he mentions that he was a
member of the \V. church, viz.: " Mj' will further is, that the disposal of my hous-
ing and land at W. be, and be understood to be, with this proviso, that the rates
and maintenance due therefor to the ministry, be continued and paid to the 1" Ch.
of Christ iit W., of which I was sonit^tiiiie a member." — W. Lund Eec. *
* The iwssibility of a relationship between this Hknrv and Hon. Diuiul of Windsor, and John " Esij..'-
of Hartford, and Utorgt of Milfoi-d, is thus discussed by Mrs. Edw.vkd G. Salisbcry of New Haven. Conn.,
in a letter to the author: ■ ■ I find that O'orgf Clarke was a lirother of -.John Clark. Esq.,' of Hartford, af-
terwards of Saybrook, lastly of Milford, deputy comni'issioner, patentee of Connecticut, etc. In the Milford
records a lot is mentione<j as iM'longing to />flfrti^ Clark. There is no other mention of him. George C'larkc
Samuel had (A'. )V. C. li.y. (l) ch. hp. 12 Aug., 1770; (2) ch. l)p. 3 May, 1772. lie d.
29 Sept., 1773.
}fiiii-<U,ine<»is. — Ab'tgaW (dan. Ezckiel and Elizalxlli). l)p. 15 Nov., 17G1. — .V. S. R.
Mary, bp. 26 Sept., 5 [3 ?] — 0. C. R.
Deaths. — Ah\e\ B., d. 16 Mcli., 1847, ic. 29. — iVy. X. Asahel's inf. d. 12 Dec-.,
1790. Asahel's wife d. 5 Apl., 1808. Asahel's ch. d. 11 Feb., 1800, a>. 6 mo.
Abraham, Jr.,d. 28 Sept., 1801, re. 15 yr. Anna (Mrs.), d. 19 Feb., 1820, w. 61.
Anna (Wid.), d. 24 May, 1812. Benjamin (Mr.), d. 5 Jan., 1791, in 71st year;
wid. Abiyail d. 15 ISept., 1802, in 72d year; two former wives, Annn (dau. Luke)
Loomis, d. 25 Oct.. 1793, in 22d year; Mrs. !Mabel (dau. Dea. Amasa) Loomis. d. 27
May, 1800, re. 82. — ^. W. 0. Benoni's s. (stillborn) d. 14 May, 1797. Betsy
(dau. Jonathan and Sally), d. 30 Oct., 1803, in 12th year. —Ac. "Mr. [Daniel]
Clarke's sister " d. 5 Sept., 1G40. — 0. C. R. Daniel, d. 18 Aug.. 1828, re. 53.— .S. 11.
Daniel, d. 4 Feb., 1754; D.'s wife d. 10 Sejit., V.rA. — K. 11'. ('. R. EliakJm,
d 6 Aug., 1770, in 84th year; wife, Jemima, d. 4 Apl., 1760, in 66th year. — E \V. <>.
Elizabeth (wid. Ebenezer), d. 11 Nov., 1810, in 79th year. — ii'. W. 0. Emily
(wife of Norman), d. 24 Oct., 1852, re. 46. — Wp. -V. Edwin R., d. 15 Oct., 1854,
86. U. — Poq. N. Giles (s. Solomon), d. 22 May. 1804, re. 13. Hosea, d. 7 Jan.,
1799, in 67th year. Hosea, d. 17 June, 1813. re. 34; wife, Sarah, d. 23 May. 1813,
re. 34; also an inf. Hosea's ch. d. 14 Feb., 1808, re. 2 years. James's ch. d.
13 Jan., 1800, a\ 4 mo. Joab. d. 15 Sept., 1832. — K II'. C. R. John, d. 27
Aug., 1784. John Denison, d. 25 June. 1812, in 14th year. — .9c. Levi, d. 8
Sept., \%Zi. — Poq. N. Levi, d. 24 May, 1813, re. 41. — ,S. B. Luannah (wife
Gilbert), d. 11 Nov., 1851, :e. 45. — 7V/. X Mary (adult) and Delia, her dau., bp.
8 Oct., 1797. — ir. C. R. Oliver (Capt.), d. 8 Apl., 1846 (or 40), re. 74; his wife,
Azubnh, d. 25 Mch., 1843, re. 70; their s. Lamjm>n Welh, d. 8 Dec., 1812, re. 19;
their dau., Aurelia, d. 30 Nov., 1814, re. 6 m.—Sc. Roger, d. 30 Mch., 1822, re.
62; his wife had a ch. (Nancy Judd) by former husband, bp. 6 Oct., 1799; had
inf. d. Oct., 1786. Sarah (wife Jonathan), d. 4 Dec, 1803. re. 38.— .*. Sally's
ch.,re. lAyr., d. 20 Nov., 1791 — H'. ('./?. Samuel's oh. d. 18 Apl., 1828, re. 1- yr.
Murnagcu. — Cornelia, m. Isaac Roberts of W. Springfield, 3 ilch., 1834. De-
borah, ni. John t'hikls of Charkinonl. 12 Feb., 1797. Delia, m. Noah A.
Phelps of Hartford, 7 Apl., 1822. George, m. Charity Clark, 15 Aug., 1779. —
Wby. Ch. Ree. Grove, m. Jlercy Grillin; 13 Jan., 1791 (U'Ci?.): he d. 27 Sept.,
1846, re. 80. — Poff. .V. Henry, m. Cynthia Wells, 27 July, 1837. —5. 13. Hor-
ace, m. Eunice Allyn. 28 Apl., 1814. — 11'. C. R. Hosea, m. Mary Skinner, 24
in his will gives a son ttie lot whicli iiad belonged to his (George's) brother Danlet. He mentions his Itrotlier
John. He also spealvs of property in (ireat Miinden. England, given him by his brother Edward, lo di^pose
of to his (George's) children and grandchildren. Concerning other proiH-Tty there, ho says: * I nnderstand Iliat
Mr. Wtiiling hath not finished with my brother Daniel Clarlve; if lie gets the land 1 do give it to my son. John
Clarke.' Who was this 'Daniel Clahke.' who tooli up land in Milford. which he apparently never occupied?
It would seem probable that lie was at the time in this country. We may Itelieve that Mr. Whiting. Ilien a
merchant in England, tooiv charge of the projierty there to transfer it to the heirs in tliis country, and lh.lt he
was trying to matie an arrangement with the ' brother Daniel ' whicli would secure an additional part to r;t.orgf
Clarke. No Daniel Clarke apjH'ars in Coniicctient at tliat early jieriod except Hon. Daniel of Windsor. Was
he the ' brother Daniel "y There are coincidences which make it probable, (ieorge Clarke is found in MilfonJ
in llJ-39. the same year that Daniel Clarke came to Windsor with iiis nncle. Rev. Mr. Huit. Jotiii Clarke. Esq..
who iiad \yw\\ previously in Cambridge. Mass.. for some years, was in the tlrst division of lamls at Hartford in
l(>i9. George and Daniel Clarke had each children namwi Mary. Elizaticth. Sarah, Hannah, and .tolin. nearly
in the same order. Daniel Clarke's son John re|K?ated all these names. Ge<irge and Daniel had each a son
and grandson naine^l Samuel. George's brother. John I'larke. Estj.. had children named Ellzat>eih. S;»rah.
and John. Only a pers4in who has studied old genealogies can understand how much evidence of family rela-
tionship is afforded tty a use of tliesame baptismal names. Tiie coincidence is also to lie noticed that both Hon.
Daniel and tieorge. Esq.. were among the patenli'es of Connecticut. So. also, was He.s'RT Clakke. whocanie
to Wintlsor about the time that Daniel did, and he may liave been another brother. He left no children, and
gave his property to heirs of other names, perhaps a sister and her children; he mentions no brotli.-r*. There
is, therefore, no evidence of relationship between him and any of the other Clarkcs."
Sept., 1755. Hooker, m. Untli KdwU'V-, 18.Iuu., lSU).— }Vh>/.C'!i. Re. Henry,
m. Cbloe Riloy, 1 Jan., 1821. Huldah of W., m. Elisha "Wells of Htfd., 7 Nov.,
1784.— IT. a n. Hannah, m. William Webber, 7 Aug., 1794.— lf«y. Ch. Hee.
Ira, m. Fidelia Allyii, 18 Oft., 1840. Isaac S., m. Fidelia Phelp.s, 11 May, 1835;
had dau., ,l/i«(7/ P., who d. 21 June, 1842, a\ 6 yrs., 3 mo?,. — Poq. .V. Joel B.,
Ml. Jane Griswold, 12 Jiine, 1836. Jason, m. Dolly B. ATatrous, 1 Aug., 1S21.
John S., m. Eunice A. Loomis, 5 Meh., 1833; he d. 31 Oct., 1842. a-. 34; their .s.,
Edgar P., d. 25 Sept., 1841, K. ■i. — Po(j. X. John, m, Sarah Baker, 22 July,
1787. — lITi^. C?t. Pec. John, m. Julia Butler, 1 Xov., 1830. — ■'-•. P. J onathan,
m. Polly Fox, 28 Nov., 1805. — 6'. B. Judson, m. Almira T. Barber, 24 Oct.,
1831. Leonard, m. Agnes French, 14 Jan., 1833. — & B. Moses, m. Uslae
(Ursula?) Phelps of Poq., 30 Oct., 1781.— Wby. Ch. Pec. Morgan, m. Julia
Ann Fo.\, 27 Jan., 1830. Orrin, m. Ann Potwine, 2 Sept., 1833.— SB. Roder-
ick, m. Amelia E. Belknap, 10 Apl., 1836.-5. B. Russell T. of Hartford, ra.
Sarah W. Mather of W., 3 Oct., 1838. R., wid. of, d. 21 Dec, 1820, oe. 85.-5. B.
Stephen, m. Roxana JIather, 6 Oct., 1802.— W. C. P. Samuel, m. Cordelia
Blanchard, 29 Nov., 1832; had Sclnon. H., who d. 18 Jan. ,1833, a'. 5 yrs., 7 mo. (P«/.
X.), prob. by a former wife. Sumner, m. Prudence B. Murphy, 5 Meh., 1841.
Thomas, m. :Millie JIarblc. Oct., 1805 (S. B.), but Enf. Ch. lice, .say June 8, 1806,
and "both of E. W.' Ursella, m. Joshua Havens of Hempstead, 23 Meh., 1785. —
li: C. P. William, m. Uuth W. Moore, 9 Jan., 1828.
CLEVELAND, Chester (s. Rufus and Polly Chamberlain) Cleveland, drowned
26Aug.,1795, oe. 15 jr.; gd.-s. of Capt. Jas. Cleveland of W. Pt.— TT. Pt. Orareyard.
Hosmer (adult), and dau. Cynthia, bp. 11 Dec, 1791.— .E.TF. C. P.
Orrin, of E. W. m. Esther Allers of Euf., 6 July, 1806 —ft*/. Ch. Eec.
4. Josiali, 1). Ift ni'c, \nn.
5. .\bigail, b. 2 Oct.. ISO.'i: prob. lh<* A. wlio married
Chaunoey Bevins, Hi -Apl., 18i!T.
COHOON (Cahoon, undoubtedly a corrupt form of the Scotch Culquhan). Joslah,
who d. 6 Oct., 1806 or '7, ;b. 37, and Abigail, had :
1. .Samuel, h. 22 July, 1793; d. 10 July, 1826, se.
lis '"•"-••'• 2 «^P'-'-"=-
Nathan (Capt.), m. a sister of Thos. Potwine; res. K. ^M.; he d. 7 May, 1813, ».
44 (&.); wid. Abigail d. 26 Nov., 1841, a. 70.— 5c. Ch. (E. W. C. P.):
1. Reuben, bp. 4 Julv. 1802 (adnlt, .2J.Tr.Ci?.): m. 4 oh. bv him; one of tbcj-'o dans, was Lueimla. who
.lerusha Watson of E.W., Ki Apl., 1842 (5..B.); ni. Eplim. Warfield iboth of E. W.), 28 .\ug.,
he d. So. W. 1 Jan . 1858, se. 78; wife Hannah d. 18:jl.
2.S itch., l.yi. X. fiii; had 2 daus., who became 2. John Williams, bp. 21 >Ich., 180.">.
rcspectivfly the Isf and 2d wive.s of Ephraim :J. I.urinda, bp. ,s Nov.. 180G.
Warfield, the first havine 2, and the second ^,/..lA.S'.
Candace, m. Erastus Woodruff, 29 Sept., 1824. Caroline, m. Cornelius Ste-
vens of W. Pt., 24 Nov., 1847. Mary, of E. W.; m. Levi Abbe of Euf., 29
Nov., 1838. Josiah, d. 6 Oct., 1806 (or 7, S.B.), a>. 87. Reuben's dau. Eliza,
bp. 4 July, 1802; his dau. Mary, bp. 4 .Ian., 1829.— ft Tl'.C.//. Samuel, d. 10
July, 1826, te. 32.— 5. i-
COLBURN, Sewall (So. W.), m. Chloe (dau. Abiel) Drake, 30 Jan., 1797; he
hail an arm shot ulf while res. here; fam. rem. to Ohio. Ch. (//. So. 11'.):
1. Sewell. I 3. Polly. I 5. Julia.
2 Fanny. 4. Thoinas. (i. Delcena. —J. .}f. S.
COLES, Cyrus and Anna, had ch. (bp. ft W. C. P.):
1. Frederick Wolcolt, bp. 22 Sept., 1828; onreown'd S.Maria, I,,,, gi, a,,,., iao.,
the McClure place. So. W. — ./.Jf.S. ' S. Abncr Edgar, ( "''■ ■'- "'-'"■' "~
I 4. Elizabeth Ann., bp. 20 Sept., 182C.
Simon, a ch. of, d. 6 Sept., 1828, .t. o mos.— 5. B. Harriet (adult), bp. 23 Sept.,
1821.— ft TT'^. C. P.
COLEMAN, John.of llarilVl,,! -M (E. II'. ('. 7?. saysl3)Feb., 1725, a'. \H.—E.W.O.
Daniel, m. Arniinda Sopliionia Hayes, 1 Dec, 1844. — S. B.
COLLINS. " Nathan Collcnis and Anne Cooley, m. in \V., G Fell., 1710."— H'.
V. II. '■ Samuel Warner of \V., anil Kbenezer AVarner of Springtielil, gave oatli
before .John Moore, ./«»//(•<■, that they heard Jlr. ,John Ilollinbeck say that Natlian
C'ollons and Anne Cooley bad been published aeeording to law; tliey furtlier in-
formed, lliat Anne t'ooley was near or about thirty years old. and that she bad
done for lierselfe near ten years; also, they said that her mother was against her
niarryinsr witli said Nathan C'ollons."
Col. John'(s. Col. John'-'am] Mehitable f7/ayM» Collins of Somers, Coun., b. 17,")(l.
d. IblH; s. Dea. Willifim' and Anne ./</;(<« Collins of ,Sonicrs, 1). Enf., 1711; d.
1804; s. Rev. Xathiniel,^ Jr., b. at Middletown, Conn., I(i77; ni. 171)0, Alice, dau.
Rev. Wni. Adams of Dedham; ord. 160!l at Enf., and served there 25 yrs. ; s. Kev.
Xathaniel.- 1). Camlirid.!,'C, .Mass., 1642; in. Mary, dau. Jlr. Wm. Whiting of Iltfd.;
was pastor of Midd. ch, where he d. 1684. and of whom Cotton Mather says, " at
whose death there were more wounds given to the whole Colony of Coun. in our
N. Eng., than the liody of Ca'Siir did receive when he fell wounded in the Senate
House"; s. of Dea. Edirard' oi Cambridge, Mass., 1640; rep. Gen. Ct. 16.54-1670,
excepting 1661; is mentioned by Cotton Mather as "a good old man .... who
is now gone to Heaven, but before he went thither he had the satisfaction of seeing
several nio.st worthy sons become very famous in their generation.") Col. ./oA/i '
was b. Somers, Conn., 7 Sept., 1779; m. Hannah (dau. Isiiac) Grant, b. 1781, of
E. W. (Wapping), 1805; he d. Wpg., 5 N<.v., 1857; wid. d. 12 .Sept., 1871. ve. 90
yrs., 2 mos., 20 das.; she a lineal desc. of old Matthew G.; inher. her father's and
her uncle William G.'s pp.y., which she transmitted to her ch.. and it is now in pos-
session of the Collins family, liy direct inheritance. Hannah G.'s mother was Han-
nah Treadway of Colchester, and wid. of Timothy Skinner of Wpg., where
she m. Isaac Grant. Ch. :
1. , (Liu. li. 14, il. 21 A)il.. i.siis llMivev) Barber ; il. isai.
2. , (Uni. I). A|)I.; li. 10 Mnv, ISin. II. .l..|iiiAlil.ii iDi-a.i. b. r,' .\|)l., lh2l. Kaw. 3.
.t , foil. b. t;. il. .ill Sqil.. ISIU. 10. iUiii Una, l(. 211 Oil., 1823; in. .Mfiiil i». Aliol of
4. Clarissa, b. 14 May, INW; iiiii'ii. \Vp£.. 18S3. , Vtriioii. ami Manha .4//oi of K. W ' Driggs,
5. William Uiaiit. b. 18 Mill.. 1S12. V.vM. 3. 11 Maj. 1852; d. ISKi. hfiie :
li. Willis, b. .May, LSI 1; il l;i .Vpl., LSI."). 1. .Toliu Walilii ir)rigi;»'.
7. Ilaiiiiali. b. 30 Mib. ISKi; in. Col. Fr«l H. (s. I 2. William < ollins iDrisj^i.
Noahi Sadd, 13 May, 1840. 3. Alfnil Ni'wlim (DripKsl.
8. Abi Maria, b. li; .Ian., IHl'.l; in. .lamtti Stiles (?.
Fam. 2. William Grant' (C,,/, ,/«/,»,« c„i. M,,,.' Ihn. W,,,.* n,i-. Xath'l.' liev. y,i
l/itiu'l,- lliii. J-khriird' ), in. Cynthi.i (dau IJicliaidi SeymOUr of llll'd., 21 Nov.,
1828. Ch. {b. Wpg.):
1. William .\iij.nistn?, b. Ill .\|)I.. 1840: iii., .luiie. Drake, 31 Dii-.. iMil.
18112, Nillit- Phillips ; n-s. Utfil. Itirue: \ 3. Uii hard Seymour, b. llj Apl., 1»I5; m. 1880; res.
1. Carrie. 2. Bessie. 3. lA'iia. Katun, Dakota.
2. Ijiyiiiia Maria. I). 20 Mill.. 1»I2; m. Kalzaman I 4. .\ilella Kiizabelh. b. 2 Nov., 18B0.
F.\M. 3. John Alden' (Dea.) (Col.John,^ Cut. John,'- Dea. Win.,* Rer. Natlil,^ lirr.
Xiithl,'' Den. Eilirunl'), m. 13 Dec, 1849. Harriet (dau. Hezekiali) Allen, b. E. W.,
22 Jan., 1S25; res. So. AV. (Wpg.). Cliihlnn (i. S,>. IK.).-
1 .loliii Eihyaril. b. 20 .Iinie, 18.T0. Fam. 4. i 4. llatlie (Crane).
2. Harriet Klla. b. 2:5 .\iij;.. IS.'il ; m. Orson (son of I ."i. Rayiiionil (Crane).
Uireiizo U. ami Kmelilie iiiiwdy) Crane, 13 ' 3. Louisa, b. 28 .Meli.. 1830; d. S. W. 12 A|)l.. 1850.
Oct.. 1870. y*«/r; I 4. Kli/.al>etli Dolielta, b. 28 Sept.. IhSS; m. 12 .Ian.,
1. Kycrctt (Craiiel, h. S. W. 21 .Iiilv. 1872. I 1886. James Sides Barber.
2. Wallace (Cram). I ,. . 5. Gcorj.'e Aldcn, b. 14 Mliv, 1867.
3. Waller I Craiiel. , •"">"• I
Fam. 4. J. Edward ' (Dea. Ju/in,' Col. Joltn,^ Col. John,'' Dea. Wm.,* Iter. Xath'l,'' i?<T.
Nathl.'' Ikii. EihmnV), m. 9 Jan., 1873, Sarah J. (dau. Evelyn, dau. John & Esther
Sh'M Pitkin of So. W. Children:
• TlliK line tiimlstial hv IVa. .Tohn Allien Collins of S. \V., aii.l Mrs. Froil II Sadd (Hannah Collins*.
1. Kdwanl P.. h. 4 7)cc., 1873. I 3. John Aid™, b. Ifl Dfo.. 18T7.
a. Ilarriul E.. h. •£! Dec, 1874; d. T Feb., 1875. | 4. Kva Louise, 1). i Kcl>., 1881.
Levi i,K iV.) had (1) Levi, (2) Dan'l, twins, b. 13 Mch., 1792; (3) Simon, b. .") May, 17i)4,
d. 15 Oct., 1795; (4) Uannah, b. 19 Oct., 1797. AnSon A., m. Sally Maria New-
berry, 1 Mch., 1S27. Ebenezer m. Ro.xanna MoseS, 3 Feb., 1800.— 11'. ('. It.
Lovisa, in. Erastus Hoskins i>f Boiniingtim, Vl., 10 Sept., 1«35. Zelote in.
Laura Button, 15 Due, 1810. — .S. IJ.
COLSON, Roswell, m. Abigail StOCkwell, 3 Mch., 1S05.— .s'. B.
COLT, Jabez, b. l Apl., 1703.— £".11'. ('. It. Jabez, Sen., d. June, 1757; his
wiff (1. Nov., 17.53.— £. ir. C. U. Jabez, Jr.'S, wife d. Jl .Jan., 1745; his wife
d. 14 May, 1746.— & W. C. II Jabez, ch. of, d. 1(1 Oct., 17.57,— &'. ll'.r'./i>. Ja-
bez, d. 6 Jan., 1762. — E. \V. C. Ji. Jabez and wife Sybil, with dau. Anne, bp. 3
Dec, 1787 (\V. C. li.). and AUn, daugh. Jabez and Sybil (or Cecil?), bp. same day;
Pheiui, dau. Jabez, bp. 12 May, 1793.-11'. C. I{. Esther, d. 31 May, 1772. -.©.
W. C. li. Mary (wid.), d. 9 Sept., 1802, a;. 74.— £. 11'. C. R. Ruth (wid.), d. 31
Aug., 1751.— /;. ir. r. R. Joseph, m. Ruth Loomis, 29 Oct., 1691; he d. 11
Jan.. 1719.
COLTON. [/■■/■"/« Why. Ch. Rr.] Samuel, m. Lois Brown, s Apl., 1779. CI,.:
1, Marv. d. 20 Due:., 1780. I 4. Anna. bp. :jO Ocl.. i;!);i.
■i M.I-'-. I . ,on^, ,.Q., 5. Oriiida, bp. 17 June. 1708.
:t. P.illy, f bp. I3 0ct., 1,9.J. [ B. Leicester, bp. 29 May, 18<W.
Samuel, Jr., m. Patty Filley, 10 Nov., 1805. Children:
I, Saniiifl Hunt. [ *.;. Sidney Brown. ! 3. Sinieon Edwards. ; 4. Horatio.
Samuel, d. 23 Oct., 1823, se. 67.
John, had 2 ch. buried between July 20, 1708, and 27 .Jan., 17(19, being the 2d and 3d
burials in the Old E. W. Bu.-gd.— £. W. C. R.
Jonathan, of E. W.; d. 12 July, 1871, iB. 69; his wife Mary (Phelps of Poq.) d.
20 Aug., 1885, se. 75; m. 31 :Mch., 1831. Ch. (all h. 11". Pt.):
1. Newton, d. 11 July, 1&3S, sp. 11.
•3 Hethuel, d. 31 An<;., 1868, X. S9. [ard.
3. (ieor^e, d. 28 Apl.. I8H7, a-. 23: a. Ellen Haz-
I Frederick, d. 3 Feb., :c. 21.
■">- Caroline Phelps (only dauyli.*. m. 10 Dec. I&"jli,
Sanniel Bartlett "t K. W.; d. W. Pt.. leaving
4 daniihters.
G. James, m. dan. of Harvev Prior of K. W.: rej^.
W. Pt.
- M. Ji. II.
Ann (of W.), m. Sam. Humphrey of Htfd., 10 Sept., 1819. Lois, m. Erastus
Roberts of Granby, 24 Nov., 1803. Calvin, m. Mary Ann Frost, IG Aug.,
1S40 (.S «.). iMiie: Adelc, res. E. W. II.
Moses, had :
1 Abraham Moses, tip. in Sept., I«9.>. .3. Miranda, 1)]). 8 Feb., 18*1.
a Eunice Celestia, bp. 2.3 .Mch., 1S22 4. (ieorgc, d. !M May, 1S2«, IE. 1 day.
COLVER (Culver), William, ch. d. 8 Oct., 1781; ch. bp. 17 Oct., 1778; ch. bp. 28
Jan., 17S1; ,h. bp. 18 Jan., 1783.— A'. 11'. C.R.
COLYER, Joseph, d. 28 Nov., 1767, a;, abt. 71 yrs. "The "Wid. C'olyer," prob.
Joseph's, d. 7 May, 1786, in 85tli year. — Why. Ch. Uec.
COMES (CniiibM. Chauncy Bliss, s. of Mr. of Long Meadow, bp. 29 Mch.,
isol , ace. to Kev. Jlr. .MiCluic's lec, but 18 Jan., 1801, according to E. 11'. C. R.
Danie M., m. Emily C. Sadd, 25 Aug., 1831.— .S". B. Ogden P., wife oL d. 13
Mill., 1S25, a'. 29. — N. B.
COM Ml NOB (Commins), George, had (E. W. C. R.): (I) , ch., bp. 16 June,
1776; (2) , ch., bp. 12 Oct., 1776; (3) ,ch., bp. 18 Mch., 1781; (4) Abigail
(adult), bp. 16 Dec, 1798. ,
COOGAN, James is. Daniel and Ann I.ei;ihtoii), b. 1808, in Co. Dulilin, Irclanil;
p.-ipei-ninkcr; res. W. Locks, Conn.; il. at W. L., January, 1H7!); ni. Eliza Byrne,
at Brooklyn. N. V., 1H40. SliK was b. 1818. Co. Dublin, Ireland; d. W. L. 1SG7,
and was llio dau of James and Elizabeth (Mcd